Archive for September, 2014

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Paul asks…

How to make money really really fast?

I need to make money really fast, and I can’t babysit or do a bake sale. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, pick up dog doo, mow lawns, garage sale, make and sell jewelry or the like, sell candy at school, paper route, allowance, panhandle, be somebody’s golf caddy, gamble with friends or siblings, sell some of your stuff, car wash.

Helen asks…

How do I protect my unique website idea from posers imitating my idea?

I have this new idea that could make money and could be like Google someday. How do I protect my idea from people or companies from copying the same idea after I show it to the world? I mean like Facebook, it is like Friendster but very innovative thats why it makes money, now the fact that the whole world knows what Facebook is and why is it so popular and how it generates more money than Friendster, companies like Friendster could or allowed to imitate the same thing and make money the same way like Facebook?

Nagesh answers:

You can’t keep people from copying the idea. Facebook and all the rest have lots of copycats. What you have to do is get it to market and grow it fast so that none of the imposters attract much attention.

David asks…

What can I sell on Ebay to make some quick cash?

I need to make money fast.

Any ideas on what I can sell? Pref on a Buy It Now Basis?

I was thinking something like information on discs? But info on what? What would people be interested in buying?

Any ideas

Nagesh answers:

Info on a disc is a tricky one due to general copyright restrictions, fine if you don’t get caught but if you do and people do, the fines can be horrific and not only wipe out any profit but take a chunk of you for years to come.

You could try looking around at car boot sales, charity shops and buying quality items that you know will sell; go into town or the sales and write down or take a picture (with permission) then look to see what it would have cost you and see what the item/s are making on the bay.

Seasons make a difference so try to judge the market place and not try to see a simulated fir coat in summer or a deck chair in winter (for example). You need only have a small capital outlay to get going and away you are. Remember though if you are doing it in this manner you would need to register with the revenue for tax purposes and can’t do it if claiming benefits, or you can but you MUST declare it or again they will catch you, they always do eventually.

If you are good at a hobby, why not ssellhat you make or similar.

Every year I sell on eBay a variety of items and make a substantial profit, you need papay palhough and some cash to pay the account bills.

Good luck.


Ken asks…

What is a good career to earn fast money with the shortest amount of college study?

I’m sophomore with decent grades and have been contemplating the fast arrival of college, and realized i have no ideas except i would like a occupation with good pay that requires a short time in college, any suggestions? P.S. Also including with the job choice, please include what is needed to study for in college, and a bonus (not needed) for how much the course would cost

Nagesh answers:

There are plenty one year certifications that will help you find a great job. Sleep lab techs make great money and only requires two semesters to get qualified. Most hospitals will pay for you to continue to go back and get more certifications (and, therefore, pay raises) once you have proven to be a good worker.

Robert asks…

How to make best money in runescape?

These are my highest skills:97 hunter
84 fletching
80 wc
67 fishing
which should I use to make the fastest money each day?

Nagesh answers:

I am going to go by the skills you listed and what I have found. For hunter, I have had excellent luck in hunting the prickly kebbit and using a chisel to make their spikes into bolts, they sell realllllly good. But my hunter isn’t as high as yours. For fletching I have found that Mable shortbows sell really well…I am surprised, I made 400 and in 3 days have almost sold them all. Woodcutting everyone says yews sell good, I have sold a few, but not my favorite skill, so I haven’t really done alot of this. Fishing is a really good way to make money….everyone needs food!! For a long time I would fish swordfish/tuna. I would sell all the swordfish and cook the tuna and keep it. It worked out well. I sold tons of swordfish! I just finshed Swan Song, so now it is monkfish. They well pretty good and make lots of money, plus they give you 16 heal points. So I fish them both for food and money. One more level and you can get into the fishing guild, that is a great place to fish. If you get to 76, you can go after sharks, they are really good, but you get more xp for monkfish.
Having said all that, you might want to check out this site for ideas

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Saturday, September 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Mark asks…

Quick, easy ways to make money?

Okayy well I found out that one of my favourite singers might be coming here to tour in a few months and I want to save money up right now, because I know the tickets/ or Meet&Greet passes will be extremely expensive.

I have no time to get a job (I’m 17 and starting my final year of school) and I’m on break for nearly 3 weeks.

So any quick or easy ways to make some cash would help. Thanks lol :]]

Nagesh answers:

There is no quick easy way to make money. Just look around your neighbourhood and see people need some service which you can provide. Provide that service and you should be able to make some money.

Eat at home and no coffee or tea from outside. This will save you money as well.

Sandy asks…

Quickest way to make money?

I want to know what is the quickest way you have made money this excludes porn or anything simular ie. working as a stripper, drugs or gambling. I’m looking for answers which include morals!

Nagesh answers:


I work from home for few years now. The company is legit and has been on the market since 1999. They pay me every time – no issues! You can start for free and work whenever you have time.

But, if you decide to work from home (online), you need somebody to show you what do you have to do, otherwise u will do too many unnecessary things.

I started on my own, and I was not making any progress for quite a while.

Anyway than I joined this program and I got really good sponsor. He showed me everything I needed to know. And now, I’m passing it forward…

Please take a look at this video first, so you will get the idea what is it all about. I want you to watch it because you can see payment proof in it, so you will know that I am not lying or anything. Here is the link:

Link to the Web Site is on the right of the video.

If you decide to join, I will be your sponsor and I will help you get started and along the way.

For more info write to my e-mail:

William asks…

what are some quick ways to make money?

i asked this question before but i said legal ways…and now i really dont care…i already tried surveys…but that s*** wack…i need ways to make quick and easy money..

Nagesh answers:

That’s the thing. There’s no quick and easy way.

I know that Waiters make good money if you work the evening shift on Th, Fri, Sat, Sun. And the tips are good if you are cordial and nice. Some bring home $100-200 a night in tips.

Or, you can hang out in piano bars/classy joints, and make friends with some older man with money who wants something good lookin’ on his arm… Lol

OR.. You can get an education, and find a real JOB.

Joseph asks…

What’s a easy and quick way to make money???

this is for a friend (shes a girl)

Nagesh answers:

All depends on “how much” money you are talking about.
If it just a few bucks then you can help with home related tasks to your neighbors: in the garden, painting, cleaning cars, teaching how to use a computer, etc.
In any case you will need effort if you want to increase the number of clients and money you get. So there is no honest way to make easy and fast money.
If you want to make more than a few bucks then you need to know what is what makes you happy to do. In my case I love technology and how small companies can get competitive advantages using it. So… How is in in your case?
If you still don’t know what for you are good or how to change the world for good… Then start thinking in discovering it as soon as possible.
Never forget that “money” is not the goal, happiness is the goal. Money can be a consequence of reaching your goals.
I think that if you need some money fast… You can choose the “few bucks” approach first, then you could get a small loan and cover your needs. But with your work you will be able to pay for your loan. In the mean time the most important is to find what for you are the “best” or how do you think you could make our world better.

Steven asks…

What are quick ways of making money????

I have a $1200 fine due April 1st for my cats, and i am starting my job at the end of this week…what are some ways (besides asking my mom, she already said she wouldn’t help me) to make money?!?!?
I’ve already sold my stuff on ebay so i don’t think that will help.

Nagesh answers:

If you are over eighteen and a female, then you could try dancing in a go-go bar. You make good money especially if you are new. You could make that money in a week or two and it’s cash, you don’t have to wait for a check. Or get a job as a waitress or bartender, they also make cash every day to take home.

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Friday, September 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Sandy asks…

people who steal money from their employers?

I started a new job not to long ago, and being the new kid on the block I come from a different background of work history … I tend to get to work bust my butt hard and make a majority of the clients happy I work fast therefor I get more clients. Thus making more money then the established workers that are there an have been comfortable being lazy about their day of work. I am nice to everyone. However the established girls are feeling the pressure to step up their game and work harder.

However , I got paid last week an she paid me in cash , I didn’t bother to check the money she gave me just stuck it in my purse and went about my way home. I stopped and made two purchases on my way home when I noticed that I wasn’t given the correct amount of cash. I called the owner after I looked high and low and asked her what denomination of bills she gave me. Thinking maybe I dropped a 100. or something. she said no she had given me 20’s i would’ve noticed if i had dropped 5 20’s she said she would check the register in the morning when she did she found out that she was 140 short plus my 100. so 240 short in all. I never touched the register that day.

I feel like these girls are pulling some B.S. trying to get me fired or trying to give me a bad name. after all they maybe lazy but they are trusted, my boss offered to give me the 100 back … but I feel weird about this as well even tho I am really missing it. and the boss is really missing more maoney from a bank envoplope.

How to handle this gracefully , please remember I am the new kid on the block.
we are independant contractors , and we both keep records of our work for tax purposes.

Nagesh answers:

First of all, unless that’s how everyone gets paid, NEVER take payment in cash. That’s technically illegal for any legitimate business to do, because it doesn’t get reported to the IRS.

If your boss isn’t holding you accountable (and you haven’t already explicitly turned it down), accept the $100 you are owed, and politely request that from now on you be paid by check.

Charles asks…

How can I help my wife realize she is about to make a major mistake?

My wife and I are seperated. She has been talking to a man, who is Turkish and is 4 years younger then her? We have three young children together who are all with her. She wants a quick divorce so that she can merry this man who she claims she is in love with. He is here on a work visa which expires soon which is why she feels the need to rush. I am very concern as this guy sends all his money home to his family, is young and has already commented on her being too fat or big. My wife is slightly over weight, has three young kids already, terrible credit, no job at the moment and does suffer from depression. There are warning signs all over the place and she refuses to listen to me. I feel I need to do something as this is happening way too fast. I have heard the stories about how a lot of Turks use older women to simply get visas to stay in the US. In her state of mind I know there will be serious issues if he is just using her. She can not provide him with anything. What can I do?

Nagesh answers:


Ruth asks…

What are some strategies I can use to not spend my money on food?

I recently got employee to a minimum wage job, BTW, I’m 15 so I’m happy with it at this point. Whenever I get even a little money in my hand, I spend it on food; fast-food, restaurants, delivery, even get stuff to make me own meals. This is burning a hole in my pocket, also the home refrigerator/cupboard is empty in terms of food, like were down to just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I’m not fat to the eye, but according to the medical charts I’m off my proper BMI by 7lbs. Can anyone spot my problem from here? Any advice…I know many ways to invest my money the proper way but the desire of food gets in the way…any “cheaper” food?

Nagesh answers:

Rice is very affordable and filling, a medium sized bag holds me and my two roomies for a month and we spent 10$ on it. One bowl with some chicken or stewed meat is delicious and if you have some ramen noodles paste some rice on top with your own seasonings and you’ll feel like you just had a full course dinner. Good luck and keep up with your job.


Steven asks…

What`s the best and the fastest way to do business and to make money through the internet? ?

I have been out of a job, living with my parents and looking foraward to make money through the internet since I`m staying at home doing nothing( which appeared to be totally ok with me). So I was thinking that it`s about time that I break out of my shell and try to find a home of my own finally, and since it`s almost impossible to find a job right now in the real world I thought that the internet might be helpful.

Please if you know about this stuff try to provide me with some useful information. I need to know what business is the most profitable and doable? What do I need to start my business on line? Do I need any support?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

You can Earn great money online fast free so easy. You only need to be 13 to join , I put together a blog of some of the best places to make cash online free, most of them you get a check every month and there is one that i make tons from every month , When i started i made $200 my first month now i am makeing around $500 a month , and i only get on it about 15 minutes a day, so thats good money to spend 15 minutes a day typing…. Give it a try collect one check and you will be hooked

Sandra asks…

Cheap Ways to make your house more attractive?

Okay, I am only 13 years old… My parents just don’t care about the house but I do. To get started, Let me explain each room to you guys.

Kitchen: Usually messy, but me and my mom try to keep it clean(my dad doesn’t do a damn thing!). It has absolutely NO color or decoration, aside from throw rugs that are very light and end up all in a pile all over the place. The laundry room is in here, so there are laundry baskets in the corner. Cords stick out of the wall and there is a computer.

Dining Room: Definately one of my least favorite rooms. If you saw it, you wouldn’t even think it was a dining room aside from the kitchen table. There is a VERY dirty white(now cream-ish) carpet with a massive white plush carpet over it. I hate this because my dog drags things in from outside and it gets all over the carpet and stains… There are random chairs that won’t fit in the table everywhere, and the bench to our table is broken.

Living Room: Massive ugly rug covering the dirty carpet. 42-in flat screen tv on top of a dresser. The only decorations in this room are on the fire place, and only one picture is above the couch. A very green fishtank sits on a old, chipped chest.

Entry-way: Dresser with a mirror, cluttered with soda bottles, fast food cups, mail, etc. Two black and white pictures, one picture of an angel, and two decorative holders that are ruined with overflowing mail. The door has dead bugs on it.

Hallway: Rug is a bit cleaner here, but not by much. Some pictures. Random things are piled on the linen closet.

Bathroom: This was SUPPOSED to be my bathroom, but i guess not because now my dad shares it. I wanted to make it pretty and girly, but he always ruins it! He buys cheap shower curtains and then HE breaks them… It just has NO decoration other than a bamboo hutch he got in the philippines. Bathtub messy overflowing with bottles.

The other rooms i don’t care about because my parents own them and i try not to go in them. I have no interest in that.

You guys, pleaase help me! My house is just a depressing place to be in. Even when it’s clean, it has no color and just isn’t a nice place to be. I really hate it, and I don’t think I should hate my own “home“. I feel terrible because everyone else has these cutesy, done-up homes which I just really want to spend more time in. Whenever I try to ask my parents to add tile to the dining room they say no or maybe or its too much money. And they dont like big projects, and that stuff never happens. I even asked my mom if we could get rid of the big plush rug because it makes it hotter and she said no.

So I’m asking you guys if you know any cheap ways to make my home prettier. Please, include the room you have the idea for… You don’t know how much I would appreciate it… Sorry it’s sooo long… Thank you sooo much!!

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you should show this to your mom so she will be aware of your feelings and when she hears how important this is she make take a look at herself and why things have gotten this way and make a change.
You certainly can take the lead on doing some serious cleaning and organizing. Consignment/Thrift/Second hand shops are a good place to find some inexpensive furniture and accessories. For your next birthday or Christmas ask for something special that would make
your home feel/look better to you.

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Thursday, September 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

John asks…

What’s the best way to transfer money from a Greek bank into my UK bank account?

My parents are about to transfer from their bank account a certain amount to my UK bank. I’m trying to find what is the fastest and more economical way for this transfer. I found a service online called hifx that claims not to charge commission and the rest. Does anyone tried this service or any other?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Giorgio,

The best and most economical way of funds transfer would be in the ascending order as follows,

1) Paypal – You can open a paypal account for free and just verify your account by adding your bank account no. Then let your parents do the same. Then in the paypal send money or transfer funds option type your email address (or to whom it is to be transferred) and in flash it is transferred, and paypal takes 1% for funds transfer. Step 2 withdraw money in you bank account and this takes some % for your currency open a account and check what are the rate for funds transfer. After $ 150 it is free

2) Wire transfer 3.5% and min of $ 15.

3) Please dont opt for currency exchanges coz you’ll be scammed 100% beware, you’ve been warned! But if you find any legit again they take more than 3.5%

4) Cheque – This is most trusted but slow process, should take a min of weeks time for clearance, but again currency conversion & cheque clearance charges vary from bank to bank you need to confirm.

5) Western Union Money Transfer – Trusted but 3% +

I would suggest you personally paypal



Lisa asks…

What can you do if you have been a victim of fraud online?

I bid on ebay last time and there was a couple of email that i received giving me a second chance. I admit It was my bad for not investigating his email address with ebay.He already got the money from western union and never answered any of my emails anymore. He is from Romania and he said paypal does not cover protection from Romania. Is there something I can do?

Nagesh answers:

I think you will have to put this on down to experience. Western Union is notorious as a vehicle to move money fast with little come back. Some countries do not ask for proof of ID when reclaiming finds, others are far More stringent and with it being Rumania, they are notorious for having fake documents in abundance

Lizzie asks…

What is the easiest way to sell this booklet?

Hey. Thanks for looking in. To cut a long story short, a lot of demand caused me to write a booklet. So far I have only done it on a Word Doc, and it is maybe as short as 18 A4 pages.
It has taken me time to write it and a lot of effort(despite being fairly short). People have said they would be happy to pay £2 for a copy of it. I would intend to reinvest this money in something worthy relating to the subject matter.
What is the easiest method for me to move it from a word doc to something that I could send to people in a better format? If I got 500 requests what is the easiest way to send 500 of these booklets to them online, and the fastest way? And what is the best method of accepting a payment as small as £2? Paypal gift?
Appreciate your thoughts and ideas

Nagesh answers:

I have bought several e-books online for way, way, more than 2 pounds!

Donna asks…

How do I set up a place online to raise money?

I have something that I would really like to raise money for and have people donate but I’m not sure how to set it up so that people can donate online. The thing is going to cost over a million dollars and I don’t want to have to hold on to all that money. Is there a way on Paypal or something that you can set it up as a donation type of account? Thanks in advanced.

Nagesh answers:

This is a really good question. You can set up a Blog via Google like this one: Simply log in to your Google email account. Once logged in you will have option tabs. Click on MORE. Once you do that you will see a tab for Blogger. Click that and it will allow you to create a blog free of charge and customize it how you choose.

Next, go to paypal and set up a Business account (it is free). This will allow you to get payments faster than a regular personal account. Besides if you are setting up fund raising you are going to need a business account anyway so people know you are legitimate.

Name your account such and such charity.

After you do that they will walk you through creating a paypal donate button. At that point STOP.

Go back to your blog and write your article about your charity. MAKE SURE it is good. Before you publish the article click the button in the writer that says HTML.

Next go back to your paypal screen and COPY the button code that you just created.

Then “PASTE” that code into the HTML box at the bottom, that you opened on blogger.

Click “COMPOSE” which is to the left to the HTML button on Blogger. At that time you if you followed my directions to the T, you will see your article as well as your paypal button in the article.

Next all you have to do is advertise. Good Luck.

Richard asks…

Can I buy stuff online without using a credit card?

Hey guys, I just was wondering if i can purchase stuff online without using a credit card or paypal stuff. I’m wanting to buy stuff by sending money in the mail. Can I do that? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

A debit card is your best bet–you can purchase one locally and use it on most websites.

Do not send cash–it will almost certainly be stolen along the way. Plus, most companies specifically tell you not to send cash.

Some websites will accept a check or a money order. To purchase a money order, go to your local post office–the process is fast and easy.

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Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Nancy asks…

Whats a quick, easy way to make money with not much money to use.?

Nagesh answers:

You may make money with “Google AdSense” which is quite easy to set up to make money online and you could display relevant Google ads on your website’s content pages and make money.

To build a website is not that difficult and you could start weblogs which will not cost you anything and only takes seconds to set up and place google ads on your pages and start earning money. Or you may go for building websites concerned with anthing you are interested or specialized. E.g. If you know about cars very well, then you may build a web site concerned with cars and earn money by using google adsense.

Learn more

Michael asks…

quick & easy way to make money?

please don’t say babysitting, cleaning, surveys, or yard labor!
I just need $50 but I want it to pay like a real job. Like a little small business.

Nagesh answers:

Why not consider picking up dog droppings as a part of your own business? You can earn upwards of $20 an hour, and all you need are a few tools a bicycle, and perhaps a bicycle trailer. This article talks about it and how a woman in Colorado quit her management job to do it.

Laura asks…

How to earn money quick!?

I’m a 14 year girl who needs to earn money quick! I know it sounds stupid but I really want the blackberry torch 9800! In at least three months? I thought of saving up my dinner money, £10 every week but then again every time I see everyone else eating I can’t help but eat! Could you reccemend any jobs or anything?

P.s I can’t ask my parents because the past few months I have spent a lot on things!

thanks! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I just steal like iPods and phones from girls purses when they aren’t looking and then sale them.. It’s actually really easy

Ruth asks…

is there a easier way to earn money in runescape?

like in know cutting yews down you earn good pay but like it takes like 10 minutes to get one load of yews…Is there a faster and easier way to make money…?

Nagesh answers:

It depends on your skills, and whether or not you are a member.

Nonmembers are very restricted. Mining and smithing is very common, but unless you have quick access to coal (such as in the Mining Guild), it will not earn as much as chopping yews. None of the other skills earn enough at the higher levels.

Members have so many moneymaking ways, it’s insane. You can simply pick flax and earn 4 times more than a yew log chopper.

Sandra asks…

easiest way to make money in WoW?

i have a lvl 70 mage ( i really need money on him and i dont know how to make it please help!

Nagesh answers:

Dailies earn you quite a bit of money. Develop a routine for you to finish them in the quickest time possible, there are videos on youtube of people showing their routines, I suggest you check it out.

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Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Mandy asks…

Why are Palestinians allowing themselves to be used and easily led by Iran and Hamas?

Isreal is never going to lose. Isrealis are White, Arabs are not. Never has a White nation been defeated in modern warfare by a non-White nation. Russia, USA, France, UK, Turkey will defeat Hamas and their “flunkys” in a matter of hours, a day. Arabs and Persians will never understand that Jews will never be defeated!

Nagesh answers:

You sound rather diabolical. Hamas fires rockets to protest the occupation and the blockade. They have no other weapons unlike Israel which could commit genocide quickly but they prefer psychological tricks. Israel operates with impunity since they always have U.S. Support and money. When they kill a lot of people, they go on American TV and smooth things over and talk about the Holocaust or some such stuff. The PR campaign always works.

Donna asks…

How to go from uk size 14 to size 10 in quick time?

I’m 15 years of age and seriously self conscious about my weight, I’ve always been big throughout my life and I really want to do something about it now, I’ve always been bullied about my weight and I have always said no for doing new stuff like going swimming with my friends etc because of my size. I want to do this so I can have more confident in wearing nice clothes and wearing bikinis (as i’m going on holiday soon with a close friend and their family). I find it really hard to loose weight easily and as I live with my dad and he cant work we hardly have any money to buy new, different foods to change my diet to help me loose weight, so I was wondering if there is anyway I can loose weight easily with out changing my food diet? I only eat one meal a day when I’m at home (on school breaks and weekends) I never eat breakfast because when I use to I felt really sick and I don’t eat Lunch because I never feel hungry enough to, I may now an again but its very rarely I do. I don’t snack on sweets, or chocolate ot crisps, anything like that at all.

So if anyone could help in any way it would really mean a lot to me, thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Backstory: I’m recovering from anorexia, so although I battle with my own demonising thoughts about food and control, I also understand a lot about eating, loosing weight dangerously too quickly and how my metabolism has reacted.

First thing, be careful. You are at a vulnerable age, so don’t go down the anorexia route (it’s horrible).

If you want to loose weight then you need to do it slow and steady, if you do it too fast then your body will eat away at your muscles (catabolism) for energy and when you do begin to eat normally you will gain it back again. A big thing I picked up from your info is that your skipping breakfast and lunch. The reason they call it breakfast is that you are breaking the fast from eating your last meal. When you go long periods without eating or not eating enough your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows in an attempt to conserve energy in times of starvation. You need to eat small meals throughout the day e.g 6 or three meals with a mid morning and mid afternoon snack, this way your metabolism speeds up and doesn’t hold onto fat. Of course what you eat is very important. Carbs are still important; they are slow releasing and will keep you full e.g. Porridge. Protein is a very good dieters source of energy as it keeps you full yet maintains your muscles so aim for food like grilled chicken breast, tuna and low fat cottage cheese. You need 15% protein, 30% fat and the rest carbs. Under no circumstances go under 1200 calories a day or your metabolism will go into said starvation mode. If it helps keep a food diary (I’m reluctant to suggest this as this is where I went down a slippery slope).

Just please be careful. Best of luck

Ruth asks…

What methods should I use to discipline my cat?

Chau (my cat) is a 8 month old female cat. I understand females are more aggressive, but she constantly tears up my carpet and drinks out of my cups. I give her fresh water everyday, and she is on a healthy diet. Her other problem is constantly attacking people, mostly their face. She isn’t scared of us. She does have her loving moments, till she wants to kill. My biggest priority is the carpet tearing since I do live in an apartment and it will cost a lot of money to fix.

Nagesh answers:

Cats don’t respond to negative reinforcement. They’ll either begin to feel intimidated by you or will simply wait until you’re not around to tell them off. It’s much better to ignore behaviour you don’t want to encourage and reward them for behaviours you do approve of. Cats are smart and they quickly learn to adopt behaviours which benefit them in some way.

I don’t think she’s necessarily aggressive. She’s a young cat with lots of energy to burn, especially as she’s indoor only. If she’s bored she’ll being looking for ways to amuse herself and getting into mischief in the process. If you’re not already doing so, set aside time for daily play sessions with a teaser toy where she can practise her hunting skills like chasing and pouncing. This will help burn off excess energy and she can play as rough as she likes with the toy without anyone getting hurt. Keep some small balls of scrunched up paper to hand and if she looks like she’s about to pounce on someone, throw a ball for her to chase. Cats are hard-wired to chase fast moving objects which cross their field of vision, so this should re-direct her attention away from you. Is anyone staring at her before she attacks their face? In cat body language staring is seen as a challenge or threat, so staring competitions with cats are not a good idea. This article has lots of suggestions on ways to keep indoor-only cats entertained and out of trouble.


She may be tearing at the carpet if she doesn’t have a suitable scratcher. Cats have individual preferences for the types of scratcher they like using, so offer your cat a few choices; sisal post, cardboard block, wooden log or even a thick tree branch. You can spray Feliway onto the carpet to discourage her from scratching there. These articles have advice on teaching cats to use a scratcher and how to protect furnishings.


Sandy asks…

What are your views on the Death Penalty in the UK?

I would like to see the death penalty brought back into the UK.
Prisons are a waste of time, space and money.
I, myself have no problems about people commiting crime.
In fact, I am very interested in Serial Killers, Abductions, and Torture.

BUT, I still think we should bring back the death penalty into the UK.
What are your views on this?

Nagesh answers:

I watch a lot of US crime docs and in states which retain, or have re-introduced, the Death Penalty the prosecution have a useful negociating tool whereby a murderer quickly coughs up all the info and shows where he hid the body if the DP is taken off the table.

In the current April Jones affair, if it IS Bridger then he would have fully cooperated as soon as he was arrested to save his neck and thus saved the CPS and Police a huge amount of time and money as well as a form of closure to the girl’s family.

The argument about the effectiveness of the DP is very complex but from a moral point of view, 100% yes from me.

Linda asks…

How do I get furniture and appliances?

I’m currently homeless [long and painful story] but am about to move into a flat, problem is the only furniture I have is a double bed, bookcase, TV unit, and wardrobe – I also have a PC and TV.

Problem is I simply do not have the funds; bills are going to be hard enough to manage at first, so furniture and appliances are going to be difficult, more so as my credit is too poor to get any sort of loan (a blessing in disguise really) – again, the same long and painful story.

Other than working my behind off for more money and buying second-hand is there anything else I can do to get what I need? I seem to remember seeing on TV once something where people could buy or borrow when they couldn’t afford it themselves, any idea of anything like this?
Thanks so far guys, but the problem with Freecycle is that I need to have something to offer and I have nothing (plus my local group does not seem very active).

Nagesh answers:

There’s a place called Turntable that does furniture for people on benefits. Their site is:
There may be one near you. Also, freecycle may be good for you, although a lot of things go really quickly!
Good luck! 🙂

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Monday, September 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Susan asks…

What products can I sell to the Italian market on ebay, that can make me a bit of a profit?

Hi everyone!

I’m orginally from Australia, but have moved to the South of Italy to live with my dad. As there is a high unemployment rate, finding a job here is almost impossible and I want to have my own income. I have had to think outside the square box, and thought about the idea of making money on ebay.

My question is what products could I sell to the Italian (maybe things I could buy in Australia or the Uk) market that could earn me a good income? Appreciate any suggestions or ideas.

Many thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

Most sellers won’t share their secrets on where they get their inventory for so low and end up loosing money.

Helen asks…

Making money on eBay?

I was wondering how I could make some money on eBay making something that I could sell over and over again. Not something really small, but something I could get a few bucks for. I was thinking about making a jokebook that I could print off a bajillion copies and sell them. But I’m not doing that because its stupid. Got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I am the ebay expert

if you are good at computers and video games create roster updates for sportsgame for an example create or buy a roster update and then reproduce it and sell it on ebay. I suggest buying a mvp baseball 2005 roster update of off ebay and then massivly reproduce it people always buy them.

Another idea if your into games like pokemon or something save your team on a flashdrive and then sell it to other people

Betty asks…

Make money on ebay?

What is the best way to make money on ebay, for a teenager (17). I don’t want it to be a way to make money in my spare time, it has to be enough money so that I don’t have to work anywheres else. I don’t want to sell stuff around my house, cause there ain’t nothing to sell, and if there was then that would only last me so long. So does anyone have any good ideas for me?

Nagesh answers:

Hi there, I am not sure about how much you know about computers and I think you have to be at least 18 to do this, but maybe when you turn 18 a good way to make money is off eBay. Keeping part of their profits. Here is an article that explains more.


Thomas asks…

makeing money on ebay?

I am looking to make some extra money and I was thinking about opining an ebay shop and buying bundle items from ebay and from warehouses and then selling them on ebay for a small profit. What are some good websites to buy the things from? preferably free. and what sort of things should I buy and sell? and any other advice you can give me. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

To start selling on eBay, start with the EBAY SELLING BASICS page

Remember though, if you want to earn serious money from eBay, you need to have a well-thought out business model. Selling on ebay is getting tougher — just look at the number of auctions that closes without a bid. Go to the boards on ebay and you will hear even oldtimers complaining about how stiffer competition plus higher fees make it so much harder to sell on ebay.

The key success factor is: Sell products that people actually want.

It is important to determine exactly what the hot items to sell on their marketplace. Use eBay Pulse “a daily snapshot of current trends, hot picks, and cool stuff on eBay”.

As for items to sell, you can:

1. Buy bulk liquidation items such as those at The capitalization may be big, but the idea is to sell the items individually and profit from it.

2. Find manufacturers of items you want to sell and buy discounted items from them

3. Make deals with retailers in your area, and offer to buy their unwanted items for deep discounts. Jayandmarie – the most successful ebay sellers – made deals with music stores where they will buy the entire inventory in the discounted bins, and then sold the items on ebay for 1-cent starting bid.

4. Look for possible partners on the Web, preferably outside of the US. Import items from them and sell them on ebay. There’s huge profits to gain from this approach.

5. Check out deals from outlet stores. Focus on brand names, which you will find to be easier to sell.

Mandy asks…

Is there a flaw in my idea of making money with no money on ebay?

So get this:
Open paypal account. Find an item on ebay (in any category) with a buy now option of £5 or less (this can increase each time you reppeat process).
List the you have found item with a picture off of google images and have the starting bid at 99 pence (free item listing).
Make sure you put the ending of the listing before the ending of the item from the original seller, so that the origianl seller doesnt already sell item.
If people have bid for your item and it reaches a few pounds above the £5 then you are succesfull.
So your item’s bidding has ended and then you wait for the lets say £9 payment from the person who is buying from you.
Then choose the ‘buy now’ option from the original seller for £5 and you can change the shipping address to the person who bought the item from you.
£4 profit and you can go higher and higher. You cant fail because if your bidding (for sake of arguement) doesnt go above the £5 then 12hours befor the bidding ends you can take the item off of the display.
long story short: You’re the middle man (LITERALLY) the original seller gets his profit you get your profit and the customer gets the product.
How come no one else has thought of this already????

Nagesh answers:

I’m sure there are many reasons why this won’t work and lots of folks have probably tried this.

The ebay fees are probably one factor. Plus the unlikelihood that you can take the buy now option and turn around and repost the item starting at 99 and actually sell it for more than you paid … Even before the fees.

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Sunday, September 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Richard asks…

What are some ways to make fast easy money for a member on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

The THREE MOST easiest and fastest ways to make money in the Massive online Role-playing Game called Runescape is:

1.Mining For Money
One way to make a lot really fast is to to get high enough and mine a lot of coal. This works really fast if you sell each for 250-400gp at max. This is how I got rich in the game pluss i normally save a few for myself. (instead of mining in the dwarven mines, I mined in Al Karid because there are less people there plus there isn’t a stupid scorpion king that messes around with your mining)

2.Big Bones Big Cash
A second way to make cash fast (even if you are not a member) is to get high enough so you can kill hill giants in varock because they sometimes give you about 50gp but they always give you a big bone witch sell for a lot to people that want to get up their prayer. You should sell them for about 200-300gp max.

3.Fishing for treasure:
Last that takes a high skill is fishing for lobsters and when high enough you can harpoon for spear. You should fish on that one island where there are bananas(Karmaja). My sugestion is actually selling the fish there on the island so you are not wasting 30gp each time that you transport between the port and the island.(sell them at the general store there.
This one requires fufilling a quest:
Magic stone selling

You have to finish the Rune Mysteries quest which alows you to mine for rune essance. In varock there is a magic shop south of the east bank. There you talk to the person and he will teleport you to the rune essance. (rune ess takes almost no time at all to collect, so this is a good way to make money) After collecting a lot of rune ess(as people like to call it for short) you can sell it to mages in the bank for 100-250gp max.

There are many other ways for making money. Like comparing prices in stores like for a sword that is in a general store that costs lets say 50 to buy. Well if you went and checked the price to sell to the sword store nearby is 100 because there are none in stock. So make sure that you check your prices wisely.

I hope this works.
Have FUN playing Runescape!!!!!

Laura asks…

What are some ways to make fast easy money for a member on runescape?

Nagesh answers:

The THREE MOST easiest and fastest ways to make money in the Massive online Role-playing Game called Runescape is:

1.Mining For Money
One way to make a lot really fast is to to get high enough and mine a lot of coal. This works really fast if you sell each for 250-400gp at max. This is how I got rich in the game pluss i normally save a few for myself. (instead of mining in the dwarven mines, I mined in Al Karid because there are less people there plus there isn’t a stupid scorpion king that messes around with your mining)

2.Big Bones Big Cash
A second way to make cash fast (even if you are not a member) is to get high enough so you can kill hill giants in varock because they sometimes give you about 50gp but they always give you a big bone witch sell for a lot to people that want to get up their prayer. You should sell them for about 200-300gp max.

3.Fishing for treasure:
Last that takes a high skill is fishing for lobsters and when high enough you can harpoon for spear. You should fish on that one island where there are bananas(Karmaja). My sugestion is actually selling the fish there on the island so you are not wasting 30gp each time that you transport between the port and the island.(sell them at the general store there.

This one requires fufilling a quest:
Magic stone selling
You have to finish the Rune Mysteries quest which alows you to mine for rune essance. In varock there is a magic shop south of the east bank. There you talk to the person and he will teleport you to the rune essance. (rune ess takes almost no time at all to collect, so this is a good way to make money) After collecting a lot of rune ess(as people like to call it for short) you can sell it to mages in the bank for 100-250gp max.

There are many other ways for making money. Like comparing prices in stores like for a sword that is in a general store that costs lets say 50 to buy. Well if you went and checked the price to sell to the sword store nearby is 100 because there are none in stock. So make sure that you check your prices wisely.

I hope this works.Have FUN playing Runescape!!!!!

Maria asks…

I need to know the most fast and efficinate way to make money on runescape!!!!!?

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question with many different answers. I will vaguely touch on some of the different money making methods I have used if you would like more details on any one please feel free to contact me either in game or via yahoo.
…1)Non combat skills
~Fishing~ Sharks, and monk fish, Fishing trawler for Manta ray and sea turtle you can even “free load” although this is unpopular with other players.
~Hunting~ polar kebbits, carnivorous chinchompas (stackable)
~Farming~ Grow Marigolds, ranarr, snapdragon, spirit weed and toadflax.
~rune crafting~ is almost always profitable (You can kill Banshee’s for noted pure essence a lot faster than mining for it ) If your not high enough for laws or natures there are worlds where you can run these for others.
~Cooking~ Tuna Potatoes, curry stew, and pizza’s
~Thieving~ cave goblin wires from Dorgesh-kaan.
~construction~ Make Teletabs via Lectern in player owned house.
~Mining~ coal is slow but pays very well. If you are high enough Adamintite and Runite.
…2) Using Combat
~Dragons using Melee or Range.
Green dragons in the Wildy or in the chaos tunnels,
Blue dragons in Edgeville dungeon, in ogre enclave and there is one in legends guild.
Black dragons with 70+ ranged or Kill them with protect from Melee (this cuts into profit as your using prayer potions though this can be minimalized by using prayer saving armor)
~Chaos druids, Unicorns, Moss giants, Vampires, White wolves, Cockroaches, Jungle spiders, Iban Disciples and Avanasis are all good monsters to fight for profitable drops.
*If you’re not interested in the prayer experience you can always kill and sell the bones. Ourg, Daganoth. Raurg, Fayrg and Dragon, sell best but even regular bones sell well.
** A fast way to big money is PKing but this is a risky endeavor. You can loose just as well as win. Remember there is always someone bigger and meaner than you… So you are liable to loose more money than you win. The more you risk the better your pay off its all on how gutsy you are.
…3) Slayer~ In general Slayer monsters pay well. Consider the food you use an investment. Most assignments drops more than pay for the food needed to fight them. The possibility of receiving a rare drop makes them even more enticing.
…4) Merchanting…watch the prices on the exchange then buy popular items when low and sell when high… There are several items you can buy in shops all over Runescape then sell for profit at the exchange, but as most of these are not stackable this can take several runs. Pineapples, seaweed, vials, bolts of cloth, Sacks, baskets, dyes, tinderboxes and Battlestaves are all examples of items that can be bought in stores all over Runescape and sold on the exchange for more.
… 5) There are several quests that are well worth the effort.After doing the Throne of Miscellania (and Royal trouble) quests,You can get your kingdom workers to gather resources that can be sold. And if you do the Hand in sand quest you can get free sand daily.
…6) You can collect Snape grass, Mort myre fungus, Planks, White berries, Potato cacti, Flax (Spin the flax into bowstrings for even more profit),Red spider eggs, Blue dragon scales, and Swamp tar. All these sell well.
…7)Clue scrolls are a roll of the dice but they have the possibility of large large payoffs! Clue scrolls which are dropped by certain monsters more often then others… (I kill Daganoth’s with a cannon to get mine fast ) .
… 8) You can hang out at the Falador drop room… I find wearing a ring of wealth helps (this is controversial)… It’s just up to luck what you can get and how fast you can get it.
…9) One of the newest ways of making money is the recent Diversions and distractions addition… Penguin hunting can make as much as 97.5k a week and Shooting stars can give you 106 k a day in runes coins and ore.
….The thing is the game is designed to take time (which is why my answer is so long).. Your suppose to have to work for it. Jagex does a good job of making sure there are no quick ways to fast cash! I answer this same question for a lot of people, often they want to know which one is the best method. There is no best method. They are all good solid ways to try out and figure which one YOU like the best (my personal favorite is chaos druids)… Remember the point of the game is to have fun. So find the one you like, sit back relax and enjoy!

Paul asks…

what’s the fastest way to make money on runescape?

okay i’m a level 107 and a member. yeah, i’ve had 80m before but i lost it all. i’m 99 wcing and i cut magics all the time but it’s kind of slow and i’d like to know a better, faster way to make money. my levels aren’t bad but if you want to look me up, the username is we me you.
okay, how much money should i put into miscellania?

Nagesh answers:

Fastest way I think of making money as a member is

Picking and spinning flax in to bowstring

Mining pure essences and selling (1k is worth over 100k)

Do Soul Wars minigame

It is a safe pvp game (world 143 good world)

use the zeal points to gamble. You will get different items that you can sell.

I do this and made 100k in 3 goes


Josh is right about the kingdom part
However you need to go there everyday to make sure your rating is at 100%. That way you get more items.

I been doing this recently (i let my kingdom fall almost)
So far in 2 days I had 1k flax, and 530 maple logs, and 5 birds nest.

Also you need to keep money in the kingdom till.

Depends, some people recommend having 750k in the till,

I however, find it just find having about 200k in the till

Each week just fill off the till to make sure you have enough for the week. And make sure to go back every day to check your rating with the kingdom people.

So if you go one day at 9:00pm and your rating is 98%, work on it to get to 100%, than go back the next day at the same time each day.

It took me an hour to get my rating back up from 28% to 100%… Won’t let that happen again.

Even if you put 200k in the till it will be worth it.

If you do flax, make sure you spin the flax and sell for a greater profit.

Just make sure you DO NOT have any IDLE workers.
If you do you will lose money

Sandra asks…

Runescape money making help?

I need to make money on runescape im a member but i ahve NO money but im happy to get skills up to make money so please post guides on he and skill reqs i need (no quest reqs please) please make it the easiest way you can find thank you

Nagesh answers:

To make fast cash go green dragons. 1m/hr
Avansies are also good they drop bars but there are few of them and thier full with bots.thats like 800k/h.
Cutting mage logs u get 1.2k per log,its not fast tough so not recommended.

The best way is looting.
Go in the wild and wait for someone to die.
When somekills a player,theres a 10% chance that an other player gets the kill so u go on the loot and waitfor it to spawn and click fast!my mate got claws by this.

Also other skills like fishing and woodcutting are not recommended.

Killing bosses is a great way like KBD,GWD,Kqueen,Corp beast, but a high level is recommended.

Pking is only recommended if you have the right a pure.

Try dicing at the west varrock bank.
GOP is a good way for F2P get tokens and buy talismans and sel them to the ge.
Also cockroaches are good in F2P.

Farming is excelent for money making.
Do farm runs and make profit out of herbs.
The higher the level the better.

Hunter is also good for moneymaking.catch dragon imps.thw higher the level the better the imp.
Slayer-get 80 slayer and go kill abysal demons, they drop whips.

Flipping/merching-buy items low price and sell them at a higher.

Hope i helped! :p


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Saturday, September 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Ken asks…

Quick Way To Make Money?

I’m saving up for a phone ($230).
too young for a job.
please don’t say ebay.
i have noting worth selling.

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.

Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.

Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.

I called many stores because I am 14 looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.

Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Check out my blog. It has tons of money making ideas, saving tips, ways to score freebies , and discounts. The link is under my profile.
You can create a blog too. You can generate money just ranting about your interests.

Thomas asks…

Quick ways to make money?

I need some ideas as I am not working now. What are some easy and quick ways to make money? Appreciate good insights!

Nagesh answers:

– If you live in a part of the country with a lot of pools, being a Pool caretaker can be a great job for you.
– Sell a bunch of stuff (clothes, furniture, etc..) on CraigsList and at Half Priced Books (books, CDs).
– You can clean peoples homes or Wash Windows.
– Garage Cleaning Service.
– Mail Pick-Up Service: When people travel, people need someone to pick up their mail
and newspapers.
– Deliver newspapers.
– Selling Ice Cream
– Sell something homemade (cookies, cakes, paintings)
– Do chores for old people (groceries or vacuuming)
– Become someone’s tutor (math, science, reading, spelling)
– If you have a particular hobby such as painting, dancing, jewelery making or photography, you can start taking hobby classes for the same. Or alternately, you can sell your drawings or jewelery or photographs in exhibitions.
– Household chores.
– Iron clothes.
– Ask all my neighbors if they needed any hired help for odd jobs.
– Pet sitter/Doggy walking.
– Wash cars.

Hope these ideas will help!

Lisa asks…

quick and easy ways to make money?

what are some easy ways to make money without getting another job. and does anyone know stupid things to do that my friends will pay me for(like shave my head, drink a bottle of hot sauce, or anything like that)? i really need to get som e money fast.. anything ideas that would make 5 bucks here or ten bucks there would help a lot.

Nagesh answers:

Well you could try survey sites. They’ve worked for me. I review some survey sites to make money that have worked for me at What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $1000 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on these web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, PSPs, digital cameras, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, these sites never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Easy as that! I give you my word that they pay.

Email me at if you have any questions

p.s half the answers you were givens are scams awsurveys, snapdollars, etc.

Maria asks…

what is an easy quick way to make money?

I need money now, and I dont know what to do. I already am selling stuff on e-bay, but I dont know what to do now.. PLEASE HELP!

I have two jobs just fyi
btw I’m 15

Nagesh answers:

There are many things you can do but make sure that what you mean by “quick money” is truly realistic or you are setting yourself up for failure. With your Ebay experience and success, you might consider selling products for others and/or small businesses. You could consider teaching classes to help “newbies” register and use Ebay to sell for themselves. What about website design for your local small businesses? Make sure you are well qualified and then offer a valuable service to help others make more money and/or advertise. Whatever you decide on, be the best at it. What about writing a menual for selling on Ebay, step by step. Ebay isn’t your only choice for a money making business but whatever you do, make sure it fits with your interests, experiences and fills a need for others. Most people (and businesses) buy for the reasons of making money, saving money, saving time, and getting peace of mind. With that in mind, invest your time and talents to truly fill needs that others are willing to pay for and the money will follow as you get clients to refer you to others. Maybe you can sell yard sale goods online or set up a recycling center or sell “green” products like light bulbs, programmable thermostats or non-toxic cleaning products. You could set up a local home handyman network to help neighbors make money and save money. Can you install dishwashers or work with electricity or plumbing or carpet laying? Do you enjoy painting rooms? Can you perform magic tricks or book yourself out as a character for kid’s parties or corporate events? Do you enjoy writing? Can you get into doing radio voice overs??? The list of what you can do goes on and on but you won’t be successful if you don’t set your goals, make them realistic, write them down and follow up on them. Success is a journey, not a destination.

Sandy asks…

what is a quick and easy way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Hey there.
I’m glad you asked. Nowadays there are tons of possibilities to make money online.
Why are you just looking for quick money?

I could help you out with a system that provides not only quick and easy ways to make money online, but also to make a continuous income from the internet.
I’m doing it now for about 3 months and my results are… Well… I’m so f….ing astouned. If you believe me or not, i’ve made 50.000$ so far… And it keeps growing.

So it is not just a system to make quick money, but a system to work from home full time – if you want to. You can put as much effort into it as you want. The more effort you put in, the greater the outcome will be. And it is soooo easy. I am sooo happy right now, you can’t believe it…

The best thing is… Everything is explained step-by-step.everybody can do it, even me 😀
you just have to take a little action. Life is so wonderful right now 🙂

sorry for the long text. I almost forgot to give you the link to the website. Here it is:

so… Really… The only thing you have to do now is take a little action…at the beginning i didn’t believe it myself.
Hope you will do it and hope i could have helped a little 🙂
have a nice day, i’m going shopping right now 😀

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Friday, September 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Sharon asks…

what can a 13 yr old do for fast easy money?

i need some money for a halloween dress and other stuff
i need about 200-300 by october 30th

any ways i can get the money fast??
and i don’t want to do anything online.

Nagesh answers:

Collect cans, cut grass, babysit, do chores around house, ask neighbors for odd end jobs, sell old clothes to Platos closet

Sandy asks…

whats the easiest and best way to make money in runescape?

i need a fast easy way to make money in runescape,like 1 mill in an hour,im a lvl 80 member.

Nagesh answers:

More than easy

Make jumbo chocolate covered strawberries with nuts on a popsicle stick. At the mall they are 5$ a chocolate covered strawberry, sell 30 a day each one is 2$ and you will make 60$ a day if you sell all of them. And in a week you will make 420$.
And a month 2,520$
a year 30,240$ damn you could by a housesell like 60 a day
and in a year 60,480$.

Donna asks…

are there any ways for my family to get enough money?

well my mom doesnt work because she cant right now (in a wheel chair and she use to be a waitress… and my 21 year old sister makes the income at Denys and thats not enough. We recycle our bottles to get extra money. My sister cant go to school because she’s busy being the mom. i am 16 and have a small job but i just have a savings acount and my bank doesnt reall want me to use the money right now.
right now we have money saved up but we spend more money then we make.
do you have any ways to make money fast and easy.
like some computer jobs that wont scam you and will help you and be easy.
please give me any ideas you have even ways that will help you be frugal.
we are trying to save our money and spend less but we spend to much on food… and we dont go out to eat… i just have a brother who eats a lot
my dad does help but my family doesnt include him in the picture… he pays child support but its not alot

Nagesh answers:

Sell your computer
stop paying monthly fee for internet service
shut the TV cable off
change banks
have your mom stop smoking
get food stamps

Daniel asks…

what is an easy way to save up money?

im pretty young and am not old enough to work. i want to find a fast easy way to save money. it has to be quick please help me! i need to find another 200 dollars in 19 days im desprate.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t think you mean “save” money, I think you mean “earn” money.

Saving money means you have money coming in, and you want to save some of it.

Can you ask your parents for the $200?

I suppose you could wash cars in your neighborhood, or mow lawns, or shovel snow, stuff like that.

Mandy asks…

What is the Fastest and easiest way to earn money through Google adsense?

Please recommend me some best revenue sharing site where I can earn money through Google adsense. I have a blog but I can’t make much money. Is there any easy way to earn money through google adsense?

Nagesh answers:

Hi I have the best site for you. I was writing in my personal blog and used many revenue sharing site for earning money in adsense. I could not make anything more than a whooping 5- 6 dollar only. Then I came to know a about a Question and answering site which will pay you 60% of the adsense revenue. I thought this will be a time waste like other site. But after posting 50 answers i noticed i was getting good amount of views and earned some penny. Then I posted more questions and answers. I started to earn money. At the beginning I concentrated to get best answer only but later i came to know that being active is the best thing to earn from that site.

So what should you do to earn from this site –

1) Be active every day.
2) Posts 20-30 answers everyday
3) You can also earn some money for asking question.
4) try to answer comprehensively. Do not post small answers. Use at least 150+ words.
5) Do not post referral links
6) Do not abuse

7) Very Important! Do not use copied answers from Wikipedia or other source. Answers should be original. ****

How much you will earn: At the beginning you have to answer 10 questions. Then you can integrate your adsense accoun if you have one. It usually takes 1-2 days to get active. If you don’t have any adsense account then you can apply for a new one after posting answers. At the beginning it will be slightly difficult to earn big money. After posting 100+ answers I was earning 50 cents a day. After posting 400 answers I was earning 1 dollars a day on average. After posting 1000 posts now I am earning 3-4 dollars a day. Now I am earning 50+ dollars in a single month. The other big users are earning more than 200-300 dollars in a month.

If you don’t believe then you can ask question about their earnings and you will find the truth.

So if you are interested please join now –

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Thursday, September 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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