Archive for May, 2014

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

Steven asks…

What should I do? Please I need Advice? Please read and answer questions at bottom?

Ok so I’m in college and I really like this girl. I have known her for a little more than a month now. She is my tutor for my one class. She is a Student tutor meaning she also takes classes and she tutors on the side to make money because the tutors at our college are free and they get paid by the school to tutor. The tutors are all students.they are good in certain classes and are either asked to tutor for that class or sign up. my tutor in particular is my age and is in my graduating class so this is all fyi.She is a great tutor and we don’t just sit there and work the whole time, we get off topic sometimes and well talk about different stuff and ask things about each other sometimes. The main thing that concerns me is that idk if she has a boyfriend or not. I am pretty sure she does not but u just never know. ive never seen her with anyone so I don’t think she does.I checked facebook cuz my sister let me on her account real quick (i dont have a facebook..I know RARE) but anyway I searched her and found her but her profile is set to private and her picture is just a picture of her, so I guess thats a good sign right cuz most girls who have boyfriends ussually have a picture of them and there boyfriend on their profile not all cases but most. shes busy girl she does different volunteer work and tutors and classes, hw, all kinds of stuff going on ya know. but never once has she mentioned a boyfriend. ill ask her about her wkend or whatever shes never mentioned being with a boyfriend or whatever so i guess thats a good sign. thats what i kinda try to do go down that road of what did u do this weekend stuff like that to see if she mentions if she has one. idk im hoping she doesnt

I want to take her out and hang out with her but I dont wanna rush things. She definatley thinks Im nice and she smiles at me when she sees me and looks at me in the eyes alot and we laugh about things together and she asks things about me too when we get off topic. one time she texted me on the wkend to ask how i was doing on these study guide questions she was helping me with and my other tutors dont txt me out of the blue like that. Cuz she couldve waited till we were gonna see each other that mon. but she maybe wanted to see how i was doing maybe?so i guess those are good signs cuz she didnt “have” to do that ya know? It could just be she wanted to see how i was doing but still that was nice of her shes not like my other tutors we rlly enjoy working together.Ive only known her a little more than a month so its still early, I want to get to know her more and take her out to dinner and a movie hopefully some night so what should i do?

*I really like this girl alot please help me!

Please answer my questions

1)What do u think about the whole does she have a boyfriend situation? do u think its looking more like she don’t have one?

2)Should I try and find out if she has a boyfriend for sure before i try and ask her to hang out and stuff or should I just act like i dont think she has one and try to flirt with her and ask her to lunch and stuff?

3)Should i just keep taking it slow and go with the flow? (I dont wanna rush things)

4)What should my next move be? How should I approach my next move? ( I want to do this right) Be specific

5)When should i do this next move? (whatever it may be)

6)Or…Should i hold off kind of in a way and wait till its more towards the end of the semester and see if she wants to hang out in case she wanted to keep it professional? or Should I just go with the flow and try to ask her to hang out and stuff?

7)Should I text her sometimes? If so about what? What should i say?

8)Final advice?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, its jbsmiley again, as i said before, i answer advice on my youtube channel. My youtube account is jbsmiley14 so if you want advice, plz send me this link by either emailing me, or send a message 2 my inbox on my youtube channel or posting a comment on my channel/ video. Here’s a link to the channel: I’ll make a video asap once you tell me you do want me 2 make a video 2 give u advice :):):)

Betty asks…

frustrated with this problem, but don’t know what to do?

Ok, I am in college (age 21) and I have problems focusing. My classmates make fun of me a lot and I am not doing this on purpose to be funny or anything. My grades are suffering in my classes because of it. I do have ADD and last year I turned in sheets to my professors that I had ( a couple I still have as professors this time, in the classes I can’t focus in). So, I have turned in the info. I needed to and I still am having trouble. The students make fun of me right in front of one professor and she had written the assignment on the board in case I didn’t get it (because of zoning out or something), but she was quick to add that she did it for everyone not just me. I am frustrated. My mom and dad think I am just BSing not remembering assignments and not being able to focus when I am not. So, I applied to transfer colleges and I have thought a little and I think if I don’t get in, then I want to just drop out of college because my mom always bugs me about the money she is wasting and I am taking forever to get a degree. I don’t want her to be mad at me for it, but I am so frustrated and don’t know what to do…I have a pharmacy tech license and I wanted to do an EMT program while still in undergrad for a job (I love medicine and wanted to be a doctor ultimately). Is there a way for my mom and dad to understand?
Morley, I have been down the road of “adulthood”. I did take responsibility for it and talked them about, that’s how I knew they were thinking I was BSing. I think it’s interesting that people think just because a person has problems concentrating, they think the person is not doing anything to help it.
I am at least considering my parents’ feelings as opposed to being self centered. I just wanted to know how I can get them to understand. No opinions of me. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

You’re 21 years old. The best way to make your folks understand is to be an adult and take responsibility for your ADD. By that I mean, see someone, a doctor or whatever to get your act together. Don’t use ADD as an excuse, rise above it and do what you need to do. Thats what we do as adults.

Wow I’m really sorry my opinion offended you so much. I gave you my answer to your question….sorry its not what you wanted. It wasn’t meant to sound judgemental if it did, it was meant to tell you how I thought you could make your parents see you aren’t BSing them. Actions speak louder than words as they say.

Good luck.

Robert asks…

career advice in medical field?

I’m a senior in college and graduating in 1 semester and I feel like I am having a midlife crisis in my 20’s. I’m a biology major, psychology minor and I really enjoy school and do really well, way above my class averages at my private college. I have always planned to attend medical school when I graduated, but ran into a few road blocks this past year when considering that decision– lowered GPA this past semester to a 3.3, financial issues such as paying to take MCAT to get into med school/ the large fees associated with applying for schools, and I am overwhelmed with that financial crisis I would get myself into DURING medical school such as playing for an apartment/bills etc, and the extensive amount of loans taken out. As an alternative, I considered becoming a pharmaceutical sales representative for a few years to save up for medical school. However, all of this confusion with my career path has led me to wonder what I am really interested in. For one, I am a very competitive individual. I have always felt the need to be the best, and perform the best in every aspect of my life. I need to feel a sense of accomplishment within my job and be recognized for my success and have some type of incentive and motivation to exceed within my career. I also need to be the boss, I cannot work under people telling me how to make my decisions when I am just as qualified and knowledgeable to make my own decisions (this is why I cannot be a physician’s assistant). I also would like to have a job that pays really well (140k or so) because I have paid out a ton of money on my 4 year private education, and making a good income is very important to me so I can comfortably support my future family.This past semester, I have been reconsidering my career as a physician because the majority of physicians I have shadowed seem unhappy with their career choice. I also feel like it is very repetitive (unless its emergency med), and physicians deal with the same issues on a day to day basis, there is no incentive to be competitive or anything to work towards such as a promotion or anything along those lines, which I consider very vital within a career that I would enjoy. Also, I have heard from many med students and physicians to not get into medicine for the money. Of course I have always wanted to go into the medical field because I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in helping others, but I am by no means willing to accept the fact that I am going to be in debt until I’m 50 from schooling and potentially earn a salary which is comparable to some individuals that do not even hold a bachelors degree (pediatricians, family practice, which was my main interest). I am just curious if there are any careers available that fit my competitive personality that will also satisfy my need to feel accomplished and exceed to be the best within my career in the health field, or if I should just stick to pharmaceutical sales, or to med school. I am just really overwhelmed with all the decisions that need to be made so quick about my future, and I would really appreciate any advice from any career advisors or any individuals within the health field!

Nagesh answers:

Your GPA is a little low for medical school. Most medical schools accept students with GPAs above a 3.5. You can become a nurse or Physicians Assistant, which would allow you to still help people, and the salaries are not bad. Pharmaceutical sales is more of a business career, with less emphasis on helping people. Good luck!

Jenny asks…

What should Study to get ready for my Career?

Hey guys so I’m fourteen years old. I am entering into my second year of high school and I’d like some recommendations from the anonymous community around me. I know it’s early to be worrying about my personal future that is so far ahead of me but time does go by quick. I know this is a long entry but if you are still reading, thank you. I am wondering what field I should study in. I’m not very talented at anything so It’d be hard getting a full scholarship or even a portion of the money to pay for college. Many things interest me though. Something that I really am considering is studying a variation of psychology. I am looking into this because over a period of time starting when I was about six I analyzed everything. Even the littlest decisions I made. I always wanted to understand why people (including myself) do what they do, think the way they think, and just what they think in general. But when most people think “psychology” they think a cliche profession such as being a counselor. But I’ve come to the realization I don’t want to do that. This is going to sound dumb but I’ve been watching Criminal Minds lately. In the television series the behavior analysis team finds the killer by analyzing the killers previous actions and their life to find out their future actions. It interests me because I too enjoy profiling people and getting in their head to see through their eyes. I also am willing to be studying past the years of an average student. I just want a profession that will make me happy whether it brings in lots of money or little. But for now I just want to know any recommendations that would lead me to having a career such as what I described in the text.

Thank you!! =D
I’d appreciate it if the answers actually gave me a career that actually was related to what I described not just jobs in general. Thank you all so much! =)

Nagesh answers:

What you were showing an interest in was Criminal Forensic Science. It even sounds interesting to me too but I was reading an article on the net about how USA is having problems with an over educated population. They have now about 80% of their youth as university graduates, yet they said they haven’t taken into account that they still need production workers, labourers, farmers, process workers and couriers, cleaners and cooks. These are the very ground roots to any economy so we don’t all have to be highly educated.

Most millionaires never had much of an education, they just found a way to generate money that wasn’t restricted by the work hours they have in a day. Let me say this, the internet is a great tool and you are still quite young. Why not take a look at the other Answer I put on a young womans Question today (forgive me, I only recall her first name, “Maggie”), it might give you some ideas but if not, or you need further questions answered you can contact me via my websites below. Advice Free..!!

Linda asks…

bankruptcy student loans?

I have been looking at my credit report since I have filed the bankruptcy (discharged in May of 2009) and my student loans from Sallie Mae say Discharged through Bankruptcy Chapter 7. I haven’t heard anything more then that since until today I received a bill from some collection company. I have started paying the federal loans back but there is no way I can pay them. If it says on my report that they allowed the balance in the chapter 7 I thought it was done and over for Sallie Mae?

I just want to know what if anything I can do to get rid of Sallie Mae. I am willing to pay and keep paying the Federal Loans but not Sallie Mae. They gave out money they should have never given out being young and dumb I needed the money to continue my education so I just signed. After all the college professors said out of the gate I would make enough money to pay it all off quick. Although many years later I am in the unemployment line.

Nagesh answers:

Well you’re responsible for that debt. You need to pay it. In what field did you get your degree?

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Friday, May 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

William asks…

i need to make money whos got ideas?

im getting a job in a week or two does anyone know ways to make money on the side of that

Nagesh answers:

Come on down! Your the next contestant on the Price Is Right! GAME SHOWS MAN, GAME SHOWS..

Donald asks…

Making money on the side?

Not quite making ends meet. Looking for ideas to make money on the side untill I finish school. I am a nurse assistant, and pretty crafty. Maybe get free things off craigslist and fix them up and sell, like refinishing furniture? Making thing and Attending craft fairs. Maybe cleaning houses? Online survey’s and stuff are mostly scams. I don’t want a second job that will take time away from my daughter. Please give me some ideas or thoughts on what is realistic and what has worked for other.

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest learning some new skills, such as to do with IT, computers & internet that means you could work remotely. Many companies offer the ability for employees to work from home too.

Another way to look at it is to see if you can use any of your hobbies / interests to earn money. An amateur photographer for example could start to make and sell prints… Or, if you are very knowledgable about something, you could start a business in that – selling from ebay,, or starting a website…

All the best… Biggest bit of advice – avoid those scams!

David asks…

Any ideas on how a person could use an old fish farm to make money?

My family used to run a goldfish farm. There are 12 ponds, 8 on one side, 4 on the other, divided by a large gulley, and another pond at each end. When we would empty the ponds and sain them, the water would flow to either one of the end ponds, which also served as personal bass ponds. Out of the 14 ponds total, there is 1 that still has water and fish in it. The rest have dried up&have some trees and CRP grass growing in them. My grandfather told my uncle and I that they were ours to do with as we wanted. I started to do some restoration work when my grandfather told me he had given up the water rights to do anything commercial with the ponds since it cost so much each year and they haven’t used for a good about 10 years. He said he kept enough to keep using our one bass pond. Each pond covers 3-4 acres I’m guessing. I would like to come up with an idea on how to use them to make some money. They put app.$250,000 into building them and it just sits there going to waste.
In response to the first answer, goldfish are raised for another major reason besides decoration. Bait for other fish. They also eat mosquito larvae. True, other species of fish would have a better return, but will they be able to handle a harsh winter as good, be as low maintenance, and will they require having other fish there to feed on? We fed our fish manufactured pellets. The type of fish was never the problem. We had one buyer that would take as many as we could produce in those 12 ponds. It made a lot of money. The reason it was shut down was my dad and uncle, being competitive and childish, couldn’t come to an agreement about who, if anybody, was in charge. And you obviously didn’t read the part about me saying that we no longer have the water rights to restock those ponds for commercial usage like that. It would take a good chunk of money to get those water rights back, and there’s no way I can come up with it.

Nagesh answers:

You should try to breed other fish than goldfish, f.i. Trout, make it a troutfarm, if that is possible in those ponds.
You might try to figure out what kind of fish will give you the best price on the market, that won’t be goldfish I think. Goldfish is only for decoration of gardenponds, you can’t eat them. I wish you success, maybe it’ll become a goldmine one day, who knows?

George asks…

How can I make more money on the side in Dallas, TX?

I like my current full-time job and feel that it pays well, but would like to make a couple extra hundred dollars a month. I don’t want to be a part of a pyrimid scam. Any ideas? I’m looking for the least amount of time invested for the most payoff.

Nagesh answers:

Be a valet attendent a couple nights a week. They make great tips, give you some exercise, and there are hundreds of opportunities for that in Dallas.

Also, if you want to get a little more involved (might require training, bigger time commitment), you can wait tables. Almost anywhere you work in Dallas will provide great tips–I had lots of friends do this in college (at regular places, not crazy expensive restaurants) and they made up to hundreds of dollars in just one shift!

Chris asks…

I’m a 24 year old single mom who needs to earn extra money. Any ideas?

Unfortunately, my job isn’t cutting it anymore. Anyone have any ideas for making some extra money on the side? Anything I can do or make or anything?

I am a waitress, I’m thinking something more along the lines of stuff that ISN’T related to my job btw haha. unless I have to.

Nagesh answers:

Garbage collector…….NYC…………60K+………….

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Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Paul asks…

How can I make fast money online to my paypal account in 10 days?

I need it in my paypal account in 10 days, any ideas?
I need around $10

Nagesh answers:

You will never have to pay anything or enter your credit card information on any of these sites. You also don’t have to give them you cell phone number either, which I never like to do. You will have to give them a valid email address so they know where to contact you with new surveys, polls, and updates on how much money you’ve earned.
Don’t get me wrong – you won’t get rich off of any of these sites. You will make some spare cash and get a few gift cards. This is great for anyone who is looking to make a small amount of extra income. You don’t need any special qualifications. Anyone can do this.
Global Test Market – earn cash for taking daily online surveys. These are fun to take, and I love easy money 🙂 You’ll rack up the dough with this site!

Ipsos Survey Panel – A tried and true place to get paid for simply taking surveys. They pay quickly and promptly too. I am a huge fan of this company.

Swagbucks – Earn gift cards, MP3s, and other goodies for searching the web and helping with tasks. They have $5 Amazon gift cards that I can usually earn in a week or two. I’m addicted to this site! Download their toolbar, and you’ll get codes as you surf and search the web that add up to prizes. This is seriously a lazy person’s way to score freebies.

MyPoints – Score gift cards to practically any store and restaurant for taking polls and clicking on emails. These people have been around forever, and you’ve probably heard of them before. I call this my free Starbucks for surfing the web plan.

Surveyhead- Get paid to shop! Isn’t that the dream? This company will pay you $5-$20 for each shopping survey you take on your phone. You can also get paid to try out new products and give your opinion on commercials. Get a $5 today for signing up.

HCD Surveys – Ooooh, this is one of my favorite survey companies. They pay you to take really interesting surveys on things like American Idol and pop culture. Heck, I would take these surveys for free… But they are actually paying me!

BitVisitor – Have you heard about BitCoins yet? They are a digital, private, and anonymous currency that allows you to buy whatever you want person to person. You can use them in any country, your account can never be frozen, and there are no banks involved. Sound cool and intriguing? I think so! Check out BitVisitor, where you can get free BitCoins every day for visiting interesting web sites. Use your BitCoins to buy video games, books, or alpaca socks 😉 Or you can exchange them for virtually any currency – like dollars and Euros.

Ruth asks…

How Can I Make About 100 Dollars Before August 15th?

I NEED to raise 87 dollars really fast. How can I make money? My neighborhood isn’t really busy so no lemonade stand, I’m not allowed to mow lawns (even though I’m 14), and my mom won’t let me do online surveys. Pleeeeeeeeease help me!!!

Nagesh answers:

Take some of your older, nice clothes to a consignment store such as platos closet; Collect cans and cash them in for cash, ask your family if you can clean out their cars and look for change – that can be your payment, have a car wash, all kinds of things you can do.

David asks…

Mom in desperate need for financial help?

I need a way to make some fast money. I have a 2 week old, a 1 year old, a 2 year old, and a 4 year old. I am unemployed and have fallen very far behind on my bills. I have tried to answer surveys for cash online, but it is very time consuming, with no real money. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I’d stop having kids. Are you married? Or getting child support?

William asks…

Does anybody know about Survey Monster where you get paid to take online surveys? Is this legit?

Also, has anyone had any experience with other online surveys and which ones are good vs. which ones are bad?

Nagesh answers:

There are several survey sites that are legit, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join. I am a member of several. I have done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete also. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. Pinecone is also great. You have to have an invitation to join though. They send one or two surveys a month. They are great though cause you will have a few days or a week to answer the survey if you don’t check your email religiously. Then they send a check in the mail pronto. Surveyspot has tons of really short surveys most of which you only get an entry into a drawing. However they do have many paid surveys also. You can just go to their site everyday and answer surveys you don’t have to wait for them to be emailed to you. They do some previewing of tv commercials and tv shows. I have done a couple tv shows which involved watching an hour long program (45 minutes without commercials) and answering some questions about it – with payment of $20 so that was nice.

Most pay a few dollars per survey completed so it is best to use several. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don’t respond to the survey fast enough they have met their quota.

If you would like to give me a referral credit use the link in my profile for survey savvy and the other sites I use are listed there as well. Good Luck!

Mandy asks…

Do those online survey services actually work?

Can I actually get money and other cool stuff from these and not expect my computer to be eaten alive by viruses and malware?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, they do work and you can make money with them and not worry about viruses or malware. There are many companies that will pay you cash to fill out their surveys. The trick is to find the right companies that offer the best payments and can be trusted to actually pay. It is definitely possible to earn a good monthly income by participating in online surveys.

At first it will take a lot of time and effort to set everything up, however it is still very doable and there is a lot of money to be earned. The great thing about doing paid online surveys is that it is a legitimate way to make some extra money.

Before signing up with any survey company, it is important to check them out. Be sure to follow the checklist below to give you the best chance possible for taking surveys to become a lucrative and enjoyable activity.

1. Before you sign up for paid survey sites, be sure to create a new email account that will only be used for your paid survey emails. By having a separate email it makes it easier to find any new invitations sent from the survey sites. This is also helpful as you can keep track of any of them that are sending just a bunch of junk mail so you know which accounts to close.

2. Read the privacy policy and terms of use to make sure you are not going to have your email sold to every company they can sell it to. A good reputable company will not sell your email or send you dozens of emails every week.

3. Read the frequently asked questions to be sure they offer what they claim.

4. Find out how they pay. Do they pay with prizes or cash? Do they have a minimum amount you must make before payment is sent? Check to be sure the minimum is not so high that your chance of being paid without filling out too many surveys is slim.

5. Check out their payment methods. Do they send you a check, pay with Pay Pal or another way. If they say they want to pay with a bank draft, you may want to hit the back browser fast and get out.

6. Read the rules of the survey if offered before you start filling it out.

7. Be sure to see if participation is available in your country.

8. Check to make sure you are eligible. Some sites require that you be over 18 years of age. Some sites will only allow one member from each household to have an account. Just as long as you have checked out the entire site before signing up, you will be less likely to have any problems.

9. Ask friends or other people that are doing surveys for the best ones they have found. You will also want to ask them which ones to avoid.

By following this simple checklist, you will have the best chance for turning your online survey business into a great way to make extra income. With so many legitimate companies available online offering income for surveys, you should easily be able to make some extra cash.

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Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

David asks…

What is the quickest way to get money and weapons in GTA 4?

I am primarily concerned with getting all the sweet weapons in GTA 4, but I know this requires money. I know I need to do missions to get money, but is there a faster way to just get the weapons? I’ve played multiplayer and gotten these for free, but I would love to keep them and use them in the regular game.
Ok, and if you are going to suggest a cheat, it would help if you could explain what it is and how to activate it? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

The easiest way to get all of the following is to cheat by goin to ur phone options and putting in various telephone numbers

Ps3 codes
Weapons #1
(Baseball Bat, Handgun, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG, Grenades.)

Weapons #2
(Knife, Molotovs, Handgun, Shotgun, Uzi, AK47, Sniper Rifle, RPG)

U might need armor and health



Xbox 360 codes

Weapons tier 1
Dial “4865550100” on the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to “GUN-555-0150”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets” achievement from being earned.

Weapons tier 2
Dial “4865550150” on the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to “GUN-555-0100”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets” achievement from being earned.

Full health and armor
Dial “3625550100” on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to “DOC-555-0100”. This code prevents the “Cleaned The Mean Streets”, “Finish Him”, “One Man Army”, and “Walk Free” achievements from being earned.

James asks…

Can someone tell me an easy way to make money on runescape?

i just cant find a way to get good money so plz tell me some easy ways for a lvl 42 to get money!!!quick!!!

Nagesh answers:

It more or less depends on your skills. I personally find mining to be a very profitable skill as a nonmember. Just mine ore (Iron and up) and sell it. Most people earn 10k an hour that way.

(Members have so many possibilities, they can merely help someone train and earn 200k an hour)

Paul asks…

Any good ways of making money on Guild Wars Game of the Year Edition?

I was looking for some good ways to make money on Guild Wars my Char is in PRE and i was looking for some ways to get some cash to buy expensive items. I know about Gold Farming but the only Dyes i’ve gotten are the Blue,Yellow,Green (cheap dyes) does anyone know a good path to take for getting Black/White dyes?

Nagesh answers:

What are your goals? You said you are still in Pre, which is a beginner/tutorial area. Have you explored the rest of the game yet? If not then I’d encourage you to leave pre-searing and out into the real game and storyline. There’s more gold to be made there. There’s also 3 other games that you can add to your account for more skills and areas. You’ll find it a lot easier to earn gold with more options for your skillbar.

On the other hand, some people have permanent pre-searing characters that they play. Getting wealth in Pre just takes time and effort. If you play consistently on your pre character you’ll soon accumulate gold. There isn’t too much to spend it on. Dye can drop from any enemy so the only trick to getting dyes is to kill lots of enemies. Be sure to get 5 gifts from Nicolas each day. If you aren’t interested in titles then sell them for quick cash.

Continue to level and go across the wall and kill the charr for better drops that you can sell to others.

Betty asks…

What is the easiest way and cheapest way to invest and multiply your little/hard earned cash?

Somany people find it too difficult to multiply there hard earned cash (salaries) due to lack of financial knowledge, don’t know the difference between asset and liability. Is there any book that can teach best on this issue?

Nagesh answers:

What a lot of people don’t mention while saving is that you need to pay down high-interest debt first. If you have credit cards where you’re paying 23.99% interest, you should pay those off asap, since they’re costing you A LOT.

Once you have debt under control, you should create a budget for yourself to live by. has an ideal budget calculator, which I use. They recommend no more than 30% of your income goes to rent & debt. 26% goes to living expenses. 4% to insurance, 25% to taxes, and 15% to a savings account.

You should then figure out how much money you spend each month, and multiply that by 6. That way, you’ll have a six-month reserve in case of emergencies. With anything beyond that, you should fund some kind of an ira or 401k. Depending on your income, you should decide if you want the tax advantages of a traditional ira, where your contribution is tax-deductible, or a roth ira where your distributions aren’t taxed.

You can also invest your ira in the stock market, where it’ll grow quicker than in a savings account, or cd (but is a little riskier). After you do that, feel free to invest in the stock market, mutual funds, cd’s, money market accounts, or anything else you like.

Richard asks…

How to earn 12$ a month on the internet via PayPal?

There are many posts about how to get rich quick on the internet. But I don’t exactly want to do that. I want to earn only 12$ to 15$ a month on the internet. I need the money to be sent to my Paypal account.
Any specific strategies for making such small amounts every month on the internet? They might be different from strategies for making large amounts of money.

Nagesh answers:

They wont be sent to paypal but directly to your savings account that you choose.,,, any polling companies will give you money to fill out their surveys accurately. Because consumer thoughts on products are very costly for companies to pay for and its the easiest job that you could get 20$ a month for

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Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Maria asks…

How To Make Money Fast?

i am 16
and i need to make money fast
yes i could get a job but its hard wit the credit crunch lol
any other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I would say to try doing things online like flipping websites, creating blogs, selling things on ebay.

You have to be willing to put time and effort to make it happen though.

The only other way I know to make big money fast is through buying real estate if you do it right you don’t need money to do it.

However you can always buy and flip virtual real estate for free also.

Ruth asks…

how can i make money FAST!!??!?

My boyfriend is in a lot of (money) troubles and he asked me to help him out. I love him and i really wanna help him out on this but i just dont have the money. i’ve asked many people to borrow it and they say yes but i get the feeling that they arent really gonna give it to me. This is a life or death situation and i need to get this money fast. Help!!??!

Nagesh answers:

You will need paypal for this

I want you to go online to
Sign up for an account and activate it and stuff.
Go on the internent and open up two web pages. One is and one is
from these sites you can but the virtual money for in game.
First, compare prices. Buy the cheapest. The more you buy the faster. Once the transaction is complete, go to the other website and sell EVERYTHING that you just bought from the other website. You will make more money than you had in the first place. Do this over and over again and you will get more money. This is really cool i hope I helped you 😀

Ken asks…


please i need $1000 fast 4 a new computer this 1’s a dino X_X

Nagesh answers:

I have hundreds of friends and associates. None of the guys/girls have ever made any money on these on line ventures. If they would have they would be talking about it and I would be in on it…..SCAM

Nancy asks…

How make money online from home?

Nagesh answers:

You can use program. They are a great way money making online program for every job seekers online. You can start fast and join to many online workers by their program.

Laura asks…

Make extra money online?

I am a college student who is seriously running out of money, and I am considering turning to the internet in order to make a little extra cash.

I have done some research on online jobs, but I really don’t know where to start. It seems to me like there are tons of possible opportunities to work for companies online, as well as tons of chances to get ripped off. I am not looking to make $100,000 a year and to work at home for the rest of my life, I am just trying to make some more money so I can finish up my college degree. That is why ask you, Yahoo answers crowd. Please help me out by pointing me in the right direction!

I would greatly appreciate links, reviews, company names, and personal experiences.

Nagesh answers:

I do not know of any actual “job” jobs, but if you’re a decent writer and don’t mind freelance, you might check out or

Associated Content is for articles, average pay for beginners is $3 an article, but the better you are, the more you make. I made $40 in about two months just writing a few times a week after class. It’s reputable, but you’ll need a PayPal account. You don’t pay them anything to join. They do not typically buy creative writing, reviews, or opinion pieces, so go read the work of some contributors to get a feel for what sells before you start.

Review Stream I like a little less, but money is money. They buy product reviews. Be sure to read the length requirements before you begin. A good review will sell for $2.50, an “Eh” one or one that is too short will sell for 50 cents. One reason I don’t care for it is that, unlike AC, they will not credit you until you make $50, which could take a day or a month, depending on how fast you type. The people who run it can also be a little rude, so you’ll need a tough skin. Also, save a copy of EVERYTHING until it gets accepted. Other users review, so sometimes you’ll get a jerk and you don’t want to start over from scratch.

Hope this helps. I swear neither of these are scams. There are a lot of crappy sites out there, so make sure you check on ANY site before you give them any personal information.

Best of luck!

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Monday, May 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Paul asks…

Quick and easy way to make some money?

I need about $20 really quick and easy, so how can you make money online? I can’t get a job (to young) and parents don’t pay me…So any help?

Nagesh answers:

Hi anthony

There are many websites online that offer you to make money.You have to know that most of them are scams.There is almost no easy way to make money online.You can make money only if you are serious.

I think that will helps

Carol asks…

How can i make a good amount of money on ebay/online ?!?

I love buying and selling sports memorabilia and im thinking about starting to buy and sell on ebay. Im looking for some tips and some information on how to maximize my effort into money. I’d also love to hear any other ways i can make a good amount of money online and please no stuff about taking surveys or anything.

Nagesh answers:

There are so many I don’t even know where to begin. I make all of my income online . . . From being an eBay PowerSeller, writing content for other people’s websites, doing search engine optimization for other people’s websites, submitting articles to directories, creating my own information products, and selling other people’s products.

There are tons of ways to make money online. The trick is to find something that you like and focus on it. You’ll eventually find your golden ticket if you’re dedicated enough. But just remember, there is no getting rich quick online for most of us. It does take work.

Sandra asks…

what is your most frustrating thing about making money online?

What really frustrates you about learning or, finding out how to make money online or, pursue a career online?

Nagesh answers:

The main frustrations I have about making money online are:

1 – That people do not believe that it can be done. These are folks who simply do not know how or those who thinks that being an employee is the only thing to make a living

2 – Many want the to get rich quick, and ends up failing and/or getting scammed

3 – Many do not read the fine print, especially the business opportunities and they end up getting scammed

4 – Folks hear of success stories (e.g. Those earning through Google Adsense program), then try to do it and earn from Adsense only to find that there is more to it than slapping the Adsense code on their website

Ignore people who doesn’t believe it can be done. Go to solid forums such as where you can find website owners earning from advertising programs, and talking about ways to monetize their websites (though you won’t find them talking about bizopps).

Ruth asks…

How do i make money online and quick an Easy?

Hi, I’m Trying to make money online but don’t really no How to I’ve been on a couple of sites and all were useless and most were American. I Don’t want to do surveys so i was Seeing if Anybody Has any ideas or suggestions??
Thanks x

Nagesh answers:

Why not start up a website or a blog and place google ad’s on it.
This is the start of joining up with affiliate programs and making money threw blogging.
As long as you can write well and have the time this could be an option.
The other way would be to write articles for people and I have even seen people being paid to post comments etc.

Lisa asks…

How to Make Easiest Way To Make Money Online?

The Easiest Way To Make Money Online?

Nagesh answers:

There is no easy way to make money online. You have to work at it. Choose something online that you enjoy, because it takes time and is very frustrating. Save a fortune and avoid anyone who says you can get rich quick etc

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Sunday, May 18th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Richard asks…

How safe is paypal? (As in, if I sell my sidekick online, and keep the shipping label, can payment be reversed?

Ok so Im selling my Ipod Touch to someone online for paypal and He’ll be sending me the money later today, but I just want to make sure its safe before I agree.

Anyways, Ive heard you have like a 2 week time period to reverse your pay, could he still do this If I send UPS and keep the shipping receipt?


Nagesh answers:

Alright, now time for the intelligent and in depth answer. First off, PayPal does offer Seller Protection which protects you from claims of non-receipt or unauthorized. When you receive the payment, review the transaction details in your PayPal account. There are two key things to look for, does the transaction show as Seller Protection “eligible” and is the shipping address provided “confirmed?” As long as the answer to both questions is “yes” you are good to go. Now PayPal has essentially idiot proofed their system in order to protect the seller. If you use the PayPal “print shipping label” option, it will give you free delivery confirmation which is required for all PayPal sales and for Seller Protection. If the transaction was more than $250 the shipping label screen will remind you that you are required to get signature confirmation on the package in order to stay eligible for Seller Protection. Bottom line is, if you follow the steps of Seller Protection and a buyer tries to pull a fast one by filing a dispute or chargeback claiming they didn’t get their merchandise, PayPal will guarantee that you will get to keep your money even if they have to pay you the money out of their own pocket. If you have more specific questions once you receive the payment, call 1-888-221-1161.

I hope this helps!

Nancy asks…

How do I receive money on Paypal Faster?

I sold something on ebay but on paypal it says I need to put tracking information in order to receive the money on ebay. Does anybody know a way around this or if I could put fake tracking numbers or something like that?

Nagesh answers:

There is no way around it. When selling anything on Ebay you have to send the package with a tracking number. That’s in the terms of use. You can’t put a tracking number – the tracking number is the only proof you have that the item was delivered to the buyer. If you didn’t send with a tracking number that was your mess up. You can’t fake a tracking number because Paypal goes to the online tracking, checks that number to see that it was delivered to the buyer’s verified address before crediting the money. If the tracking number doesn’t show up at all or shows a package delivered to some other address, you won’t get your money anyway. Paypal verifies the tracking details before crediting your account

Betty asks…

How can I make some extra money for the upcoming holidays?

I am trying to figure out some ways to get some extra money from now until Black Friday/ Christmas time .. . . I do work a job fulltime yet live alone so I don’t have to awful much extra money a week. So I would like some ideas that would allow me to work or whatever to grab some extra cash. Does anybody have any ideas or has anybody done anything on the side that got them some money I can’t think of? If so please let me know send me all ideas i’m open to almost anything. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

I make money on the side by doing work online completing offers and doing surveys…its not tedious work but i get extra money for it and always good to have extra for the holidays….there is one site if you don’t already know yet that is the best of the best at least thats in my experience. It has the best paying offers and there are a lot of them and of course they are free to do. Since it seems you’re into gpt sites then i guess this one is for you b/c it takes like a minute to complete one offer and yeah you get paid. If you look it up there are a lot of people flaunting their checks just to prove to people they got paid. You won’t get rich of course but will make a decent amount if not a lot of money so just type in the URL below exactly and sign up….ill be glad to help you out with how to complete the offers faster and get all of them credited within hours if your interested and also score you on some other legit sites

http:// www. Cashcrate .com/1624718

no spaces in the URL link……include the numbers when you type it in

The first one is Suversavvy…the second one is Opinion Outpost….both are legit survey sites and of course free to join…

All 3 are legit and free to sign up and of course they don’t require your SSN or credit card info and you should stay away from sites that ask for that, and yeah i’ve been paid by checks…there are other sites that are legit and pay you through paypal, gift cards, debit cards, and some have sweepstakes, but the sweepstakes is just for fun but there are actually people winning….so yeah hope this helps a little….email me if you need any more info

Charles asks…

How to buy a prepaid debit card with paypal?

I have money on paypal, and I want to be able to spend it to get a prepaid debit card.

One method is to buy a prepaid card online, and then have the code emailed to me, but I need a website for that.

I could also get paypal to send me a check, cash the check, and then buy a prepaid card, but I don’t want to wait that long.

I was wondering if there’s any faster way to do all of this?

btw i checked amazon and ebay for prepaid cards with no luck.

Nagesh answers:

Check out prepaid card sellers that accept PayPal as mode of payment.

Thomas asks…

How to send money to a friend in the uk?

If I want to send my friend money who lives in the UK how can I do it? Like can I get some sort of money order that will convert it? I live in the US.

Nagesh answers:

Different Possibilities:

– Western Union
– Paypal
– Moneybookers
– I am nor sure if you can use IBAN and BIC for a direct transfer to your friends account
– Both of you open an account at an online poker room, play a game of heads up poker (1 vs 1) and loose the money to your friend. Not fast but cheap 😉

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Saturday, May 17th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Maria asks…

How can i earn money REALLY quick. ?

I need some money for some trackies. my mum already bought me loads of summer things so i dont want to ask her and apparently im too old for a job and i wouldnt get paid quick enough help !!
i meant to young

and trackies?? they are like tracksuit bottoms ?? no ?
and any other ideas because people around here arent into people mowing lawns and stuff like that.

Nagesh answers:

You can sell stuff on ebay.
Ask your MUM if she has things around the house that she no longer uses and sell them.
Do not try to make money online – these sites are nothing but scams.
They will rip you off so bad, you’ll end up in tears.

Jenny asks…

What are some quick ways to earn money?

I’m going on a trip and I want my friend to come with me. We just need to pay for her plane ticket that’s going to be around a few hundred bucks and were kindaa broke.. any quick ways to make some moneeey?

Nagesh answers:

Mowing lawns are apparently really good for earning money. My classmate told me that he earned over $600 a day for just mowing lawns. The key is to ask the price low so people feel bad for you and they give you more than expected. Go to a rich neighbor hood maybe.

You can also try advertise for baby sitting in your local mailbox. Again, ask for a low price because they’ll come back to you for more.

Dog walking also helps. Post a bulletin at your local dog park…ask for a low price because more people will be attracted to your service…maybe you and your can walk more than three dogs at once, trippling your earnings.

George asks…

Ways To Earn Money Quick?

I’m not talking getting a job. I’m currently in a situation where no jobs are available to me.xD (Not very many jobs are available to teens in my town)
No major commitment, I just need enough money to buy a new ipod nano. My previous ipod got stolen… sigh… but ANYWAY.

Nagesh answers:

Well I used to make hairbows and glue them to headbands with a hot glue gun and sell them in my school. I would buy pretty ribbons from the crafts store and searched on youtube for hairbow tutorials. Once I made the hairbow I would stick it on to the headband. Start off with low prices then once you get more customers increase the prices if you wish.

The way I make money a lot is I thought of this idea. Where I live it’s pretty cold and freezing since it’s winter and everyone loves hot choco! So in the morning I’ll make hot chocolate, pour it into a flask and then I’d go the day before to the supermarket to buy cheap plastic cups.

In school I’d put the flask in my bag and sell it to my classmates, I’ll give them a plastic cup and then pour in the hot chocolate from the flask. Each cup of hot chocolate was 50p but you could do it for £1 too. I’ve made quite a lot from it and business is booming.

Beware though, since this monkey making idea is so simple and easy to do some people copied my idea and tried to make money from my idea, so just beware of the copycats. If you do get copycats, if they sell a cup of hot chocolate for 60p then sell your cup of hot choco for lower so more people will come to you than to the copycats.

You could also bake brownies and cookies and sell them in school. You just have to be careful though, I got caught by a teacher and I almost got into trouble. Because I made so much from it I handed some of the cash I made to the school and said this was a fundraiser for the school and some of it was going to charity, which it was anyway.

So if you get caught just say you’re trying to raise money for the school or charity, then they won’t have anything to say about it and if they stop you then that’s just really unfair.

Hope I helped and Good Luck!

Daniel asks…

Fun and quick ways to earn money!?

Me and my friend need to earn $170 to go a spa. and we would like to make money fast. what are some good ways to earn money fast?

Nagesh answers:

You can buy eBooks and learn something and make more money from them as a form of investment.

You are asking for “ideas”, correct? How about ideas on how to make money? I’m going to give you a list of 1,500 eBooks that will give you lots of ideas; things you can do on the side on a shoestring budget.

The best way to make money is to continue to learn, and create new ideas. The best way to learn is from a book.

I hesitate to give you this link, because others may interpret this as an attempt to spam.

The following link is NOT SPAM. It contains a list of over 1,500 “How To” eBooks, and gives the user a treasure trove of good ideas on how to make money.


Again, this link is NOT SPAM, but a legitimate answer to the question. Anyone that marks this as spam will only hurt themselves, as it will be appealed and deemed pertinent and direct.

Just type “how to make money fast” in the Search Y1 Answers box above and you’ll get hundreds of answers.


Online Surveys:

Ruth asks…

i want to earn money in a quick time so what can i do for that?

Nagesh answers:

Ask your neighbors if there is anything they want to be done around their house but don’t have time or energy to do. Then offer your services to do these chores for them. It can be something simple like watering their plants, or buying their groceries, walking their dog, or weeding their garden.

If you know how to cook or bake. Do that and pre-portion your goods with the office-goers in mind. Sell your goods to neighbors who might not have time to fix their bagged lunch for the office.

Another earn-quick idea would be to buy cheap toys and sell them at a profit to neighborhood kids. Kids love novelty items like invisible ink pens, magnets, kites, etc. Use your imagination.

In short, use your resources to your advantage. If what you have plenty of is time and energy, then sell that. If you have skills that others don’t, then offer that. It might not make you rich but you certainly won’t be pennyless. The sad truth is that get-rich-quick never happens. Slow and sure always goes the distance.

Good luck!

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Friday, May 16th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Thomas asks…

I need money fast!!!?

I am going on vacation in a few weeks, and it is a very long drive. I don’t have an iPod and I really want an iPod touch. I live on a dead end and I don’t like to sell stuff online, so is there anyway I can get enough money before my vacation?

Nagesh answers:

First of all I’d aim for something a little less expensive than an ipod touch. They’re like $300! The new nanos are only $150. You can always go down to home depot/lowes & get some day labor jobs. If you have nice clothes you can sell them at a consignment shop. Ask people in your neighborhood if they need chores done. Even restaurants will hire you for a week just to do dishes or w/e. There are lots of ways to make fast money!

Betty asks…

need money fast!!any ideas?

i’m employed but my income isnt enough.i need some other income because i’m trying to save money to go to school to do my current income isnt helping much and at this rate it’ll take forever for me to get my masters.i’m not willing to sell my body or there any other way that does not require an awful amount of work?please help
i need money for my masters.i live in the caribbean but i’m thinking about doing my masters in social work either in jamaica or the states.i’m currently employed but i dont earn enough.i need a supplemental income.i’m not willing to seel drugs or my body.

Nagesh answers:

Do what you like the most and the money will follow!

Where are you living? (Country/State?)
What is your Major?
What school are you looking at attending?

I ask because the type of income activities I would recommend seeking, would be those that are along your interest lines. In other words – related to your major!

Now, since you know what you want the money for (Tuition) have you thought about trying to get some scholarships to help or completely pay for those costs?

But do beware! There are numerous scams and nefarious hoodlums looking to dupe both the unsuspecting Scholarship seeker and those looking for some extra income – especially those looking for easy, ‘make money at home’ variety. (Some will likely respond to this very question!)

To avoid the Scholarship Scams – do the scholarship searches at your school! The schools financial aid office has free access to all/any scholarship programs and they can help you fill out applications.

Some quick money options that some have tried and work to some extent:
~ Delivering Pizza’s $70 – $400 a night, can be done after your day job. They are usually very flexible with hours.
~ Military, yes the Military! They pay full ride scholarships for Nursing, Med School, Law School, Pilot School and more! Then a guaranteed job for 3 years at a competitive salary (often at your choice of locations). Military Officers get hired by US Fortune 500 companies as soon as they get out of the Military for significantly higher salaries than the same degree holders in the civilian world.
~ Selling blood at the local Plasma branch (averages about $35-$85 a donation depending on location)
~ Online/Phone Sex Operator: (Not recommended, but if your going to here is the legit hiring sites): or
~ Paid Survey’s: Mostly a Con, and not great money – but a legit site for it is here: (but read this article before starting: )

$$$ Tip: Consider cutting your expenses to allow more of your money go into savings. Some initial recommendations (based on no knowledge of your particular situation): Get a roommate or move to a cheaper situation. This can save the biggest chunk in many peoples budgets by cutting the rent out! If possible buy a house and get a roommate or two to cover the entire cost of the mortgage!
Cut down on dining out and fast food costs by cooking at home. Potluck diner parties with friends or roommates’ can help to!

$$$ Tip: Once you start school, ask the school about the RA (Resident Advisor) positions – you can live in the Non-Traditional Dorms (Apartments on Post for the older students) Rent free!! – just for hanging some flyers once a week and managing the check-in/out of the apartments!

Good Luck!
~ Blue

Maria asks…

how can i make money fast?

i am 14 i need money i cant get a real job and i need ideas i will not work on stupid online e jobs so don’t put it as a answer

Nagesh answers:

Try selling some of the stuffs you don’t need online like on ebay or criagslist. That is fast money

George asks…

How to earn money fast!?????!!!???HELP!!!???!!?

I really want to buy another phone and so far i have 90 dollars and the phone costs around 160.It did take me some time to earn 90 dollars since i just do my chores and im 14.i really wanna show my parents that im down to work foreal this time but they dont believe it.What are some ways to earn money fast and to show my parents i AM working.

Nagesh answers:

You can earn decent money babysitting assuming you are responsible and responsible looking. If you don’t already have CPR certification, do an online course for it first.
Put up flyers around your town for babysitting services and check craigslist in your local area. Also set up a profile on and (with your parent’s permission) there are always people on there looking for babysitters.

David asks…

How do I make money quick thats NOT online?

I need 230 bucks fast but I cant use anything online. i put up babysitting flyers but no one has called yet 🙁 help !

Nagesh answers:

Hi, Im 13 Years old, And about two weeks ago i needed fast money as well! I had to formulate a plan.
So i did, In a Weeks time i made $20.

What i did:

First of all, There are not any Legit money makers that will make you $230 quick, You where smart for making flyers! I did the same thing & i posted them on light poles. But it doesn’t seem to work, Well looks like im going to have to work for it.

Next i found a Spot to store all of my money, I ended up putting it in a light at the top of my closet.
Then i developed strategy of Getting money:

1.Nickle & Dimming: This is saving small change like, Pennies, Nickles & Dimes, Why? Because they add up!
There are more lost pennies then any other coin piece.

2.Find it, People are alway going to lose change, You find it, you keep it, You save it!

3.When mom & dad go to the store, Go with them, after they buy, Ask them for the left over change, they may not give you the dollar bills, But thats Ok.

4.Take advantage of what people want! We alll know 1 thing kids want & Love, Is Candy!
This is what i used to do: Go to a Gas Station, Most gas stations have thinks like airheads & gum for 5 to 10 cents, Buy a couple of them, Then go sell them for 25 cents! If you sell 4, thats a dollar right there!

5.What i like to do, just to give myself confidence in my abillity to make money is when ever i get a dollar in quaters, I ask someone for a dollar bill. Because me personally i would rather have the paper then the metal, It makes me feel good!

6.You need somthing to store your money in while your on the go! A Purse is Ok but you want something you can slip in your pocket, Get a wallet, so that you are ready for any money that might come your way.
I have a normal black wallet nothing fancy.

7. Sometimes i find Currency from other countrys, I found 1 cent from Canada the other day, And 10 Cents from Barbados, I was thinking of just asking my dad to give me 1 Penny for the 1 Canadian penny, But i changed my mind & said ill keep it.
Its good to keep currency from other countrys!

8.Do anything you can to make a buck

9.Go to the dollar Store, or some place like it, and buy a money lip its picture here —->×360/24-classic-money-clip-image-1.jpg

if you cant find one not a problem

10. Buy changeHolders. They are little packets that hold money, i have 5 full packets of penies. They hold about 50 cents worth of penies, they ahve them for all pecies of change, they are cheap, about a dollar

11. Use these stratagys and save up, Be serius about your money, sometimes its neccesary to spend to make more money, If you want more tips hints and tricks just ask me at:

oh yea 1 more thing, heres 1 important 1, every dollar you get, Track it!, Go to: sign up, then you will be able to enter in your dollars. Then you can know where ever they go, this is important to know!

And another thing:

Save cans! Get a trash can, and save cans in them, i saved 2 trash can fulls, and got maybe 7-10 bucks, that do not seem that good, but its money right, just go to, And type (What ever your city name) Recycleing plant
some only pay maybe 10 cents a can.
Dont think they pay for plastic

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Thursday, May 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

David asks…

What is the best way to make money on runescape without really high levels?

I have a high wc lvl but mages are so slow i make less than 100k an hour and my construction is too low for mort myre fungus. Does anyone have a good,quick, easy way to make money ?

Nagesh answers:

These websites are easy to understand but some are for members.when i was a lvl 3 i used the level up guides and now im a lvl 80 and no it didnt take me 2 years

Mary asks…

What is the best/quickest way to get my attack level up on runescape?

My combat level is 73, my attack is 66, defence is 63 and strength is 51. What is the best/quickest way to get my attack level to atleast 70? Also, what is a good way to make money? most of my non combat skills are under level 45

Nagesh answers:

Money= Regular wood is in demand right now. Or fight Hill Giants, sell their bones or take a lobster pot and go fight Lesser Demons at Karamja. Cage the fishing spot for food and go back for more Lessers.

Michael asks…

Whats the quickest way to get 99 magic on runescape?

I know it is not quick, but I need a rough guild to get to 99 from 72 magic. I am not bothered if I make or loose any money, but I need quite a quick way, but not botting!
Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

Magic exp does not depend on the damage done but rather the number of times you cast a spell. That being said stun is the best way to go. Maging in multi-combat areas with aoe attacks like ancients is a waste of time and runes. I know you said money doesn’t matter but unless you have excess of 1bil I’d say it does. Getting to 99 mage can be very expensive if you use ancients to get there.

In order to train effectively with the stun technique you will need to miss every time(you get the same exp for missing). In order to do this you need to equip yourself with the worst possible mage armor. Regular armor of any type works well and just whatever other armor you can get to lower your magic accuracy. Equip a mystic mud staff so you dont have to get so many runes(you will only need soul runes with the mud staff). When you are fully equipped you should have -60 magic or lower(any higher and stun will hit).

Now find a safe maging spot(atop a hill, behind a gate etc.) and have at it. It will take some time but you will get there eventually.

Betty asks…

What is a quick way to make money on Runescape?

Ugh I am so poor on Runescape! It’s driving me crazy!!! Please help me! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Members- Kill blue dragons. They drop hides and bones. I burry the bones and keep the hides but if u want more money faster keep the bones too.
Hides sell for about 2k
Bones sell for about 1.5k
Note: Prices will change over time.
**Note blue dragons drop lvl 3 clues so keep a eye out for them.**

I am lvl 61 range and kill them in like 1 minute so it is very easy with range but mage works good too. If u plan on using combat use anti fire sheild and bring some lobbies.

Non members- Go to lesser demons and kill them. Make sure you have food. I choose to use a rune b axe or any rune weapon aginst these.They have a low defense lvl and drop rune meds and lots of fire runes. They also drop mith chains and sqs.

For any more tips add me on rs2 and ill be glad to help.

I have tips that can make you millions in days if you are high enough magic and crafting lvls,

George asks…

How can I make good money on RuneScape?

I’m a lvl 44 and I need money bad. So, I need to know an easy and quick way to make money!

Nagesh answers:

If yor not a member then you can can make money by killing cows, taking cow hides, and selling them for 100 each

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Wednesday, May 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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