Archive for January, 2014

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

John asks…

how can a young teenager make money?

i have a sister who is 13 and another who is 12. they wanna make money. They have tried everything. They tried to find a babysitting job they couldn’t find a way to get one. They’ve tried looking for other jobs people their age can get. nothing.
any ideas?
Much appreciated.
Our parents wont let us have twitter, or myspace either.
Is it possible to make money from youtube?

Nagesh answers:

I would try seeing if your parents/guardians will pay them for doing work around the house or even giving them massages or painting nails. It gets more money than you’d think

Donald asks…

How does a teenager make a lot of money without really interacting with people?

I’m trying to raise money for a BIG project I’m working on. I’ll need a couple hundred dollars. I have some ideas, but it won’t be enough. And I don’t really like to talk to people or do social events. How can I make money?

Nagesh answers:

You could sell stuff on ebay or if you’re good with like crafts and stuff you could sell your creations on etsy

Donna asks…

Ways for a Teenager to Make Money?

I’m 17 and really need to make some money for a trip coming up soon. The only problem is I can’t drive because my car needs to be fixed and I’m too young to get a PayPal so I can’t really get money online. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Simple stuff….
Walking dogs
street performing
car wash
bake sale
selling stuff
make something (eg: t shirts, and that kind of thing….)
maybe try googleing it if these don’t help, personally I posted the same question

Mary asks…

what is the best way for a teenager to make money?

I’m 15 and i live in Manchester, I am looking for ways to make money whether it be a weekend job or just small task and i was hoping you could give me some ideas?

oh and please will you let me know if you know any small shops/ hairdressers/ cafes & restaurants in Manchester that would be willing to take on 15 yr olds.

Nagesh answers:

If you can write, go to and submit yourself to hire out on a per job basis (great for blogging etc.)

ebay – sell your old clothes, CDs, DVDs, etc – check the part time gigs section for temp work

What are your hobbies/interests? If you start a blog about it, you can have ads placed on your blog and may make money that way too!

Joseph asks…

How can I easily make money as a teenager?

I am hoping to open up a bank account someday next week. I am to lazy to work. I have heard that there are surveys which i can take and make money of them, is this true? Please send me links, ones which work for you. Thanks in advance 🙂

BTW, i am open to any investment ideas!

Nagesh answers:

You’re best bet would be to join an affiliate program, and to take paid surveys. But keep in mind, the surveys would take up time and most aren’t worth the amount of time required. You’re young and are an easy target for pyramid schemes and out right scams. But I do know of at least one affiliate program that does not require you to spend any money. All you would have to do is add a link you got at this website on to your blog, profile, or own website. To be honest you could just post the link anywhere on the internet and could gain money. Since this program has started it has not missed any payments. It is still a relatively new program so you would have a better chance of getting more hits.

The website is:

Good Luck with your monetary endeavors!

P.S. One somewhat decent paid survey website is:

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Friday, January 31st, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

James asks…

Why would someone invest in stock without dividends?

I am new and still learning about how the market works and found a simulator online to see how any of my ideas work. The thing is why buy into a stock that is NOT going to pay out in dividends, what is the point? Isn’t the point to earn money from your stock of the company? For example: If John sees sprint at $6.26 a share but no dividends why buy it?
Do I keep them sort of off to the side to buy companies with nice dividends? In my mock portfolio I have only stocks that produce dividends, should I go get some stock that has none in there as kind of slack so I can buy more dividend stocks? What would be the best way to beef up my mock portfolio?

Nagesh answers:

Why invest in stock that doesn’t pay dividends? Answer: You’re hoping that the stock price rises. You’d make money off the appreciation in stock value.

Example: You have three stocks. The shares of each cost $100.

The first stock pays an 8% dividend. So you know that at the end of a year, you’ll have received $8 in dividends.

The second stock pays a 3% dividend. So you know that at the end of a year, you’ll have received $3 in dividends.

The third stock pays no dividends. So you know that at the end of a year you’ll have received nothing in dividends.

However, the stocks may go up in value. Or they may go down. Let’s say the first stock goes up 2% in value, to $102. Your total return on that stock is 10%–8% through dividends and 2% through the rise in the value of the stock.

The second stock goes up 5% in value, to $105. Your total return on that stock is 8%–3% through dividends and 5% through appreciation.

The third stock goes up 15% in value, to $115. Your total return on that stock is 15%–all 15% through appreciation.

Now, a stock can pay a nice dividend and still appreciate. However, many of the stocks that appreciate the most (so-called “growth stocks”) pay little or no dividends. Instead, they put most of their profits back into the company, rather than paying the money out as dividends.

Just doing a quick stock screen, during the past 52 weeks (one year), the following stocks–which pay no or insignificant dividends–had the following performances: Radian Group: +205%, CFS Bancorp: +96.75%, Ameriana Bancorp: +93.94%, ADF Group: +84.36%. Bank of America: +57.13%, Citigroup: +51.46%. With that kind of appreciation, you don’t need any dividends.

You certainly can find stocks that have both excellent performance and good dividends. For instance, Icahn Enterprises has a dividend yield of 6.1% and is up 102% in the past 52 weeks. Liberator Medical has a yield of 5.4% and is up 161%. But as you can see, most of the profit you’d make is still from appreciation, not from yield.

At the other extreme, Shoreline Energy has a yield of 19.60% but is DOWN 24% over the past 52 weeks. Sentra Select Primary Metals has a yield of 15.15% but is down 58.85%.

Again, notice that your losses are coming from the price change.

You really only buy stocks with large dividends if you’re retired and plan to live off your dividends. Even then, you want to make sure that the underlying stock is solid.

When analysts look at stocks (to oversimplify a bit), they classify a stock as either a “value” (underpriced) stock or a “growth” (good likelihood of price appreciation) stock. Notice that both are looking at the stock PRICE and the likelihood of it going up, NOT at the dividends.

Final point: While stock prices do go up and down, consider the past year when prices, overall, are up about 23%. The average yield is about 2.5%. People focus on prices, not dividends.

To beef up your mock portfolio, look for stocks with consistent earnings and consistent increases in the total return (dividends plus price appreciation).

Hope that helps.

Susan asks…

How can I make some quick cash online or in general?

I really need to make some extra money. Please give me any ideas to make just some extra cash because i really need to make some extra cash now thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Write articles, and earn money from ad programs (50%). There are two excellent websites that give you the opportunity to earn money by writing articles.

Triond is very good for starters with Google Adsense being the main source of income. I recommend you to start publishing there, until you learn how this works, and then decide for yourself if you want to stay or change to hubpages.

Hubpages is more professional, and has Ebay, Amazon, and Google Adsense as main sources of income. It is more complicated if you are a beginner. But if you are looking for a steady income, this is probably the best thing you can find on the web.

Joseph asks…

How Can I Make Money Online?

I’m only 13 and so I can’t get a “real” job and I can’t ask my parents for money so my only other alternative for money is to go online. I already do surveys, play, poker,and do sports betting plus I have a blog too though they don’t bring in enough money. So are there any other ways to earn money online?

Nagesh answers:

Hey, look at my website. I’ve outlined, in detail, the basics of making extra cash online, how to get the most out of each site, and the big thing to look out for (in terms of scam sites).


But if you’re in a hurry, my profile is the condensed version of my website.


personal experience of being scammed by Avoid at all costs!

Sandra asks…

How to earn money for a school trip to France?

I need about 4000 dollars for my school trip to France next year… I figure without doing anything new I can get about 1,700, but obviously, that is way far off!!! So I need help on how to get money for this, any suggestions will be appreciated!!! Thanks in advance!!!!

Nagesh answers:

1. Social Marketing Consultant

Many companies are looking for qualified candidates who know the ins and outs of Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter to help them with their social marketing efforts. Head over to a job site and search for “social media”.
2. Sell stuff on eBay for Mom and Dad

I am sure mom and dad wouldn’t mind sharing some of the profits, if you sell some of their clutter for them.
3. Freelance Write

As they say on the web “content is king” and everyone wants it. I have a consistent flow of passive income coming in from writing I did for Hubpages and Squidoo. For more on this method, check out How to make money with Hubpages.
4. Have a Garage Sale

If it is something too large or that won’t sell on eBay for some reason, you can always have an old-fashioned garage sale!
5. Write product reviews

There are places like Ciao,, that pay for product reviews – if you have an opinion and can type quickly this might be a good option.
6. Find odd-jobs on Craigslist

Some of these might be landscaping work, or similar odd-jobs, but it might be great summer time work for teens!
7. Bank Account Opening Bonuses

Not sustainable, but it’s a quick way to make money. ING Direct offers $25 for opening a new account and Virtual Bank offers $20. If you do some digging you will probably find many other companies offering cash bonuses for opening accounts.
8. Take online surveys

I am not particularly fond of the whole online survey thing since I had a bad experience using CashCrate. But there are lots of online survey sites and people who do it successfully.
9. Sell Digital Photos

Making money as a photographer has become easier over the last decade. There are now lots of sites looking to buy digital photos:,,,, As with most things, the better you are the more money you will make, but it can be nice passive income if you work at it.
10. Sell Plasma

Not sure how old you have to be, nor how painful it is, but if you are into that sort of thing, it can be a way to make some quick money.
11. Take part in medical studies

I have a couple friends who have almost done this exclusively as a job. They were basically human guinea pigs, but they made some decent cash at it. Sometimes they would have be at the medical facility for up to 48 hours, so your schedule may need to be flexible. Just google “medical studies” + your city to find some options.
12. Tutor or give lessons
Are you great at math, science, or kicking a field goal? Why not advertise your skills to those a few years younger than you? Many parents are willing to pay a teenager to tutor their child in an area that needs development.
13. Create Myspace backgrounds

or Twitter backgrounds for that matter. Just set up a simple site to sell your work, get a paypal “buy it now link” and you are off and running.
Jobs requiring a uniquely mature teenager
14. Create Websites

I can’t tell you how many people have asked me to build them a website since I started this one a couple years ago. I am not seeking the work and people are requesting it, so if you do a little legwork and pursue small business owners, there is a lot of work available. Teens might be great for this, because they would be able to work for less than some higher end website developers, which would put them in the price range that it seems many small businesses are looking to spend.
15. Blogging

Two years ago I wasn’t sure if there was money to be made blogging, but I have since found it to work out nicely. It isn’t something that will provide much income quickly, but if you stick at it, it can. I wrote extensively about how to make money from a blog a few months ago.
16. Design Web Logos

If you have a flair for design, it may be worth trying to make some money designing logos for small business or blogs.
17. Freebie Trading

I first heard about freebie trading from Leslie who made $28K last year doing it part time. It seems like it requires a certain kind of person, but clearly there is potential as a decent money maker.
18. Become a Census Taker

The 2010 census is underway and there may still be census taker positions available in your area. You may need to be 18 to apply.
19. Sell articles

Following in that same vein, you can sell articles you write at places like,,
20. Start an eBay business

Last year I experimented with starting an eBay business to see if there was money to be made. While profit margins can be thin selling on eBay, there are over a million eBay businesses, so it is a viable option.
21. Sell widgets on

If you create any kind of arts or crafts or widgets of any sort, you should check out
22. Join a Focus Group

There are likely to be focus groups in your area that may be willing to hire teens. Google “focus group” and your city to get started.

John asks…

How to make money on the internet that is not spam?

I don’t have cash, I need something to earn money online. Do you know where???

Nagesh answers:

Just be super careful as there are an endless number of sites which promise too much money too quick-ly and that is not the way it works. Don’t be greedy, mony has to be earned it doesn’t come from the sky.

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Thursday, January 30th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Linda asks…

What’s a good way to make money as a stay at home mommy (:?

My son is 4 months old and I need a quick way to make money but still being at home.. I don’t want to sell anything because i soo wouldn’t be good at that. I’ve already tried avon! Help me please!!

Nagesh answers:

Some of my friends are going to school for medical billing. Sometimes you can do that at home. I’ve also known a couple of stay at home parents that did tech support (they were even trained and provided a computer) and data entry. It’s difficult to find a good work-from-home job. So many of them are scams.

Chris asks…

To New York Residents: What is the quickest way to get accepted to Housing?

I’m 17 yrs old and I don’t live with my parents. My father is away and my mother and I made a choice that is was best for me to leave my home because our lack of relationship and communication. Though we still talk when we can. I moved into my boyfriends home which is owned by his mother. At the time I moved in I had a stable job for over 18 months but was fired due to an emergency trip for a family member and I gave no notification. Now my boyfriend works in clothing store and I receive unemployment while still looking for a job. We made an agreement with his mom that we would move out Oct. 16. A couple of weeks after we both turn 18, but we haven’t been able to save money and have no place to go when we do need to leave. Now I want to apply for Housing, but I only want it to be temporarily until we get everything together. I would like to know what is the quickest way to get accepted or to receive a rapid response from Housing. I still have my application, what should I add?
To add I’m looking for a Housing Apartment. The Housing Application Office usually puts you in a housing project. I hope that was enough info, if you didn’t understand housing.
Also!! I do clean in this home, I do pay rent monthly. I also pay for the phone, T.V and internet. I have bought plenty of things for this house. But a signed agreement is a signed agreement. Because it also involved the landlord. She explained to him she was renting a room so that we would have the responsibilty of paying for that room.

Nagesh answers:

I did some researching into government housing (I live in NY State) while trying to find a place for a friend. It doesn’t seem to be based on your living situation or how sad of a story you have. If they have a vacancy and you can pay for it, you fill out the application and they accept you (if you pass the credit check, etc., normal stuff for applying for any apartment.) Rent, however, seems to be based on your income.

I’m no expert. I just did a little digging for a friend.

Steven asks…

Distance from home to university, how does it affect you?

I live in Newcastle and am looking to go to university in Southampton. However, what’s putting me off is the distance. The two cities are very far apart and there are quick ways to get back home from the university but they are expensive and we don’t have a lot of money. Is there anyone who is currently in this situation who can advise me on the best/cheapest ways to travel to and fro? Or any general advice?

Nagesh answers:

You can do advanced bookings for rail travel at the beginning and end of term.

You’ll probably find plenty in Southampton for the term time and won’t need to go home. (Besides, your mother deserves a break from the laundry.)

Charles asks…

How do I make money online from my home?

Does anyone know any ways of making money online from home? No scams please, im tired of them already. I would appreciate any ideas, thank you

Nagesh answers:

There are many different ways that are not scams, most however will require you to do a lot of work and learn, there is no such thing as a quick few grand, all those are scams.

– you can start a blog and gain a readership, then monetize it with ads
– you can try affiliate marketing
– you may offer a consulting service online if you have a skill (e.g. Graphic design)
– you can become a freelance writer, lots of work for those around
– you may become a freelance programmer

It all depends on your skills and how hard you’re willing to work.

Mark asks…

Quickest way to get through to a radio station for competitions?

What is the quickest way to get through everytime I dial I can never get through. There are so many radio stations giving away money for the holidays and I am trying to win some .

Nagesh answers:

Every day thousands of people win prizes from radio stations. My first winning was in 1960 – I won two tix to the Harlem Globetrotters from WFUN in Miami (or was it WQAM? – they were in a huge battle and WFUN was the new station in town), I was in Jr. High at the time; now called Middle School. The best part: my busy executive dad actually took me!

Just remember that a big station in a big city has tens of thousands of listeners and everyone wants to win; esp. Jonas Brothers.

Here’s some tips, though:

Whether you get through or how fast is dependent on where you live and the way your phone company is set up – true.

It is also based on the luck of the draw. These are all perfectly legal.

If you really want to win something, get as many people as you can together with the number programmed into their cell phone and when the buzzer buzzes, or whatever the signal is everybody just keeps hitting redial ’til they hear the busy signal, then does it again and again until your hear ringing, or the DJ says he has a winner. Be careful you don’t get so excited you hang up when you hear actual ringing, or a pause instead of the busy signal.

Or do the same thing on your home phone with one person trying for each line you have (some people have more than one line at their house). Home phones are generally quicker than cellphones. Also hook a phone into any fax lines you have.

Another method works, but only if the station has given a hint as to approximately when they will have the contest and you’ve done some homework.

“Clock” the station. Write down what happens and when, each hour, for a few days to get the station’s “format clock.” If you keep good notes you will discover at what time in the hour they play music and when they stop the music to play commercials, traffic, contests etc. (a “break”).

If they say “in the nine o’clock hour,” starting at the beginning of the anticipated first “break,” start calling.

Just have as many people calling as possible starting from about 10 seconds before each “element” ends. An element can be a song, commercial, traffic report etc. You may get lucky and sneak in just after they clear the phones for the contest.

Whether you are No 100 or whatever isn’t always important. If you get through and are quick with your story, sometimes you can talk the jock into letting you be the contestant. Remember they want someone who will sound excited (but not out-of-control) on the promo they’ll make of the winner ;<)

Make sure you have clear agreement with your friends on who goes if you do, by some miracle, win.

Good Luck!

-a guy named duh

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Ruth asks…

How can I be more successful on trading on positive and negative news when stocks do not always respond to suc

h? Seems as though, with the subprime situation especially, stocks are being purchased randomly, with total disregard for news, making stock picking nearly impossible to do unless you are an “insider” and many companies are selling extra stock on good news keeping their prices steady without gains on that news! Have the rich found a way to insider trade each other and make the lesser rich stay that way all their lives, with guesses being only as good as a megabucks ticket?

Nagesh answers:

Good news is often priced in long before the news actually breaks. Not because of any insider trading, but simply because that news was anticipated or rumored beforehand. If you intend to try to trade on news then you will be fighting a losing battle. There are a lot of people who are faster and better informed than you or I. Once we know about it, it is too late. But the small investor has advantages that the large investor doesn’t. It’s much easier to move 1000 shares, than it is to move 1,000,000. There is no conspiracy among the rich to keep the rest of us poor. It’s a simple matter of intelligence. Anybody with a modicum of intelligence can make money in the stock market.

Helen asks…

How do people on make money trading stocks?

Do they trade stocks constantly? For example, buy 100 shares when the price is 20 in the morning, then sell them 2 hours later when the price is maybe $25? Then buy another 125 when the price goes to 20, or something lower. Please ignore the actual prices, its just the idea. If not, what problems are asociated with this system?

Nagesh answers:

There are actually four kinds of people who make transactions in stocks. They are traders, speculators, investors, and market makers. Traders actually take advantage of the spread. Speculators require momentum. Investors are in for the long-term and are usually interested in dividends or growth. Market makers maintain liquidity and take countering positions.

You have describe speculation, which requires price movement (momentum speculation). The biggest problems with that strategy are that anyone who is guessing will be wrong more often that right, broker commissions will eat your bankroll (whether you profit or lose), and everyone else is trying it too, usually faster than you.

Mark asks…

How much can you actually make in the stock market?

Can someone, ideally with experience, clearly explain how much one can make in the stock market and also how the stock market functions?

Nagesh answers:

There is so much to say. I’ll try to make this brief.

The amount of money you can make in the stock market is infinite. Also note that you can lose all your money much faster than you can make it.

The functions of the stock market is up (buy), down (sell), and sideways.

The two emotions that drives the market up, down, and sideways are “greed” and “fear.”

Go to for more information.

Betty asks…

Is investing in the stock market a good idea to make a living from?

I know there are people who invest in stock and make money but is it enough to live a GOOD life Im talking money to take vacations ,car note, insurance, mortgage, you know LIFE. I a mother of two trying to provide the best for them and working a 9 to 5 just is not enuff n e more. I want to know is it hard to invest? Who should i seek help from? Please just give me the RAW truth!

Nagesh answers:

What you can do depends on how good you are. If you aren’t good, then you are gambling- and that’s luck. Given the hype and cons always around, it will probably be bad luck. If you can’t do it well, don’t do it.

Complicated game- requires knowledge, skill, instinct- and money. To make a living doing it as an employee of an investment bank requires the skill to manipulate and grow other peoples money. To make a living as an individual investor requires you have your own money. You make that money in some fashion, start investing and make it grow. You leave all the gain in, so there will be more growing all the time. When you have $1000 and your investment doubles, you gain $1000. But when your investments are worth $100,000 and they double, things start moving fast. The skill is knowing when and how to move your positions so that trend will continue- but you don’t take any out until it’s a large enough that is won’t shrink when you do, or will keep growing. How long that takes depends mostly on the times (opportunities are always changing) and your skill. You will not take a small amount of money and create a cash flow of any consequence any time soon.

I could now make a living from investing, but I have built portfolios worth 700K. The recession was an exceptional opportunity to multiply money, I have stocks that are worth 20 or more times what they cost me two years ago. I still take nothing out, because my everyday source of income meets my modest needs. Others who started at the same time I did (10 years ago) with the same money (10K) but failed to make the right choices probably have about 10% as much gain to show for it.

How you invest must match your ability and risk tolerance, as well as your nervous systems limits. Investing is unlike any other skill I know of, and I know many. Education and books get you started, but what really makes the difference in an average investor and a good one seems to come from how your mind works, almost like a genetic thing. Some are cut out for it, some are not. I’m fortunate in that respect.

I would suggest having an IRA for an investing base to grow financially stronger, but not expecting it to be a source of disposable income. For that- learn more valuable skills, or become a star performer in what you already know, thus be worth more money and probably get promoted. You would be surprised what a difference that alone can make in your value to an employer. Rare quality these days.

Joseph asks…

How do you make money from the stock market when it is going down?

I went to a shareholding course and they said it is possible to make money while the market is going down. The course was designed by SITM.

Nagesh answers:

There are actually a number of ways. Truth be told, making money in a bear market is a whole lot faster. Ill just run through a few of the ways to help get your started.

You can short sell the stock. Basically you Sell first, then buy back later. For instance, Sell at $10 and if the stock falls to $8, buy it back. You profited $2.

You can use options, and this get long.

Buy Put Options: The value of the Put Option rises as the stock value falls.

Sell Covered/Naked Call Options: If you own a stock and think that its going to fall in price, you can sell calls. This, contrary to belief is closer to short selling stock than buying Put Options is; in that you sell high and buy back low.

Naked Calls is when you sell a covered call without owning the stock. Very risky and advise you to not use this method.

If you dont know options, I highly suggest educating yourself first.

Last, own companies with a high dividend pay out.

I hope this helps. If not, Please contact me.

Christian Nago
CEO & Chief Investment Officer

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Carol asks…

What are your thoughts on my understanding of capitalism and economics?

I’m not claiming they’re original nor am I exclusively devoted to them. Rather I consider myself a student in a similar vein to all of is trying to fond the best way, and I would consider myself open to other ideas if they work.

That said.

Money is an abstraction. It is a development of the human imagination. We give it real application, and it’s scarcity helps it’s value. However, if money did not buy us goods and services, we wouldn’t have any interest in it.

Life is not a zero-sum game. Perhaps in regard to what we value at the moment it could be viewed as such, but that changes over time. Centuries ago, avocados were exclusively rich-people food. They’re not especially cheap today, but if you want an avocado, most people can buy one.

People would’ve killed for the medicines we have today as well, especially with their widespread availability.

Our desires drive our purchases, but we don’t need to limit ourselves only to what’s already on the market. If someone out there finds a new way to make a product (let’s say sandals) from materials grown in their backyard, they may not need much of any money to get a business going. Granted, if this product already existed, the sale or exchange of the product grown in the backyard will make it harder to sell the original at the same price. At the same time, the availability will mean more people have use of the product, and isn’t that what we were paying for in the first place? Therefore, if access to goods and service generates wealth, can’t wealth be individually created outside the system of what is already established as wealth? Is there any reason to think that other people being rich is going to keep you from becoming rich?

Nagesh answers:

The devil marched with Rome.
They Murdered Archimedes who worked out the solar system over 2,000 years ago (287 BC – c. 212 BC)
Closed down Greek schools of philosophy and popularized Law and capitalism. (A paradigm which has since driven modern Industrialism and Warfare.
The name bank derives from the Italian word banco “desk/bench”, used during the Renaissance by Florentine bankers, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth.

With the march of Rome this affected the Torah: (Old Testament)

Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother: interest of money, interest of victuals, interest of any thing that is lent upon interest.

They stole the date for Christmas from the Pagans, martyred Jesus and created a false Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus), named after a long since dead Nephilim Giant of The Old Testament (Nikos – Nimod), who lied to and destroyed human beings.
Now kids engage emotionally to find happiness in material things (Mostly meaningless trash – The fruits of capitalism), while some adults continue to seek solace and happiness externally of them selves.

Ultimately one big lie.
A threat to someone else’s version of the truth, perhaps an Anathema to humanity which gives rise to doubt and a lack of faith > Meta-ethics (Thinking about what humanity is) > Monogamous empowered organizations imposing their hypocritical relativisms/no universal truths other than my own = Imperialism > The paradigms of Capitalism, Law and officialdom > Macro-economics > One big Ponzi scheme > Human beings in the machine > Towers of Mammon = Dehumanisation.
(The pill and contraception connotates the idea that human beings are unsanctified, that human beings maybe objects which merely come and go, this is also dehumanizing)
The “rise and fall” of false empires > cultures fall into moral decay (decadence) having been rendered dependable upon pervading powers, being confounded and identified with objects of wealth, the psycho physical organism and the passing show (Accepted norms and moral standards fall) > some say spiritual sleep > an unenlightened reactive state of association, identification, objectivism, empiricism, formatory thinking and self serving lies > minds start closing in, only to become capricious (Darkling thoughts – depression) > delusion > prime market business and ideological war bankrolled by this current economic paradigm, an intrinsically linked predetermined value placed on a piece of paper, which in reality has no value and neither does the prime market commodity it is attached to > destroys culture/sport > breaks up society and the family home = more physical ailments which need more medicines > flotsam and jetsam > no learned moral parameters = the next troubled brood of mindless delinquency > let’s keep them deluded and misinformed, (divide and rule) away from realising our version of the truth which is actually lies, ignorance, greed and selfishness, but we don’t want them to know that, so let’s employ some lying politicians/masters of construed words who willingly Obfuscate = see the cycle!

Mark asks…

Does America have the power to make the World conform to our abstract principles and rational schemes?

How many sons and daughters will American parents sacrifice, and how much money will tax payers spend to spread our brand of Democracy, Christianity and Christianity World Wide?
I discovered Steven B’s clever, amusing, insightful responses to other posts through his answer here. So I am adding Steven B as a favorite, and giving him15 points and five stars!
BTW, Cognito, I was born raised, educated in NE Ohio, and unfortunately have never been to Europe.
Fortunately forceful, arrogance is not a trait of most Americans.

Nagesh answers:

First person to post on here is a idiot.

First to enforce peace is not really peace since you killing,hurting,and keeping them obeying through scare tactics.

Second we was the ones who in Iraq as well as other country destroy the democracy and peace in the country in the first place.

Like in Iraq they had a very good president however he was going to make it where the oil money went to his own people instead of the rich people over in the USA. So the USA president had the CIA kill him then put a dictator in charge over their.
Who stayed until eh got rich enough then left the country with out a leader which put it into a civil where so many people died.
Then some one who was trying to gain power seem like they would obey us and be or dog. So we got him all the power over their even through he gas and had a death squad who would kill any one even if they said the smallest thing about him.
However he obey us and was a good dog so we did not care. Until the first war with them but then he surrender and promise to be a good dog again and he was for a while. However then he attack his master the USA this time we took him out of being in charge. It will be the same as always we will not leave until we find a good dog to obey us who will rule the country. We do these terrible things to so many other small country’s.
So i don’t blame them for hating us however by attacking us they wrong to even through i can understand it.

Uh and i am from and born from the USA one side of my family was here before it was even a country the other came right after.

However this country is a killer and greedy.
Pretty much every dictator out their we put in charge by us and as long as they good doggy’s we don’t care what they do to their own people.

Uh and i am a christian to but i hate how most christian act since most or ignorant and try to force the religion on others.

In the end i feel so sorry for people from all these country where we hurt them so bad.

The only 2 real reason the USA went to war with them is oil and Bush dad was made to look like a fool by them because he left the country did not finish him off.

Robert asks…

Does anyone know of a real legitimate business that you don’t have to be a genius or a millionaire to start?

I have been scammed to infinity with the Real Estate Gurus and the on-line profits BS (you know – build a website, become an affiliate, google adwords, etc), it’s so sickening! Isn’t there a legitimate home-based business for an average person? One that is real?

Nagesh answers:

You buy things then sell it to dumb people for more money

and no there really isnt, ebay is your best shot

any get rich scheme does not work you have to make an investment in a website advertise and try to get traffic to your website for whatever purpose it is you want

Ruth asks…

How can investors tell if a particular stock will perform well?

I’m currently studying finance in uni and we’re taught portfolio theory and that diversification works well in reducing risk. However I don’t believe in this as it is all theory. Does anyone know how and why some investors can make huge returns by just investing in one stock w/o diversification? How can they predict if a share price is going up w/o having insider information?
I’m surprised there has been to answer to this question for 6 whole days. Goes to show how selfish the finance herd is today.

Nagesh answers:

The problem is not selfishness; it is their is no real answer to your question.

I will attempt to give my opinion.

Many high rollers have the knack of using other peoples money to grow their own money.

They still have to do some real ground work (hard research) to pick a portfolio.

They have to watch their investments 24 hours a day and not be afraid to unload an investment that appears to be going down the drain with little chance of recovery.

Buy low and sell high

Many investors see an investment increasing; watch it for a while; then buy into it.

By the time they do this, many times it is near or at it peak and starts to plummet.

You have to invest in some safe companies (commonly called Blue Chip Companies) to keep your investments stablized. These companies you keep even if the investment drops – it will recover in most cases.

Invest in some moderately risky companies.

Use spare money to invest in high risk companies.

Do your homework first and be aware of local, national, and world trends that can affect the direction of any of your investments.

Be wary of get rich schemes. Ninety nine percent of the time they are scams.

Good Luck – research, research, research, and be on the lookout for scams.

Sandra asks…

What’s the real point of those stupid emails about bank drafts ready for you?

I’m talking about the ones that say they are waiting for your response to send you millions of dollars, or the ones wanting you to be the last living relative. I could possible understand the relative thing but if that were the real story, would they really contact you via email? I mean really? I know hackers can do things with info, but this type of email is just plain stupid, isn’t it. I just don’t get the point.

Nagesh answers:

The first point is: You opened and read the spam. That gives the spammer your actual email id and address. That was one of his first goals. He collects and sells that information. He made money on you and others like you who open and read spam.

The second point is that when you send out email by the millions, all it takes is a few gullible people to fall for this crap and the spammers and scammers have their income. Some people really believe that if they answer enough questions, and send some stranger $500, they will get back 5 million.
Spam isn’t stupid, from the spammer’s point of view. It’s a money making scheme, or they wouldn’t continue doing it.

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Monday, January 27th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Michael asks…

what’s a good and fairly fast way to make some money (not much)?

i have developed an obsession for coach purses recently, and i really want to buy one but have little money of my own. should i start working at a shop somewhere, or is there another way i could make money (for example, online)? i’ve been wanting some steady money of my own for a while now. i’m 14, turning 15 in two and a half months. thanks for the suggestions. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

A short list of things I do;

1) Write freelance (if you have a typing speed of 35 WPM with 98% accuracy)

2) Start a blog with AdSense (this normally takes around 6 months to see any money and you need to be committed to updating it several times a day if you don’t want to pay money for advertising.)

3) Complete offers and refer your friends to GPTHQ.

Nancy asks…

Need a way to make money online to pay my studies!?

I’m finishing school now, busy with my final exams. I will be going to college next year in February to go study. The problem is that I don’t have money to pay all my studies. I don’t even have half of it so far. I really want to make something with my life and don’t want to drop out of college because I can’t afford it or anything.

My mom is a single parent (my dad passed away when I was 2), so I can’t expect her to pay for me. She is helping me where she can though.

I’ve been making money the past year or so through designing websites for people online and so, but it takes a lot of time off my hands, and I need to have time for study too. So, I need your help, I know there are tons of ways to make money online. Is there a way to make money on the internet fast without it taking away like all your time? I know about adsense, but it takes a while to start working.

I am willing to work hard, I just need to still be able to focus on my studies as well.

Any ideas?
You can also email me at:

Nagesh answers:

Have you ever wanted to work from home? For this only reason I want to give you a link a website where the owner shares all ways of making money online. Did you know that you can make money running a blog or doing surveys? Then visit for for more info

Steven asks…

One of my fast friend was cheated online or fraud was done to him?

Plz solve or give correct advice one of my friend was cheated over net 1 1/2 yrs ago .One person from nigeria had contacted him on his yahoo id & purchase some gold ornaments over net .He had send through speedpost but no money had come.After sometime he read somewhere abt them.Now that person is still contacting him.What he shall do or there any chances of money coming back?

Nagesh answers:

Well very complicated situation but not the unique one. There has been many cases like that and unfortunately there are no strict laws against it crimes. In this case the only option is to contact the nearest police station and file FIR. Another problem is the time gap. You must have reported it earlier. But it’s better late than never. Attach all the related documents like the receipt of speed post and any other docs if u have……

Maria asks…

I have a question about online jobs?

Okay so I know there’s alot of scams out there where you can make money online fast and all that but never work.

But I still have about a couple months till I can actually work due to my age.

Now is there something I can do online from home until then? And make just a little bit of money to help out my mom and Hoping it’ll help her out just with a few bucks a week or so.
so something I can do online thatll allow a 15 year old to do something to make money without scams. IF there is.
Please help.

Nagesh answers:

I make about $200 a month online. It has helped me and my husband save for a house and pay off our credit cards so that has been really great. I make the most money with forum posting. Basically, when people start forums they need people to come join and post new topics so they can build content.
It is easy money and you actually meet some cool people and read some interesting posts. Plus I can watch tv while doing it so that’s nice too!

George asks…

i want to sell some gold online?

need money fast and heard online is a great place to sell now. But i am nervous and would like to know a reputable site – any help?

Nagesh answers:

I do have a really good place to recommend. My friend sold gold to them and she made some really quick money. She compared a lot of places, she did a ton of research, and this was the best one she found. She liked the fact that it was featured in USA Today, so it is very reputable, you can feel safe about it. I will provide the link for you in case you are interested.

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Sunday, January 26th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

John asks…

What are some jobs i can do to earn money?

Me and my bff are gonna go shopping for school clothes soon, and so far i only have like 6$! I can’t get a job yet so I’m wondering if you guys
know any harder jobs to do around the house to earn money for it.
ps i kinda need it quick!

Nagesh answers:

Check out and see what jobs are there. It worked for me.

Sandra asks…

best ways to earn money without getting a job ?

im 14 and i need to save up some money QUICK, what are the best ways to earn money ?

Nagesh answers:

Make and sell cookies
make and sell bracelets/jewlery
bake sale
make and sell purses
sew things that you can sell
knit things that you can sell
teach kids a skill or how to play an instrument
yard sale
ask your parents for a dollar everyday
tutor younger kids in your best subject

There are lots of ways to make money fast. You could also put a jar by the front door and ask your parents to put their change in there. I did that and the last time I counted it, It was $49.Good luck!

Thomas asks…

What are some quick ways to earn money using the internet?

For summer i wish to earn so money, tried to get a job but no luck.

any help please?

Nagesh answers:

Webcam. Just make sure your underwear is clean.

Charles asks…

How to earn money for an ipod touch?

I really want to earn money for an ipod touch(239.99). How do earn money for it beside babysitting. I’m 12.

Nagesh answers:

Woah. A little girl with huge ambitions, thats real good.
There should be more people like you around the world instead of thieves and crooks.

Ok because of your age their are pros and cons
pros means good
cons means bad

a bad thing is that your too young to do anything that might get you a higher income
a good thing is that doing small chores and services might get you better tips especially if you act all like innocent and what not

what you might want to do is like help people around a little like help the elderly or help a grown ups do something, basically doing good deeds everywhere. Some of your effort might go unnoticed but never give up! Thats the key

always resist buying things you dont need like barbie dolls or a game cus you will only make it harder to get to your goal

there was a boy who made quick cash selling stuff he didnt need or want, like he bought a bike for two dollars and sold it for five dollars then he found a toy that he didnt want cus it didnt have batterys, he bought batterys and then sold the toy for more money afterwards, then he would help the elderly at his local grocery shop putting away the shopping carts and their groceries but i dont recommend this if your by yourself cus your too young and their are people with bad thoughts out there

there are other options out there just get creative you just have to be real patient cus
i know it took me a while to buy my ipod touch cus as an adult there was always something getting in the way but you dont have bills to pay or any of that so you should be good

also make sure you have enough money for music and apps and taxes and warrantys and stuff and make sure you dont show it off too much cus there are people who like to steal off of other people and believe when i tell you that you have to be real carefull about everything you do and the way you do it


just do one thing at a time and dont loose track of your money
dont let it get the best of you

Lizzie asks…

How can i make a lot of money to buy friends on myspace?

Ok, i have the myspace friends pet app, where you buy friends as pets etc. Any quick way to earn money?? this dude keeps buying my gf and i need money just to buy her, just her. he bought her and i have no money to buy her back

tips plz?

Nagesh answers:

Post bulletin everyday. Keep inviting the same friends. Log into friends everyday

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Saturday, January 25th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast Online

Susan asks…

How To Make Money Fast Online?

I have heard that there are lot of make money online opportunities over the net. One of my friend make some money with his website. But i have no time to make web site and earn money from it. I have very little time to spend for make some extra money online. So i need easy and fast ways to make money online. So , please can some one give me good sources or ideas to make money fast online.

Nagesh answers:

This is the best way I found.

Order anything that you usually buy from a health food store at Brand name supplements, vitamins, natural make up, organic shampoos, vegan soaps etc… Will be discounted up to 50% from regular retail. (they ship currently products that expire in 2012!! So they’re new!)

At checkout use coupon code HAW031 and you’ll get $5 off for your first order, first customers only! Even for small purchase, there is no minimum order. They ship super fast and free over $60; sometimes they run a special shipping is only $1.99 under $60.

Then they will give you your rewards code. When others shop under your coupon code you get 4% and up to 10% for a year. You also make commissions generations down. (Like if you use discount code HAW031 for, I’ll make 4% from what you buy and other % from those that will use your coupon and you still get 4%-10% from them!!)

So now I’m making money while I sleep!!! When you have $300 they send you a check. Or you can spend the money at their site, whichever you prefer!

Cool, huh?

Jenny asks…

I would like to know How to Make Money Online Fast?

What’s the fastest way that I can make money online? I’ve seen so many scams out there and I’m unsure of what would be a good match for someone like me. I want to find a way of making money online that is fast and has a small learning curve. Thanks for all your answers ahead of time!

Nagesh answers:

Now anyone can learn how to earn $200 – $943 per day or More !
If you can type (hunt and peck is ok to start) and fill in forms,
you can score big!
Click Here

Making tons of money is Fast, Easy, and Fun. And having Google
on your side can help you make the income you want without the
stress of a job.
Click Here

So don’t delay waiting around for the next opportunity…it
is knocking now!
Click Here

Sharon asks…

What are some ligt way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online btu I cant seem to find a liget place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

First read this tutorial
also various money making ways and sites could be found here
Brand new site is , and it is better then!
Also, I want to tell you about best website you can earn 50$/day with. You can read a review and join here!
I recommend that this will work in every country

Lisa asks…

What are some legit way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online but I cant seem to find a legit place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

Check out this site

You can earn passive income without advertising, product promotion or selling anything.

Mary asks…

What are some ligt way to make fast money online?

Im trying to find a way to make extra money online btu I cant seem to find a liget place. Can some one help me find one please.

Nagesh answers:

There are NO means to make quick money on-line [full stop].
Or you sell a product,
Or your site has one million visitors a month,
Or you make your own scam and rob gullible people.
ALL other means will pay you 1 or 2$ a month, if you are lucky.
(If you are a pretty girl or a handsome man, don’t mind adult sites, be a model on WebCams. That pays a bit…)

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Friday, January 24th, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Ruth asks…

Easy way to earn a good amount of money?

I am *a child* so to speak. I am only 13, but i need some way to make money. I live in a small town, so going door to door wont help.

Something online that is reliable, not a scam, and will get me money quickly and easily.

Also, stuff that is non-online is apreciated too

Nagesh answers:

Unlike the rest of us who are looking for a hard way to earn a little bit of money.

Charles asks…

How can I raise enough money or get the money I need In time?

I need $63 but am unable to borrow from anyone or let anyone know exactly why I need it because it will ruin the surprise.I need this money asap.How can I get this money as quickly as possible.Do you think the company will understand if i explain and allow me to pay later.This is so important.Please answer as soon as possible.

Nagesh answers:

It depends on what kind of company it is. That’s not a horrible amount, but if its for a utility bill, they may just make you pay a late fee.

Find something you’re willing to part with and sell it online.

Laura asks…

How can i make money fast?

I need to make money quickly, and i started a toutor job $10 a day Mon- Fri but some ppl took my posters down 🙁
any other ways to make money fast? Thnxz!

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Helen asks…

Can I donate food instead of money to Haiti?

Is there a way I can donate food items to Haiti instead of money? It seems like the only quickly-accessable organizations online only allow donations of money. The reason I am choosing to donate food other than money is because, for whatever reason, I don’t trust how my money will be spent.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

It is better to give money..
But I hear some places are accepting donations of food..


Chris asks…

How does an amateur writer get a one-act play published? I need help!?

I’ve browsed online for quite awhile, and I can’t find anything telling me what format to put a script in, what publishers expect, or where to send a draft. I have many manuscripts and need money quickly. What is a reputable play company, what format do they expect manuscripts to be in, and how do I contact a publisher in the first place? Any help is appreciated! 🙂

Nagesh answers:


It’s not easy. First you have to make sure your work is free of any errors. You then get a copy of Writer’s Market for the current year and look for a literary agency/agent that represents plays/scripts. You write a query letter to that agent and, once again, make sure it’s clean of any type of errors. If it’s snail mail, you will need to send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE), along with the letter. The agency/agent will not respond if you don’t, and they will tell you that in the submission guidelines. A lot of them will allow electronic queries (email attachments).

Make sure you follow the guidelines carefully. Most of them will say how long it takes for the agent to respond. Sometimes it’s weeks or months. Stay away from agents who charge a reading fee if you’ll be sending a few pages of your work (at their request). Most charge you and then turn you down. Can you say ‘SCAM?’

Good luck!


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Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…


i need a way to make money because i have to pay half my phone bill if i get one!

**no get rich quick deals because im not going to try!
**no mowing lawns cleaning house or anything in the nature you would see if you seen another question like this because most of those are simple ideas that dont usually work

** i done a lemonade stand when i was12 and made $40 but im 14 im not a little kid but i cant legally get a job for another year!!

please send ideas that will actually help with out going door to door to strangers to ask if i could cut their grass!>lol< i think you get the picture!

and dont agravate me about my grammar or the structure of my scentences if i cared i would post a question on proper scentence structure!
gab, i dont care about my scentence structure & i told you that your acting immature and stop wasting my time telling me exactly what i didnt want! so go get a life b/c u apparently dont have one!
i dont want anything to do with anything online those will come around to bite you in the butt for all the people saying they make $200 a day.
sorry if my question was to “complicated” and i was just asking for jobs that pay well taht arent so typical there werent any good answers because everyone took my question offensive for some reason except for one person who i am going to pick as best answer because she gave the most help! i dont know why people were telling me exactly what i asked for them not to mention but they just wasted my time and a few were offensive to me but i dont care it takes more than a stranger that says i have bad grammar to make me upset im not childish like they apparently are!

Nagesh answers:

You’re smart not to waste time with online scams or surveys. Even the legitimate sites simply can’t provide you with a dependable stream of income.

If you’re too young to get a legal job with a company, then your only resource is odd jobs around your neighborhood. This can be just about anything that you don’t mind doing that someone else doesn’t feel like doing. Think beyond mowing lawns or cleaning houses – what are hobbies you enjoy? Organizing kitchen cabinets? Putting photos in albums? Decorating picture frames? Sewing stuffed animals or decorating cute t-shirts? Babysitting little kids or walking dogs? What is it YOU do well?

It’s not very effective to just go door-to-door; it’s much better to network. Start by talking to your family, your friends, and the neighbors you know well. Tell them why you are trying to raise money, and your ideas for earning that money. Also ask what sort of tasks they would be willing to pay for, and ask them to ask their friends if they need your help. Then you have lots of people spreading the word for you!

Finally dear, remember that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If it’s important that you get people’s help, it should be important enough for you to express your problem clearly. People don’t have any motivation to help you if you are going to be immediately critical and dismissive of their response.

Mandy asks…

I need money!?

My company just got sold out. We are downsizing and for some reason I get this looming feeling I may be fired or laid off. I have some money to live off for a while if that’s the case. I just pay rent & utlilities- no kids. I have been looking everywhere to find a comparable job but really there are NONE out there! Does anyone know of any quick ways to make lots of money (Pls. no stupid answers like drug dealing, pimping.. ect). Whether it be donating an egg, poker online… ???

Nagesh answers:

·Hey, today there are many ways in which you can work from home and work online part/full time on your computer and earn extra money without being duped by frauds and scams–

Online data entry,
Medical/general transcription,
write articles,
sell on eBay,
make a website,
take surveys..

And much much more..and all of these options do not need any kind of investment ever!!!



More details at-

John asks…

finance/money problems

So i am financialy screwed, i just found out i have a 1200 ticket to pay, i dont get it, i have no money, i just honestly need a way to make money quick, i am only 19 and i dont get support or help with money from anyone, if anyone knows of any money guidelines, or how to be successful when i get older, or just how to make money quick, i would really appreciate it, i am a good kid, i just had expired registration, and didnt know i was taken off the insurance and than i got pulled over for it, showed them my insurance, than the cop told me that insurance was expired. man i live on my own, and have no money, and as appealing as the money sounds, i wouldnt want to be a stripper. anyone have advice for a stressed out college kid, just trying to make it.

Nagesh answers:

You are not alone/ join the ranks and you will survive

Jenny asks…

When you were and if you are a TEEN, how did/do you make money?

I’m not gunna go into details. Basically my family is getting royally screwed over and we can’t even afford to buy some toiletries anymore. My mom and I are both jobless and looking hard for jobs but can’t get hired.

What are ways for a teen to make money without having an actual job?
I know babysitting, mowing lawns, and being a dog walker. What else?

I’ll look into the dog walking thing but I dunno about babysitting cuz I have no experience with kids. And I’d mow lawns but no one’s mowing their lawns anymore cuz the cold weather.

I need ideas people! Quick!

Nagesh answers:

I have after school jobs.i had 2 actually but i got fired from 1 o.O
now i walk dogs.when i first started walkin them there were only 2 o.O but then i wrote a note and pasted them on all the tress in the neighbourhood including my number so people could connect to me…they did o.O now i”m walking them but i dont earn that much money…

Steven asks…

is mobile mass money a legit way to make good money?

im 14 (15 in November) i really want a legit job but cant yet because im not old enough for a workers permit, i found a link bringing me to this page about how some mom and her 13 and 14 year old kids make thousands every month and up to hundreds daily with this “amazing” mobile mass money thingy and to me it sounds like a tv paid program scam to get rich quick and you have to pay for the software that i myself would be buying with the last of my money so i need to know if this is real and i can turn my money around off this product or if id just be striking myself out please give real answers and no hate comments i know im young who cares id still like money to spend with friends n on girls since im bout to be a freshman. so yeah please help and if you dont know if its fake or not im also taking suggestions. thanks

Nagesh answers:

A typical come-on. You will more likely lose the money you pay for the software than make anything.

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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