Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Laura asks…

Resident Evil 5 Easy Money or Weapon Upgrade?

I’ve recently completed resident evil 5, and now i want to complete it again but on a harder difficulty, but i want to upgrade all my weapons to the max so i can unlock the ones like Hydra and also open infinite ammo, so does anyone know a quick way to earn alot of money or upgrade weapons really easy and fast? All answers appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Use mission select and head to stage 4-1. Unless you are
completely at ease with the stage, you may want to use Amateur or Normal
difficulty. The difficulty level will not adjust the amount of money you
collect, just the exchange points you earn when you clear the stage. Don’t
forget to collect the small bits of gold dropped by enemies. Every little bit

The Spider Cave
There is a treasure in a chest in the spider cave, and a gemstone embedded in
the spider silk above the spot where you mantle up to the treasure chest. When
fighting the spiders, keep an eye out for shiny objects in the torches and in
the skulls. There are three extra gems in this area simalcrum knows about: the
torch near the exit (knife and collect), and the two skulls on the ground (ditto).

The Tombs
The next area is partly key to your money making, as it has two sarcophagi with
money inside. There are also some extra gems. At the first two item jars, there
is a gem embedded in the nearby stone arch. Shoot it before dropping down
towards the collapsing bridge. In the room with the mummy, there is a necklace
on the mummy’s remains. Before dropping into the trap door, loot both
sarcophagi of money and gems.

The Narrow Corridors
Nothing special, just the three chests with gems in each. The enemies here drop
some gold, but not a lot. Still, collect them all.

The Fire Ball Room

Kill the two archer snipers, but let the shield enemies get their buddies to
appear before you commence the attack (more gold dropped). Turn the crank and
stop the balls of fire by diving through the closing door. Head back into the
room, and if you set your A.I. To attack, it will forage for item containers
and items.

The Statue Room
After the collapsing corridor, set your A.I. To attack and it will start
foraging for item jars. Be sure to collect the free grenade launcher ($1000)
before you start using the statues, or you cannot get it anymore. If you miss
the prox mine, the grenade launcher’s 12 explosive rounds will help you tip
over the boss. Afterwards, you sell it because you’ll be back here in a jiffy.
After pulling the cords on each statue, collect the gem from its base. There is
a chest on the other side of the wall next to the green statue (treasure).

Once the ambush begins, simalcrum heads to the top, drilling most of the
snipers and enemies, and shooting the ceiling where they were for an extra gem.
From the ambush, the only thing left is to pull the two cords on two different
levels (be sure to collect the gems from both the top and bottom statues). The
prox mine is on the bottom level where three item jars are. There are also some
nitrogen (or electrric) rounds in a chest on the top level near the one-armed
statue. Collect those and sell them if you like (note you can buy grenade
launcher ammo from the store after you find the first batch).

Pull the last statue (red), get its gem, and kill the boss by prox mining it
then using a magnum or similar explosive on its exposed abdomen. Killing the
boss should net you a gem worth about 25% of the whole stage’s loot.

The Pay-off
Depending on the gold drops, you can usually net at least $35,000 to $40,000.
By completing the stage (just go up the stairs and exit to stage 4-2) you also
earn a few exchange points, so you can economize on your time (by earning some
points instead of nothing). The fastest time simalcrum was able to get on solo
is 16’48”. With an avid human partner, you can do it faster, but this method is
pretty handy to do alone.

Lisa asks…

What is the best way to raise money?

I need money for a new cellphone and i have no way of earning money, besides baby sitting for this couple, but they dont hire me enough. What is a quick and easy way to earn money? I’ve tried looking for a job, and no one is hiring because of the economy so i cant get a job at this moment, but i’ll still be looking, but in the mean time, what is the best way to raise money, fast?

Nagesh answers:


Linda asks…

What is a quick and easy way to earn $money$?

I need money, but im too young for a job, and my parents wont give me allowance. I have already tried lemonade stands and stuff like that, and it doesnt work…any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Can you get a PayPal account? I forget what their rules are. If so, you’re off to a good start.

You may want to register at . Look through the many “gigs” and see what people are buying, and see if you can offer something similar. For example, if you have many Facebook or Twitter followers/friends, people will pay you to simply send a Fan/Like request to all of them, suggesting someone’s website/Fan page. Little quick things like that, that can bring in a few bucks for you easy.

Ever sell on eBay? One business model is to regularly visit thrift stores and garage sales and learn what items sell for good money on eBay. Then buy ’em, turn around, and sell them on eBay. (If you go that route, feel free to email me, and I can give you some tips on what to look for.)

There’s also cash-based things like raking lawns, snow shoveling, babysitting, etc.

Sorry you’re not getting an allowance. Childhood/growing up can sorta suck; we’re all stuck with the parents we get, and ultimately they’re just schmo’s like everyone else.

Good luck.

Carol asks…

how to earn pocket money easy and quick?

well at home we have this thing where if i want to get money i have to look at the pocket money chart and choose what i want to do. all the tings up there r boring and i was wondering if you could please please help me 🙂 😛 <3 thanx sooo much btw please make it detailed!!!

Nagesh answers:

Start an ebay business. Go to yard sales and look for seasons and box sets on dvds. Also if you start an ebay business try it’s what I use to save on fees. Good Luck!

Betty asks…

what is a quick and easy way to earn 179 dollars?

may i add that its in the middle of january so its cold so it can’t be like a garage sale or anything i want the money so i can get the i pod nano

Nagesh answers:

Make a free blog at blogger about something you are good at or truly interested in, and than put adsense on it, bring people to your blog, each time your ads get clicked you’ll earn money. I can assure that you will love working on it. If you want more info let me know.

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Thursday, March 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes

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