Archive for June, 2013

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

William asks…

How does iTunes make you pay for music?

I’m a fossil. Someone please explain to me how iTunes makes $ for Apple?

Don’t you still get to download any song you want for free off LimeWire, Kaaza, etc?

Nagesh answers:

ITunes is a brilliant system where users are forced (generally) to purchase resources from a single source. Will not go into breaking the encryption (or jail break). If you buy an iPhone, iPod, iPad you are agreeing to used a close system to purchase music. You can import purchased music or copy music from CD’s you own to the Apple device.
Today a lot of music is protected through a process called DRM or Digital Rights Media. It is a copy protection scheme which prevents music from randomly being copied to multiple computers. This is where LimeWire or Kaaza, Pirate Bay were popular. Several music sharing companies have been sued out of existence. People would share their music collection from their home computer. Then came the RIAA. Recording Industry Association of America. Lovely folks. They have a pact with musicians who create music and protect their interest. Does seem fair if you are a musician and someone has a copy of your song you should get paid. The RIAA has an aggressive mission to find people who share music and file suits. Recently people have been sued for several thousand for a few songs on their computer.
Also, for most general users, it is very simple. You buy a device and you do not have to go through hoops to “rip” your music from a CD, worry about what format, set up music artist folders etc. You just pick the song, click pay your 99 cents and magically it is downloaded to your device. Main reason Apple makes money, simplicity. Long dissertation to get to a simple answer. Simplicity.

Paul asks…

Why did mortgage lenders give loans to people who could not afford them?

Do they make money off of them somehow? Is this some twisted scheme?

Nagesh answers:

Here is what happened with the “mortgage crisis” (in a nutshell)…

Those who study mortgage trends have said that there has been a pretty consistent pattern of a “bust” in mortgages about every 18 years since World War II. We’ve seen problems like this before and we will survive this “crisis.” If you’re looking for a mortgage right now, rates are still very good. The world is not ending (as the politicians who are itching to “help” would have us believe).

In summary, EVERYONE (not just the Mortgage Lenders) was involved played a part in the “bust” to some extent or another.

BORROWERS — Rather than living within their means, many borrowers decided that they wanted to have a bigger, more expensive house than they could afford. In order to afford these houses, they often turned to loan products such as “Interest Only” loans. With IO loans, you basically pay the minimum amount possible every month and the principal is never reduced. To complicate matters, some loans featured “zero down” where the borrower had absolutely NO equity in the property. Here is an illustration of a typical problem: A property is worth $800,000 at the time of purchase. The borrower takes out an Interest Only loan for $800,000 (putting nothing down). Then the property value drops to $700,000. Now the borrower has a loan for $800,000 for a property that is only worth $700,000. The borrower has ZERO equity in the property so guess what… They walk away from the property and the lender ends up taking the loss.

MORTGAGE COMPANIES (BAD OR POOR UNDERWRITING GUIDELINES) — In an effort to make as many loans as possible (and to sell these loans to foolishly eager investors), many mortgage companies relaxed their guidelines beyond reason. Some loans had a Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio of 100 (or higher on rare occasion!). If the property was worth $100,000, then an LTV meant that $100,000 was loaned to the borrower (as stated before, no equity). The lower the LTV, the less risky (and more desirable) the loan is. Another arguably stupid mortgage product was the “80-20” loan. A loan with an LTV of 80 or lower is not considered risky in the mortgage business. Therefore, Mortgage Insurance (MI) is not required for loans with an LTV of 80% or less. (If a borrower has an LTV of 85 and pays it down to 80, then they can drop the MI from the loan.) MI is basically insurance against borrower default. For example, if a borrower defaults on his loan and the lender forecloses and sells the property and loses $2000 in the process, then the MI company will cut a check to the lender for $2000 to make the lender “whole.” Rather than requiring borrowers to carry MI on their loans (which would have mitigated risk), the mortgage companies allowed the borrowers to take out a second loan on the same property (a “second lien” or Home Equity Line of Credit or HELOC). This HELOC money was then used as the “money down” on the first loan so that MI could be avoided. For example, if the property is worth $100,000, the borrower might get a HELOC for $20,000 and put that money down on the first loan, thereby lowering the LTV to 80 (thereby exempting them from MI). Another popular loan was an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) or “Fixed-Adjustable” (where the Interest Rate is fixed for a few years and then starts to adjust (up or down) based on a financial instrument). Borrowers were allegedly given a low “teaser rate” and then (because they bought too much house) couldn’t make the payments with the higher interest rate when the rate adjusted. (It seems hard for me to believe that an interest rate adjustment would be so severe that it would prevent someone from making their payments, but that’s what the borrowers allegedly claim.) Maybe this is too many detailed examples, but suffice it to say that a lot of stupid mortgage products were offered by mortgage companies (and accepted by borrowers).

INVESTORS — In their quest to make a “fast buck”, investors bought up tons of these mortgages since these riskier “sub-prime” loans brought higher returns (higher interest rates). These investors should have performed a “due diligence” on the loans they bought; but they didn’t. When investors purchase loans, there is usually (if not always) a “buyback” provision. This means that if a loan goes bad and the investor finds that there was some irregularity in the underwriting (the loan decisioning process) that the mortgage company who sold them the loan is required to “buy back” the loan. The problem is that most mortgage companies are “cash poor” (meaning that they borrow the cash that they lend from a “warehouse lender” temporarily until they can sell the loan to an investor and pay back their warehouse lender). So when these loans started going bad (hundreds of millions of dollars worth!), the investors demanded the mortgage companies buy back the loans (according to their agreement). So mortgage companies were now looking at buying millions and millions of dollars worth of loans back when they had little or no money of their own! So what happened? Countless mortgage companies declared bankruptcy. With all of the hullaballoo around bad mortgages, investors decided to stop buying sub-prime mortgages. Since there was nobody buying these mortgages and since mortgage companies don’t have their own cash, mortgage companies found that they could no longer make these sub-prime loans. The sub-prime market dried up almost instantly.

RATING AGENCIES — The job of rating agencies is to investigate the creditworthiness of investments (many of which included mortgage debt). These agencies did not do their due diligence and ended up giving these investments an artificially high rating. So investors thought the investments were less risky than they were. Investors will always buy investments that have a high return and low risk (but obviously they weren’t low risk).

THE GOVERNMENT — The government has always put pressure on mortgage companies to make loans to poor and/or minority borrowers. Because these borrowers typically have worse credit and/or less income and/or greater debt, they had to go to the “sub-prime” market to get a mortgage loan. Is it so hard to imagine that a borrower with less income, more debt and bad payment habits will default on a loan (especially when they’ve put little or no money down)? Of course not. But the government continues to “wish away” laws of basic economics and common sense. In order to “do right” by poor people and minorities, the government expected mortgage companies suspend their normal sound underwriting guidelines and business sense. (Obviously, the sub-prime problem goes beyond just poor borrowers, but my point is that the government contributed to the crisis to some extent.) The government is now poised and ready to exacerbate the crisis beyond what it is now by “freezing” interest rate adjustments. Here is an illustration of the problem: Let’s say you have $5000 in cash. I’m a bank and I tell you that if you deposit your $5000 with me that I will pay you 1% during the first 2 years but then I will pay you 7% after those 2 years. So you deposit your money at the low rate of interest. After two years (when you’re about to get your higher interest rate), the government comes in and says, “Sorry. You’re not getting your 7% as promised. In fact, you can’t take your money out of that bank; you must leave it there and only collect 1% for another 10 years.” What will happen when you have another $5000 to deposit? Will you put it in my bank? Absolutely not. Why? Because you don’t know if you’ll really get the return you agreed upon. In the same way, if the government steps in and says to the investor/lender, “Sorry… You’re not getting the return on your money that you negotiated… And you can’t take back your money; you’ve got to leave it at the low rate,” then guess what the investor is going to do. He will never invest in mortgages again! He will take his money to China or municipal bonds or any other vehicle in which he can get a RELIABLE return on his money. If he DOES decide to put money into mortgage debt again, he will demand a higher return to compensate for the greater risk that the government will step in and “help” again. (In other words, Interest Rates on mortgages will go up for EVERYONE!) Thank you Big Government Democrats and George Bush!

REGIONAL PROBLEMS — Some regions in the USA had events that made the mortgage problems particularly bad. For example, inflated property values in California started deflating. Condos in Florida didn’t sell as thought and many sit vacant. Companies providing jobs in the “rust belt” (such as Michigan) have moved or gone under; thereby leaving the local homeowners with no income with which to make their mortgage payments.

Sorry for such a long answer. Hope it all makes sense.


Mark asks…

Whats a good way to earn money on my computer?

I’m a Senior in High School and I want to earn extra money. I don’t have time for a job right now, cause of sports. Is there a way to earn money on my computer that won’t take up too much time. How about surveys?
Please tell me of ur experience, if u’ve done something like this.

Thank You

Nagesh answers:

Http://www.cashcrate. Com/131862

This FOR ONCE is not a spam, work at home, making money scheme. I’ve been using this website for a few months now and all you do is fill out surveys, sign up for websites and do free trial offers. You can also make money by referring people. You get 20% of what your referrals make and 10% of what THEIR referrals make.

Here’s an example of the money I’ve made. It’s not some AMAZING amount of money but hey… Anything extra helps right? It’s extra money you wouldn’t have had before.

January ’07 – $166.19
February ’07 – $63.30
May ’07 – $35.63
September ’07 – $83.50

It is all based on how much effort you put into it and how many offers you complete and YES, I’ve received an actual paper check in the mail every time. If you have any further questions about it PLEASE ask me and I’ll give you as much info as I can. This is great to do in your spare time or when you’re up at 2 in the morning cuz you can’t sleep!

If you’re serious about signing up, 1 tip. Sign up for an additional yahoo mail account just for your cashcrate offers. Believe me, the emails you get from signing up for offers and sites are crazy and then spam mail on top of that…so don’t ruin your established email address.
Http://cashcrate. Com/131862

Sandra asks…

How do real estate taxes work? Possibly buying a home?

I mean do you pay them, every month or every six months or once a year? How much are they? Is it a percentage of the cost of your home or something? eeeeek

Nagesh answers:

Real estate taxes vary widely depending on your state and local government. There are areas of the country where taxes may be as little as $2000-3000/yr, and a nice house in a nice neighborhood in a high-price high-tax state can run over $50,000/yr.

They may be due quarterly, semi-annually or annually. You may have to pay both real estate taxes and school taxes. Your realtor should tell you what the tax scheme is for the area or community where you are looking for a house. They must also disclose current tax rates and the current tax bill, when the next payment is due, etc.

Many lenders will require the first year’s taxes to be paid in advance, as well as the first year’s homeowners’ insurance, with proof of payment presented at the closing. Some may then add 1/12 of annual insurance and annual property taxes to your mortgage payment so that these are paid in advance and held in escrow for them to pay when due.

Your property taxes will go up. Whatever it is now, it will be more next year. Towns, villages, cities, counties, school districts all over the US are hurting for money, inflation is hitting them hard, and taxes are skyrocketing in many places! Be sure you understand what taxes, easements, and special assessments apply to any property you consider BEFORE you make an offer on it. The realtor is required to disclose all of this info to you. Make sure you understand it all clearly.

Susan asks…

So what infrastructure project should the government borrow money for in order to reduce the deficit?

The Labour Party goes on about changing our economic strategy — specifically , reducing the deficit by borrowing more money to “invest” in “growth”.

However, to most people , an “investment”(or growth) is one which returns enough to pay back the money borrowed, and the interest on it — plus it generates a surplus which I can be used to reduce our deficit / debts.

So does anyone know what projects the Labour Party actually think that the government borrow money to fund and “invest” in .
Alan : I have a problem with “investment” in “social housing ” .If the government borrows £150,000 for each social house , over 25 years , then it will cost over £10,000 per year in interest and capital payback charges, per house, over those 25 years .And that’s simply to break even — not generate a surplus to reduce deficits etc.

Where does the £10000 +a year net rent/income ,needed to simply break even on the original build costs etc., come from when we are dealing with social housing tenants ,who are presumably on low incomes /benefits.?

We might have put people into work during the build ,and we end up with people being better housed — but the project doesn’t generate a surplus , it simply creates more debt.
Alan : You know and I know , that council house rents etc, are never set at true cost levels –they are hugely subsidised . Even someone paying the full council house rent is still only paying a fraction of the costs of providing that house .Council house rents would have to be at least doubled for them to break even.

So whatever benefits one would get from a government funded Social Housing programme , it would not be a reduction in our deficit and debt. — quite the opposite in fact. Which is why such programmes have always been funded from the “surpluses” a government makes/or expects to make , during the positive side of the economic cycle .

The problem in the UK , however, is that we haven’t had surpluses in decades — and a generation has grown up , therefore , thinking that deficits and debts don’t really matter.But they do .

Nagesh answers:

Affordable housing and housing in general would be high on their agenda. Building desperately needed houses creates jobs, stimulates demand, and gets the economy moving, instead of stagnating with thousands facing unemployment. Building houses also helps other businesses because it’s not only people who need a home to live in, they need to buy the furniture and all the goods required to furnish it, not to mention more shops and outlets to purchase the goods in the first place. Then there is the income from the sales and rents. It is a win win situation if you invest in house building.

EDIT: – You are mistakenly assuming that social housing is ONLY for unemployed people, but you would be wrong. I myself had a Council flat once and I have never been unemployed. Councils are now being urged to take local working people into their social housing, and therefore the rents on such properties could be increased accordingly. Furthermore, because of the severe shortage of social housing, many councils are having to pay out enormous amounts of tax payers money to keep people on benefits in private rented accommodation, which is costing twice as much as social housing. Removing the private landlords windfall and placing people into social housing would reduce that cost dramatically. Add to that the increase in the number of people gaining employment through the house building scheme, you cannot lose. And then there is the rent to buy scheme, which could help hundreds of thousands of people to gain a foothold on the property ladder, while paying rent and getting a mortgage for a portion of the property. That way the cost to the council would be greatly reduced. There are any number of ways to make a profit from property, and the building program would not have to be all social housing. There are millions of people wanting to buy reasonably priced properties but are unable to do so in this economic climate. Building new homes for a variety of schemes makes perfect sense, and is better than the prospect of a triple dip recession and zero growth in the economy over the last 2.5 years of this coalition govt.

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Thursday, June 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

John asks…

What’s a fast easy way to make money?

and don’t say get a job lol i’ve realized that. 😛 i’m just looking for ideas.

Nagesh answers:

To buy lottery

Joseph asks…

Whats i good way to make money fast and easy?

Do u know a way please tell me

Nagesh answers:

Make a resume, hand it in places, go for your interview and then go to work. Thats as easy as its gonna get. Sorry bro, life isnt easy.

James asks…

I need fast and easy ways to make money?

I’m only 12, I want to buy the iPad 2!!
I already:

but i need something to the next level 😉
i want to do something like buy things on sale and sell it on ebay.
does anyone know of any like discount stores/places with a lot of sales that i could use?
or any tips?

and i also want more ideas 🙂

Wolf Harper-
im a kid.
you dont need to tell me, i know.
it doesnt matter how old i am!
i could be 4 years old for all you know, maybe it was a typo, maybe im 11, maybe im 13!
so just like stop because its not your buisness!
maybe my parents have allowed me to have an email since i was 6, maybe im not allowed until im 13. the age restrictions are DUMB rules i tell you! my sister (shes older but still) got an email when she was 7!
just butt out Mrs.Senior Wolf Harper–hey sounds like youre pretty young too! Thats a twilightt/hp kinda name! well youre probably some creeper old dude trying to steal boys identitys! MHMM u dont know if im a girl/boy! hot pink is my name. i might be a boy! thats what my parents decided to name me and i LOVE my name,! so just stoppppppppppppppppppppppp

Nagesh answers:

Well you answered your own question hun. Sell your old toys and stuffed animals on ebay. Your parents will have to help you because this would require a paypal account. Also I don’t know where you live but where I live we have a store called plato’s closet where they buy gently used clothes from people. Kind of like a ‘hip’ goodwillfor teens and such. Good luck! I have the iPad 2 and its awesome!!!!

Sharon asks…

Easy fast way to make money?

I need some money by the end of the summer and i am only 13. i dont want dumb answeres and i will give you 10 pts for some easy answres exept ebay and drugs! lol

Nagesh answers:

I know LOTS of people over the age of 60 who have limited mobility. If you went door-to-door in your town, or at senior residential subdivisions and/or houses, people would pay you to do odd jobs, like moving furniture, vacuuming, carrying groceries, cleaning out closets, cleaning out cars …….. You can’t just say “I can do odd jobs”. You have to start naming things you can do, to trigger their memory. You say something like, “I can do lifting, weeding, sweeping, clean bookcases, carry groceries, carry furniture “, etc. When you talk to someone, LOOK for possibilities for yourself . You might see a pile of rubbish in their garage and you can tell them you could bag it for the trash man, or you might see a dog and then offer to bathe it. Don’t let any chance slip by. Your family knows people who need help and they should help you get established by calling everyone that could use your services. Make some home-made cards and call yourself ODD JOBS AT LARGE with your phone number. It won’t work to just leave your card : you have to MEET these people and earn a reputation as polite and helpful.
If you live in a city, you can deliver newspapers and the turnover rate is high, so it may be available.
You can re-cycle scrap metal. You would have to go out and find it in the day and have an adult drive back to pick it all up later to sell to the private recyclers.
GET MOVING and Good Luck !

Michael asks…

fast and easy way to make money?

i have 82 fishing and am a nonmember what would get me money faster lobsters or swordfish

Nagesh answers:

Lobsters are faster to fish i believe, and people will probably buy them faster because they are a popular item for training cooking

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast

Susan asks…

How can i make money fast before christmas?

I really need to know how i can make some dosh before christmas? I get £3 a week for pocket money, so thats some. But are there any other smart ideas for making money? (No internet scamming websites!!) i dont want to know how to make it online by the way!!

Nagesh answers:

Well why not try with niche marketing. You know…sell your or other people’s products.

There are many sites to start I found this as the best one:

It’s a website that will teach you how to make your first money online. And it’s free I highly recommend it.

I personally don’t believe in surveys, they are somehow…”scammy”.

Hope this helped.

Laura asks…

Any Good Ideas How To Make Money Fast ?

No stupid answers lol 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Hi there, Honestly? There really isn’t a quick way to make money fast if you want it yesterday! There are several options open to you though so don’t panic. It all depends on how quickly you want to make money and if your willing to do some work for it. I gave up my job at Christmas to work from home online. It took every ounce of my being to go ahead with it but I am one of the lucky few who is commited to it. Don’t worry if this is not what you are looking for though… I tried everything to make money from doing mundane jobs like delivering leaflets to selling stuff that lay around the house on eBay. If you need it quicker than that, (at some point I did too), try selling some gold or silver at your local jewellers as gold prices are quite high at the moment. Also, may sound funny but dental scrap metal is highly priced at the moment too. I know you said no stupid answers but it depends on how you look at it and how desperate you are for some money. Failing that, if you have little or no money to spare try working for yourself online and become an Affiliate Marketer. It beats the day job and it does make some serious money if you commit and put the effort in. If you think this might be for you have a look at the links I’ve suggested. It costs nothing to have a look. Hope this has helped you a little.

Charles asks…

i am 13 and need to make money fast any ideas?

i was mowing lawns but the lawn mower broke and i only bby sit one family

Nagesh answers:

Plenty of things.
Wash cars.
Clean windows.
Tutor kids,

Sandra asks…

Anyone have any ideas on how to make money fast?

just thought id ask im broke and layed off my job for a couple month

Nagesh answers:

Be someone’s date to prom for money…

Donna asks…

Any ideas on how to make fast money?

I was bored 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Okay, I am saving up for an iPod touch since last week. I already have $86 in two weeks. All you have to do is cherish every coin you find. Also, keep a journal and record how much money you spent and gained everyday. It helps a lot. Back to the coin thing, I found a ton of coins and made $20. Also bargain with your parents. Lets say, you want to make $229 at May 12. You can ask your mom for $4 everyday when you finish all your chores. Or get $20 a week. You will have to do a little math :). And trust me, It feels AMAZING when you work for it yourself. You feel strong and determined which is a great feeling:)

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Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Carol asks…

Is it way too cheap to keep soda cups from fast food chains in your car and get free refills?

I am a student and am always having cash flow problems. I keep soda cups from fast food chains in my car and get free refills to help save money. It saves me around $20 per month. Is it way too tacky to do this?

Nagesh answers:

Haha….yeaa kinda.
But then again…do what you have to do. Saving even a dollar in this economy is good.


Richard asks…

Is it way too cheap to keep soda cups from fast food chains in your car and get free refills?

I am a student and am always having cash flow problems. I keep soda cups from fast food chains in my car and get free refills to help save money. It saves me around $20 per month. Is it way too tacky to do this?

Nagesh answers:

No, I don’t think it’s tacky at all.

Dishonest & illegal (theft), yes. Tacky though? No

Mandy asks…

How can I get free food?

First off, im looking for any ideas on how to get food for me and my wife. I currently got laid off from my job and we are running out of money fast. My new job pays monthly and after all the bills. Rent, car etc I got laid off and left with no money and almost out of food for us.

Any ideas to help?

Nagesh answers:

Public assistance. Really.

Mark asks…

How could I get an iPad2 for cheap or free?

How could I make money fast? Like surveys and stuff that aren’t total scams?

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

Work around and earn money

Ask for money on holidays and birthdays

buy a used/refurbished one

don’t do those surveys because they are always scams

Donna asks…

Free PayPal Money anyone?!?!?!?

okay. i wanna get like some money. So any sites where i can do. I dont want the survey crap. but looking at advertisments are fine. And the site must be free to join. and i want it to go to my paypal. and it must be fast. i want to save up to get money for a ds

Nagesh answers:

Sell something on eBay.

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Monday, June 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Lisa asks…

How can I make my hair color darker with out using store bought stuff?

I want to go darker but I just dont have the money.
And If you have a idea for me to earn money quick please tell me

Nagesh answers:

Darken Light Hair
Brew strong dark black coffee or strong black tea.
Allow the mixture to completely cool before using.
Wash hair as you normally would and rinse. Turn off the water in the shower.
Poor the coffee or tea onto your light hair in the shower with a bowl underneath your head to catch the mixture.
Re-rinse with the coffee or tea until you achieve your desired color.
Wash and condition your hair.
Repeat this process once a month to maintain a natural-looking dark color.

Joseph asks…

How can i earn more money for makeup?

I want more makeup but my parents dont have money! I am 13 and i want to know a way how i can earn money fast and quick WITHOUT having to babysit.

Nagesh answers:

Sell yourself out.

David asks…

How to earn money when your 13 QUICK?

I am trying to prove to my mom that I am responisable to buy my own stuff… Well I’m going to buy me an iPhone and I need to earn money QUICK like within a month would be nice to earn about 500$ haha my gma and gpa sometimes pay me to help…. And I could maybe ask my mom to pay me for chorse but other than that idk haha oh and we live out towards the country… So babysitting isn’t really an option


Nagesh answers:

Start an errand and odd job service for the elderly people in your neighborhood. Print up flyers on your PC and hand them out to your neighbors. If business picks up, hire some of your friends to help you.

Michael asks…

What Things Can Me An My Best Mate Do To Earn Money To Have A Shopping Spree?

Me&My friend want to have a shopping spreee so need to earn quite alot of money and we have like none atm,, what can we do? we was gonna buy soap flakes and make homemade soap but we dont know where or how to sell it? and do you have anything else we could make and sell? and how else could we earn money quick? we live in the UK xx Taah!;)x
And I Am Exactly 13 Tah!:S

Nagesh answers:

You need to be at least 13 to post questions – and you’re obviously quite a bit younger, so not old enough.

Laura asks…

How do I earn money quicker?

My class wants to go on a field trip to Canobie Lake Park, but we need money for the bus and all the other stuff. We only have about 4 weeks to make the money. We need about 1,200 dollars. I want a quick way to earn money.

Nagesh answers:

Do alot of fund raisers and events

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Sunday, June 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Ruth asks…

How can I make money quickly and legaly?

I want to save up to go on a huge school trip. Im in high school and 15 years old. I play guitar very well… but I’ll do any job.

Nagesh answers:

Play for some tips and get a part time job!

Robert asks…

How do i make money quickly without breaking the law?

I need instant cash i’ve tried selling old phones to mazuma mobile and i got pennies for them! i’ve tried catalogue distribution and never made anything out of that.
I’ve done little jobs like cleaning cars and cutting people lawns, but that again makes pennies!
i need help please!!!
Thank you to those who answer!!

Nagesh answers:

If you have child care experience, baby sit or become a live-in or live-out nanny. Watch people’s pets for them, house sit, etc. Good luck!

Thomas asks…

How does a student make money quickly?

this may sound like a stupid question but i thought i’d ask to see if any has any good ideas.
they need to be things i can do on my own, i cant do anything that involves my parents as they dont know of my money problems.

Nagesh answers:

I’ve received around $ 2000 a month from all these sites. You can also make lots of money online depending on how much time u put into it. Here is a link of some sites that PAID BY CHECK ONLY to do surveys, read emails and more 🙂

David asks…

how would a 13 year old make money quickly?

im buying a 400 dollar xbox 360 and need a way to make money fast besides getting a job(already have one), craigslist, garage sale, ebay, and prostitution. so dont put any of these in your answer.

Nagesh answers:

Don’t trust any “easy money” from any website. Most likely it is a racket. If money was easy to be made, everybody would be doing it, take my word.

As a 13-year old, your options are probably limited. Baby-sitting jobs are not too bad but it would take a while to get $400 worth. Yard work is hard work but can be profitable. If you can cut grass, 2 or 3 yards a day might get you up to $90 per day. The hard part is finding people who need it done.

You can also try carwashing. $5 per car = about $10/hour which adds up but is slow. Or you can charge $10/car, but you have to do a better job at it.

$400 is not a hard target to shoot for, but may take a couple weeks. As I said before, there is no such thing as easy money.

Lisa asks…

How to make alot of money quickly? Fundraising ideas?

Okay so im only 15 and i was offered a chance to go to Europe but it costs 5,000 dollars i need to make the money quickly and i cant get a job, fundraising ideas? HELP! pls this is the chance of a life time.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry but this is not going to happen.

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Saturday, June 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Nancy asks…

Is there a real way to make money online without a get rich quick scam?

I would like to find a way to make some extra cash from home but I have no idea how to go about it.

Nagesh answers:


Though I think a lot depends on what you would like to do, how much time you have to spare, and how much effort you’re willing to put in.

You’ve already got a couple of replies that mention surveys and this is one possibility.

There could also be opportunities in writing articles – especially if you enjoy writing or have some knowledge to share on a particular subject.

And there is also affiliate marketing, where you can promote products online on behalf of the product supplier. Every time you make a sale, you get commission – and all you have to do is simply refer the buyer to the seller.

I have heard of data entry, stuffing envelopes, etc. But only in bad terms – people sent money in to ‘register’ and then didn’t hear anything back.

I personally started with affiliate marketing earlier this year, after I was made redundant. It has vast money making potential and is exciting to be involved in. However, it requires a certain amount of time and effort.

In pursuing any of the above methods, there are going to be potential scams – so tread carefully.

What I would recommend from my own experience is as follows:

Surveys – finding paid survey sites by myself as opposed to investing in a ‘paid surveys’ product. You don’t have to pay to register on each survey company website so it’s better if you can find them without paying someone to merely tell you what these sites are. I have recently begun a list on this webpage (it’ll keep growing as I discover and authenticate further sites):

Articles – there are article websites such as which offer financial rewards for articles that rank well in their in-house competitions, and they also have a marketplace where companies offer money for articles on particular subjects. Also, webmaster forums could be good places to go as a webmaster may be offering to pay you to write some content for their site.

Affiliate marketing – there is a lot of information on the web about this – in fact, there’s almost too much. I found it important to do a little research, make a decision, then stick with it and not get distracted. By doing the research, I minimised the risk of getting scammed and ended up purchasing a product that delivered on everything it said on the sales page. It was a leap of faith that paid off, and since then I have set up a website that mentions some options that I believe to be bona fide:

In summary, there IS a real way to make money online without it being a ‘get rich quick’ scam. BUT you won’t ‘get rich really quick’ and you’ll need to invest some time and effort.

You should be able to make a decent amount after a couple of months and then it’s just a case of multiplying income streams.

Thomas asks…

the quickest way to make some money online,any idea?

Dear all:
Just need a robust and simple way to get some quick cash online,must be doable and legit,any idea?

Nagesh answers:

My experience
1,try PTC site like clicksense or is small,but they are legit
2,try GPT site like,,where you can do offer to get money,but it is a little tricky.

Sandy asks…

Real ways to make money online?

i am looking for real ways to make money online for a little extra cash i only work part time right now and it is just not cutting it so i was wondering if there is any legitament ways to make some quick cash online

Nagesh answers:

For the 516,395th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No nothing.
You will not find them in your house.
You will not find them with your mouse.
You will not find them here or there.
You will not find them anywhere

Michael asks…

How to make money online?

I’m looking for a way to make quick money online… please no scams (aka google) cause I’ll figure it out.

Nagesh answers:

Quick money isn’t easy to be make offline, forget making it online.

King kong

Betty asks…

Whats a quick way to make money besides getting another job and without going online?

I need to make money fast

Nagesh answers:

Win the lottery!!!

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Friday, June 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

James asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I sincerely suggest you to stay away from this BS.

Helen asks…

How can I make MONEY really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while. I am in college and have a child and could use the extra income. There can be little to no start up cost involved as well.

Nagesh answers:

Qualifications matter a lot…what r ur qualifications and wat r u good at?

Robert asks…

Do you know of any companies that allow you to work from home?

I am not looking for fast money making websites or any crap like that. Just a legit business that will allow me to work from home.

Nagesh answers:

YTB or Your Travel Biz

This Company is Completely Legitimate no scams involved, no selling lotions and potions, etc. The Company is Publicly Traded, it was Founded in 2001, and are currently on track to becoming the Worlds Largest onlline Travel povider by 2010. We did a billion Dollars in Sales in 2007, have a copyrighted Compensation plan, and has received Numerous awards including Carnivals Pinacle award. We were also Featured on the Front Page of Success from Home Magazine.

Travel Truly is the Largest Trend of our lifetime! Over 7 Trillion Dollars a year is spent in Travel!

Do you like to go on Vacation? Would you like to have your own Home Based Travel Business? You can work from home using the Internet, you benefit not only from the Tax advantages of owning your own business, but also you get all the Travel Perks and Discounts from owning your own travel Business. You receive 60% of all the Commissions from Any bookings on your site! You simply tell your friends, family, etc. About your site! You can also sell Travel Websites and Make a little extra money a month or a LOT, its up to you! It is very simple actually!

this is the Travel Website you will get (but with your personal business Name that you choose)
this is mine!

George asks…

How do I use presents on the PC game Miss Populairity?

OK, I have bought all of the make-up, two of the hats and all of the shoes. I have bought a present many times before and I don’t know how to give it. I would also like to know how to get into the soccer team and meet my dream boy. If it requires getting money, please give me some tips on fast moneymaking.
Nice thinking Kelly C!
but for some reason i cant do that!

Nagesh answers:

Work at the cafe in the shopping center (behind the tables where you can “eat ice cream”, by matching the correct toppings on the pizza, you can easily make a quick $50, much better than those $15 car washes.

Laura asks…

How to make fast money on runescape f2p?

I am currently level 54 on f2p with 3.2m, i am looking to make faster money with these stats for skilling:


which option should i choose and why, also how to get their and an estimate on how much i will be making

Nagesh answers:

Money making? Lets see im good at this!>:)

Woodcutting:yew logs (will be slow at that level, f2p is crowded for yew)

Firemaking: wouldn’t consider it.

Fishing:lobsters at karamja and noting them south of muza point(aka the volcano)

Mining:mining iron at dwarven mines and banking them at resource dungeon if unlocked(need 15 dungeonerring to get in the cave with the deposit box

IF you dont mind using combat you can always fight the hill giants under varrock for their bigbones (yes there is safespots)

hope this helps!

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Thursday, June 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes

John asks…

real ways to get rich quick?

let’s be real here the only way to make money is by earning it. that or be one of two lucky sons of bitches that inherit it. or hit the lottery but on the other side. afetr seeing millions of B.S get rich quick scams i ask you community. are there any REAL get rich quick schemes that work?

Nagesh answers:

No, some people become wealthy by using multi-level marketing or franchises. Others make their money by investing in real estate or in companies. Finally, others find the next niche and make a ton on the next fad.

Sandy asks…

Do you think it should be law enforcemnts business to give out tickets if you’re not wearing your seat belt?

I got pulled over for not wearing my seat belt and got a $40.00 ticket. I think this law really sucks. What crime are we breaking? If I don’t want to wear a seat belt, I should not be fined for it. The risks I choose to make should be up to me. Why don’t they start giving out tickets to everyone who eats at McDonalds or White Catles. You’re endangering your life there also. This is just a money making scheme for the local governments and you know what…I’m just not going to pay it. I’ve had it with all these stupid laws. Let them spend their time chasing after real criminals.
By the way, it is the end of the month and that bring up the other question about police officers having to meet quotas for the month. I just think it sucks. I ususally do wear my seat belt, but this one time that I forgot to put it on and I get fined for it, no I do not think its right. They will have to drag me off to jail first before they get one cent from me.

Nagesh answers:

You know i remember when the seat belt law was passed in my state they couldn’t pull you over for it. If they pulled you over for speeding or something else and noticed you weren’t wearing a seat belt then they could give you a ticket for $10.00. Now we can get pulled over just for not wearing it, and its a whole lot more than $10.00.

Carol asks…

Any one know a real work at home program?

That does not include survey or credits and does not cost $400 or $500. But a real work at home program that you can make actual money at. Not a get rich quick scheme.

Nagesh answers:

I work at home. I dont earn a fortune, and I have to actually put in an effort, but its not rocket science. I dont know what yahoo’s rules are about posting stuff like this, so you can email me

George asks…

Can anyone recommend a knowledgeable and well priced vet in central Tucson?

My dog has ongoing medical issues (possible severe allergies/possible IBD/possible pancreatitis, possible bladder stones, etc etc) that have yet to be diagnosed or properly treated. In the past year, I’ve been to 3 different vets several times each, and an emergency after hours vet for heart wrenching ‘episodes’ my dog has. So far, I’m down about $1,500 and not one step closer to a diagnosis or even a direction of what’s going on. I’m looking for a reasonably priced vet who actually has some knowledge/skill/intuition when it comes to animals. It seems as though every vet we go to simply shoots in the dark, prescribing test after test without really listening to the specific problems and diagnosing the real issue. Instead it’s a money making scheme and I and my dog are sick of it! If anyone can suggest a vet who actually listens and seems to take a specific dog’s presenting symptoms into account, I would sincerely appreciate it. I’m not trying to scrimp on my dog’s health care, but I can’t keep spending like I’m a lottery winner to have basic tests performed that don’t even relate to the issue at hand, not to mention I can’t take weeks off work to go to the vets every day when their ultrasound specialist MIGHT be in, or when the xray tech could possibly be there……Auuurgh!

Nagesh answers:


Sharon asks…

The Linden Method (Anxiety)?

Is this real or fake does it cure Anxiety forever or is it a money making scheme

Nagesh answers:

Hi Matthew.

Different things work for different people and this method does have the backing of well known celebrities and also some health professionals appear to endorse it.

Will it work for you? Who knows. What can be said is that for any mental health issue, there is unfortunately no ‘quick fix’.

Take care.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Laura asks…

How much are you expected to achieve in life by the time you are 18?

I sit at home studying and living with my parents and living a normal life

Being a normal 18 year old guy, I do all the normal things….Internet, games, tv, technology, masturbation etc.

But seeing other successful people, I have realised most of them master their proffession by the time they are 18 and go on to become really successful or popular…

This isn’t a good example, but Justin bieber is one?

Even when going to uni, I will still be living with my parents and studying and trying to earn money and living a normal life…

How will I achieve my dream of changing the world ? I am still waiting for a break through

I could be chasing after girls and love and stuff…..but girls won’t help me in my mission to change the world

Nagesh answers:

If you live in the USA, making it to 18 is an achievement on it’s own!

Steven asks…

How do you get started at working from home jobs?

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to get started at a real job working from home. I want to start my degree in medical assisting but between my husband going to school and working nights it just seems that one of us has to either do one or the other or one does both while the other one just does one of them.

Nagesh answers:

Most work at home jobs only pay minimum wage. Not enough hours for you to work if you are going to get a degree, no matter what your field is. You will need time to study, school hours etc.
I would suggest starting a home based business. One that you can work the hours you want and one that has a residual side to it. Without knowing what things you like to do, it’s difficult to refer you over to different business’s to take a look at that would allow you to bring in a sufficient amount of income without having to put in a full time days worth of work if you utilize the time you have.

Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, so I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago and point you out to some others to take a look at. Ours well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry. So anyhow, this is what my husband started doing over six years ago and it well supports our family of 6 (we have four children)

If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Sandy asks…

Has anyone found a legimate work at home internet job?

I have a full time job and I’m not making enough money. If I could earn $1,000 more a month I could make it. I have a college degree and I’m computer savvy I know it’s out there.

Nagesh answers:

There is no such job!

There are professions that can be done from home such as real estate, law, accounting, outside sales, customer service/call-center and their are employers who allow employees to work remotely through remote network access BUT none of these are “work at home Internet jobs”.
All of these “get paid to” sites, “blog”, “survey”, “free trials” and other “make thousands of dollars a month” sites are SCAMS, SPAM, or Phishing sites.

What is really funny are the answers on YA that will tell you all these other sites are SCAMS but theirs is legit OR the ones that say the others are looking to rip you off but their site has paid them thousands…. And all the links they provide go to the same sites….

No sarcasm intended BUT in reality you can save more money in electricity by turning your computer and all peripherals off (for the amount of time you would be working) then you will make from any of these sites……….

Thomas asks…

How to blogs help earn money ?

Hi i am just wondering to get a source through i can earn money online by giving info like creating blogs or doing assignmments for students or teaching them as i am a maths tutor so i want to know what can i do and how can blogs help me earn ? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

Hi friend use this as a guide .. Http:// is a really a good way of making money online being at home.There is no need to pay at front.Just basic knowledge of internet is enough.Further it is much much better than online paid surveys & data entry..Just try it out there is nothing to lose since u r not going to pay..

Betty asks…

What are some ideas for a side business that I could do during dead hours at my curent retail job?

I manage a small picture framing business very close to my home. I make a very small wage there (under $10.00 per hour) and I need to make an extra $100.00 per month in order to upgrade my family’s current health insurance plan. The hours and the location of my job are ideal. I have 2 disabled children that need a lot of my time right now to help them with their development issues. With all of the travel involved in driving them to each of their therapy, school, and treatment centers, I am unable to work a second job.

So, in conclusion I am looking for ideas for a side business that I could start and do during the 3-4 hours a day that I sit in my store waiting for customers to come in. Keep in mind; this is a convenient dead end job. There is no room for advancement so advertising for the store or bringing in more business is not going to increase my pay or benefits (declined for more $ per hr.). I am looking for ideas for side work to be done while waiting. No Quixtar please!

Nagesh answers:

Compared to offline businesses, the investment required to start an online business is minimal. A popular way of earning money on the internet is by providing information and services. This can be monetised by advertising or charging a subscription. You can also make money online by selling products on auction websites like eBay or through your own website. More information available at

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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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