Archive for November, 2013

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Jobs

Robert asks…

making fast money?

what kind of job can I do to make fast money in Canada.I am a mew immegrant

Nagesh answers:

There is no money as “fast money”. Find a job in your field of expertise or start a business that you are familiar with.

In the current web era, there are lot of cheaters promising you to make you rich overnight – but rather than you become rich, they become rich overnight through seducing a small money from people. Do not become a prey. If you post your question in a website, you will be loaded with replies – the reason for that is none other than that a prey is within their reach.

George asks…

How to make money fast for teens?

There’s a coat at a store in the town i live in, and there’s only a couple left. The people at the store said they would probably be gone in the next couple of days. It’s 80 dollars, and i have 30. I’m only thirteen so i can’t do very many jobs. I need ways to make money fast! I’m not going to put any signs up around town or anything like that.

Nagesh answers:

Yard sales! Become an ebay seller and hit the mornings early! Look for box sets and dvd’s and media. I bought season 1-4 of star trek enterprise for 5 bucks and each sold on ebay for around 40 bucks! Not so bad. I average around $300.00 a week on ebay doing yard sales. Also if you end up selling on ebay check out to get 36 percent of ebay seller fees back. Just make sure you get up early and get your gps (if you have one, makes it soooo much easier) ready and hit the multi family yard sales. Good luck!

Sharon asks…

making money without a job?

I already have a job and want to make a little bit more without getting another job. Tell me some ways of making fast money and I dont care if its legal or not.

Nagesh answers:

If you don’t care if it’s legal or not, why not go rob your grandma

Chris asks…

How can i make a lot of money fast from my computer?

I just turned 17 and I want to move out when I turn 18. Me and my friend are going to get an apartment together. She has a job making about 500 dollars a month and has a car. I don’t have a car or a job, and I need to help make money to pay for our apartment. How can I make money from my home on the computer?

Nagesh answers:

I have found i way to make money from home you get paid in 1to2 days directly to your pay pal account, you will need a bank account and like i said a pay pal account if you don’t have one you can open one at to make this money please contact me via yahoo messenger at herba14 and i will guide you all trough it you will
make $100 in one hour i promise you..

John asks…

making money fast?

hello does anyone have any suggestions on how to make $200 quickly. We already have jobs, we just need 200 now, not every month, just currently. does anyone have any ideas. my husband is very good with computers are there any things he can do online, like tech support or something? any suggestions on how to make 200 fast. please help. i have two small children so we need to make the money fast? any suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

I know of a co-worker that donated plasma as much as possible. He generated a little over $200 a month. You can contact your local Red Cross for more information.

I wish you the best.

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Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Paypal

Sharon asks…

how do i get fast money?

i was think of taking paid surveys online but they ask for a paypal account and im only 14 yrs i need money my parents wont give it to me because they say i need to work for my money and i wanted to get paid in checks so i would have to ask for their info so i want to get paid in checks for taking online surveys any one know andy websites?

Nagesh answers:

The scammers are out big time.

Babysit, wash some cars

George asks…

Buyer opened paypal dispute and just said she got the stuff how can I get paypal to release the money to me?

I sold some makeup using my online store using paypal.The buyer opened a case on paypal saying she did not get the items.Then yesterday morning she posted a new message saying that the items came the day before.I then asked her to close the case and she won’t answer me.I don’t know what to do? She has the items and paypal is holding my money while the case is open.So how can I get my money back in my paypal acct. and the fastest way? And is there anyway that she will be able t o keep the items and get a refund? I am sorry this question is so long and any ideas would help me so much.Thank you. by the way I do have a tracking number also shows she has the items.

Nagesh answers:

Email paypal, call paypal, they can be reached via 800 number, look at their website for the number. You will be transfered to an offshore call center though, so be prepared for a thick accent.

Ken asks…

scotiabank how can i get my money back?!?

I was very inpatient today with my banking and all, i just got a check and couldnt wait to spend it for a new item, thus i went online and used paypal. but i only had my bank account on it and i didnt want to wait 6-8 days, thus i tried many ways to get the money to PayPal faster. after many different solutions i tried my last one. I transferred money from my account to my email, if you are following this means i took money from my bank, sent it to myself, on my email. now i don’t know where this money will end up, if it will be in my PayPal account or back in my bank. i haven’t received an email yet and i cant get the money back, right now it is just hanging out in ciber space. so if any of you can give me a reassuring answer or some more information on this problem quickly that would be much abliged.

Nagesh answers:

You can’t e-mail money to yourself. It’s not in your e-mail. And if you didn’t have money in Paypal, then you didn’t send any money anywhere unless you took it FROM your bank account, which is what Paypal does anyway. I am thoroughly confused by your situation, but if you be a little more clear I can probably help because I have a lot of Paypal experience.

Robert asks…

Paypal: Does it really steal your money?

I heard paypal steals your money, and takes more money then needed when you buy somthing off ebay or amazon is this true?

IF so, are money orders always safe, or is their other ways to order books & devices online of ebay and amazon thats fast and safe?

Nagesh answers:

Bunch of crap, paypal only takes couple of bucks when you transfer money over to another account. They are 100% reliable.

Chris asks…

I want to know how to get rich online with only $10 Australian dollars in my paypal account?

I don’t want something that takes forever to make money and alot of wait. I really need 2 grand in 2 weeks. I want a survey site that pays me to type and has worked for you and isn’t a scam? i am really a fast typer and if you know a home job that pays to type, then i’m your man.

Nagesh answers:

Become a day trader in penny stocks — after all you can only lose 10 pounds!!!

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Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money

Susan asks…

I have an idea to market an already patented product that is not on the market. How do I proceed now?

The product would be a hygene product for airports, bus stations, etc. I can’t patent my product idea but I would like to get it out there. Any ideas for money, marketing, production, etc?

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, you will need to license the patent in order to be able to market and sell it. Best thing to do is to contact the patent-holder and see if they would be willing to license the patent to you and under what conditions. I wouldn’t tell them your idea if I were you unless you were able to get them to sign a non-compete agreement in which they agree not to compete with you directly and also not to grant a license to someone else who might compete with you.

James asks…

What are some general good ideas for saving money?

I want to save more money. How can I save money, for example, on lunch costs at work? How much is reasonable to spend every day on lunch and snacks?

Also, what are some good ideas on saving money when purchasing goods and services? For example, buying generic or store brands, etc. Buying in bulk…and so forth. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

First you have to do a budget. Find out what you’re spending money on. Once you have everything listed, cut out what you really don’t need. Save what’s left over.

Try and get your cash flow (what’s left over) positive and as high as possible then save it all. Working overtime or taking odd jobs can add to your cash flow.

Make the money work for you. Make sure you at least put the money in a high APY savings account. There are several out there and they are easy to set up. Links to them are below.

Specific Money Saving Tips
1. Gas – Don’t drive aggressively. Keep your tires properly inflated and your car in tune.

2. Home energy – In winter put on a sweatshirt and put your thermostat on 68. In summer, dress like your outside and put your A/C on 72 or higher and use ceiling fans if you have them. Use florescent bulbs wherever possible and always turn off lights when not in immediate use.

3. Shopping – Price compare online whenever possible. At the grocery store, use generic brands. Most of them contain the same ingredients. Use coupons.

Carol asks…

Does anyone have any fundraising ideas to raise money for my graduating class?

I am my graduating class’ vice president and me along with my other class officers need ideas for funding money to our account for junior banquet and senior banquet and prom etc! please help! thank you!!

Nagesh answers:

Little Caesars Fundraising Program (
When I was in high school they started doing this fundraising for the after prom expenses and they have gotten really good results from them. People enjoy them because it costs less than going out to eat and isn’t very time comsuming. Your organization earns $5 for every item sold!

Yankee Fund-Raising (
Earn a full 40% profit for your organization on every product. Just imagine what you can provide with the money! Candles are a healthy choice in fund-raising today.

You might also check out these websites:

If you are interested in activites that can take place at your school, try arranging a cook out and charge for hamburgers and hot dogs. Of course you will have to get figures and such for the food, but students who are unable to leave campus for lunch will enjoy it!

Have school mates bring in baked goods and set up a bake sale at a local store that most people in your town shop at.

Thomas asks…

How do I earn money with German knowledge?

I’m a Freshman in High School and I would like to make a Club mentioning German help. Sadly, there aren’t many people who’re willing to learn German. Can anybody help me please in making ideas for money? With German knowledge of course.

Nagesh answers:

Translation and tutoring are generally badly paid. Seriously.

Nancy asks…

How Can 14year olds make money for camp?

Me and my friends really want to go to camp this summer but its really expensive. My parents are letting me go if i can raise $300 but she can only go if she raises $800. We are gonna do yard work and stuff but since were only 14 we cant get a real job any ideas for money making?

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately there isn’t a lot

if your good at making crafts or food then maybe you can sell them at a local market

if there are any school galas (or other sorts of galas/festival etc.) get in touch with who ever is running them and see if you can set up a stall such as a games, food or face paint one (sometimes you can make a lot of money from those)

sell any unwanted toys, clothes or other items on the internet

and of course keep on asking friends and family for odd jobs

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Monday, November 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Maria asks…

How to earn money and fast as a 13-year old?

I go to the movies every other week because I get allowance every two weeks but my friends go every week. I want to go every week too, I just need to find out and I think I’m too old for lemonade stands and it will take a long time for just five cents each. I’ve tried finding a job that gives them to minors but as you can read by the title, I’m thirteen. I don’t know what to do, so can you tell me what and how to make money and fast. I’ve seen on movies that how kids my age set up there own little buisnessess but I just don’t know where to start. Please help, movie night is almost here.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit for $10 a hour…

Jenny asks…

How can I make money really fast without doing any work?

I need a bunch of money in my bank account ASAP but I can’t work because I have anxiety and I get really nervous when I get bored during work and i need the money really quick because I’m not a patient person and I need money ASAP. Do you know what I can do to get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

1.) Become a welfare recipient.
2.) Have kids, take custody of said kids then get child support.
3.) Old fashion…spare any change?

Carol asks…

How can a 14 year old start a business?

Okay me and my friend are trying to start a babysitting business or something to make alot of money fast. I’m trying to buy a new Toshiba Laptop and a few Sims 3 games and she does also. Any suggestions? And we live in Louisiana if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

It depends if there are little kids in your neighbourhood. If yes then go for it. If no then babysitting could be tricky. Try having a garage sale before you think about work. That always helps me.

Some jobs that are great for summer is yard work and dog walking. Everyone had a yard! Post signs saying that small lawns cost $5 to be mowed and large lawns cost $8. You could also do some weeding too for some extra cha-ching on the side. I know it seems like a small amount of money but people won’t pay much for things teens can do.

Speaking of which, do you make crafts? Bracelets, gimp, felting, sewing, knitting- these can all be made and sold for a profit too!

Your best bet is to take a look around the neighbourhood and think, what could we use the most. This answer will make you the most money and will be the most rewarding.

If all else fails, you could make a classic lemonaid stand!

Good luck!

Laura asks…

How can I wait for my dog?

My mom needs to do something before she can work and when she works we can move. The thing is,we got kicked out of my other apartment because we didn’t pay stuff on time and my mom,dad,brother,and me + my cat,share a room. It’s a garage in my grandma’s house but it’s roomy. I made a fort because we had bunk beds and my brother kicks alot so yah…
But we already have 3 dogs here we don’t need a hyper 4th one (Jack Russel Terrier.)
We have to wait until she works which is probably next month. (My dad works too so we might get money faster) I saw vids of kids getting them for xmas and birthdays and I just REALLY want one! How can I wait to get the dog?

How can I wIt until I move?
The dogs are my grandma’s!

Nagesh answers:

Stop worrying about the dog and start helping your family out of their financial plight. If you are old enough to be on Y!A you are old enough to deliver newspapers, wash cars, cut lawns, rake leaves, stack shelves, walk dogs, etc. Get up off your a$$ and stop whining.

Helen asks…

How to wait for the dog?

My mom needs to do something before she can work and when she works we can move. The thing is,we got kicked out of my other apartment because we didn’t pay stuff on time and my mom,dad,brother,and me + my cat,share a room. It’s a garage but it’s roomy. I made a fort because we had bunk beds and my brother kicks alot so yah…
But we already have 3 dogs here we don’t need a hyper 4th one (Jack Russel Terrier.)
We have to wait until she works which is probably next month. (My dad works too so we might get money faster) I saw vids of kids getting them for xmas and birthdays and I just REALLY want one! How can I wait to get the dog?

Nagesh answers:

Sorry your are in no way ready to adopt another dog. You have 3 dogs and living in a garage. I will blast you bad when you post my dog is sick and I can’t afford a vet visit. Love the dogs you have, and make sure they get proper vet care.

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Sunday, November 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Susan asks…

How Can I make Money Fast – 10 points?

Im a teenager and it’s not like i need money to survive but i want like $281 so i can get this longboard. So if you can tell me some ways to make some money fast, that would be great.

Nagesh answers:

Well it depends really on how old you are…if you are over 14 then you should get working papers and and work at someplace local…maybe a mall, store, or gas station…if not then babysit… That’s what i do.

Could you help with mine?

Sandra asks…

As a teenager, what is the fastest way to raise money?

I want to go on a trip, but I’m going to have to raise a large sum of money for myself by August. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

Mary asks…

What are good ways to raise money for having the gay pride flag raised at my school?

In my GSA, our group leader got permission to have the flag raised alongside the country flag. The only problem we have is, we need to raise money for another flag pole to be in placed. We’re looking at the least, $1,000 I believe (maybe more) so any ideas to raise money would be much appreciated. Thank you in advanced.

Nagesh answers:

Here are some ideas for fundraisers:

School Fundraiser: Discount Card

What exactly is a discount card?

It is a wallet-sized card packed with a selection of prearranged discounts at local and national merchants in your area. Most usually contain a dozen special offers that save the bearer either a fixed amount or a percentage discount.

Each card usually retails for $10 and provides for almost unlimited usage of the special offers. The only exception is when you custom design a card to feature a special one-time only discount from a sponsoring merchant.

This type of premium offering is often worth half the purchase price all by itself, such as a $5 discount from a national oil change company.

Other money saving examples include free drinks with a fast food order, $1 or more off on a submarine sandwich, savings on video rentals, haircut discounts, free ice cream, and other special offers.

Because of their high perceived value (what family doesn’t want to save money these days?), these are excellent fundraisers.

Discount cards can often produce impressive unit sales per participant. It’s not unusual for each seller to make ten or more sales.

Another interesting benefit is the unique customization of the discount card. Many suppliers can place your schools’ name and logo on the front side of each card. This firmly affixes your group’s value proposition in their minds for the next time around.

Cards are usually good for a one year period and bear an expiration date on the front. This creates a built-in market for repeat sales.

As with any type of fund raising product it pays to do more than a little supplier research.

Costs for 1,000 unit batches begin at $4 with many of them and drop as low as $1.00 from the best suppliers.

Among school fund raising ideas, discount shopping cards are a perennial favorite. They also make a good overlay or add-on item for a catalog fundraiser.

School Fundraising Ideas: Pizza Card

What is a pizza card and how is it different?

A pizza card is a discount card with an offer tied to a single merchant, usually a national chain. It often provides a two- for-one offer on every order and is tends to be priced at $10 for a card good for a one-year period.

Offers vary with most being tied to either a single location or a small group of outlets for a national chain. Pizza Hut cards are good for eat-in dining while most others are aimed at the take-out or delivery market.

Given how popular pizza is with younger children as well as teenagers, pizza cards are excellent school fundraising ideas.

The cards for Pizza Hut and those for some of the other chains place a limit on the number of times you can use the card, often 21 times. That is an awful lot of free pizza for $10. Usage is tracked via holes punched in marked spots on the card.

Some of the offers also specify that your initial order must be for a large pizza while your free pizza is a medium size. When you think about it, that works well for most adults because they usually want a different set of toppings than what their children enjoy.

Like the discount card, pizza cards can be obtained from many suppliers. Most offer the same set of national chains and prices can vary widely, so it pays to shop around.

All in all, pizza cards are among the top school fundraisers for profit and ease of sale.

Donna asks…

What is the fast way to earn money (for a teenager)?

I’m 14 years and I want a little bit more money from my perents. But how?

Nagesh answers:

Try asking the more giving parent (if you have one, for me it’s my dad but that might be different for you) or a grandparent, aunt, uncle, whatever; if they have a project they need help with. Your dad might be happy to pay you for handing him tools and holding pieces together on something he’s building. Your mom might pay you for cleaning the kitchen. Your grandma might need boxes brought down from the attic. Just ask!
Otherwise, you could negotiate extra chores with your parents for an allowance (or a bigger one). This works especially well if there’s something they don’t like doing or don’t have time to do. (For example, walking the dog in the morning before they go to work)
Good luck!

EDIT: Though some places will hire 14 year olds, it’s not as easy to get a job as when you’re 16 or over (also think about transportation when looking).

Mandy asks…

What are different ways a teenager can save up money?

I am trying to take some of the weight off of my parents for Christmas this year (I know its still early to be thinking about Christmas) and so I was thinking I could buy myself some things. The problem is I don’t have a job 🙁 Does anyone have any ideas on ways to get money?

Nagesh answers:

Try selling things online ( eBay )
try getting a job in fast food restaurants ( Berger king or MacDonald’s etc )

But remember education comes first

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Saturday, November 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Helen asks…

Is it illegal to send a report to collections without telling me I owe money?

I’m dealing with collections, but I didn’t even find out I owed anyone money until I tried to buy a car… now it’s more than a year later and it’s too late to get the crucial information I need to sort everything out.

Nagesh answers:

No, it is not illegal if you are indeed the person who bought something and did not pay for it. It is customary business practice for creditors to send monthly statements to debtors stating the balance of money owing. However, creditors are not legally obligated to send out statements. It is the debtors’ responsibility to be aware of money they owe and to pay the money immediately.

If creditors are not paid, they have the right to recover their money by legal means. One of these means commonly used is to refer the matter to a collections agency. If you are NOT the person who made the purchase and it is a case of mistaken identity, you will have to prove that you were not the person involved.

If I understand what you are saying, you have no documents in your possession concerning the relevant transaction. I recommend that you obtain a copy of your credit report from one of the credit reporting agencies (Equifax or Transunion). The report will show the name of the company that has reported the delinquent account. This could refresh your memory about making the purchase or confirm that you did not do so.

Your next step would be to contact the collections agency and either agree to pay the money owing or prove to them that a case of mistaken identity exists. Try to be cooperative with them as this will help you to resolve the matter quickly. After the matter is resolved, you have to contact the credit reporting agency again to ensure that your credit report is amended.

It is up to you now to do all you can to re-establish your creditworthiness.

Good luck!

Mary asks…

How did Perry rise to top of the polls without supporters seeing him yet in a debate or Iowa poll?

It just seems odd how quickly GOP supporters overnight are strongly supporting Perry and no one really knows much about Perry.

Nagesh answers:

What A republican who stone walls the press and refuses interviews!

Ignore the smoke and mirrors, the real power in the GOP is who controls the billionaire money, since it can now legally be funneled to any candidate. A candidate can always buy the supporters he needs, when he has the bagmen in his pocket.

Thomas asks…

How can I get money to shoot a low budget feature film?

This is the first feature film for my production company. We have very high hopes are are confident this film will go far. How can we get some extra money for the film? I need any and all suggestions as quickly as possible! Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Most people in your position turn to credit cards. (Seriously!).

You might try to find someone who will give you an arts grant. Your state government probably has an arts granting council, and there may also be local arts support organizations. Many corporations also have arts grants (usually administered through their public relations departments). But unless the grant is especially designated for new artists, the odds are almost zero that you’ll get one–they tend to like established, reliable artists for their money.

If you do go for a grant, the key is to read the grant application guidelines over and over and make certain your application meets every single point of those guidelines–in detail!

Now, the only other possibility would be to find private investors who would buy “shares” in your project. This is a situation where there are some legal issues, so consult with an attorney or at least a banker if your friends and family are kicking in $100 per share, to make certain you keep records and handle the cash legally.

(I had friends who invested in the film “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” starring Barbara Eden. Never heard of it? That must be why they never got their investments back!)

Laura asks…

How soon after winning a property at auction can you move in?

Assuming no complications and cash buyer, how quickly can you move into the property in the UK?

Nagesh answers:

“Winning” at auction is the equivalent of exchanging contracts. At that point most of the work is done, even in a normal transaction. There are some legal formalities that have to be completed, but nothing that is particularly onerous or time consuming.

In a “normal” transaction, with a chain, the delay between exchange and completion is often down to everyone wanting to exchange ASAP (so everyone is committed) but then everyone having to wait until all parties are ready to move.

Most auctions require completion within 28 days, and if you have the money ready you could potentially complete within a day or two.

Remember, that you are legally committed to the purchase if you win the auction. You should therefore have already done your searches, survey, etc.

Sharon asks…

How can a 13 year old earn money quickly?

I’m a 13 year old girl. I’m a little too old for a lemonade stand.
First answer: why do they need your phone number?

Nagesh answers:

Seeing as though you are not of legal age to work yet, you can look for odd jobs in your neighborhood…maybe you see if a child down the street needs a babysitter, maybe you rake leaves for an elderly man/woman. One way that I earned money at that age was helping my aunt with her catering company, so one suggestion could be to check with family members to see if there is anything available like that. There are things you can do, but you have to be willing to look for it since you cannot legally apply for a job for another year. Good luck.

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Friday, November 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Paul asks…

What are some good ways to make money online?

I’m looking for some legitimate ways to make money online. I really want to be able to make some money from home to help me with the state of the economy. Please let me know of some legitimate ways to make money online without having to pay anything. I am also not looking for anything that is a scam because that seems to be all that I can find online these times. Please let me know of some websites that any of you have tried and are known to easily work. Thanks in advance and your help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Maverick Money Makers….

Search and Search as you might on the Web, you will find it difficult, to find any REAL testimonials on this particular program, that GUARANTEES that you are going to start earning $354.97 per day working from home.

At first, when I saw the website, I thought It sounded like all my dreams had come true, and that I too was going to become a millionaire like Mack Micheal’s. He comes across as a down to earth guy, he talks of his rag’s to riches success and claims that through his system, of step-by-step video tutorials, that you too can have the same sort of success.

Sounds Great right?

It sure does, however I was skeptical. Why? I could not find so much of a shred of information about other people having succeeded with Mack’s system. There were a few articles who’s authors insisted it was a total waste of money, and that they knew of a better system that could deliver better results. (It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why they were saying that.)

In this world where advertising is cut throat competition, Its hard to find any truth.

So I decided to risk it (I say RISK because, Even though they do offer a 60 day money back guarantee, I was skeptical that I would even see that back if I requested it)

So after being directed to pay for the program(which I discovered you can get for a discounted price, after navigating away from the page) I signed into MAVERICK MONEY MAKERS for the first time.

All I can say Is WOW. The Page layout is clear and easy to navigate, there are a ton of video tutorials, there’s quick money blueprint’s to get you earning ASAP. At this point I was quite chuffed with the whole thing.

But could It deliver the famous claims from the website and videos?

I found quite simply it could and did.

It was easy to follow, I was never left with questions at the end of a step by step tutorial, I could watch the video and then go and do what I needed to do to start earning myself money.

And you know what.

I did earn money. I’m not going to say that I earn $354 whatever dollars a day, but I can see the potential in earning that amount.

So If you are like I was back then, and did not know if this program is the way to go, from one newbie to another I think that this is DEFINITELY the way to go. I had tried a ton of other things to get me earning from the comfort of my own home, and I ended up disappointed, out of pocket, and on the verge of giving up. That is no longer the story, and Ive gone to being a newbie with little understanding and knowledge to preforming like a pro, having mastered the art of making money Online.

And I tell you what, I’m not looking back for a second.

Check my source. Good luck!

Jenny asks…

How can I make £335 as quick as possible for a trip to france? Please keep in mind im only 13!?

There is a school trip to france and some of my mates are going. I really want to go but my parents said that it is too expensive. I have decided to try and take matters into my own hands by trying to earn money. I thought of selling sweets and drinks but that is it. Any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

Well well done for trying to fund the trip yourself.
However, what if you only produced half the money and your parents paid for the other half of the trip? I think making around £167.50 yourself is an achievement for a 13 year old and your parents probably will too, so will reward you by paying the other half.
I’m only 15 and realise how hard it is to actually make any money until you’re old enough for a ‘proper job’. When I was 12 I started a paper round 6 days a week (every day before school and every Saturday) and was paid £15. It’s hard to get up at 6:00am at first, but trust me, it DOES get easier. I have also sold some of my stuff on e-bay and made a bit of money, but that’s not really regular enough. More recently, I started my own mini-bracelet making business and purchased materials cheaply online from China and Japan, made the goods and sold them to friends and family. I also made a free website at, so that was pretty cool.
Just be determined and don’t give up and you’ll easily do it!
Ooh, I just remembered, you could also try those online survey things. I’m a member of some of the sites, only problem is, they barely pay anything, but good if you have loads of time I guess.
Anyway, hope I helped and good luck!:)

Susan asks…

Hi! I want to start a business of garments, cosmetics or fashion jewellery?

I am a working woman and want to involve in any business activity to keep me occupied as well as earn money. Any suggestions? How to start?

Nagesh answers:

The best place to start would be to set up your wares on if you already have some products and are just looking to sell them. If you do not and are looking for wholesalers, I would suggest you do some research online into wholesalers, contact them and see what you can purchase from them.
I would suggest you start off with one type and then move your way up- either jewellery or cosmetics or garments but no all at the same time. It might get confusing pretty quick and organization is a nightmare.
There are many wholesale companies out there that sell jewellery – again you need to figure out if you’d like higher quality, lower cost etc. You can also make your own and sell it online! If you have a creative streak, you can start off relatively cheap by purchasing beads and making your jewellery at home. That way you can have a bit of an income and definitely keep you occupied.
Visit the resource below on more info on how you can start your own jewellery business. Best of luck!!!!

James asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

I am looking to supplement my income by working at home from my computer. I hear you can make money doing online surveys. Does anyone know this to be true? If so please give me some websites. I WILL NOT spend anyone of my own money as I am looking to make money.

Nagesh answers:

Yes you can make money with online surveys, but you have to be very careful – there are lot of scam out there, and never pay anyone to take surveys. I have done paid surveys for a while, and here is a great website that will help you get a good and quick start on earning money taking surveys: – I used and still visiting this site almost daily.

You have to know though that paid surveys is just a way to make EXTRA money, you will never make a full time income with it, just some extra spending cash. I agree some of the previous posters here – the best way to make money online is affiliate marketing or selling your own products.

Richard asks…

What is the best way to make money online?

I am looking to supplement my income and need some good ideas pretty quick. Any help is much appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

This site will help you make a good residual income and you can earn up to $2500 a month, hiring full and part time:

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Thursday, November 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Linda asks…

How much does a sperm doner make?

Look my family has hit hard times. My dad isnt working and my mom just barely makes over 11k a year. I really need money for college and my parents want me to get a car. Look I need some quick ways to make money. I heard sperm doning is easy money and I need it. So help me and if you know any other things tell me. Thanks for the help.

Nagesh answers:

1, You have to be 21.
2. You also have to have better spelling. No one wants a stupid baby.

Sandy asks…

What is the quickest way to become a RN?

What is the quickest way to become a RN? I am a senior in high school. I qualify for FAFSA and have an EFC is 0. I will be living in UT, with my sister and need to know my options. Should I attend a career college and then attend a University? Or should I do everything at a University? I need some info. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Attend a community college, and enroll in their associate in science university program for the first two years of your education, then go to a 4 year university to major in nursing. You will save a lot of money this way. This is what I am doing. I only have one semester left, then I will be attending a 4 year university for nursing. The BSN nursing degree is way better than the ADN nurse. You will make a lot more money, and you will have more respect at the hospital. The BSN degree is worth the waite. Good Luck!!!

George asks…

What kind of jobs can I get certified for in 6 months to a year?

I’m looking for a quick way to make money,
I know there are plently jobs that I can take courses for at
a community college and get certified, such as an EMT, Etc.

I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on something good,
for a 19 year old?
Please only serious answers,
I’m looking for anything in any general area,
that would take 6 months to a year at most.

Thank you:]

Nagesh answers:

LPN, which can lead to RN later if you want to add a year, cosmetology, depends on how many hours your state requires, but most are about 1 year full time.

Maria asks…

How do I get into the porn industry?

I’ll be graduating high school in two years and I really don’t want to college. And I know there aren’t a lot of jobs I can do without a college degree. I’m actually very comfortable with my body and is very pretty. I’m not camera shy and I think getting paid thousands of dollars to have sex (legally) is a easy quick way to make money.

Nagesh answers:

Why not Google it , Look in the Yellow Pages . .
OR you can make a video and post it on an online porn site or something. IDK , good luck. I mean bcause your gnna do it your way anyways , just please be careful.

Betty asks…

How would I go about starting an online business?

I have started a facebook fashion page that has recently hit 40k likes in 6 months (very proud of that). I’ve had a few small businesses contact me about possibly promoting their page on my fb so they can get more likes & they’ve offered to pay me. I never though about that but it’s a very good idea & a quick way to make some extra money. But I don’t wanna do anything illegal so I was wondering how I would go about doing it legal before I accept any money and get in trouble, in terms of taxes etc.

BTW I’m only 22 so I don’t know anything about the business world. Perhaps I should takes some business classes at a local community college?

Nagesh answers:

That’s self employment income that you will end up paying 30% instead of 15% tax due to no employer contribution. There are lots of people waning to deal in likes, shop around, you mifgt make the most with affiliate links to retailers, maybe 15% of any sales. Lots of internet marketing rookies from around the globe hang out at

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Wednesday, November 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

David asks…

How do a group of friends buy a house together?

At the moment there are 5 of us. Three with varying amounts of capital. The plan is that we all pay equal shares of the bills. Is there any guidance on how we would go about buying a property between us? Are there pre-made schemes available? How should we handle the situation of one person moving out or others moving in? Are there any legal issues we need to be aware of?

Nagesh answers:

Well, the problem that arrises is “title” of the property, and property ownership rights. If all 5 of your friends were to try and purchase a house, you would need financing. Assuming that you all have outstanding credit, great income to show, and ability to pay the monthly payment as a percentage lower than 28% of your monthly income, there should be no problem.

The problem with that, is that all 5 of you are probably not in that rosey situation for some reason or an other. This will make the transaction nearly impossible. The suggestions with advises that one of you be the owner of the property, while the other 4 invest their money but hold no legal claim on the title of the property, is a bad suggestion. Suppose one of your friends leaves, suppose it is you! What guarantee do you have that you earn your money back? What part of the property you paid money for do you own? NONE!

The alternative to this, is that you do not purchase the house as 5 seperate legal entities. You can instead chose to purchase the house as a joint and single business entity. Namely, a Partnership. That is in effect what all 5 of you plan to be, partners in crime so to speak.

You will need to get chartered, think of a name, draft up an agreement that allocates equal shares of profits and losses according to initial investment of each partner, and what can take place in the event one partner leaves..

The bank or any other lending institution will be more willing to give you a loan, and the title or ownership of the property will be in the name of the partnership. Keep in mind, under common law legal theory, which includes the UK, when one partner leaves, the partnership agreement resolves, which means the partnership resolves, which means that the house will not be owned by a non-existant entity anymore! Beware of this! In the event a partner leaves, you should allocate that partner’s interest to the other partner’s equally in the same ratio they shared profits and losses. You may find a new partner some time in the future, which can hopefully buy a portion of the partnership interest the rest of the 4 of you will hold.

The important thing is that you caution yourself and be prepared in the event that a partner exits (either by choice or death), and that the partnership is not allowed to dissolve and have no bearing or claim on the ownership of the house.

Talk with a lawyer on this one. I’m not familiar with UK laws, but it would be what I would recommend to someone in the states..

Good day then,

Joseph asks…

When a person retires and the annuity start paying out what is the tax liablity for the company?

I am studing for the state exam. Just need a little help from some one.

Nagesh answers:

There are two types of Pension scheme in UK – Money Purchase and Final Salary.

Normally all the Pension contributions are invested (usually in the stock market) by some outside experts. In the case of a Money Purchase pension, the pension payment depends on how well the Investments perform, whilst for Final Salary the payments depend only on length of service and final salary.

The term ‘annuity’ is normally associated with the Money Purchase type, and in this case I would think there is no additional liability for the Employer (because the annuity will be purchased by ‘cashing in’ the investments and provided by an outside Insurance Company).

However if we are talking about a Final Salary Pension, then the Employer is required to make whatever additional contributions are needed so that the Pension (based on service/salary) can continue to be paid whatever the state of the stock market. These Company contributions are an allowable expense (at least in UK), so no tax to pay …

Sandy asks…

How do you feel about sharing your criminal record, police spying reports, dna records, etc with a private com?

… private company and all of their associated third party partners?

G4S Policing Solutions

G4S Police

Securing Your World
The UK and Ireland’s leading integrated security and outsourcing group

G4S Lincolnshire Police report
Obviously G4S don’t see or find any downsides to their latest money making scheme. They’ve saved the money by being able to have people working on minimal wages, easy hiring and firing, and less employee screening than would be normal for what you would expect of our police forces. They’re not going to say that in the links that I’ve provided you but these were the reasons given for the money saving by a G4S employee on Radio 5 this morning.

Is nothing sacred anymore as long as it saves money? Would you be happy for G4S to share your DNA with their third party private insurance company partners? … with their third party private NHS supplier partners, with their third party private employment agency partners, etc, etc?

Do really have to follow the US debt ridden, hand all you tax money to private companies, privatise everything, ponzi scheme economic model or are you an establishment trust bunny who thinks that it’s okay for government and private companies to do whatever the hell they want? Afterall we voted them in and I’m too lazy to be bothered to do anything about it and if I joined a protest group I might be labelled an anarchist or terrorist or something and being devoid of common sense I’d rather sort out the mess later.
Chen Yen – may I be the first to congratulate you on your incredible natural psychic ability. 40% of all men have a criminal record of some sort, so your odds are about a 6/4 chance of getting one too at some point in your life.

Nagesh answers:

I don’t like it because I know that info will be used for Obama care and also to make judges do what is wanted for them and perhaps to even blackmail a President etc–and by the way I dont like Governors telling me the size of my soft drink either!!

John asks…

Why do people answer questions here when they haven’t got a clue?

I’ve seen quite a few cases where people have given inaccurate or irrelevant answers to questions. And worse, these answers have been upvoted.

In particular people have been given bad advice about UK benefits rules which, if followed, would lead to sanctions and loss of money.

Why would anyone do this?

Nagesh answers:

This is a very good question, I have also seen quite a few answers to questions about benefits which are completely wrong and sometimes quite alarmingly wrong.
I have worked in Housing and Council Tax Benefits (or Council Tax Support as it is now) for 11 years, 5 of which I was a senior officer and some of the answers given here are very inaccurate. There is a large amount of legislation which surrounds UK Benefits and there is no way that these people can claim to know it as it is very complex and the government make regular changes to it, even with my 11 years experience I am not going to claim that I know all of it and I don’t think it would be an easy task to find anyone who does.
My advice to anyone with a question about benefit would be to contact your local benefit office as they are the ones who are qualified to give you the correct advice, this is not really the right place for these questions, especially housing benefit as it will vary considerably due to different Local Housing Allowance rates and now that Council Tax Support is a local scheme it will also differ from council to council.
I think the reasons people answer these questions may be because they have or are either a landlord or tenant who has recieved housing benefit and think they know all of it, or they are just doing it to score points on Yahoo Answers, as I said if in doubt its best to check with your local benefits office, if they don’t know the answer to your question they will be able to check the legislation and get back to you

Richard asks…

so if benefit cheats are considered to be muggers then doesn’t that make the BIG Banks a bunch of Paedophiles?

According to George Osbourne, benefit cheats are “muggers”. So the moral equivalent for the banks would be “peados”.

After all, the kiddies are being condemned to debt servitude in the future by the BIG Banks via the government acting as a proxy in the taxation / debt repayment SCHEME.

Nagesh answers:

New ConDem Treasury Chief David Laws In £40,000 Housing ‘Benefit’ Expenses Scandal

Some other facts and figures for you to peruse at your leisure. 2007/08
UK bad debt liability bailouts / taxpayer money to banks = £1,000 billion +
UK quantitative easing needed so far as result of banking incompetence = £275 billion
Estimated UK tax revenue lost from tax evasion by the rich = £200 billion
Housing Benefit landlords pocket to house those below = £17.181 billion
Disability Benefit for those unwanted by private employers = £16.218 billion
Income Support for the low paid or part time employees = £8.687 billion
Council Tax benefit for those in need = £4.23 billion
Job Seekers Allowance for those in need = £2.881 billion
Benefit and tax credit fraud = £1.5 billion
Cost of tracking down benefit and tax credit fraud = £ 1 billion
Total saved by tracking down benefit and tax credit fraud = £ 0.5 billion

Govt Public Spending Bubble Chart Link – Can anyone spot the big Red Elephant in the top right hand corner of the room that has had it’s spending increased by 49,891%? (yes, that is supposed to be nearly fifty thousand per cent )

There is an alternative: The case against cuts in public services

Cuts, cuts, cuts: which government department will be hardest hit?

UK Quantitative Easing £275bn + “the over £1 trillion of bailed out banks bad debt liabilities”

Comparing the U.S.( or the UK ) to Russia and Argentina

Benefit cheat ‘hit squads’ planned

UK Employment Rate History

Who’s at fault? Who’s mugging who? – You decide.


PS : If someone can supply me a single link to a good list or breakdown of total banking bonuses, I’d be very grateful. I can’t find one anywhere. I can find out individual bonus announcements but to list them all together takes too many links.

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Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making On Runescape

Carol asks…

im looking for a auto woodcutter and banker for runescape that is free download no survey?

that works and no (virus) plz or a fast money making guide.

Nagesh answers:

They upgraded their auto detecting sofware in the game so a lot of the autoers have been shut down and banned.

John asks…

What is the best way to make runescape gold?

I tried chopping down Yew trees, but that’s going slow, so I want to find a better and faster way to make runescape gold

Nagesh answers:

Money made per hour: 50k +
Items needed: A weapon
Skills needed: Be able to kill a cow(8hp) reasonably quickly(1-3 hits), Having done “Prince Ali Rescue” would be a distinct advantage
1. Get out your best weapon(Dont use armor unless it is absolutely necessary so that you dont get killed by a cow =P ; This is to save your running energy)
2. Go just north-east of Lumbridge, across the water, and find the place with a bunch of cows
3. Fight the cows until you have a full inventory of cowhides
4. Take all cowhides to either Lumbridge or Al Kharid Bank(Lumbridge only if you havent completed “Prince Ali Rescue”)
5. Bank ALL cowhides
6. Heal if needed
7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you have about 1000 cowhides(will take about 36 trips)
8. Once you have all the cowhides, do one of two things: Sell them on GE for about 118 ea, or find a buyer in Al Kharid in a populated world, and sell them for more
9. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money made per hour: 52k +, but as you get over 60 woodcutting it will get better
Items needed: Rune WC axe
Skills needed: 60+ Woodcutting
1. Take out your rune axe, and go to edgeville(search on rs maps)
2. Just south of the bank, in this little area, you will see some yew trees ; go to them
3. Cut the yew trees until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank, bank the yews
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have about 1000 yews(37ish trips)
6. Once you have the yews, sell them on GE for about 347 coins each
7. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Rune pickaxe
Skills needed: 30+mining
NOTE: All right, im not a miner, so I have no clue about any of this, but I will try to illustrate a simple way to make money through mining.
1. Find a type of rock that you are willing to mine constantly, and find a place to get it
2. Go to that place, and keep on mining until you have 1000 of that ore
3. Sell them for GE price at GE
4. Repeat process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Items needed: Lobster cage, about 5k
Skills needed: 40+ Fishing
NOTE: Do not cook lobsters at any time, as they lose value when cooked
1. Take out your lobster cage and money, go to Karamja
2. Go to the top, there will be a dock
3. Fish lobsters until you have a full inventory
4. Run to the bank in either Draynor or Falador
5. Bank all lobsters
6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have about 1000 lobsters (40ish trips)
7. Sell lobsters for ____ Ea at GE
8. Continue this process until you have a satisfying amount of money

Money per hr: 50k +
NOTE: All of the other moneymaking schemes are well known, but this one I came up with myself.
Items needed: 150k To start(this will cover all costs)
Skills needed: NONE! (Thats the best part =] )
1. Buy yourself some really cool and standing-out clothes(I myself chose some golden robes), you can spend about 10-15k of the 150k for this
2. Change your hair, skin, or clothes color to look even cooler with your outfit
3. Make sure you look as cool as possible, then go to the Al Kharid bank with about 120k in your inventory
4. Heres where you choose what you are willing to pay for the cowhides you will be buying. I am suggesting anywhere from 100 to 120 each
5. Now practice your fast typing skills ; heres what you type:
white:shake:Buying all noted cowhides 100 Ea! (You may change according to your price, but only change the price part)[REMEMBER: KEEP FIRM ABOUT THE NOTING!]
6. Continue switching worlds. Thats the secret ; once a few people have traded you, or if the bank is dead, just keep on world hopping
7. After a while, try to make some friends among the cowhide sellers, and try to find some long-term suppliers
8. These long term suppliers will kill cows, get the hides, then sell them to you
9. Every once in a while, get the workers a little reward, maybe just a set of addy or something(This will make them keep on coming to you)
10. After a while, you can have about 5 workers, and you can create whatever rules in your “business” as you want
11. Use Sals realm of RS forums, and other runescape forums, to advertise your business
12. In any case, soon you will have 1k noted hides.
13. Bank them all, and take out 3k cash, and fill the rest of the inventory with hides
14. Walk to the tanner(a few stores above the bank), and right click ON THE HARD LEATHER SPOT-> tan ALL
15. After 38-ish trips, you will have all your cowhides tanner into HARD LEATHER(Hard leather is worth more [If it suddenly becomes worth less, change to normal leather] )
16. Go to GE and sell the hard leather for net price(last time i checked about 170ea)
17. Congratulations, you have just made some money =p
18. Continue this until you have a satisfying amount of money
add me if u need any more

Sandra asks…

How can u get fast money on runescape with low skills?

I need a quick money maker that makes lots of money and i dont have that great of skills on runescape. can u help me?

Nagesh answers:

Ok if you want to learn how to make money in runescape I am your solution!


When i started merchanting I had 2k and in 2 Weeks i got it up to 108k and i loged in only once a day for not even 2 min. How did i do it? I’ll tell you:

1) First what you need to do is go to the GE (grand exchange) and purchase as many feathers as you can buy BUT BUY THEM AT LOWEST PRICE ONLY!!!! (curently thats only 5 gp)

2) Log in the next day (or at least 12 hours after you atempted to buy the feathers) and your offer should be made and you will have alot of feathers! YAY!!!!! But now you will have to sell them at 6gp each that gives you 1 gp for every feather…that may not seem like much but once you do it you will realize how much the profit is (ALOT!!!!!!!!!!)

here are some more ways to get some mula:…

Jenny asks…

How do get fast money on runescape on mem?

Am a mem and i wamt to know that how to get

Nagesh answers:

Kill green dragons and only collect bones, or you can also collect the hides but its a little less cash.. But it is a bit faster… Best way to do this is to use a cannon, a whip and a anti dragon shield and watch out for PK’ers >.> noobz! Haha
Another way i like to do is killing the giant mole, dig with a spade on a mole hole in falladore gardens and make sure you take torches, a cannon with about 300 balls, a good weapon and a range weapon and teleport runes and a tinderbox and prayer restor pots… He’s a little tricky to find when he burrows under the ground but after you collect all the claws and mole skins and dragon meds you will make a HUGE profit.. I spend around 100k on cannon balls, sharks, pots and rune arrows and i come out with about 700k just google it or search it up on youtube on how to kill it and what equipment to use 😀 add me ingame: God Ownz

Steven asks…

what skill can make you the easiest money on runescape?

Now I have done every single skill on runescape. I may not have got the levels to something seriously high yet. My highest level is 94 thieving. pretty much every single one of my levels are over lvl 40 besides hunter, fishing and slayer. What I am wondering is which skill out of all the skills can make you the fastest money in your opninion? Or if you really couldn’t even tell me which is the fastest then just tell me one that you consider to be fast!

Nagesh answers:

Pay attention when I say this. The ways to make quick money don’t give you a lot money. The ways that give you millions take a while and some effort.

Runescape players need to learn that to make good money takes time. You cannot be lazy.

Slayer is the most profitable skill.

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Monday, November 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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