Archive for November, 2013

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

William asks…

Where can I get free money on-line without really doing anything?

Hey peeps,
can u tell me where I can get free money online that goes straight to my paypal account. I barely want to do anything.

Please Help

Nagesh answers:

You really need the money, but you barely want to do anything.

I don’t think you really “need” the money.

But there will be tons of people who respond to your question with all sorts of money making schemes, which are all oriented towards making someone some money, but usually not you.

Good luck with your lazy, half hearted attempts to make money.

Paul asks…

How much do used University textbooks sell for?

I have a lot of books in the fields of computer engineering (about 4 years old).
How much should I expect to sell these for?
I already have someone interested how much should I sell for?

Nagesh answers:

Type in your ISBN in on a website that sells books. Most online bookstores have the options to sell used books as well. The ISBN is that long number that is located on the back of your book. Check and see how much everybody else is selling your particular book for. I would also check and see how much the actual book is.

My students will by used books online because they are cheaper. Therefore, you must sell them for less than you actually paid. However, if you start buying your books online, then you may actually be able to make back the actual amount you paid or you could even turn a profit.

I used to sell used college books online. The actual campus bookstore would only give me a quarter of what it was worth when I went to sell it back. I got wise to their scheme and then sold my books online. Off of one semester’s book, I sometimes made over a hundred or more dollars. When I started buying used books online, then sometimes I would pay as low as $15 for my textbook.

If you really want to sell your books, then you often need to sell your book a few dollars lower than the lowest seller. For instance, if you see the lowest seller is selling it for $45, then sell yours for $40 or $37.50. Make sure to describe the condition of your book too. That helps it sell.

I also would caution you to read the rules of the website you use. You also will need to pay shipping on the book yourself and then the customer will reimburse you when their payment comes though.

You can also ship the online used bookstore route and advertise at your own college. You can even advertise at craig’s list. Just be careful about meeting people face to face. Seriously.

I hope this helps. Either way, you won’t make tons of money. However, you could save a ton of money by buying books online. Just check to make sure that they are the right edition and the right ISBN number. I have messed up before by not checking that. Also try to include the year that the book was manufactured and the edition of the book you are actually selling. People like to see that.

John asks…

What is the easiest way to make lots of money quickly without selling my oriffices 4 sex?

or without robbing
or gambling

or becoming an international arms dealer

Nagesh answers:

Umm… You can try one of those pyramid schemes… Or if your a guy you can donate sperm.

Donate plasma, try those fake online make money by taking survey schemes… Other than that, the only other way to get rich quick is to trust god..

But if we knew that, we would be rich.

Oh, and of course start your own porn website, but thats about it

Ken asks…

What do people think of Forever Living? The business selling Aloe products?

Do you think it’s a good way to earn money? Do you think the products are too expensive? What about the people selling the products below wholesale price online? Anyone feel it’s not ‘what it say’s on the tin?’ Do you recommend the products?

Nagesh answers:

Well, apparently it’s an MLM scheme … These schemes are structured so as to avoid anti-pyramid scheme laws (just like AMWAY I guess), however anyone who takes it up will discover quite quickly that the way to make money is to RECRUIT others to do the selling and NOT waste one second on selling the product yourself ..

As for the product, well it’s just another ‘herbal’ concoction that avoids the FDA by carefully stating that it’s NOT a medicine whilst making all sorts of ‘medical like’ claims .. The only effect is likley to be on par with any other placebo …

The world is full of fools awaiting to be parted from their money – selling them Aloe Vera is just as good as ‘Royal Jelly’ or some tiny bottle of liquid yogurt ..

Mary asks…

How do gay people get so skinny? I wish I could be skinny like them?

I know not all gay people are the same and not all gay people are skinny but a lot of emo guys I see and a big part of gay people I see are like wicked skinny. I want to lose some weight. I am not fat and my boyfriend keeps insisting that I don’t need to lose weight because he loves me the way I am and he said I look very good to him so I should not change my weight. However I can’t stand looking at myself in the mirror without feeling like I am fat.

Everyone who sees me says my body looks great but I sure as hell don’t feel that way. When I make love to my boyfriend the lights are always out during because I am self conscious on the way I look. What can I do to overcome this self consciousness? Also what do you skinny gay guys do to look so skinny. You all look great skinny! 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I may not be a gay guy, but i have a BMI of 14 and that’s just because i hate food! It makes me feel ill. Have you ever considered that you may be anorexic? You may feel fat yet everyone insists that you look great, you should probably look into it. Firstly you need to realize that no-one has a perfect body, and if you are feeling self conscious then something obviously needs to be done about as it is a negative way to think. Do you like your boyfriends body? Being self conscious is perfectly normal and everyone feels it from time to time. If you want to come over it then you are going to have to get used to your body, spend time (not in a vain way 😉 ) looking at your body in the mirror, at first you may not like what you see, so instead of being negative think positively, pick the parts of your body you like and concentrate on them. If your boyfriend likes your body then i would ask him what he likes about it, and use his positivity to make you see that actually your body is being complimented for a reason.

If you want to loose weight than it just takes the determination to not always eat when your hungry. Don’t buy into all these diets and low calorie foods because they are all a scheme to make money out of peoples insecurities. To be frank, if there was a magical cure everyone would use it, but there isn’t so it comes down to exercise and careful eating. But before you try loosing weight please go on an online BMI checker and find out where you are on the scale, if you are overweight then eat less than you currently are, if you are healthy or underweight just stay how you are and learn to love your body.

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Sunday, November 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Daniel asks…

Best way to make money online?

Where is the best place to make money online? I don’t want a website that charges me for a “kit” that may not work, and i’m signed up with about 15 suvey sites, but it’s not adding up fast at all. Is there any free sites out there that will work?
i do work 10 hours a day actually but im a single mom and am looking for a way to make extra money. Maybe you should just answer the questions on here instead of passing judgement on someone that you dont know

Nagesh answers:

15 sites and you have not figured out yet that you make money by WORKING at a job, not by sitting on the Internet? Really?

Then I would suggest babysitting, delivering papers, selling Avon, Mary Kay, Premier Designs Jewelry, etc.

Richard asks…

Is there a sure fire way I can get toned fast without using an online site that you pay for?

Like a site that WORKS and you don’t have to pay for anything on that site or order something that’s temporally free. I’m 5’7″ and I average around 125 pounds and I want to be toned. I wear size 7 pants I want to get into fives again comfortably. Is there something I can do to help?? That doesn’t cost money, a site maybe?

Nagesh answers:

Well for someone at a height of 5’7” id make sure you dont lose weight cause 125 is the middle range for someone that is 5’3”.
But do you really need a site to help you? Just do stuff like squats and lunges and push ups and sit ups and all that jazz

Lisa asks…

where could i listen telugu latest songs online for free?

without money and and fast streaming with out buffering

Nagesh answers:

U can download & watch movie from

and download song from

also download videosong from

Ruth asks…

Are there any truly free and actually good mmorpg’s online or downloadable to install?

I’m looking for one that offers everything available and if they do ask for money at some point, it’s only to gain stuff a bit faster but still obtainable for free somehow. Thanx!

Nagesh answers:

Runescape is kinda fun for free users, but gets boring after awhile, but the funnest game i have found online that is free, is called crossfire. It is an online military FPS. If u wanna play, which i really suggest, go to to download. I highly recomend playing ghost mode in crossfire, its the most fun gametype.

Ken asks…

does any one no any online jobs that pay with checks and are survey free and are free to sing up?

i really need to make money fast and i have no idea what are the good paying jobs online i have signed up for real jobs and no one calls me back and i need a job this is the only other option i have and i need help

Nagesh answers:

No. That would be ridiculous.

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Saturday, November 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Mark asks…

what are some easy ways to make money?

i already mow my yard, take care of my neighbors house when he is gone, babysit, help my dad with work, do many chores around the house, and sell alot of my stuff on ebay. is there any other way for me…a twelve year old about to be 13 to make any more money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Start walking dogs in your neighborhood. Put up flyers on posts that say something like “Trust worthy neighborhood youth available for dog walking” and put your phone number. When they call go and meet them and their dog, find out if its a dog that you can walk with other dogs because if you can do more than one dog at a time your money goes up, but if it has to be walked alone it is still worth taking the job and maybe doing a few walks a day with different dogs.
JUST MAKE SURE YOUR PARENT GOES WITH YOU THE FIRST TIME YOU MEET THE PERSON!!!!! And make sure your parent approves of the arrangement you make with them.

Lizzie asks…

how to make money fast and easy?

i am not old enough for a job and i need ways to earn money fast! i already sold stuff and i got some money out of it but i need more because i am going to japan and it cost 6000 dollars to get there so i probably wont go there in a few years… so how can i make money ?!
— thanks —

Nagesh answers:

Picking weeds in peoples gardens , no one likes to do it , lawn mowing , walking dogs , watering gardens and lawns , you just gotta ask and it will happen

George asks…

What is the fastest and easiest way to make a lot of money fast?

What is the fastest and easiest way to make a lot of money fast?

Nagesh answers:

GET A REAL JOB,, no way to make fast cash unless you are scamming other people with the scammers in the reponses to this answer. If there was an easy way and legitimate way to make money then all of the opportunities would be taken already and no one is just lucky to make money.

Cut your neighbors yard and ask them to pay you, thats fast money.

Laura asks…

what are some ways to make money fast other than mowing, and shoveling snow?

I’m trying to find a job I’m 15 is there a way to make money fast and easy like can i make websites and sell them or something?

Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service for the elderly people in your neighborhood. Print up flyers on your PC and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Lisa asks…

How do i make alot of money fast?

I want to find a way that i can make money fast, something easy that a kid could do. Im open to any suggestions so please, feel free to answer. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:


IM 14 and its real!!! U only have to be like 13 years to sign up! But if ur not 13 u can sign up like ur ur parent! Its an awesome site. All you do is search things and get swagbucks, trade those in for prizes. Swagbucks is a search engine just trying to promote the search engine! Do it! All you do is search things in the search box every day. U can usually get like one or two swagbucks a day. So once u get one from searching (it will tell u if u got a swagbuck it will pop up)(only should take like up to 4-5 searches to get one, if takes longer wait more time like a couple hours) so once u get one from searching go back on in like 6-7 hours later and get another one its cool ive already gotten 100 dollatrs to amazon!

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Friday, November 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Online

Richard asks…

Whats the best way for teens to make money quickly online?

I really want to buy more fabric but my mom wont let me take money out of my bank account and she wont buy me more fabric because she already bought a lot for me. How can I make cash easily online? I don’t have time to babysit and my neighbors don’t have dogs I could walk.

Nagesh answers:

Post some very stupid video on youtube!

Mark asks…

How can i make money fast?

I have a budget sorted out, and am only sparing a couple of hundred a fortnight. Have a $7500 debt to clear with a collections agency. I am working casually but am pregnant and am finding it difficult to pick up more hours. How can i earn money quickly to pay off my debt before my baby is born (4 months)
Im looking for serious answers for within Australia.

Nagesh answers:

There’s a company called IdealHealth that I recently came across that Donald Trump recently bought and he’s actually taking the company under his wing. Its in it’s pre launch phase so whom ever gets in now will recieve all the leads.Ppl can only recieve these products through a representative. Those of us whom already involved in this opportunity are very excited because once the company goes public on November 13th ppl from all over will be searching online to get involved, those who are already apart of the business will recieve those leads.If this sounds like something you may be interested in. I would be happy to give you more information.Links to help you perform your due know. Alot of ppl have passed network marketing off as though it’s not a legitimate way to make an income, but there are literally thousands of ppl becoming millionaires. Imagine getting involved with avon, amway,sprint,etc when they first started out. Most wont see the potential in such an check out…if you want more info email me if not…good luck to you madam and I wish you the best of luck :) can do the business anywhere…including Australia :)….take care

Paul asks…

I want to sell some Gold online, which is the best site to use?

I need to make some money quickly and I have some odds and ends from my jewellery box to sell. I live in Greece but I have seen loads of online scrap gold dealers in the UK. Has anyone sold to one of these complanies and are they legit? I also need to find one that deals internationally, not just in the UK. No point selling to shops here as no-one has money and it is mainly broken chains/bracelets etc..

Nagesh answers:

I think there are legitimate people but there are also scammers. You’d be better off selling on eBay. Simply calculate the weight of your pieces and advise what carat weight ie 18kt you are selling. Don’t mix up carat weight, weigh and sell separate any different carat weights. You won’t get a fantastic price however, scrap price and “gold prices” aren’t the same thing.

George asks…

Need easy jobs to do online on da internet to get money quickly to buy pc parts?

Plz i need to buy pc parts so i need a 15 yrs old and i live in Bangladesh no jobs r here for 15 yr oldz.So if u can tell me a website where i can get money quickly and i want the job to be easy so plz help me

Nagesh answers:

Get paid to view adds.Earn online.Register

James asks…

What is the safest and quickest way for a single female to sell a used car and get the best price for it?

I assumed auction was the best idea but have since found out you have to be a dealer to take a car to auction. Of course i don’t want strangers coming to my house so i don’t want to put it in the paper, plus, i need the money quickly.

Nagesh answers:


Being female/single isn’t really an issue as the same rules apply to all for being safe.

I am not sure if you use eBay but I personally have been very successful getting rid of cars quickly via eBay. Basically, people start bidding on the car and start sending you offer requests and asking for viewing, it happens really quick! You can do this while listing the car on other places too.

Other car sites also exist where you can list the car, not sure what country you are located but Autotrader exists in both US and UK and they are good too. Fish4car in the UK, in USA, and many more…

To stay safe, don’t meet anyone at night, meet in a public place, always ask for the name of the person you are communicating with, verify the name by requesting a form of identification like their driving licence, take the car off the road if you are going to let them test drive it, do not accept check/cheques, if you do, ensure it clears first before handing over the car, if it is purchased online via eBay or something and they want to pay by paypal, ensure it clears too before handing over the car. Cash is generally your safest bet though. Also avoid western union or moneygram requests…

If you list the car in more than one place for maximum exposure, then you should get rid of it quickly

Good luck.

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Thursday, November 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast

Laura asks…

I need to make money fast… any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Go here: and print this out a bunch of times.

If you REALLY want to go the extra mile, print out this one too:

Then, invest in a glue stick and paste them together.

Good luck! 🙂

Linda asks…

i need ideas on how to make money fast!?

im trying to make money for my trip to cali. any REALLY GOOD ideas? i nedd ideas a.s.a.p!!

Nagesh answers:

Sell some unwanted possessions?

Thomas asks…

i need to make money fast…. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Sell on ebay i no everybody says this but its true if you don’t have your own stuff to sale i use this site
there is nothing to sign up for or nothing like that and they will dropship your stuff if you want thats what i used to do at first because i sold the stuff first then used that money to buy it from the site and poket the profit which is great if you don’t have any money but you can buy alot at one time and save a ton which makes your profit alot higher thats what i do now but you have to keep your own inventory and ship your own products you make alot more that way but its more time consuming
I work so many hours i don’t have alot of time to do ebay very much but i make usually $1500 to $2000 extra a month if you have the time to mess with it you could make alot more but i don’t wanna quit my job just incase good luck i hope this helps if it does you can choose me for your best answer 🙂

Helen asks…

Me and my best friend are 13 and we would like some good ideas of ways to make money.?

We are 13 and want to make money.We have tried dog walking and a yard sale and they bombed.We NEED some ideas.We want to make money fast so we can use it for school.Please help!Any idea you have will help!Even if it’s different and new!We still want your ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Peoplestring is a new company that pays you to read emails. The best part is that it is absolutely FREE. You make money based on how many emails you read and also everytime you get someone to join you get a percentage of the amount of money they make. It’s really easy. I devote about an hour to it each day and I’m already making an extra $250 a week. It doesn’t seem like much but it’s growing. I predict I’ll be making close to $1500 a week soon enough.

To join just follow this link:

Sign Up

Fill out a short Survey


Daniel asks…

any ideas of non dodgy ways to make money pretty fast?

i am pretty desperate to make £3000 pounds in a short amount of time…
can somone please give me any ideas?
by the way i’m just 16, and never studied anything to do with buisness, so it sohudn’t be something too complicated, just some ideas would be nice (:

p.s- not necessarilly 3000, that’s just my aim.

Nagesh answers:

As you can see by the pervious posts it’s not going to happen. You need a job.

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Wednesday, November 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Sharon asks…

How can a Secondary 1 student in Singapore earn money online?

Everytime I switch on the computer, I have nothing to do. Then I suddenly thought of making money from it. I have tried clicking on ads at clixsense, watching videos at paid2youtube, but i find them very time-consuming. How can I earn more money faster, and not be afraid of being scammed? (I have no interest in making websites)

Nagesh answers:

Why do you have no interest in making websites? That’s where the REAL MONEY online is — not clicking on ads or watching videos

But I suppose you only want to earn pennies on the web, which is a waste of time

Why not try something else outside of the Web? Like doing babysitting jobs, mowing lawns, selling newspapers, etc?

If you want to earn serious money online, here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

George asks…

How to get free amazon money fast?

I need around 65 dollars in amazon gift cards, does anyone know how to earn Amon money fast I need apps for IOS or a website please thank you to everyone that answers

Nagesh answers:

You’d be better off paying for it. But there are some sites where you can get Amazon Gift Cards by completing surveys. Market research companies need people to fill out surveys on products, and they offer rewards like Amazon Gift Cards.

Charles asks…

What is the fastest free way to unlock your iPhone?

Hello, I am really new to this and I was wondering what is the best free way to unlock your iPhone for free? I have the latest version, the iPhone 5 and was wondering how I could unlock/jailbreak it fast and for free. Thank you very much.

Nagesh answers:

Well from what ive used the best site is really they are very i mean VERY help full and extremely safe to work with ive used them for my iphone 3 and 4 my friend tryed this service for her iphone 5 and it turned out fantastic cant find any reason why to not pick this service. And if you want help faster you should donate the extra money to get ahead of line they are very busy from what i know

Hope this anwser helped you and goodluck!

Linda asks…

How can I make my internet faster for free?

Is there something that can make my internet faster for free because i’m 12 and my dad’s broke. So is there something that can make web pages load really really fast and something that makes videos and episodes load extremely fast, and please no stupid answers and no answers with links that cost money. Thanx in return!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Change your DNS service to use “OpenDNS”. A DNS lookup is the first thing that happens when you type in a Web server name. If you can speed this up, everything will seem to run faster. OpenDNS is a free service with really fast DNS servers.

Go to, there are instructions on how to set up your system to use them instead of using your ISPs slow DNS servers.

You’re kind of stuck with whatever download performance you get from your ISP. Episodes and videos are going to download at whatever speed the network will allow at that moment. Can you do your downloads at off-hours like early in the morning or mid-afternoon? That might help.

Laura asks…

What’s a good app to earn money for free on iPhone or android?

I’m looking for a good app to earn fast free giftcards iTunes, amazon, etc. so whats a good app for that? On android or ipod. I got both. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Hi , fiind here a list of featured app which provide you earn points apps

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Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quickly

Nancy asks…

How could I earn money this summer holiday?

I’m a 15yr old student who would like to earn money this summer holiday but I don’t know what would be the best way to do so. I live in Cambridgeshire; England so what could I do? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

One way is by doing freelance work over the internet. If you don’t have any particular skills, then writing or data entry work is in demand, and you can get started pretty quickly on freelance type sites. If you have particular skills like the ability to make good logos, or programming skills, then there are lots of opportunities.

Lizzie asks…

How to earn money at fourteen?

I have no clue how to earn money in the freezing cold winter. I am 14 years old and I want some way to earn money. Yes, I get a weekly allowance, but I spend it too quickly. Help me!? Thanks so much!

Nagesh answers:

You can sign up in and you can do online jobs and make money.

Jenny asks…

How can I earn some money with photography?

I like taking pictures and I would like to make some money quickly. I have already tried to do that in stock photos websites but they paid bad and it takes too long. Anyone has any suggestion?

Nagesh answers:

I have no idea how many countless thousands of people are in exactly the same boat as you are.
So many of us like photography, and I’m sure EVERYONE would like to make money quickly.
Sadly, this remains a dream for 99.99% of us.

Good luck on finding that elusive miracle answer.

Helen asks…

What is the legal procedure for converting the earned money online from hyip from other country to India?

What is the legal procedure for converting the earned money online from hyip from other country to Indian Bank. Do I need to pay tax for this? or is it illegal to such online money business outside the country.

Nagesh answers:

HYIP are all frauds. There is no way any scheme can pay 1% or 2% daily without collapsing quickly.

You will lose money rather than earn, so no worries about tax or converting money.

SpeakAsia and unipay2u are two such schemes that collapsed recently. You should learn about them.

Sharon asks…

What is a good way for an 11 year old to earn a large ammount of money quickly?

My 11 year old wants to earn enough money for a laptop by next month. She would do chores, but our air conditioner is broken and she has asthma so it is hard for her to clean around the house. The laptop she wants is about $300.00. She has about $0.30. She says she can wait until November (her birthday is in November and she always gets about a hundre or so dollars.) But that is still not enough. So how can she earn enough?
Do NOT say prostitution.

Nagesh answers:

I’m sure I could find some odd jobs around my house if you want to email me.

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Monday, November 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Linda asks…

Get rich quick…is there a way to do it that not many people know about?

Ok…..I know there’s got to be a few out there this morning who are sitting at home right now, and you’ve gotten rich quick by some sort of scheme or perhaps a job…maybe work from home or whatever, but my question is……how’d that happen? Is there any get rich quick ways to make money? I’m not lazy by far and I’ve got a full time job, but, ends dont meet every week like I wish it would. I have a family….and we are very very tight cause I simply dont make what I’m worth. If you know of anything that works, any kind of ways out there to at least make plenty to live good off of, please tell me…….I am very curious and hope for a better life for me and my family. This is a serious question….thank you for your help.

Nagesh answers:

Male escort. Especially gay, a lot of money, you know.

Robert asks…

What is a quick way to MAKE $625?

I workout alot and have my own home gym. I have a good collection but want one more piece to complete it. I love working out at home with no distractions.

Anyways I need $800 quick to buy a piece of equipment off craigslist. Of course I have enough money but I don’t like to just go out a blow my savings. So I would rather figure out some way to make $800 on top of my current income and savings.

What should I do? I’ve tried to sell some things on craigslist but have only sold one item for $175 dollars. I can’t think of anything else to sell that will give me a good profit. I needed $800 but now only need $625 since I sold that one item.

Nagesh answers:

Get a temp job with a temp agency, or advertise a service you can offer others on Craigslist.

Lizzie asks…

is this a good way to make extra money?

paint peoples address # on the curb are driveway in front of there homes. in twenty years of doing it part time. done about 70.000 of them at five dollars a piece. two cans of paint. stencils. wire brush. do you think it was worth my time makeing about$ 370.000 dollars.going out in the afternoon a few hours a day and all day on saturdays,yes i asked this to give you the idea. . there is allways a way to make money in this country i belive. if you so desire. look on the internet about curb numbers. it will tell you all about how to do it. also in my home county i did so many in an articule in the paper it said the responce time of ambulances is so quick now that its saveing overa hundred lifes a greenville county s.c.

Nagesh answers:

That’s really a great idea that you have. I’d do it too, but where do you paint the address if there are no curbs?

Richard asks…

Where’s the best place for me to put my money?

I am starting to make some good money at a new job, I am 21, and have a son. I am either looking for a way to maybe trade stocks and make some quick money to put away or find the best options for me to put money away so I will be able to have money for a house, his education, and engagement/wedding rings. I have asavings account that I put a very small amount in weekly. But I am looking for the best way to invest some money. Whether it be stocks, cds or something else. But basically want the money to grow so in 1 1/2 year or 2 year I can move my family into a nice home instead of renting. Any suggestions??
I just mean for Down Payment, not to purchase a house cash…if that clears somethings up

Nagesh answers:

Nothing can grow that fast that’s remotely funds would make the most over time (10 to 20 years)

even for the down payment

Carol asks…

How do I get money fast for our wedding?

We are getting Married on May 31. What are some good easy and quick ways to make extra money for the big day? (other than a social…we are doing that)

Thanks for your help!

Nagesh answers:

Mow lawns, do minor house repairs for home-bound (old people).

Get a second job at a hobby lobby or craft store. Then you get extra cash and a Discount on things you will buy for the wedding.

Ebay and craigslist everything in your closet and garage.

Do you have a skill like mechanic or gardener? People are always looking for someone to help them out other than a “Professional”

I don’t recommend this but you can get a personal loan from your bank too. Debt stinks. Many you can borrow money from a family member and have an agreement that you will pay them back over a year. But be careful with that too.

Good luck!

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Sunday, November 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Thomas asks…

How to make money from home? (PLEASE no survey links etc. crap)?

What are some good ways to make some money from home? BESIDES surveys and selling stuff from ebay.
Can I start a mini business? Any suggestions? I want to find the least complicated way to make money right now.
If I get a scam/spam link to some dumb survey again, I’ll delete your post.
What can I do to make money from youtube?

Nagesh answers:

There’s no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme. Just do work.

George asks…

Can we sue actresses and other charity mongers who force you to give charity?

I keep getting cleverly pushed, used, solicited, forced into giving charity to Roman Catholics and I feel that movie acresses and sports stars are behind the scam. And they may be using pseudo morality or some other devious means to do it. I get dirty emails from some Adriana asking for horny sex and so on if I refuse to keep a Catholic woman in my house and provide for her and her children. Is there any law in the United States that can be stated to prevent anyone forcing you to give to charity even if its by any religious organization or rich movie industries behind it? I think Brazilian model Adriana and Jolie and such behind these horrible schemes. I am perfectly ok with them personally doing any amount of charity or giving all they have even or bringing the entire third world Roman Catholic slum people and keeping them in their private homes. But I feel they cannot force that on others in principle. Would any of you allow that if it was done to you?

Nagesh answers:

Why are you participating in schemes?

Of course it’s all a trick to get your money. People are making good jobs around trafficking some funds to some African babies and “utilizing” the rest for “administrative costs.”

Just don’t pay anybody. It’s as simple as that. On the street just keep walking. If it’s a phone or TV ad just say no. I’m not seeing your problem.

If it’s about stopping a predatory behavior, well… You can’t really do much about that. People are stupid sometimes. It’s been 20 something years and people still click on the “You’ve won a free laptop, click here now to claim your prize” ads.

James asks…

How come Windows defender never found any spyware or maleware from my computer even I had some?

I have a windows vista home premium computer.I allways noticed none of the time since i have this computer and it has built in microsoft software ‘windows defender’that i allways update too.but never noticed or it said that it found a spyware or maleware from my comuter and when i was suspicious about it i tried some different spyware software and they found few spyware-maleware from my computer.I am not sure if windows defender really working.

Nagesh answers:

Most of the above replies have validity; no single application does it all.
Securing Windows operating systems from Internet assault & increasing predation, is not a single application, or a suite: and it’s not a “one step- 10 second fix” that so many want.

It’s layers of protection, user habits, system configuration, real time protection; and most important, threat landscape awareness (because the internet is so fluid and dynamic, it changes almost hourly).

Stand alone suites (CareOne, McAfee, or Norton) give users ‘feel good’ security, and lull them into complacency, which often has very bad results.

Look through some of the suggested freeware here,
study up, and pick some of the frontline, real-time defenses. Create a restore point after each install, then run the system to verify that application’s ‘friendliness’ with your system before adding other applications.
Make selections based on your skill level & system’s other configurations…an application you can’t work with is of little use.
Generally speaking: as a system’s convenience, interactiveness, flexibility & complexity increase: security decreases.

Core defense applications might include (but not limited to):
Avast! (anti-virus);
Zone Alarm (firewall);
SpywareBlaster (snoopware prevention)
>>>The #1 defense against malware: Firefox, with ‘NoScript’ add-on.<< Internet Options> Privacy> Advanced:
here check ‘Override automatic….’; ‘Allow session cookies’; ‘Allow 1st party cookies’ & ‘Block 3rd Party Cookies’.
FIREFOX: Tools> Options> Privacy: Check ‘Accept Cookies from sites’
& Un-Check ‘Accept 3rd Party cookies’
Firefox add-on’s

>> “NoScript” for Firefox will stop a lot of these adware/spyware & hijackers; and is the single most important thing you can do to prevent most malware < tick ‘forbid ——-‘ &/or mark as ‘untrusted’.
(Ticking all may reduce interactive behavior; enable just enough to get what’s necessary to view the page)
Rouge malware and server based spyware are becoming indisitnguishable & may cause multi-symptom effects on your system.
And worst of all, this spy/adware, records your clickstream & builds a profile of you with advertising conglomerate jackals.
Requires “Opt Out” and requires EVERY browser on EVERY machine be done…
Google here:
Yahoo here:
NAI garbage here:
DoubleClick poison here:
(List of 64 Yahoo! Co-conspirator advertisers they inflict on users are listed here:

When installing ANY new application, check the EULA for ‘Toolbars’ and/or other crud they try to slip past ya’.

Mark asks…

Any good online site you can work from home?

Looking for something a stay at home mom with computer, can do for work? Anyone now any good an legit sites? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I am not a scammer, I have a profile on yahoo where I have answered several questions in the past. I promise this is not a scam!

I just started working with a company, an actual legitimate company, and I am so shocked by how much help I’m getting! I sell a medical discount program that is so desperately needed by people in this tough economy we’re facing! It’s a legitimate company, part of the BBB, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Anyway.. I am a full time college student, and at the rate I’m going, I’ll be able to fully pay for grad school by next year.

The average person in my position starts making 6 figures in about 2 years if they stick with the FREE training provided. This is NOT a get rich quick scheme, this is legitimate work, that really works in getting you to financial freedom!

I feel good about the ‘product’ I’m selling because there’s millions and millions of people who don’t have medical or dental insurance, and this is a VERY affordable discount program, that is actually accepted at a lot of doctor’s. I don’t even have to try.. I ask anyone I see how their health coverage is, and then just simply leave a card. I don’t even have to really try.

If you interested in hearing more please let me know. I have a website listed below and would love to set up an interview any time you’re ready.

Even if you’re just looking for the benefits program info, please contact me! This is a wonderful opportunity for the right person!

As far as the any kind of fee goes, I bought their start up kit which gives you 5 websites, an email system, and marketing stuff with brochures to give out. I looked at it as I would probably spend that much on a new suit and shoes for a new job anyway. I am so glad that I did too.. Like I said… I have extra money for college, without taking out any loans and I am about to begin my master’s program for those interested in working with the company for those needing the medical and dental benefits.

Betty asks…

How can new moms make money?

I am about to give birth (any moment hopefully). Childcare in my area is about 60% of my income. I am debating whether its even worth returning to work. I really am looking for a stable way I can work from home. Any really good ideas?
And by the way, according to the county my husband and I make too much money to get financial assistance with childcare. They do not take into account that we pay close to $400 a month in student loans!!!

Nagesh answers:

My wife and I have really struggled with raising our son as we both have retail jobs. Also I have a ton of student loans to boot.

You could possibly sell Mary Kay or Avon. Maybe even pick up a paper route maybe open your own child care place. Don’t fall for those late night get rich quick schemes as you will lose quite a bit of money.

I don’t know what is available in your area but I am sure that if you seek you shall find extra income.

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Saturday, November 2nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

Jenny asks…

How can i make some fast money?

Im needing about $100 at the least. Im a 15 year old girl and i cant get a job and i can only do a little work for family. What r some ways i can make some fast money. Im pretty brave and wild so i can take things to an extreme. How can i get fast cash? ANY ideas will help.

Nagesh answers:

Do a LOT of babysitting

William asks…

What is the fastest >>free<< way to create a money-making web-site with affiliate programs?

What is the fastest >>free<< way to create a moneymaking web-site with affiliate programs?

Nagesh answers:

Join MN, they will provide you with upwards of 20 templates per product, all are detailed nice sites, they also have hundreds of banners and tons of free content to get that site going.

And with commissions of up to $175 per sale… Well these guys are awesome.
Follow this link for up to $45 in start up bonuses.

After your first sale you can request design time and they will have one of their staff work on your site for you if you need help.

Carol asks…

How doe’s a 13 year old make fast money?

I’m 13 year’s old and I am looking in the right direction to making some cash.
Doe’s anyone know of how I could make fast money, anyone?

Nagesh answers:

At 13 years old your options are limited…
Most business employers want you to be at least 16 years old.

My suggestions to you:

Make up flyers and pass them around in your neighborhood.
Offer to do whatever work it is you want to do, such as :

Computer work, Babysit, Clean Garages, Organize Cupboards, File Papers, Wash Cars, Mow Lawns, Pull Weeds, Tutor the neighbors kids, Walk Dogs, Dog sit, Clean the Pool, whatever…

Post first whatever it is you want to do or are good at …
You should keep your options open and make a decision after the persons call you instead of not giving them many reasons to call.

Say on the flyer you are a student and are available on Saturdays.

Richard asks…

Fastest money making investments for teens?

I am looking for a quick and easy money making investment that I could do online. Is there some website you would suggest or idea you have that would enable me to make money with simple general computer knowledge?

Nagesh answers:

I know people who type

medical records at home or who write software or design websites. But they-re all people who know how to do something that

other people want and use the web to get it to them.
This is the only web business I have ever seen work

Lizzie asks…

Unemployed i need to find ways for fast money?

Im unemployed and looking for a job im totally broke i dont have a car and i need to find ways to make fast money besides selling stuff or cleaning yards i tried it already any organizations or ways to earn money.

Nagesh answers:

The state job services says they have jobs it’s just jobs a lot of people aren’t qualified to do. Usually when you go there or to a temp agency you need to have your SS# and transportation so you’re at a loss unless you know someone who is already working and you can ride with them a short way when they go to work and then you’d have to find your way back home on the return. So look around in your neighborhood and choose places to apply to that are within walking distance. You didn’t say where you live so I guess we can’t suggest much if you live too far from stores. Wherever your parents work you might be able to get a short term summer job. Do you have a friend who could help you get around, like you could go where they are going? I know some people give plasma but you have to be healthy and well fed for that or you’ll get sick. Why not contact your minister at least to ask about their food bank (maybe they can leave food off for you). Maybe you have relatives who will take you in or loan you some money so you can get food stamps (or apply online). Sometimes you could barter, like doing volunteer work at the soup kitchen and that will at least feed you for the day. Try Subway too as you get a footlong sandwich per day there. Maybe you can help move furniture so apply at a furniture or moving and storage place. Maybe you could be a security guard at an apartment complex (sometimes they allow a studio apartment for their workers). Maybe you could apply at the food stamp office for further assistance. Contact Goodwill and maybe you can work one of their trailers. Or see if you can be a stocker or cashier at your grocery store.

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Friday, November 1st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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