Archive for February, 2014

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Carol asks…

Can I really make money doing online surverys?

I’am interested in doing online surveys and I want to know how I can. I also want to know how they pay you. If this is true, can you please list some websites where I can do these free online surveys, they sound like a great way to make some cash.

Nagesh answers:

No. I would be very cautious – many of those so-called paid surveys are scams, they either force you to pay them a fee or they are ‘phishing’ for info to steal your money or identity.

There are legitimate sites such as mypoints, harris poll, and nfo where you can earn points toward merchandise or gift certificates. You don’t have to spend much time on it, but you don’t get rewards super fast, either.

BTW — the people who are replying yes are spammers who post those links on any question about jobs or earning money.

Richard asks…

Has anyone made any money by taking online surveys or by other ways online?

I want to know if you can really get paid for taking surveys online. If you have, please let me know any specific sites you have used.

Nagesh answers:

“If a company requires initial payment from you in order to work for them, they are not legitimate.”

There are a few legitimate data entry companies but are not hiring and have large waiting lists (1-2yrs). The majority of data entry jobs you seen online are scams. A real company will want you to have skills inc fast typing, may want you to know MS Excel, and will usually ask that you have high speed internet. Once in a long while you may found one online on a job website but thats rare.

If you do an advanced search on yahoo, you will find previous answers, sometimes the info on these is good as the info they gave is likely to have been verified if the answer was voted as ‘Best’.

Sharon asks…

How Could I Make Money At Home using the internet?

I have a pretty fast internet connection and have access to it almost anytime and was wondering if there where any real ways to make some money online. plz only real answers.

Nagesh answers:

Various money making ways and sites could be found here
Also, I want to tell you about best website you can earn 50$/day with. You can read a review and join here!
I recommend that this will work in every country

Betty asks…

Can you ACTUALLY make money online doing surveys, etc? How can I do this?

I’m a very full time student and I recently quit my job to put all my time into school and graduate before I get married next year. Does anyone know of legitimate websites that pay you for filling out surveys, visiting restaraunts, etc? I need any extra income I can get!

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit to find how to earn money easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on free!!!
All information on free!!!

Lisa asks…

How to make money fast on line?

So I need 2000 fast and what i make at work just isn’t cutting it. What are some legit “make fast money” sites? I know threes things like getting paid for taking a survey ect… I need this money bad and I dint have credit for a loan.

Nagesh answers:

Getting money fast online is difficult. Its usually works like a regular job you work a little more on your own time.

Try Text Cash Network they pay you to receive text messages. Kinda like groupon directly to you phone. This is probably the easiest because you get paid for nothing.

Try fund-raising. If you are in a tight spot and you are willing to get out there and sell something this is a great option. I think it has the best return in a short amount of time

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Friday, February 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Steven asks…

What ways can i make money from home?

I want to earn just an extra 30-40 quid a week so i have a lil bit extra to go out and stuff. I just want a way from sitting at home of making money.

Nagesh answers:

I found a great site that has helped me out in a lot of ways. I was in debt by over $10,000 2 months ago but what I have learned from these guys has opened up a whole new world for me. I’m now completely out of debt and my bank account has more than $17,000 stacked in it. The information and tools that they provided me PLUS the support are top notch. These guys are worth giving a try if you need to make money fast. 2 months ago I was at risk of losing my house and car. My girlfriend was threatening to leave me and I barely had enough for food and other things. Now, I am consistently making significant amounts of money via clickbank and my own websites. They showed me everything that I needed to know and how to get things done. It does not matter of you are a teenager or grown and on your own. These guys are freakin awesome! If you need money really quick, for the summer, taking a trip or if you have money that you want to invest these guys will show you EXACTLY what you need to do and they are really good with supporting you.

Linda asks…

What is the fastest way to loss weight?

I’m becoming a teenager now, I am also becoming conscious about my looks, especially my body. I’m kind of chubby. Can you tell me what is the most effective way to be fit? Without spending too much money.

Nagesh answers:

I have been through it all and know what’s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can’t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I’ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.

Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.

First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can’t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising…

This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it’s good for the heart.

However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It’s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I’ve found a great addition to help any one out, it’s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don’t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don’t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn’t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It’s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace. Com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it’s the best pill I’ve tried and I’ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn’t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I’ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.

Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

Daniel asks…

what is the fastest way to loose weight?

i had a baby 2 months ago and i still cant fit into my clothes and i don’t have enough money to buy myself a new wardrobe! at the end of the pregnancy i had gained almost 40 pounds i still need to lose 26 pound to get to my normal size. what is the fastest way to loose weight? im desperate!

Nagesh answers:


A successful weight loss program must prove to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). It must be affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and the amount of lose weight will reversed back when you stop consuming it.

I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then.

A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I’ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven’t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan.

Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life.The weight loss program has proven to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight The weight loss program is affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and you will gain more weight when you stop taking it.

The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won’t be disappointed. The link is at the source below and discover how you can become noticeably thinner in 11 days by eating in a way you’ll actually enjoy.

Jenny asks…

When I move like a little too fast my heart pounds really hard?

I’m a teenager with a really weak immune system because of my Diet. I’ve had chest pains since starting of the year and it hasn’t got better, instead it became worse and sometimes it lasts really long. Like maybe 9 hours. I get pale easily and I’m really weak all the time. What could it be?

Nagesh answers:

It sounds very much that because you are not eating properly you have become very weak, and of course the scary thing about that is, with the immune system down, you are highly susceptible to picking up any germ or virus. I hope its not weight related the reason why you are not as well as you should be, be careful Honey it could easily turn to Anorexia, and its just not worth it. That dreadful illness does not make you more attractive to boys by the way, and if you eat the right foods, the good foods, then you can still stay slim, so follow a good healthy diet if that is what is making you a bad eater OK.

What I don’t like about what you are saying is that you get chest pains that sometimes last 9 hours, even chest pains lasting 9 minutes could be a very serious thing, so seriously I honestly think its best you go and see your doctor, and be truthful with him about your eating. To get a true diagnosis we need to be truthful to our doctors, and of course with them being medically trained, even when we try to tell them a lie, they can tell just by looking at us, that something is wrong with the body. Like for example a person who is too thin, the skin becomes loose and elastic, and a doctor can see that without even having to pinch the skin up, so always be truthful, because its for your own sake, your health is the most important thing there is in life, not even money can buy that for us.

See your doctor, don’t be afraid, be truthful, even if its down to you not eating much simply because you want to be too slim, if your honest with the doctor, he will recommend the foods to eat that will not make you fat, after all said and done, the doctor is on your side, he is there to help you, so let him or her do their job and you will be a happier person.

Best wishes and Happy New Year.
Billie UK

Chris asks…

What are some realistic ways that a person can do better financially?

When my daughter turns 18 soon, child support payments will cease. This will in turn leave me with only one income. My net income (from work, minus child support) will be 771 dollars less than my money going out. The only bills that can be eliminated are phone/internet, cell phone, and student loan. The latter will be paid off shortly. Eliminating those three will still have me in the red. I live in a rural area, so public transportation is unheard of. I make “too much” money to qualify for any welfare assistance, subsidized housing, etc. I am classified as working class, lower middle class. I have two teenagers. The oldest will be graduating. I work 3rd shift. I can go to 2nds and make the same but not see my kids. My boyfriend gives me 40 a week toward food. He will not move in, though. I have a relative in California who will take us in, but that doesn’t solve my long term problem. And the cost of living is high. I have only an AA degree. Any suggestions

Nagesh answers:

The easiest, fastest, and best way to improve your financial situation is to look at your spending. The financial wisdom concerning your phone, internet, and cell phone depend entirely on the plans/rates and on how they are used. Increasing income never solves financial problems because spending always increases with the income unless a firm budget is already in place. Wise investments for increasing net revenues (salary, interest/dividends, property value appreciation, etc.) are vital to a long term solution.

As a side not, living on the “dole” harms your financial future psychologically in many ways .. You are much better off not having this option (it’s a blessing in disguise), as financial dependence on anyone actually harms your sovereignty and financial wisdom and power.

Concerning spending, the goal is not to eliminate things as much as to increase the return on your “investments.” EVERY cent that leaves your “hands,” must work for you in a variety of very carefully calulated ways: physical health, psychological health (including charity and entertainment), diversified interest (not all eggs go into the same basket), and liquid security (a financial “safety net”). Some of this may not make sense, so I suggest that you turn to the advice of Susan Orman, but the charity actually makes you feel wealthy and releases your grip on money so that you can send it in the proper directions at the proper times.

Whatever you do, NEVER allocate resources (money) simply because you believe that you have “found a good deal” (or something on sale) and NEVER buy in bulk (more than a couple of weeks in advance) until you are in the positive AND you have a strategic plan (i.e. Food storage/emergency preparedness plans).

Severely limit the revenue stream into highly depreciating assets, most notoriously being things such as automobiles. This means owning a reliable car about 3 years old or older but not so old that the maintenance costs are significant. Eliminate items which harm your health or productivity such as unhealthy foods like junk food, or drugs like alcohol/cigarettes. Minimize investments in entertainment and comforts, such as big stereos, large TVs, and expensive furniture; time for a garage sale?

Invest in your own education by considering all routes to increasing your value (not just via the traditional school routes, which are typically very costly both in tuition and in lost income during studies). Explore internships, mentorships, self-taught routes, and additional opportunities for important roles within your company.

Focus on property ownership in a safe area of a residence which fits your budget. Renting throws money away and in no way advances your long-term financial interests.

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Thursday, February 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Steven asks…

How can a 13 year old make a bit of money quickly?

Im saving up to buy a bigger guinea pig cage. I’ll have enough money by the end of august, but really I need it ASAP!! I’m 13, so how can I make a bit of money quickly, be it 10p or a few pounds??
Im in the uk, so its in £ =)
anyone know if this is a scam?

Nagesh answers:

Forget the surveys, its a scam anyway and you won’t make money quickly. Ask friends of your parents and your neighbors if you could do any babysitting for them, or help tutor younger children in a subject you are good in. You could also offer to help them do any gardening or household chores. I don’t know what the conversion would be too pounds but i pay the 14 year old down the street from me US$ 15 per week to pick up the oranges that fall off our tree and weed my garden. He walks my dog on days that I am too busy for US$ 5 per walk. P.s. Do not agree to do any work for anyone-babysitting or otherwise- without your parents permission and knowledge of where you will be and the phone number. When I used to watch children on the weekends I charged 30 US$ a day but that was like 10 years ago, ask your parents they will know what is fair pay.

Carol asks…

How Can I Raise Enough Money to Buy my Mom an iPod Touch for her Birthday?

I really want to buy my mom an iPod touch for her birthday so I need a quick way of making a lot of money quickly. Remember, I’m not old enough to get a job and I am not going to buy things and sell them at school. Practically, the only things I can do for money is house things, HELP! Her Birthday is VERY soon and I didn’t even raise 1/3 of the money! :'(

Nagesh answers:

Well, if you have a Little Ceasar’s near you, they accept 10 year olds to wave the sign by the road, but that is something I don’t know if it happens in your city.

You can clean cars, walk dogs, shovel snowed-in driveways, enter competitions to make money and cut people’s lawns. There are competitions where you can write a poem and the best wins. Also, don’t buy anything and put every cent into a special bag or box, or something going towards the iPod.

If you want, you can get a used one or sometimes a brand-new iPod on Kijiji or Ebay. Also, you can get the iPod Classic or iPod Nano for better prices. Since you are getting a 2nd or 4th generation iPod Touch, I suggest to get it in 8GB.

Also, you said you make money around the house. Clean the whole house and then you get some money. If you get an allowance, then use it to raise money.

Good luck and I hope that helps!!!

George asks…

What are some common ways to make lots of money in Oblivion?

The game Oblivion by Bethseda is long and intricate. Making money in it seems to be something a lot of people don’t know how to do well. I’m asking for some of the easier ways to make money quickly in the game.

Nagesh answers:

I like to clear out dungeons, find really valuable items I don’t need and sell them, or make potions. Close oblivion gates making sure to look everything in them of value.

I’m not really and expert money maker, but I never find myself needing money.

Charles asks…

How can I make lots of money quickly on animal crossing wild world?

Ways to make money quickly?
thanks, if I do that is their anyway to get rid of weeds rather thn picking them, as this takes forever!

Nagesh answers:

Best LEGIT method is yo plant yourself a huge amount of palm trees,like from border to border.
Go bug hunting along the coast at twilight (dawn/dusk). You might get lucky and snag some nice atlas beetles, etc, and dusk/dawn is the best time to catch giant fish too.
My town had a perfect loop to go around for about 40 minutes collecting bugs and stuff, could get me 80k-120k a night.

Joseph asks…

How Can I Make Money Quickly?

i am a 13 year old girl that needs money quickly. my best friend is living out in Aistrailia, but they don’t have the money to come back. i need about 2 grand but i only have about £700. please, any ideas will be very helpful.

Nagesh answers:

First of all make sure yourself that do you really want to do this or not.
If yes then first decide how much money you need.
Then start working from today, just get any job you can get (as you want get money early)
Organize a competition (may be chess) as it costs very less, collect fees from participates make this competition as popular as you can get. You have to make other costs minimum to have more money. Ask businessmen to sponsor you for this event, they will get promotion and you will get money.
You can get more details just email me.

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Wednesday, February 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

David asks…

What are some good ways for me to make money on the side?

… that isnt babysitting or mowing lawns.
Something related to graphic design or crafts, scrapbooking, would be perfect… i dont know, im sorta stuck and need some ideas

Nagesh answers:

Ask some close friends around, to see if they need help looking for a design if they are crocheting a blanket or anything else. Or if they need help with graphic designs for a web-page they are trying to setup. Hope that helps:)

Mary asks…

What are some good ways to make money?

I am 18 years old i have a job but i am trying to make other money on the side..any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

One successful way to work at home on a compputer is to first get a job using your computer skills. Next, work into being

able to do this work form your home.

Chris asks…

Make money on the side?

I have a good job, it pays about $15.00/hr but I still would like to make some more money on the side. Does anyone have any ideas. I dont want to get a part time job because I am on call for the Hospital 24/7.

Nagesh answers:


Maria asks…

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to make some extra money?

I work Monday thru Friday as a recruiter and I am looking to make some extra money on the side. Please advise.

Nagesh answers:

A part-time home based business would be a great idea for earning income plus benefiting from tax write-offs. Check out my website or message me for more information.

Donna asks…

what is a good idea for making money on the side? i work 40 hours a week,i dont want to get a second job.?

i need a side hustle , must be legal.

Nagesh answers:

Sales, either on ebay or you can work for a marketing company.

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Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

Sharon asks…

does anyone know the quickest way to earn money in midnight club los angeles?

I need money fast and i don’t want to sell my cars!! help me please!!! Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

The Easiest way to make money is to go on the highway and stay on the highway get a stage 2 car with stage 2 engine and the roar special and just race on the highways race the yellow guys and use the roar to mess him up and sometimes you can make them go in the wrong lane and with all the cars on the road you can block him off real nice

Mark asks…

Is it possible to get started on Ebay with no money?

I want to earn extra money by selling . How do I get started? I am literally broke!

Nagesh answers:

Yes it is VERY easy actually with a couple of different strategies.

I know of a young lady that worked for a struggling medical equipment company. She was the receptionist. The company had 5 full time sales reps and couldn’t afford to keep the doors open. The young receptionist with no sales experience approached the owners and asked permission to list a few of the medical equipment items that weren’t selling on eBay and in return she would keep a % of each sale. To make a long story short that company fired all the sales reps and now ONLY sells on eBay and has improved it’s sales numbers 10 fold. Notice the receptionist didn’t spend a dime in the arrangement, but she’s now getting a nice % of every sale.

I also know personally (have spoken to on a regular basis) at least 5 different people that make an amazing 6 figure living selling eBooks and special reports on eBay. Some of these books they’ve written themselves, but most of them they haven’t. One guy even sells DVD’s of silly things like home made car show videos. There is a killing to be made in the “how to” market on eBay and you can use easily duplicated CD’s, DVD’s, or even just PDF ebooks to deliver your information to your customers. The cost? Virtually none.

Finally, advertising in a local nickle classified (or even that you sell items on ebay can get you a flood of customers. Keep a %. This is called consignment selling and I don’t suggest you do this full time, but for a quick hit of cash it’s hard to beat.

No matter what you do though protect your reputation and work toward building a serious business on eBay. Being in a tough spot is no excuse for being less than honest in your dealings. Build a good reputation (eBay feedback) and your business will boom!

I have a free newsletter that goes out to about 90,000+ subscribers every week and it’s all about creative eBay selling ideas. You can subscribe here free:

Joseph asks…

Should I set my pet cats of 3 years free?

Please read patiently and give me valued advice. I have 5 female non-neutered cats (age ranging from 2-3 years) and one male cat of 7 month and 1 neutered cat of 2 years. It was just one pet kitten who was let to roam (because en-caging is felt to be greatly inhumane) multiplying to all these lovely cats. Neutering also feels evil (had awful experience doing so to one). I love them. I still give up my food for my babies every now and then because my mother would underfeed them when I am not around (lost 13 kilos doing so). I earn money alongside studying only to feed them properly. I shamelessly collect bones for them whenever i eat out just so they would not miss out on the fun I am having. The cats seem pretty happy apart from the times that they are on heat; they go desperate for kittens of their own. It hurts me to even watch…
Lately, I have become very busy with studies. I can’t make out time for them like before and frankly, no one at home cares for them much anymore. Everyone in my house and apartment started to treat them like a burden. There has been a lot of problems regarding these little lives. I have been planning to set them free for a year now but never plucked up enough courage to actually do it thinking they’d die without food, that they wouldn’t be able to fend for themselves, they’d be too scared and only hide in a corner (my cats chicken out seeing strangers; once it hid for 2 days in a hole when it went out the first time).
Not only for the sake of sanctity in my household, but also I want to give them freedom and happiness of having a family. Would it be wise to set them free at this stage? Would they be able to find food or develop the instincts to survive out there?

Nagesh answers:

OK, you didn’t say what happened during the fixing of the one cat that resulted in your thoughts that you should not subject your other cats to it.
Fixing a cat is THE BEST thing you can do for it. It is more important to fix both male & female cats more than it is to inoculate them.
One female cat can mother over 600 kittens in her lifetime. This takes a great toll on her & the resulting kittens’ healths.
Male cats can father thousands of kittens in their lifetime.
Also, not fixing causes a myriad of health problems to male & female cats. STIs (yes, cats can get them too), other communicable diseases, territory wars resulting in abscess & life-threatening scratches & bruises, deep cuts from roaming which could result in death, the stress from sexual tensions in both male & female cats, THE LIST GOES ON to what could happen from not fixing your felines–most of the probs result from roaming that happens when a cat wants to find a mate.

I do not think that it would be in the best interest of the cats to ‘set them free’. They have come to depend on you for water, food, shelter, protection from other cats & predators & the natural elements of weather. I don’t think they will be able to develop the instincts for survival quick enough to live through it.

Your local shelter may be too full of cats to take them in. You could utilize the free advertisements of (possibly) Craigslist & the like, & other online resources, like your FB page, Twitter account, etc.

I would strongly urge you to find a potential owner who promises to have the cat(s) fixed so the problem doesn’t escalate.
There are a lot of programs out there designed to help the underprivileged to get their cats fixed. Have you checked to see if there is one of these programs in your area that you qualify for? Even if you will be giving the cats away, you can still peruse these services. It will make finding a home much easier as more people want an already-fixed cat over one that is not–it is a big cost to get a cat fixed.

The one thing I tell potential cat owners is to NOT get a cat until they have saved up enough $$ to get it fixed. Maybe from now on you can use this as a reference as to when the appropriate time to get a cat would be.

Lizzie asks…

How I can earn money in a part time?

I am already employed, have access to internet, hold master degree in economics, have little experience of research and long of management. I am good in typing and powerpresentation. I may invest a little money say 100 dollars to a business that may be returned as immediate income. I think most of the money making sites are to grab for example few dollars in the first instance. Can anyone suggest me the way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

There are literally 100’s of ways to earn extra money. The question is what is going to make it as easy for you so that you’re not only making money but enjoying what you do at the same time. The quickest way of setting up a part time business that can potentially run by itself and take little of your time doing it is an internet business. I currently make extra income via different sites and here’s one I suggest that you take a look at:

To Your Success

Nancy asks…

How do i make tons of money in harvest moon animal parade, answer quickly plz!!!?

>where is the best place to find m. Stone, fugue forest or garmon mines
>where should i mine for money, watery cave or garmon mines
I need really easy ways to make money, answer quick!!!

Nagesh answers:

Garmon mines has more material stone.
The watery cave is my favorite mine because it has more rock salt, and pearls and more floors and i like the music lol.

Also if you can manage to get the the last floor of the watery cave go fishing because you can catch some valuable fish.

But the greatest way to earn money is from the crops as in all harvest moon games. Try to fill your whole crop plot with crops.

Also the best animal i think to have would be silk worms. Because once they start to make shining cocoons you can put them in the yarn maker and the shining silk yarn i believe sells for like 20,000 G. If its not silk yarn then its shining flax yarn.

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Monday, February 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Robert asks…

Is there a free or inexpensive way to transfer funds ONLINE from an account in one bank to another bank?

I have accounts in two different banks for various reasons. I hate going to the banks to make deposits to transfer funds. Is there a way I can do this online for free or cheap? I do it through paypal sometimes but it takes forever that way. I withdraw it and then deposit it into another account but is there a faster way online?

Nagesh answers:

Are your banks in the same country?
If they are – the best way is to get their “internet banking” products set up. Most banks have this, unless you live in the 3rd world, or Australia (haha.. They have online banking there, for sure – it’s just very paper intensive to get set up (high security and all!)).

All you’ll need to do, is go into your bank for one last time, and fill out the forms. If your bank is very clever, you should be able to go to their website and register online.

As with banks (and as it always should be) getting money into them is easy – getting money out of them requires secutiry protocol.

So be sure to set up both banks’ internet banking – otherwise your online experience will be truely one way only.

For read only solutions, where you can see money from both banks in one place, try (free online personal finance tool, for Americans) if you are american.

If you aren’t american, and you have accounts in more than one country, they try joining – it’s damn hard to join, and it’s by invitation only, but once you are there, you’ll wonder why you every took a credit card overseas, or ever even sent a TT.

Anyhow – hope that helps. I could help more if you mentioned the banks you are with — but hey, this is an online space, so I wouldn’t expect you do do that!

All the best.


PS: $10.00 sounds very expensive – you should be using the ACH payments method – which should cost you about 20c or less per payment (but they are only processed overnight). If you are doing wire payments (like Fedwire, etc) expect to pay up to $50 per payment, but they should be there within 12 hours/same business day).
Good Luck!!

Michael asks…

How can i make money fast and legit?

I have a two year old daughter and we have 10$ to last us till the 3rd of next month, I really need to find a LEGITIMATE way to make some money, help please!

Nagesh answers:

3 websites to make money online.

1. Associated Content.
2. Cash Crate.
3. Forum booster.

Let’s begin with associated content. Associated content should be the number one stop for those people who frequently ask themselves, how I could make money fast. Associated Content requires you to write content, which in other words for those who aren’t familiar with the online language, content means articles.

Associated Content requires that you write articles for them, they will pay you anywhere from $3 to $40 for your content.

Cash Crate is a site that pays you to take surveys. They may pay anywhere from a dollar to possibly a hundred dollars, just for you to take a survey.

The reason they pay you to complete surveys is that companies are willing to shell out loads of cash for in-depth information from their consumers to find out exactly what they word on the street is about their product or services.

Forum Booster is a website that pays you $0.10 for each post you make on a forum. This is great for those of us that would be searching and posting on forums either way. If you can post sixty posts in 1 hour, you can make $6, which is not that bad for earning money online.

It may not be minimum wage, but you have the advantage of being in the comfort of your own home. You can be in your pajamas sipping coffee while working on posting on these forums. Each post should be a minimum of 12 words, which is not difficult to do at all.

Overall there are tons of ways to make money quickly online but these are just the tried and true and the best of the best.

Helen asks…

How do I make alot of money fast?

I need £17,000 to go to uni next year. I have a year to raise the money. I’m already working 2 jobs and am planning a car boot sale to sell all my stuff. But this isn’t enough. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Buy and sell stuff online, babysit, mow lawns, work a 3rd job, panhandle, bake sale. You will most likely end up needing a loan.

Steven asks…

Are there any web sites that really works?

I am really desperate to make money, I am in a serious crisis. Today i was searching for web sites that let you make money from home or make money fast. I wanted to know if this is really true. The sites i visited didn’t seem like something real. They advertise stuff like, “make $100,000-$150,000 a month” to me that looks very unrealistic. So i want to find some one who has succesfully become more wealthy by using this web sites and see if it really works. A little help please.

Nagesh answers:

No, they just prey on people like yourself who are desparate. There is no pot of gold, and no-one willing to pay money for nothing. All the things you see online are scams, and they are just set up to make money out of the people who can least afford it.

You’ll need to find a regular job – there is no fortune to be found online.

James asks…

What is the cheapest and fastest online BA degree I can get that is accredited and get me financed?

I have ample tangible professional life experience and am being held back due to not having a BA which is honestly grrrrr. So… does anyone know the best option to get this done and done quickly that can also get me student loans and all online. Looking for a business or psychology degree.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t select any online course in hurry as you could end up just wasting you time and money. Select online college by checking its accreditation and reviews as there are loads of fake online colleges out there that are just there to take your money. You can view the list of colleges that offer accredited online degree at also you can view about their accreditation and fee structure here only.

Was nice helping.

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Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Laura asks…

what is the quickest wake to may money in non-member runescape?

hi i have very high lvls on everything and im f2p. im looking for the quickest way to make money in mon-member worlds. i dont care what they lvl requirements are because i can get them. so please tell me the quickest way possible!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Mine rune ess. It sells for like 50 ea now since the new update has come out and EVERYONE is buying so do rune mystories and mine rune ess. You can mine 3-4k a day depending on how devoted you are cause its close to the bank and it mines really fast

Sandra asks…

Anyone know any quick ways to make money on runescape?

Anybody know any quick/easy ways to make money on runescape? Please help!

Nagesh answers:

Mommakellogg’s answer isn’t that great even though it is detailed. You are obviously nooby and her answer is too advanced. Her answer on #11, however, is exactly right. Would you like to make enough money in one day to buy full rune? Then pick snape grass on the hobgoblin peninsula . Bank and repeat. Pick 1000 of them. It will take you four hours. You will have 400-500,000 gp after selling at GE since they ALWAYS sell. If you are unwilling to do this, and you are a beginning (and poor) noob, then no answer will help you, since what I just wrote is THE best way for very poor noobs to make money early in their RS career. You are either lazy, or you aren’t. Pick one. If you choose “lazy” then don’t play RS, and don’t beg for money-making advice. If you choose NOT lazy, do my method, and you’ll pick this as BEST ANSWER.

Susan asks…

What is the quickest way of making money on runescape with membership?

I want to know what is the quickest way of making money on a member account so i can buy full torags and a whip

Nagesh answers:

To tell you the truth in members world the best way to make money is killing monsters or so

because the higher lvl you are or a team is the higher lvl monsters u can kill so that means more money like godwars, barrows, and so on

if your more of a skill person i would say wc cuz ppl go for 99fm, fletch, and so and wood is always bought, fishing because ppl need food to kill and train, slayer but that goes into cb lvl, herbalore can make good money, so pretty much all member skills can make money

Betty asks…

What is the best or quickest way to earn money on runescape?

I have a runescape account and i have lvl 40 magic but i don’t know how to get the money for buying mystics robes, i need a quick but worthwhile way of making money.

Nagesh answers:

You could try picking flaxs making them into bowstring and selling them out, there are tons of ways to earn you can refer to this they update them every month.


Mark asks…

How to make money on runescape for non members?

What is the quickest and easiest way to make money on runescape for a non member

Nagesh answers:

Try runecrafting. This takes a lot of time if it’s your first time; to do this you also need to do the rune mysteries quest which also takes time to do. Also you need talismans which can be a hassle to get and are frustrating to use.
Do some wood cutting. Every 27-28 logs you must either drop them, go sell them, or just put them in the bank. Also there is the chance your axe will break.
Cook — this is a very easy skill, but it doesn’t make a whole lot of money.
Mine essence one thousand at a time, then sell them for 25-40gp each.
Flip Notes — This literally means buying something and then selling it for more. This does take about 20k seed money so you might want to try other methods before trying this one.
This is for more experienced players, however you can get up to 100k AN HOUR! Have a mining lvl of at least 40 and your crafting needs to be 40 too. Go get yourself a brown apron and and also have a good pick ax. Yes, this is mining, so be patient O_O. Make sure you have at least 24 free spaces in your inventory, then go to the Crafting Guild south-west of Falador, wearing your brown apron. You will be able to get inside. Then, mine gold ores until your inventory is full. There are many players there so be sure to be in a less populated world. After, go to Falador and put all the gold ores in the bank. Go back to the Crafting Guild and repeat over and over again until you have at least over 100 gold ores in your bank. Then go to the Grand Exchange and sell everything for lots of $$$!!!
When you are fighting demons for money, make sure you have food and rune armor. Be sure that your weapon is SILVERLIGHT (only if you have the sword)!!! If you have this sword, you can do numbers that you didn’t know you could do! When wielding this sword, you will have an advantage in fighting demons, great or less. But if you have a rune scimmy, use that as it has a better strength bonus and a faster speed than Silverlight.

Non-members can gather up unicorn horns and limpwurt roots as well as telegrabbing wine of zamorak to sell to members who require them for herblore. Although there is not a great deal of demand for many secondary herb ingredients that can be gathered on free to play servers, they can always be used to stockpile your resources if you are intent on becoming a member.

Fishing is another good way to make money. Unlike the first method, it is a little more complicated and has a much higher requirement. Fishing is only really profitable at level 40 or higher, when you can fish lobsters. It will take a good day or 2 of fishing to get to level 40 but compared to mining and smithing, it is a whole lot faster. I suggest you look up a good fishing guide to find an effective way to level up your fishing.

Mining and Smithing is the third way I will be explaining on how to make gold. I am not too experienced with this method as it can be very long and very tedious. The basic idea is to mine a lot of ore until you get to a goal amount, store them in a nearby bank, melt all the ore into bars and then smith the bars.

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Saturday, February 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Thomas asks…

what would be the fastest way to make 38 mill in runescape i want to buy d claws?

what would be the fastest way to make 38 mill in runescape i want to buy d claws. dont say tormented demons cause i have died to much trying to kill them.
i have 78 fishing, 38 wc, 35 slayer 61 att, 55 str, 54 prayer, 45 magic, 43 range.

Nagesh answers:

Use the skill you’re best at. If your highest skill is hunter, hunt. If it’s woodcutting, then cut logs appropriate for your level, and etc. However, it is very difficult to make 38million gp with under level 70 in a skill. I would recommend working on woodcutting, fishing, hunter, runecrafting, or mining to make decent amounts of money. It would take long, but well worth it. When you sell back to the Grand Exchange, try to sell the items as they reach their peak worth-wise. That way, you get more in profit overall.
For woodcutting, I would cut yews/magic logs
Hunter, go for chinchompas
Fishing, sharks/monkfish
Runecrafting, craft nature or law runes. << This is a very slow process, so be aware!

Susan asks…

What Can I Do To Make More Money On Runescape?

I need help im having trouble coming up with way’s to make money on Runescape for lvl 90’s and up that are members. Any answers would be great from my fellow gamers.

Nagesh answers:

The fastest way (time/revenue) still is cutting yew’s.
However if you want to prevent the boredom you could do slayer.
Depending on the tasks given by the slayer master the rewards in monster drops could add up to a fair amount.
At slayer lvl 70 i regularly get over 200k of drops / hour.
As an additional bonus your also training your combat skill’s.

Laura asks…

How to make good money on runescape (over 100k and hour)?

Hello i just want to ask ppl is there a very good way to make money on runescape per hour. My stats r pretty good i cannont fish sharks tho can cut yews. So plxs give me some ideas
I already do vial running so just say som good stuff btw my runescape account is called memow4
goodbye and good luck

Nagesh answers:

Since they made that wierd cap on how much you can sell stuff for merchanting is no longer a real option. I got banned from runescape a long time ago at lvl 120, back then I made the most money merchanting or staking in the arena.

But skill wise I found the fastest money for making nature runes, I would make about 600k an hour making double nats, you could do about 300-350 with singles and using the abyss.

Mark asks…

How to make best money in runescape?

These are my highest skills:
97 hunter
84 fletching
80 wc
67 fishing

which should I use to make the fastest money each day?

Nagesh answers:

I am going to go by the skills you listed and what I have found. For hunter, I have had excellent luck in hunting the prickly kebbit and using a chisel to make their spikes into bolts, they sell realllllly good. But my hunter isn’t as high as yours. For fletching I have found that Mable shortbows sell really well…I am surprised, I made 400 and in 3 days have almost sold them all. Woodcutting everyone says yews sell good, I have sold a few, but not my favorite skill, so I haven’t really done alot of this. Fishing is a really good way to make money….everyone needs food!! For a long time I would fish swordfish/tuna. I would sell all the swordfish and cook the tuna and keep it. It worked out well. I sold tons of swordfish! I just finshed Swan Song, so now it is monkfish. They well pretty good and make lots of money, plus they give you 16 heal points. So I fish them both for food and money. One more level and you can get into the fishing guild, that is a great place to fish. If you get to 76, you can go after sharks, they are really good, but you get more xp for monkfish.
Having said all that, you might want to check out this site for ideas…
Money Making Tips….

Maria asks…

What’s the best bot to run on runescape to make loads of money?

What is the best bot to run on runescape to make lots of money fast. I have 80+ hunting 75+ woodcutting 63 fishing, and 50 mining. I need a good bot that works so if you can give me the site it’s on i would much appreciate it. No smart-aleck comments please.
I know botting is cheating. And by the way staking is gone.

Nagesh answers:

RSBot, it’s free and because it is open-source, it doesn’t have any viruses or any of the other crap the idiots on the RSOF say.


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Friday, February 21st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Helen asks…

Is this a paypal scam?

I am selling my pc on craigslist and i got an email asking if it was available after saying yes i got this.

Hi, many thanks for responding. I am interested in immediate purchase
of this item for my cousin who schools in West Africa (23402) and I’m
buying it as a GIFT. I will not be able to pick up the item from your place,
because I’m currently out of States for a conference meeting in Spain. I
will add $300 to your money to cover the shipping fee via USPS Express
Mail Service EMS. I will pay you the money via PayPal, because its fastest
and most secured way to send and receive money on online transaction.
kindly get back to me with your PayPal email address, and I will proceed
with the payment instantly.

Best Regards.

If this is a scam how can they scam me by getting my paypal email???

thanks in advance
Yeah I got an e-mail from “paypal” (fake) saying that she wired the cash but I will not see it in the account until I provide a shipping and tracking number lol.

Pretty funny email tho

at least use paypal not payteam..

Nagesh answers:

See if the money shows up and then wait it out! Don’t give any additional info other then your E-mail.
No names, numbers, or anything other than your E-mail. If the purchaser is asking for nontraditional shipping or payment methods then heed caution.

Chris asks…

Paypal and Online Jobs?

I recently made a paypal account so i can make enough money to buy the sims 2 since my old disc was damaged. i signed up for adbux and gangster greed are there any other sites i can go to and make money i need at least $30 fast.PLeaSe HeLP Me (and i don’t want a lot of survey sites.)

Nagesh answers:

Please be very very very careful of paypal i to went through paypal i paid their bill and was given a recite number ! Then the trouble started thy kept hitting my account again and again and again for the money i had already paid them ! Because i only keep a little in the account it bounced each time the bank charged me $45 dollars i got a bill from the bank for over $400 dollars in bounce fee,s ! My bank is now going after paypal for fraud ! Paypal refused to answer Anny of my E MAIL,S !

Daniel asks…

whats the fastest way to buy something online if all i have is cash?

if i go buy a prepaid visa dont i have to wait for it in the mail or do i buy the actual card at the store? or can you buy paypal money at walmart?
yeah, but do i actually physically get the card in the store, or do i have to fill something out and wait for it in the mail?

Nagesh answers:

You can buy a prepaid card and use it online. To use paypal you need a bank account to link to.

Maria asks…

Jobs for quick money?

I’ve read in Seventeen (magazine) about ways to make money fast through different online businesses. The babysitting, dogwalking type jobs kind of bore me…I was looking for more fun and creative jobs I could do online and the website could send me cash and I could set up a PayPal account or something. Any good suggestions?
By the way, I’m fourteen, almost fifteen, so if they have any weird age requirements I wouldn’t be able to do…then….you know.

Nagesh answers:

There are online marketplace sites (like odesk). Don’t know about the age thing though.

Susan asks…

Im buying a dog online is this legit and safe i need help and FAST?

im buying a shih tzu for $450 from
should i go through with this? its going through paypal with my debit card and i have been talking to the owner/breeder she has about 15 dogs and most of them have pictures in the same area (like the dog is on a toddle bike or the green grass) its from kansas and i have her number and i have been emailing her im supossed to give a deposit tomorrow which is thursday and she said if the dog has any forseen problems he will be replace or my money will and he is about a month old should i do it?
okay for all of you that replied thanks bunch for some of you still wondering
i have seen pictures and i have asked her to send a picture wit my name on it she did she also gave me two people that she sold a dog too i wrote one and he said he loves his two dogs also the other one never replied and $450 is really good for a shih tzu and im putting a deposit on it tomorrw so i can stop now and my gut feeling is telling me go ahead everything seems fine except i dont know if he is 100% healthy she said the parent are and if there are any forseen problems she will be fine with replacing him so im pretty sure its legit her name is Connie Fahey does anyone know of some one who has boughten from her or if she is a safe breeder not a puppy mill im scared to get a sick dog but also she said he is registered so please help more thanks im a little uneasy right now so sorry if i seem that way!
I usually just guarantee to send you a healthy puppy…”Dani’s 2″ and he will have his puppy shots and be de-wormed and come with a healh certificate and registration papers. If he would develop anything unforeseen in the next year and would expire he would be repalced.( don’t foresee any problems !! the parents are VERY healthy !! If you want him Fri I need to get the reservation made in the am and vet ck for the health certificate in the am so can you just do the complete $450 .pay pal ?? I don’t get any of that until I have the payments because it all has to be done in your name…. connie

thats what she said..
she seems pretty familiar with the shipping like what air line and everything
so it seems likes she has done this before
so do you guys think i should call her and speak to her what should i ask her
im not really sure if i should do it now

Nagesh answers:

Reputable breeders don’t sell pups online.
Just puppymillers and backyard breeders…..and scammers! See the pup in person BEFORE you buy.


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Thursday, February 20th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Donald asks…

How to earn enough money to go to camp?

Camp Lohikan’s tuition is nearly $2000, and I really want to go. However, my dad isn’t getting paid at the moment and we have no money to send me to camp. Don’t get me wrong, we have a house and everything, but no money for camp. When I think of all the memories I smile, and then when I realize i am never going back i start crying hysterically. I’m 13, and I can’t really get a job yet- and if i can, please tell me where! So any ways i can earn quick money would be great. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

You could try asking neighbors if they need any jobs done for them – babysitting, shoveling snow, mowing lawns, raking leaves, washing their car, watering plants or taking care of their pets when they are out of town or various other odd jobs that you are able to do and that they might not have time to do or would rather pay someone to do than do it themselves.

If you have stuff you no longer need or want, you could try selling that to get some money also.

$2000 is pretty much for someone your age to earn though depending on how much time you have. If this is summer camp and only 2 or 3 months away, it might be hard making that much that fast.

David asks…

What is a good way for a new band to earn money?

Me and my friends have started a new band were all 13 and we need to know a good way to earn money. On a website it said before anything you need money and were stumped. Because before gigs we have to pay for them. So we need money QUICK!! and ideas are appreciated..thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

If you have to pay for your gigs you got the wrong kind of gigs. Why not do little kids’ birthday parties? You can perform happy birthday, kiddie songs, and a few pop songs.

Maria asks…

What Is the quickest way to earn money to get an Xbox 360?

I need to know how to earn enough money so I can get an Xbox 360. I am trying to get one at least by one by my b-day, which is on July 12th. Please Help. Much Appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Rob houses and pawn your takings xD…..or you could get a paper route, but the former is more fun

James asks…

How can a teenager earn money quick eassy and leagel?

I seriosly need money what can i do??? Something i can do from my house that will pay my well. I would get a job but the thing is that were i live they dont give jobs to people under 18

Nagesh answers:

First you really need to brush up on spelling .. Or you’ll NEVER get a job!

Second … See if anyone needs a lawn mowed, clean & organize their garage, walk
a neighbor’s dog …. If you have a bike or car, go to the store for elderly neighbors ..maybe a paper route – The MAIN thing is ASK! – all they can say is No or No thanks …. You could pass out handbills-advertising for a busness … TRY Something – Anything!

Michael asks…

Is there any way I can get help paying rent?

My grandpa died and because he isnt immediate family tmy job wouldnt let me take time off to go to his funeral a few towns away. So I quit. Now I don’t have a job and my rent is coming up. I’ve looked for work but could find nothing. Is there any way I can get help with it? Or any ways to earn lots of money quick?

Nagesh answers:

No, you never quit without a job lined up. Doesnt sound like a company I’d like to work for, but you needed to stick it out until you found something. Now it can take months or longer to find a job and you can be on the streets. VERY stupid move.

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Wednesday, February 19th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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