Archive for October, 2014

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

George asks…

How to get money as a teen?

Hey everybody, I need to get money quick!!
Like 50 bucks.. I’m planning on buying a puppy or cat at the spca well my mom and dad will buy it but i need to get the money, at the Spca some kittez are 40 dollars sometimes less though.. Is there any ideas on how to get money quickly? Thannks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Why do you need it so soon? Nevermind, I’ll try and brainstorm a few ideas, hope they help 🙂
– If you’re a younger teen, you could try getting a small job- a paper round, or washing up at a restaurant etc. ?
– Maybe you could sell some of your stuff that you don’t need anymore? Or organise some kind of jumble sale/ cake sale or something to fund getting your pet?
– Save up some pocket-money, if you get it. And, if you don’t, maybe it’s time to ask your parents for it.
– Offer to do chores around the house, in exchange for a few dollars.
– Be really nice to relatives- if you have grandparents nearby, or visiting, they might give you money.
– Offer to do odd jobs for neighbours- painting their shed, washing their cars, walking their dog?
– If you’re old enough to babysit, that could be a good source of cash.
– Ask your parents, really, really nicely!!
– If you have any spare birthday/ christmas money or something saved in the bank, it will gain interest and then when you withdraw it, you’ll have a bit more.
I’m out of ideas now!
Be imaginative.
Good luck!

Btw, I’m assuming your parents are going to pay for everything else, you’re gonna need in the long-term for your pet; food, toys, medical bills etc you do know what a big responsibility it is, to have a high-maintenance pet.

Steven asks…

Best and easiest ways to get money quick?

I need to get money quickly and its hard getting it right now so any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Fill out an application and find a job. Stop waiting for quick handouts.

James asks…

How should I make money on runescape?

I need to make a lot of money quickly.
I am a mage I love mage.
I am lvl 40 mage.
I am lvl 28 Combat.
I haven’t got high levels.
I want to be able to do it now.
I’m not a member.

Nagesh answers:

Well, the lowest i have is if you have 20 mining and 20 smithing, sell silver bars. They always sell for lowest and sell for 5k for 28 bars. Cut oaks also could help…. Fish stuff (use them for eating when need hp) when you get 40 fishing, 10,000 raw lobsters get 3.5m i think

Chris asks…

How to quickly earn money to buy Saradomin Armour in Runescape?

I’m a Free-to-play player, level 102 in the new leveling system, and i have about 1.5 Mil right now, but that look me a long time to get. How can i quickly earn enough money to buy Saradomin? i REALLY want he armor, but have no idea how to make good money quickly. Please list the skill levels i will need in order to get money from your given method.

P.S. I would prefer not to try to flip items. i prefer to do stuff that will not cost me anythuing initially, like woodcutting or fishing. I also do NOT scam, hack, or bot.

Nagesh answers:

It’s been a while since I’ve played F2P so some of my information may be out of date – I apologise if this is the case.

In EoC a lot of the armours are dropping in price (dragon claws – members – were 8 million on the GE and whilst they are still listed as 2mil, they actually only sell for 750k now), so perhaps if you try buying the set or the individual items for cheaper than they’re listed, you’ll be surprised to find they come through.

Money making.

Combat does still seem to be the best method for making money in F2P and members. The Stronghold of Security is a good place to make money as is the other stronghold (forgotten it’s name, sorry) next to it, where the cockroach soldiers are. They drop rune items and hit relatively low.

If you have high mining, then rune ore is a good way to go of course; or gold ore as a lot of people use gold ore for 99 smithing. Some people set store in fishing copious amounts of trout or lobster because it’s “easy” to build up a stock of these quite quickly.

Collecting cowhide, feathers and bones can also be a semi-lucrative way of making money at no cost but you’ve got to have patience for this to pay off.

Unfortunately, even in members, there isn’t really any super-fast way of making money but hopefully that’ll start you off.

Good luck!

Sharon asks…

I need to raise a lot of money! How can i do it?

I am planning on volunteering with visions service adventures and i am going to need about 6000 dollars! How can i raise this money quickly?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job at a local retail store which might help a little and go on the onlinejob websites above. They seem ike they would help

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Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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