Archive for April, 2014

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast

William asks…

how can i make money fast. im 13 and no online betting. just plain old ideas to raise money like chores?

Nagesh answers:

Well There are a few ideas that i do. I am 15.
Ask your parents for an Allowance.
Go get a job downtown.
Set up Flyers for work on mail boxes.
Go on Kijiji. Post an ad.

Michael asks…

Ideas to make extra money fast?

No online websites please, that’s not going to work. I really want this hoodie but its super expensive, its too cold here to mow lawns and too warm to shovel snow. The hoodie I want is on ebay so I have 2 days left and that’s not enough time obviously to get a job to buy it. There’s nothing I can really sell to make enough money in time and my Dad said I can’t have an advance of my allowance to get it right now. Any ideas please? It’s an awesome sweater, I have $87 now $127 by Feb 1st but that’s to late and then I need about $50 more.
Onenu what are YOU doing for the world? I know what I’m doing for it and this is not it, I occasionally treat myself. Thanks to everyone else.

Nagesh answers:

Get the word out to your neighbors, Aunts & Uncles, friends…babysitting,
dog walking, I know it’s cold outside but try cleaning/detailing cars (vacuum out the inside, trash removal, windows), ask people about helping them organize their households, pantry cleaning, straightening up their garage & offices (filing). Host a bake sale….cookie dough is fairly cheap. However, first you must tell them what your “mission” is…how much you’ve earned so far and what you need to get there. I’m sure most people will really understand AND furthermore respect you for working for what you want instead of asking for a handout!

Mark asks…

need some ideas to make money ?

i want to buy a latest digital camera plz give me some ideas to make money fast ?

Nagesh answers:

Don’t do anything online to make money – you will be scammed out of your mind.

Jenny asks…

How to make money online fast?

Im 15 and i want to learn how to make money online fast? Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you uses social media sites like Twitter, then you can make money from it. Check out my blog post to see how

George asks…

I am working the Dave Ramsey plan and I am trying to pay my home off fast. Any ideas on how to make fast money

Nagesh answers:

There is no safe way to make fast money. I started working a part time job on fri-sat. Every dollar that comes form that job I put in to what ever i need to pay off.
I dont touch that money for nothing.
Its hard but it shows a great drop in my debt

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Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Robert asks…


Join me to solve the title HOW MAKE MONEY FAST ONLINE.Give me more tips and trick.

Nagesh answers:

For the 99,687th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really.

Sandy asks…

Fastest Money Online? Help starting promoting?

So basically, I need help advertising, I bough it from and ive only made 15 dollars in my first day, so basically i broke even, I want to make big money how?? How do i promote, and autopilot, the thing works but i want superfast advertising

Nagesh answers:

For any website, you will need to find affordable but effective ways to advertise your site. You can do so through backlinking, link directories, Adwords and other forms of online marketing. You need to optimize your keywords for your website to increase traffic and then lead to increase money.

Carol asks…

money fast!?

i need money fast
and im only a teenager
got any ideas?????????
i heard about surveys online
but i need the websites to do that!
plz help =)

Nagesh answers:

I have hundreds of friends and associates……..none of the guys/girls ever made any money of the net………if they did they would be talking about it and I would be in on it……scam.

Laura asks…

Gta online fast money?

Just a working way of getting fast money no DNS links they don’t work mostly but just a job that offer around £50,000 each time because I’m saving for the new cars DLC

Nagesh answers:

There is a new money glitch offers a quick and instant cash boost for players who own a garage containing a relatively valuable vehicle as well as a tank. The first thing you need to do is pick up your phone, call Pegasus and head to the location given in order to pick up your tank. Now get inside your tank and drive right up to your garage doors, try to avoid knocking down any pedestrians in the process as this glitch will be harder to replicate with a few wanted stars on your tail. Now, step outside of your tank, enter your garage, get into your most valuable vehicle and drive it outside of your garage. You will not see the animated exit from the garage, instead you will simply respawn in the middle of the road. Now call Mors Mutual Insurance and request for the car you are currently inside. This will now appear within your garage. Now the next step you’ll want to follow is to purchase a Rebel, which is really cheap and start from only $3,000. Once this is purchased, call up your mechanic and request for your Rebel to be delivered. Your Rebel should now appear, do not get into it, simply drive your current car to Los Santos and sell it. Now, head back to your apartment and view the duplicated car sitting proudly in your garage.

Donna asks…

How can I get more money fast?

I really want an Ipod touch. But I only have 30$. I`m selling tiny dolls for 50 cents each but it`s not enough. Plus I would like to have the money before the second week of August. Thanks!!!!!!
I`m only 11 so i`m not old enough to get a job.

Nagesh answers:

You can make money fast by taking paid surveys online, this is what I do and I love it. You will get paid for your opinions. I have a list of market research panels as well as tips and tricks on how to maximize your earnings on my blog. See for yourself, or check out my other best answers.
Sat Nam, **(-_-)**

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Monday, April 14th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Sharon asks…

what is the quickest way to lose weight?

I used to be in the best shape and very active (just one short year ago) but some personal issues happened and I haven’t been physically active in a year. I have yet to get that drive I always used to have but want to get back to my old self. I don’t need “quick fixes” but I do need a quick ‘jump start’ if you will.

Nagesh answers:

By Purchasing a weight loss supplement without research and the facts can amount to throwing your hard earned money out the window. There are hundreds of weight loss products online today. With all of the hype, it’s impossible to tell which products are based more on marketing hype rather than true effective solutions.That’s why we researched and continuously investigate which diet pills really work. Here’s a list of the top eight most effective diet supplements being used by people like you, safely trying to lose weight:

John asks…

How do I earn money in two hours with pay of like 100$ with the age of ten years old?

I don’t want anything hard or anything online.

Nagesh answers:

There is no such thing as quick, easy, honest money. And if someone offers it to you, beware.

At your age, earning $50/hour safely and honestly is impossible.

Can you babysit? Many schools offer a babysitting class for teens that can help you to be prepared and to earn more per hour. Both of my daughters earned money by babysitting when they were teens.

Or you can offer to clean houses, walk dogs, water the yard and inside plants while people are on vacation, mow lawns, and help pick crops.

Please don’t sign up for Internet scams.

Please be careful. Your life, your health, and your reputation cannot be bought with money.

Jenny asks…

How to save money or invest money in a better way ?

i am an earning girl .i spend money very carelessly
i always try and find way to save it but helpless.
like i earn 10,000 bugs but can save only 500 bugs ,else i spend thrifty . so i want to know HOW TO PLAN INVESTMENT, SAVINGS etc.
so please helppppp!!!!!!!!!
I am in KPO. I earn 10000Rs or say around 260 $ . with no saving and no other investments.

Nagesh answers:

Check out this article to save money easily:
these are small changes to your everyday lifestyle that can add up to big savings. Regarding investments, you didn’t say how old you are. If you have a little to put in a savings account, i always recommend online savings accounts because they have a higher interest rate than most bank ones. Good luck!

Helen asks…

How to i get work in the great barrier reef?

I live in tasmania and want to go and work in the great barrier reef over summer in bars, resorts, on boats and watersports. Whats the best way to do that?
Also, does anyone have any idea of what i should do next year? anything where i can earn money and be bale to travel

Nagesh answers:

There is always jobs in tourism out on the reef.
Green Island resort are always advertising for staff, waiters, porters etc.
Also Quicksilver and Great Adventures that do the tours out and around the reef.
Your best bet it to look in the Cairns Post newspaper Wed and Saturdays, or email the company’s direct. You can also subscribe to the paper online.

There is a FITZROY ISLAND HUNT RESORT opening in Dec this year – be in quick they are wanting alot of staff, also live on positions.
They are asking for:
Guest Service Agents
Front Office Team Leader
Night All Rounders
Porters/Boat handlers
Room attendants
Housekeeping Team Leader
Public Area Cleaners
Accounts Clerk (part time)
see or

Daniel asks…

Where can I get emergency money for rent and utilities?

I just moved into an apartment and I don’t have a job yet and hubby just got hurt on the job, and was out of work one week. Where can I get emergency money? I’ve got an application with the trustee in my area but the rental property manager said they only give like 500? My rent and utilities is 750 this month. What the heck do I do.

Nagesh answers:

You might have to get a second job or you can earn money online by freelancing, if you are working for a good company you will get paid by check or paypal as soon as the work is complete and approved I have written 2-3 assignments and got paid in 24 hrs. So if you are in need of quick money freelancing is the way to go.

P.s. Its not for everyone there is a lot of writing involved but as long as you are prepared to work there are always jobs available

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Sunday, April 13th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Mark asks…

Anyway to make money online without any signing up fees?

I know there are ways out there to make money online. I’m willing to work, type up stuff, whatever, I dont wanna sit and receive and frankly their’s no such thing! I just want to know where I can get a job online where I dont have to pay signing up fees, I dont wanna get rich quick, I wanna put in the work but I also wanna get a nice pay. No surveys or stuff like that.

Nagesh answers:

The Web offers tremendous opportunities for those who know how to harness it. You hear of stories of people who earn thousands if not millions of dollars from doing business on Web. While there are many scams (same way in the traditional business world), there are various ways you can legitimately make money on the Web.

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – Big boys like Amazon or Lillian Vernon online catalog or smaller businesses like or all sell products on the Web.

You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as or create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media
Fastclick (ValueClick). Http:// Http://
Tribal Fusion

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense
Yahoo! Publishing Network (currently in beta and available to US publishers only)
Quigo Adsonar
Commission Junction Evolution
Kanoodle Brightads

3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

c. Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

d. Content licensing and syndication. Some publishers such as the Associated Press get paid every time their content is published elsewhere

Sharon asks…

What do you think is the most legitimate way of making money online?

Internet today is flooded with money making scams and feels like their’s no more hope in making money online.

Nagesh answers:

The simplest and quickest way is sell something on eBay. Sell some old souvenirs or anything you have in the loft or garage.

After you understand the process and acquire a digital camera, tell your neighbors and friends. Do a local listing and fulfillment service.!.!!

Finally, contact local businesses. Help them sell overstock items. Tell the salvage yard that you can sell Volvo airbags.

If you have a hobby or can specialize, that’s best.

You could sell anything from Barbie dolls to baseball playing cards. Go to weekend swap meets and look for popular products. When tourists visit your area, what do they buy?

Good luck,

Ken asks…

Whats the best free guaranteed way to make money online?

I’ve tried many ways to make money with no investment, no luck yet, any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Get off your computer and drop the unrealistic expectations of being able to make money online with no investment and no effort.


If you have unwanted items sell them on eBay or a classified site, if you’re crafty you may be able to try Etsy. There are NO quick ways to get rich on the internet.

Charles asks…

What is a good place to get started with affliate marketing?

A few days ago i asked about a good way to make money online. Someone told me i should try affliate marketing. Now i’ve researched it a little and now i’m in need of a good place to start. Anyone had success? What are some places you started? What can i realisticly expect to earn?

Nagesh answers:

You are going to need a website or blog.
It will not be a get rich quick effort.
You will have to be consistent at doing the work to drive traffic to your site or blog.
You can get a great free document to get you started.
There are some other good informational documents out there on the subject but they will cost you money. Email me if you would like those.

Jenny asks…

What are some good ways to earn money?

without a job. i need some money and im too young to have a job and i get no money from my parents what are some quick ways to get money?

Nagesh answers:

Yeah i have exactly the same problems, well here’s what you can do.
Sell stuff on eBay
create designs i.e. Websites, pictures, animations, etc, then sell them on places such as deviant, you can do some online gambling although i doubt you would do that.
There are some sites which offer you money for photographs, i cant remember the name of the top of my head uh i think it was called but im not sure you can check.
Hope i helped at least a little.
Send me a message if your not sure and ill try to think of something else. 🙂
then again you could always babysit the neighbors kid, or cut their grass, walk their dogs. But naahh that wont pay much i guess. Just wait till your older and you can get a good job 🙂
the puppy eyes trick tends to work if you have emotional parents.

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Saturday, April 12th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas For Kids

Carol asks…

What is the legal age someone can work in massachusetts and what jobs?

I am 15 years old and i want to get a job. What are the jobs i can do other than fast food and babysitting. I have a friend who works in a pet store. he is also 15. I want to do a job in a pet store too but im not sure……Please help. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

I believe that with a work permit, 15 is the legal age in your state. I worked through high school in jobs that the school got for me (and the other students in a program called Distributive Education). Ask your school counseling office if they have such a program. I made money, got out of school early to go to work, got job experience, and got school credits for the hours that I worked. You have nothing to lose by asking.

If you are looking to make good money, you are better off using your own skills and interests rather than working for someone else. Consider asking your parents to set you up in your own business. What a great way for them to get tax credits!!! I am providing a link to an organization called Junior Achievement. See what they have to offer you. Also, here’s a list of library books that can help you decide if your own business is right for you. You’ll make more money and be able to work your own schedule BUT it’s not easy. You have to be really dedicated to making it!!!

Fast Cash for Kids … Bonnie & Noel Drew
Better than a Lemonade Stand … Daryl Bernstein
50 Money Making Ideas for Kids … Lauree & L Allen Burkett
Jobs for Kids … Carol Barkin & Elizabeth James
The Kids’ Business Book … Arlene Erlbach
Making Cents … Elizabeth Wilkinson
Make More Money Than Your Parents … Mike Bundlie and Others
How to Be a Teenage Millionaire … Art Beroff

Lizzie asks…

How can I make money at 14-15 years old during the summer?

I’m 14, 15 in a month, and I owe my mom about $150 so I really need to pay her back. I also need to pay her for a trip to Spain I’m going on. Not many people I live around have kids or their kids are like my age so babysitting is pretty much out. Also, very few places around where I live hire under 16 so…yeahh…any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Here are a few ideas:
I suppose you could try a paper round, paying probably $35 per month, but in England, if you quit your round at my local general store (or newsagents we call it) you will probably never get it back because pretty much everyone is after a job like this nowadays.

But if you are 16 you may be able to work at a local store, putting food on shelves in the grocery stores, and you would make more money faster than if you had a paper round I think.

Or maybe someone you know, like a friend of your mom’s may run a store, my dad is friends with someone who runs the local pet shop, and someone who runs the local coffeehouse, that would be a great way to go like some of my friends have, through close relationships.

I hope this helps and best of luck 🙂

Laura asks…

How to earn money fast for kids dream?

My daughter wants to become an actress very badly she is 6 years old and been offered agents at 2 different companies Undiscovered talent group and IBM modeling. The problem is the expense. We can not afford the money for the agent, photo shoots, and travel to ipop. My daughter has her heart set on this and is willing to do what ever it takes to get there. Does anyone have any good fundraiser ideas that a 6 year old can do? Maybe if anyone sponsors children in this kind of thing. She has till next January to raise the money but it is a lot of money so we need to get started fast if she is going to make it. As her mother I am willing to help her in anyway I can to make her dreams come true.

Nagesh answers:

You obviously love your daughter very much and want the best for her. I’m sure you know that just about any child ‘modeling’ agency that requires upfront payments and fees for porfolios, etc. Is a scam. One of my kids was recruited to do some fashion modeling. It was legitimate; not a lot of fun for her and difficult to schedule sessions. She was recruited because as the art director told us: ” Cute, blond, sexy 8 year olds are a dime a dozen, but exotic kids with an attitude are interesting.” She made a lot of money, but after all it started interfering with her kid life and we both decided to can it for a few years. No one ever asked for payments or a fee. A few home snapshots were enough to get the first call. I think your dream is a scam.

Linda asks…

How do you make money at age 13?

I owe a kid 25$ after a bet and it goes up each day so i need a way to make moneyFAST!
I have about 2 weeks to make it or it’ll keep rising


Nagesh answers:

Hmm, why not try selling stuff that you don’t need anymore? Or you can even cook something to sell. And you can also run errands for your family. Try looking for jobs that you might be able to do too. If all else fails, you’d have to resort to begging your parents/siblings to lend you money, but you’d have to return the money once you’ve earned enough, or else you’d lose their trust.

Joseph asks…

What is the best software for making sewing patterns?

I am a hobbyist with no desire to go professional. I just like to sew, and I’d rather not clutter my house with a bunch of dress forms. It seems to me that using a computer to design simple outfits for my family (my kids grow so fast!) would be easiest. I also don’t want to spend a lot of money. A free demo would be nice to make sure the program is really what I want before I invest any money in it. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Best is in the eye of the beholder. None of the patternmaking programs I’ve seen balance the patterns and some produces some really strange results, so for me, it’s still easier to drape and draft by hand.

For recent reviews, check Threads magazine, May 2009, #142. It’s the issue with the orange cover and a dressform on it.

Have you looked at the KwikSew series of books? They offer basic patterns in a range of sizes, plus information and ideas on adapting them to different designs. Exceptionally well-drafted patterns, and easy to work with. And no need for dress forms if you’ve got the child handy.

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Friday, April 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Sandra asks…

What are good ways for a teen to make money?

I am not 16 yet so I cant get a real job and I hate online surveys so anything else would be great.

Nagesh answers:

The legal age to work is 14 in the United States. You could get a ‘real’ job if you go out there and hand in applications at all fast food places, retail stores, groceries, big box stores, movie theaters, etc.,

Donald asks…

A website where I can take online surveys that pay good money and aren’t a scam?

I would like to find a legitimate online survey company that pays good money for surveys completed, that is reputable, reliable, isn’t a scam, and doesn’t require me to pay my own money to have the ability to view surveys on their website.

Nagesh answers:

There are several survey sites that are legit, your not going to get rich doing them though. Do not give anyone your SSN there are lots of sites out there that are legit and they do not need this info from you. Nor do you have to pay to join. I am a member of several. The one I have had the most luck with is Lightspeed. They do not pay you cash you get points which can be converted into cash via pay pal. However, they send me the most surveys. And already twice now I have been asked to participate in a more extensive survey in which I was sent a palm pilot in the mail and asked to record certain daily activities. The ones I have completed offered a $50 incentive and that was in the form of a check in addition to the points I received for completing the initial survey. I have also done survey savy which has a great referral program if you know people who will join you get money for surveys they complete. I have also tried American Consumer Opinion. They pay by check in mail for all surveys, but I have not been able to complete many of their surveys. Pinecone is also great. You have to have an invitation to join though. Right now they are looking for males over 18. Email me if you want the invitation. They send one or two surveys a month. They are great though cause you will have a few days or a week to answer the survey if you don’t check your email religiously. Then they send a check in the mail pronto.

Most pay a few dollars per survey completed so it is best to use several. You also need to be a regular email checker because if you don’t respond to the survey fast enough they have met their quota.

If you would like to give me a referral credit use the link in my profile for survey savvy and the other sites are listed there as well. Good Luck!

Laura asks…

What are the best legitimate online paid surveys in Canada–not scams?

Most of the online paid surveys are US based and are open to US residents only. A lot of them are scams and ask for payment to register. If anybody could provide genuine sites (open to Canada residents), that would be great!

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys.In fact,you can earn $200 – $300 per day easily if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit to find how to earn $200 – $300 per day easily and legally.Hope that help you.The survey sites listed on the club are for global.

All information on is free!!!
All information on is free!!!

James asks…

How does a 13 year old make money really really fast?

Even though it probably would work I don’t want any crap like babysitting, raking leaves, shoveling snow, online surveys, selling things around the house, lemonade stands, or doing chores around the house.

Nagesh answers:

You don’t. You’ll have to work hard for it and save it up slowly, just like every other mere mortal on Planet Earth.

Mary asks…

How can I be called more often to participate in Paid Focus Group or Consumer Opinion Surveys?

I once participated in a focus group or consumer opinion survey for credit cards and was paid $100 for the 90 minutes I was with the group. I know there are online survey websites which pay you, but I would be more interested in going to a live, sit-down discussion, because I would rather speak my answers and get feedback, rather than type.
I actually enjoyed going on the survey (I was mailed an invitation), and it was easy extra money for basically just stating my opinion.
I live in the NJ/NY area, and would like to know if there is any company I can sign up with to get called for a survey on a more regular basis.
It was a seemingly random invitation, and I wanted to know if there is something I can do to be chosen more often.
Thanks in advance!

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit the club to find how to earn money easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on the club free!!!

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Thursday, April 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Charles asks…

What are some ways to earn money to buy a cell phone and to buy the service?

I really want to get a cellphone but I can’t convince my parents! I want to buy one so bad! What are some fast and easy ways to earn money to buy one. It is only going to cost my parents $10 extra a month on my moms bill and my phone is $30 buck

Nagesh answers:

Try to check at
Hope this can help you. 🙂

Nancy asks…

What is the best way of making money on animal crossing wild world nintendo ds?

Please tell my the best way on how to make money fast, but doesnt make weeds in your town!

Nagesh answers:

The best way to make money is by catching bugs or fish. Easiest way to earn money is to collect bugs and fish before the flea market. Put the bugs and fish in your main room for others to buy. You can get 2-3 times the actual value of the bug or fish this way!

Also after they buy your bugs and fish, they will throw out items to the recycling bin. Collect their furniture and sell that too.

Maria asks…

What is the best and easiest way possible to organize a car wash?

My friends and I are trying to help donate to a foundation called SCFSF, and I just asked a question abotu two minutes ago on what was a great way to make money fast to do that. One person (thank you!) had the idea of making a car wash…so…help!

Nagesh answers:

I found these wonderful instructions and tips at

The only thing I would add it to find a popular local merchant to donate all or a portion of the items needed to run the wash operation, agreeing to note their good deed at the wash. Win! Win!

—Getting Ready To Wash Cars—

Line up a location with good main road frontage

Ensure it has suitable water access

Assemble supplies list – hoses, buckets, wash towels, dry
towels, squeegees

Assign each volunteer an item from the supplies list

Make 8-10 poster board signs in high-contrast colors

Arrange your volunteers in 2-hour shifts

Get advance publicity, if possible

–Car Washing Tips–

Organize your group into teams – Promotion, Sales, Wash, Dry

Promotion team attracts new clients with signs

Sales team explains offer (use flyer for quick info) and up-
sells clients with extra features or secondary offer

Wash team soaps, scrubs, and rinses each car

Dry team gets water residue off, vacuums, does tires, etc.

Use at least two lines and wash two or more cars at once

Wash cars for six to eight hours (Saturday 9:00 to 3:00

Your fundraiser’s success will depend on the weather. If you can wash 12 cars an hour (one every 10 minutes in each line), you can easily raise $600- $1000 in one day.

Remember to put together a quick flyer that includes the reason why you’re raising funds and clearly states the price.

You can even offer some extra services for an additional charge such as providing high-gloss tire treatment or vacuuming interiors.

–Car Wash Fundraiser – Success Tips–

Location, location, location!

Sell car wash fundraiser tickets in advance

Use a flyer that clearly explaining why you’re raising funds

List all prices concisely in large, bold type

Up-sell to include additional services

Partner with another group if your head count is low

Increase revenue with an extra offering such as a 2-for-1 pizza savings card or selling boxes of doughnuts.

–Free car wash–

Alternatively, you can advertise a free car wash and just ask for donations for your cause. Often, this can raise more cash than stating a specific price, because people will see a group of volunteers working hard and having a good time, and may actually donate more money than you would have charged.

–Final Advice–

Make sure to keep the event fun for all your participants and your customers. Play upbeat music. Provide soft drinks and snacks to keep the energy level up.

Keep safety in mind when trying to attract customers. Be sure to get volunteers to hold and wave signs toward passing traffic, not just volunteers to wash cars.

If you have time, increase your turnout by getting your car wash fundraiser some advance publicity coverage in the local newspaper, or by posting roadside signs a day or two ahead of time.

Best wishes,


Mark asks…

How much money do you get for donating sperm in the UK?

The amount of money per pop

Is there an infinite no. of times you can do it?(In a day or lifetime?)

Is this an easy way to make real money fast?

Nagesh answers:

In the UK it is illegal to recieve “gratuities” in any way for donating of Bodily organs, fluids or acting as a surogate. You will receive only out of pocket expenses which in this case would be lost wages and travel costs

There was even a court case regarding blood donors receiving a Free cup of tea and a snack after donation as this was seen as a gift in exchange for the blood but courts rueled in favor of the NHS saying it was to settle donors and releive any dizzyness.

You are only allowed to donate once per month after between 2 – 7 days abstonance.

Paul asks…

What are some ways to raise money fast and easy?

I Want Rock Band for Wii and I need some money before it comes out (June 22nd). I need some ideas because I can’t think of anything.

Nagesh answers:

Try there’s no sign up fees or anything. You get paid to do offers and you get a small percentage of the money you use at some sites offered on it. You get paid on the first of each month once you’ve reached $50.

Its a good site, i’ve made quite a bit of money off it now. Refer your friends as well and you can both make some money. =P

you’ll need a paypal account and the higher paying offers need a credit card for the free trial so just do the free trial and cancel with like 2-3 days left. You won’t lose any money, and you’ll still get paid for the offer. =D

please use my referal link, this way we can both make money. Yay!! =P just click on the “sign up” button on the top right.

It won’t make you rich instantly, but if you refer your friends, you can make a bit of money.

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Mandy asks…

What are the requirements to be emancipated at 16?

I really need to get out of my house right now. What are the legal requirements for that to happen? I need it quickly.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on where you live. Some states don’t allow emancipation of minors at all. Of the states that DO allow it, fewer than one in a hundred petitions are granted. Most teens give up before they even bring a petition before the court.

If your state does allow emancipation, you will have to prove that you can live by yourself, without anyone else’s help. This means that you have a job that will pay for everything (or you have a trust fund that you can use for living expenses, but most trust funds won’t disperse money until you reach the age of majority, whether you’re emancipated or not), and you have to have a place to live. This place to live cannot be at your boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s. It also can’t be with a parent of a friend. You have to have a real lease in place, one that will allow you to live there legally even if you have an argument with someone.

Generally, you will have to convince a judge that you can take adequate care of yourself, and in most cases, you have to prove that you can take better care of yourself than your parents or guardians provide. You won’t get emancipated if you don’t get along with your parents or guardians, because that isn’t a good enough reason. If you’ve ever been pregnant, or gotten someone pregnant, forget about it. If you’ve ever been convicted of even a minor crime, even truancy, forget it. You must prove that you are at least as mature as the average 18 year old.

You also need to show how you will continue with your schooling. You must either attend high school, or graduate high school, or get your GED. You can’t drop out of school and say that you’ll get your GED.

Finally, if you’re not resourceful enough to find this information on your own, you’re almost certainly not ready to live as an adult. It’s very easy to search for this information today on the internet. It’s not like back in my day, when I had to go down to the main library and search old legal books and journals.

Lizzie asks…

Do you have an 18 year old still living at home who is disrespectful?

What rules/curfews are acceptable when she is 18 but still in high school and about to graduate? How do I handle the disrespect? Legally she is an adult but still is at home and in school.

Nagesh answers:

Whats that old saying ” as long as you live under my
roof…you’ll obey my rules”. If she can’t follow your
rules with respect for you and the rest of the household
maybe its time she think about moving out…I know it
sounds harsh BUT when and if she realizes you won’t be around to cook and clean, do laundry, make her lunches,
make sure she gets places, give her money etc. She
just might smarten up and want to stay home and respect you.
When I was faced with this 1) it worked like a charm but 2) I wrote out a letter stating in paragraph form what I expected
desired, and needed/required them to do AND (important I think) gave them the choice or choices ie: you can stay at home and graduate/but you must study and be in by midnight on weekends 10pm weekdays. Or, I will continue doing your laundry BUT you can either do the shopping or wash dishes.Or they can leave!! Something like that. They seem to quickly come to understand that life just ain’t gonna work for them if they don’t graduate and they party or lay around all day dis’ing mom.

Hope this helps a little.

John asks…

Can my girlfriend legally kick me out in a moments notice?

My girlfriend helped me through an injury. I thought that was the best thing I had ever witnessed another human being do. I fractued my hip while trimming trees at her house.
I unfortunately had to undergo two extensive surgeries to correct the problem. That said, she now thinks that I somehow owe her what is left of my life.
I cart her son around from place to place, I do the dishes, the cooking, and all the yard work.
I took a job close to home as to not waste a bunch of money on gasoline, etc.
I have done alot in regards to the daily grind. I have also helped her deal with other major issues in her life. She is a good person, but, somehow thinks that she can control me. She does so through pure verbal manipulation.
I am now healed, and, doing well. Yet, she won’t let go of the notion of controlling the situation to the enth degree.
I am trying to find a way out of all of this without the authorities.
Any suggesstions?

Nagesh answers:

I owned a home and let a girlfriend move in. After a while, I figured out that I didn’t like her personality. I tried to kick her out, but she wouldn’t leave. One day I changed all the locks, put all her belonging in the yard, and thought that was it. Despite her banging, I didn’t answer the door. I refused to let her in until Trooper John Friendly showed up at the door. I thought, “Wow! This is great! There’s never a cop when you need him, but now there is. I’m going right outside and letting him know how unruly she is and get him to make her leave.” Sadly it didn’t work like that. She had called the cops and when they came they quickly told me that I had to let her in. The cop explained that despite the fact that I had sole ownership of the house and there wasn’t any lease or legal document that let her reside in my house. She was a legal resident because I permitted her to reside there. All she needed for proof of this was a piece of mail or some legal form of ID with my house address on it… I was #(*#(#(#!!!!!! The cop told me I’d have to go to the courthouse and file an eviction notice. He said it would take 1-3 months. I asked him what I could do because I couldn’t stand another day with her and he told me to move and sell my house. God I hate America!

Charles asks…

I want to know how can an individual borrow a foreign currency internationally?

Lets assume an example. Say an individual say Me, in a country named Pakistan, with a currency say rupee, wants to borrow Dollars from America. Now is it a legally legitimate trade? and if so, wot is the procedure?

Nagesh answers:

Well, it is just borrowing money, for which you make repayments of capital and interest. The lender of US$ would want to know what security you have, how you intend to repay etc. Just like a loan in Rupees. It may require a specialist broker rather than a bank. I suggest you go to the usual lenders and ask the question. If it is possible in Pakistan then you will quickly be pointed to the people who can do it. Presumably you want to buy an asset, on credit, that is priced in USD. And presumably that asset will earn you USD so that you can pay the loan back.
For example, a few years ago, in the UK you could get a Euro mortgage (to buy a property in the UK). In order for a UK citizen (GBP) to pay the instalments he/she would have to buy EUR (with GBP).
As I say a loan is a loan!

Michael asks…

Why did the church support the Fascists in the Spanish civil war?

I know some of the clergy didnt, but i have read that the church in Ireland raised money and blessed the Blueshirts (volunteers who fought for the Fascists) before they set off for Spain.

Nagesh answers:

Not quite so:

Support from the West, the economic transformation of Spain in the 1960s and the subsequent peaceful transition to democracy after Franco’s death have created the impression that somehow his regime was not fascist, or at least different from fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. In reality, Spain suffered under its own form of military-clerical fascism which, especially in its early years, was just as brutal as Hitler’s or Mussolini’s regimes.

Yet despite massive repression people would eventually fight back, an experience that is often forgotten when recalling this terrible period in Spain’s recent history.

During the Civil War, Franco’s military strategy was based on a slow and systematic destruction of the enemy, rather than ending the war quickly. His aim was the annihilation forever of what was termed the “anti-Spain”.

In territory occupied by his armies anyone known for their left wing ideas, such as a union member who had refused to grovel to the boss or the priest, was shot.

At least 100,000 were executed. Once the war ended thousands more were slaughtered and hundreds of thousands were imprisoned.

Between 1940 and 1942 alone it is calculated that 200,000 people died as a result of executions, mistreatment and hunger caused by the new regime’s economic policies. Over 400,000 fled into exile — 9,000 of them would later perish in Nazi death camps.

But such terror cannot be understood by citing figures alone. Daily life for the defeated was unbearable. Punitive ­legislation meant that personal property of the defeated could be confiscated, however miserable. The loss of your house, or a small plot of land, or even a sewing machine, could mean absolute destitution. Those identified as “reds” were denied work and harassed.

Under the all-pervasive umbrella of “National Catholicism”, the church totally controlled education and public morals. It preached and helped enforce total acceptance, as god given, of class differences and unfettered exploitation. And it made sure that women were legally subordinated to men.

Franco also set out to eliminate all vestiges of any culture or symbol that was not truly “Spanish”. Thus the Basque and Catalan languages and culture were totally repressed.

Above all, Franco’s regime aimed to guarantee unhindered exploitation of the working class. A fascist charade of “vertical unions”, which included both workers and bosses, made sure that discipline was maintained. Wage levels and working conditions, already poor by Western European standards, plummeted, while profits soared.


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Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Joseph asks…

HELP!! i really need to buy new clothes for school?

i REALLY need new clothes i have ONE outfit for the next school year and 2 outfits at the most from last year so i really need a way to make money FAST and i dont have any money to start with. lemonade stand=$0
car wash-not possible

sell old stuff- dont have any
parents are divorced and dad wont but me anything
baby sitting- all of my moms friends have older kids as do my neighbors and i cant babysit anyone else
chores- all of my neighbors pay their own children to do it
pet sitting-neighbors pay their own children or do it themselves cuz they’re retired
no other ideas PLEASE help me btw im only 13 so too young to get a job
my mom knows but we have no money and the divorce judge always rules in my dad’s favor

Nagesh answers:

Man this is a tough situation, but I really hope I can help at least a little bit and Im sorry your parents cant help you. But try these::
1.Paper Route
2. Collect yours and your neighbors cans and bottles.
3. Save all change and take it to TD Bank and they have a machine that gives you cash.
4. Get someone to buy a box of chocolate, sell it on your own for double the price. Hehe lol
5. Bag groceries, or Tutor summer school kids.
6. Collect neighbors crap that they are throwing out, sell it at a yard sale, and put a sign up stating that you need the money for school clothes. Or a sick relative.
Hey you gotta do what you gotta do… Lol.. GOOD LUCK

Jenny asks…

I want to write a movie and I would like some advice…?

Which Idea or idea’s from the summarys of ideas i have listed below that you think would make a good idea for a movie? Please just give your honest open which movie would you want to go see from the ideas i have below so i can start my writing..

thank you

“ The Story Of Orpheus and Eurydice”

This is a Story of two people who fall in love but do not have a happy ending. Orpheus meets Eurydice, falls in love and marry’s her. But the god of garden wants her buety. He try’s to rape her but she runs and gets stuck by a snake and dies and goes to the underworld (hell). Orpheus followers her to hell and asked the devil to get her out, He said yes but she must follow him out and he can not turn around to see her or she will vanish for ever. He turns around and see’s her face for a brief second than she left. He goes to earth and kills himself to be with her again in heaven.

— “ The Fast Life” (based on a true story)

This is a story of a kid growing up in Tampa Florida with out direction and with out much friends. He meets a group of kids whom he befriends and they start to make fast money. Selling drugs and stealing .They get arrested towards the end and the kid starts to change his life once he is out of jail.

— “Spring Break Freshmen year”

Story Of four kids who are tired of everything being so boring in there town. So for spring break they decide to drive from Tampa Florida to Mexico to celebrate being young. It tells the story of all the crazy things that happened to them on the way there and once they arrive. Meant to be a comedy.

— “One Chance”

Story of two kids who do not want to end up one of the people in there town who never left. They did not go off to college and they want more out of there life’s they want to be rich and famous. One of the kids wants to be a pro skater, and the other kid wants to be a professional rapper. ( he is white with glasses) They travel to L.a. and try to make some thing of themselves. It tells the story of everything that happened to them and how they make it in the end. Meant to be a comedy but also meant to teach a lesson.

— “ Axeman” (based on true story)

Story about the murders in new Orleans that occurred from 1918 until 1919. He kills his victims with an axe, but only spares them if they are playing jazz music when he comes to visit. He has never been caught.

— “ Aaron ”

Aaron is the story of the son of the devil. He was born to help destroy the earth and take power with his farther, he doesn’t know it, when his farther (the devil) comes to visit him he runs. He doesn’t want to help destroy the earth but he knows it is his fait. The devil kills everyone standing in his way trying to find his son. An angle comes to his rescue to save him and tells him not to listen to any mortal not even his wife. But his wife tells him to go take the power his farther is offering him ( she doesn’t know he is the devil, and he doesn’t really understand who his farther is completely) he listens to his wife but when he really finds out who is farther is he doesn’t want to finish taking power. He has kid who comes in and takes power for him after he dies in afight with the devil.

— “ Me and Joyce ”

This is a story about a couple who is in love, but they are also addicted to drugs. It tells there story and the things they do for drugs but also the things they do to stay together over coming trust issues and the he say she say from the street. In the end Joyce dies from an overdose while she promised Joey She would stop with him. He reads her eulogy and that is the end or he kills himself at the end I haven’t decided yet.

Nagesh answers:

These have the potential to be great I’m sure. Have you ever checked out the book Save the Cat? This could help you immensely with your logline writing process.

Lisa asks…

EASY and FAST crafts for boys? (8-10)?

i need it 2 be FAST EASY and LOOKS TOTALLY COOL… i have no idea on what i should do…but please NO GOOP…my son is doing this project. he needs to make 10 crafts and on thursday his class will be having a ‘shop’ where the little kids will be ‘buying’ stuff with a certain amount of fake money. The more my son sells, the better the grade. so it has 2 be very popular with boys for him to sell and get a good grade! thx in advance!!!

Nagesh answers:

Paper airplanes!


your son can use cool papers (or decorate them himself!) and make several different planes…and possibly sell the plane with an instruction sheet along with it so that the kiddos who buy the plane will have instructions to make more of their own.

Kids in general and boys in particular LOVE paper airplanes…we did a paperfolding unit with some of my students ages 7-10 and they spent HOURS playing with their planes…

Have fun.

John asks…

Weird to not want to get married or have kids or have a girlfriend (long question)?

So I have this “master plan,” so to speak, about not getting married or having kids in an attempt to save money. This might seem a bit irrational, but I don’t do very well in school, and odds are I’m going to wind up working very hard for very little money. And I figure that spending money on food for a spouse and child, as well as whatever else they might need is probably one of the biggest expenses one could think of, not to mention what I’d be saving on electric and water bills, cutting the use of such luxuries by at least half (I know I must sound completely devoid of social skills right now, but I’m just trying to condense the question).

I originally formulated that plan when I was in 5th grade. I’m a freshman now, and I still stick with the idea, but I’m starting to think that it might be for different reasons.
You see, I’ve never had a girlfriend, which is highly unusual for most kids in my school. I still have many female friends, mind you, but nothing past that. And the thing is, I think it’s better that way. I’m not the best at carrying out conversations, and in my opinion, the ‘awkward silence’ is a metaphorical parasite that preys on relationships, whether friend relationships, or something more serious. I mean think about it. If your relationship with someone is so poor that you can’t even carry out a conversation with them, than maybe you’re not as great friends as you thought. And it is because of my inability to carry out a conversation that provokes the idea of remaining single for the rest of forever. It’s also a reason why I really only hang out with people in groups, and never one-on-one. I would just run out of things to talk about much too fast, and after that, It’s all downhill. I’m aware of a bunch of girls that have like me for two years or maybe more, and I’m still trying to avoid going out with them because of this problem.

To avoid the not helpful answer of “just talk about something like school, music, or sports,” I should probably mention that I basically live under a rock. I don’t play sports, do to my sub-par conversational abilities, I don’t hang out with my friends that much, I’m not much of a movie person, and I listen to emo-ish music (i.e. Green Day, Metallica, etc.), whereas most of my friends are Lil Wayne and Asher Roth and Drake fanatics (I DO NOT associate with gothic and emo kids, they disgust me). So even if I wanted to, there really aren’t many topics I can bring up that aren’t creepy. I mean, I COULD talk about my Pokemon obsession, but I’m not so sure that that would get me anywhere.

It is a combination of these two things, saving money, and avoiding awkwardness and the subsequent break-ups that follow the awkwardness that makes me not want a girlfriend or a wife or children. But mostly the second one. What on Earth can I do?

Nagesh answers:

Quite a write up…wish I had the energy to respond with as much care as it merits

Anyways, the saving money thing: most couples I know both work…where I live I would even go so far as say it takes two to pull together enough income to buy a house after marriage. You find ways of making it work…I’ve taken the last year off from cable TV, for example, and know several other people watching tv online these days.

Social skills: you have a pretty interesting personality showing through in your writing – it’s too bad you feel conversation holds you back from hearing that more often about yourself in general. I have trouble believing you don’t do very well in school.

Re: the girlfriend thing…people who do well at dating know that it is often marked by potholes, and to a certainty it is a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Right now you are focused on the linear framework of your life: A leads to B leads to C…and so on. A lot of people are like that at your age – I think I was too – schools indoctrinate that in you. Dating is perhaps one of the first milestones you get to where A leads to D, then takes you on a roundabout path to pick up B and maybe C if you’re lucky (but don’t count on it.) It is worth it on so many levels…an adventure just getting to know someone – a lot of people never give it that chance until they’ve matured a bit…a conscious decision that says throw away the map and just go for it, conversation skills be damned 😉 It’s all out there…just sometimes you just need to put reason aside and feel it down deep. Trust me…you won’t regret it in the long run.

Chris asks…

Doesn’t this guy make you laugh?

I just wanted to share my experience with this guy.

He is 30 years old. Lives in a state paid apartment. Owes over $30,000 in child support for 5 kids he has. Refuses to pay for them and the state does nothing about it. Lets him get away with it and doesnt throw him in jail. Just gives him free rent and free cash and free food.
This is our conversation:
Stacy:did u get your cash assistance?

Shawn:no i have to go tuesday to give them a paper from ssi for them to start it back up. nothing like going a whole month with no money, plus my phone bill is due tomorrow.

Stacy:well u let me know when u get your cash assistance and then i will come up cause i am not gonna have u asking me for money again

Shawn:i’m not gunna ask you again, i don’t need anything anyways

Stacy: What will we do if u have no money?

shawn:i dunno, i’d say go out to lunch but i won’t have any money. unless we go to mcdonalds and get off the dollar menu…lol. Can u come tonight and monday?

Stacy:Im not rich

Shawn: Cant cost that much in gas.

Stacy: Your right

Shawn: Do u drink?

Stacy:im not drinking with the kids there

Shawn:well if you bring a dvd player with ya they could watch a movie in the bedroom and we could drink out in the livingroom.

Stacy: Good idea. U have beer or do i need to buy some?

Shawn: U will need to get some. can you drink miller lite? U can get those.

Stacy: Need me to pick up anything else?

Shawn: u could get the pizza right in town here, there’s a good place right down the road from me.

I saw him 2 weeks ago. He swore not to ask me for money. He did and he convinced me to buy him his beer and cigarettes and lunch. He said he would give me a knecklace for the money. Never gave it to me. I am so stupid but I will not see him again. I am not gonna be taken advantage of. Here he is trying to do it again but im not stupid which is why i asked him these questions to see if he would do it again.

I didnt share this conversation to be called stupid or nothin. I just thought this conversation was funny how he thinks he can take advantage of me again.Im not really going to go and see him. I dont think it is a good idea to drink with the kids there. I was just trying to find out his intentions if I came to see him. I now know and will not be speaking to him again. He is just using me.
He is trying to convince me to come down tonight so he can have his beer and food tonight. He did that last time. Was like “please come down today. even if the kids have a delay from school just keep them out of school. U know u wanna see me today. Just keep them out of school today and see me” He said that so he could get his beer and ciggaretts faster. He is such a sweet talker. LOSER. Wont fall for his tricks again.
I am going to find someone else. im done with his games.

Nagesh answers:

What motivated you to talk to him?

You make me laugh. Or should i say your stupidity makes me laugh.

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Monday, April 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

William asks…

Online Money?

Is there any online survey, get paid to click or get paid to search sites available for people living in the U.K.?
I’m jus fed up with scams, has anyone got paid from any of these??

Nagesh answers:

Working from home is the easiet way to make money online and the best part is that there is no investment to join and there is no fee and its absolutely free. Never pay for any website who asks you money. One of the easiest, fastest and most convenient ways to earn money is by using the internet. If you are one of those who have realized the power of internet to elp you generate cash the easy waymakng money online can be very easy. Making money online is surely one of the smartest ways to earn money these days. As most and more people are beginning to realize the power of internet to help to get money, in the most convenient possible ways, they are opting for internet related professions, either as a part time job, or a fully fledged career.

Susan asks…

Fast Online Loan for small money?

While most of the questions on here deal with PayDay loans and whatnot…

I’m only planning on borrowing like $400 for personal things (gifts, etc.)(which can be paid totally in like a month), and I think I have fair credit (700?)

Is there any place that can help me?

By the way, what exactly are the interest rates for payday loans? I get paid like $400 every two weeks. It’s just this specific week I need to “have an extra paycheck”.


Nagesh answers:

Go to They transfer the money straight to your bank in an hour or less. If you’r really willing to pay interests then go for it. Because having 400$ every two weeks doesn’t mean that it will pay off that loan. Interests apply too. Also, since you earn about 800$ every month. That shows me that your young. Maybe teenager or somewhat around there. So, if you want a loan online, I don’t think any site accepts under 18. If you’r not under 18, then go for it. So check it out. It’s meant to be fast money. Also, I would recommend a friend or family member. Debt is your worst nightmare, if anything does go wrong.

Ruth asks…

need money FAST!?

theres this really cute bikini from hollister and my bday is coming up in march and i need $35 to pay for the half im paying for (my mom is paying for the other half) i cant get a job im only 12 years old and i need it fast any ideas?
i DO chores but i dont get an allowence

Nagesh answers:

You remind me of my little sister. She is very energetic and she is also 12 years old.

Let me share with you 5 Tips of how she earns money FAST:

1. Walk your neighbors’ dogs.

If your mom says it is alright, ask all of your friendly neighbors if you could walk their dogs for $5 each. My sister makes up to $50 every afternoon just by walking 10 dogs. You just need to walk 7 dogs and you will have your $35.

2. Bake cupcakes.

My mom helps my sister bake cupcakes and they sell them 2 for a dollar. You can make quick money doing this because everybody loves sweets!

3. Hold a weekend car wash.

My little sister and 4 of her friends make posters directing people to our gas station and they wash cars for donations. The owner of the gas station agrees to allow them to use his water.

4. Hold a garage sale.

This is one of the fastest ways to make money. You can either have the garage sale at your own house or sometimes cities have their own city wide garage sales on Saturdays. Make sure you advertise in the newspaper and on Craigslist.

5. Take online surveys and make $25 in 7 minutes.

My sister and I always take these free surveys that are sent to us in our email. Just sign up at the link below:

We made $40 from just 1 survey that only took us 20 minutes. This is one of the best and fastest ways to make fast cash! These surveys are so much fun and lucrative!

Well….I hope these 5 tips will help you generate $35.

Take care and good luck!

Helen asks…

Well i need money and fast!!!!?

Well I really want a xbox 360 but i dont have enough money i worked over the summer but im hella sure that im not going to make $400 for siding a shed with steel

So im 14 years old but wont be 15 till December

Im wonder if anybody knows if i can get a job at age 14 in minnesota or if there are ways that online i can earn money??

so plz help me

Nagesh answers:

I am 15 and earn money online. There’s actually quite a few like survey sites and stuff that will pay to 14 year olds. I have found a lot of sites that pay.[: I love earning money online cause its soooo easy. I made my own website that lists all the great sites I use and have actually been paid by.
My site is
I have a lot of sites and I always update my site, so hopefully you’ll like some sites I listed.
All of them are free and you never have to pay.[:

Daniel asks…

money online?

IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME PLEASE READ THE FORUMS is a great way to make extra money. The site will ask you to complete surveys and offers and those companies will then pay you. Unilike most work at home jobs this is one is realy legit and actulaly sends real checks to you at the end of the month. I have already made over $800+ from this website and keep it mind that everything is free.I will love to answer any questions that you might have regarding this just email me via CashCrate Message Center

Nagesh answers:
it’s a VERY VERY helpful forum where people discuss EVERY which way to make money online…legally anyway. There’s a lot about mystery shopping, paid to read email, surveys, test products,etc…There’s a thread where everyone leaves feedback and discusses the different paying sites they’re members of. It helps when you see hundreds of people saying positive things about a site, especially when you’re questioning it’s…legit…ness(?)lol. I’ve found a couple of extra survey/trial sites that i’ve joined on there, and have gotten paid from them. If i were to recommend the best ones though, it’d DEFINITELY be
1.) Pinecone Research-after you look into making money online more, you’ll see this one is one of the most sought after sites to join. It’s the best, IMO. The ONLY catch it, you can’t just sign up from their site…you have to find the elusive banner to join. (i googled it and found it pretty easily) but if you’re accepted (and it’s 100%free) you’ll get your first survey soon and they pay $5.00 //survey you do…they pay after each one (they send them to you, you can’t just do as many as you want 🙁 but you WILL get either a check or they pay via paypal as well (what i do) in less than 3 days after completely the survey. I dont think you’ll ever hear anything bad or negative about this site (except that some people don’t get accepted, sometimes they’re looking for certain people)..but for that one. You’ll def. Want to join a few other sites along with this one, since they decide how many surveys you get each month (it’s just the easiest and fastest, so why not do it)
the next site i’d recommend it the first paying survey/trial site i joined (and worked)…i earn the most money on this one (probably because i’m a bit biased since it was my first one that i joined and got paid from)
first off, make up a couple extra emails to use strictly for junkmail (i’ve never even checked the ones i made and use on there) i say a couple, because several of the surveys you take are from the same company so if you use different emails it’ll approve faster (and i clear my cookies after each survey, and it helps more approve)
then all you do if enter your info and answer a bunch of those yes/no to free offers (usually youdont even have to go that far with it, just enter your info…or click NO or pass to everything)
I’ve been a member since February 14th this year, and i’ve made 168.00 so far (i’ve already gotten my first check) and that’s just from doing free offers. If you refer friends/family you get 20% of what they earn and 5% of what THEIR referrals earn. Great site, highly recommended. Oh, they also have a forum there, with a proof of payment thread.
And another site i’m a member of and have gotten paid a bit from is (note:dont’ put the “space” between “cash” and “crate”.i couldnt post hte link i HAVE recieved my first check from them for $60.00, i don’t get on there as much as treasure trooper (if idid i would obviously make more money)they also have a referal system %20 1st level referrals and %10 second level…after so many referrals you go up levels…%30 1st level and %20 second.
And last but not least is the site i spend the least time on (and i have gotten paid from them) but i’ve gotten paid the least (since i dont get on there much)
i’ve gotten paid $40 from them. Same deal as the others, a little different withthe referal system though, you get $1 for every referal and i think it’s $2 for every offer they complete. Not sure on that part though, i know i’ve gotten paid though, lol. Well, hope you enjoy venturing into the world of working online. It’s addicting, i’m currently working on some new sites and building up my balance and seeing if they pay.

(NOTE: I haven’t invested ONE penny in any of this)
i make almost $300 extra a month between all of those)

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Sunday, April 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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