Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

Jenny asks…

How to make money for teenagers in the winter.?

I need alot of ideas to pick and chose from.
I have phyisical injurys so i can’t do any thing that active, and I need that money FAST FAST FAST FAST.

Nagesh answers:

Shovel snow lol

Sharon asks…

How can a teenager make money?

I would definitely love to have a job but with the current “recession” nobody wants to hire me 🙁
Do you guys have any ideas of how can I make money because I am saving for my trip to France wish is going to be a lot. I used to have a job but not anymore :S…I am thinking about making videos and uploading them to youtube ahahah*

Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Do projects and sell the stuff you make. has plenty of good ones that are not expensive at all. Just require some tools your parents might have laying around and some can even be bought at the dollar store.

Also I saw one guy buying up all the dollar store energy drinks. I figure he was going to mark them up later since he was fairly particular about the types he wanted. Dollar Tree is everything only a dollar unlike other ones.

Laura asks…

Money Making ideas for a Teenager?

I’m 14 years old and need to make atleast 2,000 dollars pretty soon. I’ve already had a few yardsales and I sell some of my paintings. I can’t drive and my parent’s schedules prevent them from taking me to any kind of job outside of the neighborhood. Any ideas? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Thats going to be really tough because youre so young and many places require you to be at least sixteen… I guess you can go to your local frozen yogurt shop or smoothie shop…. Places like that may accept a 14 year old? Good luck!

Mary asks…

What is a good way for a teenager to make money on the internent?

I am 14 and in a hurry to make some money to pay my phone bill. Do you have any ideas of how I can make money on the internent, quickly??

Nagesh answers:

*Any legitimate online jobs would have been taken by out of work older adults, trying to support families during this recession. This also applies of most other jobs normally done by younger folks. This is limiting the options for finding ways to earn money.

William asks…

How can teenagers make lots of money?

I am a very responsible 12 1/2 yr old, living in England. I want to know how to make lots of money, relatively quick for shopping etc. I would love to babysit and have 2 younger brothers who I could start out with but most people say I should be 14 to babysit. Anyway, any ideas of making a reasonable amout of money (at least £15) would be really apreciated. I’m thinking doing jobs for my parents but I’m not sure what- ANY IDEAS REALLY APPRECIATED!!!

Thanks 🙂 xx

Nagesh answers:

Go ask your nieghbours if they want there car cleaned and charge em 3quid each you be surprisd how many nieghbours might take you up on it, turn it into a routine and offer it weekly for them maybe on a saturday or after school.
Good luck you could easily do 5 cars in a few hours and feel well rewarded at the end of it.

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Friday, April 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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