Archive for April, 2014

Residual income(long term) compared to instant income(short term)


Considering money making scheme everyone knows that making money online has become the order of the day. You can find various money making systems both on the internet and off the internet and naturally everyone knows making money online has existed for years even as long as money itself.

Just how would you describe financial self-sufficiency? To me, financial freedom would be when I no longer have to worry for money. Certainly not, it may not signify acquiring tens of millions tucked away in a designated bank account. Absolutely not, financial autonomy is when you enjoy a stress free life and never have to worry about money again i.e. when you accumulate uninterrupted supply of income and wealth.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to enjoy an income supply that is completely economic downturn immune that you can fall back on in case the carpet was ripped entirely from under you today? Be in your fantasy property, Possess the ability to procure most of the things that you desire even Buy your loved ones costly accessories. That is exactly what is referred to as financial self-sufficiency. In this particular post, I will uncover money making ideas that will generate stable residual earnings for financial freedom

When you compare long-term income and short-term source of income, the majority prefers short quick term income not considering that whatever is yielded is simply for a short time period and this is the legitimate reason lots of people have end up being victims of internet frauds.

For as long as folks are seeking different ways to earn a living for themselves very fast and in a short period of time, there will continually be individuals willing to reap the benefits of this quick money making opportunists to defraud them.

Convenient means of making money online from your home business is completely achievable, Individuals do this on daily basis. On the other hand don’t be a short-term opportunist. To really be successful you need to desire for the long term stream of income by growing to be an online investor, where you can achieve a long lasting as well as continuous income inflow. Indeed, it requires effort which needs hard work but the benefits are actually worthwhile. Frankly speaking, nearly all immediate solution to mastering how to generate long terms online money is provided by residual income.

Exactly what is residual income? Permit me to define it in this manner, Residual income is money earned after the first activity which generated the income has been accomplished.

The strategy to earn reliable residual income is challenging and lengthy to cultivate or acquire in the beginning, however the benefits and income pulled are usually higher and the income a lot more secure and then constantly having to generate income. A residual income provides income regardless of what happens even if you cease to directly enhance the revenue stream, The earnings just continues coming. For a lot of ambitious individuals, this is a decent strategy to generate legitimate long-term income a reality.

Your aim as an Internet marketer would be to establish meaningful relationships with people, organizations and many others. Parties involve can succeed from mutual cooperation as well as develop connections with website visitors and Internet clients that you will lead the to the company web pages. Essentially, you become the core person of an online negotiation employing number of tips on how to help drive visitors to these targeted websites. Being familiar with these money making scheme will answer the million dollar question how one can earn money online.

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

William asks…

What songs do you suggest I play in an acoustic set?

I was recently offered the opportunity to earn some extra money by performing in a restaurant, acoustic guitar and vocals. This is all fine and dandy, but my repertoire isn’t quite where it should be yet. I need some suggestions for tried and tested songs that people like that are relatively easy to perform and quick to learn. Bare in mind that I will not really feature as an act, more of an ambience, with perhaps the occasional star performance, depending on the crowd.

Nagesh answers:

Your guaridan angel by the red jumpsuit appartus
Home by Daughtry

Both really simple to sing and play at same time
they have like a few chords each

Chris asks…

What is a fast way to earn money?

I need a laptop and I can not get a job because I am only 15. Does anybody have any suggestions of what I could do to start making money?

Nagesh answers:

Everybody needs a quick infusion of cash from time to time. These ideas bring in money fast, and many can also be done at flexible times, so it’s easier to arrange child care with a friend or family member for free.

* Have a garage sale. By using a few easy tricks, like posting fliers at grocery stores and Laundromats, making signs that can be seen from nearby busy streets and displaying your items in a department-store style, you can increase the amount your sale brings in. Find out how to earn more with Garage Sale 101 tips.
* Sell on eBay. Books, CDs, unused sports or exercise equipment, clothing, novelty items — people buy all kinds of things. Even if you’re selling several small items, the money can add up. Just make sure the buyer, not you, pays the cost of shipping.
* Put clothes on consignment. This is an especially good way to get rid of clothing like fancy dresses (think old prom gowns and cocktail dresses you’ll never wear again), but anything in good condition can be put on consignment. You share the money from the sale with the consignment shop, but it’s an easy way to squeeze some money out of clothes that would otherwise just take up closet space.
* Perform household services. You can earn some money informally by letting friends, family, church members and others in your community know that you’re available to clean their houses or apartments, or to take in ironing. If you find you have a knack and stamina for cleaning quickly and thoroughly, you can turn this into a regular, reliable way to earn extra money every month.
* Have a bake sale. Do you make killera chocolate chip cookies? Chocolate chip cookies? Are yummy breakfast burritos your specialty? If so, why not bring in your items once a week to your job and sell them to coworkers and other businesspeople in the vicinity? If you don’t have a job, what about a friend’s workplace, a community center or a nursing home? Put the word out beforehand and gauge the response as you go, so you don’t end up with a lot of leftover food. By talking up your home-baked goodies and arriving at the same time every day or every week, you may find that people start to anticipate your arrival. You can start a cottage industry along the lines of Mary’s Monday Cookie Break when you come around to hawk your wares.
* Sell homegrown fruits and vegetables. You don’t have to have a farm to produce delicious, delicious, organic produce. By presenting your goods in an appealing way (save the plastic or cardboard produce containers from the grocery store and tie them with a distinctive ribbon or desktop-printed label), you give them niche appeal, and you can sell them much the same way as baked items, listed above.

James asks…

what is a quick way to earn alot of money?

im a teenager adn dont have time for a job how can i earn money?

Nagesh answers:

Legally it will be difficult

illegally smooth and easy, but juvenile court is a killer,…..

Ask mom and or dad for the cash, but you have to be sweet.

Ruth asks…

can anyone tell me the ways with which i can earn money on the internet?

It should be a work, where you have done the work already and got the money on your hand, through that work. I found some websites, where I see some money in the website account. But when I tried to withdraw them, it is difficult. It is not happening. Please tell me the clear steps, also. You should have received the money. Tell me such kind of websites or ways.

Nagesh answers:

You have fallen victim to one of the many scam money making sites that are so viciously pushed on Y!A and other places, to people like yourself looking for easy work and quick money.

I doubt that you will ever get any money out of those sites. Your best bet is to keep trying – you might be lucky one day. If so, take the money and run.

Richard asks…

What are the odds of earning a PhD in Australia and then getting hired to work there as a professor?

I am thinking about moving to Australia to earn my PhD and my worst fear is spending almost four years there and not getting a position as a professor or manager at some airline…oh yeah…my master’s degree is in aviation. I know Boeing has some things going on down there but I am not sure how foreigners are going to take to me dominating the situation.

Nagesh answers:

Hello, I’m not sure what you mean by “dominating the situation”? Australia is a very advanced country with superior technology in many respects. Part of that reason is the smaller poplulation which allows quicker introduction of technology etc. As opposed to the USA where change is slow and often driven by corporate snails. In any event, my suggestion is that you apply and enter Australia as a student. You will get a visa for that but you must realize that the education system is different from the USA so you should look into that aspect as well. Once you are there and earned your degree it will be easy enough to get a job. Australia suffers from what is called the “brain drain” which is a reality whereby Australians have found it easier to earn more money overseas. However, the quality of life there is superior and these days there are many American related businesses that you will not miss the USA much.

In terms of Aviation the country has limitations again due to the popluation. However, there are several domestic airlines (Qantas, Virgin Blue, REX, OzJet, JetStar) but some of these are subsidiaries of Qantas. There are plenty of regional operators and International carriers that you can find on the Sydney airport website as well as the other ones. Most airports are privately held so there is a corporation behind that not to mention the various ground operators and service providers.

The issue you have is adapting to Australia and not bringing pre-conceived notions of American superiority. I don’t mean to be harsh but Australia offers a different way of life which is positive to some while others find difficult.

Good luck

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Wednesday, April 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Nancy asks…

I am looking for a real and legit work from home job.?

I am looking for a real and legit, work from home job. I am not looking to become rich in a month , just to make real money. I am not interested in surveys, just because they are ridiculous. I am also looking forward to not paying anything to get into a job. Thanks so much for your help.

Nagesh answers:

You mean the sort of job that doesn’t make you go anywhere and doesn’t feel like work? One that doesn’t require you to get off the couch or do anything that cramps the brain too much? One that doesn’t require any heavy lifting or exposure to hazard? One that doesn’t have a boss who makes you feel you have to watch your back and work constantly?

I know of such jobs, but none actually pay a salary or bonus. People I know have done these jobs, usually when they were between jobs, to try something different. What they really got out of these jobs were a bunch of unneeded subscriptions, a depleted savings, and a reduced sense of self-worth that came when people victimized them for their laziness.

If you want a job like this, but one that is not easy at all, go for a sales job where you can work from your home office. Sales is never easy unless successfully convincing people they need to give you their money is a part of your personality. If this is not your cup of tea, then you are likely to join the next pyramid scheme that comes through your area.

Work is called work for a reason. As far as free money available to anyone, how often have you found a $5 or greater bill just lying on the ground. Same principle applies anywhere else. Free money does not stay around for very long, and it doesn’t ever beg you to take it.

Lizzie asks…

What was Bill Wilson’s purpose or final objective by creating alcoholics anonymous?

Was he looking to create a new religion? or just make money?

Nagesh answers:

I believe it was equal parts of wanting to get sober and getting his wife off his back. When it began to spread, when people started coming to him to find out his secret in staying sober, he saw the opportunity to avoid getting a real job, while at the same time being in a position to repeatedly stray. He cheated on his wife so much that it became an embarrassment to AA and they started having Wilson accompanied to meetings. Wilson eventually left 10% of his estate to his favorite mistress, Helen Wynn.

Wilson was never a stock broker as claimed by AA members, he was a stock touter:

“About Bill Wilson being a stock broker: That is simple. Bill Wilson was never a stock broker. He was never anything like a stock broker. Bill Wilson was never trained as a stock broker, and he was never licensed to trade stocks. He never traded stocks for anybody. Bill Wilson’s statement in the Big Book that he was a stock broker was a blatant lie, just more of Bill’s bragging and self-aggrandizement.

Bill Wilson was really a stock touter, and a Wall Street hustler. A stock touter is somebody who goes to rich speculators and says something like, “Buy G.E. It’s going to really take off. It’s going to go to the moon. Oh, and please slip me some of your winnings when my tip pays off.” If you do that with enough stocks and enough speculators, you can make a living off of it. You are likely to hit some winners sooner or later.

Bill Wilson was doing that during the Roaring Twenties, when the stock market was all going up in a frenzy of “irrational exhuberance”. It’s easy to pick winners when everything is going up. After the Crash of 1929, Bill’s game was over.

Bill Wilson also declared in one of his autobiographical raps that he got in with a bunch of Wall Street “operators” and got involved with “Ponzi schemes”. That is the wrong name for the racket. What Bill Wilson really got involved with was “Pump’n’Dump” schemes.
(See PASS IT ON, pp 74-76, 85-86, and 90-91, and Bill W. By Robert Thomsen, pp 146-147, 152-153.) ”

Ruth asks…

What is the best stock to invest in or way to make money easily?

No joke please be for real

Nagesh answers:

There are no get-rich-quick schemes. No joke. For real.

From George Leonard’s book, Mastery (1991): “To take the master’s journey, you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence.

One of the most important Samurai texts ever written, by Miyamoto Musashi, “The Book of the Five Rings (1643)”, offers this advice: “Think of what is right and true. Learn to see everything accurately. Become aware of what is not obvious. Be careful even in small matters. Do not do anything useless.”

Nothing substitutes for research and education.

Your persistence and determination to succeed is, in the final analysis, the critical element.

Paul asks…

What does this person do for a living?

He won’t tell anyone what he does. He doesn’t deal with banks. I asked him if he makes $5000 a week, and he says he makes that in a day. He says sometimes he loses money. The most he has ever lost is $20,000. He says its somewhat like stocks and he keeps all his real money in a eggo waffles box in his freezer at home? At a restaurant, we were talking and he said he’s making money as we speak.

Nagesh answers:

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) also known as a pyramid scheme. He recruits other people to “sell” product but they really have to buy it themselves.

Donna asks…

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself?

I’m working for a non-profit Republican committee to hopefully get a few laws passed and certain politicians elected. That’s saying a lot since I’m in my 20s, not balding, and I’m about to come across in public as a registered Republican progressive.

It’s a shame that in the current Republican party though, there are enough illiterate windbags who can’t understand that Republicanism and progressivism aren’t mutually exclusive nor contradictory.

And that’s the problem I’m facing:

I, and a few other members I’m working with, have a great bunch of starter ideas for laws to lobby that would make the patent system more practical for corporations(which is something many corporations have been wanting for awhile now—–it makes sense if you understand their predicament with the patent office), a revision of some of the fluff jobs on a federal and state level (that don’t really do anything of function and act more as a way to take up time, money, and space—–random clerks at a Federal office that just sit on their *** 10-12 hours a day and always transfer customers/visitors to the clerk that actually does the work, for instance. Those types of positions.), and actually a pretty massive bill that would require police to have more patrols in crime-ridden projects(currently police have the luxary to avoid those areas that desperately need surveillance and law enforcement presence because of the extremely thick gang-activity in those types of regions. The Crips, Bloods, and the Latin Kings——or your regional equivalent—-can dominate entire blocks and projects and terrorize the local populace, but most police districts are either too cowardly or apathetic to face the real threats. Bills like the one I’m pushing for would change that and cut out a lot of the authoritative bureaucracy that the police usually hide behind.)

What I’m saying is the laws that I and my associates are trying to pass are forward thinking, deal with practical issues, and would cut out a lot of toxic red tape and mismanagement that Governments are plagued with. I’m genuinely passionate about applying Republican ethics and policies in a real and practical way that will help people.

….With that said there are other members of this committee that have less than altruistic intentions for their own laws that want to present to congress. Imagine the pettiness of Santorum mixed with the “purity-by-fire” mindset of some Tea Party folk and you can probably imagine the other, slight majority, of people I have to work with in this committee. Can’t stand them, personally.

Where people like myself and a few trusted affiliates are trying to work from within the Republican party to address practical, real world issues through Republican legislation, the other members seem more intent on printing fliers and posters and scheming up new ways to defame the democrats.

They’re threatening to waste all of our lobbying budget on tearing down Democrats and trying(yet ultimately failing) to strict down democrat legislation like Obamacare. They’re too busy hating the enemy and not taking a real-world look about the issues so many of us face. And I’m not saying our proposed legislation is perfect—-but at least it would begin to address the woes of our local, and eventually federal, community.

Those members seem hell-bent on marking their party—–my party—as a zealous extremist party that no one wants to associate with, and people like my and my associates are trying to save a sinking ship——–but it’s hard.

Lastly, so many of them are just so old! And I don’t mean that in a rude way, I mean it in a way where instead of offering any solution to a problem or giving their insight on any of our proposed bills, all they do is insult the current generation(me, thanks for that gramps. Glad your generation plans on being the first immortals so you won’t need to worry about sustainable recruitment to keep up your party’s numbers. Nope, thanks for that.) and obsess over “the good old days”. I think half of them have Alzheimer’s, or maybe they are just that bitter and petty—who knows?

I’ll ask my original question again:

How to operate off of a party that seems intent on destroying itself? I genially believe in Republican ideals and really want to see them positively benefit my community, but people like me are always contested with the “purity-by-fire” Teapublicans and the older generation who can’t seem to be anything other than bitter and petty at everything they see.

Nagesh answers:

Here is the problem.

You’re completely ignorant of the bureaucracy which you claim to know all about. Your claims are not founded in actual experience, but are mostly based on what you imagine it must be like or what someone with a political axe to grind has told you they are like.

I suggest getting a job in the patent office. Then just like any worker in any business, you will actually know the system well enough to diagnose how it does and doesn’t work. You can actually work to reform the system from within or at least be an expert in the actual system, rather than just a guy who rants about a system he has no experience with. You won’t believe this but tearing down the present system for an unproven, untested new system seldom works out well. Micro changes are always far more successful than macro changes, on average.

As for writing policy in your political party.

I can only suggest what has worked in the past.

Get out your check book and start writing checks.

We both know that this is how politics are done in the Republican party. If you can’t write the checks, then you better know people who can write checks. Individual politicians may occasionally dream about making the country better, when they’re not worrying about getting elected, but a political party’s only real concern is gaining power. Write them a check, they will endorse your ideas.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Donald asks…

Does anyone know any ways of getting money quick at home or online?

No way to make money but things on the computer.

Nagesh answers:

I could tell you how to be frugal like me.
How to save the money you have: Stay away from cigarettes & drugs! Use cantines instead of buying waterbottles or sodas, get water instead of sodas at the movies & restaurants, try to eat at buffets instead of restaraunts, shop for clothes & furniture at discount stores, use spiral bulbs instead of normal bulbs, watch movies on putlocker or youtube instead of buying or renting them, when you buy a car buy a small efficient one instead of a truck or SUV, & if you ever build your own house order white roofing instead of the usual dark. Another somewhat frugal habit is using progressive grammar like me (&>and, 2>two, 1st>first, %>percent) when you’re writing papers. If books used progressive grammar they’d be shorter & cheaper to make.
How to make some money: Collect cans & other scrap metals & take it up to your local metal recycling place that pays you. If you have any books or DVDs you don’t want anymore sell them to Half Priced Books. If you have any unwanted gold or silver sell it to Cash4gold. When you pass by vending machines look in the coin slots for coins. In my experience 1/10 of them have coins.
If you’re a kid & some of this doesn’t apply to you, saving on electricity still saves your parents money. If you wanna be radical then follow power4patriots & make your house energy independent.

With that money, it would be best to spend it on stuff that will improve your life & stuff that will last such as spiral bulbs, new leather furniture, or emergency supplies. This world would be a much better place if everybody was frugal & I hope I am making this world better by answering questions like this. If you don’t wanna pick me as best answer at least let me know if my advice has helped you & if you wanna become frugal too. It’s up to us to make our future better by spreading frugality.

James asks…

What is the best way of asking family members to borrow money?

My boyfriend and I wish to purchase some land and need to borrow the money. My family will get it back once we sell the land again I just feel very awkward asking but it is the only quick way of raising the funds!

Nagesh answers:

To be honest, if you are buying land for investment purposes, you really shouldn’t borrow the money but present it as an investment proposal. This is only if you are willing to share the proceeds if you make any money from the sale. You and your boyfriend will get a share because you thought of the idea and sourced the opportunity, but those that lend you money (the financiers) should also have a share in the risk and rewards. If you sell the land for less than the purchase price, they are on the hook anyway.

If I were being asked to lend money to someone, I would be expecting more than just my principal back if they are using it to buy and sell land.

It’s a different story if you are buying the land to build a home on, then it isn’t an investment but a favor. Then you should just come out and tell them what you need the money for.

Donna asks…

Does anybody know any good and quick ways of getting money on animal crossing City Folk?

I know how to do the basic stuff like fish and crap but I was wondering if there was a better way of making money.

Also if anybody knows a good site for walktroughs please post the link thanks!!!!!!!
Oh ya this is for wii if that really makes a difference

Nagesh answers:

There is a lot you could do for money. One thing I’d suggest you do is get friends or other peoples friend codes and get fruit from different towns to plant there fruit and sell there fruit at Nooks because its 500 a piece at the store. Also, if your city has a lot of mushrooms you could go around picking those because Elegant mushrooms are 10,000 bells. If you had the game on Thanksgiving and did the event, you can probably find people online on the Animal Crossing: City Folk website for exchanging codes to buy the harvest furniture because that is quite a lot to people.. The last thing I’d highly suggest is to dig up fossils all you can there thousands of bells in and in no time you’ll have bunches of them.

Good Walkthroughs-

Steven asks…

How do I get to compete in an MMA tournament?

I just transferred to Vancouver, BC and I want to know how I can get myself to fight into a legitimate MMA match/tournament. I already trained extensively and competed in my home country before, but now I recently transferred here and want to get into matches but I don’t know where to start.

Right now, I don’t want to enroll in any MMA school because quite simply, I don’t want to spend the money. I may look into that later on but I just want to get into an official match to see how I match up here and check out the local competition.

Is there a quick way to get into an MMA tournament without having to member myself in a school or gym?

Nagesh answers:

No promoter will take you if you don’t have a gym to your name. Those are rules to sanctioned MMA match making.

Thomas asks…

What’s the best way to earn some quick cash?

I need to make some quick money. I’m already working odd jobs but only made 71 dollars in a month so that’s totally not enough for even gas for my car. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for a convenient financial funding for your short term cash flow problems, you search stops here. Quick cash payday loans are a quick way to tide your financial situation till your payday. It can be an ideal financial situation for the people who are in desperate need to get quick cash.

Online application is doing a great job in offering the finance to the people without any hassle and stoppage. It only takes a minute to apply. Once you’re approved the lenders can deposit the money directly into your account usually within 24 hours. There’s no obligation to see if you qualify.

So, with quick cash payday loans, there is no reason to suffer in between pay periods. You can apply now with this loan deal as it’s fast and easy. No collateral is needed to be pledged as it is short term unsecured loan. No faxing required and neither any paperwork is required.

For getting applicable with this loan term you need to be a regular employed and holding a valid and active checking account. The income you earn should not be less than 1000 pounds per month.

Quick cash are short term loans usually ranging from £100 – £1,500 and usually carry a high interest rate with them. However, most online lenders are ready to negotiate and you can get low rate deal with ease. The loan money will expect to paid back on your next paycheck.

The lenders approve the applicant regardless of credit history. If late payments and unexpected bills have set you back financially, quick cash payday loans can offer a great help.

Naturally, no one is aware of the financial hardship that you are in. You can apply for quick cash payday loan and get it right from your home. You can enjoy your vacations without any financial hardships.

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Monday, April 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

George asks…

how do i make fast money in runescape f2p?

Nagesh answers:

There really isn’t a fast way to make money in f2p. A few methods (which are slow, and can be boring).

Cutting Yews.
Smithing steel ore. (and the odd mithril if you can be bothered)
Fishing Lobsters.

David asks…

how do i make fast money on runescape?

im a lvl 82 cb, have really good other levels. my total lvl is 1005 so please help!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Like totally mine a crap-load of rune essence and sell that in large amounts, total money generator.

Richard asks…

I need a way to make money on Runescape, fast!?

I don’t even have like, 2.3k right now ( I spent it on Druidic Tops, we’re merchanting them right now) and we’re merchanting power amulets AND druidic tops. I already spent all of my money on druidics tops. What’s the quickest way to make money?

P.S. Join We Make Gp, the ultimate F2P merchanting clan!

P.S. I’m F2P

Oh and don’t say to woodcut or mine.

Nagesh answers:

Most quickly way is in , you can have a look! And wish you good luck!

Chris asks…

how do you make fast money in runescape?

Nagesh answers:

Ok hill giants are a good way..take the bones and sell them.
Also 1k regular bones will get you 70k.
Either merchanting, gaining the levels to be able to do better things (such as making runes, or mining rune ores)… But if you don’t want to take a long time, you’ll have to merchant items… Buy low, sell high (if possible)
Level up your woodcutting and cut Yew Trees and sell them.
I recomend this..I am going to give you 5 Ways of making money.

1 – This is by far the best way for F2P players to make cash without taking a lot of time, the only problem is that you would not gain any XP in any skill.

This way is Air Running. Go to World 16. You inventory should have the following Items:

– 1 Air Tailsman.
– 25 Rune Essence.
– 1 free space for money.
– Strange Fruit ( Optional, if you have any, it raises Running by 30% if low).

It is suggested that you do not wear anything energy. You can wear gloves, boots, cape and amulet to look cool, they wont lower your energy or increase you weight.

Now go to Falador, bank, the one closest to the party room. If you know where the Air Altar is then go there. If not, then it is in the woods you will find a stone, a really large one, it s like a space in the map under fally, where there is a space between trees.

Go to the Air Altar then use the Tailsman with it to go in. Trade with someone that is in need of Runes. You might wanna type that you are a runner to get someone, trade with people. Mostly People will give a min of 1.5K and your ess back. If they just offer the money and no ess then don’t accept and never accept under 1.5K and your ess back.

The busier the world is, the more money you will get. Usually if it is a bit busy people will give you 2K! Even more. If the world is full, try to go for 3K! You can’t gain more than 3K since the new trade limit is here. After you get your money and your ess back in a note. Run back to the bank, swap the notes with the ess then run back there, keep reapeating, the strange fruit comes in when your Energy is 0%, if you don’t have it just walk. You can gain up to 50K – 350K per hour from this!
Never do these for money: Mining – Too slow these days. Smithing – Only if you have 95+ then its your call. Pking, really stupid, you don’t know the drops or if a player will drop. Monster Killing, what will bones and some cheap random item get you.

Lizzie asks…

How to make fast millions on RuneScape 3 for non-members?

I’m a RS player (started in 07) who just came back to take a look at this new RuneScape 3 that just came out. I’ve got to say, it’s changed a lot and in my opinion, moneymaking is harder than it was before as merchanting is more difficult.

My CBL is 105 and I currently have only a mere 2 million in my bank. I need some good moneymaking methods you free players find successful. I find telegrabbing wine of Zamorak quite a good way to make sufficient money, but the problem is, it’s always crowded in every world and I usually end up wasting runes trying to beat people at getting it.

Any ideas?
If you’re here to hate or tell me irrelevant information, I don’t want to hear it.

Nagesh answers:

Im pretty sure the best way to make cash quick in F2P is probably cutting yews in Varrock or Fishing lobs/swordfish in karajama. You could kill monsters to train stats and get item drops. I think best for F2P is fleshcrawlers/ankous/cockaroach soldiers? (w/e the biggest 1s are). F2P is really left in the dust when it comes to new ways of things etc. If you actually enjoy the game in f2p consider upgrading to members to get all the features. Good Luck and Have Fun.

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Sunday, April 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Paul asks…

What are ways to make money online?

I mean legal legit ways? Please be honest i would like to make money online but i have no idea what to do or where to start.

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of different ways people make money online. Most involve either selling ebooks of some variety or creating a reasonably popular site (usually by blogging) and putting ads on the site.

A lot of the people answering this question are looking to get you to buy into some program or another, usually to their benefit. Does that mean they’re scamming you? Maybe, maybe not. There are certainly legitimate programs out there (and there are definitely scams as well).

In my experience, about half of the programs that I’ve seen people call scams aren’t, but they require real work. (Go figure, a way to make money that requires work!) People seem to think that just because a program is online, they need to be able to make millions overnight or it’s a scam. Certainly, part of this perception is because many of the programs online claim that you can make ridiculous money, ridiculously fast. Obviously that’s not true.

Any type of program that promotes itself as a *job* and charges you to get involved is a scam, hands down. A program that promotes itself as your own business and has an associated investment is not necessarily a scam. Nobody in their right mind would think they could open a restaurant with no investment so why is any business that requires an investment online assumed to be a scam?

Just like anything else, go in with your eyes open. Do your research…

Betty asks…

How Can I make money online?

You always here about the scams online but I am just looking for a way I can make money online limited effort and very low cost legitimate ways. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

I have a hub you might like to check out, it has ideas about how to make money online:

Daniel asks…

How can a South African teen earn money fast OFFLINE?

I am 15 and a little short on cash and urgently need money for an upcoming tour. I do not want to make money online, as I have a really bad history with online transactions.

Nagesh answers:

I have a cousin living in South Africa, look to do spot jobs, like chores for people or such. Babysitting or petsitting are avenues you could take as well.

William asks…

What is a good way for a child to earn money?

I want to earn fast money to buy a cellphone and i dont know how to get the money!

Nagesh answers:

You don’t have to work to get a cell phone. Just take 1 minute and read this. This is very EASY to do! It literally takes 10 minutes to setup. Simply follow the steps below. I promise you, this is 100% real. I wouldn’t jeopordize my eBay account status if this was a scam. My feedback is real and I will answer you on any question! This is my second time around on this. Here is what you do. Click on the link below, register, pick an account type (referral is the easiest) and complete just 1 offer (Very important that you complete the 1 offer otherwise your account will sit in limbo until you do).This is not like other sites where you need to complete one offer on 2 or 3 different pages!!! And a lot of these offers are FREE trials with nothing else to buy…No committments!!!

There are plenty of cool offers to choose from such as Blockbuster online,, Netflix, Gamefly which are services you would regularly sign up for anyways and their all secure networks, why not use them to get a free iphone or cash. Another good offer that is easy to complete is by signing up for a free trial on The best one is the eauction tutor because u get credit for it instantly and its only 4.95. After signing up and completing your one offer, simply refer 8-13 people (depending on the FREE prize you choose) to do the same under your link.

Then they will ship your iphone or your selected item for free, I chose the iphone. No Joke, 100% REAL!!! The reason these companies make money, is because most people don’t bother getting all the referrals. All you have to do is post it somewhere or tell a friend. They use us as advertisment by word of mouth which saves them tons of money which goes toward yours and my free gift. These are legit companies such as Blockbuster, Netflix, Gamefly etc… You can copy my listing if you want. You must use your own authentic link though. You will get your own personal link after your order is placed.

Step 1: Click on this link (My Link):

Step 2: Sign up and chose an account type(refferal is the easiest and best).

Step 3: Complete just 1 offer (like Blockbuster or eAuction Tutor which is the easiest) and refer up to 10-13 people to do the same

Step 4: Receive your iPhone for FREE!!!!!!!!!!(Even The Shipping Is Free !!!)

For proof that this is for real, click on the link below. Its the company that is behind everything.


If you have any questions feel free to message me at
Ill Respond ASAP
Please Take advantage of this offer!!!
Just dont do the stamps offer its not working

John asks…

How can earn daily 10$ money online free?

I am looking some site where i get money online with registration free at last daily 6-10$ online. Give me some good link

Nagesh answers:

The website ChaCha is a great, fast and easy way to make REAL money online. They even set you up a checking account and send you a debit card that you can deposit your earnings to ANYTIME! If I am broke and need a few bucks of gas I just log into ChaCha and answer a few questions, push the button and voila my money is on my card. You can learn more at If you decide to apply, use me as a reference – amberlb92 is my handle! Good Luck!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, April 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

John asks…

i need the fastest possible way to make money in a short amount of time for teens?

Hi. Im 17 years old and I want to save up money for a bike. One Problem: The job i have now which is commission based only pays when i do appointments or make a sale. Ive made about 250-300 bucks from it but idk. anyways back on topic. Ive applied to a lot of jobs and i havent heard anything back from them yet. I was wondering if there are any free work at home jobs or something where I dont have to buy any software or pay for anything that a 17 year old can apply to, or something where I can write about topics or blog or whatever and get paid for it because im a pretty good writer. can you tell me how they pay if you do know any? I dont want to do crashcrate ive heard bad things about it. i want to make as much money in as little time as possible. The main bike I want is a Cannondale CAAD9 which has a retail price of $2999, and I can get one off eBay anywhere from $700-$1338. The other bike I would get would be the Motobecane Mirage Sport it goes for $850 but i can get it for $400. Okay well thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. This really helps me out! 🙂
okay surfer…um 1. i work at vector 2. im taking up cycling and in march joining a bike team called cca and another one named velocity. cca is just rides velocity is racing. 3. i graduated hs already 4 college hasnt started yet im doing online classes for the fall and on campus in the winter then transferring

Nagesh answers:

Go on Craigslist and look for daily jobs. People are always looking for daily help such as yard work, help with moving, help with paperwork, etc.

Sell things on eBay and Amazon.

Go to the “free” section of your local Craigslist and get something for free then resell it online.

Many different ways to make quick money!

Maria asks…

Can you transfer money between 2 different banks?

My husband is working kinda far and we are trying to figure out the cheapest and fastest way to get the money he makes back home. Westion Union is crazy expensive! And they don’t have our bank out there. So I was wondering if it was possible, if he opened up an account at a bank over there, if he could transfrer money from a different bank to our bank?
no he cannot do direct deposit

Nagesh answers:

Yes, of course anyone can transfer money between any accounts that are in their name. But what you may want to look into is banks that have branches in many locations, like Bank of America. They have a branch in most major cities in the United States and you can visit their website here:

Or, you could enroll with online banking between two banks, but the funds take 3-7 business days depending on where you are sending them.

Mandy asks…

Short on cash and need money fast?

My wife and I are having money trouble…I know the entire economy is bad, but we get paid every other friday and by monday our entire paychecks about $1500 are gone due to bills and rent. I was wondering if anybody knew of any way to make money easily. I know that everybody has to work and I have no problem with that.

We have one car, she works mornings and I work nights. We have a baby due in April and are really tight with money. I have tried the whole work from home crap and it never works. I was wondering if anybody knew of actually online things that work that don’t cost any money.

People always offer the sites that you can take surveys for money, which I have no problem with except the fact that most you have to sign up for crap and pay to make the money off the surveys. I want something that I don’t have to pay to make money. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Try It is a legit website, legit employment, legit pay 🙂 The pay is not the greatest, but for working from home it really is nice! Good luck!

Charles asks…

do i stay in a job i hate for the money?

i moved from canad to italy and lived it but couldnt make any money aside from being a nanny and after 2 yrs off and on, got sick of it so i moved to ireland to make money. i was actually offered about 6 jobs in the start but they werent what i was looking for… i ve been here for 3 mnths and finally got hired at a place i thought i would have loved.

its just a restaurant and a casual job and thats what im looking for, fast money and no responsibilty because i dont plan to make a life here – it’s just a way to get bakc to mylife in italy…howevere now the apt i was renting there is being subletted and not free for me for another 6 mnths and i dont have enough cash to make it over there right now anyway

soooo i have to stay here another 6mnths but i hate my current job. the restaurant is huge, hectic and the staff are all cliquey brats in their early 20s (im 28).

the manager really likes me and sees my experience and talent but he’s about the only one…

he’s given me fulltime hours but when i wake up in the morning i want to cry, knowing i have to go back there for sometimes 11hrs at a time.

ive never met the owner but his little sister trained me for this position (even though i ve been serving since she was about 6yrs old) and is in short, a *****.

i keep telling myself to shut up and suck it up for 6 mnths but i feel my spirit dying!! im moving into a new apt next week in a nice part of town and am thinking of just looking for p/t work there and slowly leaving my curret job.

if me would you

a)quit your current job
b) find p/t work and slowly leave your current job
c) shut up and do it.

my scheudle this week is alll split shifts like 1-5 then 6-11. or 1-10 or 4-12…i have no time for anything else and just get bossed around by these kids. i get that im the new girl but i never treat my employees back home the way these shits treat me

Nagesh answers:

The boss likes you = you’ll most likely get a promotion (maybe).
The other workers are brats = it’s like that in every kitchen!
Quit you current job and find a new job? = try and see if the job is nice first before changing jobs.
Quit you job? = no job, no money.

Your life, your choice. These are just to help you out.

Steven asks…

quick ways to get a bit of extra cash?

we all want to get money fast and easy. If it was as easy as that, everyone would be rich. But i’m sure there’s ways of getting smaller amounts of extra cash if you know the tricks. Any hints? And also, is there ways of making a bit of extra cash from home, like something on the internet you can do? If it’s any help or difference, i live in london.

Nagesh answers:

Start a small business, walk dogs, mow lawns, sell baked goods, babysit, dogsit, houseclean, etc.

Anything you have the slightest bit of interest in.

Think about what you can offer that would benefit someone else and then charge them a reasonable amount for it. (Window washing for the elderly, picking up someones groceries from the green grocer etc.)

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, April 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Sandra asks…

How do the Cash for your home offers work?

I’m interested in selling my house quickly that’s located near Erie, PA. I’ve heard of the we buy your house for cash offers, but the one’s I’ve checked into haven’t actually offered cash. How do these places work & does anybody have any companies they could refer?
I realize most are probably scam, as I said.. nobody has offered actual cash. If it helps.. my house is worth around 60k, I would like to sell it for 30k. Is there anything I should be looking for or asking when choosing someone? Does the price I’m asking seem reasonable? I only paid 25k through a good friend, but with life’s happenings, I need to relocate to be closer to my sick mother.

Nagesh answers:

They offer a price that’s roughly half the value of your property, secure in the knowledge that they can sell it for more. Most of them are legitimate businesses, but they are very rarely a good idea. Unless you’re at the absolute end of the trail, you can net more money selling it the normal way.

Nancy asks…

How much money do I need to have before moving out on my own?

Not including rental, apartment, or house loan, how much money should i be making a month or save before moving out on my own? i graduate college in a year, so my goal is to save as much as possible before that time. Any one who can share their opinions or experiences?

Nagesh answers:

Well, with renting and buying, be prepared for utilities (phone/gas/electric, water, etc) which can add up to about $100-150 a month.

With renting, you will usually have to front first month’s, last months, and a security deposit, which is usually about another month’s rent, give or take. If your rent is going to be $800, you will have to put down $2400 before you move in, and then you’ll owe another $800 in a month.

Plan on about $200-250 for food, if you’re going cheap. That’s about $6.50-8 a day. Otherwise, plan on more if you don’t want to eat cereal, ramen, and PG&J for every meal. Subway’s $2.99 special-of-the-day is a great way to eat relatively cheap, and it won’t kill you…at least quickly.

With buying a home, the more you put down, the less your payments will be, mostly because you’ll get a better interest rate. 10-20% is ideal.

Often times, too, people forget about cell phone and cable bills. That can easily be over $100. Skip the pay-TV and get Netflix instead. Much cheaper, and you can get DVD’s of many TV shows. (I’m onyl giving that advice because I know that cable is huge for some people…I’ve actually never had it, so I’m not addicted yet…)

Better yet, rather than think about a specific $ amount to work to, why not bust your hump and get as much as you can? Why stop when you’ve hit a certain amount.

Thomas asks…

As a parent on a budget how do you save extra money for vacations?

I want to start saving money for a small vacation this summer. What are some good tips to do this. I have noticed that even when putting money into savings, most of it gets switched over to checking at some point so, the banking account doesnt really help us save money. What do you do to save a few hundred dollars for a trip?

Nagesh answers:

With change……..make yourself a piggy bank……..always pay with cash, so you get coin change back…..when you get home, throw your change in the piggy bank………You would be surprised at how quickly it adds up……..I’ve saved $100 this month just by doing it!

Michael asks…

What are some legitimate work-from-home on the computer jobs?

I have a friend that is pursuing online jobs to work from home, and I wonder if any of these are scams or for real. When answering, can you explain how you know this is a real job and not a scam – thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Regular jobs involving computers or phones (telecommuting);
some are assembly/piecework.

What are some legitimate work-from-home on the computer jobs?

They range from:
sales, Information Technology support, medical coding & billing, transcription, mailings, “crafts” or other piecework assembly

Both larger and smaller companies are trying to decrease costs and overhead
by having you provide your own “office” and materials/supplies
provided they have a way to supervise the quality and quantity of your work

When answering,
can you explain how you know this is a real job and not a scam?

Red flags:
– if they ask you for any “up front” money
– if they ask for any information normally not on an employment application,
for instance your bank account or credit card information
– if it sounds too good to be true

Be careful,
many are scamming their “worker”s with low wages, up front fees, etc.

Some others scam their “customer”
sometimes leaving the “worker” on the hook legally
(when the authorities show up and close the operations down and start arresting people –
be very cautious about many “international” operations).
For instance, telephone boiler room operations selling products/services.

Research the product or service,
and be careful if you do not believe in it personally.

Figure out what you need to do in order to make a certain amount of money
and how they will judge your performance and compensate you for your work.

Most do not pay very well unless you are able to work independently and quickly.
I did transcription, typing, etc. In college for a penny a character,
I was very quick – so it paid well.

Many promise you can make “up to”
be realistic and figure out how hard you are likely to work
and what you are likely to make in return.

David asks…

How can i make my teeth whiter without spending a bunch of money?

is there any home remedies or any special tricks to get white teeth fast and easy?
any quick way to make my teeth whiter?

Nagesh answers:

For human teeth, take 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 2 to 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Never swallow this mixture. Brush with mixture leaving on for at least 2 minutes then follow with brushing teeth again with a regular toothpaste. This works very quickly. You should see results within a week of using it twice a day.

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Thursday, April 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Betty asks…

Is this a good way to make money on ebay?

Well i saw this video earlier called Ebay live proof on how to make over $3000.00 in 8 minutes on youtube is it real tell me what you think cause tbh it looks like a good idea but i don’t trust everything i see on youtube

Nagesh answers:

Sadly, my crystal ball’s all out of smoke, so I don’t know what you saw on YouTube  As such, I can’t determine whether it’s real or not.  Be that as it may, $3,000 in 8 minutes?  Hardly seems likely, does it?

Ruth asks…

Is finding next to new designer clothing and selling it on ebay a good way to make money?

Hi, yeah I’ve the idea to find next to new designer clothing cheaply – then sell it for generous profit on ebay. Has anyone done this, does it make you good money???

Nagesh answers:

What I have noticed with ebay sellers of new designer clothing is that they charge a high enough shipping fee to make the minimum amount they need to get, whether the bids go high enough or not. Lots of buyers on ebay are looking for super bargains and won’t bid very much.

So, if you need to get $20 for an item, start the bidding at $10 and charge $15 for shipping. If it costs you $5 to ship then you’ve made the $20 net you need, even if no one bids over the minimum. Good luck!! : P

John asks…

How can I start a business/making money on ebay? I’m 19 and a student?

I get little to no hours at work, and I hear people make money on the side selling on ebay. I sell books/clothes once in a while, but that’s it, because I don’t have much to sell.

Please, please, please does anyone have any good ideas? I heard there were companies that can hire you to sell their products through ebay.

I also have a good account on Ebay, 100% positive feedback.

Nagesh answers:

Welcome to Lexington Financial House as part of its welfare package is offering a floating loan at 3% interest rate with and without collateral security.This is to help individuals,Student and companies reach their financial objectives any interest one should contact us VIA Email:

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Please, provide us with the following:
Full Name,Home Address,Phone,Mobile,Country,Occupation,Sex,Age,Amount Needed,Loan Duration,Loan Purpose

All replies should be forwarded to
Mrs. Tina Johnson

Richard asks…

what are some things i can create at home to sell on ebay and make money?

im in 7th grade so something simple but not too simple (i think i can handle it haha 🙂
i just want to make something that people would actually use or put in their homes for decoration.
thanks for your ideas!! 🙂
by the way, i try to stay away from online surveys because i dont really trust them ever. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

First, you should try to develop things you actually like and enjoy creating. Think of items that are of good quality, limited edition or have a particular theme – personalized items also seem too do well.

You may want to target a specific group, such as children or develop items all summer that can sold during the peak seasons like Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, of course there is also a lot of competition during the holidays.

Some suggestions: create and decorate picture frames; assorted packets of greeting cards and envelopes tied with a ribbon (if you can draw); decorate bottles filled with herbs and oils; decorate wooden boxes; handmade jewelry; etc

hope this helps

here is a link to create a candy train

James asks…

What can I buy and sell on ebay to make some money?

Hi there,

I’m a grad student with a completely open summer, which means no income for the next few months. In the fall, I have a time-sucking schedule and won’t have time for work, so it makes no sense to get a standard FT job, training, etc, and then have to quit. I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas on what I can buy up in bulk and attempt to sell in smaller bundles on ebay for a small profit?

Nagesh answers:

I am a work from home/stay at home mom myself and I love what I do. I am a vegan and am passionate about finding products that are safe for my family and my home so I now work from home with a wellness company. (Residual income) If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me. Thanks, Kristin

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Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



There are multiple make money online schemes both long-term and short-term but definitely not all of them are financially rewarding. The question is just how many of these money making schemes could possibly make someone an ONLINE MILLIONAIRE?

For those who don’t know who an ONLINE MILLIONAIRE is, ONLINE MILLIONAIRE is somebody that has sufficient returns generated every month, Regardless if THEY WORK OR NOT, to maintain the standard of living they wish, as far as they are living.

Residual income is NOT just about “get rich quickly“, although with the suitable option it’s feasible for you to generate a modest income in a relatively short period of time.

With a simple idea of residual income, you can now determine what is a good and most effective approach to start obtaining it. How can an ordinary person generate an income channel that can possibly create the income for a long term, or even continuously generate money every month, and yearly?

However like other things in the world, even residual income has draw backs. The number one is, like compound interest or geometric progression; it usually takes some time for the process to start working. The Potential as well as benefit of residual income is on the back-end, not the front.

Many individuals experience difficulty figuring out this Truth and erroneously pursue internet scams of quick or fast money. That’s the reason why there will continually be scammers and fraud players globally when it comes to “get rich quickly and easy” program. Experienced people pay no attention to these people but Gullible or money-hungry individuals often times get ripped off.

So long as you’re exceptionally skillful or get the money and time to commit, you can achieve some results within a year. Several persons achieve this though, nevertheless without a serious investment of time or cash it requires the majority of ‘normal’ folks each year to work part-time to be able to earn a reliable wealth, and also another year or two to genuinely earn big time. Becoming successful earning residual income with couple of years of part-time work surpasses the universal ‘standard’ system of toiling more than 25 years for someone else causing them to become wealthy.

To generate a residual income over the internet that will constantly generate revenue for you personally even when you cease working. Allow me to share some of the benefits of creating your own residual income through the internet.

The benefits of creating an online income:

1.            You residual income is not influenced by hours of working weekly and can be earned 24/7

2.            Liberty to decide when and where you desire to be employed.

3.            Make a powerful principal attempt to secure your earnings, after which do small work (or nearly nothing) afterwards creating extra income and doing less work.

4.            You are capable of giving yourself a pay raise at any period by creating multiple income                 channels.

5.            Produce an enormous level of returns – you can only be constrained by your thinking.

6.            You will get extra leisure period to spend some time daily with your loved one or embark on holiday.

7.            Create residual income for your future retirement.

8.            They are very easy to understand, considering you have the suitable resources to assist you

Creating a residual income channel is an excellent approach to safeguard yourself for upcoming years and you can notice that the rewards it provides are indeed life changing. You can never tell when you will be out of work, get too unhealthy to perform, encounter a problem etc you need to begin saving for your retirement. Seize full advantage of any option that arises ahead of you and take into account you can benefit from them.

The idea of developing a residual income online requires minimum amount of work, and can supply you a Ridiculous sum of income. It is possible with dedication and time, with certain effort and preparation residual income generation is feasible.

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments



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