Archive for September, 2013

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

Sandra asks…

Is life just a money-oriented game, like e-bay?

Real Estate, jewelry, clothing, cars, hair products, funerals, weddings, boats, vacations, auctions, jobs, everything seems to revolve around money, competition, selling, scheming etc.

Everyone seems to automatically, like robots, do it day by day, without really thinking much about how screwed up it all is.

To me it’s soulless, and meaningless, and if anything, makes us all into statistics. Statistics which buy, sell, trade, and are nothing more than..well nothing, to others.

I know to religious people that’s not the case, but most of them are escapists that aren’t living in the real world, and if they are, they have to notice the money-oriented world that we’re living in, and how completely stupid, soulless and retarted it is.

People should value things like their possessions, houses, etc, and nowadays it’s not about valuing. It’s about image, quantity, money, selling, competing, etc.

Life is basically like one big shopping mall. It’s so sad.

Am I alone on this?
If I’m right, which I think I am, then is there a way to rise above all this or deal with it?

I don’t see how I can be wrong, it’s blatantly obvious. Just look at the business section, all the corporations out there.

Stock market experts are just very smart game players, in a sense.

This world to me at least, is just freaking evil.

It’s a completely soulless intellectual game.

We’ve managed to turn ourselves, humans, into meaningless nothings, in which the brain is the only thing we value, that and money.

How come no one else sees this? lol.
louisiana lover, you’re right but they’re so F8cking evil in all their ways, and there are books written on the subjects, yet people worship these pr9cks like gods.

It’s unbelievable and our society is unbelievable.

Nagesh answers:

I agree.its about the rich gathering up all the eggs from the poor mans basket.if there is a certain amount of money in the nation and it is all backed by gold,then all money is merely circulating the country.the goal of the rich is to grab the money and hold on to it so that there is less money in it comes their way they grab it and dont let go.the poor have no other choice but to spend being they have little assets and nothing to fall back on.thats how they keep getting more broke and the rich get richer.additionally if there is less money being circulated then the rich invest in ways to tempt the public into spending more on things you listed so they can get all of the money.i propose for all to stop spending,withdraw from banks and investments,and hold on to it as long as possible and force the rich to go broke.kinda veered off subject there.yeah,we all should live like the tibetan monks and pull our interest from such things you listed.

Chris asks…

Is the international bond market a ponzi scheme?

Where is all the money coming from? Who is financing American, British, French, Japanese and other nations with massive debts? The math doesn’t seem to add up. Is there real money in the rest of the world to loan to these huge borrowers? Isn’t another crisis inevitable?

Nagesh answers:

Whenever you make an investment you are giving someone a loan. Companies sell their ownership as stocks to raise capital.
Bonds are just loans to governments. Some are good and some are bad.

Lisa asks…

How can you still claim that global warming is real?

We have had a very cold and snow filled winter in the U.S. with places that don’t usually get snow getting it multiple times in a single month. Why does this not seem odd to the naive fools that scream global warming from the rooftops every chance they get? Clearly the global warming movement has been exposed as the politicized money making farce that it is.

Nagesh answers:

Yes there is credible evidence against global warming but it is very difficult to find.
The thinking seems to go that we have cycles and that now we are in a warming cycle. Some credible experts feel that we could be entering a new cooling cycle and another ice age. The earth changes naturally. The Sahara desert was once a thriving farm area. Much of the Southeast USA was once prairie land.

The problem is that no papers that question the causes of global warming can get a peer review even when they are meticulously researched, footnoted, and soundly scientific. The “peers” only want the evidence in favor of their bogus science brought out so they can fund pet projects. You’ll have to go to alternate sources.

Information from ice cores could help scientist understand how earth’s climate has varied over time, so could tree rings. However, most ice core and tree ring sampling is limited to areas giving the desired data. There should be interpolations of all data from all-available ancient ice cores and tree rings. Just another example of selectively bogus science.

Dissenting scientists make up more than 12 times the 52 UN scientists who authored the media EXAGGERATED IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.
Over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC, The University of East Anglia (UEA), and former Vice President Al Gore. These 650 international scientists, many of them current and former UN IPCC scientists, have now turned against the UN.

Now who stands to gain if they can shove this absurd bullshit down our collective throats along with the tyrannical Cap and Trade tax?
General Motors.
Chrysler Motors.
Jeffery Immelt, CEO of GE, parent company of NBC Universal and a member of Obama’s economic advisory board.
T. Boone Pickens and his wind farming scheme
Al Gore. Or is it Dr. Al Gore now?

U.S. And world temperature records are compromised by monitoring station errors. (Head lines from the Orange County Register).

More then 89 percent of stations used to collect data for the global warming data “fail to meet the National Weather Service’s own siting requirements” that say stations must be located at least 100 feet from artificial heat sources. Stations are found located next to the exhaust fans of air conditioning units, surrounded by asphalt parking lots and roads, on blistering hot rooftops and near sidewalks and buildings that absorb and radiate heat.

There is also recorded data from non-existing weather stations and weather monitors.

Information from ice cores could help scientist understand how earth’s climate has varied over time, so could tree rings. However, most ice core and tree ring sampling is limited to areas giving the desired data. There should be interpolations of all data from all-available ancient ice cores and tree rings. Just another example of selectively bogus science.

Of course they can make models proving global warming, you can produce models of almost any data, very easy when you can control the inputs.

I am not sure what they know about gasses, nothing by the lies they are trying to prove. If they knew anything, they would stop their mendacious duping of everyone with their bogus science. 98% of any global warming is caused by water vapor.

There is no end to gullible wackos.



David asks…

Why do people care about how other people spend their money?

Why do some people get so upset when somebody has a nice handbag or sunglasses or whatever and claim that they are shallow or money-lovers or whatever? I just don’t understand what makes people feel that they want to judge that.
I mean, I don’t judge people who have thousands of dollars of knick-knacks (sp?) or candles or whatever all over their house, yet that is a waste of just as much money.
People make a set amount of money and how they spend it is their business.
Anyway, what I’m asking is – WHY do people care if someone has a nice car or jeans or handbag? Is it jealousy or anger over global irresponsibility or capitalism or what?
I think I’ve given my own opinion but I want to hear other peoples’ opinions.
To those of you think I’m rich because I asked this question you may not have looked closely enough. I was asking an honest question and I know that people are starving in other countries but that doesn’t change the fact that people who have money (no matter the amount) spend it how they want.
BTW I wear $25 jeans and don’t even own a handbag or expensive anything. So thanks for your snarky answers.
Wow! Thanks to those of you who have answered honestly. I really just wanted to hear other peoples’ opinions. I live in a small town where there aren’t a lot of name brands so I was just curious.

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of reasons, but here are some that I came up with. Some people are jealous, don’t like your purchase, would rather not be reminded that they can’t afford a like item (they feel sorry for them self), realize how hard it is to make the extra money when hard times come (so save it instead for the rainy day), realize that things can give a thrill but don’t really make you happy (it usually calls for more-more-more), see lots of ways that the money could be used to benefit others that have true needs, gives the opinion that you think you are better than others (this would be the concern of one that really cares about you and wants others to see your true and best self), know that things in the scheme of eternity don’t mean much (you can’t take it with you), they have gotten old enough that things don’t mean much and it is a real problem to get rid of a lot of accumulate stuff so why waste your money, or they have learned that giving is a lot more fulfilling than getting. In saying all this, my passion is travel. I can certainly spend a lot on it, but I also have to evaluate my reasons and use wise judgment.

Paul asks…

How do you get wealthy in the real estate market?

For “real” answers…not schemes. I want to purchase condos and rent them out. Which way has worked for you?

Nagesh answers:

It certainly hasn’t been condos.

Condos have one strike against them we don’t like:
They have that monthly HOA fee.

Occupied or vacant, it has to be paid.

AND some HOAs have restrictions about renting out any of the properties.

Our family found its better to stick with single family dwellings.

The money is earned at the time the broperty is purchased.

Inside of the row, townhomes. There’s only two sides and the roof to maintain.

ALL the burden of utilities, cable, satellite TV and whatever else the tenant wants, needs or desires is placed on the tent. Taxes and fire insurance are included in the rent.

The tenant is advised about “Tenant’s Insurance”. Whether or not they decide to get it is their business. If there is a claim, the burden IS STILL ON THEM.

One HUGE caveat: There are municipalities which require retro-fitted sprinkler systems in single family dwellings. Investigate – BEFORE you invest.

In real estate there are two very old expressions:
1] You [the Buyer] names the price.
They [the Seller] names the terms.

You [the Buyer] names the terms.
They [the Seller] names the price.

Somewhere in the middle there might be an agreement on price and terms.

2] A property – any property – is ONLY worth what the Buyer is willing to pay for it AND what the Seller is willing to sell it for – not one dollar more or less!

AND, when financing is involved, what the lender will appraise the property for and lend money for the mortgage.

THE ONLY way you’re going to find out what the Seller’s bottom line is, is to make a written offer on the property.

By the way: DON’T EVEN TRY naming the price AND the terms. It’s a to9tal waste of time and very frustrating and aggravating.

THEN after you actually acquire the property, who is going to manage it? UNLESS you know what to do and how to do it, use the services of a real estate broker who has a reputation for renting and PROPER property management.

Section 8 tenants are great – as long as they are properly qualified in the same manner as conventional tenants.

Join a real estate investment group or two AND BE ACTIVE! Get to be known as a “can-do” kind of person.

There is A LOT more info to have and use.

Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it!

Ron Berue
Yes, that is my real last name!

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Monday, September 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Susan asks…

what is a good site for typing income?

I want to try one of those sites where you type for money, like “typing for dollars”, but not sure about it. Has anyone ever tried one of those work at home sites that actually work, not a scam. I have never tried any but wouldnt mind the typing thing if it’s real.

Nagesh answers:

Hi there, sorry that you didn’t get any decent answers on the yahoo answers. Well people dont realize what they are saying and dont try to understand other’s problem. I can see where you are!

Well, i am in the UK and I started Kleenezee first and this didn’t work! Now, i am earning some money through the internet. I dont earn a great deal but something that will help, at least it helps me! I have given the sites below and if you want, you can have a look.

They are free to join and are paid in US Dollars.


The first site gives all the information you need! Believe me, this works! The second gives information in detail. Read the important bits in the second. It’s more useful.

And, if you join a website through my referral, then we both get extra bonus! Join this:

I suggest you read the above(first ones) website first to make sure you earn good money.

I hope this helps. Mail me if you need any help. Good Luck.

Mandy asks…

which web site is/are trusted and acceptable for Internet earning system like data entry daily works?

Day to day works through Internet seating at home doing 1)Data entry processes 2) email proceessing 3) doing various Survey 4) Ads through Google etc. To do all above activities i want to know the acceptable web site through which i can do all above activities so that i can earn atleast $ 100/day.

Nagesh answers:

Well as of now there are so many scammers out there that will take your money and run but if you check you can avoid the scam. They have a huge list of work at home scams so you can check any program you may be interested in there. Also they have some great suggestions for data entry programs. Good luck.

Donald asks…

What’s some good advice for a career path or education choice?

I was going to go to college for my basics (undeclared), but lack of a job put the brakes to that idea. I now work forty hour weeks at a factory to pay a loan to start my credit, and I pushed my college till the spring. I had been thinking about the National Guard, but I have a past brain injury which they have a 12 month wait for me to pass from, which would be June 1, 2013. Then I thought possibly about trade school for Carpentry. I already have nine hours of college credits through my high school in carpentry, but I am unsure if I would be happy doing it. I would love to do something in nature, but seems every degree that deals with wildlife also with a lot of reading. I have came within points of failing English through the years up till Senior year when I had help with the general work, and I’ve always been a slow reader, and sometimes I reread the same line over and over. Comprehension is not an issue with smaller pieces I read, but demanded speed of reading is, and having an immediate grasp is also. I love reading small pieces and poetry, but larger stuff has my mind stumbling. So it’s made me question if going to college would be a waste of time. I know all said is a mess of information, but advice is appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Career pathing research directly with employers and certification agencies is a good idea. Trades like carpentry are good but cyclycal. Having 2 or 3 trade certifications is helpful.

Congrats on your initiative. Good research efforts.
Complete thorough realistic research to achieve life sustaining income. Maybe accounting, engineering, law, medicine, computers, …. Always get job descriptions with course requirements from employers, unions, certification groups/associations. Don’t sign up for education till you’ve done this, EVER!!!

Pick a path where you don’t start working bankrupt with debt. Don’t become another casualty of the Trillion$ student debt. You must earn enough, $200k+ to support a family in a major City. Do not low ball your life and your family. If you can’t find work volunteer to get in the door. Try volunteering at good potential employers and go down from there to community service, but get in anywhere and start working/networking, even if its for free.Be a model worker, no yapping, internet, cell phone..start work 30 minutes early and end work 30 minutes after day’s end. Keep learning from more courses, read books, get another language, etc

There are almost 50 million people on food stamps, ~20% of males 25 to 54 yrs not working, lowest SATs in 40 years, debt to GDP over 100%, 25% of global prison inmates with only 5% of global population, etc and whats uncle sams answer to America’s problems? Corrupt political paralysis and meteroic debt plague spiking by adding a trillion dollars of debt in 2013 to criminally prop up financial markets artificially. What a mess we live in!

You are On Your Own. YOYO’s the word. Never forget it. Take control of your own lives and ignore what ever fictonal solutions the politicians and corporate bobble heads throw around as their self-profiteering benevolence.

Abandon obese consumer spending debt addiction culture and resulting self enslavement. Cut your lifestyle in half or less of the destructive unrealistic American dream nightmare standard….small house or car or no car .. Always have a second job cause the one you have can/will disappear …save and invest over 50% of your income if you can …. Stay with your parents….parents move in with your kids…Rent with friends…rent rooms in your home ..Live like the wage you make today could be the last you’ll earn, always. Stay away from ponzis, addictions, unhealthy lifestyles, get rich scams, online rip offs and purple koolaid cults.

Most of all maintain constructive positive relationships and forward planning. Have fun at it without spending money. What you are wanting to do is great but do it with a strong dose of reality and caring for your future, family and community. Good luck! Cheers:).

Sharon asks…

What are some good work at home websites that actually pay real money?

The survey ones haven’t paid off so I need some more options

Nagesh answers:

Yup, I’ve been there, tried all the “work at home over the internet for $600 per hour!” sites, and let me say that I’ve tried like no less than 100 different places and invested a huge amount of money.

I am just saying who knows? Maybe there are actual places where they pay you, but I am willing to bet most of us are not going to find it, and everything we try are most likely to be scams.

Working at home for $600 dollars an hour sounds entice, and too good to be true. Thats pretty much saying free this, or free that!, honestly there is no free lunch.

My personal opinion is if people can earn even $10 dollars doing nothing and sitting at home, wouldn’t like half of the population in the country already started doing this? Wouldn’t people in 3rd world country who could speak a little bit of English earning a crap load of money? What about legitimate news that talks about these “stay home online businesses”? When was it very anything positive? If someone did find a way to earn money by sitting home and doing nothing, what makes you think they would want to tell you? I mean they are lazy enough to do nothing.

If you really want to sit home and do nothing and watch money pile up, there is a process to go through, and that is not paying websites who promise you they can make $600 dollars from government checks etc. Start your own business, when the business model works, expand the business, hire enough management to run the entire operation without you and still produce profit. At this point, profit will roll in, and you don’t have to do anything from this point on. <- I know getting here sounds like running 20 miles, but its not impossible.

Laura asks…

what is the best site for home based jobs?

i have a broadband net connection and i like to work through Internet. i see many site are a scam . i like know which can be the genuine site to work and earn. do guide me. thank you

Nagesh answers:

Http:// is such a website by which you can earn a lot of money by sitting in home you just need a computer and an internet connection but you should have knowledge of writing articles in English literature. For this you will have to contact at the mail the email id is –

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Sunday, September 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Steven asks…

how am i supposed to live with agency work and not a permanent job?

I live in the UK and around 4 years ago i was laid off from my permanent job as the company went under, as a result i lost my flat and then my girlfriend because of it, I’m grateful to my parents for letting me move back in with them but I’m 29 now and feel ashamed to be here, for the last 4 years i’ve had work in gaps thru agencies, 6 months here, 3 there, it is not a steady income so i have been refused several flats because i don’t have a regular income, its a stalemate because it is near impossible to find a permanent job these days as agencies have more or less taken over the country, i cannot stay here, and now my current girlfriend i been seeing for 7 months has said she wants to move out alone, but still be together? I don’t think i can handle that, i just dont know what to do anymore all i need is permanent work, minimum wage even, just so i can start to rebuild my life, but it is near impossible, any suggestions on what to do now?

Nagesh answers:

Bad news mate .dont bother with agencies they will never get you steady work . Its a cycle of signing on every six months . I was in your position years ago when i was in my mid twenties .
What i did was decide to take a hit in money and did a training scheme through the jobcentre .
Not one of those crappy courses about cv writing or customer service but i did refrigeration and air conditioning . It was hard work and I had to work for a low wage for a year after i passed , but my money went up to something livable after a year . And each and every year untill I can get 50 plus grand a year now with overtime
you really need to find a career were there is a skills shortage .

In one way its crap living with your parents but turn it to your advantage you have a place to live whilst you train up and get better skills .
There are still alot of part time jobs out there if you know where to look .forget places like supermarkets everyone trys them . Look at betting shops the works flexible so you can go to college and earn . There’s other stuff like delivery driver i know one guy who makes 250 a week after tax doing this for a pizza place , its horrible work but still work and if all else fails you can still get jobseekers whilst at colledge if you do less than 16 hours a week

have a look at what skills shortages there are . Mad stuff like ‘cnc turner lathe operator’ , there are always always jobs for this no one ever comes into the tradeit pays up to 29k . If you call a few companies who do it and ask how to become one you will get feed back ,
floor layer is another one my mate does it and has never been out of work he works for himself earns 60 k a year and does not advertise as he cannot take on anymore work these are just a few examples of jobs were theres a market for it but no staff to fill the jobs , once you get really good at somthing like that your the one interveiwing the company to see if you want to work there and they have to offer you somthing good to get you . And best of all the agencies dont get a look in cos everyone knows what a bunch of pricks they are

never give up mate . I can tell your a clever bloke by the way you wrote your question , you might feel washed up at 29 but i swear your not old you still have another 35 years left until you retire

Carol asks…

How to go to College in the UK?

I am an American who wishes to study in the UK. But I don’t even know where to start, aside from applying and visiting the college, or even the differences between an American college or a UK college. (Are there even differences?) Also how to scrounge up all the money to go to said college.. Any advice for a first timer? I also already know which college i want to apply to.

Nagesh answers:

There are some differences between how US and UK universities operate. You will be unaware of most of them though, if you have never attended a US university. It also varies by program and each school, of course. Most notably, however, university is only 3 years (unless you take a year abroad or something) in the UK.

I know that it can be confusing (and overwhelming at times). Here’s a basic outline of where you should start:

1. Find a university that you want to attend. Sounds like you’ve already got this one down. Doesn’t hurt to explore and apply to a few universities though. Also, unlike the US, the UK has a system that all undergraduate applications go through, making it much easier and MUCH cheaper to apply for multiple universities.

2. Apply to the universities. You can research and apply at You’ll be done until you get offered a place and accept it.

3. Here you’ll start worrying about the loan! Your university will prepare a statement detailing your costs. You’ll need this sent on to the lender you’ll chose. I used SallieMae. It was very easy as they do a lot of international loans like this!

4. At the same time as the loan, you’ll need to be gathering your stuff for the headache of the visa, which they have made even more strict in the last few months…you’ll need a Tier 4 student visa. You can find all of the requirements for this at

Obviously costs are important with this. This is especially true since one of the visa requirements is that you’re able to show availability of funds for tuition and living expenses for the first 9 months you are in the UK. Here are some suggestions for funding:
For US citizens at a foreign university, there are a few financial options. They are actually very similar to those options you’d have in the US.

(1) Private scholarships
Private scholarships set their own requirements. So, it is always possible that you will be able to find an organization willing to support you. For these types of awards, it is good to look for scholarships specific to the field you are going in to.

(2) Federal aid (loans, possibly grants) ****This is easiest, greatest amount of money*****
Most universities in the UK that participate in the federal direct loan scheme. If your university does, then you can take a federal loan with you overseas. You are eligible for the same amount that you would be eligible if you were attending a US school. It is also important to note that all students are GUARANTEED these loans regardless of credit. So, you know that you have a safe back-up there, if you are okay with taking loans out.

(3) the Overseas University
Many universities look to attract international students and offer scholarship opportunities specific to international students. If you browse the school’s website or give them a call or e-mail they can let you know.

Okay…so that’s just some basic info to get you started. Hope it helped! Good luck with everything!! 🙂

Ken asks…

Who thinks Labor will lose the election due to it’s treasury mismanagement and Gillards backstabbing?

I’m 48 and have always voted Labor but there is no way I will vote for them after their current effort. They lost me and I’m sure that others will follow suit.

Nagesh answers:

Like you, I too have always voted Labor in the past and have always been an active member of my union at work too. I was pleased when Kevin Rudd become PM, and it was even better when I learnt that John Howard lost his seat in Bennalong too!

On the basis of policy reasons… I’m leaning toward supporting Liberals this time. I’m getting tired of seeing people on here wanting to support Labor because Julia Gillard is our first female PM (gender should be irrelevant). Others have said that they don’t want to see Tony Abbott as PM because they cannot see or understand that workchoices is “dead, buried and cremated” and would prefer to repeat the same old workchoices scare campaign. I do NOT like the idea of workchoices at all, but I feel I am intelligent enough to separate the truth from another Labor/Union “Abbott will bring workchoices back under a different name” scare campaign.

I’ve actually been impressed with Tony Abbott to be honest. Stopping the illegal people smuggling market is important, and Labor doesn’t have a firm plan how to do it. I understand that Labor spent so much surplus money on economic stimulus – but did it really actually DO anything? The UK, European Union and the US all spent similar amounts (billions of dollars in stimulus payments) to avoid recession too – and it didn’t work for them… So maybe we actually owe thanks to the LIBERAL party for avoiding recession here, and not Labors’ unnecessary waste after all. In fact, Labor doesn’t really have a firm plan for anything much – look at the promises they made in 2007 and nothing much has improved – promises are incomplete or have been reversed, Aboriginal Australians have not benefited from the “apology”, Climate Change has been largely ignored and replaced with a citizens forum and the Liberal party actually seems to have a reasonable plan to reduce the financial pressures that families are facing while Labor (and the Greens) still want to implement an expensive and ineffective carobon tax scheme.

I just don’t feel that Julia Gillard can be trusted, after the way she (and the Labor powerbrokers) treated Kevin Rudd. I just find Tony Abbott to be a bit more honest, down-to-earth and it seems he has his priorities for Australia in the right order.

But, if I was a betting man… Regardless of how I might be voting – I think the majority might vote for Labor. I’m hoping most of all that the Greens DON’T get the balance of power in the Senate – and Liberal get enough support to make the numbers in the House of Reps VERY CLOSE. I predict that Julia Gillard will be our next Prime Minister, and I hope that the Libs keep Tony Abbott as Opposition Leader.

Mark asks…

How many driving lessons do new learners need, on average?

I know absolutely nothing about cars, nothing! I really want to learn how to drive, but I’m worried about the expense. How many lessons does an average person need?

Any tips or experiences? Thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

My instructor was a Instructor Teacher so he was pretty good.

He said around 40 hours is what’s needed to be a competent driver, to have confidence and the right skills to drive in any situation. He always did 2 hour lessons as one hour is never enough. Needless to say he had 12 first time passes in a row, I was thirteen and my sister was fourteenth. 40 hours may be a lot of time and money to spend on lessons, you may only need about 20-30 to pass the test (its pretty easy) but to have confidence and proper skill i’d recommend putting some extra time in. You could always try the pass plus scheme which also entitled you to discounts off your insurance.

If you find yourself with an instructor you don’t like, don’t stay with them! You’re paying a lot of money for these lessons and if you don’t like the instructor take your money elsewhere!

A car of your own with some L plates makes practising easier, but you’ll have to have a brave passenger in the car!

Most lessons cost about £18-£20 an hour, any more and walk away. Look to spend about £150 minimum, not including the test price. Remember, this over some months, so you dont have to have all the money at once!

Good luck and have confidence on the road!

Women make good drivers too!

Sandy asks…

Will taking out a personal loan affect my housing benefit?

I want to take out a personal loan to consolidate my debts. Do I need to tell my local council, and will they class it as ‘Income’ that will affect my claim?

Nagesh answers:

A personal loan is not classed as income for the purpose of benefits. However, if you apply for a loan in excess of £6,000 and then have the money saved in your bank account whilst you continue to make monthly repayments, the money is considered to be savings or capital and does affect your HB.

Be wary of consolidating all your debts into a personal loan without receiving independent advice first. Interest rates offered to somebody on benefits with (presumably?) a low income or no regular income are not going to be favourable and your payments may well end up being extortionate.

If you haven’t already, contact National Debtline and Citizen’s Advice to discuss other ways of addressing your debts and your potential eligibility for a government-backed debt managment scheme – both are staffed by impartial advisors:

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Saturday, September 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Paul asks…

How to make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Cashcrate is the only site iv found that actually send you checks every month.
You mostly do surveys of shows you watch and stuff here is a link, hey give it a try you dont have to pay any money to start off, if you dont like it then theres alot of other stuff.
Oh ya, you get refurals too, so that adds up as money too
P.S. As well as getting money, you get points too and those points can go towards Xboxs, PS3s, Gift Cards, PSPs, Ipods, zunes.

William asks…

How to make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

I have done all possible stuff out there. And i would tell you how to make money just visiting websites. What could be easier. I make around 25$ a day now working 30 minutes a day. If you are interested, read here

Daniel asks…

how to earn money online fast and easy without investment?

pls tell me an good idea for earning online .is there typing jobs to earn online and onother jobs for making money fast. seriously i want to make money online .pls anybody help me.

Nagesh answers:

You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

Joseph asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:


Donna asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Dear Friend,

You probably have seen these, but they really really do work, give it a try — think of how you waste $6 in a day, week or month. It’s a minor investment with great rewards. This might really help you pay off those credit cards and give you the ability to move out.

If you could start your own mail order list with an investment of
$6.00, and make $800,000 over the next
year would you do it?

***Proven by various, highly-respected U.S. TV and Radio programs as being 100% legal, feasible and true.***

***Oprah Winfrey and ABC’s investigation team 20/20 also prove it can be done.***


Would you like to make $71,000 OR $250,000 in a few weeks?
As seen on the Oprah Winfrey show and ABC’s 20/20


The true story that has everyone talking:
Parents of a 15yr old boy find $71,000 in his closet:

You may have seen this story featured on a number of major news programs (United States), and reported elsewhere around the world.
His mother was doing some cleaning and putting some laundry away when she discovered a large brown paper bag that was suspiciously
buried beneath some clothes and a skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old sons closet.

Nothing could have prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found that it was full of dollar bills — $71,000 to be precise!!

“My first thought was that he had robbed a bank”, says the 41-year-old woman, “There was over $71,000 in that bag,
that’s more than my husband earns in a year”.

The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership where he worked to tell him what she had discovered.
He came home right away and together they drove to the boys school and picked him up.
Little did they suspect that where the bills were coming from was going to be a bigger surprise than actually finding them in the closet.

As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via E-mail, a type of “Report” to other E-mail addresses that he obtained off the Internet.
Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing this on his computer in his bedroom.

“I just got an E-mail one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started sending it out”, says the 15-year-old.

The E-mail letter he received had 5 names and addresses listed on it and contained instructions on how to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the list.
Then delete the name and address at the bottom of the list (Report # 5) and move the other 4 names and addresses down one step,
finally adding your own name and address to the top of the list (Report # 1).

The letter goes on to state that you would receive several thousand dollars in five-dollar bills within 2 weeks
if you sent out the letter with your name and address at the top of the 5-address list.

“I get junk E-mail all the time, and really did not think it was going to work”, the boy continues.

Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail,
the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up
not with magazines, but envelopes containing $5 bills.

“About a week later I rode my bike down to the post office and my
Post Office Box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelopes stuffed in it.”

Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out the E-mail.

“The five dollar bills just kept coming in and I just kept sorting them and stashing them in the closet,
I barely had time for my homework”. He had also been riding his bike to several of the banks in his area
and exchanging the $5 bills for twenties, fifties and hundreds.

“I didn’t want the banks to get suspicious so I kept riding to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my backpack.
I would usually tell the lady at the bank counter that my dad had sent me in to exchange the bills and he was outside waiting for me.
One time the lady gave me a really strange look and told me that she would not be able to do it for me and my dad would have to come in and do it,
but I just rode to the next bank down the street (laughs).”

Surprisingly, the boy did not have any reason to be afraid.
The reporting news team examined and investigated the so-called “chain-letter” the boy was sending out and found
that it was not a chain-letter at all. In fact, it was completely lawful according to United States Postal and Lottery Laws
which state; a product or service must be exchanged for funds received.

Every five-dollar bill that he received contained a little note that read, “Please send me report number xyz”.
This simple note made the letter lawful because he was exchanging a service (A Report on how-to do something) for a five-dollar fee.

It’s true. The boy legitimately earned $71,000.
You should print this, read it and read it again and again if necessary.
Then follow the simple instructions. You too could make $71,000 and much much more.

This program has gained such respectability and it is working so well, that many people are now entering the program for a second and third time.

Some are reporting they are earning enough money to give up their jobs and they are spending just a few hours a day sending out e-mails.


Some people will perceive this as an “off the wall” idea to make
money, but others will look at it as a great
business opportunity. This by far is the safest, most risk free
opportunity you will find to start your own
business because you use Paypal, the most trusted banking system on
the internet. Not only is this an
opportunity to gain financial freedom, but you will help others do
the same as they help you. A basic
principal that has been forgotten about – Giving to one another.

This is a very simple opportunity. This is an even simpler automated way to make money that does not require opening mail, only a Paypal account.

Create a Paypal account for free.

Give six people $1.00. (Paypal IDs are listed below.)

Post this opportunity to others on the internet.

Other people create a Paypal account for free.

Thousands of people give you $1.00 to be put on your mailing list.
(Once you add your Paypal ID.)

If we all work together everyone will benefit.

Here’s how!

Paypal verifies that this $6 investment program is 100% legal and is
a big hit this year
see their note below or ask them directly…

For a simple investment of 15-30 minutes and just $6, it is 100%
worth it to make thousands so quickly.
This is not another scam that takes lots of your hard earned money;
this is a no risk investment that will
make you thousands of dollars very easily and quickly.

From PayPal:

“Dear Member, it has come to our attention that there is a Paypal
opportunity floating around at the
moment you may have heard or seen the $6 opportunity.

You may have even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of
questions about this opportunity the
answer is yes it does work and yes it is safe to use providing you
follow the rules it is legal and has made a
big hit on the internet this year.

If you would like to take part in this opportunity or would like a
bit more information then please see the
attached file that was kindly donated to us.

Thank you for using PayPal!”

Turn $6 into $15,000 in only 30 days…heres how! You have most
likely seen or heard about this project
on TV programs such as 20/20 and Oprah, or you may have read about
it in the Wall Street Journal.

If not, here it is below – revealed to you in step-by-step detail.

This program is by no means new.

It has been in existence in many forms for at least a decade.

I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it:

Make Money with your Paypal account as shown on Oprah!

IMPORTANT: This is not a rip-off; it is not indecent; it is not
illegal; and it is virtually no risk-it really works! If
all of the following instructions are adhered to, you will receive
extraordinary dividends.


Follow these directions EXACTLY, and $20,000 or more can be yours in
4 to 6 weeks.

This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity
of the participants.

Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the


You are starting a Mailing List

File your responses alphabetically everyday. If you have a computer,
all the better, if not get one
with your first mail responses.

You will soon compile an extensive mailing list. It can be very
useful in your business, to start a new
business, or for other businesses to acquire information from you.

When you send out these letters, you are in the mail order business.
People are sending you $1.00
to be put on your mailing list. This is a legal helpful service.
Once again see Title,

section 1302 and 1341 of the US Postal and lottery laws.

Here are the 4 easy steps to success:


Take a few minutes to join Paypal: Remember to verify your account.

The Internet’s most trusted Internet banking system for your future

When creating your Paypal account make email address you used for
Paypal on the list below so people
can send money to your account.


Once you have a Paypal account running, use Paypal to post $1 to
EACH of the 6 Email Addresses below
because you pay people with an email address in Paypal. Select “SEND

To do this you may need to use a credit or debit card, which is very
easy, and secure so nobody but
Paypal may see it.

What you are doing is creating a service. This is absolutely legal!
You are requesting a legitimate service
and you are paying for it!

Here are the 6 individual Email addresses that you have to send $1
to through Paypal for this to work
properly and for you to receive money.

(If you don’t send the money and decide to post the message with
your name in it anyway, Paypal will
instantly pick this up and terminate your account, immediately,
besides the other penalties!!)

If you did this you could get into serious trouble because it is
fraud. (So follow the instructions and post the
$6 and you will make lots of money with no hassles.)

Now Send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using Paypal, and
in the comment (Subject) section type “Please add me to your list”.
Below are the emails that you transfer the money into:

These email addresses are Paypal IDs or usernames.
Send 1 Dollar to:



Now after sending $1.00 to each of the email placements above, take
the #1 Email Address off the list,
move the other Email Addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc.)
and add Your Email Address as
number 6 on the list.


Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close
to the original as possible.

Now, post your amended article to at least 200 news groups (there
are thousands of groups).

And email your message to as many people you can. Remember, the more
you post and email the more
money you make! This is perfectly legal!

You are getting paid for a service, the sender of the money asks you to “Please add me to your list”, Therefore it is legal. Remember to send a dollar to the above names or this is considered illegal.

=95 If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18 Sec. 1302 and 1241 of
the Postal Lottery laws.

Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and, whenever you need
money, you can use it again and again.


This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity
of the participants and by their
carefully adhering to the directions.

You are simply paying into a money making chain of participants and
if the chain is broken you are
screwing someone else out of their fair share.

So, as each person who joins the family and the directions are
followed, six members will be reimbursed for
their participation as a Mailing List Developer with one dollar

You then insert your Email Address into the list and it will move up

So that when your name reaches the #1 position you will have
potentially received thousands of dollars
into your account!!!

What an opportunity for only a total of $6.00! $1 for each of the
first six people listed above.

To begin with, please send you’re $1.00 to each email address listed
above then add your own Email
Address to the list and you’re in business!


Use the internet and searching for various news groups, ad posting
websites, on-line forums, message
boards, chat sites, discussions.

Log on any search engine like,,,, etc., then search with the subject “money making message
board” or “classified ads”

You will find thousands and thousands of message boards and
companies like, InetGiant.
Com,, etc=85

Click on them one by one and you will find the option ”post a new
message”. Then Post this article
as a ”new message” by highlighting the text of this letter and
selecting copy then paste from the edit

Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees as
they scroll through the list of
postings in a particular group, click the post message button.

You can also read other peoples ads for business opportunities and
respond to their email
address with this business opportunity.

You’re done with your first one! It only takes about 60 seconds to
complete postings on message boards
after you catch on.


But you have to post a minimum of 200!

How does it work?

When you post 200 letters, it is estimated that at least 15 people
will respond and send you $1 ($15).
Those 15 will post 200 letters each and 225 will send $1 ($225).
Those 225 will post 200 letters each and
3,375 people will send you $1 ($3,375). Those 3,375 people will post
200 letters each and 50,625 people
will send you $1 (50,625). Those 50,625 will post 200 letters each
and 749,375 people will send you $1
(749,375). At this point your name drops off the list, but so far,
you have received $813,615.00.

That is it. You will begin receiving money in your account from
around the world within days!


With an investment of only $6.00!!

A – M – A – Z – I – N – G – !!

When your name is no longer on the list, you just take the latest
posting in the news groups, and send out
another $6.00 to Email Addresses using Paypal on the list, putting
your name at number 6 again.

And start posting again.

Copy and paste this letter to use for yourself.

The Fast, Easy and Free way to create your webpage mail order list


The Road to success is not straight
There is a curve called failure……
A loop called confusion…
Speed bumps called friends….
Red lights called enemies…..
Caution lights called family….
You will have flats called jobs…. But….
If you have a spare called determination……
An engine called perseverance……
Insurance called FAITH…….
A driver called JESUS………
You will make it to a place called SUCCESS!


Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, September 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Nancy asks…

How to earn money online without credit card requirements?

That available here in the Philippines.

Nagesh answers:

There are many ways to earn money online without a credit card. Some are legitimate and real methods for making money online and others are scams and get rich quick schemes. I have listed some legitimate methods below. You can search Google for these methods.

1. Take Online Surveys
2. Get Paid For Your videos
3. Join microwork websites
4. Join freelance websites
5. Get Paid to Search
6. Write a blog and use Google Adsense

You can use Paypal, Moneybookers, Alertpay to tranfer earned money to your local bank account.

Good Luck!

Steven asks…

I need the EXTRA MONEY what could be a good idea to earn money besides saving money out of your check?

I been saving up some money to buy a house later on but I want that extra cash. Im planning to save some great amount of money by this yr. but I dont know how. At least I want to get 20,000 in 4 yrs. DOES ANYONE HAVE A GREAT MONEY MAKER IDEA?

Nagesh answers:

I´ve been investing for more than 20 years and trading for almost 14, and I can tell you that if you want to make BIG and FAST profits, I recommend you trading rather than investing, trading can help you to go from rags to rich.

If you are investing, you must have already achieved some degree of financial success, long term stock investing and/or FOREX can help you become much richer than you are today.

My experiences as a Nasdaq Market Maker, Head trader of brokerage firms, and currently as a professional trader
and private hedge fund manager, I can suggest you that:

We trade because we want quick, short term profits on a consistent basis. We want to cash flow the market. Milk it like a cow.
Make consistent, small, short term gains rather than trying to hit a home run on every trade. Don’t ever forget that.
Don’t marry a stock, marry the idea of making money trading stocks. That’s the only way to do it.

For me “All stocks are equally worthless”

I don’t hold on to any illusion that the stock market will continue to go up and provide a nice retirement for me.
I could care less which way the market goes. It’s irrelevant to me if the market goes higher, crashes or moves sideways for the next 50 years. I really could care less. Stocks are just four letters with two prices next to them that I use to make a living trading.

Trade ONLY when you have a clear, easy and identifiable advantage, because without a CLEAR EDGE your odds of success are NO better than a flip of a coin… That´s why so many new traders (and investors) lose money.

Take a look at any daily chart of any index or stock and you’ll probably see the most volatility and the biggest opportunity for profit during the “First Hour” of the stock market’s opening.

The popular thinking and conventional wisdom is that you should wait about an hour before you start trading.

But if you do, you’ll miss the big, fast moves that stocks make as all the amateurs let their emotions out through their
online accounts, usually right after they read some news headline or hear Maria Bartiromo go off about a stock on CNBC.

It’s easy to see why trading the open is the market’s prime time for profiting from other online traders.
The market’s open is very volatile – that is the perfect environment for LARGE, FAST profits.

Learn to trade as a professional Market Maker ,not as an emotionally driven amateur trader or investor with few thousand dollars in an account at Etrade.

There isn’t any other time during the day or any stock you can invest in, that can make you 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or more points
in minutes OTHER than during the first hour the stock market is open. That’s why I love trading the open so much.

I trade only when I have an edge and that means “only the fisrt hour the market is open”.

If you are a beginning trader, you can give yourself an unfair advantage in the market trading this way.

I can continue giving you a lot of advises about how to make money trading, but if you ask me:
“What is the best thing you can do for me or that I can do for myself?

Go to this “Top Secret” site and get the BEST stocks that will make the largest and fastest day trading profits you´ve ever seen…

After you review this site you won´t need a system, strategy, book, software or mentor to tell you what to do,
you will be able to profit HUGE every day, picking your own stocks to trade.

Trade well,


George asks…

What simple job can I get where I can forego any long application/interview process?

I want to get a job (any job anywhere) so I can start working in a few days or less to earn some quick money I need for bills. I only want to work at a job like this for about 2-3 months only. I don’t know of any place that has on the spot hiring for a labor job or something similar. I just can’t wait weeks to go through the long application and interview process? Any advice on where I can work?

Nagesh answers:

Some promotional work does not require a long interview process. They often just want you to go in so they can meet you and see you and if you have a neat appearance and pleasant personality they try you out. The companies advertise in the usual places like online job databases and the application prcess is easy – the types of things they wanted my daughter to market to consumers at shopping centres included fuel saver cards, jewellery and ladies wear.

Thomas asks…

What is the best way to get refferals for sites that you earn with online?

getting refferals quick online without buying them is there an easy way?

Nagesh answers:

All the super earn money by refferal sites are scams. Stay well away.

James asks…

Can anyone think of a quick, legal way to earn money?

I have a lot of bills and a lot of debt. I work two jobs, but could really use some extra income. I’m also getting married in about a year. My fiancee also works full time. How can we earn some money to pay for the things we need without working ourselves to death?

Nagesh answers:

I am not trying to Spam but here are the invitations to some of the survey websites that I have used in the past to make some extra money: is unique from other companies because their patented referral program pays you an average of $2.00 for every survey your referrals complete and an average of $1.00 for every survey their referrals complete. This is cash you can earn regardless of whether or not you complete any surveys.

To sign up, go to


Since it’s inception in 2000, the community has grown to over 3 million people across 190 countries earning cash by participating in our online surveys. We have paid out more money to our members than any other online market research company.
======================================================== Anti-SPAM Policy

We work hard to earn and keep your trust by following a strict Privacy Policy. We’ll never sell or provide your information to anyone. We also enforce a rigorous Anti-SPAM Policy. We’ll never send SPAM or any other unsolicited messages to your email address. is another site and here is their invitation:

This company gives you gift cards to major retailers (Starbucks, Target, Amazon, iTunes, and more) just for taking their online surveys.

It takes just a few minutes to sign up and they don’t share your personal information or send you spam of any kind. Pretty cool.

Click here to view this site:

That’s all I have for suggestions.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, September 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

Thomas asks…

Does anyone know any ways to make money quick?

My Son is trying to save up for a laptop priced at 500 quid. Does anyone have any ways for him to make money

Nagesh answers:

It depends on how old he is. I don’t think that there are any legal ways to make “quick money”. If your son is too young to get a job, suggest these ideas: gift basket business (my sister made $72 net profit at the mall selling gift baskets and she’s 11), tutoring younger students, house sitting, babysitting, lawn care service, computer consultant, graphic design/web site design business, bike/skateboard repair, pet sitting, pet grooming and walking service, or washing cars.

Michael asks…

What are some ways to make quick money?

My friend and I really want to go on a road trip to California sometime this year but we are both broke. I am already trying to get some money babysitting but what are some other things we can do? Don’t tell us to get a job at a movie theatre or anything like that we won’t have any vacation time and we would have to quit. We are both 16 so nothing to crazy. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

1. Sell things you no longer need. Dig out that old guitar you never play, those CDs you don’t listen to anymore, or your antique toy collection. Go to the pawnshop, put an ad on local internet classifieds, or hold a yard sale in front of your house or on a busy street corner (just display the item with a big sign announcing the ridiculously low price). Price items at half of what somebody would be able to buy them for anywhere else, and you may be able to sell them within an hour or two.
2. Sell crafts. If you’re a dab hand at making something quickly that people want, do so and sell it either online (sites like Etsy are great for handmade goodies) or at local craft fairs or other community-based sales.
3. Sell stock photos. Stock photos are relatively easy to take and, once you’ve posted them to your stock-photo account, can make money fairly passively.
4. Sell scavenged valuables. If you have a metal detector, go to public places (especially parks, beaches, and other areas where people are likely to drop something unnoticed) and look for jewelry and other goods.
5. Sell things walking about the roadside. Entrepreneurial sorts sell things like cold drinks on hot days or hot nuts in winter. But it can be dangerous work and it may be illegal, so check the laws and watch the traffic with great care. A safer option is a roadside stall, where people have to park the car and come and see your wares.

Helen asks…

What are some good ways to make quick money?

I am a teenager saving to buy a PS3 but i need more money so what are some good methods. PS3’s are like 200 bucks so… i need some good methods.

Nagesh answers:

Depending how old you are get a job.if you live at home do extra chores.

Jenny asks…

what are some quick ways to make money without getting a job, i need money before 3 weeks is up?

i have untilll the 23rd to make some money 100$ or more, how do i do it if im only a 16 yr old girl?

Nagesh answers:

I dunno – what do you look like?????

Ken asks…

Quick ways to make money on Animal Crossing City Folk Wii?

It’s like so hard 2 get money… apart from fishing which is like so slow! I know there is that time changing one, which results in a lot of weeds- I don’t want that, and the fruit harvesting one.

Nagesh answers:

The money rock is a good one but it will take a while if you do the “dig holes” around you trick. Just keep pressing the directional toward the rock as you hit it so you don’t loose your balance. Also if you use a golden shovel you get an extra bag of cash. It takes practice to keep hitting the rock and getting all the cash out so just keep trying. Like I said the digging thing is to much because there are like 6 rocks in town. You usually get anywhere from $5000 to $8000. To get the golden shovel, bury a regular shovel, move 4 days ahead and dig it up.

Now the fruit thing is the most benifitial, but the most boring. Take a $500 fruit and plant a crap load of them outside of Nooks store. A pocket full will fetch you $7500 each time. Much faster than fishing or hitting rocks and much more productive. I have about 40 of them planted outside the shop. Advance to 4 days after you deplete them, that is how long it takes for them to bear more fruit. And when planting them take the time to water them with the watering can for a higher tree survival rate.

I know the harvesting thing is boring, but I already have my entire house paid off (yes the 598,000 loan) and made a $200,000 donation to the town fund which got me a new bridge. Now I’m just playing for fun and to buy some of that fancy furniture in town at Gracie Grace’s store lol!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast From Home

Sandra asks…

Fastest way to make 100$ in 15 hours from home using the internet?!!!?

i got 15 hours to have 100$ in my AlertPay account! cause if i don’t i will lose something i really can’t lose! don’t tell me sell on eBay and have a garage sell or something like that i need to make 100$ for free from the internet without paying anything cause i already spent all my money on this and just 100$ left and i get it from AlertPay in 1 hour and i got 15 hours left – The alertpay sending time than 14 hours! please tell me a website that can make me that much that fast! plzzz it could be 1 day only than i close my account but it’s really urgent!

Nagesh answers:

Good luck in finding a sap, to loan you the money…ha-ha

William asks…

SEO question, I will pay big money if it works.?

Yes, I am very serious about paying you for this, however, I will only pay you if your advice works. I own a website that has the potential to make millions of dollars a month. The reason I am not making that kind of money is because I can not get my website to the top of the search engines, mainly google. If you can tell me how to get my website to the top of google(or to the front or second page of google), then I would happily pay you 20% of everything I make on my website every month, which comes out to be about twenty-thousand dollars a month. I need to get to the first or second page for the following keywords: get rich, make money, work from home, get rich fast, ways to get rich, and other similar keywords. If you can do this, or help me do this, I would be more than happy to pay you twenty-thousand dollars a month. Thank you. P.S. if you would like to contact me personally my email address is

Nagesh answers:

Well, this is one of the popular SEO question. If you try to improve your SERP. Keyword and unique content is important. First at all, use the SEO content, then build quality link. It might need some time to work out. I did an experiment on one of my blog with some non-hot keyword which is “enjoy earning” and listed on the first of google search with 9000000++ result.

Frankly speaking, “get rich”, “make money”, “work from home”, “get rich fast” and “ways to get rich” not hard to make it to first two page..

Donald asks…

I am Looking to make xtra income fast and found this website. Does anyone know about it?

I have heard you can make xtra income completing surveys on the internet. I tried some, but all they do is enter you in a drawing to win money. I need to make the money.
I found one webstie, and they actually pay you. To join it cost $39.95. I really am in need of this xtra income ASAP, but I don’t want to waste my time or my money. Does anyone know of this website or is anyone a member and do you actually make money. Please Help!
Also does anyone know of a honest way to make xtra income from home part-time, I already have something full-time, I just need part-time and flexible. Thanks!
Thanks for the answers, but I thought I’d give a little more information.So It won’t sound like I just want a fast way to make cash and thats it. I already work. I have two kids and I am trying to start my own business, it is why I need the xtra cash. I know most people would just say apply for a loan but my credit is not great and its hard. I don’t need much. Just enough to get it started and make my business work. With that money make it grow. I figured working from home would be the best option having two kids to attend to.
Has for getting college degrees. I believe I’ve had enough education to get me where I need to go plus a bonus lesson called life and I’m still taking that course today. I just don’t see where getting more and more degrees would help me get extra cash for my business.
Just some GOOD advice and any knowledge or information available. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Surveys are NOT for making money ASAP.

Those selling it to you for $39.95 do not make money in surveys, they make money by mass marketing this information, which is in electronic form and as a product itself costs nothing to produce.

Some people will claim they made money and you can join for free but if you investigate how much time they spent on advertising or just how much time they spent on these surveys, you will realize that lowest paid jobs in town will net you more money. There is no quick fix. Business of any kind even part time takes time to build.

Ask yourself where you will be a year from now if you keep doing what you are doing today. Money alone can not fix our financial worries. I suggest you stop trying to find a quick fix and start looking for permanent solution in your financial affairs. If you do so, I am absolutely certain you will find the answer.

Joseph asks…

i need help really fast?

ok so my life has came crashing down i dont have a job and i have been looking for one and it just isnt working out for me the bills are barley cought up and i cant afford any thing what can i do is there any real ways to make money from home that can pay good i dont care what it is.

Nagesh answers:

Apply at a restaurant or a clothing store. That can be your temporary job until you find a permanent one! And instead of applying online, make an appointment with the owner so that you can get a faster reply.
Good luck!

James asks…

how to make money fast and easy?

ok, so im only 13 and i want to make money so i ca buy an ipad 2. my parents say they cant afford it. so how can i make money, also i want to sell things on ebay how can i do that? and do you need a credit card to sell things? what is another way i can, and dont say things like get a paper rout cuz thats not an option. like things i can do from home or have one of those bake sales or just something i can do @ home

Nagesh answers:

Wow man $$$!
& fast & easy

You gotta be kidding!

By the sweat of your brow you will cultivate a field so that you may eat.

If there was a FAST & EASY way to acquire $!, we would all be doing it,
but short of owning the printing press that makes the $, there isn’t any!

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Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Maria asks…

What’s the quickest way to deposit money into my UK Barclays account from Australia?

I’m in Australia for the next few months and need to deposit cash into my UK bank account as quickly as possible. Does anyone know where I can do this?

Nagesh answers:

Try a currency conversion company – they offer better rates than banks and they are really efficient. You can set up an account online and process it all very easily. We recommend HIFX / Currency Online to our readers as we have heard rave reviews about their service and exchange rates

Carol asks…

how to start my online gambling website for real money not for fun?

1- How much does cost to establish my own gambling website for real money not for fun?
2- is there any company can handle everything from A-Z in hosting and design and domain buying and everything?
3- regarding paying via my website how we can mange it?how to connect the website payment with bank account?
4- is there any special regulations for such online businesses?

Nagesh answers:

Hi Saed,

1. If you mean to own an online casino where people actually place bets, it is expensive to get started. You need to have a large amount of money so that you can pay out winners. The casino always wins in the long run, but your business needs to be able to handle the ups and downs that are experienced in the short run. You will also have to obtain software, either by developing it in-house or by teaming up with a white label software provider.

2. Yes – Look for a white label gambling provider. Do a Google search for “white label gambling site” to learn about the companies that offer this service.

3. Payments are complicated because the law varies widely around the world. Your online casino will have a worldwide player base and you will have to set up payments that are accessible to all players. This means you need to be able to send payments to players in Chile, Canada and the UK quickly. Some countries have strong anti-gambling laws and it is very difficult (and legally dangerous) to send payments to those players.

4. Yes, there are special regulations for such an online business. You will need to research the laws in every single jurisdiction from which you will accept customers. This is complicated, costly and the laws are often unclear.

If you don’t already have an intimate knowledge of the gambling business, I would suggest you look into becoming an affiliate instead. As an affiliate, you run a gambling website and refer players to casinos. You do not own the casino, but you do get paid by the casino for sending players. This can be a very lucrative business and it is much simpler. Take a look at the forums to learn about the business.

Linda asks…

How can I raise some money quickly?

I am in a long distance relationship. We have been together five years. He lives in the Uk and I like in Australia. We have been doing the long distance thing for a year and a half. At the moment we are waiting for his visa approval so he can live here with me. I was planning on going to visit him this year, but I have realised that I just can’t afford it. I broke my leg earlier this year and due to this and the two operations I have had to have for my leg, I can’t afford to go. This means that I can’t see him until his visa is approved as he has already come here this year (when I broke my leg). We have no idea when this will be.
So anyway, I need to raise some money to go over there, because this is killing me. I don’t want to get into debt but I just don’t know how else I would raise the money.
Any ideas??? Know anyone rich, who has a heart??? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you shouldn’t travel when you have had a broken leg. There’s that pulmonary thing that people get on long flights. If you really want to raise money, you can try selling your stuff on ebay. Or you could ask your friends and family to donate frequent flyer miles to you, or you could call up the local newspaper and ask them to feature your story and see if anyone will donate the miles to you. Or you could get a second job to earn enough money to go. Or you just wait and be patient, like people in wartime. You’re smart not to get into debt to do it, though. Good luck.

Betty asks…

non traditional ways to invest and save money for a house?

I am looking for some non conventional or out of the ordinary uncommon ways to save and invest money. this is for 5-7 of investing.

Nagesh answers:

If you want a quick return on your money then trading in cfd,s is the way to go.
You dont actually buy shares as such but buy a contract on the assets.
You then earn or lose money on the opening and closing price of the asset.
Many people have got rich very quick from cfd’s but there is also the risk of losing money quickly.
Finding a broker will help as they can advice you on stops that sell when the
asset falls below a certain amount you can afford to lose.
You can find more information at

Joseph asks…

How do I transfer money quickly?

Does anyone know the quickest way to transfer money from an account in Ireland to my daughters in the uk. Need to get it to her no later than 3 days.

Nagesh answers:

Walk into any branch of her bank in Ireland and deposit the money in cash. That’ll be immediate with no ‘international’ problems.

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Monday, September 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money From Home

John asks…

Can you make enough money from home and pay the bills?

I was wondering if there are ways from home you can make money and have enough to pay just utility bills alone. I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and my parents offered me a house from our home town that’s already paid off. The only bill i need to pay every month is the utilities. I don’t have a job and really don’t want to get one once my baby comes. So if there are any or all ways someone can give me ideas on how to make money from home i would gladly appreciate it so very much. And more importantly if making money from home can pay the bills? 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Every–every job that is advertised as “work from home” seems to be a scam. There are some people that are able to arrange their “regular” job so that they can work from home- at least 70% of the time. Real Estate agent can do a lot of their stuff from home- but they do have to drive out to the property to show and to list (for instance). These jobs are not likely to pay a salary or by the hour. They are probably a commission job or such. So most do not pay much.

Nancy asks…

I need ideas on how to make money from you?

I need ideas on how to make money fron home, can someone share there idea with me.

Nagesh answers:

To make money from me? I’m not hiring right now… Sorry. But I can give you some ideas on how to make money from home. If your good with customer services, human relations, data entry, problem solving, then you can apply for a home based job position, if they have an opening.
You can also have yard sales while your waiting. Put on a Christmas Botique (a lot of people do these between October, November and December).
You can also do surveys, (although the income level in this is hard to grab, very time consuming and very unlikely that you’ll really make anything worth while.
You can also look into starting up a business in pretty much any industry out there. From Child Daycare Centers, to Telecommunications, to clothing, to kitchen supplies, to travel etc etc etc.

Thomas asks…

Does anyone have any ideas on how to make extra money from home, without investing any money?

Nagesh answers:

I signed on with these companies, you might want to check them out. They aren’t get rich quick scemes and they are legit from what I have seen. I am fairly new to them both but so far I like them.

I also sell on ebay, but unless you have alot of cool stuff sitting around your house that will require some investment.

Hope that helps!

Helen asks…

What are some ways I can make money from home?

With the economy not being the best I need ways to make some money from my home. I’ve tried the survey sites and those are worthless for me…I want something legit thats going to bring in a good chunk of money. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Whatever you do: DO NOT FALL FOR THOSE WORK AT HOME FOR BIG BUCKS ads that you see in newpapers and magazines. Stuffing envelopes and the like. They are completeley bogus and will lose you money. Most jobs where you work at home, unless you are exceedingly talented, are NOT going to make you good chunks of money unless you can meet some local demand. Try to do what you’re good at: if you’re a great cook, making gourmet sandwiches or quiches for local offices might work.

Joseph asks…

whats the best way to make money from home with internet or even selling things any ideas?

i have two children no car no licence so im tryin to figure out ways to get some money

Nagesh answers:

Doing day care in your home would work well for you.

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Sunday, September 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Thomas asks…

How can i make some pocket money fast?

Hi im 14 years old and i’m saving up for a concert in may 2010 but im a bit short of money.Can anyone give me any ideas on how to raise some money fast.A concert ticket is 299£ and i’ve only got 80£ so far.Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

“The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22

John asks…

How does this International Money Order work?

I need to send someone money fast to China because I am buying something. However, how does this international money order work? How long will it take for the seller to receive this money? Will he get it immediately, or is like mailed out to him? Also, how does it work with Moneygram or Western Union?
Also, do I have to have a Western Union bank account to send an international money order?

Nagesh answers:

100% scam.

That is a fake website pretending to sell cheap merchandise.

You are being scammed!

Any site that advertises merchandise cheaper than the official manufacture’s website is a fake site shipping gosh awful crappy knock-offs or simply collecting cash and not even bothering to ship fakes.

The pictures on the site look like the real merchandise because those pictures ARE of the official merchandise. Those pictures were stolen from the official manufacture’s website. If you receive anything at all, which is doubtful, it will not resemble those pretty pictures at all.

The payment options say it all, Western Union and moneygram. The credit card icons are just there for show, that site does not accept credit cards, only anonymous cash payments.

Western Union and moneygram do not verify anything on the form the sender fills out, not the name, not the street address, not the country, not even the gender of the receiver, it all means absolutely nothing. The clerk will not bother to check ID and will simply hand off your cash to whomever walks in the door with the MTCN# and question/answer. Neither company will tell the sender who picked up the cash, at what store location or even in what country your money walked out the door. Neither company has any kind of refund policy, money sent is money gone forever.

In all seriousness, when something goes wrong, what will you do? Send an email that is ignored and blocked? Send chat requests until you are ip banned? Call internationally and speak fluent Chinese?

The UPS, TNT and DHL icons are there only to take up space, that site only ships with EMS, the Chinese post office, good luck getting the “tracking number” they give you to work on the EMS website. You will need even more luck trying to contact EMS when your tracking stops and your “package” is lost somewhere.

You could then be really lucky, your “package” is discovered, seized by “customs” and all you need to do is pay even more money via Western Union or moneygram to the “custom’s official” who uses a free email address just like that site has a free email address as its contact information.

Free email addresses are easy to open and close completely anonymously.

Linda asks…

What should I do to make money fast?

I am only 12 years old ,and all I do is babysit! I need to do some things to make money fast! Also, I nee things that are free or fairly cheap to do/make.

Nagesh answers:

Sell your things you do not want on ebay

Mandy asks…

How to get money fast in my town 2?

I need money fast in my town 2, what is the fastest way to get it(cheats can be included)??

Nagesh answers:

Easiest non-cheat way is to convert all businesses to Offices (dress them up as offices, and they become offices) and buy multiple stock exchanges (as the bonuses do stack) from the Wonders store. Early in the game, it’s a grind. Gets better though as you build up businesses.

I know others that use the same strategy with Retail businesses and Mega Malls.

One more bit of advice… Buy franchises from other players. You get a little bonus and jobs are free.

Ruth asks…

How do I make money on the internet TODAY?

I’m in trouble and need to raise money FAST. How do I make money on the internet TODAY, not 6 months from now.

Nagesh answers:

You can start from this awesome free site :

it’s free of charge to start your own successful internet marketing .

Hope it’ll help .

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Saturday, September 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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