Archive for January, 2014

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

George asks…

What are some quick ways to make money for a foriegner in Tokyo?

Nagesh answers:

If you are an American, you can charge per hour on how to dress,talk, act like an American.

Paul asks…

Does anyone know of some ways to make quick money?

thats legal!! about 70-80 a day while i look for full time work? I know im gonna get hammered here by stupid answers but i would really appreciate some good ideas!
thanks it downst have to be at home work im an outside salesman by trade and im good on the phone as well,i have a car and good work history. Sales is my (was) my mainstay but things are so slow im dying here.

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have very specific skills, such as graphic design, web design, computer programming, there are no real internet work at home jobs.

Thomas asks…

What is a way to make money quick, but without cheating, on harvest moon cute?

to make quick money, any secrets, ways, anything, except cheating.

Nagesh answers:

The best way to get money is to get into the second mine.

Get down to floor 100. Every floor that either ends in a 3, 6, 9, or 0 from that point forward you have a chance to find either Alexandrite or Pink Diamonds. Both of these rare gems are worth 10,000 each shipped straight out!

OR to make even more money, sell them to Vann. He will be upstairs in the Inn on everyday ending in a 3 or an 8. He will buy items at above normal shipping prices! Whenever you try to sell something to him, he will offer a random price for it. If you cancel the deal, you can try to sell the object again for a different price. Items sold to Vann do NOT count as shipped for your shipping list!

Another way requires a little luck, and Vann. You can win medals in the Harvest Sprite Casino, you can then use those medals to buy accessories. Normally you can’t sell those accessories, but Vann will buy them from you for a large amount of money (especially the red cape!). Once you have sold the accessory, it reappears in the sprite casino. Just repeat as many times as you can stand. (PS Use Double or Nothing to get medals the fastest.)

Vann also buys small fish for 5 times the going rate!

Richard asks…

Is there easy and quick ways to make money?

if anyone could help i would be so grateful thank you!!

Nagesh answers:


Donna asks…

Do you know any easy ways to make quick money?

The internet is not an option. Neither is stripping or anything like that. Im only 15 so… I live out in the middle of nowhere so doing stuff for neighbors is out of the question. The only other thing i can think of is like selling my old books to the half-price bookstore…any suggestions? thanksss 😀

Nagesh answers:

Clean houses….babysit….make crafts and sell them in a local craft show (great christmas gifts, that people will buy.)

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Saturday, January 11th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Paul asks…

What does “cottage industry” mean in the 21st century?

I have an old depression-era rug loom, and I have been meditating on the term “cottage industry.” This old loom probably was worked by almost all the members of the family, taking turns, in order to make rugs to sell to support the family. They probably did other things, too, like grow their own food, but this was for cash money or trade at a general store.

What does cottage industry mean today? Can people really support themselves working at home? Not the pyramid schemes and the get-rich-lazy way, but something honorable. Is it still done?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, people can support themselves working at home, it is just technology has made it a lot easier to work from home.

Cottage industries used to be crafts done in the home and now it is all about work done on the computer at home.

If you want to start making money at home with no overhead or start-up then on line auctions like Ebay, Overstock, Yahoo, and Epier are the answers:

Nancy asks…

If I lived with a girl what would we talk about in the evening time?

i keep wondering well, what a girl would be like ‘at home‘. Would conversations be about television, food or more refined things like philosophy and science? What do girls do in their spare time? Do they watch tele, read books like normal men? Or is it all about make-up, fashion shopping , adding up money, making nasty schemes, gossip and bitching like I expect?

Im just curious to get an insight into the world of a female in her native habitat in her spare time.

Nagesh answers:

Watch a litle of womens tennis, then have sex, eat some food, then have sex, talk about how nice my nails look, then have……………………………………!!

Donna asks…

how is the medical transcription at home jobs doing for 2010?

need to know if anyone is actually doing this work at home,making decent money,benefits and how
stressful is it?

Nagesh answers:

You’ll get lots of scammers answering here, don’t fall prey. But, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They aren’t ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I’m a single mom of 2 who’s tried over 15 opportunities over 3 years so I have some great info for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work at home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You won’t find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Mary Kay however if you’re like me, you’re not interested in pushing products.

Legit home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business! Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I’d stay away from those wanting $1k – $5k. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so don’t pay it. If you’re coming across places that say free then RUN the other way! They never are in the end!

After trying 15 things, I now work about 25 hours per week for a well known and respected company w/ amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans save money on things they need and buy every day. The average American household saves $400 a month using these plans.

Anyway, I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within 3 months. That income has increased now to $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for you should think again! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit and a health plan from day one.

With this company there’s NO products to sell or store, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. Figure out what you DON’T want to do as well and make sure you find a company that fits with that!

I work as part of a team with other reps in the company. I had at least 5 of their home phone #’s the day I started. This is a big one: Make sure that you’re going to have others to work with. Don’t find out you just paid a start up cost and you will be trained by someone in a call center who has NO REAL idea what you are actually supposed to do. Make sure you are trained by other reps just like you, and ask for names and numbers! If they won’t give them, walk away!

I was scared at first because there are lots of scams, but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other I had ever seen. They are members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the US Chamber of Commerce and have been featured in Parent Magazine, Time Magazine, on 60 Minutes and many other places. They are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their kids. This company has an “A” RATING WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These are some of the types of national credentials you need to be looking for during your search and make sure they have at C or better rating with the BBB.

My point here is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more, want help deciding if something is a scam, or just want to chat with me click on my profile to the left!

Best Wishes to you!

Ken asks…

What equipment, software, etc. do I need for music studio?

Looking for what I need to record music at home. I am buildng a studio, but am not sure of what software and other equipment I need to do the actual recording and editing. Please let me know of what all I need to record and create music. Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

It really depends on what you want to record. If you just want to record vocals you can get away with downloading a copy of audacity and buying a USB mic. That is about as simple as it can be to get started.

For more advanced recording you can get an interface. The interface is responsible for connecting instruments and microphones to your computer. The interface also will contain software for recording and mixing. Some may also come with virtual instruments in order to create music, or you may have to buy that seperatly. When choosing an interface you will need to look at how much multi-tracking you plan on doing. Multi-tracking meaning recording multiple tracks at the same time. For instance if you want to record a band with a vocalist, bassist, guitarist and keyboard all together you would want enough inputs to be able to do that. 4 would be the minimum in this case. However, on the same project you could use an interface with only 1 input and you could record everything individually and then mix them together. It all depends on you and what you plan on recording. When it comes to tracking drums, i want no less than 4 inputs alone for drums, i’d actually like more around 8 but could make 4 work. If you plan on recording drums i don’t suggest using one mic in the middle of the room unless that mic is a Blue Bottle or some other high end mic.

Another thing to think about when looking at interfaces is the software that comes with it. The Mbox series comes with protools which is pretty much industry standard for recording. You also will pay another hundred or two for an interface that comes with protools. At the end of the day, all of the recording software will be pretty much the same with a few different bells and whistles here and there.

Once that is decided you need mics. Again this will depend on what you want to record. I don’t suggest going and getting crappy mics to save money because at the end of the day it will produce crappy sound. A good collection of mics will boost the sound of your recordings. For guitars and such i would recommend an SM 57. It’s a standard mic at almost all if not all studios. It’s really versatile in a studio and having a few of them for drums and guitars is good. They’re also fairly cheap in the grand scheme of mics at around $100. For vocals on the cheap end i’d get an SM 58 which has been a staple in studios and live shows for a long time, again around $100. I personally recommend everyone the Rode NT1a. I’ve heard it on a variety of applications and it has never let me down. It sells for around $240. For drums you may look into getting a drum mic package deal from I really like the yamaha sub-kick on the kick drum, it retails around $5-600 i think. The mic captures the sound, so don’t be cheap here.

You can find on or and find studio package deals. Some include just an interface and mic, some include that plus monitors and mixers, some include computers as well. You can find some good deals to get everything you need to get started in one purchase. It may be something to check out.

Those are the basics, you can always add more and more to get bigger and better sound.

Sandra asks…

I am trying to start a business selling jewelry.. What is my best stratigy to get noticed?

I make all my jewelry and bead other various things. Everything I make I have many compliments of how beautiful and such. This is an at home business with 4 kids. I have an idea to go to local shops on consignment but not sure how to do this or just start visiting friends and setting up tables at fairs and such. What do you think would be best. I am working on a limited money basis

Nagesh answers:

1. We need to create a brand name and a logo with an appealing appropriate slogan that fits well with the type of business you are in. (ex: if your jewelry are simple communicated this is the logo and slogan if the it is an extravagant jewelry the logo and slogan must reveal this)

2. You need to utilize the power of the word of mouth, motivate your clients to tell other about your business (this is a very effective tool especially with small business) (we might also think about a discount scheme for those who recommend new clients)

3. Make a website with appealing high quality visuals of your pieces most important you need to capitalize on the fact the all piece are “hand made each is a masterpiece that is made with passion” and so in

4. Add a information tag to your pieces with a description of your hand made products and all your contact information

5. Do a clients data base with all details information if possible
(birthdays of client, his wife, kids and so on) the best thing to do this is to hand them a ready made format where they can fill.. The more detailed the better)

6. In future you can tart doing a catalogue

most important communicated that what you are doing is Art and not just another piece of jewelry. This will add a value dimension to your goods

best of luck

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Friday, January 10th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Lisa asks…

I’m 14 – I need money FAST. Any Ideas!?

Hi – well, i need about £100, and i have about 2 weeks (probably less) to get it. the reason doesn’t matter, i just need some ideas about making money. i tried my own ways and in 1 week i only made £15….. please if you have any ideas to make money, thanks much x

Nagesh answers:

My sister babysits she’s 15 and she makes like 200 a week. She set up a booth at a local babysitting day thing at her local youth group. Also you could pick up a paper route that is close by where you live. My husband and his brother used to look for cans they made a lot of money doing that every summer buy video games a candy 😛 but those are a few ideas hope it helps 🙂

Maria asks…

How Can I Make Some Fast Money?

I’m broke.

I need to make some money fast.

Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Pawn shops

(drug dealing) Not really should do it

Sandy asks…

Ideas to make money fast?

i need to make at least $100 in the next 2 weeks or so. I am saving up to go to a convention. Any ideas will work. I am a 13 year old girl. I babysit my brothers everyonce in a while so that is 20 dollars. PLEASE HELP!!!

Nagesh answers:

Extra chores, babysitting, and etc.

Richard asks…

Im 13 and i wanna make money fast, got any good ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Treasure troopers is a good one, you only have to be 13 to join and you can make money lots of different ways, including surveys, I make enough to make my car payment. You can sign up at

David asks…

Im 13 and i wanna make money fast, got any good ideas?

Nagesh answers:

It really depends on how much money you want to make and how “fast” you want to make it. Don’t fall for some of these online “get rich quick” scams. These people put those links here because it helps their websites show up better in search engine results. (Though not all links are bad of course.)

I’d like to add though that marketing, advertising and promotion could be a strong factor in how much you make and how fast you make it.

1. Selling items on ebay. Great but you’ll ned a bank account and will have to lie about your age – I remember my kids being excited at 18 they could finally legally open an ebay account – try and use someone else’s account. Sell what you have AND don’t forget to ask other people if you can sell something for them and get a percentage for it. Put flyers on doors, windows of businesses, etc. Offering your services.

2. Scrapping: You’ll need a partner who’s 18 or over – but there’s a lot of people dying to get rid of their scrap metal – especially older people, people who can’t afford to pay someone – or people in the outerskirts of a city who have old cars, etc. And don’t know what to do with the scrap. And definitely hit up businesses.

3. Regarding selling things: If you have a local paper, such as the Pennysaver we have here – it’s under $5.00 for like a 3 line advertisement. Put an ad in the paper for what you’re willing to do or willing to sell, etc. Don’t miss this cheap route of advertising.

4. If you are selling products OR services – there are tons of websites that let you put up free ads – check out craiglist and those kinds of places – look through the help wanted or wanted sections – ya never know and it’s free and can’t hurt. There’s a bunch of them out there.

5. Go to local businesses and tell them you’re looking for a little extra money and ask if there’s any work you can do – think of what you can do and offer those services. Lots of businesses pay people off the books. I’d give the teens some cash or a free pizza for washing dishes, pots and pans (by hand), putting stock away, taking out garbage, mopping out coolers, putting out local flyers, (I’d give them fifty cents for each one that came back since it had a coupon on it.) etc.

There’s another idea – if you’re creative with flyers – offer a local business a cheap opportunity to advertise for them – create a flyer to go door to door that has a coupon on it – and get a percentage of the one’s that come back. Or charge them a flat fee (they want to make sure you’re not going to just throw the flyers out though so think about this).

Become a regular without being pushy. Act responsible and trustworthy. Just remind them you’re there if they’re ever in a bind. And with small stores and restaurants – there’s bound to be an emergency some time! You never know until you get out there and ask.

6. There are a bunch of “freelance” websites out there. Again, you’re probably going to have to lie about your age. But a lot of these are simple data entry type jobs – like typing in those chapta or whatever they’re called codes – with the funny letters and numbers – from software programs so they can open a billion accounts – see what’s on these freelance websites and what you might be able to do. Don’t sign up with one until you see something that interests you. Just make sure you use proper english and write like an adult in your communications.

7. Call some churches – tell them you’re 13 and looking for some cash and if they know any elderly or disabled members that might need work done for a cheap price. If you’re focusing on helping around the house or yard – concentrate on the elderly or disabled – they always need help and never know who to ask because they don’t get out much. There is a huge generation growing of adult children living with their parents because their parents are too old to take care of themselves. These people need a “break” from taking care of their parents and their kids, and themselves, their house, etc. So see if there’s anything you can do to “give them a break.”

Some elderly or disabled are overly generous – and some don’t have much to offer – just remember it’ll all even out in the end – and for even those who can’t pay much you’re building up future relationships and they might have other contacts to call and refer you to. Don’t burn any bridges. You never know who’s going to be in your future and who will have what connections.

8. Ask churches if they know small businesses that need help, etc. Don’t be intimiated – because you might lose some valuable leads if you get intimitated. Remember pastors are just people – not God. (Not sure about priests.) And a lot of times the secretary or whomever might give you some leads. My daughter found a local guy at church that just needed help blacktopping and stuff like that and he hired a bunch of teens to help and she made $10 an hour off the books. Maybe they’re willing to pay a couple bucks for someone to do some website work or advertising for them. (Remember – you’re not going to make a ton of money off a church – but you will get leads – which leads to making a ton of money.)

9. Seasons have a lot to do with what’s available. Like everyone’s said: tons of people need yard work assistance, leaves raked, garbage picked up, shrubs, branches cut or hauled, etc. In the winter, it’s shoveling, summer, cutting grass. Wind storms – pick up trees and branches. Don’t forget about gardening for the elderly if you have a green thumb. They might like a nice garden but not be able to do it. But again – make sure you advertise. The more people that know you’re out there the more business you’ll get.

10. Don’t rule out dog care – walking and shoveling up poop – there’s some people out there that have started businesses doing that and they are making big bucks.

11. Offices: Although they’re less likely to hire someone off the books – check out some smaller ones. If they do mass-litigation they probably have a lot of envelope folding and mailing – some might need holiday invitations mailed out – stuff stamped or envelopes addressed – stuff like that.

I’ve got five kids over the age of 15. If there’s one thing that has been consistent in their quest for money – it’s “who you know.” (And there’s definitely money to be made in babysitting – get out there and advertise though.) You have to start making contacts and being overly nice to other adults, make a name for yourself in the community (where you live or the virtual community) then people will recommend you. Word spreads fast about an honest person who can provide quality work and word of mouth advertising is the best form of advertising – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t advertise by other means either.

What you need to do first is get in touch with your talents – what you’re good at – what you like to do. You might also find you like or are good at something you’ve never done before. Typically, if you enjoy doing something, you’ll be better at it.

Good with digital pictures? Advertise to get some albums or pictures organized or on a website or something like that for a flat rate. Just keep customer service as your number one priority. Can your write? Put up ads to write letters for people – lots of people can’t write or have arthritis that makes it

There are a lot of 13 year olds making good money. There are so many cool small business success stories about teens who ended up making big businesses. Read them and learn. Each one is unique – all them typically involve passion and persistence. I wish I could think of some – but there are definitely stories out there. NOT the get rich quick scams – the real ones. Get inspiration from success stories from others. (You really have to watch out for the scams though – RESEARCH the businesses you’re reading about.)

You just have to find out what you’re good at and do it. Start by concentrating on what you like to do – what drives you. Great Yahoo just cut off half my answer.

Anyhow – advertise – create a want – find a need – put customers first. I have to get to work! Good luck to you!!!

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Thursday, January 9th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Nancy asks…

Fast/Easy ways for a 13 year old to earn money?

I cannot really do dog sitting, babysitting etc. My dad is just about to get surgery and my moms stuck at work til midnight, so I babysit here ( and don’t get paid) I need things online, where i can get paid on Paypal or with items or something like that. And i can’t sell anything online…all the things a can’t do is caused by my parents so i have no say.

Nagesh answers:

Begging your parents….

You cannot do any of the online ripoff because you are too young…

Sharon asks…

need to send money to Japan for my family to use while on vacation. can i do an online transfer?

How does paypal work? What is the fastest and cheapest way to go about this? Any and all suggestions would help. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Here is a very extensive list of about 35 money transfer alternative sites – enjoy!

Michael asks…

Fast money needed for car payment?

My husband has been Ill and has not been able to work enough the past 2 weeks. I have gotten extentions on my bills and such but I still don’t see some of them getting done. Now I need suggestions. I have to come up with $400 by November 17th. So I have just under a week to do this in. Anyone know of some ways to get this money quickly. This is for our car payment which is the one I got the extension till the 17th. On the 18th they will be turning it off on us. If this happens my husband will have no way to get to work and then we will really be in a bad situation. None of the places in my area offer assistance with car payment. If it were a different bill that would be alot easier. Is there any way I can earn it quickly online or anything like that. I do have a paypal account that I use for the little bit of work online that I already do. Also I have nothing of value to sell on ebay or anything like that as I have already thought about that route. I also have no family in the area at all that can help they all live 1300 miles away.

Thank you for any suggestions

Nagesh answers:

Really i don’t have any particular solution but can only give you advice and inspiration.

When there is money thing comes, my mind doesn’t strike at all.
All i can give you advice now is just borrow some money from your friends, colleagues, neighbors or relatives. If you borrow money you will be on your track and later you can repay them.

If your relatives or friends are ready to help you then 1300 miles doesn’t matter because they can send money through online banking or Western Union for moneytransfer(transaction happens within minutes of time).

Still you can make money through online jobs BUT its not a fast money source.

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible

William asks…

Any legit site online where I can make about $20 relatively fast?

Hey, I really want to buy some stuff (paypal) but I’m 16 and I don’t want to ask my parents (it’s cheap anyways) is there any LEGIT site that actually pays money and doesn’t take forever (either really slow to get money or the never pay), I just want $20 more or less.

Nagesh answers:

If there was a quick way to make money everyone would be rich… You are better off mowing someone’s lawn, raking leaves or getting a part-time job.
Good luck!

David asks…

How to make money online?

I’m 13 Years old and I’m looking for a way to earn money.I help my that he gives me 20$ and I’m cool with that but I want to buy a new phone that cost 300$ I really like that phone and but the plan cost me 60 a month my mom she will pay the other 40 every month but it takes time.But I can’t do any thing at my house without getting charged buy clothes,fast food,and part of the internet bill. So If would keep my money without my parents charging me for everything weeks I’ll have my there any page only that pays you money and sends it to your house like a upload page that they pay but they send it to your house not by Paypal..Also please not a survey one…

Nagesh answers:

Data Entry Job work is good for make money online.

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Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Ruth asks…

What country is better to be an American expat in, France or Italy?

This is mainly hypothetical, so just assume for simplicity’s sake that a person could legally go to either country. What would be the country that is more friendly to Americans? Which country has better weather, or more varied climates for different tastes? Which one is more economical to live in? Anyone had a really positive or really negative experience in either country? Any information from current US expats or Italian or French citizens would be really appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

I know that the government is much LESS efficiently run in Italy than in France. Getting things done in Italy would probably be harder because of it. Other than that Italy is nice. France is nice too, but you are going to have to make a concerted effort to learn French quickly. French people are particularly hostile to foreigners (especially Americans) who approach them expecting that they know how to communicate with you in your language. Social services are more efficiently run though and are less corrupt in France. If you choose Italy, you should know that southern Italy is almost a different country. The south is much poorer than the north. Naples even has trouble getting garbage to be removed from streets. France is more segregated though. Stay away from French “suburbs”, they are not safe. Both countries have pick-pocketing problems. As for economic circumstances, I would suggest making sure you can find a job before living in either. France’s unemployment rate is particularly high among young people. Italy, not so sure, but if you get a government job, make sure you have enough money to support yourself for a couple months because getting the paperwork sorted out to get a paycheck could take almost a year. Good luck!

Sandra asks…

What country is better to be an American expat in, France or Italy?

This is mainly hypothetical, so just assume for simplicity’s sake that a person could legally go to either country. What would be the country that is more friendly to Americans? Which country has better weather, or more varied climates for different tastes? Which one is more economical to live in? Anyone had a really positive or really negative experience in either country? Any information from current US expats or Italian or French citizens would be really appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

I know that the government is much LESS efficiently run in Italy than in France. Getting things done in Italy would probably be harder because of it. Other than that Italy is nice. France is nice too, but you are going to have to make a concerted effort to learn French quickly. French people are particularly hostile to foreigners (especially Americans) who approach them expecting that they know how to communicate with you in your language. Social services are more efficiently run though and are less corrupt in France. If you choose Italy, you should know that southern Italy is almost a different country. The south is much poorer than the north. Naples even has trouble getting garbage to be removed from streets. France is more segregated though. Stay away from French “suburbs”, they are not safe. Both countries have pick-pocketing problems. As for economic circumstances, I would suggest making sure you can find a job before living in either. France’s unemployment rate is particularly high among young people. Italy, not so sure, but if you get a government job, make sure you have enough money to support yourself for a couple months because getting the paperwork sorted out to get a paycheck could take almost a year

Michael asks…

What action can I take to get my money back?

If I loaned someone some money and they are having a hard time paying it back. What can I do legally get my money back. I have a notarized promissory note stating the terms of repairs and consequences of the not paying on time. I have given this person an opportunity to get themselves together and there is still no progress. If I take this person to court what will happen? Will the court deduct some of their wages so I can get my money or order them to give me possessions close of the value of what they owe. How does it work?

Nagesh answers:

File suit in small claims court provided the amount due is within the jurisdictional limit. Some states call these municipal courts, or county courts. Just go to the local state courthouse and find out.

Your claim is likely for breach of contract and if there’s a lien on a car or home or something, you may need to plead that. Since we don’t know what kind of repairs you did, its impossible to know what it is that you have. Also, since we don’t know where you are or where the other guy is, we don’t even know which court it is.

Finally, you don’t get possession. Typically you get a judgment and you try and levy what’s called a writ of execution or sometimes called a fieri facias or FiFa writ. The sheriff acting on your instructions, goes to wherever the defendant has property and levies on it. After that the sheriff sells the property and whatever is left over after the costs of the sale goes to satisfying your judgment. If there’s a surplus of money, it goes to other judgment holders, possibly, or divided up between you and any other judgment holders.

Another route is a garnishment of wages or a bank account.

Point is, you can definitely make the guy nervous but if he’s bound and determined not to pay you, at least you have a piece of paper that says he owes you money.

Another thing, most states have a statute of limitations so you should act quickly before time runs out to sue.

Thomas asks…

How to become a game tester and reviewer?

I’m a huge gamer and it would be a dream to test and write reviews but not as a career, more as a hobby,(unless a 16 year old can legally have a job writing reviews.) My question, ( and or questions,) 1st) Do I need to have an official college education to write reviews? 2nd) Is there an age requirement? 3rd) How do you even get started with something like this? All advice appreciated! In case you’re thinking negative of my age here, yes, I can write, that won’t be a problem. It’s just one of those things that comes natural, ya know? Never made below a 90 on an English essay! 😀 Two things I love to do, write and game. What’s better than doing both? Thanks all!

Nagesh answers:

Speaking from experience as a game tester, and as someone who knows several people that write reviews for major gaming sites, here’s what I can tell you.

Game Testing:
You need to be at least 18 years old. Most console game testing positions don’t require much education or skills. All you really need to be able to do is find bugs and write bug reports. Knowing some programming will probably help you get noticed, thus hired more quickly. So once you’re 18, apply at for a QA position with any of the major publishers. They are usually always looking for people, especially during the spring/summer when most game development is ramped up to reach the holidays goal.

Game Reviewer:
Start a blog and start writing reviews. Post them on Facebook, twitter, anywhere that will get them noticed. Submit them to Of course you won’t get paid for these reviews, but nobody starts off getting paid. You need to put in your time basically. After having a healthy amount of reviews under your belt, start emailing gaming sites about writing reviews for them. You probably will have to do that for free as well. After a while, you’ll make a name for yourself, and then you can actually start making some money. After gaining experience, check out major gaming sites and find out whether they are hiring reviewers. I think this is a tougher part of the industry to break into since there is a lot of competition out there willing to do it for free.

Good Luck!

Steven asks…

How hard is it for a Mexican citizen to come to the US and legally work?

Many American and many Mexicans would like to live their lives happily together and enter into the transaction of exchanging labor for money. I’m wondering how hard it is to get the US government to leave one alone in this very human transaction.
I’m really wondering if there’s a lot of paperwork, a long line, background checks??

Nagesh answers:

It depends. If you have an employer in mind and they are willing to sponsor you for a visa, it can go very quickly. If you have no idea where you want to work, who you want to work for and just want the “opportunity” to go live in the US and find a job, you have to wait your turn. People from all over the world want the same opportunity and each country is given a number of green card opportunities each year. In Mexico, these are in demand. You must wait your turn. How long depends entirely on how many people are in line ahead of you.

The paperwork and hoops you have to jump through are exactly the same for Mexican citizens and citizens from every other country in the world.

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Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Susan asks…

What are good ways for two thirteen year olds to earn money?

My friend and I are saving up money to go to a concert, and we are looking for good, quick ways to earn money, and- yes we babysit so please don’t say babysit!! Just looking for good ways to earn quick money! Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Yah, you can walk dogs (UHHHH I SOUND LIKE MY MOM!!!!!) oh, you could make pies 🙂 i would sooooooooooooo bye pies from you

George asks…

whats the fastest way to earn money as a 12 year old girl?

please help me! i need to earn money quick because my moms birthday was coming up and i wanted to buy her an I phone please help me i have two months left and I need the money quick!!(: THANKS SO MUCH

Nagesh answers:

Omg im in the same position but i only have 15 days because me and my best friend are going on vacation together and we want our own money for stuff

here are our ideas

babysitting like hang up flyers with your number and have people call and charge however much money

pet sitting/walking

bake cookies lemonade stand

beg your parents

and work with one of your parents if they have a self made job like my dad he has his own lawn service and hes letting me work for him

try one of those hope i helped!

Linda asks…

what are some ways to earn money?

me and my two friends are planning a trip to new york. what are some ways to earn money. it would help if it was quick and i dont want to take surveys or sign up for anything.

Nagesh answers:

Well, based on your description, I’d suggest either busking (performing on the sidewalks for change, like playing music, or juggling or fire-breathing, etc.) or panhandling (begging). Or, there are a few “day labor” sites in the city that will hire just about anyone for construction jobs or to unload trucks, etc., on a per day/per hour basis, but, of course, then you’ll be competing with hundreds of illegal aliens for a very few jobs. Or, if you don’t mind signing up for a job agency, there are lots of “temp” agencies in NYC that can get you office or retail work on a daily basis. Good luck, and the link below is to an article about day laborers in NYC…

James asks…

Will Google adsense tax information affect me in Real Life?

Will Google adsense tax information affect me? like credit score, benefits. Like school lunch for kids,medicare, anything like that? I just stated using adsense less then a month and lately my traffic has increase and i’m earning money quick i can’t be specific. But i already reach my 100$ mark and i’m close to 200$. Will i have to pay more taxes? And if for some reason my adsense account gets banned will my credit get ruined? The reason for that question is, i did research on how not to get banned of adsense(so i can stay safe) and some peoples get fraud by clicks by trolls or even family members thinking there helping. So i know not to do that. Anyways will it affect my credit in real life? Can i get in to legal trouble if i give my tax information and if something goes wrong.? Thanks in advance !

Nagesh answers:

How will Adsense affect your credit?

You will have to file a Schedule C when you file your taxes.

Maria asks…

How do you earn money quickly?

I need to make some money for clothes by wednesday but my Mum and Dad won’t let me get a job and I wouldn’t be able to anyway because it is to late now. Has anyone got any ideas to make money quick?

Nagesh answers:

Learn the difference between ‘want’ and ‘need’ – if it’s the latter, your mum and dad would sub you.

If you can’t earn it and have nothing to sell, the clothes will have to wait.

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Monday, January 6th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Online

Lizzie asks…

How to make money online using facebook?

Hey Guys! Basically been doing abit of research on how to make some money online, have found a few decent ideas, but no sure fine ones.

My friend told me that i could some how make alot of money On facebook by creating groups and advertising?? As im new to this I have no idea how to go about making money with facebook so help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance

Nagesh answers:

Yes you can make money on Facebook but build Fan Pages not groups. There are limitations to both but Facebook is “okay” with advertising in fan pages but not groups. There are some other little known ways to generate income in facebook so send me a message if you are interested.

Betty asks…

I have 3 websites that are free to sign up at and I am looking for people who know how to market ideas online?

It is like any other make money online idea but it is free. How do I find people to sign up under me?

Nagesh answers:

Online Ad Clicking is a great way to make some money.
Http:// I been using this free program
for 7 month now, i’m making about $200 a week. Try it dude!!

Chris asks…

does any one have any ideas how to make ligitimate money online?

please only things that you have actually made money with

Nagesh answers:

Making money online is easier than it seems. Here are two ways that I’ve found that ACTUALLY work, and very well at that:

1. Http://

– complete free offers and surveys from companies that will pay to hear your opinion!
– this site requires little work, and the only site I’ve found from personal experience that pays!
– not only does it work well, it is very user friendly and SIMPLE to use
– FAQ and forums are full of tips and advice to earn more + highly active administrator almost always available for help
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 13 (with parental approval)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings!
– you are sent checks with your earnings at the end of every month!
– minimum payout (minimum amount of money you must make in a month for them to send you a check): ONLY $10!
– 20% first level/10% second level STARTING referral program –> percentages increase as you refer more people
– from personal experience I can say that just a few hours of work a day can get you a few hundred dollars a month!
– great to do in your spare time to earn extra cash to use for any purpose you want!

2. Http://

– sign up and use this site as your search engine AND GET PAID!
– instead of paying for banners to advertise their site, this site is attracting users by willing to pay THEM to use their search engine!
– make money by simply replacing your current search engine with this one!
– EXTREMELY SIMPLE to use, use like a normal search engine
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 18 (if under 18, parental approval required)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and your home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings OR your paypal/e-gold – you can choose to have them transfer your earnings to your paypal/e-gold account!
– your earnings are sent to you AUTOMATICALLY every time you earn the payout level!
– payout level (how much you have to earn before they pay you) : ONLY $20!
– referrals will allow increase the rate at which you can earn by using the search engine!

Mark asks…

Does Any body have some idea of making money online. No scam plz?

I am really in need of money and want to make money online. If you have a serious idea specially online data entry jobs then plz share it with me. i will be happy.

Nagesh answers:

Anything you find here will be a scam.

You would be best off starting your own internet company with whatever skills you have.

Thomas asks…

Anyone know of a good way to make money online?

I’m looking for a quick and easy way to make money online, anyone have any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

There is not one single legitimate online job. They only want your personal and credit card information. Once they have that, they don’t need you any more. Avoid them all.
Teach your neighbors how to use their computers for $25 an hour.

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Sunday, January 5th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Helen asks…

Does anyone know the name of lenders that lend to students who don’t have a cosigner and very little credit?

I’m a college student who found himself in need of alot of money fast since I moved off campus. I need to know what lenders will lend to me. I don’t have cosigner and have very little credit but I am willing to start paying back on the loan immediately.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// just look to the right

George asks…

How to make money fast as a kid?

I’m 12 almost 13 fo you know any good ways do get money other than house chores ( my mom doesn’t pay me to do chores)

Nagesh answers:

This is wat i used to do to get money.
If u allowed to have animals get 2 hamsters (boy & Girl) let them have bby & sell them to the pet shops, swat meets (if they sale animals). Sometimes they do that wit bunnys 2

William asks…

Is kids make money and fast book good or bad i need an awenser fast plz help me?

ima buy the book kids make money and fast but i dont know if it works help me plz plz plz

Nagesh answers:

Sentences, spelling, and grammar would have made this question much more meaningful.

Does the book work? Probably. Almost all information works if it’s applied correctly. Will it work for you? Who knows? If you get it and try it, remember to always put your best foot forward, unlike this question.

Steven asks…

Unemployed and running out of money fast What can I do?

I’m 19, my parents aren’t giving me gas money to finish out this semester in college and I have nothing left. I’ve been constantly looking for a job, but it’s really killing my funds. What can I do? Please I need help.

Nagesh answers:

Looking for a job is too expensive for you?? Really??? WOW!!! Nice to know kids these days have a nice work ethic AND no sense of entitlement!

Daniel asks…

How can a kid make money fast?

There’s no snow to shovel, but its too cold to sell lemonade. I have to do it on my own, because my 2 best friends (and only friends) moved away. I need about $2000 for what I want. I need it fast, I need it by June. PLEASE HELP!!! If you do, you get 100,000 Internet bounus points.
I’m also too small to push a lawn mower, and my parents won’t let me babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Ask your parents if they have any junk they need to get rid of (believe me, there is ALWAYS junk to get rid of). List and sell it on eBay. People even buy broken electronics on eBay.

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Saturday, January 4th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Charles asks…

What are some good ideas to fundraise money for my hip-hop and tumbling tuition?

My classes me and my two sisters are taking will be very expenisive, considering we’re doing both. We need to raise as much money as we can so we don’t leave all the resposibilty to our mother to pay out of pocket. Any ideas? Besides a car wash, or lemonade stand. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you are not old enough to obtain a work permit in your state (something a teen needs to be employed by a business) so you can apply for and take on a part-time job after school, during the summer and on weekends, then you and your sisters can consider self-employment and marketing your services. Hint: The popular/hard-to-land teen jobs in my area are those working as a teen library aid at the local public library.

Example: A million years ago when I was a teen, I was self-employed as a babysitter, summer nanny for a working mother, and a swimming instructor until I was old enough to apply for a state work permit and get an unglamorous job at an area fast food restaurant. Also, as an adult, I found garden and yard work jobs for the pre-teen and teen daughters of a friend. They did yard and garden work for my parents and an elderly friend of mine

The information in the online articles I list here will give you some ideas on what you may do to earn money on a regular basis and how to market yourselves to be hired by family friends, neighbors – especially those who are elderly or disabled, members of your church, etc. Be sure your parents check out the people who would be paying for your work services to make sure they aren’t weirdos. 🙂

Job Ideas for Teens 15 and Under

Ways to Save and Make Money (for teens) – from the Motley Fool (investments) web site

The Self-Employed Teenager

The Self-Employed Teenager

Depending upon how much you and your sisters may earn as self-employed people, you may have to file Federal and state income tax returns.

I sugget you have a parent read about teen earnings and Federal income taxes here:
This is a link to a good self-employment tax calculator:
You or a parent will have to check your state government web site on taxes to learn what would be needed to do regarding any state income taxes on earnings, if they are high enough in a calendar year.

I’m sure your mother is pleased she raised such responsible daughters.

Librarians–Ask Us, We Answer!
Find your local Public Library at:

Find your College/University Library at:

Best wishes

Sharon asks…

Any ways to make money online as a teenager?

Alright, I really would like to be able to make some money, but I’m only 14 years old. I’ve applied to every job I could try and I just can’t seem to get one. I want to buy a laptop so I can learn how to program due to the computer I normally use taking forever to load up a simple program, but I can’t do that without money. Does anyone know any ways for a teenager to make money legally online?

Nagesh answers:

All the online money makers (legit ones) that i know of are for over 18s for legal reasons.

Just keep applying and working hard, you’ll get there eventually.

If you haven’t tried the fast food places then do so- hell, try everywhere you can. Places love to hired under 18’s ’cause they don’t have to pay them as much.

If you have tried the fast food places- keep trying them. They have a massive turnover rate (people quitting or getting fired) and if you keep showing interest, they’ll notice you.

Donald asks…

How would you compare the teenagers of today to the teenagers of the 1970’s?

With more advanced technology now a days, the lifestyles of teenagers today are much different than the lifestyle of teenagers in the 1970’s. Could you help compare teens of theses two generations?

Nagesh answers:

Cheruvima really gave an excellent answer to this.

I was a teen in the 70’s.
We were taught that we needed to save our money and then buy things–at the very least, earn money and then spend it. Today, teens seem to be taught to charge things and then to pay it off sometime in the future.

Being a teen back then in a single parent home was shameful. The majority of us had full time mothers and divorces happened but they were still somewhat rare. Today it is quite common to live in a single parent home. It is uncommon for a teen to live with his/her biological, married parents with a mother who doesn’t work outside of the home.

Many of our parents smoked in our homes. In the 60’s and early 70’s, 40% of adults smoked. The vast majority smoked inside. Still, few children had asthma. Today only 20% of adults smoke and most of those go outside. Childhood asthma cases are skyrocketing. It doesn’t make sense.

In the mid 70’s magazines told us we were going to have a mini ice age because the earth was cooling. Now teens are told that the earth is warming.

We grew up in a world where there were no laws about wearing seat belts, helmets or having a legal age to buy tobacco. The legal age to buy alcohol was 18. Teens today have laws.

Most of the teens that I knew expected to go on their own when they turned 18. We couldn’t wait to be on our own. Most of us moved into tiny little apartments with little to no furniture. We didn’t have the money for things like a phone and sometimes didn’t even have a TV at first. It didn’t matter because we were free. We were on our own. Today, teens don’t seem to look forward to moving out and being independent. It’s common to hear of 25 year olds still living with their parents. In fact, many 18 year olds don’t even want to be seen as adults.

A lot of teens in the 70’s had a “live and let live” attitude. It was seen as a bad thing to be judgmental. It was more of a “do your own thing” and we didn’t try to push our beliefs on others. I really wish that teens still had that open-minded attitude. Today, it seems that teens want laws against everything that they don’t like. Laws against fast food. Laws against having more than two children. Laws against wearing fur. Laws about what kind of car we should drive.

But there are many things that are still basically the same. Our parents didn’t like our music or the way we wore our hair. Our parents didn’t understand us and we thought that we knew more than they did. We experimented with alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sex. There were cliques in school and we didn’t like our teachers (although we may have had a crush on one). Homework took too long and we didn’t see how we’d ever use the stuff they made us learn. We thought our parents were too strict or unfair. We wanted to look older than what we were.

Thomas asks…

What is a fast way to get money in a day?

I dont have anything to sale and im not a teenager.
You have to pay $35.00 to make money online? You said it was free? If i had $35.00 i wouldnt be asking how to get money in a day!

Nagesh answers:

i give you my word you will not have to pay anything and you WILL get paid!

Jenny asks…

How can a teenager earn 3,000$ without having to kill themselves in a job?

I’m lazy. well, just a little bit. I want to have a life too. Is there any serious way to earn money without having to be like workaholic like most teens who have a car and stuff? I know there have to be some creative solutions. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

If it were that easy nobody would have to work at a fast food. Even if you have your own business you still will have to work hard. That’s if you want to be on the good side of the law and out of jail.

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Friday, January 3rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For College Students

John asks…

how can i break the habit of going out and eating?

i believe i am at a fairly good weight for my height (5’2 108 pounds) but ever since i got the freedom of making my own money and driving out to places ive been going out and buying more food than i eat at home. being a college student im scared that the freshman 15 phrase will get to me as i used to just weight around 100 (my weight would range from 98 to 102 the highest before i started eating out to places). its hard to get decent food around home so thats one of the main reasons why i go out. ive started to notice that ive been gaining more weight (im not liking the way my stomach looks right now) and losing more money. obviously i know what the issue is i just want to know how i can kick the habit and stop. its hard since theres many food places around my school and knowing that its within distance and its a cheap meal i go out, but that money adds up which is depressing.

places ive been going to on a daily basis:
noodles and company
starbucks (i dont drink coffee but i do have their baked goods and tea drinks)
dunkin donuts

i stayed away from fast foods (mcds, wendys ect) for about 6 months and im trying to continue.

are there easier ways to get the same foods at home but in a easy, quick, cheap, healthy and timely manor that wont keep me from being late to class?

if you leave some jackass comment dont even post. this is serious to me and when things are of convience its hard to resist.
i prolly sound like a crazy mom doing this but im broke lol i found coupons bought things that were on sale (bogo, 2-4w.e) with nutritional value and atleast tastey prepped when I wasnt busy and my total came up 166 but that food is for about a month so i wont be going on a trip anytime soon 😛 (wrote it here since there wasnt enough space)

Nagesh answers:

That’s got to be so tough; I work and still have trouble with quick and easy foods. The only thing I can say is look for a point in your schedule that isn’t quite as busy. Pick that as food prep time and prepare as much as you can for the week in advance. That way when your week gets busy again, all you have to do is grab what you’ve already prepared and go. It takes some discipline, but it can be done.

Susan asks…

should I go canon or nikon?

So I’m selling my camera soon because I need some quick cash. In the future, when I have the money, I will buy another one. I currently have a D40 and I like to shoot people pictures whether that be street photos of people, candid photos of people, or portraits, photos of people is what I like doing. So i guess my question is which system should I go with.

to be honest, I want to go with canon because of their 50mm f1.2L lens. I mean the 85mm f1.2L is pretty tight too but my dream lens is that 50mm f1.2 lens. I know I’m not getting it anytime soon seeing as I’m a broke college student, but in the future when I’m actually making some good cash, I honestly feel like I would buy this lens without any hesitation.

Seeing as many people don’t believe nikon will be making this lens, I feel like the switch would be worth it.

What’s your opinion? and also Is either one of these brands more suitable to portraits?

I think the one thing I love about the d40 is the optimize image setting because I do not post process. I love the look I get using my own custom settings. I usually boost the saturation to the highest and then use the colors for landscape so they are always punchy. Does canon have this?

Either way thank you for your opinions and responses.

Nagesh answers:

I was expecting to see a small war going on in this discussion, but as everyone has implied both are excellent brands – I went with canon because they have more lens, but Nikon has a lens that will do the same as a canon.

Richard asks…

Do REAL families KICK their son or daughter out of the house if ….?

They are polite, nice, have a job, full time college student, not smoking, not drinking, doesn’t go out and party or get drunk. Because I feel so unjustified here, I am working my butt off in school and work and even contribute to the house financially and I feel ever since my mother stopped receiving child support I was no good to her.

I’m 19 going on 20.

Also because I have a boyfriend and he is a great guy but she hates him partly because of his skin color (he is Canadian white) but he goes to school, is on the dean’s list, has a job and is serious about school and we are in a serious relationship, he’s not bad AT ALL!!! No where near it!

And she is so over-prided about being Spanish and hispanic, she only wants me dating spanish men but I am in love with my boyfriend, you do not choose who you love all the time! and I really really really love him! He’s like the best thing that has ever happened to me.

And she told me she would never kick me out but a year later “boom!” it happens and she changes her mind. I hate her.

I can’t afford to be on my own, I’m working towards my degree and a full time student, maybe when I get my degree and decent paying job but I still have 2 years to go. Now I feel bitter towards her, when she says “I love you” or gives me a fake smile it makes me sick to my stomach, I need to leave for my own sake now because she is controlling. Just because I found a great guy and she makes my life heck.


She never encouraged me to go to college … only for stupid insurance reasons.

And I don’t have a car either so she just takes me to school but what choice did I have? She spent all my money for school on her garden and to decorate her house!!!??!

So as soon as I get my next paycheck I do not care I am going to treat myself and get a brand new red 2008 volkswagen Jetta …. I freaking need a break from all her horse sh** and I can’t wait!

No money for school, no money for car and yet she complains and acts like I am not mature because I don’t drive but even when I tried to drive at 16 and 17 she always hindered me and said “go to this school and learn first ….. I CAN’T TAKE YOU DRIVING!”

She NEVER supported me she always wanted to be in control of my life and live my damn life for me. grrrr I hate her!

She screwed EVERYTHING up and with this tension I can’t stay long anyways, she’s making my life heck and if she is that quick to get rid of me I will be quick to get rid of her. Once I leave I’m not calling her or helping her and when she gets old and everyone can’t help her and I’m doing well …. psht! she can forget having my support, I will kick her out the same way she to me!

And she loves grandchildren but you what, she can forget about that too! She can age old and grey before she’ll ever get a glimpse of my future children and family!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

If my daughter was like you, I would be blessed. Sounds like you are starting your life out on the right track. You sound like you are strong, smart and determined. Stay on track you can do it. Get your car like you plan and that way when it gets tough at home you can disappear for a bit to cool off. I really wish your mom could see what she has in you, she is losing you and she can’t even see it.

I know you can hang in there a bit longer, finish school and start saving money for your own place. Believe me once you are gone she will then realize what she has lost. Maybe it will be too late, maybe not.

You are very right about your boyfriend you can’t change who your heart loves. My whole family told me that my boyfriend and I would never make it when we decided to get married, gave us a year at the most. In December we will be celebrating our 15yr anniversary. Do I talk to my family members anymore, once in awhile and always on my anniversary day, too say we made it another year. Follow your heart.

You have alot of anger, I know you have a busy schedule but maybe something like jogging or idk yoga. Maybe something like that will help you to release some of that anger.

I wish you the best of luck in all that you do.

Robert asks…

Does this sound legitimate to anyone?

I’m a full-time college student who has maintained a decent credit rating, does not currently have any debts to pay and makes sure to pay my bills on time. I have never taken out ANY loans especially not from the internet. Recently I received a call from this company (don’t exactly remember the name) that has to do with Payday Loans and Quick Cash Loans that I owe them $300.00 for a loan taken out back in October 2009. They had my social security number and only the name of the bank I’m with. Then later I got 2 calls from this affidavit department saying I either had to re-pay this money or hire and attorney and take care of it in court. I called my bank and double checked my bank statements from Oct. 2009 even though I knew for sure there was no money wired into my account from a Payday Loan Company at the time for $300.00. This company never ever sent me anything in writing and contacted me all the way in May when this supposedly occurred in Oct. 2009. When I spoke to the first guy and asked him several times to tell me what date in Oct. this occurred he had no answer and when I told him to send something in writing he wouldn’t give me an answer. I’m a responsible individual and keep track of every amount that goes in and out of my account. The company is supposedly located in Brooklyn, NY and the two men sounded Indian but had very suspicious names that I know were not Indian. Can they legally sue me? If not what can they do? Should I be at all worried? Will this affect my credit or my financial standing in any way?

P.S. They gave me a case number. The first man I spoke with said the money was wired into my checking account sometime in Oct. ’09 though he wouldn’t disclose the source of it. No useless or stupid answers. I only want helpful insight. Thank You!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Sounds fishy. Challenge them. Tell them to go ahead and sue you so we can hash this out in court..

The fact they had you SSN is bothersome. Also, get to the bank in person and speak to them on this so your account doesn’t get pilfered.

Sharon asks…

Please fill out my survey (really quick)?

This is a survey for my freshman communications class in college. I must have 50 in order to fill out a planning sheet for my speech. Please answer with the number and your answer.
1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
3. Race/ethnicity (choose one)
american indian or alaska native
hawaiian or other pacific islander
asian or asian american
black or african american
hispanic or latino
non-hispanic white
4. what year are you? (college grade level)
5. what is your major? minor?
6. are you currently? (choose one)
employed/self employed
un-employed for more than 6 months
a student
unable to work
7. do you live on or off campus?
If off, so you live in an:
8. What do you know about recycling aluminum cans?
9. do you recycle aluminum cans? (yes or no)
If yes, how many cans do you recycle in 1 week?
If yes, why do you recycle aluminum cans?
If yes, when did you start recycling aluminum cans?
10. Are you interested in recycing aluminum cans?
11. On average, how much money do you thinky ou could make by recycling alluminum cans once a month?
12. how do you think recycling aluminum cans helps our environment?
13. how many times to you think aluminum cans can be recylced? (choose one)
5 to 10
11 to 20
14. if you knew you were helping the environment, would you recycle? (yes or no)
15. what do you think would be the best way to help our environment?

Nagesh answers:

1) 24
3)non-hispanic white
4)graduated already
7)off apartment
8)a lot 🙂
9) yes all that i drink, because it does not resolve in nature and stays there forever, since i was 17.
11)$5- $10
12)saving up resources by reusing them, stop polluting the environment
14) yes
15) everybody to take up responsibility for own actions and to treat nature with respect as it is alive and we need it in order to survive as a species.

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