Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Richard asks…

Looking for a female singer for a small project?

I have posted before and decided to post again

I’m 15 years old from the UK and looking for a female singer. If anyone would be interested in singing about 10 tracks over time I’ve wrote the lyrics for. I use instrumental production music from online and write some lyrics for it. The music is mainly 80s style pop/dance sounding tracks. I could send the lyrics/music to you, you could record the vocals and send them back and i’ll mix the vocals with the music and send them back to you. Eventually there would an album of 10 tracks which would be something nice to have. This would be done online only. I’m not a professional musician by any means but this is just one of my hobbies. I don’t make money from this, I ain’t selling them, this is just a project for fun really. In the end I can make an album cover, booklet etc with the 10 tracks. I would prefer a singer who can work quickly as too many previous vocalists took too long over the first song. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Hello (:
I would love to help you out (:

Here is a sample of my singing:

Steven asks…

I almost got suckerd to play in a scam….do i go to the police?

I was chating with a guy(on yahoo chat) who was located in London but (he says) he is from CA. He wanted to know how much I made each month being that im a single mom and that right there caused me concern. I told him it was none of his concern but it was enough for me to get by with me and my kids. He wanted to know if I wanted to make more money and of course I said yea. He was telling me that I would work for him just filling out checks by putting peoples names on the checks/and money orders. And then I would send the checks out to these people located here in the states. Then I would get paid thru western union just for helping him out.

At that point, I told him that it sounds like a scam and if I were to recieve these checks I would go to the police first before filling out any of these checks to make sure that it was legal. He then quickly told me that I would just recieve the checks/money thru western union and I would send the money to these people that way. He then told me that he is with a finance company that is spread thruough Europe, UK, and Africa. His name is Johnson Smith. Heck he even gave me a pic too. But maybe that isnt so real, ya know?

So, im thinking that since I did not close this conversation box with this guy yet, I should just take my laptop to the cops and tell them what I was dealing with and this guy is possibly trying to recruit me as well as others to help in his scam…Do you think that that would be the thing to do or do ya think that the cops will just laugh at me for bringing this to their attention.
Yeah, i just called the police station and spoke with a female and she told me that there is nothing that they can do but just tell me not to talk to this guy anymore and that is that. I only wish it does not end here though. I wish I could go further and catch this guy before he strikes someone else, ya know? He is probably the source of the scam something like that. GRRRRRRR
ok, i was able to file a complaint thru But I think I have to save this conversation or something from my yahoo chat….

Nagesh answers:

Go to FBI. Gov and look for computer fraud unit to report these scam artists.
Nigeria has set up a task force to stop all the negative scams committed within Nigeria alone.

Linda asks…

Advice on purchasing a puppy. Should I avoid this transaction? (Border Collie – UK) PLEASE HELP?

I found a puppy I was interested in via the pets4homes website. At first I felt really positive about the find but since doing more research, I need further input on whether or not it is actually a REALLY bad idea to buy from this breeder.

The Ad was for a Blue tri-colour. I wanted a female and was told there was only one left. Apparently they had been hoping to keep one but were happy to wait until the next litter as this was only the mothers second and she had ‘a good few left in her’ I forget now which of us spoke first.
Apparently The parents and a grandparent can all be seen and are all both KC and ISDS registered. To my recollection, however, there was no mention of health screening or health in general beyond worming and pavo vaccinations. The lady I spoke to did not profess to be selling them for anything other than pets but was saying they would be good for agility etc.

When I first rang, I was asked, by the very well spoken lady that answered, whether I was interested in the border collies or the labradors. Upon telling her I wanted a BC, she asked if it was the black, red or blue ones I had been interested in. As I had been looking at the blues specifically, I stipulated this and we left the conversation on the understanding that she would email me some pictures of the female and her parents the next morning.

It is now the morning AFTER that and I am yet to receive them. I did give her a call yesterday afternoon, a few hours after they were due to be in my inbox but she had apparently had a friend over and not had chance to get on the computer yet. She said though, that she would go out in the next half an hour to take some pictures to put in an email so I could make a decision on whether or not I wanted to lay down a deposit to secure her. For one reason or another, that didn’t happen.

She wants £400 pounds in total (£350 for the other colours) and was asking for a deposit of £100 sent by cheque through the post. a deposit makes sense to an extent as I am based in the east riding of yorkshire while they are in Carlisle. She said she didn’t know whether I’d be able to just do a transfer of the money from my bank (not sure why)
my questions are:

1. Does the fact that she has so many puppies on offer mean that she could be running a farm despite the parents being able to be seen?

2. Could the fairly reasonable price be indicative of her trying to shift them quickly or is it just well known that you can’t really ask for more unless you can prove they are from champion bloodlines etc

3. Is it unsafe or unreasonable for her to request the deposit through cheque or is this fairly standard procedure?

4. Should I be suspicious that I have still not received my photo’s or am I worrying over nothing as she obviously has a lot of dogs on her hands?

5. If this IS a situation I should avoid, what’s the deal with the KC and ISDS reg? I thought the point of these organizations was that they don’t allow sub-standard dogs and breeders on their register?

6. Can dogs be K.C. reg but still be a bad idea and is it possible to fake the papers?
I forgot to mention that she also said that their grandma had ‘retired’ and wasn’t with them any more. Also, in the UK, KC stands for the Kennel Club and ISDS is the international sheep dog society xx
To Miss B, I was asking in the start to try and figure out whether or not this was a puppy farmer, the reason I was asking about blue’s in particular was because she had set aside a higher price for them as if they WERE a ‘rare’ colour. I don’t have any preference on the patters or shades on my dog but I wanted to collect together as much information as was possible.
You have aided me in this endeavor and for that I thank you. But your assumptions are neither warranted or welcome. Even if I had no idea what so ever what I was dealing with, I’d have to ask questionS… That’s plural.

Nagesh answers:

I think i remember an earlier post from you. I’m surprised you are still considering them… You clearly value the colour more then you do the welfare of the animal and that is a shame.

You want to know something?

“Rare” colours do not get you special attention. They simply get you doubted, especially with such a well known breed as a border collie.

I have a red tri border collie and he is gorgeous. A very handsome and well bred dog by any standards. Other collies owners regard black and white as the only true colour and anything else is a fad (even though there have been red champions).

The general public do not believe he is a border collie. They always presume that he is a cross because “border collies are black and white”.

Therefore buying a border collie for colour only is ridiculous. It will not get you any positive attention if that is what you are seeking.

1. Does the fact that she has so many puppies on offer mean that she could be running a farm despite the parents being able to be seen?

Maybe, but not necessarily.

2. Could the fairly reasonable price be indicative of her trying to shift them quickly or is it just well known that you can’t really ask for more unless you can prove they are from champion bloodlines etc

The price is not reasonable. The bloodline and breeding ethos is none existent! It is an extortionate price.

3. Is it unsafe or unreasonable for her to request the deposit through cheque or is this fairly standard procedure?

I think it is suspicious. It implies to me she is working for someone else and that screams that it is a business above anything else.

4. Should I be suspicious that I have still not received my photo’s or am I worrying over nothing as she obviously has a lot of dogs on her hands?

You should have visited her already! Forget photographs!

5. If this IS a situation I should avoid, what’s the deal with the KC and ISDS reg? I thought the point of these organisations was that they don’t allow sub-standard dogs and breeders on their register?

The point of the KC and ISDS is to ensure pedigree. They take no responsibility for the quality of the breeder or the puppies, although they may act against improper breeding practises if they are proven.

6. Can dogs be K.C. Reg but still be a bad idea and is it possible to fake the papers?

KC and ISDS is not an indication of quality, just of pedigree. They need health tests.

Sharon asks…

Welcome to my Christmas + Hows yours?


I really cannot sleep at the moment and its Xmas tomorrow and i was wondering how this year is going to be for you guys and how you celebrate Christmas.

Here is my story:

Ok, well I’m 21 from the UK. Where i live there is no jobs at all, I’ve done a lot of voluntary work. My most recent was at a college near me for Children with Disabilities which ranged from mild Learning Difficulties to the more extreme Terrible Palsy. Because i don’t have a job, many assume I’m scum and not having a job is something I’m not proud of but the only job i can get is one which i cannot get too due to the public transport not running early enough so I’m stuck in some loop hole until something local comes up. At the moment, I have to have a car to get to work but i need to work to get a car. My last job was a few month back, I had to walk 5 miles to get to a destination then a 2 hour walk over hills (No roads/paths) to get to the actual job as where i worked was on the moors on the hills. Worked this job for around 2 month and i got paid around £30 for it in total and everyone who worked there was done over by this guy which the job center “told us about” then they laughed it off when i told them i got done over. I went to college but as i came out the crunch hit really hard and lots of companies closed and no one was taking on. It was difficult i guess but i knew people had it worse.

At home i live with my Dad and my Brother. My dad is now in his 50’s, has COPD (Life Threatening lung disease) hearing problems, 60 something % use of his leg and struggles to work and also has really bad depression which he will not leave the house. It was only last week i got him to finally go to the doctors after 3 years of persuading him. He is a great guy, he will give you his last penny and has worked since he was 15 until his work place closed down about 5 years ago. He now gets treated like dirt from the employment places.

The reason I’m putting this is because i don’t want people to jump to the guns quickly making assumptions. I’m not what you call a “Good Guy” but i guess i do my best and live my life for others.

My dads mother (My Granma) helps us when she can with money as our cupboards are pretty much always empty. Its horrible stuff really and i know a lot of you may relate to this.

Anyway, i never let things drag me down regardless of how low they have gone.. So i was in high spirits for Xmas. We have a small family who are not close so on Xmas day i Invited my little brother up who lives with my mom. My mom is at her boyfriends about 60 mile away so he was on his own although hes 19.

I give every penny to my dad for the bills and a little food just as my older brother does but this year, i decided I was going to order some food, maybe online.. a Turkey and cook a real Xmas dinner for my Dad and 2 of my brothers with the £50 a week i get from the benefit office (Which i am ashamed to say) and when i went to them, they told me because its Xmas they will be paying me on the 22nd of December due to not being open for Xmas.

On the 21st of December. I was looking for some recepies as I’m rather a good cook although it will be the first real dinner we’ve had so i wanted to make it special. I found some nice things and xmas was only 4 days away.

On the 22nd of December, I checked my account online and the money was not in. I decided I’d give it another day before contacting them just in case they made a mistake..

23rd of December comes and still nothing so i ring them, explain the situation.. what i was told by the staff at the Job Center about being paid early and they say i won’t be paid whilst the 3rd of January so i was completely gutted really. That was our Xmas over. I love the whole Xmas Spirit.. the Music, Coldness (weirdly enough) and even the Smell! but it was a real blow. We don’t normally have presents, when we was younger we did but since my parents split that went so i thought it would be nice to do the whole dinner thing for us 4.

This is my reality of Christmas this year and how the whole crunch has hit us. Its kind of awful but i know people have it just as bad. Anyway, good or bad, whats your Xmas going to be like this year? or are you in a similar situation to myself?

It would be nice to hear your story..

Just because mine hasn’t turned out as planned, still post your Xmas story for this or the past years.. It’ll be nice to read them and see how other people have, cope or even deal with it :p

Merry Christmas to you all! and have a wonderful new years!

If any of you are a little stressed out or fancy a chat.. just mail me and I’ll get back to you! I’ll be on here for a few hours 🙂

My name is not Dan by the way.. It was a moment of randomness 🙂 <3
Thanks 🙂 It'll work out someday for me. Who knows what fate has lined up (: but its nice to see people are good and doing nice tings. Happy Christmas to you! (:

Nagesh answers:

But it was true that year made me who i am and I’m so so so sorry i judged people like you at the time you are amazing am sorry your going through this tough time and i hope life gets better for you, i honestly truly do.
Merry Christmas

Sandra asks…

Response from seller about a Craigslist ad for football tickets – is this a scam?!?

I responded to a seller’s ad on craigslist for some football tickets who was selling them (for what he said) at face value and he e-mailed this response back to me:


Thank you for your interest in my tickets.

Up for sale are (4) side by side tickets for $300 ($75 EACH) , including shipping.


I only ask for a quick payment so I can get you the tickets as quickly as possible.

I have recently moved to London, UK with work and I will miss the games. I’m not a broker I’m very well paid here and I’m not looking to make extra money using these tickets.We will use Buyer Protection to handle this transaction as they act like a 3rd party, just like Escrow.
Here is how Buyer Protection works:
1. Buyer and seller agree on the transaction terms and price.
2. Seller contacts Buyer Protection Center with the transaction details.
3. Buyer receives the transaction details and payment instructions from Buyer Protection Center by email.
4. Buyer deposits the payment to eBay agent and sends the payment details to Buyer Protection Center.
5. eBay center verifies payment from buyer and then will notify the seller to proceed with the shipping.
6. Buyer receives the tickets and has 3 days to inspect them. After the inspection period is over, the buyer must contact Buyer Protection Center with the result of the inspection. If the buyer refuses the tickets, the money is refunded to the buyer after the tracking number for the returning shipment is verified.
7. If the buyer keeps the tickets he must notify Buyer Protection Center to pay seller with the amount of money.
VERY IMPORTANT: After you send the money to the ebay agent he will deposit them into an escrow account until you get and verify the tickets.
Shipping will be done via fedex.



Thank you”

Does this sound like a scam? Has anyone ever fallen victim to a similar scam? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!!

Nagesh answers:

It’s a typical Nigerian scam. Read the Craiglist scam warnings – NEVER buy from anyone you cannot meet face to face, never buy anything that involves shipping, etc

Ebay Buyer Protection does not work that way. You are only protected by Ebay for auctions listed EXCLUSIVELY on Ebay. You must win the auction and pay through your registered Paypal account. And if you don’t receive what you ordered, then you can file a dispute to get your money back. Ebay does not work with any auctions on Craigslist for any reason

Ebay does not have any escrow service

This guy is a scammer. DO NOT send your full name or address for any reason. There are no tickets

Oh, and nobody who lives in London says they live in ‘London, UK’ They say ‘London'[ or ‘London, England’

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Thursday, April 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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