Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Sandy asks…

How can my family earn more money?

our tv has been cut off, our vehicle has been reposessed,my dad works at denny’s restaurant as a dishwasher, and as you can imagine that doesnt make alot of money! my mom is a stay at home mom. there are certain jobs my dad cant do because epilepsy. so I need ideas of quick ways to earn money, or jobs that pay at least 18 dollars an hour for my dad so he can quit his low paying job thankyou! peace

Nagesh answers:

Well, first of all, it is your parents’ responsibility, not yours, to figure out the family finances.

That said, perhaps a family chat might help. But if your parents haven’t asked for your help, don’t be too quick to butt in and offer it — it may not be particularly welcome. Obviously they are struggling, and have probably considered quite a few options already.

Next: how old are you? If you are 17 or 18 — okay, fine, maybe you need to step up to the plate and help contribute to the family finances. But if you are younger than that, basically, regardless of your family’s financial troubles, your main “job” should be going to school and getting a good education.

Not knowing what education or experience either of your parents has (other than dishwashing at Denny’s) it is hard to suggest possible employment.

Generally, education is key.

Jobs that require more education tend to pay more — and also tend to be less hazardous (i.e., epilepsy won’t get in the way of doing the job).

Your state may have a vocational rehabilitation department that might be able to help your Dad strategize (or go back to school for more education) about ways to find better paying jobs that he can do given his medical status.

In this day and age too, sometimes it makes sense for Dad to be a stay-at-home Dad while Mom works, if Mom is able to bring home a larger paycheck than Dad (for whatever reason).

Sharon asks…

Quick aways to make large amounts of money if ur 14. . .?

I need some money. . . It will make me happy. I am on the verge of losing my internet and have no income coming at home. . . I am poor. I need to find a quick and easy way to make alot of money. Please give me some options?

Nagesh answers:

Like in all seriousness i made $300 in a week!
I brought a ipod touch
i was so happy cuz my mom didnt have to pay for it
i still use the site.
And wat i love the most is that its not like fake or anything!
Here it is…

Oo n the surveys are like extra easy u look at a website the tell u to look at and u write about the site
I needs more graphics didnt catch my attention!
And u dont need a credit card for them to spend you the money
they send u a check and just cash it wen u go to the local bank with ur parents!

Itz great

hope i helped

: )

Nancy asks…

Internet business? Home Business? Is there a truly good way to make your living at home?

Can anyone honestly inform me on what it takes or what is out there to have a successful intrenet or home business where an individual can gain financial freedom? Not a get rich quick scheme, they aren’t real, but something where little to no money needs invested and my time is my time.

Nagesh answers:

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John asks…

I’m a high school student trying to make a quick way to earn quick cash. Does anyone know how?

Money is an issue at home. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

The best way to earn online is through ***.com (I have given the link in source section) . You will get paid for taking part in discussions, starting new discussions, completing tasks, playing games and quizzes. This is a legit site. It has paid me several times. I have given a link in source section.

Carol asks…

How can I make money from blogging?

I’m trying to find a way to make some extra money to help my husband pay for bills at home. I’m a stay at home mom and have plenty of extra time. I’m not very computer savvy, but I am a quick learner. How can I make money from blogging?

Nagesh answers:

There are so many ways but before that you have to find out a profitable niche. Next you have to do keyword research and then promote your blog to get traffic. Once you started to get traffic you can make money.

For details you can visit my blog and get a free blog. Check my review for best blogging product.

If you need any help then contact me.

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Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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