Archive for March, 2013

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Betty asks…

any ideas to make money under 13?

im 13 years old its summer i need money because i dont get an is there any things i can do to get cash & not 5 dollars i mean some money.because i cant get a job.and if it helps i live in florida so consider the heat.

Nagesh answers:

Nobody likes to pick up dog poop, it might sound gross but there are professional companies here in AZ that will come to your house and clean up every couple days.
All you need are some disposable gloves and a garbage bag and you are good to go!
Other ideas: Dog walking, lawn mowing (takes equipment), car wash (you could do this at thier home) cleanup (leaves, garbage, etc)
Just be careful and make sure you talk it over with your parents first.
Good luck

David asks…

How can a pre-teen make money in the summer?

My sis and i were wondering if anybody had a good idea *that doesnt cost alot to start!* for a way to get money in the summer. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Leverage. Its when u pay others to do work for you, but you still make profit.

I say you should mow laws.

Look for yards that need to be cut. Charge $20 per yard and hire 8 friends to mow 10 lawns each person for you . 80 yards being mowed times $20 is $1600. But you have to pay your workers. Take $600 from the $1600 and pay them with that. Each employee is being payed $75 a day and you have $1000 profit. One day of hard work makes u one-thousand dollars.

If u find success, you may want to do what most entreprenuers do and expand. Maybe during the summer you can post fliers asking for teenage workers to get paid to mow lawns, stating that they can make roughly around $15 per hour (which is way more that they would normally get paid by working at McDonalds). Who knows, maybe you can reqruit more than your previous 8 workers and have 80, which multiplies ur profit of 1,000 dollars to 10,000 a day.

John asks…

any ideas on how to make money 4 d summer?

Any ideas on how to make money for the summer in ireland as a 15 year old kid in the countryside with no jobs anywhere near me? with poor people near me 2? :/

Nagesh answers:

Sadly not unless you can find someone who’d like you to do a few chores for them.

Thomas asks…

Any Ideas on how to make money for Summer Acting camps ?

Yeah i live in san bernardino, an hour away from l.a and i feel like all this opportunity is so close to me yet so hard for me to take advantage of right now. Now i’ve been really wanting to go to some type of summer acting camps as in maybe SOCAPA or Performing arts camps, but the only problem is i have no where near 1500-1700 nor do my parents. I’ve been trying to get a job recently but it’s not looking promising :/. I’ve got about 4 month to make something happen so does any one have any sources or any ideas where i can raise some money or get a sponsor ?? Because this isn’t just a dream.. it’s a lifestyle i’m willing to wholeheartedly pursue 🙂
thanks so much.
Oh and do expensive camps like that, look good to agents on your resume ? thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Well im not a pro @ making money but you can sell some of your junk (garage sale) and if your old enough then maybe you can get a job or have your family pitch in some money or have a bake sale sell things on ebay ware you can name the price of your items and well that’s really all i got sorry this probably didn’t help but well i hope it will!!!!

Ken asks…

How to Make Money in the Summer?

I’m 17 and going to be a senior in high school. I want to make some money this summer but i can’t get a real job because my parents say the i have the rest of my life to work and that i should have fun now. I’ve been working for my brother with little jobs but we don’t work often and its not very much money. I’m just wondering if anyone has some ideas for me to make some money this summer. I also have basketball open gyms, lifting, and alot of camps this summer that will take up alot of my time.

Nagesh answers:

You dont need your parent’s permission to work. Just grab a part time job at Mcdonalds, you’re 17 and it’s summer! Your parents should be encouraging you to work, they sound pathetic, tell your mom to cut the cord.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, March 21st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Sandy asks…

How can my family earn more money?

our tv has been cut off, our vehicle has been reposessed,my dad works at denny’s restaurant as a dishwasher, and as you can imagine that doesnt make alot of money! my mom is a stay at home mom. there are certain jobs my dad cant do because epilepsy. so I need ideas of quick ways to earn money, or jobs that pay at least 18 dollars an hour for my dad so he can quit his low paying job thankyou! peace

Nagesh answers:

Well, first of all, it is your parents’ responsibility, not yours, to figure out the family finances.

That said, perhaps a family chat might help. But if your parents haven’t asked for your help, don’t be too quick to butt in and offer it — it may not be particularly welcome. Obviously they are struggling, and have probably considered quite a few options already.

Next: how old are you? If you are 17 or 18 — okay, fine, maybe you need to step up to the plate and help contribute to the family finances. But if you are younger than that, basically, regardless of your family’s financial troubles, your main “job” should be going to school and getting a good education.

Not knowing what education or experience either of your parents has (other than dishwashing at Denny’s) it is hard to suggest possible employment.

Generally, education is key.

Jobs that require more education tend to pay more — and also tend to be less hazardous (i.e., epilepsy won’t get in the way of doing the job).

Your state may have a vocational rehabilitation department that might be able to help your Dad strategize (or go back to school for more education) about ways to find better paying jobs that he can do given his medical status.

In this day and age too, sometimes it makes sense for Dad to be a stay-at-home Dad while Mom works, if Mom is able to bring home a larger paycheck than Dad (for whatever reason).

Sharon asks…

Quick aways to make large amounts of money if ur 14. . .?

I need some money. . . It will make me happy. I am on the verge of losing my internet and have no income coming at home. . . I am poor. I need to find a quick and easy way to make alot of money. Please give me some options?

Nagesh answers:

Like in all seriousness i made $300 in a week!
I brought a ipod touch
i was so happy cuz my mom didnt have to pay for it
i still use the site.
And wat i love the most is that its not like fake or anything!
Here it is…

Oo n the surveys are like extra easy u look at a website the tell u to look at and u write about the site
I needs more graphics didnt catch my attention!
And u dont need a credit card for them to spend you the money
they send u a check and just cash it wen u go to the local bank with ur parents!

Itz great

hope i helped

: )

Nancy asks…

Internet business? Home Business? Is there a truly good way to make your living at home?

Can anyone honestly inform me on what it takes or what is out there to have a successful intrenet or home business where an individual can gain financial freedom? Not a get rich quick scheme, they aren’t real, but something where little to no money needs invested and my time is my time.

Nagesh answers:

“Apple started in a bedroom, Microsoft started in a small garage, and, Mia Bella started in a kitchen.” Shep Kuester

If you are serious about wanting information about our company, Scent-Sations, Inc., and our Mia Bella products, then the best way to do that is to join us on a Business Conference Call. I would like to invite you to one our calls. I also have a cd presentation I can send to you along with some information. Contact me.

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“Apple started in a bedroom, Microsoft started in a small garage, and, Mia Bella started in a kitchen.” Shep Kuester

John asks…

I’m a high school student trying to make a quick way to earn quick cash. Does anyone know how?

Money is an issue at home. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

The best way to earn online is through ***.com (I have given the link in source section) . You will get paid for taking part in discussions, starting new discussions, completing tasks, playing games and quizzes. This is a legit site. It has paid me several times. I have given a link in source section.

Carol asks…

How can I make money from blogging?

I’m trying to find a way to make some extra money to help my husband pay for bills at home. I’m a stay at home mom and have plenty of extra time. I’m not very computer savvy, but I am a quick learner. How can I make money from blogging?

Nagesh answers:

There are so many ways but before that you have to find out a profitable niche. Next you have to do keyword research and then promote your blog to get traffic. Once you started to get traffic you can make money.

For details you can visit my blog and get a free blog. Check my review for best blogging product.

If you need any help then contact me.

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Wednesday, March 20th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Lizzie asks…

How can I make money online as a graphic designer?

I’m a graphic designer, video designer (cinematographer vfx designer), music producer. Trying to find a quick way to earn a good amount of money. Any sites for these types of freelance designers?

Nagesh answers:

Just let as many poeple know about your expertise. When they or somebody they know need your service, they will consider or refer you. Also check if there is a graphic designer association around you to get your name around. and are good sources too.

BTW, you don’t have to be good at graphic designer to make money online. I am writing an article introducing some methods to make money online. I won’t have chance to finish it until a couple days later. If you are interested, shoot me a message. I can notify you once I am done.

Sharon asks…

How to earn money at 14/15?

I am 14 and nearly 15. I want to earn money to help my mom and dad. i have asked all my local newsagents and there’s no paper rounds. I have tried McDonald’s burger king and local supermarkets but they all say i’m too young. No one needs babysitting or there dogs walking. and the online questionnaires are useless for making quick money. And i don’t want to get money off my mom and dad. Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

I know about a very good website that can be used by anyone from the age of 13 or more. Really the only official requirement to be part of the site is that you are at least 13 years old. It never requires you to pay any money to the site for you to get free money from it. For information about this website, for proof that the website is real, and for a link to the site, please visit this link:

Jenny asks…

Whats a quick way to earn lots of money?

I am a teen who isn’t old enough to have a job yet. & I am not comfortable with doing online surveys. & it is also winter, but almost spring. PLEASE HELP 🙁

Nagesh answers:

Hi there!! Visit

With this, you have the advantage to generate a big money making business online for just a
DOLLAR! Join us, be part of the club and help feed the children program! God bless!

Nancy asks…

i need to make money with my website online QUICK!!!!?

help please what website should i go to to earn chash? please i need money really bad we are so broke, i already have a website isnt there like ads i couldpost on it? well yha i dont want to use googles adsense. ok HELP!

Nagesh answers:

I cant say it enough!

David asks…

What are some quick ways to earn a lot of money?

I would like to go a different school than I am attending right now, because the other school is said to be better than my current one. The only issue is that the school I would like to go to costs approximately $10,000. I will most likely get financial aid, but the total will still most likely be more than $7,000. I can go, but my parents say that I need the money up front. The placement tests are in December. So I would need the money by then. I’m turning fourteen on July 9th (2 days) so there’s not whole lot that I can do. I’ve heard of online surveys, but does anyone know any websites that pay more than $0.50 per survey? Or any other ways for me to earn quick cash? Anything would help.

Nagesh answers:

The majority of online surveys are bogus and won’t do anything but charge you or steal your identity. Instead you could sell some of your old stuff on eBay or craigslist. You could also buy stuff online and sell it for a profit. You could get cheap electronics on and sell them for a lot more; eBay might also work. Or, you could buy smaller stuff in bulk and sell it. Have a garage sale or bake sale. Babysit, be a mother’s helper, house sit, garden, mow lawns, pet sit, walk or bathe dogs, get a job when you turn 14. Collect cans or scrap metal and turn it in for cash. Do chores and get an allowance.

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Carol asks…

money making ideas (something fast)!?

i really need to make some money before vacation which is in 4 days!! ideas anyone?

Nagesh answers:

Sell something ….. Autions

Maria asks…

i need ideas to make fast money?

i understand there is no bullitproof way to make fast money, or everyone would be a i just need online websites or calls places.idrk any ideas on how to make money, because i have a minimum wage job and want to save some money as im planning on moving out in 3 or so months.

Nagesh answers:

Be a dishwasher at a restaurant.
Its a good first job there is always openings and you make pretty good money for doing basically house chores

Donna asks…

need some fast money making tips any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Clean your house. Find old clothes, books, electronics, collectibles….anything of value that you’re not using. Open accounts with Ebay,, and and start selling! I’ve made a few hundred bucks in a weekend by just selling my old (i.e. Out of date computer books). There’s a market for EVERYTHING, so one man’s junk truly is another’s treasure 😉

Sandy asks…

Make money fast. Ideas??

I live in an apartment complex.i was wondering if any one had ideas.

Nagesh answers:

Selling on ebay.

Steven asks…

I Need To Make Money Fast Any Ideas?

I want to get the iphone from Cricket, its 400$ and i need money! any ideas? 😀

Nagesh answers:

You can … Babysit,walk dogs do a carwash ect.

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Monday, March 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Sandy asks…

Does anyone know what a 12 yearold do for cash around the house?

I really need some money! I need some more job options to earn money around the house! Any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

Many kids to earn money do what other kids typically do — e.g. Babysit, mow the lawns of neighbors, plow the snow in neighbors’ driveways, newspaper route, dog walking etc

But there are kids who are more creative and daring, and instead choose to start their own businesses. In fact, there are kids on the Web who are making money for themselves, with the help of the parents (parents have to open the accounts the kids need — hosting, advertising, etc)

Hannah Altman, a 10 year old started a website selling pencil toppers, and making good money Ashley Qualls is another example who rode the coattails of MySpace and earned for herself a huge pile of cash

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

How to Work from Home

Mark asks…

What’s a great part-time job option in MN that has daycare, or work-at-home opprotunity?

I am a mother of two who’s having a hard time making ends meet. I already have a day job when they’re at school. I need a part-time job in the evenings or weekends that includes daycare options, or a job I can do from home. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

I have an online work that makes me money, and it is easy to follow. What’s most important, you don’t have to work more than 2-3 hours a day.

Maverick Money Makers is a product and a membership in the club which teaches you how to make a monthly income. Maverick Money Makers has everything you need to start earning money online from the first week of applying the techniques taught inside. Mack Michaels is a founder of club who is a very reputed person in online business.

The Maverick Money maker will teach you how to make money online through Internet, it will show step by step tutorial videos how to implement and techniques of money making. Maverick Money Makers is an online club where Internet marketing expert Mack Michaels teaches members his techniques for making money online.

Maverick Money Makers offers the basics of becoming an affiliate and makes it easier to learn the step by step actions that must be taken to succeed online. There is a perfect way to start making money at home. It does not require any investments and product creation on your part. To make money with Maverick Money Makers system, you will be acting as an affiliate for multiple product owners. Affiliate is a person who promotes the products and gets a commission for every sale he made. Usually affiliates get about 75 percents of the product’s price.

Affiliate marketing does not require to have your own website, or to have your own product, or to invest the money. Affiliate marketing work is no easy task and you will need a bit of knowledge and experience to make money with it, a lot of the techniques can take you years to master on your own. It is an easy way to earn money online in the perfect way for a complete beginner to get started online. Maverick Money Makers can help you out if you want to start making money online immediately. Mack Michaels has been in the online money making since ten years and over that time he has acquired a considerable amount of knowledge and experience that is simply priceless.

Before you start or join the program or club, you need to interest research through different search engines. The club member offers email and forum based support, when you need extra help. There are three primary ways inside the club. They are as follows: Core training systems, niche market ideas, quick money blueprints, Video tutorials and lessons, Case studies reports, and Skill set training systems. Maverick Money Makers testimonials, you can search and see if there is any positive or negative feedback. You will always find some people who have good and bad to say.

A person who is willing to work hard and expects to receive the fruits of his or her labor for doing work is known as Maverick Money Maker. If u wants to be Maverick Money Maker you need to spend yourself by learning techniques, time and energy. A Maverick Money Maker shows a profit immediately, within the first 30 days usually. There is no need for a web page or a large advertising budget.

Don’t wait too long to join the club, you will find more competitors between you because a lot of people are taking advantage of this. A Maverick Money Maker shows a profit immediately, within the first 30 days.

The club has a great mentor and many step-by-step tutorials, great for beginners.

Check my source, hope it’ll help. Good luck!

Helen asks…

What can you tell me about stay at home jobs?

I’m currently looking for a new job. I have a few mental disorders that make a normal job exceedingly difficult. I just now opened my eyes to the world of stay at home jobs. I think this could be the way for me to go. Can you give me information on some stay at home jobs? I would prefer it to entail little to no schooling. If you could give me info such as job description, and salary that would be great. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Online jobs are extremely popular right now. I entered this phrase on Google and there were over 165 million matches. Many people are looking for internet opportunities because it provides the flexibility of earning an income from home and people understand the ever expanding reach and importance that the internet plays this day in age. Unfortunately, very few that actually desire to work on the web ever actually do and many that do fail to ever earn any income.

First off, searching for “jobs” online is probably approaching things from the wrong angle. Almost everyone that is successful from home does not view it as a job meaning that it is something that you do for somebody else. The mindset needs to be that of a business owner and limiting your options from the perspective of a job means that you will be doing a lot of tedious work that does not set you up for long term success. In other words, entering data each day for someone else will not ever get you off of the treadmill.

Earning money online requires one to step outside the employee mindset and embrace the total freedom that comes from owning your business. I know there are a ton of things out there that promise grand results with minimal effort, but understand that to make any significant income from home requires some serious upfront work. It is simple enough for anyone to grasp under the right conditions but you must think outside the realm of exchanging your time for money.

Online jobs are plentiful but success on the internet is rarely in the form of a job. As a business owner who works on the web plan to work initially for no income only to have your income snowball by just maintaining your business. I would like more than anything to get this point through to thousands of people, yet regardless of how many times I try to emphasize the importance of owning your business in order to attain the freedom desired, many will still view their work from the perspective of an employee.

Betty asks…

What is the best direct selling company?

I am looking to become a direct sales consultant to earn some extra money. I am looking for one that doesn’t have a large start up cost and will have good income potential. I have never done direct sales and am just looking for some ideas and suggestions.

Nagesh answers:

Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location. Peddling is the oldest form of direct selling. Modern direct selling includes sales made through the party plan, one-on-one demonstrations, and other personal contact arrangements as well as internet sales. A textbook definition is: “The direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, usually in their homes or at their jobs.

George asks…

I would like to work from home part time. Is there an Internet business that would allow me to do that?

I have heard of research companies paying for people to do research and evaluations of products from home and be compensated for it. I would like to find more info on this type of part time work.

Nagesh answers:

Be careful. A lot of so call work at home business are actually scam.

If you are serious about earning money through internet, I would rather you consider of setting up your own internet business instead.

There are a lot of internet business models you could consider of (e.g. Buying and selling domain names, affiliate marketing, auctions, selling digital or physical products, creating paid newsletter or websites and many more).

With a proper system setup and correct web marketing strategies, you could start to earn some passive income.

Find out more from the link in my profile. It will tell you how to setup a successful online business step by step regardless of your experience and background. It will also tell you what are the reason behind each step, how you could go about doing it and where you could get the necessary resources free or at a low price.

Hope that it will be helpful to you.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, March 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Linda asks…

How do con arttist and fraudsters get away with murder? What has happened to justice?

Convicted criminals are living in our country and cannot get extradited to the UK. How does the law work, or doesn’t it. Should these people not be exposed to warn others who are victims to their fraudulent schemes and conned into investments. When these criminals want to leave RSA, will they get arrested at the airport or are they free to travel the world.

Nagesh answers:

It seems that a great deal of our criminals are in politics, seriously. A couple of years ago legislation was passed that allowed banks to clear checks electronically overnight. However the banks won’t allow you to access your own money the next day, they make you wait two to five days to access your funds while they are making interest on it. Thanks a lot legislators!

Steven asks…

What UK survey websites are there for teenagers without scams and subscriptions?

I have been looking on the internet and there are so many, but you seem to have to subscribe for things on all of them. Can anybody help please?

Nagesh answers:

There are two basic types of “Work At Home” job scams on the internet. The first is the survey site. You join up and have to give them all sorts of personal information. Immediately, your mailbox is filled with spam. As hard as you try, you never get to a level where they will send you a check. You quit the site, but the spam continues.

The second scam is joining a club or whatever that promises you endless money for a small entry fee. They are classical pyramid schemes. The only way you make any money is to dupe others into joining and you get a miniscule percentage of their entry fee. No new members, no money. That’s why you see so many of these offers here because they can’t find any more suckers.

Betty asks…

Don’t understand the different types of pensions in the UK – shed some light anyone?

I’ve heard about state pension? what is this?
Is there a mandatory pension we get when we hit retirement age?
And what is stakeholder pension?
Also, what about the pensions schemes provided by your employers? what are these called?

Nagesh answers:

The state pension is paid at your state retirement age. The basic state pension is based on the number of years qualifying national insurance history you have. For this year the full basic state pension is £102.15 per week. In addition there could be an earnings related portion which is known as S2P.

A stakeholder pension is a private pension into which you can make contributions and an employer may also make a contribution. It is the simplest type of pension and the charges are capped.

There are lots of different types of employer pension scheme: the main ones are final salary, or money purchase. An employer may also set up group stakeholder pension schemes or group personal pension schemes. If you have the opportunity to join an employer’s pension scheme in most cases you should do so or risk missing out on the employer contribution.

The answers above are for guidance only and should not be acted upon without you receiving independent financial advice relevant to your circumstances. Please note tax rules are subject to change. To find an IFA please go to

Danny Cox, Certified Financial Planner CM, Hargreaves Lansdown,

Chris asks…

Are there any UK charities or organizations that have an appeal for unwanted Christmas gifts?

I would like to donate all of my Christmas gifts this year to a charity or charitable organization. Are there any organizations that have a special appeal for unwanted gifts?

Nagesh answers:

Charity shops are the main place to donate unwanted gifts. You could decide to spread the donations throughout a few months. I guess they get overwhelmed in early January.

All the charities with shops appeal for unwanted gifts to be donated after Xmas.

Very few charity shops can take electrical goods. Best to check first. Those that can usually have someone who’s qualified to test the items and make sure they’re safe to use. Some charity shops will take them, not to sell in the shop but to be sold to recycling schemes or another use found for them.

Children’s charities such as Barnardo’s, NCH and NSPCC are interested in taking unwanted children’s toys and clothing.

Local playgroups, children’s hospitals, hospices etc might also be interested in suitable toys and clothes etc. (Best to choose playgroups in an area of deprivation rather than affluence.) Children’s and old peoples’ care homes may be interested in good items of clothing, DVDs etc. Youth clubs in sports equipment.

More ideas on gifting toys here.

You could also sell them at a car boot sale etc or on ebay and donate the money to charity.

The Freecycle network helps people get rid of items without sending them to landfill.
Recycle London

Another exchange scheme is vskips.

Donate bicycles, tools, shoes etc.

The Body Shop (ActionAid and many other charities) will take old mobile phones. The Body Shop aims to convert them into mobile personal alarms. Sainsbury’s also takes them and passes them onto charity.

Unwanted spectacles can be sent to: Vision Aid Overseas, Unit 12 The Bell Centre, Newton Rd, Manor Royal, Crawley, West Sussex RH10 9FZ.

Unwanted bras: to – Bra Appeal. PO Box 71, Craven Arms, SY7 0WZ. England

Unwanted vouchers

Furniture reuse

Many charities and recycling schemes will take PCs etc.

Horrifyingly in the UK we spend an estimated 1.3 billion pounds each year on gifts that aren’t appreciated or wanted.

William asks…

How and where to start an emergency fund?

I am thinking about starting an emergency fund with my tax return. I need a little advice…

How much is sufficient? and
Where should I put my money?

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated as well.

Nagesh answers:

The general advice is to have 6 months’ living expenses put by as an emergency fund. See if you can find a Regular Saver account. They offer higher interest. I have one I pay into weekly, it gets 7%. I cannot make more than 2 withdrawals in a year, but if there was an emergency, I could take out a big sum each time. If I wanted instant access any time, the rate would be much lower. Towards the end of the tax year, many banks advertise savings schemes that are tax deductible. You could check the various options available to you online. Google regular savings accounts. For UK try
For Ireland
For US read all the readers’ comments

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Saturday, March 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Thomas asks…

How could I raise money online fast to build my Electric Car Company?

My fundraiser website is “”

Nagesh answers:

May be try a business mentor site sorry don’t know any off hand ,but i do you will need a comprehensive business plan,projections outlook for potential investors and a hell of a lot more good luck

Carol asks…

Is there any such thing as making fast legit money online?

Is there a way to actually make money online and if so how do I find these websites and places??

Nagesh answers:

Heard from few people
with an active paypal and ebay account
with auction bids or sales
one could work wonders

William asks…

how to money fast online ?

how to money fast online ?

Nagesh answers:

No way.

Ruth asks…

How can a kid earn money online fast?

Nagesh answers:

I dis agree with the statement!!!

You can earn online but the business will grow very slowly, a new kind of money earning way without any limitation is GPT (get paid to) site.
And on this site members from US,UK,CA,AU get very much benefit.

You can grow your business steadily to $2-$5 daily income
this mean a kid can earn maximum $150 a month.

Try this.


Robert asks…

what is the best legal MLM program that we can join to make fast money online?

mlm,internet marketing,affiliate,click bank

Nagesh answers:

Ain’t no such animal, my friend

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Friday, March 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Real Money Making Schemes Online

Laura asks…

Laws about online business?

Hi ,
I am thinking about setting up online business ( I live in Hungary )
1. An investment programm , not ponzi scheme ! I would make it forex based , from the money invested I would forex and pay portion back daily . What laws are there which I should know of ? I heard that in some countries it forbidden to setup hyip .

2. I have thought of an item , which I would want to sell on internet . What laws are there which I should know of ?

I am trying to do a real business here , no scam or things like that , there are too many of that out there .
Thank you 🙂

Nagesh answers:

You may want to check with your Ministry of Trade and Finance and tax department in your own country as different countries have different sets of regulations. This is so that you do not end up in any trouble later on. How would you receive payment? Have you checked on the types of payment gateways to use? Hope this helps.


Daniel asks…

Is CashCrate a scam? Does anyone really make real $ – ie: more than 100 per month…from their offers?

I just saw this online….sounds too good to be true….is it some type of scam…or a pyramid scheme where you really only make money sucking in others? Just let me know….thanks

Nagesh answers:

Ray is right, i signed up for cashcrate and yes you might make money but then you’ll need that money to pay for all the stupid stuff you sign up for, Ray thank you for exposing things like this. Next time i will be much wiser, please stay away from this site!

Chris asks…

Is Avon a scam? It sounds like a pyramid scheme to me?

I just joined Avon as a sales rep this week and now that I have done some reading about it online, I think I may have been suckered into a scam. It seems to me that “multi level marketing” is just another term for pyramid scheme. It costs $20 to sign up and each brochure is 1$, you have to pay a 2$ handling fee per order and you have to order something every other campaign. If you only have a few customers, you could easily spend more than you make! They say that the real money is in recruiting and I don’t want to recruit anyone. I just want a legitimate job that I can do at home as I am a stay at home mum to two little boys. I really don’t want to get sucked into a scam!

Nagesh answers:

I see how you could see it that way; it does fall into the realm of pyramid scheme with one major difference- Avon actually sell quality products and have been around long enough to become a legitimate sales company. So even though the basic premise is the same- a person makes more money by recruiting other people- you won’t be selling fake investments or excess insurance. Avon has myriad of products that real people enjoy.
Just as a side note, for whatever reason, Avon sells their stuff online totally eliminating the need for an Avon representative as far as I can tell. Unless the reps are selling the stuff at a cheaper price. I saw that and I thought it really undermines the sales people.

Linda asks…

How do we find help paying bills?On state assistance. 3kids ages 4&under. Husband 22yrs=$9/hr.Me 25yr=student.?

I am a 25 year old stay-at-home mother/ full time college student working towards an associate in Early Childhood Education. My husband is 22 years old and works full time as a C.N.A. in a nursing home. We have three children ages 4 and under. Evalyn is 4, Berlin is 3, and Joesph is 18 months.
Joe and I have been together since he was a Junior in high school (8years) and have been married for almost 5 years. We have worked very hard to provide our children with a home and were finally able to get out of government housing about 2 years ago when we assumed the loan on my aunt and uncle’s house. We qualified for the Kansas weatherization program last year so our home is warmer then it was last year, but we still worry about being able to pay for heating.
Anyway, we aren’t lazy or freeloaders. We were both working full time and (barely) paying our bills each month until my work said they couldn’t afford to keep me. Instead of looking for another minimum wage job, I enrolled in college. I am making a 3.8 GPA and will graduate in 2010.
Because my husband only makes $9.00/hour, we have been falling behind on all of our bills by about $150 each month. We haven’t been able to make the minimum payments on any of our credit cards (we’ve been thankful to pay our mortgage) and now they have been canceled and turned over to collections. We cant pay the amounts they want us to pay for the payment plans they have offered (which is more than our minimum payments were) and they are adding late fees and over the limit fees each month.
We are now on food stamps, WIC, Medical (for the children), and we qualified for LIEAP, but none of these agencies help pay bills. We were told that because Joe works full time, we cannot qualify for cash assistance. I was so desperate to help pay our bills, that I started filling out online surveys for .50 each. We don’t have money to try any of those crazy on-line schemes.
If you have any real suggestions that can help our family before we end up losing our home and having to return to government housing, we’d really appericiate it! Thanks for your time.
P.S. We have considered joe joining the military, but we decided that it wasn’t the right choice for us. We have a TON of respect for the men and women who are brave enough to risk their lives for our wonderful country, but we decided we would rather be poor and have each other than to have money and take the risk of our children growing up without their father.
We have made several smaller sacrifices though, like getting rid of our Dish TV. We have started doing most of our shopping at our church’s thrift store, ALDI’s, and Wal-Mart for the rest. We have even started making our own laundry soap. We heard about those people who auctioned all of their property to pay their medical bills and we thought about selling some of our belongings to make ends meet, but then we realized that most of our stuff was bought second hand and then it has been through three children. We wouldn’t even donate most of our stuff because is has been through so much, we could never sell it. LOL

Nagesh answers:


Charles asks…

i got this email today…is the job oppotunity for real?

From: David Martins (
Sent: 30 October 2008 16:15:30


This Self Employed Data Entry/Online Information Products Processor opportunity requires that you have a reliable computer with Internet access and capabilities, a valid E-mail account, basic Internet knowledge, and basic typing skills. You must also be able to conduct yourself in a professional manner. This includes having excellent grammar and spelling when communicating with clients via E-mail.

In addition to the above requirements, you MUST be able to follow instructions closely and completely! You will do all contact via E-mail, so you will not be required to call anyone at anytime. This allows you to work whichever hours are most convenient for you (days, night, or weekends).

You will be processing applications/orders, as well as placing ads by filling out forms in specific company databases (this tends to be tedious at times, so please be sure that you have the patience to do so before proceeding). This is why you will need to have basic Internet knowledge, though the training provided will give you step-by-step instructions on how to perform these tasks properly. There are no “down-times” with this position, so you will have a constant flow of work to complete. THIS IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME, so if that is what you are looking for please do not pursue this opportunity.

There is work involved. You will be processing applications and orders from people responding to ads for a home based online information products business placed by you, which will be explained to you in the training materials. As with any business opportunity you must be willing to work hard and try to respond to the orders in a timely manner.

You will be earning $10 – $20 (depending on what you charge) for each application/order you process. For example; if you process 30 applications/orders in a week you will make $300.00 – $600.00 weekly. The amount of money that you earn is entirely up to you, it depends on the amount of time and effort you choose to put in. Also to process just one order usually takes about 15-20 minutes. The average part-time person makes $150 – $250 per week.

This work from home opportunity is legitimate, has excellent products and is very lucrative.

When you begin your new home based business as a Data Entry/Online Information Products Processor, you are considered a Self-employed Independent Home Based Business Owner. This means that as with any self employed position your taxes etc will be your responsibility. The training provided will go a little more in depth about what to do with your taxes. You will receive your pay through a secure
online payment processor that deals with worldwide transactions or whichever online payment portal you choose. When an application is completed, $10 – $20 will be credited to your online payment processor account, which can be withdrawn into your bank account at your leisure.

You will have access to over 100 products valued at over $150 for your own or business use. The 100+ information products come with resell rights and most have their own order pulling websites that you can set up and advertise to increase your income, you can sell this as a complete package or choose to sell the products separately.

There is a one-time non-refundable fee for the training materials and information products package. This also includes all processing fees and training costs. We offer professional on-line support for as long as you may need us. This is a one-time fee, and there will be no other charges to you. However, the fee must be received before you can gain access to the Training materials. We must accept this fee to cover

training costs, products, processing fees etc as well as to ensure that only serious applicants apply. This is a non-refundable fee, as this entire

package is delivered via the internet and once you have received it, it is impossible to ensure its return. All will be explained in the training materials.

This fee will not be waived for anyone, and cannot be sent from your first earnings.

Once your payment is received, you will be given a Login ID and Password via email to gain immediate access to your training materials. You will also get another email with information on how to access your downloadable online information products. You will need a word processing program in order to perform this position successfully

(MS Word, Works, Notepad, etc.) Once you have logged into the Training Area, you will be able to access the training materials, and START working from home TODAY.

Most people typically complete the training within 24 hours or less. However, you can do this at your leisure. Keep in mind that the sooner you go through the training materials, the sooner you will START earning money with your new online business. I will be able to be contacted via E-mail at anytime af

Nagesh answers:

It is 100% unadulterated SCAM .Please do not fall prey to this .

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Thursday, March 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Betty asks…

Does anyone know of a genuine work at home scheme thay they may have tried?

I am looking for a job which allows me to work from home but am finding it difficult to trust those emails which flood my junk box, I wondered if any of you have had any genuine success with it. I’ve tried the survey one and got nowhere! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I just went through that same research myself and I found a lot of junk and scams.
Thousands of pages are offering you to become rich in no time using internet.Or doing nothing, witch is even more appealing.
Let me tell you there is no such a thing.
You make money on internet by working hard, anyone who tells you anything else is a liar.
A lot of people will direct you towards places that ask for money first, to sell you systems suposed to make money for you.
There are ways to make reasonable money online but you shouldn´t pay to learn them.
First you have to learn how to use the proper tools to do business on internet. And there are a lot.
Myself, I got helped for free by a system that is quite complete and that you can start with, you find it at
It may or may not be for you, but you should have a look at it, it´s free anyway.
But , over all, remember that you will have to work, and to work smart, those people will tell you how.
And beware of false offers, that will just want your money up front.
Also keep asking around, go to forums, look at blogs, etc…
I hope this could help you a little.
And I wish you the best

Susan asks…

Can i buy a foreclosure home 30,000 and sell it to a investor for 50000 that same month?

I am about to get a good settlement and want to invest in this foreclosure homes. I heard u can go and buy some at ur local banks, but can i sell it the same month to a investor for double the amount? Some investors don’t even look at the house, they just give a price based on the year and how much it may be in the market.

Nagesh answers:

In Illinois and some other states, this practice is illegal under certain circumstances. If your plan is to buy homes directly from foreclosure victims and then resell them immediately for a profit, it would be illegal in certain areas. This is basically an equity skimming scam and if you are caught, you could get in serious trouble.

This has become a serious problem, because investors convince foreclosure victims to sell their home at a very low cost. They do this and claim to be helping these people avoid foreclosure. In reality, they are hurting these people and making it much harder for them to recover from foreclosure.

I believe if you are purchasing from the lender/REO/Trustee these laws would not apply.

But as another poster said, why would someone pay you so much for that home, when they could have just as easily purchased it for the lower price themselves.

Based on your knowledge of real estate and the current real estate market, I would highly recommend investing your “good settlement” elsewhere. There are plenty of “get rich quick” real estate/foreclosure schemes out there, but most are bogus and could end up costing you everything!

I have worked full time in the foreclosure industry for over 10 years now and I know more people who have lost money on foreclosure properties than have made money. Foreclosure investing is risky business and requires a lot of knowledge and patience.

If you want to try the market out and you can afford to lose $30,000, then give it a shot. You may get lucky and you may find a buyer, but don’t do it unless you can afford to have that money tied up for a long time or completely lost.

You should also plan on spending additional money on repairs or improvements. If the lender is selling the home for $30,000, then it’s probably because it needs repairs or it’s only worth $30,000. You might need to take care of the repairs/improvements yourself to sell it for $50,000.

Good luck!

Lisa asks…

Can anyone tell me how can I do offline data entry work from home?

Is there any website where i can do data entry work from home which is legitimite ?

Nagesh answers:

“A” Rating with the BBB

You will get lots of scammers answering here, please don’t fall prey. However, at the same time, please don’t listen to the people saying they are ALL SCAMS. They are not ALL scams, just MOST of them are!

I am a single mom of 2 girls who has tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 3 years so I have some great information for you on how to find a LEGIT way to work from home plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are NO WORK AT HOME JOBS. You will not find hourly pay from home. You can look forever, you’ll never find it. The only way to earn an income from home is to find a legit home business.

Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. People are really starting to realize that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Avon or Mary Kay however if you are like me, you are not interested in pushing products.

Legitimate small home businesses should have a small costs involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so know the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start a home business so you shouldn’t pay it. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are in the end.

After trying 15 things, I now work about 20-25 hours per week for a well known and respected company with amazing credentials. This company actually helps keep Americans Safe and Secure by offering Medical and Dental plans as well as things like roadside assistance, credit repair and National Child ID in partnership with the FBI. We also help Americans stay safe and save money! Americans have saved over 1 BILLION dollars with these plans.

I started with this company 3 years ago and started making $500 a month within only a few months. That income has increased now to around $900 a week. No, it’s not $10,000 a day like those scams advertise but this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you are looking for, look elsewhere! The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a family benefits package from day one.

There are NO products, NO hard selling or pushing, NO Bugging Friends and Family, NO cold calling, NO home parties and NO telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone even though you’re at home.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because a lot of companies are not legit but this company’s credentials FAR SURPASSED any other home business I had ever seen. SOME of their NATIONAL partners and credentials are National Association of Dental Plans, US Chamber of Commerce, Parent Magazine, US News and World Report and Dozens of Fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target and Walmart. Most importantly they are partnered with the FBI on one of their plans that helps American’s protect their children This company also has an “A” rating with the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU!

My point is to tell you, YES! There actually are legit work at home options so press forward! You will find them eventually!

Definitely AVOID these top 10 work at home scams:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there. 100% of them are scams!)

As for those of you who say: ”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it’s not realistic. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest legitimate home business, you need to expect to pay a little something. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

Good luck in your search!

If you want to know more or chat with me click on my profile to the left!

Best Wishes to you!

Sandy asks…

Are there really any work from home/work your own hours jobs that are legitimate?

Looking for opportunities with little or no overhead. Would like to avoid pay up front to get started programs. Not interested in Tupperware or Amway type operations, nor pyramid schemes. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

A home based “job” is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. Most companies don’t feel they need to pay anyone more then that because their gas cost is eliminated. What people don’t realize, what about your spouse? Do they still have to drive to work every day? Grocery shopping, outings, and things like that are still going to cost gas. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse’s gas tank with the gas prices these days. Then you still have the normal bills you need to pay each month as well, food, utilities, mortgage (rent for most people). Think about how much money you spend in that alone? If you need more income, I don’t see how a minimum wage home “job” is going to cut it then. If a minimum wage job is sufficient then email me and I can give you a referal to apply for a home job. I won’t guarantee that you will get the job, I have no control over that. The compeititon is really high for home based jobs. A home job is not going to have any fee’s attached to it. Another reason why they pay such a low amount to work at home.

If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Scrap Booking, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. Most home based business cost under $500 to start. Depending on what you want to get involved in doing. Home based businesses have the same income opportunity as a tradition store front business like a shoe store, Subway etc. With a Home Based Business, you don’t have all the over head expenses as you do with traditional businesses. Just about everything in your home, becomes a tax write off.
When you first start a business, their is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home “job” and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.
In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say “I started a business” and don’t put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won’t make an income.
Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other’s dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income.
I don’t know what you enjoy doing, hobbies, interests etc, so I’m not sure which home based business to refer you over to. I can let you know what my husband and I have been involved in for over six years. For some more ideas you are more then welcome to take a look at my 360 page blog on home based business opportunities. There are over a half a dozen different ones to look at.
The business we chose to get involved in was more practical to us and something people used on a daily bases and wouldn’t know what they would do without. We didn’t have to worry about when money runs tight for them that they’d run to the nearest store and buy the items on sale, or have to cut back expenses and drop what I was providing some sort of service to make ends meet for them. We also wanted to make sure that they were registered with the BBB, who was involved with the company. They have also have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc. Inc 500 also rated us the 22nd fastest growing company in our first five years. We are world wide with headquarters in in Farmington Hills Michigan, Carolina, Canada, Europe, Australia. So it’s a pretty good sized organization to be involved in.
We partnered up with a 15 year old world wide company that offers services that people use every day and pay for anyway. Services like Local and Long distance telephone services, Internet, digital, video, VOIP, Satellite TV, and all the major cellular phone providers like Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, AT&T, Nextell, Alltel etc. As well.
How many people do you know, or know of around the world that uses one or more of these services? That’s another reason why we chose this business because everyone uses one or more. It’s a service that people are not going to give up on because money is tight. People are going to pay their utility bills before they purchase the top brand of soap when they can easily run to the dollar store and buy a package of 4 for a dollar instead of a bar for $2 sort of thing. You know what I mean? We save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and offer them services that they don’t have, but would like to. As an example, say they have a local and long distance telephone service, they want Internet, I offer them the Internet as well as save them money on their local and long distance telephone service, they accept and then every single month these people pay these bills that they are going to anyway, every month we make a percentage. This is a very profitable business to get involved in. A lot of money involved in this industry!

I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities. Your more then welcome to take a look at them for more ideas. A lot of information regarding the truth behind people calling things a scam, what to really look for in researching a business you want to get involved in, and many other things.
As far as pyramid schemes, any legitament business should have the “option” to work on your own, or have help.
I laugh everytime I see the word Pyramid. If you think about it, the American business model is build the same way! Welcome to Corporate America! Get a peice of paper out. Take any corporation to use as an example. On the top of your paper, draw a circle. This circle represents the Owner or partnership owners, Then write two circles under that (President/ CEO) and the Vice President. Write a few more circles under that and you have corporate management positions. A few circles under that and you have store managers, a few circles under that and you have store department managers, a few circles under that and you have sales reps. People don’t realize that but unless it’s a one man show no hired help, no independent representatives, everyone works in a pyramid!

If you’d like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

Mary asks…

Any legit homework jobs out there without costly start up fees?

Single mom of 3, looking for legit home based work. Been scammed so many times.

Nagesh answers:

I know there are a lot of scams out there so be careful! Don’t listen to the people though who say they are ALL scams. They are not actually ALL scams, just a lot of them are! LOL! In fact Yahoo Finance says that for every 1 legitimate home based opportunity there are 57 scams!

At any rate…I am actually a nurse and I love working outside the home but I know a lot of people want or need to work from home. About 2 years ago my sister finally found a legitimate company that’s been in business for 20 years. I don’t know too much about it but she’s been doing it for 2 years now, about 20 hours a week and she makes about $40,000 a year. I know it’s legit because they have dozens of fortune 500 partners, they are members of the US Chamber of Commerce and of course, I’ve seen her paychecks, LOL! She says she loves it! She gets to stay home with her kids which is pretty cool! It’s not a job working for someone else but instead she sets her own schedule and she determines how much she makes. The more she puts into it, the more she gets out. I wish jobs were like that because I know I work way harder than some of the nurses here who are getting paid the same as I am! LOL

P.S. I found a list of top 10 work at home scams to help you avoid them:

10. Craft Assembly
9. Medical Billing
8. Email/Rebate Processing
7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”
6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!
5. Envelope Stuffing
4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”
3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)
2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (HUGE SCAM)

I hope this helps you! Good Luck in your search!


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Wednesday, March 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Linda asks…

I need quick way to make money online?

Suggestions please?

Nagesh answers:

Honestly when you look around, you CAN find some websites that do help you make money. But it’s not easy making money online. You have to spend money to make money… I found a few online programs that helped me… If you’d like take a look at each. Please don’t think there are get rich quick schemes.. It takes time but keep researching and in due time you will.


Ruth asks…

best ways to make money online?

whats is the quickest way to make money online

Nagesh answers:

There is no “quick way” – if it was that easy then everyone would be doing it

Richard asks…

A quick way to make money online?

Nagesh answers:

If you are looking for Virtual customer service or telemarketing from home there are some great companies that are hiring for

this.,… Businesses are increasingly hiring home-based freelancers to perform tasks ranging from software development to

writing press materials.

Joseph asks…

Best way to make money online on ebay or something?

Im lookin for a quick way to make money online ..though Im not really tryna invest as far as 50dollar fees to get started. im lookin for something I can easily start with the tools I already have

Nagesh answers:

Unless you have special skills the only way to make money at home is to start your own business, and for that you need skills too. No one is going to pay you any sort of salary or wages to

work at home unless you have any skill,s..,.
Telecommuting is arrangement with your current employer, if you have a position that lends itself to such.

Susan asks…

quick online way to make money? no scams and no sign up fees!?

help plezz I need some cash like yesterday!!

Nagesh answers:

Like yesterday???

That’s too fast. But there is a solution to every problem. Even I have a similar problem and I went through some of the answers posted on your question page. No one is good for you. I am trying my hand at gambling. Thought I would suggest you the same. Either I will make good money or will loose all of it. Good thing is some site pay 500$ joining bonus.Great ehh 😉

Worth a try though.

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Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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