Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For College Students

John asks…

How can I make fast money to pay of debt and buy my wife a wedding ring?

I’m still young and a college student. I spent $1000 in credit cards trying to make extra money to get my wife a wedding ring for Christmas as we’ve been married for quite some time now but I wasn’t so lucky. Now I’m in deb $1,000 as well as no money to get my wife the ring she’s been waiting for 🙁 can someone help me find a way to make money fast and pay of my debt and get my wife a ring? Or if someone can loan me some money and I will pay you back? I know it sounds kind of silly, but I want my wife to be happy this year for Christmas. Whether it take a few years or months if someone is out there willing to help please let me know.

Nagesh answers:

Pay off your debt first before you buy a ring and get married! If you can’t afford a ring now, then you shouldn’t even think of purchasing one. If you need to make payments on a ring then I wouldn’t do that either. Honestly, stop spending your money! I would start saving your money. Don’t go eating out… Eat at home. Don’t buy clothes all the time. Get a less inexpensive cell phone plan. Don’t own a new car buy a used one. Pay off all your bills on time. There are so many things you can do to save money. Do that first so you can someday get a ring you can afford.

Betty asks…

Well paying but flexible jobs for college students?

I am 19 going on 20 and I live in Tampa, FL. I am a college student and I just recently got my own apartment. I pay for my own utilities and rent as well as gas for my car, laundry services and groceries. Plus I am looking for money to save up for the future and for current necessities like furniture for my apartment. I don’t have a room-mate to share the bills with so I am looking for a job where I can earn AT LEAST about 1500-1700 dollars a month or more. I only attend classes 3 days a week and I’m free most weekends (or at least I’m willing to free up my weekends if it means earning some cash instead of spending it). Of course flexibility is always convenient but seeing as I have weekends free I don’t think I will encounter a challenge in that area. I’m looking for a job that is close to downtown, where I can earn a good salary. The only thing is I don’t have much “on-the-books” experience. I worked at my parents family owned restaurant business from the time I was big enough to stack the bottom 4 shelves to the time I was 16. I was a nanny/babysitter for a year when I was 17-18. I was a server at TGI Fridays for 7 months and I served at a country club for one month between ages 18 and 19 until I moved to Tampa to transfer schools. I am majoring in elementary education but I don’t necessarily ONLY need a job working with kids. I am a people person. I do love serving/waitressing but I need to work at a place that pays very well and is not picky about experience, which is not the usual combination. Anyone know of any jobs that would be good for me? I heard that Starbucks has great benefits but how can I apply and make sure I have a better chance of getting hired if they don’t see me face (since applications are all online)… that goes for other online apps too. I just need to get a well paying job soon and fast. And for all the smarty pants out there, please don’t say stripper (or anything like it) just because there’s so many strip clubs in Tampa -___- **ALSO I love art! anyone maybe think of any creative ways to make money like crafts, baking or selling something, entrepreneurial style? 😉
Thanks James that’s SUCH a good idea! McDonald’s would definitely pay the bills. Thanks for being so helpful. Your sarcasm is greatly appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Working 40 hours a week, you’d need a job that pays more than $10/hour (to account for tax withholding and other deductions) to make that much per month. I can’t think of any jobs that pay that to newbies, and getting full time isn’t guaranteed, so you might have to double up. Definitely get a roommate (or a better deal on an apartment) as soon as you can.

In general, the closer a business is to a college, the more lenient they are to flexibility. It still comes down to being as predictable as possible regarding hours, and giving advance notice of any changes, so you can be scheduled. Two weeks is the usual amount of lead time many employers expect.

Don’t worry too much about your experience—simply being reliable (no tardiness or absences) makes an employer take notice. And so long as someone can vouch for the fact you can, say, brew coffee, keep supplies in order, or be trusted with someone’s children, you actually have a lot more experience than you think. A lot of foodservice jobs don’t require prior experience, and the better ones are willing to train. If your school offers work counseling or holds job fairs, check in with them.

As for selling crafts, have a look around sites like, which has a crafts area and helps users make sales. I’m told is also popular, though I’ve seen some questionable items sold there. EBay is also an option if you’re smart about making deals and not getting ripped off.

Keep in mind that you may have to start living without some comforts in order to make ends meet. A glass of water instead of a combo soda can save quite a bit of money in the long run.

Ken asks…

How do I save money?

My husband left me and my 4 month old about 2 months ago (we live in Texas) to work in the Hurricane Damage in New Orleans. The main reason he decided to go was becasue he more that quadrupled our income by going down there. (He’s now making roughly 4,000 dollars a month compared to the 1k a month (I’m not kidding) we were making). I’m a college student and SAHM by the way. Anyway, the hwole point of him working there was for us to have a new start, buy a house etc, but we can’t seem to save ANYTHING. The money goes SOOO fast between me going there to visit him, him coming here, and living expenses for both of us plus we are honestly blowing a LOT of money (not necessarily blowing, i mean we’re buying clothes for our daughter, new carseat, new crib, clothes for us, TONS of videos (that’s our hobby since neither of us drink or smoke). We really cant help it, we are so used to NOT having any money, its hard to not be spending. ANyone have any suggestions, I honestly want him home already

Nagesh answers:

Having a kid is very expensive but necessary, traveling is expensive too. I have my wages direct deposited to my checking acount, and then i have an automatic deposit from checking to my online savings account every pay period. It is not much but it adds up and you earn interest. By the way you should definitely have savings, especially with a child.

Sharon asks…

19 year old dates guys 30-50 yrs. old for MONEY?

My friend we are college students. She hooks up with older guys like 30-50 years old. She tries to talk me into doing it but I am not dumb and I feel that its wrong for her to be using these guys for their money. I also tell her that these guys are just as crazy to be involved with a girl her age because she is just 19 years old. I think these guys are creeps and are dumb and will talk to any woman regardless of their age just for sex. I got sooo upset at her because she literally has a answer for everything. She thinks what she is doing is okay and their is no harm in it. Ofcourse these guys are looking for sex and will give her money and gifts to buy her love but so far she hasn’t gave them sex so this is her little strategy. She leads them on while they are giving her all these things then dump them before they ask for sex. So she feels like as long as she is not sleeping with them everything is okay. I get mentally tied up because since she has an answer for all that she is doing wrong its almost as if I can’t be the one to stop her until she realizes its just simply morally wrong to be using people for their money. I called her an Idiot and told her she is an A**. Once she met this guy not even a week later she was in his pool at his house swimming with her friend. They guy had a daughter the same age as her, I found that so disgusting. He brought her some expensive diamond earrings. And now she says he’ll be asking for sex soon, so she is preparing to dump. Long Story Short. She feels that she don’t need to find a job because she can make money faster from them than working. Like i said she has an answer for everything…. So i want to know from you, whats your advice??? she is sitting here next to me, i am telling her stop this lifestyle. And she wants to continue. Plz give some HARDCORE ADVICE. Let her know that this is not the right way. or am i WRONG?

Nagesh answers:

LOL! Don’t hate!!! And don’t worry, it will come back on here. Karma will get her good, she will meet some guy and fall head over hills and he will treat her like crap and get her heart smashed, it’s just a matter of time. Focus on you, not her.

Lisa asks…

How to eat healthy at Boars Head Deli.?

At my university, we are required to buy an allotment of money that can be spent on fast food places such as the on campus chick-fil-e, burger king, java city, ect.. but we also have this new place called Boars Head Deli that makes sandwiches.

I want to be healthy in addition to not gaining weight like many college students do, so is there any way to utlitize this sandwich making place without calorie bombing myself? I asked for a nutritional chart but they could not provide one and I’m being given the run around by trying to find one online

Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

The sandwiches do not go bad, so get a 12 then only eat half save the other half for another meal go with whole wheat bread, turkey or chicken no spread extra veggies, drink water, try to cut out the cheese also, you will find that is fairly healthy and saves you time and money on half your meals

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Monday, April 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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