Archive for December, 2014

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Carol asks…

What kind of projects can i do to let people in my neighborhood that i babysit?

i know ive asked this before but i babysit like for 4 families and i need money this summer so what kind of projects can i do to let people know in my neighborhood that i babysit (besides flyer’s and business cards) any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

You can check with your local church, school or ymca type places. Word of mouth works wonders..Good luck

Daniel asks…

How can I make money over the summer ?

So i’m 15 and im not old enough to get a real job yet but i really need some extra money this summer so any ideas
oh and please no lemonade stands
thank you♥

Nagesh answers:

I babysit or dog sit. Easiest job ever. First, when I babysit, I play with the kids and then when they get tired, i put them down for a nap easily. When they’re asleep? I watch TV, get on the computer, or talk on the phone. I also sometimes dog sit for my neighbors while they’re at work. I take the dog out twice a day to do it’s business, and take it on a walk every day. It’s pretty nice, too, getting outside and walking. If you want to get one of these jobs, look around your neighborhood. If you know the lady down the street has some children she needs watched over the summer, offer to watch them a couple of days a week. The best part is,you pick your hours and sometimes… Your pay!

Hope I was helpful!

Ken asks…

How to raise money for summer camp?

My friend and I want to raise money to go to summer camp together. It costs $770 for each of us. Since it’s January, we can’t exactly do car washes and lemonade stands and such. And neither of us are old enough to get jobs. Other then babysitting, what can we do to raise money?

Nagesh answers:

Here are some ideas:
– Sell newspaper logs. Look on the Internet on how to make them.
– A bake sale. Buy some cookie mixes, muffin mixes, and cake mixes from the store and bake them, then sell them.
– Pet sit. I recommend only doing cats and small animals, since dogs can be a handful.
– Scoop snow. If you live in a area that has snow, advertise around your neighborhood.
– Ask your parents if they could pay for the camp, but you could work it off.
– Tutoring. Tutor younger kids that have trouble in school.

William asks…

How much money would I need for Australia for one month?

I’m planning on going to Australia for one month between november/december but I have no idea how much money will be needed. I don’t know anyone there so I would be having to pay for hostels, food, travel, “social life”, etc. My plan is to go to Sydney first and then Canberra. So, I was just wondering if $2,000 (US dollars) would be enough? (not including flights and visa).

Nagesh answers:

M, I would up that $2,000 US dollars a little further, I would be looking at a minimum of at least three.. I blew two and a half grand in two weeks.

Remember November/ December is the high season over there, their summer.

Betty asks…

How can I make money recycling?

I am 15 years old and I need to save up money for a summer baseball camp I can go to so I can expand my knowledge in baseball. I have an idea about leaving a letter around my neighborhood explaining this so I can come around on a certain day to pick up plastics to recycle. But I need more suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Collect bottles

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Wednesday, December 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Linda asks…

Any good work from home ideas that really work?

I have seen many work from home websites but they all seem like scams to me. Has anyone actually tried any of them and actually made decent money being home? I would really love to be home for the summer, and if it is possible make some extra cash while I am still in school. Any good places to look?

Nagesh answers:

I am in the same situation. I would like to do something part time to earn some extra money. Everything that you think might be interesting to do really does seem like a scam. If you find anything, let me know!!!

Laura asks…

Are there any legitamate work from home data entry or customer services jobs.?

I would love to earn money from home, anyone have any ideas. I don’t want to buy anything, just work.

Nagesh answers:

I have been working from home for 5 years.

It is great to be able to set my own hours and work days, but is still work. If you are serious, send me an email to the address above or see my profile for more information.

I can help you get started and give you any advice I can through email (obviously for free).

Maria asks…

In Australia, is there anyone who can advise me on work from home?

I live in Australia so many websites do not apply to me. If you have an idea or know of anything I could do to earn money from home whilst looking after my three year old (I have 3 more at school) I write stories, paint, palm readings, but I can’t seem to find customers, maybe a few dollars here and there, but I really need a regular income. ?

Nagesh answers:

You seems to do a lot of things, in reality most work at home job opportunities are for USA peoples. Well I can suggest you to make your own website/blog and promote it and make money from google adsense. This is real way of making on internet. Before I realised this I too was looking for work at home opportunities like mad 🙂

I would like you to do some google search with keywords

make money from website
earn from google adsense
earn money from blog

……and related keywods

Some guys are making great money from their website and blogs. Read about it on internet and gater information.

Charles asks…

How can I get free coupons sent to my home?

Im wanting to start collecting coupons and getting great deals, I am not interested in the print out coupons. Im mainly interested in coupons for baby and baby gifts. Also, If there is any legitimate way to make money at home on computer for a stay at home mother– It would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Let’s split this into two sections. As for coupons the online route will be the best. Http:// usually has anything I’m looking for. It doesn’t require a membership like most sites do, and is easy to navigate.

As for making money from home look into Seo, websites, and advertising. For SeO I use Sicksubmitter ( ) and SeNuke ( ). These are just a few ideas. is Work At Home there is suggestions and advice on there as well.

Joseph asks…

What is something I can sell from home other then Avon or Mary Kay?

I want to make money from home but everyone sells Avon and Mary KAy is there anything else out there I can sell?

Nagesh answers:

My husband and I started our home based business over six years ago. Not with Mary Kay or Avon, but with the worlds largest direct selling telecommunications service provider.
A product that is and always will be in high demand. There are a lot of products and services out there that are good. Mary Kay has a great product so does Avon. But my husband did not want to sale make-up or go around town in a pink car. I guess it’s a male thing. I wouldn’t of minded that. But his male ego got in the way. We decided to partner up with another company because it was things that people will always use and pay for anyway, pretty much no matter what. We didn’t have to worry if money became tight that they could easily run to the store and purchase the items on sale or be able to buy it at the dollar store, or go with another brand even if it was temporarily. So, we got involved in the world’s largest direct selling telecommunications service provider that was started back in 1993. It’s now a 15 year old, world wide international company. With headquarters in Michigan, Charlotte, Amsterdam, Sydney and Montreal.
They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company in it’s first five years. They are registered with the BBB and the DSA.
They market in services people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long Distance telephones, Internet, Digital, video phones, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Nextell, Altell etc as well. We save people money and make money at the same time. Every single month these people pay their bills, we make a percentage over and over again each month.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services or products? . A lot of money involved in this industry.
When we started our non profit organization called SOFTIN ( funding is so hard to find with the compeitition involved. Every non profit organization is out there trying to find donors through large corporations. We could make the monthly funding needed to well support our non profit organization. So we started a funding program through our business for our non profit as well as it being a major funding source for other non profits.
I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities. Your more then welcome to take a look at it for more ideas. If you find one you like, contact the person who wrote the comment.
If you need further information feel free to email me at

Good Luck!

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Tuesday, December 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Ken asks…

Any ideas for some money?

I am saving up for a new macbook which I need as soon as possible but I am also a pretty big sneakerhead and I don’t really have money for new shoes..

I’m 14 so I can’t really get a job and my parents (even though we have a lot of money) won’t give me any and my mom won’t let me like sell my stuff on like eBay ..
Any ideas to make some money ?

Nagesh answers:

Go and do some labor kid. Good god, go help a farmer out, thats how i got my money.

Jenny asks…

any ideas for raising money?

My school is an inner city private school. there is hardly any funding so we never can afford good equipment books anything. Its a good school that is trying to make it affordable for low income students attend private school. That’s why i want to do something good for my school by help raise money for them. They want to build a new school since our school is practically falling down but again no money and well they’re talking millions! But i believe every little helps so any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Every year my old school did something called the holland festival. It was a festival with games, food, a silent auction, and a live auction. Every family would donate something for the auctions and classrooms would bring in stuff for themed baskets to auction off. Each year it made roughly $100,000. You can also look online for fund-raising ideas.

Sandy asks…

Competition ideas to make money?

Hi I have a website which I sell handmade products on. To increase traffic and earnings I would like to run a some kind of competition to win one of my products. Can anyone recommend some competition ideas which require an entry fee and are based online. I thought about a raffle; the user chooses a number between 1-49. No duplicates. The winner would be the person with the number matching the last national lottery ball. Problem with this idea is that it limits the amount of participants to 49. Is there any other competition ideas anyone can think of?

Thank you all

Nagesh answers:

SEO is a great tool for increasing traffic to your site. Making sure that your website is accessible by many different keywords will also increase the traffic, and ultimately, your earnings. However, why can’t you have a raffle with more than 49 numbers? If not, could you do more than 1 raffle that includes maybe 1-49 x however many raffles to equal up to the bottom number you need for the increased revenue? The downside to your idea is that you’re already a site that’s selling items, so how appealing can you make the idea of using a method of increasing sales that includes an entry fee. It’s almost like saying I need a way to have people spend money when they could spend money anyway by making a purchase? Just an idea.

The link below is to the google search of increasing web traffic:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9aad8ba49e1f6fd3&biw=1276&bih=686

This link is about increasing revenue to your site:…1c.P6Hi9WTlU60&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=9aad8ba49e1f6fd3&biw=1276&bih=686


Steven asks…

Marriage money ideas ?

I work and my wife is on social sercuity, she gets a check once a month and I get paid weekly. I give my wife all the money to handle the bills and I want to know how to split the bills to have our own spending money, theses the bills we have together, rent, power, cable, water, credit card, car insurence, life insurence, xbox live, daycare. With these bills how can we split them, I feel like I want to have some of the money I make to buy things like she do, how do some of you married people do it? We been married 7yrs and I let her have the money to pay the bills and anything else that need paid

Nagesh answers:

Here’s how we did it, when money was tight BEFORE children, and we were renting our 1st apartment. Put each one in the envelop, mark them.

We put aside $50 a month for groceries. But, I have no idea how much you spend per month, that was in the 70’s. This is 2012.

We put aside 99 cents a week for a double feature movie multiply that how often you go per month. Again, if you can’t afford a movie, watch them @ home.

We put aside $350.00 monthly rent. If you can’t afford rent, live with your parents until you both can afford rent.

Don’t owe nothing for Credit Card. If you need to use Credit Card for everything, make sure you pay it all off every month. If you’re paying MORE per month, start cutting down, even if you don’t have money for entertainment, but you need to compromise somewhere. Don’t spend more than you make.

We didn’t have phone bills & cable until after we owned a house.

Put all your money in one account, and anything leftover goes for: car, Xbox, stuff you don’t really NEED tomorrow.

Wife is unemployed, she should be keeping that extra money for day care instead of giving it to someone.

You guys need to cut down on your spending!

Ruth asks…

Date ideas without money?

I have literally no money. I tell my girlfriend that I would take her out on dates often and have that romantic part of the relationship if we had money for it. She says going out for a date doesn’t require money and that I have no imaginaton. To her, cuddling up and wathing a movie together isn’t romantic. It’s ignoring each other and watching a movie. She refuses to go on walks for even ten minutes because it’s “too cold”. Based upon this information I know a picnic is out of the question as well. I have tried cooking her breakfast in bed, but she either insults my cooking, or says she isn’t hungry first thing in the morning, and ignores it. I’m At a fucking loss for ideas, because every free idea I get, she shits on it. The last time we went on a date and she felt special, WE PAID TO GO OUT! Any advice?

Nagesh answers:

It’s always free to reevaluate the relationship. If she puts down EVERY idea you try, that’s just mean. She doesn’t sound like a very happy person.
But, if you truely love her, here is one idea. You have to buy groceries, so get some frozen pizza and some wine. Do you have candles? Music? Have a candlelit picnic in your living room. If you think she’ll put down pizza (it’s just cute) then make her favorite food for the picnic.
Another idea would be board games. It gives you the opportunity to talk while doing something entertaining.
Good luck!

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Monday, December 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Michael asks…

How can a teen make money in the summer?

How could I make money in the summer. I want to save up and start using my own money to go shopping because my parents and grandpa always buy me things and I want to start buying myself things. Thank you!
(please don’t say to work at a resturant because I’m not old enough to work)
@Poisssonfish I’m only 13, and I think the minimum age to work is 16

Nagesh answers:

The minimum age to work (for someone other than your family) is 14. In most states, it’s 15, though. As a 13 year old, you might be able to get a job busing tables at a local restaurant. I know someone that did this even though the minimum age to work in that state is 15. If that won’t work, here are some other ideas:
-get a paper route
-babysit, pet sit, or house sit
-make and sell jewelry, birdhouses, etc.
-have a garage sale, bake sale, or lemonade stand
-collect cans and bottles to turn in for cash
-mow lawns or garden
-do chores for your parents, neighbors, or relatives
-tutor younger kids in your favorite subject
-sell old toys, books, video games, or clothes on eBay or craigslist
Good luck! 🙂

Donald asks…

How much money will we need for a week in Ireland?

We are going to Ireland this summer for 7 days on our honeymoon. We have never been to Europe and have no idea how much money we will realistically need. We don’t want to go crazy spending money, but we also don’t want to sit at our hotel all week. We already paid for the flight and hotel so that is not an issue. How much money do you think we will realistically need? And should we use traveller’s checks, cash, or credit cards?

Nagesh answers:

You can now use your ATM and credit cards at ATM machines to withdraw cash from your own accounts, but you need to check with your bank that your cards are suitable, and what the charges are – ATM cards are the cheaper option usually, but credit cards can be quite expensive, so I would only use that as a last resort. Don’t bring large amounts of cash, it’s only inviting trouble, traveller’s cheques are expensive to use, and of credit cards, Visa and Mastercard are the most widely accepted, but you will need a PIN number to use them.

If you are staying in or near Dublin, don’t bother hiring a car, use the public transport instead. For Dublin, I think €200 per day per person spending money should be about right, as long as you don’t spend have the night skulling pints and don’t eat at really expensive restaurants every night.

If you are in a more rural area and don’t have a hire car, you might find you need the same anyway for the local taxi/hackney service, but if you are going to a well-known spot, it’s likely there will the local tours available.

Remember that the Republic of Ireland uses the Euro (€) and Northern Ireland uses the Pound Sterling (£).

Sandra asks…

What are some ideas for the summer to earn some money?

I’m probably not old enough for most hiring jobs.
I need some ideas to earn money.
*Jobs to to do for parents
*Volunteer ideas
Just some simple ways to get some cash or spend time over summer break.

Nagesh answers:

Click bank like that..

Steven asks…

What are some ways for me to earn money for band?

So my high school marching band went to Indianapolis last season and we’d like to go again next year but we need to finish paying off the large sum of money it cost to go. I don’t doubt we’d be able to pay it off but I’d also like to find ways to help prepare funds for next season as well. We already sell fruit, nuts, candles, coupon books and do gift wrapping. What are some other ideas for things we could do to raise money over the summer and in the fall?

Nagesh answers:

Try calender you already have a built in market your parents and grand parents my nephew got us for 5 at 25 bucks each

Thomas asks…

I’m a preteen looking for ways to make money around my neighborhood. What are somethings I can do?

I just want to have some extra spending money during the summer. I just would like some ideas of what I can do.

Nagesh answers:

Yard work and gardening is another good idea. Offer your services to cut grass, weed gardens and do general yard work for people, seniors especially can use the help in the summer.

Hold a car wash! Get a group of friends together and with parents permission start your own car wash.

Have a garage sale. Clean out your closets, toy chests and basements of all the toys/books you no longer use. You’d be surprised how much stuff you no longer use.

Check with the local employment agencies to see if they have any listings for youth. Occasionally camps and other organizations are looking for youngsters to help out.

Unfortunately there are laws about kids working so you have to be creative when you are young to earn a little extra cash. Get your parents involved too, they may have some good ideas. They may even be more encouraged to help you out if they see you trying to make your own cash instead of just holding out your hand.

Cooking meals


-cutting lawns

-landscaping assistant

-bagging groceries at the local store

-polishing silver

-DJ for parties

-clown for birthday parties

-gift wrapping

-lemonade stand

-cage cleaning

-cake/cookie bake sales

-face painting

-party planner

-taking garbage to curb for neighbors

-paper route


-delivering groceries

-errand boy (or girl)

-photographer or videographer for parties

-walking dogs

-house cleaning (so much per chore per day, or several days per week. Ex: vacuum twice a week=$4, dust three times a week=$5, mop twice a week=$4, so a month of these would total of $42.

-project painting house

-project cleaning out garage or attic

-pool maintenance

-baby sitting

-washing cars

-beautician’s assistant (washing hair, cleaning brushes, sweeping hair)

-cleaning out closets

-washing, drying,folding and hanging clothes

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Sunday, December 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Ruth asks…

`anyone have ideas of what i could make with grape vines?not wreaths?

Or do you know of any sites that have pictures of things made with them..have a large load of them and would like to make crafts that will make some money….summer crafts now if possible

Nagesh answers:


Basket, topiary ball, & vine garland & ribbon:

Baskets made from grapevines:

Trees made from grapevines can be used all year, if decorated for the changing seasons:

Grapevine pentacle:

Grapevine Heart & wall baskets:

I’ve seen grapevine vine trellis & supports for plants … Used to hold up climbing plants, & to keep tall plants upright.
Grapevine Arch Trellis–ch-32–pi-5472855.html
You can also make tomato cages from grapevines.

Grapevine reindeer:,21058,default,cp.html?SC=

You can use grapevines instead of wire for topiary frames:
Turtle Basket Topiary Frame
Bumble Bee Topiary Frame
Teddy Bear Topiary Frame
Cat Topiary Frame

The Twister pendant lamp is made from grapevines and bittersweet vines that have been bound together in a cyclonelike spiral that exudes a sense of energy while emitting a diffuse, dappled light:

Grapevine Art. Motor Bike:

Good luck!!! I hope this has given you some ideas 🙂

John asks…

What’s a really good idea for a fund raiser?

A group of us are trying to raise money for a summer camp. Any good ideas for what we should do. Please don’t say car wash thats something we’re already planning on.

Nagesh answers:

Rummage sale. I’m sure you all have stuff you don’t need. Get it together and turn it into cash.

Susan asks…

How to make money over the summer…Any ideas? Any ideas for crafts too?

I’m about 14, and I want to make money over the summer. I can’t really think of anything (except for yard sales :- and lemonade stands :-0 but I don’t really want to do that…).

As for the crafts part, I always get really bored over the summer, and I want to do some craft like things. Any ideas for crafts that you think are fun?


Nagesh answers:

Babysitting was my first thought, also if you know any elderly people who need their house cleaned once a week or yard work done. Crafts to do, well gather some nature things like rocks,sticks leaves, and use a hot glue gun to create your own piece of art. You can also go on line to find age appropriate crafts to do. Good luck and have a fun summer.

James asks…

What jobs can i do around the house to get paid for ?

I need some extra money this summer as i am going to england and only have £30. Im going in three weeks and need some more money. I dont think babysitting or dogwalking are optional. I dont live in a big enough park to have a garage sale as there are only ten houses.
So i need some ideas of what i can do around the house to get money. I already do vacuming and the dishes so any other suggestions ?
Thanks xox

Nagesh answers:

Try asking your parents or grandparents for it…. This is a special occasion, not as if you were wanting cash to go to the mall and hang out with other teens…

Richard asks…

How much money should I take on a trip to south korea?

A friend and I are planning a trip to south korea(in seoul) next year any idea how much money we should take? And any idea how much 2 tickets would cost from ohio to therr? and as to where we should go…? Thanks a bunch for any answers, were going to need it!

Nagesh answers:

Depends on what you want to do.

I spent 10,000 in 1 summer just drinking and partying every night.

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Saturday, December 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Maria asks…

What are reputatable online sites that I can use to work at home?

I am a mother of three children, and I love it, but I would like to make some money from home. I do not want to babysit, or do a business such as mary kay. I just need to know some good web sites that dont want $300 to start a “homebased business” that I can earn some money with. Please help!

Nagesh answers:

None of the links that are given to you will give you want you want. What you want does not exist but only exists in the scammer world, for they created the idea of ” work from home and make money ” with us.

If this “thought” was true, ask yourself something simple…. Why then do billions go to college, buy suits, sit in rush hour all to get to a job?

At home, online jobs consist of web designer, art graphic person, typer, paper pusher for say insurance company, online store or ebay selling, etc.

There is no company that pays you to click sites, read emails, or anything of the such. They are all scams or pyramid scams that take your money or sell your personal info for money.

Michael asks…

How to make money while my daughter is in school?

We just moved to Brunswick, Maine. I was wondering if some one could give me any input in how to make money from home. She goes to school for only four hours a day. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you’re any good at sales (i.e., talking to people, listening to people), you might want to consider helping people too.

I don’t work in the corporate world anymore, and now I simply sell – on the computer. I found a company – quite by accident – and did a lot of research. Then, after trying the product, I was amazed that it worked for me! I told a few friends, and now they’re seeing health benefits as well. In the meantime, I am collecting residual income each month – simply by sharing a product that worked for me. Solid company too. The product was even featured on Oprah. Can’t say enough great things – other than this really works for me.

Check it out.

Donald asks…

How to operate internet to make money at home ?

Do you know the ways of making money online from home? No scams please, im tired of them already. I would appreciate any ideas, thank you

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money online with amazon, check out this site


Sandy asks…

Where do people get the idea that most illegals are working for less than minimum wage?

That’s just not true.

How could they survive on that let alone send money home?
Jim: But they live here!

Nagesh answers:

Here they get the same wages and are happy to get it. The difference is they don`t complain about the job, show up on time, work hard, and don`t try to form a union. That makes them worth the risk to hire.

Think about it. The Boss, the employee, everyone is pretending they are legal. Thus they are paid the same wages as the laid off American worker got 3 years ago, to not do so would bring down the government on them. It is like a pay freeze and no one is asking for a raise. It is like the good old days when workers worked and the good ones got raises and the bad ones got fired.

Thomas asks…

Any ideas how to work from home?

I just had a baby and cannot return to my job. My husband works 6 days a week and we can’t afford daycare. ANy ideas on how I can make money from home?

Nagesh answers:

Most advertised work from home programs are scams. I’ve tried many of them.

I work from home doing telemarketing. I am provided with lists and due dates about every 6 weeks. I call those on the list and ask for donations such as usable household items, clothes, toys and such.

Check with your local Purple Heart, Am Vets or National Childrens’. These are only 3 of the many organizations that do this. GoodWill and Salvation Army do this in some heavily populated area. There are about 15 such organizations in the Washington, D.C. Metro area alone. Competition can be stiff and the pay is not great, but it helps. With the economy as it currently is, donations are down. The organization for which I work pays a certain amount per pick up plus a small hourly wage. If I have a good amount of pick ups, then I can get bonuses. Each organization works differently.

Purple Heart in Florida, for example requires individuals to come into the call bank. Other areas are work from home. My friend gets hundreds of numbers and continues to call until she gets the required amount of pick ups.

You may need to get a business phone if your territory is long distance. Some companies do not allow these types of calls on unlimited home service. Vonage offers very good rates with a designated fax line. Some organizations allow you to fax your results, others require that they be mailed. I find that I make enough to pay for my business line and all of my long distance personal calls too. Before the economy crash, I was bringing home about $200 – $300 a month generally. I only worked part time. Another friend who was working with the same organization as I worked full time and, naturally, made much more than I, plus more bonuses.

My advice is to avoid those ads that offer making crafts such as earrings. That is tedious, even for a “crafty” type person like me. I used to make my own rings and necklaces and even gave or sold some to friends at school. But these ads are not as simple as they appear and many offer money back guarantees which you will never get.

Don’t even look at the “stuff envelopes for $$$” ads. They are a complete rip. If you do something like that, do it for a local business and not those generic newspaper ads with the 800 numbers. They will send you information and tell you to post notices all over town. Then you wait for the responses to come in. Once the responses come in, then you not only stuff the envelopes, you must address, seal and stamp them.

There used to be a few local businesses that would allow you to take the materials home and stuff the envelopes. Some provided mailing lables that you had to attach and others didn’t as they addressed the envelopes themselves. I know someone who did that for a while.

I tried surveys on line and some of them ask for money. Never put any money up front to sign up. I did a few and they took more time than they were worth and I found they were boring. My e-mail became flooded with “offers” from many companies wanting to add me to their “list”. This scam can get totally out of hand. I never got paid for a single one.

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Friday, December 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

Linda asks…

2013 summer bucketlist ideas?

Hey,me and my friends are making a summer bucket list..and we need ideas…we already have..
1.Say yes to everything for 1 day.
2.Make a burn book.
3.Take one silly picture everyday.
4.Take a picture after every completed bucket list idea.
5.Go by a fake name for 1 week.:)
…We live in shotts and we’re 13 with no money…so nothing like go surfing (cos shotts has no beach and usually isn’t warm)…Or go bowling or something cos we have no money…things we can do anytime,anywhere…with no money needed:)..Thanks:D

Nagesh answers:

Hi Emily
Well I can perhaps give you a few ideas at not knowing the area or it’s geography.
1) You can go to the library
2) Or the museum
3) Maybe go and visit a few historical attractions (some are free)
4) Go for a walk in the Park
5) Go for a walk in the country side, (but tell somebody where you are going for safety sake,especially just in case you or one of your team/friends decide to wander off of the beaten track)
6) You and your team/friends can even pick an object and see how many times you can find it, say whilst window shopping or even on the market
Well sorry I can only give you six ideas, however I hope they help and take care and be safe

William asks…

Any hairstyle/outfit ideas?

Basically i have quite a lot of outfits but i’m getting incredibly bored of them and since im a little short for money i want to find an affordable, nice, casual outfit. Any ideas? Pictures will be good also. I dont mind some make-up ideas but i’d like mostly hair and outfits please. Thanks.

I’m light skinned, have shoulder length, curly indian/cooly hair and a side fringe which is usually straightened. I’m a 32c bust, very slim, about 5’2. I have dark brown eyes if that helps :S Lol.

Nagesh answers:

Well, is an outfit i made maybe you like it maybe you dont..but i tried..=)
but anyways for this outfit a great hairstyle would be to pull your hair to one side and then put in the gold headband with your fringe covering a little of your face. Ir you have really thick hair, maybe you could straighten it or you could pull it into a ponytail and clasp it with a jewel barrete. Another idea would be to wear it down or maybe pull it into a bun with little bits of your hair sticking out. Put it in piggytails would be really cute too. You could always go onto google and seach different hairstyles but this is what i came up with. OH! By the way, if you dont like the jacket, you could always substitute it with something different. Great stores to shop at that offer clothes at a resonable price would be Charlotte Russe, Aeropostale, Heritage 1981, Forever 21, Delias, Pacsun(maybe) and oldnavy. Hope this helps!!

Carol asks…

Ideas needed!!!! please!!! :)?

Hi, I’m a sophomore at college studying International Business management. I have big dreams and a lot of ambition to succeed in life. I am very good at saving money and planning my budget and I want to make something while I’m at college. Some kind of investment.. or maybe some kind of business. I like taking risks but I also like to stay in the safe side and plan ahead… What would be a good way to save money, earn money and make it big? right now I have some money in a CD so I have a year to plan the best for that money and I would really appreciate some ideas… thank you!!!

Nagesh answers:

Invest some money in some stocks and bonds. Or if you are any good at photography or painting such as pictures or drawing or even anything having to do with art then you could make some money doing something like that on the side.

Joseph asks…

Birthday Money Ideas!?

so like im gunna go to this birthday party 2maroe, and so i ased him what he wanted, and he said money so he can buy whatever he wanted. SO it HAS to be money. BUT i was wondering is there anything i can do cute with the money, like ideas i can do with it, besides putting $30 in an enevelope?
NO quarters ideas!!!
something original and creative:]

Nagesh answers:

You could try money origami.seriously.i know how to fold a dollar bill to look like a t-shirt.i can’t really explain how to do on here but you can google money origami & probably find step by step picture steps.a friend at my school made one for me.then i forgot how to do it & searched it on the internet & found it.that was a while ago & i forgot what the website was sorry.there were also more things you could fold it into like a bow tie for example & i cant remember what other things there were.

For my cousins first birthday my grandma got him a cute picture frame & put a $50 bill in it with two of my dollar bill t-shirts on each side.if you wanted to do something like that you could put a $20 bill in the frame & two fives on the sides folded into t-shirts or something.they don’t necessarily have to be t-shirts if you find something else you would like to fold them into.

Thomas asks…

how can i make money online.

Is there any way to make money online. I really dont need to be a milionare or what ever. Just some cash on the side.

Nagesh answers:

If it’s just for some cash on the side, you might want to take a look at this article that can give you a couple ideas of some places in which if you qualify for you can have an on line job and work wherever. But you have to apply and be able to qualify for a position. If it’s just a couple hundred dollars or less, you could look into doing surveys. However, there’s a whole lot of different things you need to know about survey’s before venturing in that.

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Thursday, December 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Ken asks…

money making ideas? (free money)?

ok i would like to know some low cost ideas for making money like puting candy crane machines in places and collecting the money does anyone know any other ideas to get some bonus income without really doing much

Nagesh answers:

Buy a few computers sell em on ebay for 400$ more than u bought them for, and sell one a week and make 400$ a week. Or sell more. Haha i <3 ur idea of putting the machines places but thats illegal believe me i tried. You can also ro a bank!!! :)!!!! Or sell money from babies!!! Hana get a famous persons autograph sell it. Make cookies throw them at people at football games and yell 3.00$$ each! Hahah good luck 😉

Richard asks…

Ideas on raising money!?!?

so me and 2 other of my friends just found out that the jonas brothers are doing a concert only 5 hours from where we live on June 27th and we want to go the tickets start at like 140 bucks and the most expensive is for like front row and thats like 900 some bucks so yeah it’s expensive and we wanna go so far weve come up with were gonna do a car wash and charge like 10 bucks per car and were gonna do a bake sale and babysit kids and do work around the house for money and save bottle since there like 5 cents each and keep all the spare change we find so yeah do you guys have any other good fundraising ideas to raise money!????

Nagesh answers:

Please don’t take the advise from the online survey bullshit. It is just as I said and you will not make any money otherwise every person in America would be doing it. They are mostly scams. Anyway, another approach would be to make flyer’s for your neighborhood offering babysitting or lawn care services. I don’t know what region you live but whether its shoveling, raking or mowing people will take you up on the offer. Or what can you do for your parents to earn extra money? The 3 of you could have a yard/garage sale and get rid of some of your stuff you have outgrown or simply don’t need/use anymore, maybe all the parents have stuff to thrown in also as long as you set everything up and do all the work.
Good Luck but please don’t do the online survey thing. 98% if not 100% of them are scams.

Linda asks…

Ideas for raising money?

Hi our 17 year old nephew was badly burnt in a fire on sunday he was airlifted to the burns hospital and we have been told not all his medical treatments will be cover by his health insurance.We would love a few ideas on how to raise money to help him

Nagesh answers:

Wow. I am sry to hear that.
I dunno what to say
but, maybe try doing yard-sale.
You might earn some money out of it.
Sry can’t think of better answer

Lizzie asks…

Horsey ideas to raise money?

My friends from the stables and I are trying to raise money for one of my friend’s cousin, who has cancer and needs treatment in Germany.
We want to raise money by doing something related to horses. Some of my friends don’t have horses at the moment so we can’t do a sponsored ride.
Does anyone have any ideas of ways we can raise money at the stables??
Thanks so much, this means a lot to all of us!
Any suggestion is welcome!!

Nagesh answers:

A key aspect is to attract money from outside the stables. Horseowners already are burdened with expenses. (Hmmm, I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t know.) There is little money left over, even among the modestly wealthy, to put into Yet Another Charity.

Try to attract the people who wish they owned horses, but don’t. If you know of a tack shop that’s in or near a major shopping centre you could hold a Giant Monster Boot Sale, and the tack shop would help you with publicity.

Now I have no idea how far you are from Dorset, but the Great Dorset Steam Fair is coming up, starting 28 August. I’m certain that if you merely attended and passed out flyers for your own event, you would draw some good publicity. Note that the Fair has a heavy-horse section!

How to get there? Find the village of Tarrant Hinton on the map, head in that direction and follow everyone else to the show.

Here’s the trade-exhibit information:

Ahhh. It seems you’re outside London. Driving time on M3 should be slightly more than two hours.

Robert asks…

ideas for raising money, please?

my friend is in need of money right now and im looking for fundraiser ideas. so far, we like the idea of a yard sale (clothes, books, etc.), a bake sale (kinda lame but might work) and maybe selling stuff on ebay. How promising do these ideas sound and what are some other ideas?


Nagesh answers:

Run Errands:
1.Make flyers and let your neighbors know you are available to do any kind of errands for them.
2.Have the flyer reflect what you are raising money for.
3.Charge per hour.

Care Packages:
A good idea for college nights, or any other school events where AFS can have a presence
1.Bring a list of care package themes and their contents. Ex: make an International Basket with an assortment of food and candy from different countries. Can also include more typical themes such as: Chocolate Lover’s, Coffee Lover’s, Cookie Lover’s, Snack Bar (for the games), etc.
2.Bring an order sheet and/or a supply of the packages to sell directly to avoid hassle of order sheets.
3.Be sure to include AFS brochures and thank you notes.

Walk Dogs:
1.Make flyers and let your neighbors know you are available to walk their dogs and what you are raising money for.
2.Charge per hour or per block walked.
•Many people work long hours and would be happy to see their dogs get extra attention!

Car Wash:
1.Use your church parking lot or get permission to use the parking lot of a store.
2.Set out posters advertising your car wash and the price per car.
3.You and your friends could also do this door to door.
4.Get lots of friends to help and assign tasks.
5.Do a quick, thorough, and good job.
•Items needed:
oSponges and buckets
oGlass cleaner and soap
•Time required: 1 day
•Amount you can expect to raise: $ 100 – $ 200

Sell Used Books/DVDs/CDs on
Face Painting
Speed Dating
(Adult) Spelling Bee
Sell food (cookies, hand-made stuff)
Bake Sale
Board Game Tournament
Create a fun twist on a card tournament and do something that everyone can participate in. Have a Board Game Tournament. Pick a favorite, such as Sorry, Trouble, or Monopoly. Assemble 4 person teams that will work together to accumulate points or you can allow individuals to participate. Charge an entry fee for each team, in order to earn money for your charity. Give a portion of the proceeds as the winning prize or get prizes donated from local businesses. Decide if you are going to play with a time limit for each game so that everyone has the same chance and to keep things running on a schedule. Decide on any “House” rules beforehand. Set up bleachers for the audience and consider having a 50/50 raffle or raffle for door prizes. Definitely have a concession stand with coffee, soda pop, popcorn, chips, hot dogs, and bottled water to earn extra money.

Hot Dog Stand
Garage Sale
Dog Walk
Some kind of advice like..booth or something..?
Bingo Fundraiser

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Wednesday, December 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Paul asks…

PayPal Money to eBay??

I just made PayPal account. I have no idea how to put money on it. When I buy something from eBay what should I choose?? Credit Card or Bank?? HOW DO U ALSO PUT MONEY FROM CREDIT CARD ON UR PAYPAL ACCOUNT?? PLZ SOMEONE HELP

Nagesh answers:

If using a bank account, you will have to provide PayPal with your banking info, The process will ususally take a few days as PayPal will deposit some money in your account first (1 – 3 cents) to verify with both the bank and with you that it is a valid account. When using a credit card, you will need to provide PayPal with your cc info and set as your “default payment”. PayPal will then debit your cc each time you place an order through E-Bay. You will always be given the option if you want to use a different form of payment.

John asks…

i want to earn some money?

im 13 years old and my parents dont do the whole allowence thing, they tell me that if i want money i have to “””get a job”””

im not sure about babysitting, i dont really have that much space, small house (small living room and kithen, one bathroom, my bedroom, parents bedroom, and 8 year old sisters bedroom, we also have an unfinished basement)

mowing lawns is definately not my thing, same with snow shoveling

any ideas and suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

You’d need some help with your parents setting up accounts and such, but here some ideas as far as working online you could try:

Are you good at writing? If so, you could write articles and blog posts for website owners for money. A well-written, 400 word +, optimized article will bring you about $5. It may take a little practice to write an “optimized” style – including specified keywords early on in your articles, including a couple “long tail” keywords in the article, etc. But not that big of a deal after a little practice.

I think Associated Content at least used to pay for articles, there are also plenty of writing gigs on freelance websites such as ScriptLance, Freelancer, Getacoder, etc.

You could also try Go there and look at some of the gigs, and copy one that you think you could do.

Maybe give eBay a shot. Ask your buddies if they have anything that they want to sell, and offer to sell it for them on eBay for a cut.

You could even try “eBay arbitrage”, where you buy something off of eBay and then resell it there for a profit. Some sellers do not include important keywords in the title, give a poor description, poor pictures (or none at all), etc. All this stuff can scare potential buyers away, decreasing the competition and probably the final price.

You could possibly buy the items and make a much better listing, and possibly profit.

Sellers may misspell the main keywords in the title as well, meaning most potential buyers will never find them. You could try a misspelling search using a site like to hopefully find some of these items and possibly get some great deals.

You could also use a site like to set up saved eBay searches. You’d get an e-mail whenever a matching item is newly listed. Especially good for “Buy It Now”s that are priced right. You could set up your saved searches and then from there all you would be doing would be checking e-mails when you get them sent to you and looking at the items, so there should not be a whole lot of time involved in setting up your “system”. You’d have the jump on other potential buyers.

Or, if you find something you want listed an auction format, use a sniping service such as to place your bid for you. It’ll bid in the last few seconds, helping you to save money and avoid shill bidding.

You could also try your local thrift stores, Goodwill, auctions, yard sales, Craigslist, etc. To source products. Having a smart phone with internet access would be a big help with this. You could check prices of completed listings immediately, deciding if there’s enough room for profit for you to buy a particular item. It seems there should always be room for smaller sellers on eBay for used items.

Or, rather than selling a physical product, maybe try offering a service on eBay. Maybe writing articles, creating graphics, whatever it is that you would be good enough at to charge for.

For longer-term, you could learn search engine optimization, social media traffic generation, etc. And then charge webmasters for your services. If you are good, you can make some serious money doing those things.

Another long-term idea, create your own website (about $10 a year for a domain name, $5 a month for hosting) and earn money from Adsence, affiliate products (you can check out and Commission Junction to see thousands of products that you could promote and earn money from for any sales that you generate), selling banner space to other webmasters, etc.

Steven asks…

Money Order and Ebay?

Hey guys =) I’m trying to buy a few items on ebay, but the thing is I don’t have funds in my paypal account. However, my bank account is linked to my paypal and I do have enough money there for the items. The seller doesn’t know how I can pay using my bank account and suggested money order. I have no idea what that is. Can anybody help clarify? Oh, and if you know how to pay for ebay items using your bank account, please let me know!!! =D Thanks so much!

Nagesh answers:

Depending on a few things, ebay can do an auto fund transfere whn you buy or at least e-check if it’s connected to your bank account. Or you can transfere the funds yourself tho this takes 3-5 business days.

Lisa asks…

Selling stuff on ebay?

What should I sell on ebay??? What usually makes people the most money??? Any idea would work, I know you don’t know what I have but experiences and ideas would be nice.

Nagesh answers:

The key to a successful eBay selling is simple — Sell products that people actually want.

Selling on eBay is not as easy as some portray. In fact, go to eBay and check out the number of auctions that end without a single bid. Competition is getting tough, as more sellers go to eBay; even the big boys are joining in the eBay marketplace. Add to that the increasing listing and final value fees.

EBay has several ways for you to determine exactly what the hot items to sell on their marketplace:

Items In Demand = the most popular items currently within that particular category. To see the In Demand page, go to

Hot Items by Category Report = a monthly report that lists the fastest growing categories on eBay for the previous month. Go to and select “Hot Items by Category” from the menu on the left.

EBay Pulse = “a daily snapshot of current trends, hot picks, and cool stuff on eBay”. Go to to see eBay Pulse in action.

Merchandising Calendar = eBay promotes specific categories on its home page each month. Savvy eBayers know that this home page exposure results in more interest in such categories. Go to to view the current Merchandising Calendar.

Ruth asks…

Ideas in raising money?

I have a friend that had to hire a lawyer but they really don’t have the money for it and therefore my friend has asked me if I could help them come up with some ideas on raising some money to help pay the attorney fees. Any ideas and suggestion would be great! Thank you! PS: They did not do anything illegal, just a bad divorce and children are involved.

Nagesh answers:

They should do the following to raise money:

1. Garage Sale
2. Sell things on ebay and craigslist
3. Walk dogs, clean people’s homes, yardwork
4. Obtain a part time job (foodserver, gym attendant)
5. Cut down on spending and use what they have instead of buying more

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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Paul asks…

Any Money Ideas??????

I’m twelve and I’m going on a trip to CA for Spring Break. I need spending money, fast! Any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Data Collection Technicians Needed Immediately! We Want To Pay You To Help Us! This is a TOTALLY FREE MEMBERSHIP.

In an effort to build the company database, Data Network
Affiliates, (D.N.A.), will pay YOU $2.00 to submit 20 random car tags each

If you invite someone to do what you do, D.N.A. Will pay YOU $2.00 when they
submit 20 random car tags each month.

If the people that you invited offer free memberships to others persons to
participate, D.N.A. Will pay YOU $2.00 when they submit 20 random car tags each

This process of making money will continue down six levels.
Say, you submit 20. You earn $2.00 for your efforts.
Level 1: If you invite 10, that is 10 x $2.00. You earn $20.00
Level 2: If they each invite 10, that is 10 x 10 = 100 x $2.00. You earn $200.00
Level 3: If they each invite 10, that is 100 x 10 = 1000 x $2.00. You
earn $2,000

This same process will repeat through SIX Levels! You will NEVER, EVER be
required to pay one red cent to be a part of this program. Yet you will GET
PAID. You are simply helping them to build the company database. You get the

So, my question to you is, “What are you waiting for? Join this business opportunity right now! Just
do it, do it now! Why? Because it is absolutely FREE . . . . .

Sign up here:

Looking for another great way to make money with no investment?

Susan asks…

Good website ideas to make money? ?

What are some ideas to base my website on? That will make me money? What do I base the site on?

Nagesh answers:


You can talk/write about ANYTHING and make money on the internet. You just have to make sure you are solving a problem or answering a question.

People have hemorrhoids, you can have a website giving them tips for how to get rid of them. You can also become an affiliate and sell a product that helps people with their hemorrhoids.

Same for anxiety, and insomnia, and golfing, and running, and weight loss….and on and on and on….it’s literally endless.

If there is a product that exists, there is an affiliate program for it. If there’s not….you can learn to create YOUR OWN PRODUCT.

You like iPads? You can create a website about iPads and link to as an affiliate. Someone buys an iPad from Amazon under your link, you make money.

The only limit is your imagination and desire to make money on this internet!

Helen asks…

MONEY ideas/?

OK, so i am a 13-year old girl…
and i really need ways to make money!!
cause i want clothes and makeup, hair ya no stuff lk that!
my mom is starting to hate me because i ask so much for that that stuff
and i just need some ideas on how to make money!!
thanx for ure suggestions!!!!

Nagesh answers:

You should sign up to free money making sites. There are plenty out there. They’re called GPT (get paid to) sites. You get paid to complete offers. You don’t need a credit card! Since you’re only 13, you probably don’t have an ID. Some sites pay you by prepaid gift card and that will be great for you since you like to shop.

If you find a site you’re interested in, make sure you read the rules and tutorials so you will know what you’re doing.

If you need help, you can email me!

Linda asks…

I need money, any ideas?

I need to get a job for money. I want to go to a consert but my parents won’t give me money. I’m only 13. anyone have any ideas where I can work for a few weeks? oh yea, if it helps, I need $62.55.

Nagesh answers:

Launch your own manufacturing home business any product that comes to mind research it on the net. Tools, raw materials, procedures, bookkeeping, accounting,inventory,marketing and selling. As far as I have been through selling is the easiest way to have money. Another way is to fill in the labor needs of your neighbor, mowing the lawn and washing cars, carpentry work, plumbing, anything. That has service value would do. Or pawn any gold or watch or home appliance equipment to the pawnshop. Loan and start working to pay it up. Gosh I think in the states you work an average of 5$ an hour so 65$ /5 is just 13 hours of work for you. Any work as long as it pays is alright. These are the only ways to have money. Take note also that if you are a student and a teenager, they pay less. So its a sacrifice if you really want something to happen you’ve got to do it yourself. Since you are young pawning is not advisable. Manufacturing isn’t also. Washing neighbor’s cars are the best. Mowing the lawn also good. Working part-time or full-time to a relative who has his/her own company is also great paying. I hope you’ve got your options now do it.Choose and do. So product or service and selling these to people for money would pay up for your concert tickets. I hope its not those death metal gigs with all those tatoos and marijuana printed t-shirts you are going to see. Cause its not the real life for us.

Ruth asks…

Ideas to get money for private school?

I want to go to thi hig shool That costs about 7-8000 dollars. My parents don’t want to pay that much but I’m DYING to gi there. I’m to young for a job and financial aid denied our request. Does anyone know of any scholorships that offer money or ideas to get money? Thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I know it’s hard to get money in this era. For me you should have a small business that you can sell it to your neighborhood and to your own school. You should make munchkins or maybe ice candy or sell some food like junk foods. But if you want to sell one of my ideas and you don’t know any of this you can just go to my page and ask what do you want for me to help you OK??

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Monday, December 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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