Archive for March, 2013

Your Questions About Get Money Fast And Free

Steven asks…

What is a free and decent anti- virus program that I can download for my computer?

I used to have AVG, but now you have to buy it. I am only 17 and don’t have the money fast to get rid of suspected viruses on my laptop. I need something quickly in order to get protection against them – what can I download and use for free as an anti-virus program??? Please help!!

Nagesh answers:

Avira is currently the best of the free for home use antiviruses.  It does have a nag screen that comes up every few days asking you to buy it, but there is no need to.

Sharon asks…

How can I make 2-3 grand within a matter of 3 months or less as a 17 year old?

I am a 17 year old, trying to raise money to fly to switzerland. I am a huge music fan and want to be a musician as a guitarist hopefully when I get out of highschool. I love metal music in particular. I have always wondered what the perfect music festival line up would be? Kind of like thinking up my own woodstock. Any way, this year at sonisphere in switzerland, ever band that is playing, I listen to all the time. It is my dream now to go and see this concert but I dont have the funds to fly internationally. Does any one know how to raise about 2-3 grand within a 2 month period? I have no means of transportation to a job, and it’s winter so I can’t mow lawns. And please if you do answer (which I thank you so much if you do) please don’t give me links to fast free money scams on the internet or tell me illegal ways out. Thank you so much

Nagesh answers:

Maybe a yard sale yousaid you wanted to a muso as aguitarist are you confident enough to give lessons.You could try to find a sponser maybe make a video for you tube of your trip exprinces and how you came to fund your trip using their could end each segment with this joe bloggs reporting for mac donalds in frendland good night and say hi to your mum for me

Sandy asks…

I dont know what should do when I grow up?

Hey I am a C student at Compton HIGH and I dont know what should I do after I graduated?Any suggestion I want to be a police officer or become something in life to help my community that is a very dangerous place to live I am in the 11grade?NEED HELP FAST ANY FREE MONEY I COULD GET FOR COLLEGE

Nagesh answers:

It is great that you want to help your community. There are so many things you could do, and you don’t necessarily need to start college straight out of high school. People often think that you must immediately go to college, but three of our four daughters worked for a while before going to college, and they are now in their late 20s and early 30s and have all finished college. Two of them are thinking of going back again, and all four of them are into second careers already. Most people your age can expect to have more than one career in your lifetime.

There is no need to be in a rush. If you need to work to make some money for college that is ok. Also, I am 53 years old, retired, and a grandma, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

You’ll figure it all out.

Donald asks…

do avertizements that say you have won a free ipod work?

i really really want an apple i touch ipod and im saving up but its taking to long to do i have $160 right now and there $225… if the avertizments work i will get a free one but do they work and if they dont how can a 11 year old make money fast?
and i dont do chores for money because my mom doesnt like me to do chores for money..

Nagesh answers:

No they dont work, they make you buy stuff.
Dont believe them.

Mandy asks…

Free money? what?who?legal?

Ok, see i was searching if there was a way to get free runescape membership(i was 95% there is no way i can do that) but then i read this post saying about and bunch of other webs that will give you free money when do surveys and click links… i wanna know if this is true, legal, and how to do it(if it is legal and possible) and if u did that b4 please tell me what is the fastest way to get mony. Thx for the time you took to answer my question.
lord teja 99 (my runescape skiller account)

Nagesh answers:

I’ve tried doing those websites before where you do countless surveys and they supposedly give you free stuff. I was in a continuous chain where i had to do survey after survey to finish the first survey for points. So basically, it’s pretty much impossible to do.

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Sunday, March 31st, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money In College

Linda asks…

What is a quick, legal way to make $400?

I’m a freshman in college and my tuition is a little over $400 and I have no money. I need a really fast way to make big money. I have four days to come up with it or I don’t get to go back… 🙁

Nagesh answers:

And you just now realized that you would need money for school? The way most of us make money is through some sort of structured arrangement where we agree to perform certain tasks and are then given compensation… Otherwise known as a job.

Sandy asks…

What is a quick, legal way of making money. FAST!?

I am a college student who is very poor and I need about $1,000 in about 30 days. To answer some questions, I have no aide from family, I do have a job, I don’t have anything worth selling. HELP!!!

Nagesh answers:

Go to the local dog pound.

Buy a dog.

Name it something like Britney Spears.

Sell raffle tickets for $5 to “WIN A DATE WITH BRITNEY SPEARS!”

Don’t try this in your own town.

John asks…

Constantly Dreaming and Thinking of Ways to Make Money Through Illegal Activities.?

I don’t really know why I am posting this on a public forum. I suppose I want different opinions of why I am the way I am. Maybe other people will relate to me; or find it interesting if they study psychology. It’s a long read, and I aint anything important so don’t view this as a bragging type thing. I just want someone who understands to give me their opinion. I figured a quick summary in a few paragraphs would better paint the picture. Here it goes…

I grew up in a large city, in the poor, industrialized part of town. People are all working class, and you get respect by showing you are a working man. You also got respect if you were a tough guy, or a good athlete. Basically if you’re a man’s, man, you were alright. You didn’t get respect where I came from by having a Bachelor’s, Masters, Ph.D or Doctorates degree. No one gave a damn about that type of stuff. However, some parents wanted more for their kids. They wanted them to pursue academics to get out of this city and do something more rewarding with their lives. My parents were one of them.

My parents ended up divorcing, which made me a different person. I became more introverted. I ended up living in a worse part of town with my mother through the weekdays on a large low income housing estate, surrounded by beat up apartment buildings. I was one of the few white kids, so I had to fight alot the first year I was there. Eventually I made alot of friends and got used to what life is like on a low income estate. Everyone was living off welfare. You were either a poor kid from a broken home(me), or you were an immigrant and your parents couldn’t land a proper job. I never partook in any crime back then as a youngster, even though I seen it everyday. Most of the crime where I was came from Drug dealing, Thieving and Robbing. I remember when I was young, I used to extort money from this one kid from my class who I hated, because his older brother beat me up once. Whenever I seen him walking to the variety store I’d run up on him and make him give me money or I would beat him up. Which is obviously terrible. I did that a few times, and to be honest, I remember getting a buzz out of it. I thought I was a real tough guy. Just around that time, as I was progressively yet slowly getting worse, my mom made a smart move. She moved to the countryside where I would be isolated from that lifestyle. It worked. I ended up not committing anymore crimes through my teenage years, except selling a bit of Marijuana in Highschool. I got average grades, and had alot of friends. I ended up moving back with my dad in the inner city when I was about 18. I ended up working hard in Security for awhile, and as a doorman. By 22, I realized that I aint going anywhere in my life. I couldn’t land a well paying job without a proper education. I decided to go to college, and here I am in my 2nd year of college with 2 more to go. I will most definitely land a proper job when I am done. My schooling is paid for right now, I got a vehicle, I have fun, I got friends… but here is the main point of why I started this whole thread.. Although life is good right now.. I feel like I want more out of life. By that I mean money. I want to buy things.. I want to be the sickest clothes.. a nice car.. I want to have money.. I want to be able to go to university next year and just pay off the tuition in one shot cash, BOOM, done. This is impossible.. I can’t do that without a loan. I don’t want any loans. I want to do it on my own, and not owe anything.

I recently for the last month, been dreaming of doing home invasions of drug dealers in the city with a trustworthy friend I trust with my life. We both, literally came from the same background. Same history, same city, same everything. Known him for 3/4 my life. I know for a fact, if we really tried.. We would make alot of money off these Drug dealing losers in the city. That can be some huge cash.. I could pay off schooling no problem.. have a bit more fun with the extra money that we collect. Its kind of funny I haven’t thought about crime at all for about 10 years… Now I am thinking about the exact same things I thought about as a bloody KID living in that shite hole. Its strange isn’t it. Why would I think like this when life is going so good? Why would I want to risk going to prison when I am on the ‘proper’ track to a good life. Do I miss it? Do I not care about what is right and wrong? Do I get a buzz off of it? I don’t know why.. I even think about mugging people at ATM’s for their account sometimes.. Today It crossed my mind when I left the bank. The parking lot was empty, I just came out of it.. 5AM..Some guy walks into it.. I thought, if I went in their right now, I could empty out his chequing account no damn problem. I’d have at least 500 bucks in my pocket. Clean non-dirty money. By the looks of him he probably had well over 1200$ in his account. That could do a heck of alot for a guy like me. I don’t care or think about
I don’t care or think about what it could do to the man’s life. I really don’t think about that. Obviously it wouldn’t do good, but I say its a dog eat world. I would never harm a woman or a child. I don’t mean any physical harm on anyone. I only want to pursue this for money gain. It isn’t to hurt people, or brag about being the cool gangster guy. I just want what I want. I want money. Money is important and I really don’t buy ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ crap. You can’t go on vacation without money. You can’t pay for school and you can’t do what you want to do in life without the money. I figure if I rob drug dealers money, they can’t rat me out. The only thing they could do is try and track the man down who did it. Good luck in a huge city tracking down a guy like me. Especially someone with no criminal relations, a college student with no record. I’d never get caught. The only risk is getting killed, or going to prison. I dont know.. Why am I thinking this stuff for? life is good

Nagesh answers:

Here is what I think about what you said;

What your mind is doing is referrable to as ‘nostalgic reality.’ As you get older and your mind matures it remembers how life was when you were longer, and in most cases misses that life. It misses the feeling you got doing bad stuff, that thrill that was sastified when you stole and fought. The simplicity of that life, the ease of earning money, and that feeling of supriority. The ‘proper’ track of life doesn’t offer any of that. You pay taxes, you pay for school and anything else, and you must abide to the law. It’s fruitless compared to the life you had, the life your mind was accustomed to living and the rush it gave your mind.

But more importantly why you are thinking this. You respawned that way of thinking by simply imagining how easy life would be just doing some crime to earn a boatload of cash. By doing this you subconsciously brought back the mindset you had when you were younger and in result all the other factors of life when you were younger (all the details above.)

Honestly it’s a very simple explanation but what you want and need to do is just decide what you want to do. Throw everything you worked hard for away to committ the crimes or stay on the ‘proper’ track and see the road ahead of that track.
There are other ways of earning money, you just need to research them. I’m 15, starting to learn psychology and earning 16 dollars an hour (earning around 1200 every 5 weeks) working online with a good friend of mine.

It’s better to build reputation and foundation for a successful and unregrettable life rather than to risk it all for just a crate of money that isn’t worth what you could have attained over the years. When you’re older you’ll appreciate all the work you did and how stable life will be.

The choice is yours. Life behind bars, up in heaven, or living in prosperity.

Mandy asks…

What is the best, easiest, quickest way to make money?

Im 19 yrs old in college..I WANT TO BE RICH! but i dont exactly know how to achieve that without going to college the rest of my life and getting a good job…i want to know other ways of how to make good money and to become wealthy kind of besides that..kind of like trading/investing/mutual funds whatever..i just want to start really early which is now! I currently work at target and dont have much can i make money off of little money????Please do not give me that be a celebrity, invent something, rob a bank bullcrap! serious answers only..and i need to know like how long will it take me to make money..

Nagesh answers:

Gamble with other people’s money, be a trader…………

Robert asks…

I need some ideas on how to make quick easy money.?

I am a single mother who has been let down time and time again by employers. I have been to college and have a AA degree. I graudated two years ago. And yet to have found the job of my dreams or to even land a job in that field. I was watching Oprah the other day and there is this mom who is socceer mom by day and stripper by night. Some people do not understand the constant struggle that single parents go through. And right now I am tired of the struggle. And I am also sure that there are some single moms reading this right now. I am looking for a strip club to dance in or an escorting business to join. I know that there is an easier way for me to make money. So can somebody help a sista out wit some ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Why don’t you serve your country and further your education while you are at it by joining the US Army. It’s great for single women with kids, you just have to have your mom or sister or some other responsible adult vouch for your son while in training. You have college so you can come in as an officer and pull in over 3k a week with benefits, 401k and IRA. The Army is so advanced now you have childcare from 3mths to High school and beyond. You can invest in a house and they will up you 200k for it. Work hard, make your child proud and you might even meet a nice soldier on your off time. Many job opportunities are for women of color or just women in general in the US Army. You can get into criminal justice or military intelligence. So wide is the range and you will feel great about yourself instead of degraded such as working as a pole dancer in a strip club. Let’s see, dignity or low self esteem, you make the choice. And no, unless you choose infantry, you don’t get automatically shipped to Iraq or Afghanistan to kill innocent lives as the media portrays. Give it a try, you will love the opportunities it provides. Your housing, food, medical, dental, childcare and expenses are all provided for and you get paid every two weeks. Is that so bad?

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Saturday, March 30th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Susan asks…

How do I make money through mail?

Well you see I got this mail and it said that you could make money through mail by reading the mail and does what it says. I lost it although I wanted to read it. It showed seven adresses or something like that. Could somebody please tell me the url? Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

This is almost certainly a pyramid scheme and is illegal in many countries. There is one method by which you can make very small amounts of money through bing paid just to read emails.
More information on this here:
You will have to take part in these schemes for a long time to make any significant amounts of money.

Lizzie asks…

How can i make some money from the comfort of my own home ?

What can i craft at home beside artwork and sell it on the internet to make some extra money . Any idea or guide is welcome .

Nagesh answers:

First thing you have to understand is you cannot make a living off working online. Very few people manage to acheive that and you have to be a programming genious or something of that sort to be able to make it. How ever there is such a thing as making sum extra money off the side. One really good website that i like is This website gives you a thing known as swagbucks for everytime you use their search engine. Using this you can redeem some small rewards. You will make about 10 swag bucks in 3-4 days and jst as an example 5 swag bucks will buy you a pouch for an ipod and 800 swag bucks can buy u an electric guitar. This isnt any get rich quick scheme because that does not exist in this world.


if you like my suggestion please place my name-“unauthorised994” in the referral box or use this link directly

Remember there is no get rich quick scheme online and even if you find one it is a scam so dont do it.

Charles asks…

Are there really clerical jobs one can do on computer and make enough money to quit work?

I have all sorts of experience with computers, publishing programs, etc. I’ve been an English instructor for ten years. Is it possible to use these skills and earn approx $30K and up by taking online jobs. Please don’t answer me with one of the wonderful networking product sales crud jobs. Please!

Nagesh answers:

If you have skills like web design and development, you can work from home and make good money. But the “work from home” schemes you see advertised on the Internet, and that people tout on forums such as these, are scams. You’d only make that kind of money with them if you got a couple thousand other people to join under you each year and got a cut of their signup fee.

Richard asks…

Is it possible to earn $5,000 per month online? If so, how does it work? How many views do you need?

If you were to make a website on like freewebs or something, how many views do you need to make about $5000 a month? About how many views?

Any tips would be great. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

In simple terms, it is not possible, at least not unless you are the scammer….
If it was that easy to earn $5k a month, don;t you thing we would all be doing that instead of spending our free time answering questions here on YA???
Forget it, if you follow those schemes, you will be a lot poorer before you even see any money at all…

Linda asks…

Are there any legitimate work from home jobs that makes decent money?

I just recently lost my job and I have a child. I need to make some money to take care of us.

Nagesh answers:

Hi I work from home for a legit company that has just been made available internationally, so the market is still HUGE.

It’s a great, reliable and healthy way to make an additional income, or more, depending on how you work. This could be something for you too.

What I like about it is that I can work online or offline, don’t need to manage a stock and the product does help me. Our compensation plan is unique, and you can earn really big if you put your heart into the business. It’s not a get rich quick scheme, and you will need to stay consistent if you want to see results, but what’s great is that you will get help to get you started.

You can send me an email at if you’d like me to send you more info or you can visit my blog at


Hina Deane

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Friday, March 29th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making

William asks…

Does anyone know how to make fast money on the internet?

I am in a bind and looking for a way to make fast money on the internet. I dont want to dish out any money. Please only respond if you are doing something that is making you good money on the internet.
Some people assume I dont have a job, I am a MA graduate and hold a great job, but that still doesnt mean I cannot get in a bind and start exploring my options, so as far as getting off my ass and getting a job, I am a engineer full time, a full time mother (single) mother of 3 and my kids are all under the age of 5 and one is autistic. So I have been off my ass, so to the person who told me to go get a job, thank you, but I got a job already, I was just trying to explore options over the interenet becasue e-commerce is huge these days!!! But thank you!

Nagesh answers:

Hundred questions a day here like that. 99.9% seem to be selling software or getting your money to sign up for useless scams. 0.05 % are people who’s real jobs let them work from home from time to time; 0.05% are undecided. Be careful of the scammers about to answer.

If there were such jobs wouldn’t everyone be doing them?

Cue the scammers ….3….2….1…..

Betty asks…

What company is legit with doing the fast money thing by making sealing envelopes and mailing them off?

What is a good website?

Nagesh answers:

As far as envelope stuffing .. NOTHING!

I have been working from home for 4 years now and love it, but I partnered with a company that is a member of the BBB and INC 500 company .. Ethics is important!

If you are wanting to work from home, I can offer information

Richard asks…

Whats a fast way to make money on RuneScape?

i need a fast money making method, im a lvl 66 member, i’ve tried alot of things. i’m saving up for a dragon axe. someone help me out?

Nagesh answers:

Ok even i am a mem of lvl 92 and i do this to earn money.
If u do this method u can get 10k in every 2 minute.
Ok first buy a lot of laws and astral runes and buy alot of ring of dueling (8) then teleport to water birth island and pick up snape grass.
Wen u have full inven of snape grass then click on ur ring of duelling and click the option operate and then tele to castle wars repeat this method and soon u will have mils.
My username is lilbizzle5 and if u want more info then my id is

George asks…

making fast money online how to do it?

im an 18 yr old resident in the uk and as im in full time education i do not have time to go out and get a part time job due to college work taking over the majority of my social life. im looking to make some money just by using the pc, wanting to make some money fast for the xmas time any ideas how i can do this in the uk without puttin money into it first.

Nagesh answers:

Most of the online opportunities are scam! I’ve been scammed many times. If you like to know which are scams and which are legit, please check out

Robert asks…

Whats some ways to make fast money?

I want to buy an i-pod touch i already babysit and im getting a job but are there ather faster ways? I would also bee interested in making my own online store, youtube channel, blog but idk if I would make fast money with that. Help?

Nagesh answers:

Steal an iPod touch.
Hold your babysitting kids captive for a large ransom
Sell drugs
Marry a rich old man who is about to croak
Steal money
Get a job as a crab fisherman in Alaska
Sell Avon
Have a lemonade stand
Become a loan-shark
Join the Mafia
Breed dogs
Be a stand up comedian
Dance on a sidewalk
Stand really close to someone until they pay you to leave
Become a clog dancer
Start an off-track gambling network with kindergartners
Hustle pool
Hustle in general

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Thursday, March 28th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Chris asks…

How can i find a job and work from home legitimately?

Hey, im a single mom and i really need to earn a little bit of money. like a $100 a week. is there any job out there you can do online that isnt a scam, you dont have to sell things, make phone calls, or invest money? just a regular job?

thanks so much for everyones help 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Virtual Job Connection has a variety of work at home listed (for free and 99% of the jobs listed have no fees). You may want to go through the lists to see what companies may interest you and see if meet the company’s desired skills and qualifications. Some companies will hire to be an employee or a independent contractor (depends on the company).

A side note, most legitimate work at home jobs will require you to have high speed internet such as cable or dsl and your computer may have to meet certain specifications. Also some companies hire in all states while, some hire in a few states, and a few may only hire if you live in their company’s area.

Hope this helps! 🙂

Mark asks…

I need to know about web marketing? How can I earn money online?

I found many websites enticing for work from home opportunities and earn thousands of dollars in a month using online business opportunities. Some sites demand some money for downloading their e-books and softwares, etc. What is the truth? Can I really earn thousands of dollars from internet?

Nagesh answers:

Yes, you really can earn thousands of dollars on the internet. Informational e-books, softwares, systems etc can be a stepping stone in the right direction if you are good at implementation. Buying into someones system or just getting an e-book definitely does not create success. There are web hosts that will assist in building a business around your interests. I suggest staying away from the ready made sites and easy systems. Building a business takes hard work. The web host that I use trains and assists through the design/build process. They also analyze each step. There are a few other great options out there. I suggest that you take a look at several to get the best fit for you. You can take a look at the host I use by visiting


Sandy asks…

Which Online companies are legit and excelent to work for from home?

I just recently had a baby boy and I need a job working from home to get some extra income. Any sugestions on how to start off looking for a work at home job.

Nagesh answers:

If you really want to earn some money using Internet, I can help you.

What you need to do is –
1. Initially spend some time and effort, though this is the time when you may not earn sufficiently, but please keep on doing and have patience.
2. Do not expect any magic. If somebody tells you that you will get $50000 in 15 days or something, don’t believe them. Yes you can earn a good chunk of bux if you don’t give up and keep on tying.

I am now earning a good amount, and this is my 6th month of starting serious effort. You may not believe that initial 1-2 months I did not get paid, but I did not gave up, and then the money started flowing. The beauty of this kind of jobs is that, the more days passed your effort required will get less and lesser and income get increased gradually.

There are some online companies which are genuine and good.
But unfortunately I can’t give you the links as posting such links are against the rule of Yahoo Answer. But we can discuss through e-mail.

God bless your baby.

Jenny asks…

What is a good way to make money from home?

I mean something that will actually make money. Something legal.

Nagesh answers:

I just want to list out some of the proven methods to make money through internet.

* The good old “Google AdSense”
* Blogging
* Working from home as a freelancer
* Selling online
* Take part in affiliate programs
* Publishing digital content

# 1 The good old “Google AdSense”

Google AdSense is one of the well known money making program for webmasters. It helps the site owners to earn money from displaying text, image, flash or even video advertisements on their websites. You can earn money through AdSense by creating a website on a hot topic and placing AdSense code into your website. But there are a couple of rules and methods you should follow to make money from it.

Keep these things always in mind : Be loyal, don’t be tricky, learn the basics of SEO(Search Engine Optimization), utilize the tools provided by Google and other SEO sites.

# 2 Blogging

This is an easy way to make money by blogging on some interesting topic in a and placing different kind of advertisements in the blog. You can earn some extra income from your blog by adding relevant advertisements in your blogs

# 3 Working from home as a freelancer

There are many websites for finding freelance jobs. Elance and Guru are some of them.

# 4 Selling online

You can earn money by different online bidding or shopping sites, by selling goods. I hope there is not much introduction needed for eBay and Amazon.

# 5 Take part in affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are conducted by different websites to promote their sites, through publishers websites. Commission will be given to the publisher for each valid lead they produce.

# 6 Publishing digital content

If you are good in writing books or creating digital content, then you can market it effectively through the internet. To market your content you can use ClickBank and and to publish it at no cost you can use LuLu.

NB: After seeing lot of similar questions, I have started a blog on the topic Make Money Online here:

** You can follow it here to get updates on it. Please leave your comments and suggestions if it helps you.

Richard asks…

How do you find out if work @ home jobs sent to your email are legitimate?

I am currently unemployed and obviously am looking for work…keep getting these emails about “process rebates @ home and earn $$$. Seems to be a good program on the surface. Costs $200, supposed to be refundable. Sounds to good to be true, usually is!

Nagesh answers:

We did some reading on this awhile ago for a friend on the Angela Penbrook rebate deal and immidiatly spoted a flaw in her story. (Not sure if this is the same company your refering to though.) This is what raised my eyebrow at her “story”. She said she was laid off her job
and went into details of it, the trauma etc. Then later in her story ran into a man somwhere and he showed her this work opportunity. Went on how she started and within five months claims that she was able to quit her job working 1-5 hours a day.
The first thing that raised my eyebrow is the fact that you “try it for three months” then you pay? This isn’t a job! A job you get a w2. If you were to own your own business through a company then you’d receive a 1099. Misleading information here.
What puzzled me also is her saying she lost her job and didn’t know how she was going to pay rent, food and for her daughters birthday. Then to say in another story that she was able to quit her job. Two conflicting stories. I reported this back to my friend and she started up her own business with another company instead, and doesn’t have to work even 5 hours a day now. She gets paid monthly now on other people’s phone bills. Everytime they pay her bills, the companies send her a percentage. Every single month. What she did was partner up with a 15 year old world wide company. They market in local and long distance telephone services, Internet, Video phones, digital phones,VOIP, Satellite TV, and all major cellular phone companies like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Alltel, Nextell etc as well. She saves people money on services they’re already using each month. Offers them services that they don’t have. Her husband and her both work out of their home wound their kids’s schedules. I saw what they were making and how little time they work now and decided to take a look at it. I did and I got involved. It’s incredible!
The point I’m making is you don’t know this person your reading about, go through their story with a fine tooth comb, per say. The story doesn’t match up. Also here’s a check list of things you want to search before getting involved in a company. Things I tell people that can really help in making sure a company is one to be involved in.

1. Is this a job or a business? If it’s a job, there should be no start up costs, or fees or anything. You should be paid hourly or salary. If it’s a business your starting, within a business your getting involved in, there would be a start up fee. What do these fee’s cover? Billing for my customers, Inventory, Customer services, Order Entry, Employees, workman’s comp, Cross referencing, Licensing, Insurance, paperwork, accounts payables, accounts receivables drop shipping etc.

2. Is this company registered with the BBB?

3. Who is involved with the company?

4. Have they been featured in different magazines?

5. How long have they been in business? If it’s under 5 years your taking a risk. Did they make the Inc 500 rating in their first five years?
6. Do they have a physical address that you can go to? Check for an address not just a P.O. Box
7. Where are their headquarters?
8. How does the business work? How do you make money? Etc.

So many different things to make sure the company your getting involved in is straight. If it’s a job, you don’t pay. If your partnering up as a business for yourself, then you do.
If you’d like more information, feel free to email me at

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Wednesday, March 27th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online

Sharon asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:



You sign up, and the company gives you a link. Every time you make someone click the link you are given, and then proceed to sign up with their web hosting company, you get paid $85! If that isn’t a great deal, I don’t know what is!


You can also make people sign up for the affiliate program (like I’m doing right now) If you click the link I’m giving you, and get the $85 dollars by referring someone to the company, you get the $85, and I get $5 just for signing YOU up! Do a good job, and you can make several thousand dollars a year!

Mandy asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Check out this site

You can earn passive income without advertising, product promotion or selling anything.

Lisa asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

George asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Visit this it helped me a lot to earn money without spending a single penny and got paid


Richard asks…

How can I make money really fast online?

Any ideas on how to make fast money online? Like websites or programs that can be used, I am in need of extra income and have been looking for a while.

Nagesh answers:

Anyone can make money on the internet, but for some reason people think no work is involved. Having so many different methods and information available on how to generate an income online doesn’t make it easy. Something I have used and strongly recommend is the following. Go join a website with lots of affiliate products such as Click Bank. Go and find an internet marketing guru who has released a lot of products. You join his email list and when he plans to launch a new product, about 2 weeks before a new product launch emails are sent out to all subscribers letting them know so they can get ready to promote the new product. You target new products like this because when it is released people will be searching for the product name. Effectively you are setting up shop just before the rush of traffic comes. So, you get in early, get your websites all setup and then you will get traffic, traffic that is from people who typically are interested and want to purchase. There is very little cost in using a method like this and in fact you can use free websites if you really wanted to, I wouldn’t suggest not using your own domain name. If you are just starting out something like this is very useful and I strongly suggest using it.

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Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Michael asks…

Does anyone know of any good work-at-home opportunities?

I am looking for some ideas on for work-at-home opportunities that are:

1) legit
2) can actually generate a good income
3) don’t cost a lot (if anything at all) to start

Thank you for your help in advance.

Nagesh answers:

In tough economic times many people are forced to find ways to make extra money. Now, it’s easier than ever to work part time at home and it sure beats slinging burgers. In fact, recent reports have said that more and more companies want to contract out work that used to be done in-house, increasing the opportunities at home work. Today’s home based jobs are easier to find and pay better than most part time work.

The beauty of working from home is that you can set your own hours, work as much or as little as you need to, and have far more free time than if you worked out of the home at a traditional job. Few part time jobs have flexible schedules, and you are often at the mercy of whoever makes out the schedule that week. When you work at home, you are the boss, you set the hours, you determine your paycheck, not someone else. As more companies cut back on hours, part timers are the first to see their hours cut. That’s why finding a good way to make money from home is a terrific alternative.

When looking for a position, you must determine whether you want to contract out your services to an outside company or start your own business. Some of the most popular ways to make money are freelance writing, data entry, and website design. The Internet has several websites dedicated to helping people find part time work at home positions. A word of caution, though.

Scam artists are looking for people desperate to make extra money and have come up with all sorts of legitimate-looking schemes that turn out to be nothing but money-takers. Data entry positions in particular, have been the target of scam artists. Make certain the company you work for is legitimate and the pay reasonable. Don’t fall for claims of making large amounts of money for doing little work. If something doesn’t feel right, follow your instincts.

One way to ensure you don’t fall for a scheme is to start your own business. Several legitimate businesses are available that allow the entrepreneur to make money online with affiliate marketing and multi-level marketing program. Do your research to determine the best option for you and be sure to get a realistic idea of how much money you can make. In the end, you may find your part time job pays better than your full-time job.


Joseph asks…

What is going on with our economy? Granpa told me that during the Depression everything was cheap but hardly?

anybody had enough money to pay even low prices. And Granpa said that WW2 ended the depression.
We have a lot of the same symptoms, stocks dropping, unemployment rising, more people homeless but prices of food and gas are going up not down. And we have a war but it doesn’t seem to be ending our economic problems. What’s going on?

Nagesh answers:

When my grandfather used to hear the family complain about prices and contemporary ‘hard times’ his usual expression was, “And I remember when bread was a nickel, but who had a nickel?” He was one who remembers somethings past as good but was commonly equally quick to quip, “The good old days weren’t really so good.”

The Great Depression was a confluence of many things. I’ve some links to some available books you might check out.

The current Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke assembled, and contributed to, Essays on the Great Depression (Princeton University Press, 2000: Unless you have an ecomics degree, it may be a tad bit technical in places, but it is good.

The one I think most suscinctly explains is Thomas E. Hall and J. David Ferguson’s The Great Depression: An International Disaster of Perverse Economic Policies (University of Michigan Press, 1998:

Essentially, one of THE biggest causes of the Great Depression began in the conclusion of World War I. The enormously punitive settlement which was forced on Germany was part of the root to what would later become the Great Depression, at least in my eyes (portions echoed the books above, although their directions were more precise and technically correct than my personal summation). Germany did not get the quietly negotiated settlement advanced before the ceasefire. After their troops pulled back, they were in no position to reassert themselves as before, so they were stuck with whatever the Allies presented them. Germany then, painted into a corner and saddled with enormous debts to pay for damages they caused, then essentially (although not exactly) printed more money to pay the bills. The German currency became essentially worthless, a wheelbarrow full would not buy a loaf of bread. This was the thing that would later make the opportunity for an opportunist named Hitler to come to power upon the discontent of the German populace.

International money systems were not as fluid and resilient as today. There were not quite the same easy protocols of commerce as today. Protective tarrifs to the advantage of various nationalities and the residual burdens or complications of exploitive colonial policies (which were often forced to participate in the “homeland”‘s protective tarrif and currency valuation schemes, all broadened the effects of now worthless or questionable currency mainstays.

The stock market crash was kind of like the 9/11 attack, the fanatical terrorists had long been at war with the U.S., it was just then that one of many such conflicts struck home and became the symbol of the problem.

As for your symptoms, consider that we had worse than today when Carter was president. Unemployment was high, interest rates seemingly astronomical, and the common sentiment was then that we were close, if not in, another great depression. Still, while it was rough, it was also a media-fueled hysteria that fed our fears in order to help them sell papers and magazines. (sound familiar?)

I can see things that might bring us to another serious depression, but mostly we are teased into our current fears because that is what the media does best. Still, I can see some events that could easily cause it, but we aren’t there yet. Don’t worry about it.

Ken asks…

Are there any real true no scams work at home jobs?

Im just wondering if there is. If you know any that work and don’t take just your money list the site. P.S. I do have a real job so if someone wants to make a comment telling me to get a real job just a heads up.
Tia K. Im not sure exactly what that is lol can you explain. I went through and read everything and Im still confused.

Nagesh answers:

I tried over 15 opportunities in the course of 2 years so I have some great information for you plus a list of top 10 work at home scams!

I am a mother of two little girls who are actually tugging on my arm as I write this so I will try to be brief. Many people are looking for work from home companies. All the scams definitely create a big problem but also, there is a problem of people misunderstanding the difference between work from home “jobs” and work from home opportunities. There really are not work from home “jobs”. To get that you have to start working for a company in their offices first, then they MAY allow you to take the job home.

Most of the work from home opportunities that are legitimate offers are not an hourly pay type job. They are business opportunities that help you in starting your own business from your home. What you should do first is to decide if you are simply looking for an hourly rate type job or if you are looking for more of an opportunity for additional income such as what you would make in your own business being your own boss from home. Small home businesses have some small costs involved, less than $500 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $1000-$5000. It doesn’t cost that much to start and run a home business so you shouldn’t pay it.

If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are. I tried them many a times and 3 weeks later I had to buy this and 6 weeks later that. After 6 months these “free businesses” had cost me over $800 on average.

After trying 15 things I now work about 18-25 hours per week for a National Medical Healthcare Company. This is a nationally known and reputable home business which is what you need to make sure you are looking for. I have been with the company almost a year and a half now and I make over $4500 a month! In your first month, depending on how many hours you can work, I have seen people make anywhere from $500 to over $2500. And your income will increase each month because you get paid residual income as well.

The best part is they have 401(k), direct deposit, life insurance and a benefits package most of which you get from day one. In addition, there are no products, no hard selling or pushing, no cold calling, no home parties and no telemarketing! That was VERY important to me. I absolutely love working with them and I can’t believe I am making what I am making and in so few hours per week. The neat thing is there are other people on your team that you work with so you are never alone. You have great team support and you get to know the other people on your team pretty well.

I was a bit apprehensive at first because I know a lot of companies are not legit but this company is the number one National Medical Benefits Company in the US. They are a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Dental Plans and the owner of the company actually sits on the board of The Consumer Health Alliance to which we are also members. Also they were featured in “The New York Times”, “Wall Street Journal” “Time Magazine” “American Medical Review” and even in the May 2008 issue of “Parents Magazine”. Even “60 Minutes” did a big special on this home based business.

Even more then all this is they are accepted at over 100,000 retailers nationwide. These are fortune 500 companies like Sears, Target, K-mart, Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-mart, Publix and more. These companies would never work with a company that was anything less than reputable.

You can research the company at


10. Craft Assembly

9. Medical Billing

8. Email/Rebate Processing

7. “A List of Companies Looking for Home workers!”

6. “Just pay for and take this class first” Then we’ll give or find you a job!

5. Typing At Home / Data Entry

4. “Turn Your Computer Into a Money-Making Machine!”

3. Pyramid Schemes (this is NOT the same as Multi-Level Marketing MLM)

2. Chain Letters/Emails (“Make Money Fast”)

1. Envelope Stuffing

Please beware of these scams. There are some legit home businesses out there so be careful. Look for companies in business over 10 years. Look for companies with a needed product or service, something you would be proud to represent. Look for companies that have a national reputation and are members of the US Chamber of Commerce.

As for those of you who say…..”I want to work from home but I don’t want to have to pay for anything”. Well, that’s great! But it will never happen. Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If it is a true honest home business you need to expect to pay. Mr. Walt Disney didn’t start the Disney empire “without paying for anything”. Neither did Mr. Sam Walton, owner of Wal-Mart.

If you want to learn about REAL home businesses visit:

Good luck to you in your search. A

Paul asks…

Does anybody know of any work at home programs that are not scams and you actually make money?

I don’t mind paying to be a member if you make your money back. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

No — the vast majority are scams — ESPECIALLY if they require you to pay your own money to buy in. Google work at home scam or work at home scheme

David asks…

Can bill collectors legally take your SSI and SSD money for past bills that went into the credit bureau?

Can they freeze your SSI and SSD money if it goes to your bank checking account?

Nagesh answers:

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Our members are served by provider law firms, which have been carefully screened and selected
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WE ARE currently Featured in every major publication &
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Secure a better future! This is not another “Get Rich Quick” scheme.
BUT THIS IS A BUSINESS TO Start building that Really Can Change Your Life!

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Monday, March 25th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast In Runescape

Donna asks…

What are some good ways to make money in Runescape?

Like apart from the basics. What are some fast and efficient ways of making the moola?

Nagesh answers:

It depends on if you are member or f2p
f2p are limited to wc (yew), mining (runite) (85 mining), rc (air runes) (need 50 rc so u can do the activity), and maybe fishing

member the list goes on
kill green dragons,
do slayer
do gwd if your lvl is high
wc (magic)
make bars
make cannonballs
fishing (shark)
runecraft nature runes
get 99 fletch

the list goes on

Lizzie asks…

what is the fastest ways to make money in runescape and easy? (i am not into the boring stuff)?

combat is ok too.

Nagesh answers:

If you are good at combat, kill green dragons. They are lvl 79 and u make about 50k every 15-20 mins. There are plenty of guides on youtube. Good luck 🙂

Nancy asks…

what is the fastest way to make money in runescape?

i have 5 mill buy i need more to buy cool stuff. what is the fastest and easiest way to make money?

Nagesh answers:

If non member sell rune essence it will give you almost 100gp per rune essence

Laura asks…

What is the fastest way to make money on runescape if you are not a member?

My freinds all make so much money and i dont know how they do it. I just lost all of my stuff necause i accidentally died in a pvp world and i would also like something that isnt too time consuming.

Nagesh answers:

Mine stuff like iron for fast money

What is your best skill use that to make money

Like fishing

it is fast

Or you can kill hill giants and sell the bones

There are many ways to earn money!


Charles asks…

What is the fastest way to make money in runescape?

I asked what i should merchant earlier but all i came up with was stupid answers. my User name is Orzo Kaar: combat level 79 i have 66 wc, 58 mining, 57 fishing, 45 crafting, 45 fletching, 37 herbalore, 53 smithing, 43 cooking, those are basically all the skills that i think that i could make money with, if you are good at merchanting i would rather do that then anything because it is easier, but i only have around 500k

Nagesh answers:

The best way to get money is to merch! Merch is a think how you buy sompthing for a low amount of money and selling it for more money and i know just the right place to merch!
(1) get 15k from bank.
(2) go to portsarim.
(3) go to bettys mage shop.
(4)youse your 15k on eye on newt.
(5)once u have a full infotory on eyes go to the bank and go back.
(6)youse all your money on the eyes.
(7) once you have 15k worth of eyes sell them at the G.E.
(8)and you have made a masave march! U made 200k!!
And u only had 15k to start of with!!


And join my caln:we mack gp
we mack a lot of money and we are a marching clan!

And u mack 200k a day! THATS HOW I GOT RICH!

(other tips)
wcing is a good way if you are a member and wc magic trees they are a rilly good to get money caz they are 1k each but they are rilly slow.and yews are good for free players.
Fletching yew long bows are a rilly good way to get money but you mack it sorda slowley and other things under 75 fletching like normal bows they lose your money bye tones and you carnt get it bak i lost 100k on fletching and i got 1.7mill back because i have 99 fletching and i was fletching yew long bowes and magic longbows.
mining clan and runeite and addamant and gold ore and mithril all that can mack you rick and silver ore that can to and mining i know its a boring skill but you get a lot of money from it.

And you can add me if you wont my youser is johhny wick im level 138.

And fishing is a nother good way to get money to fky fishing is the best and if u are a mem and i think u not well eveyway if u mem telle to barbarian out poste (youse the games naclase)…. And once u have done that head south once you come up to a rilly big lake or a river go around the house so ceap on walking south and one you find a little entrence go down in and follow the river and it will lead you to a nother house and this is your lacashion. Ceap following the river and once you find the bridge to grome stronghold STOP you should see some fishing spots and they are for fly fishing and fish a lot of tourl and samon once you have a full infotory go back to that house you are right next to and you should see a person walking right clic him and clic traid and go to main stok or what other players sell thinks in and right clic on you samarn and clic (sell all or sell 50 clic one of these) and do the same to the tourl and ceap repeating until all your feathers are gorn and all that gp u have u should have 100k+ well it depends on how mutch feathers you got on u. And i yoused all that gp or k i got from that i got 99 firemacking and i felt so happy and you souldt TRY WHAT IV DONE HIRE! It might help it might not its up to u and i crant bos u around. =P or can i :S.
And my youser is surfbabe41.
Or if u are triying to get level ups go to this web sight runehq fishing skill calcalator. It’s up to u i hape it HELPS ALOT.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, March 24th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Michael asks…

how can i make money quickly without getting a job ?

iv handed out countless cv’s , rang so many places and have had no luck what so ever
how can i make money quick ?

Nagesh answers:

You should try mystery shopping. It is a lot of fun. You get paid to shop, eat out, and perform other tasks to make sure that companies are good to their customers. Watch out for scams though. Don’t pay for any kind of list of mystery shopping companies. Some of the shops pay pretty well too. If you want more information go to:

I use this company and they are legit. Hope that helps!

George asks…

how can a teenager make money quickly?

hi I am going to camp this summer and my friend wants to come too but she needs to earn the money and quickly as she needs to book soon
she needs to make about £400 any ideas?

Nagesh answers:

The world of work from home is not a safe one, please be careful and look into every potential before you talk to them, and

when you do listen to the sales pitch. Feel free to ask questions, and know that you are going to be very self motivating,

and that you won’.’t be getting an hourly (no one that I have found pays an hourly).

Steven asks…

how can a ten year old girl make money quickly?

Hi im a ten year old girl who is saving up for an ipod touch it costs about 200 dollars and i was wondering if you people have any ideas to make some money?

Nagesh answers:

Do NOT give any site online your personal information.
Such as your real name, address, phone number, etc.
The net is full of scammers.
Make sure you don’t fall into traps.

William asks…

What ways are there to make money quickly?

I just want a way to have some extra money

Nagesh answers:

Buy and sell here
also buy and sell here
join here
join here
you should make lots of dosh in no time

Joseph asks…

What is the best way to promote a website to make money quickly?

I’ve been following a system to write blogs, articles, and promote products, but I’m having difficulty making money.I’m wondering if anyone has any serious ideas without trying to get me involved with something else. I’m excited about the opportunities I’m already pursuing, just want to jumpstart what I’m already doing.

Nagesh answers:

You can advertise for free alot on the internet but it will take you months and mabey even years to get ahead of the rest and get prime positioning with Google, now you can register with as many free business directories online as possible and this will generate a little more extra business ones like are the best, however if you are serious about making decent money sometime soon you will need to spend money in order to receive the best advertising and exposure, im not into pay per click as i see it as a waste of money and it limits your potential clients. A great site though is; here you can pay a once of fee for the top site on google and then you simply pay a monthly fee for them to keep you there, they have proven records and traffic reports from google as well so you know what you’re buying and what to expect.

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Saturday, March 23rd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Sandra asks…

What is a good way to get money and fast?

Im looking at getting myself a couple of expensive things such as an i-pod touch, a ps3, and a non-mac-laptop. It Must be do able for a kid under 15 though. please help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Provide a service or sell things you find at garage sales online

good way to do this is with a domain

free to make your own domain and the site practically runs itself, great place to get started

James asks…

How to make money??? For a kid?

My mom and I made a promise, if I can get $2000 (About 4000 pounds) I could get my first horse!!! Ways for fast money?!??! No babysitting I’m not old enough.Can’t get a job either.

*******NO SITES OR SURVEYS!!!!************

Help? I’m only 13.. Thanks!!!!

Nagesh answers:

1.sell some of your old stuff
2.beacome a paper boygirl
3.take care of pets
4.sell lemonade cleaning

Laura asks…

how do I get money for christmas presents fast?

I am just a kid and Im flat broke and I need money for christmas presents right now or Im screwed.
how do I get money for christmas presents fast?

Nagesh answers:

No one will say this but you should look to sexual favors. It would never be for me. More the pity.
]You are important more. Everyone is different.I can’t think how tough you might be.
Larry Craig.

Steven asks…

does anyone know the best way to sell an authintic civil war buckle that I found with my metal detector.?

I found it on my family land, close to the KY river and need to get some money fast for my kids birthday.

Nagesh answers:

I guess that as with most things, you would need to take into consideration the supply and demand factor. If you can find someone that really wants it, the higher price you will get.
I would go to a pawn shop in the area if it something you need to do right away. Bottomline is that you will get far more if you take your time and try to authenticate it and then locate a collector that is willing to pay a good price. Maybe search some civil war reinactors groups around that area.

Chris asks…

i need money. FAST! Help me?

Ohkay im 16. ive applied almost everywhere, near where i live and still haven’t gotten a job offer. I need money and i honestly don’t mind working. I can babysit, im certified and have worked with kids before, and ilove them!<3 But i don't anyone with a kid. I love animals, so i can doggysit, but no one actually needs a dog sitter unless they're going outta town or something. Is there any other way to get money ? I need a whole bunch of stuff and my parents aren’t going to pay for it, and i have no money, so that’s not gonna get me anywhere.

ineed help.. Please =(

Nagesh answers:

Did you try McDonald’s?

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Friday, March 22nd, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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