Archive for November, 2013

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Daniel asks…

How can i make money using adsense?

Ok, well, i’m 15 years old and i need a job, i’ve been hearing about all these people making 5k a month just by using a few hours of there time each day. I would like to try this out but don’t know where to start.

Nagesh answers:

The answer to how to make money using AdSense is relatively easy once you understand how Google uses the program. It allows anyone with a website or blog to place ad units on their content sites and receive compensation whenever a site visitor clicks on one of the ads.

The program works by scanning your sites content and automatically placing ads that complement the existing theme of your site. There are many people who have taken advantage of the program to earn extra money with their existing sites and then there are those that have created a full time business once they have figured out exactly how to make money using AdSense.

The biggest and only real challenge is the ability to create content sites and grabbing the ad code from Google to place on your site. Once this is achieved you simply need to attract visitors that are interested in the topic discussed on your site. The reason the system works so well is because people are obviously visiting your website or blog because they are interested in what you are talking about and since the ads relate to your theme it basically give the visitor more places to go to get information. Performing that click through is exactly how to make money using AdSense.

Here are a couple tips that may help:

1. You can control the color scheme of your ads and it is important to strive to have them blend into your site theme and look like a natural part of the site rather than an ad.
2. Make sure you have a clear and recognizable theme so that Google knows easily what ads to place on your site. Bolding key point words will help.
3. Never click on your own sites ads. This is tracked and will get you banned from the program.
4. Never tell your friends as multiple clicks from the same individuals will be recognized as well and will get you banned.
5. Do not direct site visitors to click on the ads as this violates the terms of service.

If you have no experience with building websites there are now software programs that make it extremely easy to put together sites and teach you how to make money using AdSense.

Linda asks…

Is it too late to start financial planning at 40?

I don’t have debt and have some money saved but don’t have an IRA, 401K or any substantial investments. Oh, and my salary is pathetic.

Is it too late to start planning for retirement at my age or am I doomed to work until I die?

Nagesh answers:

No. Its never too late. In the scheme of things, 40 is a relatively good time to get your act together.

First things first. Your real problem is your second sentence. “My salary is pathetic.” If you had said, “my salary is low but I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!” I might be willing to debate you a bit. As it is, you left no doubt. Start the search for a better job that pays well today. Ten minutes a day every day plus one hour every weekend for the next year, minimum. Make it a priority and it will happen. Go to the library and do (not just read) one or all of these books:

What Color Is Your Parachute? By Richard N. Bolles
Gifts Differing by Isabel Briggs Myers
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton

Second, open an IRA at (linked to your checking account) and deposit at least a few dollars into it with every paycheck. If your income is low enough to get the tax break from a traditional IRA, open that. If not, open a Roth IRA. To start, don’t worry about all the investment options. Just put the IRA money in the FDIC insured savings investment option for your IRA.

Ken asks…

What should my career be based on my personality?

People say I speak really well and that I can write really good stories and poem and stuff. I know I am creative and that I like to help people. I would love a career that I will enjoy, make a good income, and will have some off time if I have kids.

Nagesh answers:

Ack! SO many scam job and money making scheme postings on your question.

Let me try to give you a real answer here. Being a novelist, poet or other type of writer such as a newspaper columnist or essay writer would be your dream job, no doubt. The problem is, this is an incredibly HARD thing to succeed in. Don’t let that slip away but don’t give up the day job as they say. Write during your time off and one day you might end up being able to quit the 9 to 5 but do not rely on this field to pay your bills.

Logical job suggestions based on your strengths and able to keep a roof over your head would be:

English teacher or professor
creative writing teacher or professor
social worker

Jobs that you would be good at but kind of suck (lol):

call center rep
data entry clerk
sales (such as real estate agent or insurance broker)

All these suggestions are based on your ability to speak well to others, express yourself in writing and sense of empathy and connecting with people. The most fun and successful options are obvious but having a little idea of entry level stuff in the meantime is never bad.

I actually worked as a representative of an international travel insurance company. A very stressful job but it paid well and was interesting. It really fits ALL of your strengths but is not something I would recommend for the rest of your life. It was a call center job like none other. Some callers were nice and happy and you could have really long, fun conversations with them, really relaxed. These people were getting ready to travel and wanted to buy insurance. These guys loved to talk about their trips and there was never a call time limit at this job.

The dark side is that some callers were in bad situations. Everything from being stranded for days at the airport, lost luggage, injury, sickness or death of someone on their trip, legal troubles, customs battles, you name it.

The really stressful part is that you never knew what was on the other line until you got the call, so you have to go from happy and excited with the positive customer then totally switch gears to be confident, compassionate and helpful with the negative callers. Such an experience that job was. O_o

George asks…

What would a bank have to gain in giving out loans to people who really can’t afford them?

The current economic situation,so it has been said, is largely based on foreclosures and subprime loans. It has been said these banks were “forced” to give these loans to be fair. But wouldn’t the banks resist knowing people can’t afford the loan or mortgage? I have seen banks OFFER much more money than a person needs or wants or can repay.

Nagesh answers:

Virtual money debt is better to banks than your real money.
They mass merger banking companies into single giant banks..then they give out tons and tons of money to create mass debt ..they know many of those people wont be able to pay them back. Predatory lending isn’t trying to get your money ..its trying to create a system of two possibilities.. First it will try to get your money, but it knows you didnt have it from the beginning, then , after surmounting massive debts by millions of people, those companies turn to the goverment and say = “we need money and we need it now to save the economy and our single bank ..becaus eif it collapses ..oh my ”

The government may them bail them out.
So think about that..they loaned money to people at the beginning that they knew couldn’t pay it back. Yet they loaned it with a rising interest rate. Guess who they REALLY loaned money too?= the US Government. They knew when they made those loans that they could rack up massive interest rate debts first ..and THEN, turn it all over to Govt. Also, if there had been millions of banks, the US Govt wouldve told them to get lost .. Because their failed business practices caused their own darn collapse. BUT , thats why banks and loan companies try to merger into single GIANT companies. That way the fizzling of their company would be too great a burden and they leverage a as if terrorist blackmail against Government by saying without saying “pay us or mass disaster ensues”

Its crap, and US Govt should let them all fail – thatwould teach them a lesson. Bail out the people ..but not the ones that intentionally make GAMING schemes against the US Govt systems.

James asks…

How did those people become super rich?

I see the rich people dinning in expensive restaurants, live in luxerious houses, driving mercedes. I want to ask them, how did your become so super rich? I want to know the “how”.

I don’t think simply “working hard” can make me that rich. I see many people work so hard that it even threatens their health, but most of them get old and die even before reaching the 1/50 of the richness of the above people.

There must be something.

Is becoming rich confined to a certain careers, specially to the “business” sector, like real estates, being the head of the grocery store, owner of the firm, etc.? What careers that make them super rich?

And do you think the manufacturing career is in fact, does not make much money and does not make the people become super rich?

Please tell me.

Nagesh answers:

Much extreme wealth was inherited. There aren’t a lot of self made people anymore but it does happen.

Good investments help but knowing how to invest without being schemed or taken takes wisdom that most ordinary people just don’t have. Life is so full of trickery.

If you find out, let me in on it.

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Saturday, November 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Nancy asks…

Way to make alot money fast plz help ?

Ok i need money cuz i want to buy a x box elite but i only have well lets say only have 2 hundred im willing to spend so plz help i need like i think it is 2 hundred or 3 hundred more how can i make that money fast and i am 13 and i dont want any online crap or any fake scam crap i just want ways to make money plzz and thank u =]

Nagesh answers:

Wat till u have the money, lifes more important than video games.

Michael asks…

Make Extra Money Online?

Hello, I just landed a new job where (fortunately or unfortunately) I now have a lot of free time at work (say 2 hours a day). I have unrestricted, fast Internet access. I’m looking for ways I can use this time to make some extra cash. My ideas so far:

– Day trade / stock trade

– Start a blog about something and post every day; hope to make money from ads

– Read financial blogs and news to be aware of investment opportunities sooner. I already do this and am already better informed than most. I’m looking for what I can do with my TIME, not so much with my money.

– Fill in surveys for cash (so far they are all US-based or seem like scams or both)

– Request free samples of products (Nah…I don’t want more crap like ketchup samples)

So, what other ideas can you offer me? Remember, these have to be things I can do online while at work. If you have links to GOOD surveys-for-cash sites that are NOT US-based, those are welcome too.

PS: Please no scams. I can find those easily enough myself thanks! 🙂
Thank you for all the answers. I was hoping for other ideas than just filling in surveys/offers since I listed that as an idea I already had.

Nagesh answers:

Note that while there are lots of LEGITIMATE ways to make money from the internet, none of them are easy. There is simply no free lunch even in the internet.

Interestingly, internet is actually a good place to learn something new and get paid for it. This way you can acquire skills and knowledge without going through costly formal education (although you still need formal education for certification).

If you like to learn new things, you can start by reading these articles.
Basically what you have to do is learning something, write an article summarizing about what you learn and submit the articles into some website.

You may even use the power of some internet forums to boost your income just like written in this article:

Basically, you will need more than one website if you want to earn something decent. You can’t earn anything using only any

single website. For example, you might want to start writing articles in this website:

Ken asks…

i need money and fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

what online survays can i do… that includes NO scams i dnt have 2 pay 2 sign up, i dnt have 2 pay 2 start makeing the money. also the comes to me fast and i need an onlie website that a 13 or 14 year old can do



Nagesh answers:

Check out my profile and you will see a link to my blog. It will tell you about a great website where you can make an easy $50 to $150 a month doing 100% free surveys and offers. My blog will inform of other ways to make easy money. You also only have to be at least 13 to join!

Linda asks…

Are there any surveys I can take to make money online..?

no scams.. no bogguses.. Im 15 and I need cash fast.. also.. the one that works.. =)

Nagesh answers:

I belong to over 10 survey companies and it is hard to find legit ones. Unfortunately most people on Yahoo Answers think that they are a scam. If your new to this and need a good company, I recommend They are very easy to use and they are legit. If you don’t believe check out the proof of payments on the web.

Susan asks…

How can a 15 year old female earn money online fast with no scams or start fee ?

I can’t really get a job because of my age and the area I live in. I need to earn money fast . It would be nice if I could get paid by debit card or paypal or even gift card etc

Nagesh answers:

Sell stuff on Ebay that you no longer need but are worth something, buy cheap stuff and sell to make a profit! Such as hair straghtners, hair dryers those kind of stuff. You would get paid onto a card aswell
Good luck!

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Friday, November 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Daniel asks…

Can I get financial help to help look after my child as I have mobility problems?

I have recently been diagnosed with 2 slipped discs and an impinged nerve in my back. I have a 16 month old son and am struggling to look after him while my partner’s at work as I can’t lift him or chase after him if needs be as I’m on crutches and in a lot of pain. Would I be eligible for financial help to have someone come in and help me?

Nagesh answers:

As someone else mentioned do apply for DLA as you sound entitled. You can also phone up your local social services adult help desk and ask for an OT assessment and social worker assessment. The OT will come out and assess what aides and adaptations you need and are eligible for. You can be lent a stair lift for example, if you need it, a bath lift or an electric bed.

The OT can also lend you a manual wheelchair. Would it be easier to follow your little one around the house in a chair? He can also sit on your lap if you need to transport him from room to room. If he’s a wriggler then a pair of reigns or similar child restraint can secure him to you. You can also borrow a wheelchair for free from the red cross.

There are disabled facilities grants of up to £15,000 to make adaptations to your home if necessary. I am waiting to have a wet room put in and a wheelchair height kitchen counter.

A social worker can help if possible with getting you some help in the house. It will depend on your partner’s earnings though. There is a scheme called direct payments. If you are eligible then you are given money to employ your own help.

Home start are a fantastic charity that helps parents who need advice or practical help with young children. They are there to help parents with all kinds of needs including sickness and disability. You can self refer. The link is
to see what help they offer a real family watch “saints and scroungers” series 3 episode 20 on bbc iplayer.

Ask the social worker for information on other charities that can help you. Also speak to your health visitor, she will be the woman in the know. There is help out there it’s just finding it to resource it.

Useful links:

if you find you do need financial help with ant equipment, then this is a great charity to approach:

i hope you get the help you need asap. Best wishes, A x

Susan asks…

(UK) what legal rights do I have regarding the return of my deposit from a rental property?

Never failed to pay rent
No damage to property
not in breach of tenancy agreement

Landlord refusing to discuss the return of my deposit – what legal rights do I have about this and where can I go for (free) help and support?

Do we have the right to keep our keys and some belongings at the property until our deposit is returned?

Nagesh answers:

The tenant can apply for a court order requiring the deposit to be safeguarded or the prescribed information to be given to him. Where the court is satisfied that the landlord has failed to comply with these requirements, or is not satisfied that the deposit is being held in accordance with an authorised scheme, the court must either –

order the landlord within 14 days of the making of the order to repay the deposit; or
order the landlord to pay the deposit into the designated account held by the custodial scheme administrator.
The court must also order the landlord to pay to the tenant (or person who paid the deposit on his/her behalf) an amount equivalent to three times the deposit amount within 14 days of the making of the order.

Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme for tenants
Are you a tenant renting from a private landlord?

Had problems getting your deposit returned?

If the answer to these two questions is yes, then you will need to be aware of new laws coming into force from 6th April 2007 which will require your landlord to protect your deposit.

Any deposit money you pay to your landlord from the 6th April 2007, must be placed with an approved scheme. This won’t apply if you have already paid your deposit before this date on an existing assured shorthold tenancy.

There are two schemes your landlord can choose to use. The Insurance Based Scheme and the Custodial Scheme. If there is a dispute over the return of your deposit then it will be passed to an Alternative Dispute Resolution service. This is an independent person who will decide if your money should be returned. Your landlord must give you legal information about which scheme they have used within 14 days of paying your deposit.

As a tenant it is important that you ask for a receipt from your landlord when you pay your deposit as this is your proof that you’ve paid it.

It will be good practice for your landlord to use inventories and schedules of condition. These are records about the property telling you what furniture is included and what standard the property is in eg chipped paint on doors. This will help both you and your landlord know what condition the property is in at the start of the tenancy.


If the landlord fails to look after your deposit and place in the approved scheme or fails to inform you about it, they will be unable to use the two month notice that asks you to leave the property. As a tenant you will be able to apply to the County Court by filling in the appropriate form, to order the landlord to either repay the deposit or order the landlord to pay the deposit into one of the two schemes. Your landlord would also be ordered to pay you three times the level of the deposit.

The reason for this new law is to encourage good renting practice so both landlords and tenants know their interests are protected.

Take lots of video proof of the condition of your houes and the landlord inspecting (covertly) so he cant arge the facts, if he says your wrecked it and get it in writing.

Michael asks…

Justice Minister plans tough prison regime in the UK do you agree with him?

Chris Grayling MP the Justice Minister plans to ban Sky TV in prisons, force prisoners to wear drab uniforms, give them less pocket money, have fewer TVs in cells and ban gay couples from sharing cells. He thinks this tough regime will cut crime. What are your views?.

Nagesh answers:

Whether it cuts crime or not it is a measure which ought to be applauded.

A prison sentence is, among other things, supposed to include an element of deterrent. Giving inmates a cushy life is therefore not appropriate.

Cutting crime will require a few more initiatives than just this though, I’d suggest longer sentences and an end to the automatic half-way release scheme. For example I believe even a first-time (caught, that is) dwelling house burglar should get five years. And that means five, not two and a half.

That coupled with a less luxurious stay in jail might concentrate some minds in the future that they don’t want to go through another five years (I’d make it seven for a second offence) and not commit the crime.

You can forget all those cosy ideas of rehabilitation: they simply don’t work and all the while the crims are out on the streets able and willing to do more crime. More victims. That must be what the lefties want! Why? All these hopelessly out-of-touch leftie academics ought to get into the real world for a change. One thing is irrefutable: while locked up a criminal can commit no crime.

And all this nonsense about ‘social justice’ (another posh trendy phrase which seems to mean that crims rather than victims ought to be given more) is misleading; people know they ought not to break into someone else’s house. It really is very simple. But all the time the left make excuses for them. Maybe somehow they have never been burgled?

I am sick of prisoners being given all the attention and rights; what about the poor innocent victims? Some people never recover from being burgled. It’s a particularly nasty crime.

Nancy asks…

So much blame for the economic crisis on irresponsible home buyers?

Predatory lenders are just to blame. Thousands more of long time homeowners are also going into foreclosure, not because they are irresponsible, but as a result of loss of long term jobs, paying out of pocket expenses for outrageous medical costs (including those not covered by their present or former employers) struggling with the high cost of inflation from every direction. Many have depleted their life savings. This economy has been going downhill for at least the past five years.

So what got us to this point?

All comments appreciated.

Thanks pstot, I was wondering where all the economists were tonight. Maybe in Washington!

Nagesh answers:

Criminals in high positions of power got us into this situation. Their greed and their taking advantage of the system, and their manipulation of politics to do away with most of the protections provided by the Constitution was key in setting up this mess.

And it was entirely intentional. It is another power grab.

If you frighten people enough then they will give up their freedoms and rights to you if you offer to provide a solution to their problems – this principle was the key behind Hitler’s rise to power and it was also behind 9/11 and the war in Iraq and now the current financial upsets. The bailout legislation contained wording that would allow Paulson to do whatever he wanted with the taxpayers’ 700 Billion, and it would place him above the law – wording to the effect that no federal court could prosecute him for anything he does was in the bill. And he is but one of the many evil men that now have control.

There is a website run by GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Association) that is at: where you can find many articles written by honest and knowledgeable financial experts – they have seen this coming for awhile.

Although this website is by subscription you can get a 2-week free membership. I highly recommend that you check it out. Right now there is an article on the suspect activities of Paulson and his cronies – past and present.

Here is a sample:

Financial Tsunami: The End of the World as we Knew it
By F. William Engdahl*
1 October 2008

The unexpected US Congress’ rejection of the Bush Administration financial rescue plan, TARP on September 29 has opened up the spectre for the first time of a 1931-style domino wave of worldwide bank failures. That is already underway across the US banking spectrum with the failure, nationalization or forced liquidation in the past two weeks of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, of the giant Washington Mutual mortgage lender, of the nation’s fourth largest deposit bank, Wachovia. That was on top of a wave of smaller bank failures that began with IndyMac in the spring. For some it is appealing and more simple to grasp the magnitude of these titanic events in the US-centered financial world by assuming it is all part of a pre-planned grand conspiracy by the Money Masters, what in the 1920s in the USA was termed the Money Trust, to control the entire financial world.

As the details of the present crisis reveal, there are huge ideological fault lines making for chaos and a potential meltdown of the Laissez Faire financial system. That present system, which was built on the back of Wall Street financial and banking deregulation since 1987 when Alan Greenspan, a devout follower and close friend of radical individualist Ayn Rand, became Wall Street’s man at the Federal Reserve for almost 19 years, is over now with the failure of the Henry Paulson $700 billion bailout scheme. Governments worldwide now face no alternative but to begin the painful process of putting the financial genie back in the bottle and re-regulating an out-of-control financial system. The failure of the UK Government and the US Government to address that fundamental issue is behind the present crisis of confidence.

A brief look at history

The Great Depression in Germany in 1931 began with a seemingly minor event—the collapse of a bank in Vienna, Creditanstalt, that May. For readers interested in more on the remarkable parallels between that crisis and that of today, I recommend the treatment in my earlier volume, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order.

That Vienna bank collapse in turn was triggered by a political decision in Paris to sabotage an emerging German-Austrian economic cooperation agreement by pulling down the weakest link of the post-Versailles system, the Vienna Creditanstalt. In the process, Paris triggered a series of tragic events that led to the failure of the German banking system over a period of several weeks. The post-1919 Versailles System, much like the post-1999 US Securitization System, was built on a house of cards with no foundation. When one card was removed, the entire international financial edifice crumbled.
Then, in 1931, there was an inept Brüning government in Germany, which believed severe austerity was the only solution, merely feeding unemployment lines to pay the Young Plan German reparations to the new Bank for International Settlements in Basle.

Then, in 1931 George Harrison, a Germano-phobe, was the inexperienced Governor of the powerful New York Federal Reserve. Harrison was a member of the anglophile Skull & Bones, the elite Yale University secret society which also included George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush as initiates. Harrison, who went on to coordinate the secret Manhattan Project on the development of the Atomic bomb under fellow Skull & Bones member, War Secretary Henry Stimson, believed the crisis had started not from abroad but with German bankers trying to make a prof

David asks…

What is the role of the royal family within Britain’s governmental hierarchy?

Are they just a horse and pony show.. or is there a real function of the royal family, do they have power and how are they paid?

Nagesh answers:

They support the Queen and only a few members of the family receive money to run their offices;they don’t get paid to be royal.
They don’t have political powers,just influence:

“Members of the Royal Family support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and stability.

Those who undertake official duties are members of The Queen’s close family: her children and their spouses, and The Queen’s cousins (the children of King George VI’s brothers) and their spouses.
Younger members of the Royal Family who are presently in education or military training – such as Prince William and Prince Harry – do not undertake official duties full-time, but often play a role in important national events and commemorations.
Every year the Royal Family as a whole carries out over 2,000 official engagements throughout the UK and worldwide.
These engagements may include official State responsibilities. Members of the Royal Family often carry out official duties in the UK and abroad where The Queen cannot be present in person. The Prince of Wales and The Princess Royal, for example, may present members of the public with their honours at an Investiture.
When official events such as receptions, State banquets and garden parties are held, the Royal Family supports The Queen in making her guests welcome.
Members of the Royal Family also often represent The Queen and the nation in Commonwealth or other countries, at events such as State funerals or national festivities, or through longer visits to strengthen Britain’s diplomatic and economic relations.
The Royal Family also plays an important role in supporting and encouraging the public and charity sectors. About 3,000 organisations list a member of the Royal Family as patron or president.
The huge range of these organisations – covering every subject from education to the environment, hospitals to housing – allows members of the Royal Family to meet people from a wide spectrum of national and local life, and to understand their interests, problems and concerns.
2,000: the number of official engagements carried out by the Royal Family each year in the UK and overseas.
70,000: the number of people entertained each year to dinners, lunches, receptions and garden parties at the Royal residences.
100,000: the number of letters received and answered each year by the Royal Family.
Some members of the Royal Family have also established their own charities – for example, The Prince’s Trust, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, a charity which provides advice and support for people acting as carers.
The Royal Family also plays an important role in recognising and supporting the work of the Armed Services. Members of the Royal Family have official relationships with many units of the Forces, paying regular visits to soldiers, sailors and airmen serving at home and abroad.
Finally, the Royal Family as a whole plays a role in strengthening national unity. Members of the Royal Family are able to recognise and participate in community and local events in every part of the UK, from the opening of new buildings to celebrations or acts of commemoration.
The Queen working by herself would be unable to attend every engagement to which she is invited. Members of the Royal Family can undertake local or specialist engagements which would otherwise have to be declined. “

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Thursday, November 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Sandy asks…

How do I move to college, aka get a job and apartment in another city?

I am a senior in highschool and am leaving to college sometime in early-mid july! I am excited but supper stressed. I am going to santa barbara city college (which is a 2 year) and my parents are paying for tuition, but i have to pay for everything else, rent, food, gas ect. money is going to be TIGHT. I need help figuring out how to do this. I live 5 hours away from santa barbara, so i dont know how to go about getting a job and apartment down there before or really quickly when i get there. i cant be staying in a hotel for a long time wasting all my money, i need to get a job and an apartment asap. so how do i do this? should i apply for jobs in advance? how do i get an apartment without being in town? i have to take trips down? also any tips for saving/making money quickly would help! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow! You have a lot on your shoulders. I understand the stress factor you have working right now.

Why so far from home? If this is a 2-year community college, couldn’t you go to school closer to home? The best solution might be to go locally while you work, save and live with your parents for another year.

The very best way to save money is to plan, create a budget and stick to it. As much as you want this move, the best move is not to move. Get some money in the bank.

Work at the best paying job you can find that will give you enough time to attend classes and study. School itself can be a full-time job. If you overburden yourself you are severely limiting your options. If you flunk out because you are stretched too tight you’ll have a rough time even getting accepted at another school. From then on it’s a downward spiral.

Give yourself some slack. Don’t try to cram it all in right now. Limit things such as entertainment, cell phone charges and do not get started on the credit card runway. Pack your own lunch, for instance. No gym memberships, take a walk. Be creative with your wardrobe. “New” should not be a part of your vocabulary right now. Pinch those pennies and keep your room at home. If he loves you, he’ll come to see you.

Oh, yes. And offer to help Mom and Dad with the expenses. They’ll love it.

Donald asks…

what jobs can i do around the house or neighberhood to get lots of money?

i really want lots of money really quickly to reach my goal of five hundred dollars.(to get a dog.)
what do you do to get money?please give me some answers!

Nagesh answers:

My suggestions it to look into work from home opportunities…
You can make TONS of money and work from home. This is whats going to give you the most flexibility and what ever you do goes to you!

Hope that helps 😉

Ken asks…

good ways to make extra money?

i need a way to make a little extra money quickly. any ideas that dont include needing an initial investment, needing a home phone, babysitting, animal/house care, selling bodily fluids, or driving? thanks guys!

Nagesh answers:

Getting a part time job just about anywhere, putting out flyers for a local business, cleaning windows for a local business, house painting (you ask for money down for your initial investment), selling fresh baked cookies and coffee, making crafts from recycled materials, curb picking – cleaning and selling items you find in your neighborhood on garbage day, making party favors (they supply materials), personal help for seniors learning to use the internet, taking in a boarder or roommate, begging, cooking for a housebound neighbor, lemonade stand… Since I don’t know your age, sex or skills, and because there’s a lot of limits on what you’re willing to or can do, I’m not sure what direction to go in here!

If you have a home computer, you have more options. There’s a fair amount of work available even from home, on your own schedule if you look for it.

There are so many ways to make a little bit of money fast, depending on what a little is to you.

Good luck!

Charles asks…

How do i make money quickly?

I need money to pay back my friends and to help my sister out with her son who is one now.

Nagesh answers:

Tutoring, child care, pet sitting, dog walking, web design, information researcher, freelance project coordinator.

There is also a company called West At Home Agent that is legitimate they are an online call center for clients such as direct tv, home shopping network, etc. They pay like 10 cents or more per minute– not a lot of $$$, but it’s legit work at home. I was going to do it until I found out how much they pay for beginners.

Mandy asks…

How can i get rid of my sty quickly with home remedies?

i need to get rid of my sty on my left bottom eyelid, without spending any money. I need to get rid of it ASAP. Got any help?

Nagesh answers:

I would spend the money or go highjack some Eye Wash from the local drug store. Don’t get caught!!!!

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Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On The Side

William asks…

What are some good ways to make a little extra money on the side?

I’m looking for some ideas on how to make some extra money from home or something like that, in addition to school and the job that I already have.

Nagesh answers:

I am a blogger. To generate a little extra revenue on the side, i do this:

all you need is access to a message board, a blog, a website, and you’re all set!

Mary asks…

What have you found to be the best way to make money on the side and earn some extra income?

I really want to earn some exta income and need a few ideas….I am just about down for (almost) anything…..clean houses? walk dogs? etc……..what are other ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Waitress and house cleaning are a great source of extra income.

James asks…

Any Ideas on how to make some Extra Money?

I’m trying to save for a house. I work full time already, any other ideas on how ot make some extra on the side?? Real ideas please

Nagesh answers:

Sell a skill that you have. You can bake cakes (birthday cakes are fun), write resumes, tutor students, babysit, shovel snow, grocery shop for someone who can’t get out. The limit is your imagination.

Donald asks…

Does anyone have any ideas for small business ideas? or small ways of making money for myself from home?

Either something full time or something to just make a little money on the side will do. all ideas welcome.

thanks for your help.

Nagesh answers:

For the 516,395th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No nothing.
You will not find them in your house.
You will not find them with your mouse.
You will not find them here or there.
You will not find them anywhere

Donna asks…

College student wants to make money on the side help!?

College cost is way too much which i pay on my own, I’ve charged 2000 bucks on my credit card this year on text books, and school expenses. I’m a full time student and I have a part time job, but it’s not enough $, so I was thinking about selling Mark (make up) do you think is worth investing on it (advertisement) or do you think it’s a scam? That’s all I can pretty much think of..selling make up on the side, any ideas on how i can you suggest a different brand? Can i really make some $? And what would be a good way of getting the product out there? Which one do you think college girls will buy Mark or Avon? Should i target young girls or should I target older people? Please help me I need money!

Nagesh answers:

I tried to email you. If your going to get into selling things to people to make money while your in college or after, I suggest you get involved in a business where it’s high in demand. Partner up with a company that will give you a residual income off of a product or service that you sold one time before. Example in the telecommunications industry. Use the cellular phone industry for one, everytime you refer someone over and the get onto a contract on one of the major providers, or upgrade and extend their current contract, the company gives you a percentage of their billings each month, same thing with the Internet services, Local and Long distance telephone services, Satellite TV services etc. All telecommunications services. You can work it around your school schedules. That’s what my husband and I did over six years ago, and we turned it into our home based business. Running it out of our home while our kids are in school. Pretty simple to do. There is a lot of money involved in this industry.
Now, if you want to stay with the make up sales, I don’t know what to tell you about Mark. I’ve never heard of that company. Avon has been around for years, and so has Mary Kay, but your limited to who you will be selling to. That’s about the only con I know of. I don’t know what their compensation plan is like, so I can’t tell you.
Your more then welcome to email me at

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Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Ruth asks…

How can my 13 year old cousin who wants a puppy but has 2 buy it with her own money earn money?

My 13 year old cousin Tessie wants to buy a puppy but her parents are making her buy it with her own money is there any quick way besides babysitting she can earn money? Do any places hire 13 year olds? I would really like to help her so any ideas help

Nagesh answers:

Walking other peoples dogs. She will get fit, earn money & get experience with dogs.
If she puts an add up at the local supermarket/animal shelter/corner shop or even does a mail drop she should get a response.

Ken asks…

How can a 13 year old earn money?

I need away to earn money and kinda quick because there is alot of stuff that i want…but i need money for those things. PLEASE DONT SAY BABYSITTING(IM A BOY). If i do lawn mowing, do i have to do like the edging and stuff because i dont know who to do that stuff.

Nagesh answers:

This is what i did, ppl in our age have a lot of old toys and old bikes and stuff you used 1-2 times. Sell it! Open a yard sale and you will earn a lot. I earned 300 bucks on it. If you want money in the winter, that is if you have snow where you live. You can plow snow with a spade or something.

John asks…

How do i earn money fast?!?

My sister is graduating real soon and has always wanted a chow chow puppy ive recently found a lady selling them. I want to buy the puppy for her myself so I know if my parents find out they’ll buy it but I want to buy it for her so it comes from me.I need to earn money quick without my parents finding out. How can I achieve this?

Nagesh answers:

If your talented, you could busk?

You could start mowing your neighbours lawns for $20 pop or washing their dogs

You could get a high payed job, which will be difficult to keep secret but still

You could ask for lunch money from your parents everyday when you go out and save it up

You could ask to borrow money from your friends or your parents

Approach the lady selling them for a discount or for a delayed/part payment deal, to give you time to work toward the money

All of the above

David asks…

How can a teen earn money at home or around the neighborhood.?

I don’t really know any of my neighbors, and I am shy to ask for a job or anything. I can do jobs at home, but I can’t think of anything.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me!

(I need to earn money to buy a laptop)

BQ: What is your opinion for the best kind of laptop for about $500?
I’m only 13, btw. And I haven’t taken a CPR course or anything to babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Ok, first of all, you’ve got to work on your shyness. But about something to bring in money. I have babysat, cleaned homes, tried to make jewelry, taught Sunday School, and am currently pet-sitting and walking dogs. You need to think about what you like, enjoy, what you don’t mind doing. Unless you really love cleaning, and don’t mind cleaning toilets, I wouldn’t clean other people’s homes. If you have younger siblings or cousins and have taken care of them, then babysitting may be a good idea. If you’re really good in a subject at school, like Mathematics or English, and you have patience, then tutoring might be a good idea. Another thought is this: Take a look around your neighborhood for a week or so. Are there a lot of animals? Are there a lot of kids your age or younger? Do a lot of people cut their own grass, or is there a service doing it for them? Try and figure out what needs your neighborhood has before deciding on what you want to do, and mix it with what you are comfortable doing.

One suggestion that I received recently was this. Once you decide on what services you are willing to provide, create a flyer or brochure from your own computer, either print a bunch out at home or at Kinko’s, punch a hole in the corner, put a rubber band through the hole, and you can hang them from doorknobs or gates, to get the word out. Or if there are individual mailboxes where you live, you can put them in the mailboxes with the mail. Make sure you have some way for people to get in touch with you, whether by e-mail or phone #. If you get any business, keep track of the money, and give some type of receipt to your clients. Even if you aren’t 18, you are added to your parents taxes, and depending on how much you make, you may need to give them copies of the receipts or something. Also a quick question: What type of jobs are you doing in your house?

A laptop for $500? I love HP. But I’ve looked around at Best Buy, and other sources, and Toshiba doesn’t seem too bad, and my family just purchased an Acer as our main desktop computer and it’s wonderful. Just a thought: Before settling on a brand, go to a couple of stores and talk to one of the store clerks about what you want in a laptop, and what price you’re willing to pay. If there’s anything else, my email is Good luck!

Sandy asks…

What is a fast way to earn money as a 14 year old?

Im 14 and i want to earn some quick money to buy a webcam for my laptop. And i want to know the quickest way to earn it !

Nagesh answers:

Do a lot of surveys or go for ptc sites…

By the way go to my blog for more info

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Monday, November 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Robert asks…

How can I make money fast?

I have lost 4000 this month playing poker! I do have an addiction but I hve decided to slow down on it and try to make some o my money back! Does anyone have a good/legal idea on how I can make some money fast! I hate being 100% broke 🙁

Nagesh answers:

I know of many acquaintances who have lost huge sums playing poker online.

Did you know that you can be playing against a bot? They have the advantage of being able to count the cards and other statistics – and you don’t stand a fair chance against them. That is why the US Government is trying to stop these sites – they are cheating their customers, or victims.

You best try and get out of the addiction – or at least play with other humans, not against a computer bot.

Lizzie asks…

What are some good part time jobs for a 14 year old, besides working online?

Recently, I asked my parents to give me an allowance, and they agreed they would give me ten dollars a week, but I am saving up for a sony playstation portable core (psp 1000) on amazon selling new for $400.00, and I really want money fast. Even if it was only $10 an hour, that would be good enough, because within a few days i would have like four hundred dollars. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

mowing lawns
dog walking
cleaning swimming pools
raking leaves

just go door to door in your neighborhood and ask people for jobs!

Good luck!

Donald asks…

How to make some fast money?

I am in need of money fast to pay bills, are there any quick ways. I clean houses but everything is very slow. Please help.

Nagesh answers:

I just read an article about how these online “make money from home” scams work.
They reported that none pay – they just take your money or your information.
Please do not try to do anything online – there are bad people out there to scam you.

Richard asks…

How would I go about doing this?

I want to start an online business with my sister. I want to sell our art. Paintings, Sculptures, ect. But my sister is really lazy and I think she’ll just expect money fast and give up if we start out slow. How can I start this business and how can I have my sister help me and be apart of it?

Nagesh answers:

Do it yourself and just give her what you sell of her things , This way she can’t tell you what to do or how to do it and if she wants to stop you still have your stuff to sell .

James asks…

What is so good about owning a credit card?

Is this the only way to establish good credit?
I don’t want to EVER own one bcuz if I really need a ton of money fast I would just atke out a personal loan or something.

It seems getting a Credit Card is the quickest way to debt!
I would like to only stick with a Debit card and getting only Payday type loans when needed.

Is this feesable?

btw, I’m 17 years old. Just looking toward the future! lol.

Nagesh answers:

Payday loans are NOT a good options. Btw.

And to treat credit like money you don’t have is foolish. The people who own credit cards and who use them wisely benifit from good credit and can get loans with really good interest rates. Both i and my parents own credit cards, and we pay off the balance every month. You just have to be responsible.

I’m only a year older than you, and my credit is in the high 700’s because i pay off my balance every month and have been doing so since i started. My car loan interest was so low because of this.

But, if you aren’t used to spending money in this way, i suggest using a debit card until you get used to the idea that credit is not free money.

I use online banking to keep track of my balance and when it is due, and i pay online as well. Keeps me on track and out of debt.

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Sunday, November 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Maria asks…

If you are a teen what is a way you can make money?

I am 13 years old and I am tired of waiting to get my money from my parents and grand parents… If there are ways that I can make money faster and easier that would be great. Please list all that I could do.. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

I save every money I get and get the very low interest in my bank. I currently get 1% interest, which is very little. Its better than nothing.

Other ways is baby sit or deliver newspapers. You can make money by selling some of your stuff. I don’t know if it snows where you live, but if it does, that is another way to make money by shoveling snow for the elderly.

When you are 16 years old, you can start getting a part-time job in most big chain stores or restaurants.

Paul asks…

What is a quick, legitimate ( no fees, no paying, no scam ) way to earn cash online?

I’m looking for a fast, easy way to make money online without being suckered into subscriptions, or investing money into a program or college, but a legitimate way to earn some extra cash?

Nagesh answers:

Sorry to point out the OBVIOUS… But if there was, don’t you think everyone would be doing that by now??? You’re going to acctract the sammers with this type of question! There ARE some ways to make a bit of cash, but it’s seldom the “get rich quick while sitting on your butt” way that everyone seems to be looking for… Good luck and happy hunting though!

Laura asks…

What is the easiest way to gain money?

I need money to buy a toy I want, but I don’t have enough. How can I get money fast? or what is the easiest way?

Nagesh answers:

Tell your parents, relatives, or neighbors what your money goal is, and then ask them if they have any odd jobs that need to be done to help you earn the money. People you know and trust are always the best to turn to.

Ken asks…

What can i do online to make money at home?

what is a good way to make money online, that is legit, no scams and fast easy?

Nagesh answers:

Start your own business selling what ever it is you do.

Nancy asks…

So what is the fastest and easiest way for me to earn money?

I’m a student and I’m wondering what is the fastest and easiest way to earn money in 2 months. (I’m trying to save $180) I have until May 24th to save money, and I think I might need help.

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys.In fact,you can earn $200 – $300 per day easily if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit the club to find how to earn $200 – $300 per day easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on the club free!!!

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Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Donald asks…

how to make money fast?

Okay, I’ll be honest, I’m 15, going to be 16 in 4 months. I’ll be moving in with some friends this year who are older than me just because I’m more mature than kids my age…or I just get along with older people.
I’m going to move out soon but I would like to help them pay for a condo we are getting. 10,000 is the price of the condo…I have a job now but I make 15 bucks a week.

I want to leave once I get a permit and licence, I already have 320 dollars and they’re helping save up. Can any of you suggest a way to make quick money? I’m an artist, and if any of you have links to contests I can compete in for money I’ll be willing to participate.

Nagesh answers:

Quit your shitty job and get one that pays more. I make almost as much per HOUR as you do in a WEEK.

Betty asks…

Quick way for a tween to make 20 bucks?

I have been babysitting but business is kind of slow since I live in the city and most kids have a nanny. I don’t really have anything to sell. I need 20 bucks so I can buy pay my sister back because I borrowed her money to buy some clothes.

Nagesh answers:

General Strategies and Techniques on Saving Money and Earning More Money

(Updated on 08/25/2010)

Don’t go out to eat. Example: don’t eat out at fancy, high-class restaurants. Instead, eat at a fast food restaurant or cook a healthy meal at home. It is much cheaper than spending a lot of money at an expensive restaurant.

If you are a teen or a young adult, you might want to hold a bake sale. Post fliers around your neighborhood, school, and community center to advertise your bake sale. You can have your other friends help you out, so that you can help attain your goal of saving and/or making more money. Keep your bake sale open for at least four hours, spanning a substantial portion of the morning or the afternoon. You can also decide to host the bake sale for multiple days. Example: Bake Sale Weekend: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM.

If you have a habit of buying new clothes very often, then resist the urge to buy new clothes for a little while. You could potentially save a good amount of money. If you are used to buying

Take finance and economics courses online or at a high school or college/university. Important topics include banking (how financial institutions operate), stock market (which includes discussion on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500), finance (which includes discussion on the time value of money), interest rates, credit, loans, mortgage, real estate, the derivatives market, personal finance (which includes managing a budget, dealing with debt, and preparing for retirement), microeconomics (which includes discussion on perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly structures), and macroeconomics (which includes discussion on the money supply, aggregate demand, and the Federal Reserve).

If you are a teen or a young adult, you may want to have a dog-walking service.

To help you manage your money, try

Talk to a customer service representative at a bank or other financial institution and learn more about financial instruments. These financial instruments (which include certificates of deposit) will help you understand how to grow your money.

Don’t go out to watch new movies in theaters. Watch movies on your TV at home. Popular channels where you can see movies on the weekends include TNT, USA, and TBS. If you like to rent movies, try using Netflix.

If you are a teen, you may want to think about babysitting. You can babysit your neighbor’s children.

Don’t spend too much money when going out with friends. Have a budget in mind before you actually meet up with your friends. Example: Do not spend more than $25.00 when going out on a Saturday night.

If you are a teen, you could try to mow the lawn. Many of your neighbors probably want their lawns to be mowed at a fraction of the price that they pay others to do the same work.

Invest your money in a CD (certificate of deposit). You can hold your money in a CD for 3 months, 6 months, a year, three years, or even five years. Generally speaking, the longer you decide to invest your money in the CD, the more interest you will earn. Also, it is generally the case that the larger the amount of money you decide to hold in the CD, the larger the more interest you will earn. It generally pays more interest than the interest you get from holding money in a traditional savings account at the bank.

Try to sell something of value that you are willing to part with. Sell your old stuff on websites where many people make purchases, such as ebay or craigslist. You could also sell your stuff through a garage sale or a yard sale.

Try to hold a donation drive where your family, close friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances will be able to help you out and donate a little bit of money. These people will include your parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, and other acquaintances. Have a box or jar in place so that people can deposit money into it. Stick a label on the box or jar with an updated amount in comparison to the target goal amount, so that more people will feel like contributing to your goal amount. Example: You may find a graphic representation of a thermometer representing how much money is left to reach your goal (the box/jar has $55.50 out of the target goal amount of $200.00, which translates to a little more than 25% complete; therefore, the thermometer would be about 25% filled up.).

If all else fails, borrow money from other people (parents, brothers, sisters, close friends, relatives, grandparents, neighbors, acquaintances, etc.) in order to get a short-term loan. Set a goal: it can be $5.00 from each person or $10.00 from each person or $25.00 from each person. Breaking up the goal into smaller, more manageable goals is easier than taking on the entire goal, which may seem like an impossible task (example: raise $5,000.00 in 3 days).

Lizzie asks…

What Ways Can A 13 Year Old Make Money?

Hiya, I’m Aimee and I want to be able to get £450 by june next year, but to do that, I need some really good ideas to put forward.
I live in an area where I am sure I am at an age where people wont let me babysit their kids or walk thier dogs, and I am trying to get a paper round and organise a car wash day, has anyone got any other ideas that can help me get quick cash, not using my parents?? Thank you so much for any ideas. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Of course there are the obvious options- make a little babysitting business, lawn mowing, ask to be paid chores around the house, ask for an allowance, et cetera. However, a more fun way (personally, for me, anyway) would be to set up an ebay account and sell some things you don’t need anymore, or to bake snacks and set up a stand.
It all depends on what you like doing, but these are a few ideas.

Lisa asks…

How to make money FAST!?

So, i need to make money quick. I need $44.75 by October 21. So im a huge gamer and Legend of Zelda fan and i really want to go to the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert, but my family is having a money problem right now. This is a once in a lifetime event and i can’t miss it! So my dad, sister and i all agreed to make 44.75 dollars on our own, then add up the money to get the tickets. I know it could seem like a have plenty of time. I mean, it’s August. But i go back to school soon so with that i won’t have much free time. And most free time i have is consited of staying inside playing video games and im extremley anti-social and don’t get out alot because of it, so im kinda afraid of the outside world and only go outside to see a movie or just get out for a few hours sometimes. I’ve thought about doing surveys online, but it seems kinda sketchy. I love to draw but, im not too good. And besides that, i draw anime and who would want to buy that. im bad with kids, i don’t hate them it’s just, what is there to do ya know? So baby-sitting is out of the question. If i could find some quiet job, that doesn’t involve talking too much (im really shy) or somthing involving not leaving my house, that’d be great. So, what would be a good way for a shy, anti-social geek t o make money? (also, im not one of those annoying girls who think they’re geeks or nerds because they wear the type of glasses. im totally genuine. straight c’s, john green/vlogbrothers fan, total anime fan i looove FUNimation, i have almost every nintendo consel and every animal crossing game, love zelda, sega, shigeru miyamoto, Alex Day/nerimon, i totally keep up with that stuff. im real, i promise 🙂 )

Nagesh answers:

When it comes to finding ways to earn money, consider a Denver (Colorado, USA) woman that lost her upper management job. She started a simple business picking up dog droppings that led to earnings of over $75,000 a year, working outside, setting her own hours, and could be done using a bicycle as transportation. It is also something a child age 10 and up can do alone, an adult can do, or a whole family can do together. This article describes how.

In this economy, you need to think outside box. Companies are refusing to take applications from the unemployed resulting in many giving up.

Paul asks…

Is placing money on an arnwrestling match illegal?

I’m really good at armwrestling. I have taken down bigger guys, as well as won a tournament. Problem is, kids in my school think I’m some wimp and make fun of me for armwrestling. I know I could beat them but they won’t, and they say stupid stuff to get by. Well I was thinking, quick way to make five bucks, and get em to wrestle, offer to both put five down and whoever wins keeps both. But is this illegal? I’m 18 btw if that makes a difference.

Nagesh answers:

Hell, no. It’s pretty damn stupid to bet money just to arm wrestle though. I would get a job if you want money.

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Friday, November 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Charles asks…

is there opportunity to make money for envelope stuffing?

I have seen many ads for people to make tons of money by just stuffing envelopes but a lot of
reviews I read says they are all scam.Can someone who has done this kind job tell me if it is
really true?Which program is really Legit.

Nagesh answers:

You’ll get lots of scammers answering here, don’t fall prey. But, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They aren’t ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I’m a single mom of 2 who’s tried over 15 opportunities over 3 years so I have some great info for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work at home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You won’t find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Mary Kay however if you’re like me, you’re not interested in pushing products.

Legit home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business! Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I’d stay away from those wanting $1k – $5k. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so don’t pay it. If you’re coming across places that say free then RUN the other way! They never are in the end!

After trying 15 things, I now work about 25 hours per week for a well known and respected company w/ amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans save money on things they need and buy every day. The average American household saves $400 a month using these plans.

Anyway, I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within 3 months. That income has increased now to $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for you should think again! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit and a health plan from day one.

With this company there’s NO products to sell or store, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. Figure out what you DON’T want to do as well and make sure you find a company that fits with that!

I work as part of a team with other reps in the company. I had at least 5 of their home phone #’s the day I started. This is a big one: Make sure that you’re going to have others to work with. Don’t find out you just paid a start up cost and you will be trained by someone in a call center who has NO REAL idea what you are actually supposed to do. Make sure you are trained by other reps just like you, and ask for names and numbers! If they won’t give them, walk away!

I was scared at first because there are lots of scams, but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other I had ever seen. They are members of the National Association of Dental Plans and the US Chamber of Commerce and have been featured in Parent Magazine, Time Magazine, on 60 Minutes and many other places. They are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their kids. This company has an “A” RATING WITH THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These are some of the types of national credentials you need to be looking for during your search and make sure they have a C or better rating with the BBB.

My point here is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more, want help deciding if something is a scam, or just want to chat with me you can click on my profile to the left.

Best Wishes!

Lisa asks…

Who works from home? What do you do to make good money?

I don’t want answers like….ebay, surveys, polls, secret shoppers, stuff envelopes, sell Home Interior/Candles/Tastefully Simple/Meleluca ect. Or responses that try to get you to “join” something. I shouldn’t have to pay to get paid. I’m looking for something legit.

I don’t want something that promises I’m going to make $10,000 a month (scam) or something very out of reach.

I can’t be a customer service rep who calls/answers phones all day with 2 young kids. And I can’t be tied down for 8 hours straight with them around either. It has to be something real that I can do by working around my kids (during nap time ect).

I used to work at a big office doing taxes and payroll before my kids were born. That’s way too stressfull to want to do from home now.

Please somebody help me!
Right now I do daycare in my home watching 3 other children besides my own 2, I would like to get away from that eventually.

Nagesh answers:

I recently started working from home because I am expecting my first baby in July. I searched for quite a while before I found my current gig (I learned about it from another stay-at-home mom on this site). You DO have to work – it isn’t a get rich doing nothing scheme – but it’s a great company, comes with benes, 401K, etc. Do your own research and you’ll find something – good opportunities DO exist.
If you’re curious about what i do, check out: or

good luck to you 🙂

Ken asks…

Are there any jobs that you can do at home that can make you decent money?

I have a full time job, but need to make some extra income. With the job I have, I can’t get another job outside my home. I need something that I can do at home.

Nagesh answers:

Well, this is no get rich quick scheme, but you can do it while working on other stuff. If you can write at all, just write and post here at Get an AdSense ID and start earning as you build up content. There are only a few people that make a living off of it, but as you build up content you’ll earn some extra cash with just a few minutes every now and then. (Of course the more you write the more you can earn). It’s free and easy to do. It’s also fun once you start seeing the pennies and then the dollars trickle in! The posts get indexed in search engines quickly and who knows, you might get lucky with something that ends up getting lots of hits! We all hope for that gem!

Joseph asks…

WHY do people post Data entry type at home jobs they all are BS ?

plaese someone tell me why they post answers to questions with well you can do data or surveys and get paid !
IF i eer found any program that would pay me $25 to type an ad Id be so rich i could buy out donald trump !
click my avatar to contact me to discuus this type at home data entry job ! really i want to know if their is DATA ENTRY at HOME jobs !

Nagesh answers:

Bud those scams and pyramid schemes target the gulliable who want to believe making money doesn’t require any talent, hardwork, or even the ability to leave their residence.
I just love hearing testimonies on yahoo answer who swear they make 50k a year, and won a lexus, by just doing surverys online. That sort of entertainment you typically have to pay for.

Laura asks…

Why doesn’t Obama ever talk about converting our vehicles to run on cheap natural gas and more nuclear plants?

We drill more natural gas, use less of it in our homes, have cheap energy for hybrids, etc. Guess real “all of the above” energy strategies don’t do well in his crony capitalistic schemes.
If it was March 7, 2009, then Obama would’ve been less-stupid.

Talking about it 3 full years later while wasting countless billions on green-scheme subsidies and government-backed loans to unrealistic solar start-ups in the meantime doesn’t make Obama anything other than a fool.

Nagesh answers:

Because his friends or making money in the solar panel scam.

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Thursday, November 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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