Archive for May, 2013

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Linda asks…

Where can I find jobs i can do from my home?

I have two small children (2 and 4) and I need a job I can do from home but everything I have come across has been a scam. Can someone please help me out.

Nagesh answers:

“A” Rating with the BBB

You will get lots of scammers answering here, please don’t fall prey. However, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They are not ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I am a single mom of 2 girls who has tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 3 years so I have some great information for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work from home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You will not find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are really starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Avon or Mary Kay however if you are like me, you are not interested in pushing products.

Legitimate small home businesses should have a small costs involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so you shouldn’t pay it. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are in the end.

After trying 15 things, I now work about 20-25 hours per week for a well known and respected company with amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe and Secure by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans stay safe and save money! Americans have saved over 1 BILLION dollars with these plans.

I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within only a few months. That income has increased now to around $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for, look elsewhere! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a family benefits package from day one.

There are NO products, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone even though you’re at home.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because a lot of companies are not legit but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other home business I had ever seen. SOME of their NATIONAL partners and credentials are National Association of Dental Plans, US Chamber of Commerce, Parent Magazine, US News and World Report and Dozens of Fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target and Walmart. Most importantly they are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their children This company also has an “A” rating with the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU!

My point is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

Definitely AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more or chat with me click on my profile to the left!

Best Wishes to you!

Steven asks…

Does the Open Work Permit in Canada allows you to work as self-employed? How about home-based business?

My friend is thinking of being self-employed but can she do that if she have an open work permit? how about if she do a home based business while her permanent residency application is still in process? Does open work permit allows self-employed and home-based business or just self-employed and NOT business? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

When she does become a PR, she has to show CIC that she did NOT apply for welfare or disability or anything like that – so she will need to show that she did make some money and had income of some kind.

Unless her business is online and already established, she would probably be safer waiting until she actually gets PR status before she starts a new home based or self-employed business.

Technically I think the open work permit means you have to work for someone else.

I have checked several pages on CIC and so far I see NO mention of any restrictions other than the following line –
However, your spouse or common-law partner may be eligible to apply for an “open” work permit that will allow her or him to accept any job with any employer

….any job with any employer….
This implies that they must work for an employer.

The following is MY experience of being on an open work permit.

When I was on an open work pemrit (I too was applying for PR status under family class like your friend) I didnt work for several months – I was volunteering to get Canadian experience.
When CIC called me to move my application further forward, it got held up because they said that volunteering was not acceptable and told me to get a paying job. So I had to go out and get a paying job.

Your friend may have the same trouble if she doesnt get a paying job.
She can do the home based or self employed job, part time or after she gets PR status.

She must also get a temporary SIN card (hers will start with a 9) and then when she gets a job, obviously she must pay taxes and CPP and EI.

If she is doing a home based or self employed job, she has to get a business license, get a business SIN card, pay her own taxes and she cannot pay into the pension fund (CPP) or EI schemes, although she can of course have her own savings.

I eventually did get my PR status, and am now eligible to apply for citizenship – but just cant afford to pay for that yet.

Hope this helps.

Ken asks…

What is the best legit at home mom job company out there?

I just moved to a different state and going to give birth next march. Now that I live so far away from family and friends I don’t want some random person taking care of my child, will anyone please help me by giving me links or advice on what the best and legit at home mom jobs there are out there? Thank you :>. P.S. My husband is working, I just want to help my family out :<

Nagesh answers:

Hey Tatiana,

congratulations on the new baby! I hope you’re enjoying the life in your new state. I believe you are a clever, hard working woman and you do know that internet is not a get-rich-quick scheme! It takes hard work to make serious money here, but it’s totally possible if you put in the efforts and if you are willing!

If you ever feel like a “Laptop Mom”, which is I believe the new generation of women workers, try to check out this link:

I hope that this answer helped, keep me posted on how it’s going 🙂

Nancy asks…

What jobs enable you to work from home?

What jobs can enable you to work from home that are good paying jobs?

Nagesh answers:

I just started working from home with a 15 year old company called AmeriPlan. AmeriPlan is the nations leading health benefits company, and assists the 46 million Americans who are either under or uninsured. This company is not a get rich quick scheme and it is a member of the U.S Chamber of Commerce. The company pays me daily for my work and provides me with benefits too. When I first started with AmeriPlan I was just looking to make some extra money, however now I plan to make career level income with this business. When you start an AmeriPlan business, it is your business and you make your own schedule. I love what I do and just wanted to share this experience with you!

You can visit for more information.


Jennifer Newman

Sandy asks…

how to write a book how to make 10 million dollars in 3 months ?

answers for Question how to make 10 million dollars in 3 months is to write a book , becoming a very good writer, then publish it.
and how to write this amazing book started?

Nagesh answers:

Forget about it . There is a limited amount of suckers for it number one and number two who you gonna get to publish it ? Please you need a reality check like so many on here looking for a quick way to make money with the minimum amount of work . Is it any wonder that China and India are kicking our as s cause they work and they work hard and long and they know how to save and invest and grow their money without resorting to dumb, hairbrain , and ignorant schemes like so many americans seem to do . Who really cares though my kids are all educated , we have a summer home on the cape , and a winter condo in Aspen and my wife and i both retire next year with huge 401ks and pensions so life is good in America if you work hard and educate youraself and play the game straight .

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Sunday, May 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

John asks…

how can i make good money fast in runescape?

Ok i haven’t played in a while but now i’m bac on it. I am level 87 and all of my skils are levels 45-70. i need help making money fast.

Nagesh answers:

Well during the time i played the best and quickest ways i found to make cash were to:

A. Go and hord up as much Rune Ess as you can get. When you get, say maybe 5k of it sell it. Now i actually doubled this with other things so i waited until i had around 100-150k before i sold which made me a rich guy, very quickly 🙂

B. You can do this along with A. Now for this one you need to have at least 60 Woodcutting so that you can chop yews. Just search around area’s you know to have them and cut until you have to bank. And i would suggest saving these guys until you have 5k. Also if you get to lvl 70 woodcutting from this you can go and cut mage tree’s (if member) and save those up until 2k.

C. Mine what ever you able to at your lvl. I’d suggest doing coal or addy since most people LOVE to buy those things. And if you can, find Rune mines and mine those things.

Susan asks…

How do I make money in RuneScape fast?

How can I make TONS of money in RuneScape? I’m a member, and I need some really good methods. Thanks and peace out.

Nagesh answers:

BLUE DRAGONS! 1,000 dragon bones and blue dragonhide is worth 8m and if you have alot of time in the day to play you can get 1,000 in a day. You can find them in the taverly dungeon east of falador. If you don’t have 70 agility you have to walk all the way around. Look up taverly dungeon guide on or it will show you how to get there. Depending on whethe you’re a warrior or ranger…if you’re a warrior i’d atleast be lvl 110 to fight them if you’re a ranger you can be any lvl range but over 70 is better because you kill them faster. And make sure you bring your antifire shield or they’ll mess you up! Also you will make alot of money from it if you dont get bored with it and go do something else. I have over 200m in cash and items so yea…it works.
Ms Toker

Betty asks…

How to make money fast on runescape?

I’m going to be a member this summer. Tips on how to make money?
I got a lv 61 with 79 range with 44 pray and 52 str, 1 def

Nagesh answers:

Merchanting / flipping
killing green dragons , or killing the bots in wildy which are killing the green dragons
killing grutworms (try to kill the ones that are level 90+)
farming, (toadflax, ranarr, snakeweed)
woodcutting magic trees
killing blue dragons
runecrafting nature runes
high alching certain items also makes profit, look it up on google

Helen asks…

what a great way making money in runescape for a nonmember?

i rly need a fast way making money u runescape with out dieing in the game and losing my items i had

Nagesh answers:

A way to make money fast is to get ur cooking and fishing lvl to 40. Then catch and cook lobsters. Sell them and u will make money fast. But it takes a long time to get lvls up.

Mark asks…

Runescape, fast lv up and money making help?

im lv 51 i have a 42 attack 45 strength and a 41 def. i need a faster way to make money i have 76k but all i do is mine coal and sell ity any tips?

Nagesh answers:

Stop mining and start fighting! Get a brass key and go south of Lumbridge there will be a very very very little house well its not really a house but a room and to open the door to it u need a brass key so get it and open and go down there will be moss or hill giants im not sure but kill them and collect big bones and you cvan sell them for 100 ea. And even in world 1 250 ea.

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Saturday, May 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Ken asks…

Are there any genuine ways to make money using the internet or a home pc out there?

Most I see are scams, or generally to good to be true. I’d be interested to know if there any real ways of generating extra cash in this way, without it actually costing very much and being legal! I look forward to the response – the majority of which no doubt will be scams!!!!!!! I’m not looking to be super rich, but earn a few extra quid with a bit of effort. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Work for yourself. Anybody with a PC and a little bit of creativity can start making money easily. And it doesn’t matter how old you are.

Start off by making a website with ads for places like Amazon, then get your family and friends to go through your site when shopping at these places. Even if you’re a complete beginner, you can put a site together in a day and it could earn you a couple of thousand bucks a year.

DON’T be fooled by anyone who says they’ll tell you how to make money, but only if you pay them first. There are a LOT of companies like this.

James asks…

What do you think children need to learn about the value of money? What do you wish you’d learned?

I am writing a series of kids books with the intention to teach the value of money.
Yahoo! Answers Staff: This really is Suze Orman. See blog posting for more details:

Nagesh answers:

Empowerment and Experience!

My kids have been managing their own money since the age of 4 or 5. That is about the age that kids recognize money and some of its power. Having the freedom to make decisions with their money that they have earned has empowered them. They are confident and they make good choices with their money. They are all teens now.

We live in such a consumer driven society–it is difficult to overcome such clever marketing.

First and foremost–My husband and I believe in setting the example we hope they will become.

1. Just say NO! At the store.

We have always made them work for the money they get from us. I never subcomb to the pleadings at the store–I tell them to use thier own money.

2. Establish a saving/giving/spending plan. Make it a habbit.

We have a rule–save half, give 10%, spend the rest. When they were little, it was difficult for them to save or even learn to wait to buy something. Now saving and giving is just as important to them as spending. They each have checking accounts with debit cards as well as saving accounts or money market funds.

3. Do not bail them out of a tough situation.

It is difficult to see kids suffer disappointment, but it is an opportunity for a great lesson. My kids have lost their money and made many painful mistakes–including making impulsive purchases that feel good at the time, but is a waste of their resources; letting friends ‘borrow’ money–never to see it repaid.

Our theory is that we’d rather have them make mistakes now and give them a chance to learn and establish good habbits by giving them as much experience as possible.

We’d rather see our 8 year old lose his 40 dollars because of carelessness than to see our 28 year old lose 4000 dollars because of carelessness he could have learned to avoid when he was 8. Wise people tend to learn from their mistakes.

4. Teach them according to their personality.

Each kid manages money differently, but we have taught them to work with the personality they have and not put themselves in difficult situations. I have a kid that is an impulsive spender, who does not like to balance her checkbook. So she puts away money (her paycheck) in a saving account (short term savings) and investments (long term savings) first and then gives herself a set amount of cash to spend every week. Her rule is, she can spend whatever she puts in her wallet for the week on whatever she wants impusively but when the money is gone, she has to wait the next week for the next installment of money. She does not use checks or her debit card. She uses her short term savings to pay cash for more expensive items and does not touch her investments–which she will use for college. This keeps her from having to physically balance any checkbook–which she hates to do. My other kids are savers, but are very selective about what they purchase. They treat themselves to things, sometimes sharing the cost (like a computer game or book).

Our son has come a long way–losing the most money as a kid, by not keeping in a safe place or by being careless. He is so much better at managing his money and and keeping things safe. He has trained himself to put his valuable belongings in a ‘home’ he established. He is really a messy kid and absent minded at times. But his habbits has helped him overcome his short- comings.

5. Real world education. We are focusing on identity theft, carefully surveying offers to make wise decisions. They are consumers and use the internet frequently. My son has even been cheated on ebay–for $600. Working through the horrible 6 month process of dealing with endless voice mail, poorly informed customer service agents, red tape and law enforcement was a great lesson for him. He was very upset, thinking that he lost his money. Fortunately he was able to get it back. He will be much more careful before making purchases and he will not take shortcuts or let someone sweet talk him into a deal that sounds too good to be true!

My son owned stocks at one time through an account. We did research for several months to learn about the stock market and how it all works. He learned to follow stock prices in the news paper–another great lesson.

6. Involve them in everyday money making decisions.

Sometimes the kids do the meal planning and we give them a certain amount to use to purchase groceries. It is a good skill to read labels, compare prices and work with a set amount to purchase neccessities.

They get clothing allowances throughout the year and purchase their own clothes. If they want more expensive clothes–it is their responsibility to work and supplement the clothing allowances we give them.

My oldest daughter–who is 18–drives, but pays us money each month for the priviledge to drive and to help supplment insurance and car maintenance. She buys her own gas and takes care of oil changes. We really do not need her money, but we want to get her in the habbit of always setting money aside for the ‘not so fun’ things we need.

7. Make them bear the burden of waste and mistakes.

When my kids waste milk or forget to turn off a light or have an overdue libray book–they have to use their own money to pay to replace the item or service or pay the fine. My son lost the paperwork for a rebate, so he had to pay us the money we would have gotten for the rebate. If they forget their sac lunch–they pay to eat in the school cafeteria.

8. Teach them to value their work.

My son does many odd jobs and he has had to learn to negociate for fair prices for the jobs he performs. That is difficult for a kid who is just excited about getting a job.
We feel that we have to give our children as much experience and education as possible.

9. Teach them how to lend money to others–or to say no when people ask.

We tell our kids that if they can afford to live without the money forever, then it is okay to ‘lend’ money. It is inevitable that people will ask to borrow money. Getting the money back is another thing. We try to teach them to help trustworthy people and to try to stay away from lending altogether.

This money education is an ongoing process because they still make some mistakes. We even make a few mistakes from time to time. However, they have really come a long way and they are doing very well.

We have one shot for a short amount of time to arm them with what they will need to reach their potential.

Joseph asks…

Does anyone know a good work from home site that does not have a start up fee?

We have limited supply of money?

Nagesh answers:

The work from home places start you out at minimum wage. Not enough income to support you and especially if you have a family. If you really want to work from home and make a sufficient amount of income, I suggest you start up your own home based business. Most home based business cost under $500. Some cost more depending on what it is you want to do. I don’t know what you like to do, what experience you have or anything like that. If you want to get involved with a business that will train you as you earn sort of thing, or just dive into something on your own. So I can only tell you what my husband and I started over six years ago. It well supports our family as well as a major funding source for our non-profit organization that we started up a while back with part of the income we earned. As well as it’s a funding source for other non-profit organizations.
Anyhow, we got involved in the telecommunications industry.
With a world wide company that’s over 15 years old. We’ve been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 rated us the 22nd fastest growing company. They offer services that people use every day and pay for anyway, but now they can have a lower cost. Services such as local and long distance phones, Internet, digital phones, video phones (you can see the person your taking to live)VOIP, Satallite tv, and all the major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltell, Nextell etc. Have partnered up with them too.
How many people do you know, or know of, that uses or has one or more of these services? How would you feel if you could save people money on services that they’re most likely already using, if not you can offer them the service, and everytime they pay their bills each month, you make a percentage off these bills every single month. Huge income opportunity. It’s incredible how much money is involved in this industry.
If you’d like more information feel free to email me and I’ll be happy to pass it along to you.

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business’s. There’s over half a dozen different ones to take a look at. Your more then welcome to browse through them. If you find one that’s interesting, contact the person who wrote it and they can point you out in the right direction.


Helen asks…

How can I make some cash fast?

How can i earn a little extra money from home i sell things on e bay but not for very much i could just do with a little extra at the moment ?

Nagesh answers:

Hey, I think that you are off to a great start! You have already dabbled a little bit into the internet marketing world by making money with Ebay and it sounds like you have already began to generate some type of reward even though it might not be exactly the amount you want. It sounds like you like what you’re doing and you are confident enough to do more online marketing to generate a little extra as you said.

One of the things that you can do is expand your knowledge on how to make even more money on Ebay! Now, I do not sell products on Ebay, but I am able to use Ebay to find out what people are looking to buy and then find the company to match the customer up with. So basically I find out what the customer is looking for through sites like Ebay, find the company that sells what the customer is looking for online (which is ridiculously easy) the customer goes to the site, makes a purchase, and I receive a commission. This process is called affiliate marketing.

What’s great is that I don’t have to hold any products, ship them and be responsible for them. All I have to do is put a happy couple together. Do a little research on Google about affiliate marketing. You sound like someone that could do very well in it. I used to learn my affiliate marketing skills. They give away free tutorials as well! But there are plenty of resources out there that can help you make some cash fast like you desire.

I hope you find what you’re looking for and I pray that this helped!

P.S. Here is an ebook that you might want to check out about how to make money on Ebay. This might help you expand the business you already have:)

David asks…

I want to earn through internet while working at home as part time job?

there are no. of sites but much of them are fraud and normally first require credit card payment. can somebody guide me how can i earn while sitting anywhere in the World without paying.

Nagesh answers:

Do not fall for any scam that asks for ANY payment up front.

The easiest scam is to trick you into paying “JUST A SMALL INITIAL FEE” in order to “put you on the path to easy money!”

So you pay. So what if it’s only $1, $5, OR $10, RIGHT?

Then the scammer just ignores your emails from then on, and keeps on scamming the next person.


All you have to do is steal $5 from 20 idiots a day (there are hundreds of millions of people on the internet, just waiting in line to be scammed!), and that really is easy money.

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Friday, May 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Charles asks…

Hey guys, what is a Good, secure, proved and quick method of making money online (without selling stuff) ?

I have entered a lot of sites, but all were too slow, and discovered lately that they were fake, or a scam! Please give me a site that helps me make money in a fast way and is not a scam.

Nagesh answers:

The best way i make money Online and at the same time have fun is on:

On this site you can answer IQ questions and earn upto $250USD per week. Also you can go into a Leader board to win more.

There is also Flash games that you can play and if you get the highest score then you win cash.

I have won from this site and the money is usually in the PayPal account in two to three days.

Nancy asks…

How can I earn money fast?

I’m 15 years old and I need to earn money for a car fast (there’s a car I really want and I need to buy it before someone else does, or I need to pay my parents back ASAP if they buy it for me). I already have a job that pays $75 a week but that’s too slow right now. Online surveys seem to just be scams.
And no, I can’t open up a lemonade stand, it’s raining.
What do I do?

Nagesh answers:

You can earn money through online with the help of your blog and website. You can also use your skills and knowledge to earn money. There are many online jobs where you will get a very handsome amount. Check out the link for more details!


Betty asks…

Anyone Know a NonScam way to make Money Online?

I know people say ”its a scam” well honestly I have made money online BEFORE. so its not a scam. Well…. not everything is a scam actually. I just was wondering if anyone knew a good site online. Like even a per click , or something kinda like mylot. Or whatever even if its like 2 cents a post or something whatever. Doesn’t half to be a site you make HUGE off of or fast. Just figured someone knew some good sites if so let me know thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Making money online could be tough sometimes.
If you really want to take 50$ daily, read this review and tutorial here

Jenny asks…

how can i make $5000 fast?

my family is going to lose our home if we don’t get current on our house ($5000) within 30days. im only 17 but this house means everything to my family and we cannot lose it, we’ve already lost enough. so how can i get this money fast?

please no online scam things, just what can i do, you dont understand i NEED to do something!

Nagesh answers:

Yard sales, bake sale, stuff like that.
But be sure that your making more money than your losing.

Ruth asks…

i want to make money online help please?

do not send me surveys do not send me refreals dont send me those scams i know what the look like so dont waste your time posting if you one of those people..i want to make money online a good fast way any ideas??

Nagesh answers:

You might want to try At first I thought it was a scam, but I signed up for the 7 day free trial and its turned out to be a VERY lucrative system of making money online. You can try it and if you don’t like it you can cancel at any time.

Give it a shot.

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Thursday, May 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Susan asks…

Im 14 and I need ways to make money?

Hi, I am looking for a way to make money because i am in need of something’s that my parents wont buy. I want to make money but I don’t have any ideas.
Im 14 and I live in London if that helps.

Nagesh answers:

You can either get a paper round, something like delivering the local Guardian newspaper or whatever your local free newspaper is…or

You can sell old books, CDs and DVDs you have on or register as a seller…but you will need your own bank account.. To register. You dont pay anything, they just take a percentage of your profit when you sell the book and the money you make is paid into your bank every month.

Or sell your CDs to You put the barcode number in and it will tell you how much you can get for it..if its a new cd you will prob fin you get a better price for it on amazon, but take a look. Its not much money but its a guaranteed sell cos your selling it to the website and not to a person. Also you need a bank account of your own.

Selling stuff on Ebay is good too. Any old clothes or shoes you dont wear anymore. Again you need a bank account.

Recycle your old mobile (if you have one) using a scheme that you can get paid for your phone by sending it in. They will post you a cheque so you will need a bank account to pay it into.

You can open bank accounts online. Good ones I have used are Nationwide and Halifax.

Also get together loads of old stuff and get your parents to take you to do a Car Boot sale!! They can sell stuff they dont want anymore too so everyones a winner. You can find adverts for car boot sales in local newspapers. You just have to get there an hour and a half or so before it opens to pay your fee to go in and to set up your stall. Cars are usually around £10.

Hope this helps a bit.

Joseph asks…

Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this?

Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this?
Recent news that China is going to Recession, what benefit China may get doing this, what could be the impact of this action on world economy specially the economies of Gulf countries those are heavily depend on China.
And more why china want to initiate the recession in their country, this will only create heavy unemployment, China does not have any fund problem they have huge amount with US, the country itself is very resourceful. They don’t actually need much supply from other countries then why they want to go on recession when no credit crunch or money crisis?

Nagesh answers:

You say recession as if China chooses to go into recession!

It isn’t something they choose it is external and internal influences which cause recessions.

China is going into recession because their customers of which they export to the USA and Europe are broke. Because their exports are falling to these countries their economy is contracting (which is what a recession means 4 quarters of GDP contraction) i.e. Output is decreasing therefore overral (flawed) growth is contracting.

Therefore they are going into recession. It is not something you choose.

Also China has maybe 1.1 trillion of US$. Except you can’t just dip your hand into this fund and spend this money as if it is a current account. It can be used to buy things overseas but you cant just spend it, it is far more complicated but its not just another bank account to spend.

Thirdly which makes me think you’re trolling again nobody chooses to go into recession. China could well attempt to buck the market and avert the recession. But this is generally futile. Averting I mean by stimuli and money printing. Except this does not work.

Japan went down the toilet in the 1980s. They have been printing money like crazy as a stumulus to their building companies. Which is why you see all sorts of strange things like massive bridges leaving to tiny fishing villages. It has done NOTHING.

Averting via stimulus is actually quite bad and it has the opposite consequences of what you intend in the middle to long term.

In the UK for example let me goive you a few examples:

Stimulus! Car scrappage scheme. The governemnt gave people £2000 to buy new cars. All this did was subsidise the car industries and increased the second hand market by £2000. Now the car market is even worse.

Ok Ok! So another stimulus! 0.5% interest rates. Which saved many over indebted idiots who lied on mortgages. Except this is causing 10% inflation in the UK which means instead of the mortgages squeezing people, food, and energy are squeezing people instead. The government by putting interest rates to 0.5% also lost about 20bn in interest tax payments. And squeezed people even more.

Thus in an Austrian economics school what China is doing is right. I.e. Letting the bad companies collaspe and clearing out the dead wood from the economy. It hurts, but eventually once all the dead wood companies are gone the economy SHOULD in theory return back to growth (automation and outsource not withstanding).

Mark asks…

How much would it cost to ship a cat from the USA to the UK – SCotland to be exact?

My daughter in Detroit has a problem in that her beloved cat needs to go due to her son having just had a serious allergic reaction/ asthma attack to the cat. We want it to be shipped to Scotland. Any ideas? Costs? Quarantine costs etc?
If anyone can please help – as this is urgent!
Danny and Hazel

Nagesh answers:

The previous answers are correct, but sorry to tell you the truth, Daniel, there is no quick fix for this cat. If your daughter makes the effort in Detroit she will find a home for him there that will be considerably less stressful than either transport under the pet passport scheme (which takes 7-8 months and costs quite a lot of money) or the quarantine which also is not free!
If she is committed to the cat, she will find a way without putting him through a 4000 mile trip or 5 months in a tiny cage in isolation.

David asks…

UK I am about to enter a debt management program?

This is due to splitting from my long term partner and the cost of living on my own. I need a sofa and spent a further £450 on a credit card today. Was this a very bad decision? Should I cancel the order and make do with second hand?

Nagesh answers:

What do you think?
You are in debt and cant pay but you go ahead and get into more debt

Not the brightest thing to do is it?

Oh and by the way – you dont NEED a sofa, you WANT one.

AND you can get even new ones much less than £450

What you NEED is a wakeup call as regards money management as much as a debt management scheme

(I lived with 1 chair and 1 small plastic table for 9 months)

Linda asks…

What is all this fuss about university fees increasing in the UK?

I heard that uni costs are going to increase. Can anybody explain more about this? Could this affect students who are hoping to attend uni later in their life? This also could lessen the chance of some people getting a good education because all the costs are high. Maybe the rich people have an advantage and have better jobs. Just wondering.

Nagesh answers:

While I think to charge nearly 10 grand a year for a course is a joke, I think it might make more people stop and think do I actually really wanna go to uni??? Cause I think like somebody else said, people have been given the impression that in order to have a good life or decent career you have to go to uni! But that should be only the case for certain careers. And to have a good life you don’t need a degree.

I wish I had never gone to uni, if you aren’t passionate about the course you are doing or not very academic like me then it often feels impossible and hopeless. There is so much work and I just have no energy or motivation to do it at all but now I’m half way through the 3rd year I feel kind of pressured to finish it but I seriously cannot stand the thought of doing a dissertation, I hate researching stuff I really have no interest in, I know that sounds incredibily lazy but researching stuff you find boring and hard to understand is incredibily hard. I can barely understand a word of academic journals which I’m supposed to use loads of. When I was in school I was told by a lot of people that in uni the work load isn’t as much as a lot of people expect and they are easier than a levels, how wrong they were!

If the government are going to allow universities to charge up to £9000 a year then they need to show younger people that university isn’t the only option for them and to make more schemes for people to enter careers with futures without having to go to uni and waste an awful lot of time and money. Not everyone is academic and making people who aren’t particular academic feel like they have to go to uni puts an unfair amount of pressure on them.

But with uni fees sky rocketing in the near future, the high cost of living and the fact that apparently younger people will have to retire later than people do today, just makes me think is the future for young people really that bleak? I think the government need to stop making cuts and sort it out. I mean get a degree or stock shelves for the rest of your life is hardly the impression that should be given to people, yet that’s what a lot of people think today and that gets so many into unnecessary debt.

If they are going to increase the fees they should at least allow people more opportunities to get a decent job.

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Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Mark asks…

What online companies will pay teens?

I am looking for ways to earn quick money, though I am only 15 years old. What is out there in terms of paying online jobs that will accept teenagers?

Nagesh answers:

99% Online Jobs are Scam.
Best of luck.

Mary asks…

Are “Quick Pay Surveys” real do you really get money from answering surveys online?

Wanting to know about this quick pay surveys thing where you can earn like $1000’s a week just by doing online surveys but i want to know if anyone else knows about it and if its true..

Plz help.

Nagesh answers:

Your opinions are not worth thousands to anyone, you might make a couple bucks a week, but not real income.

Robert asks…

What can a 15 year do to get money?

There are no jobs that I’m qualified for where I live, and there is no where is I am able to work for neighbors. I’m shy and would be terrified to babysit, and my parents can’t exactly pay me because they’re paying for my families neccessities. Don’t be retarded and say prostitution. That’s one of the answers I’ve been given before, and that is stupid. I’m serious. Is there a legal way to earn money online. If I do eBay, what kind of items would people surely buy? I need some money quick. Thanks in advance.

Nagesh answers:

I have gotten work at your age by doing the following: Find work in a grocery store as a bag girl or boy or clean-up person, go to gas stations and ask if they need a window washer, go to drug stores and ask what kind of work you could do for them. There is honest work out there for you, You just have take time to look for it and not get discouraged if it doesn’t come right away. Good luck. Marty

James asks…

Need some money Soon , Really Important , Please Help!!!?

Hello , i want to know how can i earn some money real quick ,i have heard about PTC sites but they are WAY TOO SLOW to earn some money , please somebody help me and tell me if there is any good site by which i can earn some money online quickly , because PTC sites are a very slow method of earning money , Please someone tell me a real good site which pays Good and Big amounts quickly and directly to a Paypal or an alertpay account , I really need some big money real quick ,Please Help!! Thanks in advance

Nagesh answers:

I have tried many…….many… home business opportunities
I work from home with large nationwide company. There are no

Scams, Games or Gimmicks. They are a solid company and have been

featured on TV’s “60 Minutes”, Wall Street Journal, New York

Times, US News and more! . What I like is the fact that there are

no products or paperwork involved!,!! All work can be done

online! We do get benefits and receive checks daily in the mail..

….which I love. Also we receive unlimited training and the

support is great.
Over the years.

Stuffing envelopes, data entry, surveys, network marketing,

gifting…,…I am embarrassed by all the different ones I have

tried. And I must tell you, they were all SCAMS !!!

Betty asks…

Ways For Teen To Earn Money?

I want to buy the 24inch imac for $1,499.00 and i need help making money as quick as possible. I’m getting $20 allowance once a week but that’s it. How can i make some more money to buy the imac by August?

-Please no online money making sites. Does don’t work.
-And reasonable answers please. Im 14.

Nagesh answers:

This is an ambitious goal. If you figure that there are only 8 weeks until August, then you will have to earn more than $167.38 per week in order to meet your goal of $1,499 (since you already make $20 per week with an allowance) Don’t forget that there are taxes to pay (on the work that you do AND for the actual purchase of the computer), so you will actually have to earn more than the $1499.

If you work hard, you can do this, but it is going to require some imagination. Can you walk dogs, do chores for the elderly / sick, baby-sit? What about cleaning yards, washing cars? Make sure that these are people that you and your family know!

Good Luck

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Tuesday, May 7th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Kids

Helen asks…

How to make good money really really fast?

okay, I’ll make it simple. I ♥ Three Days Grace. And I’m an obsessed fan gone crazy. (not literally) And I need some help on Making money fast so I can get the Three Days Grace zip-up hoodie that I REALLY REALLY want. I’ve tryied looking at different sites for help, but most of it I have to buy some book, or pay for some online job. But I dont have the money as it is, let alone for the jacket. I wanted to know if anyone has any really simple ways to making money online. One of them that i found on one of the sites was to make an ebook, but i’m not sure how well that will work. I love to write in all, but still. Is there any simple ways to make money online? that are ligal for kids to do?

Nagesh answers:

Create a website about something that you know a lot about (recipes, how to fix a car, photography, stamp collecting…). Then you can make money by running some ads on the site.

William asks…

How do I earn money fast for a kid?

I need a new laptop and I am trying to save up for it but i don’t seem to have enough money yet. I cannot wait till xmas or bday i am rying to save up but i dont know what to do. im having a garage sale today… but i dont have much to sell. I am only 12 and i need way to make big bucks fast!

Nagesh answers:

Parents and relatives usually pay more for doing odd jobs. Explain that you want to earn money fast and ask if there are any tasks you can do for money, like cleaning out the garage, etc. If they accept your offer, work hard and do a good job, make them (and yourself) proud. This will help in the future when you need money as well. 🙂

Mark asks…

How can a thirteen year old girl make money FAST?!?

well on august 3rd me, my mom, my sister, my aunt, and my cousin are all going to a big outlet mall about 3 hours from my house and we’re going for the weekend.. well i have $175 right now.. but i have to buy most of my school clothes and i want to have good quality ones like abercrombie, ae, hollister, etc. and i want to have a lot.. i get $12 a week for allowance.. but i want to get to about $400 – $500 at least.. my dad sed w/ my allowance and the money i currently have saved that i’ll end up w/ a little over 300$.. so what are some ways for me to make money?
i like kids.. but my mom thinks im too young to be left alone w/ kids.. so she wont let me babysit..
i like fashion, makeup, clothes, designing stuff, art, basketball, gymnastics, swimming, being outside, the internet, and friends..
is there anything i can do to get about 100-200 extra dollars for my trip?

im a hard worker and i’ll do my best… THANKS FOR UR HELP!

Nagesh answers:

Can you hire out as a personal assistant for some people? Run their errands, carry groceries, yard clean up, garage clean up, etc all that stuff people don’t have time to do. I’d hire you to clean my garage!

Robert asks…

What is a good way for a 19 year old kid to make good money?

I have worked a lot of jobs….restaurants, sales, tutoring. I want to make money this summer, and am willing to work hard, but feel disillusioned at working a ridiculous amount of hours at a fast food place again to make a minimal amount of money. This summer, I need to find a good way to make money. Any suggestions? (No get-rich-quick make money fast scams!)

Nagesh answers:

It is all a matter of skills. If you can do what any other 19 year old can do, why should anyone pay you much?

I have one friend working as a tech at Great America. She can do everything from driving forklifts to wiring lights and running a soundboard. You can bet that she’s getting paid more than the kids the same age that are selling popcorn and tickets at the concession stands.

So as the other answer noted – good waiters at high end restaurants make good money. Are you that good a waiter?

Sales people are often paid on commission. Are you a good salesman?

Do you have other skills such as auto-mechanics? (I have another friend who worked with his father converting a truck from the junk-yard into something that he could drive to school. With that kind of head-start, you can imagine that he could do well getting a job at a shop.) welding? Or working with computers? (Trainers in how to use the standard software tools such as MS Office get paid well. Ditto for people who train customers for the big software vendors.) driving? (People who have commercial driver’s licenses do get paid better than fast food workers, even if you are not likely to get to drive a big rig anytime soon. How about driving camp school buses? Or limousines to and from airports?)

If no real skills, how about passions? If you are really into XXX, then if the pay isn’t great, a job where you can work with or learn more about XXX is still much better than working at a fast-food place. That can include everything from being a docent at a museum (the local science museum only hires kids, no adults, as its docents), working at a stable if you love horses, to giving people rides to and from the garage if you love cars.

Mandy asks…

what is a way for a 13 year old to make money fast?

i cant really do anything for my neighbors because they all have kids that can do stuff for them. i cant earn it from my parents because i have to earn it on my own.

Nagesh answers:

Ask your parents if you can do something other than your normal chores for money. Like, clean their cars, help them at work on a Saturday, or anything else that isn’t part of your regular work at home!

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Monday, May 6th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Michael asks…

How do I make money on eBay ?

I have just opened a eBay account to make a little extra cash any help and ideas please

Nagesh answers:

√ Buy cheap
√ Sell High

eBay is charging alot more than it used to. The final value fee is 9%. Just this month
eBay extended that final value fee to include shipping — Freaking outrageous! So, now more than ever you have to be aware how much the item is going to cost to ship.

I fellow I know who used to sell old sewing machines on eBay — has stopped because of eBay’
now taking a percentage of shipping fees. This is absolutely unethical

Mary asks…

What are some ways to make money on ebay?

I was thinking of selling some stuff to get extra cash but what are some tips, ideas ect. To help me get as much money as possible ?

Nagesh answers:

First of all, you need to understand your customers. Who are they? What do they want? How much they expect to pay for what they want? So on and so forth… Once you have good answers to these questions, you know what exactly you should sell to them and how much you can make.

This sounds a little hard to do at the beginning, but there are some nice tools to help you get started. E.g. EBay pulse is a great tool for you to research what products are popular right now.

Susan asks…

Whats the fastest way to make money on Ebay?

I used to sell costume patches but they dont sell as much now, any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I made a lot of money selling stuff from multiplayer online RPG’s

Donald asks…

how can i make money on ebay?

i have done many internet searchs but cant find what will sell and make me money on ebay.. i would just like to earn a bit of extra cash outside of work. any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Well, why don’t you sell valuable things on e-bay for a lot of money! For example, my whole family is all into sports and we buy baseball and football trading cards on e-bay for a lot of money! Definitely if you want to sell stuff on e-bay, take my advice and search players who will be in the Hall of Fame! I hope that helps!
Visit my websites and! I really hope that helps!

Lisa asks…

How can i make Big Money online with Ebay etc.?

I want to make Big money online, I have a lot of time that I’m stuck at home alone with no transportation, I want to make big money but i don’t have anything i can keep selling over and over again, any website ideas I can make that generate a good income, or how I can buy low and sell high on ebay. thanks

Nagesh answers:

The easiest, safest and 100% legitimate way to get fast money online is , all you do is answer surveys and you can do it the easy way by downloading roboform so you can autofill the surveys and you can refer people for more cash. They pay through Paypal, Checks, Pre-Paid Cards , and more. I now get $10-$150 a week.

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Sunday, May 5th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Steven asks…

How can kids make lots of money fast?

I was baby sitting yesterday and one of the kids asked how to make lots of money fast!!!! The kid that asked is trying to buy a Apple MacBook Air

Nagesh answers:

How old is this kid, are they old enough to work legally?

If not, do yard work for neighbors. Cut lawns for money, walk dogs, etc. Newspaper route.

If so, get a job at a restaurant. Great tips. Easy cash.

Betty asks…

What are good tips to help teenagers make money fast?

I’m saving up to buy a car and need to make money fast. Any good tips?

Nagesh answers:

You can try filling bags with ad flyers and deliver them. There’s a company that gives you about $2 for every bag you fill and deliver and it’s available pretty much anywhere in the United States or Canada.

I deliver about 80 to 100 ad bags a week, which gives me about $600 to $800 at the end of the month. Each week, it usually takes me about an hour to stuff the bags and then another couple more to deliver them. So it works out pretty good.

The thing that makes these so good is that you can do this anytime of the day, early in the morning or even at night. You can watch the video and it’ll show you how everything works

You can also hire some kid to do all the hard work and you just collect the check at the end of the month 😉

Good luck, I hope that helps.

Lisa asks…

How can a 14 year old make money?

I’m trying to save up money so I can take dance classes.How can I make some money fast?I know about babysitting,yard work,chores,etc.But I don’t have that many neighbors who have kids or need their lawns mowed.Are there any other things I can do?

Nagesh answers:

Baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,500 dollars. Good Luck!

David asks…

How can a 13 year old boy make money very fast?

hi, i am 13, and i would like to make money fast. i cant work for my parents because they are at the limit of their debt for the bank so they have no money left. i was thinking of selling things, but i have nothing to sell to anyone. also, i live in canada and it is winter so i can’t work outside. has anyone got any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

-shovel driveways
-walk dogs
-help older ppl with computers
-pet sit (clean cages, fish tanks, feed cats)
-search for ads on kijiji
-teach people somethng you can do like music lessons, dance, a sport
-sell stuff (companies sometimes have unsold items they will give away. My friends got tons of unsold popcorn from the theatre and made tons selling it, and at my school some kids got tons of old lipglosses from a company and girls were lined up down the hall for them)
-do household chores for allowance

Also, consider advertising yourself as someone who would like to work with special needs children. I got paid since i was 12 to play with autistic children, the government paid me. It was tons of fun too, its called respite working

Jenny asks…

How can I get money fast as a kid?

I don’t get allowance or free money from parents so I need to know how to get money really fast!

Nagesh answers:

Do you have $24 dollars?? İf not borrow from someone.
Go the market, buy two cases of chips (cheetos,or other)
İ bought two cases (like boxes that contain chips) of cheetos , each case cost $12 dollars and contains 50 bags!!

İf you borrow $12 for a box of cheetos(50 bags)
You will sell each bag for 50 cents (two bags for 1 dollar)

İf you sell all the bags of cheetos, you will get $25.
Now,you will give back the $12 that you borrowed.
You don’t need them because now you have your own money ($13)
Buy a new box of cheetos or other. And do the same thing

Each time you will gain $13 dollars

Hope it helped!

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Saturday, May 4th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Uk

Helen asks…

When should I move to the USA?

At the moment, I am 17 and I have applied for a 4 year physics degree starting next summer. This is in the UK, but I really want to go and live in the US when I have finished studying – I want to move there as soon as possible! I don’t know if it would be a good idea to move there immediately after my studies finish, or whether I should stay in the UK for a few years before going. Is it possible to move there quickly, or does it take time and money to make the move? Any experiences that you can share would be very valuable!

Nagesh answers:

You can’t just move to a country especially the US. You won’t be able to get a job unless you get a work permit. These are only issued to nonresidents who are qualified in an area that few citizens are.

This would not be the case with a Physics degree.

David asks…

What did Lord Monckton actually mean?

I am a bit confused by this video clip of Lord Monckton having a meeting and agreeing upon setting up Australia’s very own Fox News like channel.

During his trip to Australia in July last year (funded by mining billionaire Gina Rinehart), Monckton had a meeting with board-members of the ‘Mannkal Economic Education Foundation’, a free market think-tank whose president is also close to the aforementioned Rinehart. Incredibly, the think-tank recorded the event and posted selected clips, including the one above, on Youtube. When first discovered, they were quickly taken down (though reposted later possibly because copies were posted on other channels).

It is this quote from Monckton I have problems with. After reading many ‘climategate’ related questions here on YA, I know it is common to take selected bits of text out of context and then think up some giant global conspiracy theory to reject the science altogether. The problem is, I find the whole quote damaging enough!

After seeing the reaction, particularly in Australia, after the video of the meeting became public, Monckton responded at Jo Nova’s blog. Here’s an excerpt:

“…Fox takes an explicit, declared, one-sided view that is pro-democracy, pro-Western, pro-profit, pro-prosperity, pro-success, pro-freedom, pro-America. And half of all the news audience in the US love it. Interestingly, with characteristic stupidity, Fox’s Marxist rivals have moved still further to the extreme Left, allowing Fox to move in all the more rapidly on their former territory. Fox now makes more money than its two largest rivals combined.

So if anyone who may read this is interested in joining a consortium that can expect to make around $1 million a week in Australia and perhaps three times that in the UK, please feel free to get in touch.”
Is Mr Monckton now implicitly admitting that ‘this is not about science’ but rather about making money, loads of it’? Or am I taking things out of context now?

Monckton Meeting video:

Getup-poplexy! scared of monckton, mannkal, bolt and jonova: fox australia would be a hit

To clarify, Monckton’s quote which puzzles me is the one in the video where he talks about a setting up a Fox News like news-channel in Australia and the UK.
Edit @Moe:

Nagesh answers:

Monkton is very clear here. He is proposing to find a very rich person to fund a propaganda station that sounds like news. He refers to the FoxNew model which devotes a very small portion of its hours to Chris Matthews and news, and most of its time to propaganda and the viewers are not critical-minded enough to know the difference. FoxNews viewers do not even know that it is primarily propaganda, they really think it is a news station.

Susan asks…

I’m thinking of moving to Sweden soon and need to know…?

I live in the UK, and I’m an EU citizen by rights. So, my plan is live somewhere remote in Sweden (Preferably the North) and live in a log cabin. I plan on catching fish and cutting timberwood to sell on just to keep me going…so, what would I need to accomplish this? Do I automatically have a right to live in Sweden or do I need a visa, and if so which visa?
What are the laws/rules regarding fishing and selling for money, besides fishing for food?
Same question again but about selling firewood, which I would also use for my own fire.

Basically, what I want to know is:
– Can I just go to Sweden and live there?
– Are Log Cabins costly?
– What are the laws for fishing, gathering firewood and selling just to make enough money to keep me going?
– What places in the North of Sweden are remote? I don’t like living amongst people, and I wish for a simple and solitary lifestyle.

I don’t speak any Swedish, but I can pick up languages pretty quickly. I don’t have any qualifications surpassing A levels, but I have plenty of skills I could use to start my own business for a while.

I know this is realistic, but I just need to know what criterion I need to fulfil my ambition.

Thanks to whoever provides insight (even if it is small).
Lapland is a place that appeals to me for residency.

Nagesh answers:

You can accomplish your goal. You may develop cabin fever and be broke within a short while. If you like isolation, you can also try an island in the baltic.

Betty asks…

Domain Name Management?

I am looking to organise all my domain names from all the different registras to just one so l can easily manage all of them from one central location.
What l need to know is:
1) Which company update their dns most requently so that any changes l need to make will propergate quickly.
2) Company that allows for .de and domain extentions (ideally they need to support all domain names).
3) Good value for money.
4) Allows FULL control of my domain names.
5) Provides great support.

I am based in the UK.

Nagesh answers:

Email me – I’ll give you all 5 of you’re requirements!!! Not kidding, give me a shot at your business!

Paul asks…

totally out of ideas how to deal with this?

I married a foreign woman who lives in another country with our child who is nearly 4. Over our 5 years of marriage it wasnt a happy time, largely because we were never together enough and last september i went there to try to make things work but it was a disaster and i was back in the uk pretty quickly. Then i realised i would loose my marriage and my son, but it was too late, she started online dating and refused to take me back. I reacted angrily and said i wouldnt be in contact anymore but deep down i was hoping she would call me to make peace but she didnt. In the 5 years i didnt contribute financially regularly, because i let my anger and hurt overtake me, when i was frustrated with our marriage.
Anyway, in the months since i left there last year i have become more and more depressed, sad and suicidal because it feels like im in a nightmare and my life is over
I recontacted her recently and she doesnt want anything to do with me and said she is done with us as a couple. Howeever, ignoring that i sent money for my son and she said i could call but couldnt speak about us as a couple.
My point, im thinking of going there and trying to make a life with my son ( difficult to survive in a foreign country) but i have this fear that she may have met a foreign man ( given she was online international dating site) and may leave the country with my son in the future, then i will be in a foreign country and she would have left with my son and i will be in continual pain. To that extent i think with all this emotional pain should i just be strict with myself and permanently cut contact because im at the end of my tether emotionally and i feel broken
i accept i made a mistake not sending money. Ok, i was wrong but now im sending it. I was clouded by my anger and frustration and feeling rejected at that point. Its honestly how i was feeling wrong or right.

Nagesh answers:

Call and talk to your son and try and keep a way for him to get in touch with you. Then get on with your life so that you can be happy. When your son gets older then you will get a bette relationship.


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Friday, May 3rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



Make money!

3 Simple Steps

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