Archive for December, 2013

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

David asks…

Are 2nd wives the only women who think men get the shaft in divorce court ?

You know – how the 2nd wife sees, first hand, how an unfair legal system, manipulated by a scheming woman, can have detrimental effects on everyone concerned, EXCEPT the first wife?
3rd wives and 4th wives too.

I don’t want to leave you career brides out of this.

Nagesh answers:

I do not think you have to be a 2nd wife or girlfriend to see people (usually men) get screwed in court. You can just be a friend who happen to be around at the time it all goes on. I think society has labeled women the victims. Oh poor them, they have a broke heart. They deserve everything….they possibly can not handle anymore..I think they are use the legal system to help them out…somehow they feel they deserve it. THEY DO NOT!!! I have been divorced 2 times. Both times I had a broke heart and was crushed….but left with what was mine. My clothes a bed and a television, some dishes and my collection of elvis and john wayne things. My car. If you are truly heart broken you do not wanna fight about it. What does fighting about it do,makes you have more stress in your life. I have no children. But I think if the man is reasonable and a good father do not take hin to child support court, just because ya wanna be a bitch. I do believe the children should be taken care of with a joint effort from both parents. I have seen it with my own eyes. I worked with a man who get screwed. He picked his children up every day after work about 230 went home,played with them,cooked for them, bathed them, took them to get haircuts,did homework with them, so on and so on. This was 3 days a week. (the mother worked 3 12 hour days) so she had them the other 2 days. Then weekends was usually split up here and there depending on if there was football or whatever. She took him to child support court!! He turned out having to pay for a babysitter for the 3 days he usually had them. The court decided the best way for her to get money was to tell the father he could have his kids every other weekend!!!! Sorry women!!!

Paul asks…

I work full time away from home making roughly $40K. Are there legitimate work from home jobs for me?

I want to be a stay at home mom- but it would be almost impossible for me to give up my income. Are there any legitimate work from home jobs where I can earn about the same? I am not interested in pyramid schemes, or cold calling types of sales. I have strong computer skills and a BFA. I currently work in advertising. Serious answers only, please. is my email for work at home offers only.

Nagesh answers:

Absolutely, I started my Mary Kay business 3 years ago for that reason. I love it! I was not the sales type and I had said no in th past but tired of the 9-5 and putting my 2 year old in daycare I listened to the facts convinced there was some hidden scam. It is not a MLM company it is dual marketing I’m not sure if that is all the same to you however it is different when it comes to making money the difference being you make the same 50% comminsion as the top national sales director you buy from the company for $1 and sell for $2 you don’t need to recruit to get it.
I researched the company and was very impressed with what i found. I came from a financial background and found Mary Kay to be a reputable company with a smart business plan. I found it to be much different then what i expected a “sales job” to be. You teach people about skin care and color application all which is taught to you. I would never had even considered it if it wasn’t that i loved the products and valued the integrity of the company and their belief in Faith,Family then career. I also respected my consultant she was never pushy. I provide a service for my customers and they are my friends. I have fun making money and can put my children before my career.
Whatever you do I wish oyu the best it is a very rewarding job being a Mom:)

Donald asks…

If I buy an investment property in a self directed IRA and I want to take it out a year later how much taxes?

Hi if I take the investment house out do I have to sell it first and then the taxes are paid? Or do I just remove the house. Lets say the house is worth 100k when I take it out of the self directed IRA and the taxes I owe is 20k. Can I just pay the 20k in taxes from my own savings in my bank account and then have full access to the house if I want to move in? Or do I have to sell it first? Also what happens if I were to die now, would my son inherit the house while it is in the self directed IRA? As I get older would is it better to remove the home from the self directed IRA so my son will pay less taxes when he inherits it?

Nagesh answers:

This is really complicated you just need to talk to a tax guy. I will say, however, if this is a premature withdrawal of IRA money (by moving the house out of the IRA) or if this is some scheme to make an end run around the tax laws (ie trying to remove money from the IRA without a penalty) it won’t work. The IRS are not idiots and they’ve seen it all. If you are retirement age and allowed to withdraw money I’d just withdraw it and then buy the house. Maybe you can someone, kinda legally do this and it somehow makes sense but this sounds really fishy to me and I’d advise against it, though a tax guy could tell you more.

Mandy asks…

Could it be true that where the housing market is right now is what houses should really be worth?

The actual people that built the house are averaging in the $10 per hour range. It doesn’t take that many hours or people in all the different trades. The rest of the people involved are just a bunch of vulters making a mark up off of other peoples hard work in the form of unjustifyable income. In the end the expenses are extremely inflated.

Nagesh answers:

Your question addresses 3 points: 1.) the real estate market 2.) the cost of building a house 3.) vultures profiting on real estate; and all within an emotionally charged statement

Regarding the “housing market” which is an average of several Bear and Bull real estate markets, there is a larger percentage of down markets then up so all assume the world is in turmoil. No two markets are the same. For example: Reading, PA home sales rose 6% while Miami, FL homes sank because of mortgage defaults and Los Angelos, CA homes fell because building costs couldn’t keep up with Sale prices. I think in your questions you are asking if there was a “natural correction” in the market as a result of over priced real estate. The correction can be attributed to poorly underwritten loans and derivitive schemes. Real Estate prices, like securities, are based on supply and demand. With strong demand = strong prices. Now the cost of building and profiting from home building is entirely different issue.

The process of building houses, as with many businesses, incompasses the allocation of scarse resources. Normally a developer buys a large tract of land at so many $10,000’s per acre. They then pay for water, sewer, electric, roads, and storm water managment. This can cost additional $10,000’s per acre. After they get zoning approval and permits to building and subdivide (and spend more money) then have a aquisition and development cost basis that is pretty high. The Developer enlists a builder (a General Contractor) to come in and building the homes and charges a fee to manage all the sub contractors and allocate the proper resources and negotiate lower mark ups on materials (sticks and bricks) the labor is a small portion of the cost and alot of times is much higher then $10 / hour unless it is large scale construction or temp labor. So in all a $15,000 1 acre lot of land could be $150,000 to develop and build and everyone would want a profit to make the project worth undertaking thats where your new home price comes from…why spend a dollar if you can’t make 2?

Market valuation is derived from finding “comps” which are similiar properties sold in a similiar area. The developer and building hope to acquire, develop, build the house for less then the market price and make a profit.

If builders are taking losses then I would say no the “market” is not really where it should be.

Again, each market is different… Some houses are over priced but every one needs to profit so things make sense

Questions for you: the people making $10 / hr… Who is going to manage them? Who is going to fund the project? Who is going to insure against a mechanic’s lien? The mark up’s are entirely justifiable. If I spend 4 years getting my degree in land development and constrution I want a return on my education and hardwork.

Take care

Linda asks…

What I can do to earn extra income from home?

I’m living in Ireland have a full time job, 35 hours a week. But I want to earn extra income. Does any one know how I can work from home? I had seen a lot of scams about working from home. Please advise…

Nagesh answers:

or just…. Just make sure when you sign up you put me as the ”referral”(referral is eddiesthe1)….. Free to join, wont be serious cash straight away but if u got the net and 3 Min’s a day you will see how with a few math statistics you might not have to work next year, check it out, free no investment… And not even data entry.. NO INVESTMENT
its easy… Not a scam (google it, or u tube it there is heaps of payout proofs on pay-pal its so fricken easy to find them theres heaps!!) not mlm not pyramid scheme crap, paid through pay-pal, pays fast, pays u.s dollars and you can get payout at as low as $2 if you have any doubts!!
Just make sure you put me as the referal ”eddiesthe1” i can/will help you get you started making money if u want! Not that u need help its simple…

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Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Mandy asks…

i have 1 grand, how do i use it to make more money?

unfortunately, i am in need of desperate money fast. i have 1 grand i can use, what can i do with that one grand to make more money? besides stocks..they take a while and is difficult with only one grand

Nagesh answers:

Lotto Tickets, or hit the casino. Read up on blackjack techniques and how to play craps. Good luck

Ruth asks…

what are some stocks that would be good to invest in?

it’s for a school project…aka not real money. i wanna make money fast…if you could pick any stocks that would go up double diget percents in a few weeks to a month, what would yo u guess?
I started with 100,000 dollars…that was back in september. I have a really risky portfolio currently. I own TITAF which is a penny stock and GOLF which has went up like 50 percent since i bought it two weeks ago. I prefer owning risky, not well known stocks. I’m just looking for stocks to look into. If your life depended on you picking a stock that would go up 20 percent in two weeks, what would you invest in?
i have 130,000 in my portfolio now by the way.

Nagesh answers:


It isn’t a restaurant, you just don’t order up double digit returns….. In a few weeks or a month. If ot was so easy no one would have to work!

Because it is ‘earnings season’ you might get some good kicks. You did not mention how much ‘money’ you have… Based upon not knowing that very important piece of info, here is who I would look at for some gains at earnings.

Apple, Bank of America, Citi, Bank, Ebay, AIG, and Amazon. If you don’t have much money to ‘invest’, buy the cheaper stocks especially BofA and Citi. And AIG. They could have some big surprises in earnings that might create the kind of increased values you want…. I own all of them and am looking at a little extra gain this week and next!


Donald asks…

can a 15 year old buy stock? if so how much do i need to invest? do i need a lot of money?

i’m looking to invest my money in stock so i can make some money. what stocks would have the fastest returns?

Nagesh answers:

I’d have to disagree with the former post about the complex mathematical models being used. I certainly don’t think you, as a 15 year old are looking to make billions of dollars in the stock market. As far as I am concerned, most retail traders and investors use technical analysis with tools which already exist. The mathematical models involved here aren’t particularly difficult to understand. For a 15 year old they will be. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn the purpose of them. When you’re older and perhaps more tuned with the mathematical formulas maybe you’ll be able to understand them.

The thing is, the stock market is very, very complicated to learn about. It applies economic theory which you need to know about. So I wouldn’t say it’s the place to make money if you’re well… Not interested in the hardships of the grind to achieve any success.

I’m sure the minimum age is also18.

Sharon asks…

How long will it take to make money in the stock market?

How long will it take to make money in the stock market? Does it take a while? How many shares do I have to buy.

Nagesh answers:

Count on about 8% per year on average. Of course, you can invest in things that will make more money faster, but those investments can also lose more money faster.

This isn’t the lottery.

Joseph asks…

What is a good mutual fund to invest in to make money fast?

I want to invest in a Mutual Fund to make money fast which one is a good one?

Nagesh answers:

Let me start by saying that people that want to “make money fast” are often the easiest to scam and the most likely to put their money in something very risky and lose big, so I’d advise you to be careful.

Most mutual funds are not designed to make money fast. They’re designed as investment vehicles where you can invest money and have it grow over time. Many have limitations on how soon you can withdraw the money and/or extra fees if you take it out soon after investing.

One thing that’s available to speed up how quickly you make (or lose) money is leveraged ETFs (exchange traded funds), which are like mutual funds but trade like stocks. You can buy and sell them at any time the market is open and they’re designed to approximately double the return of their related index on a given day. So, for example, the ETF with symbol SSO will go up about 2% on a day when the S&P 500 goes up 1% and down 2% on a day when the S&P 500 goes down 2%. There are several of these leveraged ETFs around. The ones I’m most familiar with are ProShares Ultra funds. There are several that are linked to different market indices.

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Tuesday, December 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Robert asks…

Where and I watch Fast food Nation and 4 months, 3 weeks, 2days online the english subtittle one for free?

Ok I always go to the movies so dot think I watch everything online but not to long ago I saw the first half of fast foof nation on HBO but I never can catch the end and I want to watch it befor I buy it so I don’t waste my money so can I please have a good like to wacth it…And I have looked up and down to fine 4months, 3weeks, 2 days about the illegal abortions in romania. I have to watch it before I buy it but most of the sites I find only have chinnesse subtittles or whatever I need one with english. PLZ HELP

Nagesh answers:

this is good for streaming, it finds the best versions of the movie yuo are looking for from many sights, definatly the best place to go.

Michael asks…

free money making oportunities?

i want to make money on the web freely ,i need an online job that i just have to do within 2-3 hours or less per day and get at least $500 after doing it but it has to be free i have payed for some and no results i want a free one that sends checks world wide .i dont like refferal jobs but if it is tell me how to get refferals fast.

Nagesh answers:

It takes some time to get money coming in even with a paypal account. Sometimes websites generate buckets of income (especially if you’re bought out later xD) but mostly it’s a steep climb. The most successful sites have found something completely original that can generate income rapidly. Ever heard of the million dollar webpage? The guy set up 1,000,000 pixel links and sold each for a dollar. I’m talking wall to wall pixels 😀

It’s not as ‘populated’ now but in it’s day you could even find waldo on there! There was an actual ad of him xD

Ruth asks…

hey if you wanna find out how i make money online?

its super easy. its called cashcrate. maybe you’ve heard of it? its super easy site. all you do is go to /www . cashcrate .com /3063069 and sign up. once you’re in all you do is go to some offers and fill some out, skip the ads and then they pay you. super fast easy and free! well sorry if i sound like a sponsored kid lol. i just really like them. well let me know how it works for you in the answers. anyone who uses my link and uses the site will be given 10 points 😉 well have fun

Nagesh answers:

How about this? I will sign up with you referral link if you sign up for mine at and confirm your email and they give $5 just for that!

Chris asks…

Need 100 dollars online fast. (best answer gets 10 points)?

There are a couple of great deals on ebay for ipod touches. The time runs out in a few days and i need to make $100 dollars online fast. I am already with cash crate but dont seem to be making much money. I need a list of the top paying free survey sites. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I will pay you $50 to join a site for me.
It’s free to join the site but then you need to do 2 or 3 offers like you do on CashCrate. I can tell you a few secrets about the offers so that it won’t cost you anything. It won’t even take you an hour.
Email me at MRS.GRAYSON77541@YAHOO.COM

Nancy asks…

Can I work at home online or by hand?

I need a way to make about $600-$700 a month by working at home. A friend of mine told me that there’s a bunch of online things I could do so I’m looking for a referral! I’m looking for something like getting packages at my house, putting things together and then shipping them off to a company that needs them! Anything like that works please help me by giving me websites that are free to join and start making money fast!

Nagesh answers:

You won’t find it online. People who work from home provide a product or service, like i do, i work with a 38 yr old company that is publicly traded on the NY stock exchange.

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Monday, December 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

John asks…

What is the quickest way to earn money if you are a teen?

im under the working age and i want to make money so i can buy something. I hope somebody can come up with something! i need help!
and no! nothing about table dancing please, thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I am under the age to but i need money so i can hang out with my friends and i have TRIED everything! And i always go back to the winner, Babysitting! It’s easy!

Michael asks…

I need help on earning money for a car?

Ok, I need help on earning money for a car. I’ve been looking around at cars and I found the one that I want. That is the Nissan 350z. I have my heart set on having that car.

Ok I am not old enough yet to get a job. So how in the world can I start earning money for a car. Got n e Ideas. If so PLEASE let me know. I am in desprate need of earning money for my car.
I am not going to have anything less. When I put my mind to it I will get it. I just want Ideas. Lord.

I dont care if you’ll have a six figure income thats ur prob not mine. I work hard for everything I have. Next year I can get a job. So dont tell me that I need a different car. I will have that car when I’m 18!! So dont even dout me.

I am just trying to get ideas untill I can get a job. DUH!!!
I am very miture for my age. I am a over achiver. Deal with it. No matter if I have to get three jobs just to pay for everything I will have three jobs because If I want it I will have.
I am not going to have anything less. When I put my mind to it I will get it. I just want Ideas. Lord.

I dont care if you’ll have a six figure income thats ur prob not mine. I work hard for everything I have. Next year I can get a job. So dont tell me that I need a different car. I will have that car when I’m 18!! So dont even dout me.

I am just trying to get ideas untill I can get a job. DUH!!!

Nagesh answers:

I recommend Treasure Trooper. I love it. Plus, they do allow “minors” (people under 18) to participate! You get paid by monthly check, and there are offers that are 100% cost free and offers that require some “shipping and handling” fees. It’s a great site with a lot of support and a good referral system. If you are interested, please consider signing up through my link

If you do sign up, send me an email on yahoo, and I can send you a list of some very useful tips to make the money quick and easy. My email address is

Good luck!

Mark asks…

A list of paying sites that require you to do small tasks to earn money?

I was wondering if someone could prepare a list of sites that require people to do small tasks to earn money. Like Microworkers for example.


Nagesh answers:

Here is the link to join!

The best part about points2shop is that you get .50 for every person you refer, and 1.00 if that person actually does an offer.

Recently I discovered this great little site, and it’s worth passing on. I have tried many survey and the “penny for click” sites and have been very disappointed! Well, a friend of mine gave me this link and this site has totally changed how I think about those kind of sites. This site is easy to use, but you must be located in the U.S., Canada, or the UK. Sign up is free, they will never ask you for a cc. It’s easy, you just complete offeres, some are surveys, some are just signing up for newsletters, and there are a few that are downloads, you just choose what you want to do and the points or cash is almost instantly credited! I have been a member for less than a week now and have already earned 3 DVD’s through Amazon. I went for the points but you can choose only cash if you want! And the great thing is they give you a small bonus to start!

The quickest way to make money is through referrals!!! And I know everyone always says “this works” but this one really does. Just sign up and on the site there is a live chat box. Just click on anyone’s name to see what they have earned!
The link I gave you is to cashle, which is the points2shop site, just with cashle you have the opportunity to make real cash, but you can convert that cash into points if you want. The sites are the same, points2shop is cashle.

Linda asks…

how do i get a gamestop gift card quick?

Does anyone know a site to earn gamestop gift cards quick and easy.i need at least $5 to put into pre-ordering black ops 2.

Nagesh answers:

Well, you can go up to walmart or gamestop and buy a card. Or there is the online option at gamestop and you can send it to your house or “MAYBE” be able to just put money on it online through paypal or your credit card.
5 stars best answer

Sharon asks…

Is the idea to have several careers becoming a new fashion what is your opinions?

The idea of having a single career is becoming an old fashioned one. The new fashion will be to have several careers or ways of earning money and further education will be something that countinues throughout life.

Nagesh answers:

It seems that either people are getting bored easily or that these days there are SO many opportunities to try out different things. I guess some peple do it as they want new challenges or maybe feel that they want to do something more rewarding. Maybe companies are also to balme as some places feel that people are begging to work in their firms so that they feel that they can afford to let go of people much easier are quicker.

Everyone is doing something xtra on the side – either becuase they have to or because they want to. Extra money or just becuase their full time job does not allow them to have the opportunity that they have while doing something on the side – as their something on the side doesnt pay as well as thier full time job!

But to answer your main question – yes its a new fashion. We are all becoming del boys!

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Sunday, December 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In Runescape

Laura asks…

whats the quickest way for a mem in runescape to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Best way is dragon bones you get almost 2k a bone this is tottaly the best wat if u want something more easier then just look it up on youtube

Paul asks…

What would be the best way to make money in runescape for me?

heey. k soo obviously i wanna make money, and i want to know what you think the quickest way is for me… im a member and my combat level is 81, and here are ALL of my stats…

Range: 53

if u could just comment what u think would be the best and fastest way, that would be great. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Either cut yew trees until you are level 80 then go to magics. Or you can train your fletching until it is high enough to make Maple Longbows (u) then sell those. Or you can also just do Clue Scrolls and hope you get lucky. That’s what I did and in about 2 hours of doing clue scrolls I made around 500k.

Robert asks…

how to make the “fast” money in runescape?

right now i have a cb of 74 and im fighting green dragons and collecting their hides and bones…what is another good way to get alot of money quick and improve my skills?

Nagesh answers:

You should range Blue Dragons for an alternative way to make money.

Helen asks…

which makes quicker money in f2p runescape?

hi i just wanted to know which way makes quicker money. also i am f2p.
cutting yews at lvl 71 woodcutting or mining gold in crafting guild with lvl 71 mining. which one makes quicker?

Nagesh answers:

Or you could mine coal in the Mining guild and sell that for profits. Thats what i did at 70 mining, i made some good loot

William asks…

how can i get money quick in runescape im a level 73 in runescape read more….?

im a member my stats are defence 60, attack 61, strength 56, mage 44, prayer 43, range 2 lol!
i have 300k extra cash and im wearing about 1.3 mil worth of stuff which is dragon plate legs, obby shield, obby cape, granite body, helm of neitznot, dragon scimitar and dragon dagger p++.
no i do not wanna sell any of my stuff unless u have a really good replacment. but i dont want fighting torso cuz everyone says its better then granite body but i dont want it. i want a dragon chain body and am looking for ways to make that 6 mil quick. My skilling stats are mining 34, woodcutting 54, runecrafting 15, slayer 5, construction 20, agility 31. Thanks in advance guys

Nagesh answers:

You could collect potato cactus from the kalphite lair, it’ll be a good few hundred k per hour so you could get a d chain in a few days, also go to all the mage shops in runescape and buy all the death, water and earth runes, you can make a few hundred k in just a few minutes from doing this.

Oh and go to a slayer master and buy 3k unfinished broad bolts, you make 150k profit in just a few seconds by doing that.

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Saturday, December 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Nancy asks…

how do i make money fast?

ok heres the thing, fresh out of college. a load of time on my hands. no internet at home. i live in a little place, i dont drive and their is like no work going, ive sold near enough everything i own apart from my phone and some clothing. i need to make money… what do i do?

agencies are full, theres no luck with car washes, babysitting, lemonade stalls or any of that. no point in getting into the drug scene and im not gunna be much good debt collecting either… lol.

so think of other ways… please help…

and dontaing plasma here isn’t a paid thing but thanx for that idea

Nagesh answers:

I know what your going thow i amke money by doing the think that other people are too lazy too do ya know going the shopping ask for a few pound hear and their

Paul asks…

What is involved in “staging” my home for the Real Estate Market?

Staging a home for the market will most certainly guarantee you a quicker sell. A home that is “staged” stands out amongst all others. Stat’s prove across the country that a properly staged home will sell at the asking price and sometimes above. If you have your home appraised after all repairs, updates and staging is completed you may well get a higher appraisal value on the home.

If you are looking to “stage” your home on your own we suggest that you get professional advise from a professional home stager so that you are certain that your home is show ready. We at Home Stages Designs offer many Home Staging ebooks to assist the do-it-yourselfers out there. When following the lead of a professional you can rest assured that your home is going to sell quicker than all others that are not show ready. Now days, potential buyers expect to purchase homes that are ready to move into and that they do not have to plunk alot of money into at the onset of the purchase. These are the buyers that will give you your asking price without hesitation.

Make the perfect first impression and sell your home now! See us for more details and related ebooks to get you started on your way to fast home sell. See us at or on ebay at Nonfiction Books/Home&Garden/Home Decor/Home Staging

Nagesh answers:

Clear it out as much as possible.. Leaves more to the buyers imagination. Fix major blunders, paint dark small room a lighter color. Bake cookies or bread on show day so the smell fills the home…. Just to name a few.

Charles asks…

How can I make $140 fast?

Hi, I’m 15 and I REALLY want to bring my sister home for the holidays. I miss her terribly and haven’t seen her in months. The bus fare is $140 to bring her from her state to mine and I need a way to make the money FAST! No one else can really afford it and I’m determined to get her here. How can I do it in three days?

Nagesh answers:

Work the corner

Sandra asks…

i need extra cash!!!!and fast?

i need more money..and i know we all do….i’m a stay at
home mom..thinkin of a way to make money..from home..any ideas

Nagesh answers:

I do eBay. It combines my love of shopping with making extra money. I scour the stores for the super-clearance items (usually clothes), wait until they come back into season and list them to sell for a profit. I’m also going to be shopping the yard sales this summer for items to sell on eBay. I profit about $200-$250 per month.

Susan asks…

how to make money fast without a permante job?????(PLEASE HELP ME OUT)?

i cant get a phone or a new camara or anything bcuz my mom dosent think i need one well i might not need a new camara but i do need a not a spoild brat i just need to find out a way 2 make a little money bcuz every time i ask 4 and allowence my mom tells me 2 ask my dad and he dosent have a job and he probably wouldnt do it if he did so please i just need 2 kno i really need a phone bcuz i walk home from skool and i stay at home somtimes by myself and i need a phone 4 emergecies but every time i ask 4 a phone i say wat if somone kidnapps me she tells me they will bring me back and she knows thats not true at im not just asking 4 no reason.

Nagesh answers:

Holy shit, my eyes.

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Friday, December 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

Richard asks…

Make money at home… ideas?

I live in a boring island where everything is too expansive. i have a 16 month old daughter and would like to find a way to make some estra money from home somehow so i don’t need to get a night time job and never see my baby.. any ideas?
I’m good at baking stuff I thought about making pies and stuff to sell, but you gotta have all day, not just night.
Even some kidn of online thing…
Thnk you

Nagesh answers:

Dear TatieMV,

Create a flyer of things you are able to do from home / at home and your price, and ask local retailers/ supermarket, if you can hang up your flyer.

Like as you already said, baking for local parties…what else?

Laundry services
light sewing (replacing buttons, fixing small tears.

You can also place a local ‘wanted’ ad on or

I have a couple of other ideas you can do, but don’t want to list them as I don’t know all your details (Do you have a PC? Location? How much financially do you want to spend? Sometimes you have to spend money before you can make money.)

Anyway you can contact me via Yahoo!Answers or via my website below (preferable). Always willing to help other people to get from where they are to get where they want to be.

Linda asks…

I need to make money from home .. any ideas?

i rather do something on the computer…

Nagesh answers:

For example, Forex Trading.

You may participate in the FREE Demo Trading Contest from 26 January till 6 February, 2009 and win $1000!

Beginning of registration: Monday, January 12, 2009 12:00 (GMT 1)
End of registration: Friday, January 23, 2009 18:00 (GMT 1)

More information regarding 12th Demo Trading Contest can be on this page:

Michael asks…

Any great ideas for me to make money from home ?

I’m desperate & have seen the real estate Agents 2 sell my house but I won’t get my money back with the market as it is. I’m not on any income from any kind & even centrelink won’t help. I’ve been thru the tribunal & also got knocked back & told me to sell my home. What they should realise is it could take up to a year or more even to sell & they don’t care I have nothing for food or bills. I’m trying so hard to get work but live in town of 1600 & I am willing to travel the 40mins to the next city but being ex disabled doesn’t give me much of a chance. When I was younger I always got any job I went for so Its such a let down for me at the moment. My self esteem isn’t at its best when I should’ve been happy having my own home & new car. Something always brings me down. So help with some genuine Ideas please & I’m only basic computer literate. Thanks.
Ihad spinal tumour &was told I’d never live & when I didn’t die they said I’d never walk. It took over 5yrs but walk I am. I still can’t run but it proves I work hard and overcome problems easily enough but theres always something else around the corner once I think I’m fine.
Well feelright I AM willing to work hard & went straight to ur link & it said change ur life not available so either ur pulling a desperate persons unhappy leg or they don’t exist anymore
Please YAers I need Australian sites to make cash from as I’ve just wasted a few hours only to find at the end they expect you to refer US citizens and I’m afraid I don’t know any.
I’ve been to cashcrate the last 3 days a few times & they’ve had no offers available. The next answer down is the type where you are expected to pay something to make money which is a no no. WHERE ARE the LEGITIMATE SITES !!!! I want to scream I have been looking to hard its driving me crazy.

Nagesh answers:

I hear what you say and sympathise with your situation. What I have to offer in reply may or may not be of help, but I’ll add my two cents worth anyway and hope that I can be of some assistance. Travel in itself can be an issue financially these days with the costs of fuel and so on.

I am a single mum of four with an illness which limits my ability to work full time and so I began searching for a home based business opportunity which was legitimate, genuine and ethical, which involved an industry I was interested in and which didn’t offer false promises or a get rich quick scheme. During my searching and research, I learnt a bit and that’s what I’ll share with you here.

So, it depends on what you want to do and whether or not you are interested in a work at home job or a work from home business opportunity. If neither of these, then my comments are probably irrelevant but……

Let me share with you a little of my experience:

There are many businesses opportunities advertised on the internet, many of them legitimate, successful businesses, many of them not!

It takes diligence to weed out what’s what.

Without intending to pin tickets on myself, I consider myself a reasonably well educated person with professional training and life experience behind me, but……..

I have been ‘taken for a ride’ with a couple of online opportunities offering much and providing little – or less – nothing. I lost money when I could least afford it and I became very angry. Not as much as you though – I feel for you.

Having said that, I was also desperate to improve my financial situation and being a ‘suddenly single’ mother of four who has health issues, I felt that home based business was the only way to go.


In short, here’s what I’ve discovered:

For any business to be legitimate, it must offer either a product or a service. If it doesn’t offer product or service then it is a scam and illegal.

Be aware of get rich quick schemes – there is no such thing. Any legitimate business takes work and effort on your part and requires building. It takes time to build the foundations of any venture – how much time is dependent on your own efforts and relatively speedy advancement is certainly achievable if you are prepared to put in the hours. (As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is.)

Ensure the organization offers full support and training. It’s easy to sign someone up for a business but it takes commitment and effort on the part of the enroller to train and support you in your efforts. Make sure you are not going to outlay your money and then be left with no communication or help.

And speaking of money – determine how much the business is going to cost you to get started and what that fee actually gets you. If it only gets you permission to view a certain website then I’d seriously think again.

It is reasonable to expect some start-up and on-going costs in a legitimate business – no such thing as a free lunch – but determine, not only how much is will cost you to start but more importantly, what your ongoing costs will be. A business may be low cost to start but then require an outlay of thousands of dollars each month to qualify you for your pay.

Don’t be forced, convinced, badgered or ‘talked into’ committing to a cost which is above your budget, no matter what the apparent ‘limited’ offer may be. Many scammers offer you a reduced price but ‘only for today’ for instance. If a prospective business partner is not prepared to help you achieve success without causing you undue financial stress, then I’d be steering way clear. You know how much money you have to invest in your business, whether that be $50, $500, $1500 or more. Anyone offering you a business opportunity should be able to cater to your budget to a certain degree.

Ensure than any organisation you are looking at joining is listed with the Direct Selling Association. Direct Selling and Multi Level Marketing businesses are very legitimate and legal and are certainly not pyramid. Pyramid schemes are illegal. MLM and Direct Selling businesses are very, very profitable if conducted in the correct way. Check the company’s Compensation Plan to see what benefits you are entitled to and how teams are structured. This is very important as some team structures result in a high attrition rate, which benefits no-one.

I am currently involved in my own very successful home business and whilst it is not my intention necessarily to promote my own business here, I encourage you to visit my website and also another link which I will post here – You will find further links on what to look for in a home based business.


If you think this may be something you are interested in learning more about, then I would love you speak with you, (just fill out the form on my website). I know first hand that our business is achievable with full of support and training (personal training too by the way – not just website links albeit we do use the web and email as a fantastic communication tool).

Our business markets revolutionary and patented health and wellness products. There is no necessity to sell or stock product, to cold call or to pester your family and friends to get started. I operate my business purely online thus far but have other options open to me should I choose. A small town is no barr for you as I too live in a small town. Check out the links and decide for yourself if you would like to contact me further. The choice, as always, is yours.

Regardless of whether you choose to contact me or not, I hope this information has been helpful. I understand how daunting it can be starting something new especially when the internet can make opportunities appear so intangible. I wish you well in your search and in any venture you undertake.

With Best Regards,

Ken asks…

Any good ideas on how to make some money working from home,im skint so i have no start fund,ideas welcome?

Nagesh answers:

Ok, there ARE ways to earn money online despite what everyone says…BUT you’re not going to get rich overnight and it will take some work. Here’s a few ideas. All of these ideas are free to start, don’t waste your money paying some scam sites.

Write: You can write articles for sites like eHow or hubpages and they will pay you based on traffic and etc from your work. Most people will make between $50-500 bucks a month. Some high earners make close to two grand.

Design products: If you’re artistic you can open a zazzle store and sell t-shirts, bumper stickers, mouse pads and etc. It’s free to do, all you have to do is submit designs. Zazzle will then put these designs on products. I run a store where I sell Avon, Mary Kay and Pampered chef shirts and things.

Peoplestring: This is a cool new website that pays you to surf the web. If you go through their portals to check your email, facebook, play games and etc. They will pay you a percentage of the ad revenue they make. It’s not going to make you rich, but to make a little change for stuff you’re doing already anyway seems like a sweet deal to me. I’ve really enjoyed using it.

Hope all of this helps! I’ve been working online for years now and have had great success. Good luck to you! If you really have a good work ethic and are determined, you can make cash online. 🙂

Thomas asks…

i need to make some extra money from home! any ideas?

I am a working mum holding down a full time job while my son is at school and a family life at home but need to earn a little extra income from home. I have tried to work part time evening jobs but is impossible as I need to be there for my little boy! if any ones has any ideas that would be great! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is a company, I believe they are based out of San Antonio, Tx. You would do work for different companies, ie Home Shopping Network, QVC, etc. You answer calls. I think their website is

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Thursday, December 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Sandy asks…

How can I make money at the age of 13?

I am 13 years old and I want to make money fast. I want to buy a tablet and clothes. I want to do the mowing lawns and babysitting, but where I live no one really cares about anything and plus, my mom will not let me do anything, even when I am going somewhere with four of my friends. I can’t leave the house unless I am with my mom and my mom is literally never home until like 10:00PM. So are there any ideas of how I can make money fast? Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

ONLINE POKER! You dont have to deposit and there are free tournaments. I turned my first dollar into $20,000 this past year and I am only 18!


Donna asks…

Where on the Internet can I learn hypnosis fast and free?

I want to know where on the Internet I can learn hypnosis fast and free WITHOUT downloading something. All the lessons I find require you to download something and/or buy something. Yes I know there are books on hypnosis but I’ve read them and they’re crap they don’t teach anything so does any1 know where I can find a website to learn hypnosis without buying or downloading, and preferably quick too, I don’t mean it has 2 be like a 1 day process but nothing more than 6 months. No one is asking for your opinion if hypnosis is real or not so thank you in advance.
I don’t mean hypnotherapy, I’m not fat or addicted to anything, I just want to learn how to hypnotize others. And not for a job.

Nagesh answers:

I’m taking it that you want to learn stage/street hypnosis (for entertainment purposes) and I have some links for you. I have videos and articles but other than that, there’s no complete hypnosis course for free unfortunately.

Http:// <facebook for hypnotists. Great way to meet other hypnotists and ask questions (which I've had a ton of so it was very fortunate for me).

Http:// <some of the best videos I've seen on hypnosis. Very in depth, about 9 or so videos 7-10 minutes each, goes very in depth on some topics.

Http:// <great forum for newbie hypnotists. Search any question/hypnosis related term in the search bar and it's almost always there. And, it's in plain english too, not the psychology terms that look like they're pasted from wikipedia.

Http:// <TONS of hypnosis scripts (for the inductions, scroll past the first list). Some of my favorites are the arm levetation and rapid inductions.

Other than these, look up learn hypnosis on youtube/google or any other similar website, and you're bound to find some great information. If you're going to google it, throwing the word "free" in there may help, as if you don't you're probably going to end up with one of the thousands of dvd's/"courses" that cost money. If you've got any questions please add me on skype (username tristantmc2) as I love helping out fellow hypnotists!

Sharon asks…

What is the difference between fotolia and flickr?

Which one in your opinion is better? Can you sell photos in both sites? Which one is bettter for young photographers? Which one is better for making money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Jimakos,

Flickr is a photo sharing and storage site operated by Yahoo! It is an excellent resource for organizing and storing images but is not generally intended for use as a direct sales location and I believe the terms of service agreement specifically prohibits the use of a user’s Flickr account for business transactions. To my knowledge the only authorized means of selling photos on Flickr is by granting permission to include submitted photos as eligible for sale as stock images through Getty Images.

Fotolia on the other hand, is a stock image service that accepts images for inclusion in its source files for Stock Photo, Video and Graphic Arts contributions. Their site is a business where contributors grant usage rights to their images as royalty free products with commissions paid to a contributor whenever someone downloads an image.

So fotilia would be a better place to send photos to get direct sales but be advised that you need to read the terms of the contract very carefully AND unless many users want to use your images, you will not make a lot of money this way.

I have occasionally been approached by people who have found my images on Flickr and been asked to sell, or permit images to be published as promotional materials, etc.

Here are links to a couple of images that have been published –

Bloomsburg, PA. Town Square fountain and Civil War monument
Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Bloomsburg, NATURAL

Hope that helps. Good luck

Mark asks…

how do you get money fast on imvu?

how do you get money fast on imvu?
know of any good ways other than your pet to earn money fast on imvu without paying?
tell me how!! > < thanks.

Nagesh answers:

First of all: DO NOT USE HACKS OR WEBSITES THAT PROMISE YOU CREDITS. There are no “cheats” or “hacks” that will work on IMVU because it is a CHAT CLIENT and not a video game – cheats and hacks are impossible and mostly likely contain viruses or are a scam for a hacker to steal your account. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this happen.

How to earn free credits(without doing ‘offers’):
-Hover over ‘community’ when you sign in and choose ‘Forums’ from the list. From here you have the Contests forum which are free user contests where you compete for credits, GASR or Graphics Arts and Service Requests forum where you can do art for people’s ‘requests’ and earn free credits and the Homepage forum where you can learn to make homepages and charge people for them.
-Join modeling and contest groups. They usually give out money.
-Develop donation stickers(if you’re a dev) and people will buy them and give you credits if they like your stuff.
-Sign up for a credit reseller site(if a dev) and post the banners on your homepage and in your product descriptions. People will click them if they need credits and if they buy, you get rewards in credits.

William asks…

What is the best Fast pay day advance or loan?

I need money and fast. I don’t get paid until Friday and my checking account has been fudged up. Plus I have a lot of upcoming expenses. What is the best way to get it? Any site that someone has tried and had good luck with? Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

Good lord…don’t you read? Watch the news? Those “payday loan” places are SCAMS. You’d be better off just riding it out until Friday, and deal with what comes up when you have your own free and clear cash to work with. Yikes.

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Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Betty asks…

Can we avoid another credit downgrade by borrowing money more quickly?

Can we avoid another credit downgrade if Congress just lets the president borrow money without a lot of disputes and obstruction over spending cuts, which is a completely unrelated issue?

Should Republicans just stop playing politics and raise the debt ceiling without delay, so we can borrow the money we need and not get another credit downgrade?

If we can’t borrow money quickly and efficiently, then we can’t borrow money to pay back debts that are coming due today, and we will default on our past debts. We need to borrow money to avoid defaulting on our debts. The risk of defaulting on our debts is the cause of credit downgrades.

Do you agree that the president should be allowed to borrow money quickly and efficiently, if he really believes that’s the right thing to do?
Chevy, could you expand on that by explaining WTF you’re talking about?

Nagesh answers:

The moe money we borrow, the faster We can get out of debt. LOL
It works for everyone but Me.

Chevy is a liberal and knows all.

Ken asks…

Can we avoid another credit downgrade by borrowing money more quickly?

Can we avoid another credit downgrade if Congress just lets the president borrow money without a lot of disputes and obstruction over spending cuts, which is completely unrelated issue?

Should Republicans just stop playing politics and raise the debt ceiling without delay, so we can borrow the money we need and not get another credit downgrade?

If we can’t borrow money quickly and efficiently, then we can’t borrow money to pay back debts that are coming due today, and we will default on our past debts. We need to borrow money to avoid defaulting on our debts. The risk of defaulting on our debts is the cause of credit downgrades.

Do you agree that the president should be allowed to borrow money quickly and efficiently, if he really believes that’s the right thing to do?

Nagesh answers:

Moody’s has already said they’re downgrading us if we don’t significantly cut spending.


Sure it is. We actually cut spending, and not have any of this ridiculous promise to cut spending that never happens….and the debt ceiling gets raised. It’s a swap.

Susan asks…

How can I get a lot of money quickly?

My family is going on a cruise and I want to bring my friend. It cost $460 including the passport. We are to young to get jobs so we need to know how to get the money quickly. Please Help!!

Nagesh answers:

Get money quickly? Yeah, no one’s ever asked that question here before.


Carol asks…

Can we avoid another credit downgrade by borrowing money more quickly?

Can we avoid another credit downgrade if Congress just lets the president borrow money without a lot of disputes and obstruction over spending cuts, which is completely unrelated issue?

Should Republicans just stop playing politics and raise the debt ceiling without delay, so we can borrow the money we need and not get another credit downgrade?

If we can’t borrow money quickly and efficiently, then we can’t borrow money to pay back debts that are coming due today, and we will default on our past debts. We need to borrow money to avoid defaulting on our debts. The risk of defaulting on our debts is the cause of credit downgrades.

Do you agree that the president should be allowed to borrow money quickly and efficiently, if he really believes that’s the right thing to do?

Nagesh answers:

It’s the Repubs and their stupid manufactured crisis that got us the last credit downgrade.

The debt ceiling will be raised after the Repubs go through their histrionics.

William asks…

Can we avoid another credit downgrade by borrowing money more quickly?

Can we avoid another credit downgrade if Congress just lets the president borrow money without a lot of disputes and obstruction over spending cuts, which is completely unrelated issue?

Should Republicans just stop playing politics and raise the debt ceiling without delay, so we can borrow the money we need and not get another credit downgrade?

If we can’t borrow money quickly and efficiently, then we can’t borrow money to pay back debts that are coming due today, and we will default on our past debts. We need to borrow money to avoid defaulting on our debts. The risk of defaulting on our debts is the cause of credit downgrades.

Do you agree that the president should be allowed to borrow money quickly and efficiently, if he really believes that’s the right thing to do?

Nagesh answers:

Raising the debt ceiling is not like issuing a blank check and does not give Obama any more authority on spending than he already has. Congress controls spending and raising the debt ceiling will allow us to pay of debt we have already incurred. We will continue to run up debt and if we don’t raise the debt ceiling the government won’t be able to pay it’s bills which will likely lead to higher interest rates and more debt.

F the facts, am I right?

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Mandy asks…

If i had optic fibre in ground and house a 120 mbps abbo for internet would that make my dos attack strong?

If i had optic fibre in ground and house a 120 mbps abbo for internet would that make my dos attack strong enough to take down a small site ?

Nagesh answers:

No, First why would you wont to do that in the first place

Degraded service and lost business from DoS or DDoS can be the most expensive attack that your company can experience. Evolving from the mischief makers of a few years ago, sophisticated DDoS schemes are often run by organized crime, who extort money from online companies to “protect” them from receiving further attacks. What can you do to protect your firm?
Read about TippingPoint’s approach to DoS and DDoS Protection
What is the anatomy of a DoS or DDoS attack? Why are they different and why should you care?
What are the four most common DoS attacks and how you can protect yourself?
What are the “must haves” in your arsenal to protect against DoS and DDoS attacks?

Ken asks…

What is a good part time job I can pursue in this economy that will allow me time to be creative?

I need a job that is less stressful and tiring so I can pursue my creativity as a second carreer. I need to earn at least $30-35 k I think for a day or night job so I can survive and ivest in my dream career. Any suggestions? Heck, I might even be able to survive off $25k if taxes arent taken.

Nagesh answers:

Be careful with the make tons of money opportunities working from home programs you see online. I’ll tell you, you will not make thousands per week working only a few hours a week. If you want to make money, you have to be willing to work a bit. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

I work full time but wanted to supplement my income somehow online. I read all of the get rich schemes but they are all scams. Then I found this opportunity called “Build a Niche Store”. It’s called BANS for short. How it works is you purchase this software package (for a minimal cost) and build your own website stores around a niche of your chosing (something you are interested in selling online). You also sign up to be an eBay affiliate. Then when you build your site and drive traffic to it, you will get a 50% commission on the ebay sales that you help generate via your store (which is essentially a front end to ebay). The nice thing about the softare is that once you buy it, you can creat as many store as you want. The more stores you build, the more money you make. I have two store up and running right now and they both are making a decent monthly income. Not enough to live on, but definitely enough to pay some bills. My goal is to have 10-12 store up and running by the end of the year. With these stores, you will get what you put into it. If you don’t work at improving the sites and marketing them, you will not get traffic. The key is to get traffic.

Here is the URL for the software program.


If you would like to take a look at the sites I built to get an understanding of how they work, just visit – or

I’d say on average a store can make anywhere from $100 to $500 in monthly commissions. Let’s take a fairly conservative number – $250. If you have 10 store up and running and they all pull in that commission that is $2,500 a month. Multiply that by 12 months and you are looking at $30,000 working from home (part-time).

Chris asks…

How can i make a million on the Internet with minimal effort?

Nagesh answers:

By engaging in the work at home jobs and home business opportunities on the internet.

But to be honest, a lot of work at home jobs are scams and schemes, so you have to be very careful when choosing any business opportunity. However, there are also many legitimate work at home jobs as well as home based business opportunities on the internet that can help you make a lot of money online fast.

There are some important factors to look for when searching for a legitimate work at home job or home based business opportunities as follows:

Must have very good products or services to promote
Must be in good standing with Business Regulation Agencies
Must send paychecks out at least once per month (on time)
Must have been successfully in business for at least three years or above
Must have a great support, training and leadership

James asks…

do anyone know a trust-worthy website to work and earn online from home?

i am a house wife with a 6 months old baby. i would like to go for job. but having a child i couldn’t. i would like to work online. if anyone know any website plse share.

Nagesh answers:

I would suggest being VERY, VERY careful with this. There are scams, galore in this, and it is hard to tell the difference in scamming techniques. Whether the perpetrator simply wants you to be one of their numbers in a “click-on” game, wants your personal information, or wants access to your computer to download advertising and viruses, you are at risk, in many ways. Even with simple job forms for a job in your own area, you will often find the forms asking for personal information, such as your social security number or a bank account number, Just sharing your email can be very damaging to your computer. You might have people giving you links, in answer to this question. Be sure you check out the links at a spam-detecting site or just avoid them, entirely. As a new mother, it is wonderful that you want to be with your baby. Maybe you can do something with Ebay. In that way, you would have the control, could find things that interest you that you could sell, and do it from home.There are lots of books about this, and possibly other books about making money online. Just be cautious. Others want to make money this way, too, and you are often part of their scheme.

If you are artistic, you could do your work and make a site to sell it, online. But, if you can’f find something like this, you might consider running a child-care from your home (advertise throught your local church, www.craigslist, schools, word-of-mouth, etc.) or find a little part-time job for yourself. That would help you keep in touch with other people, which is a common problem with new mothers. It sounds nice to be at home, all the time with the baby, but sometimes it is nice to have someone to talk to, get tips, and just a tiny bit of time to get away. I know of one company that hires, worldwide and hires for days, or nights. It only requires you to be able to do basic counting, show up on time and do what you are told. The company is called RGIS, which is an inventory company. They have their own site, but you can also find them through phone information, the corporate office being in Auburn Hills, MI, but offices in all states and in other countries. They used to hire more people, and I don’t know if they are hiring, now. But, try your local stores or whatever is around you. Or, try studying something that interests you,in order to broaden your goals. Good luck with your new baby and your own endeavors. Be VERY careful with online things . . .

Richard asks…

How can I legitimately make money online without any scams, cookies and paying?

Nagesh answers:

How could you ask this question and not expect people to hawk their stupid schemes and dead-end business ploys. Just because you are asking an honest question, don’t think that people now are going to all of a sudden give you an honest answer.

In any case, if you hear of a “business venture” that you might be interested in, research it online.

For example: SMC is what Lila is suggesting. I’ve heard nothing but crap about that stupid company and their dollar store merchandise. Read reviews and comments online.

Do your homework.

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Monday, December 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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