Archive for February, 2013

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Helen asks…

I’m 13, what are some ways to earn quick money?

*ideas- sorry messed up..
I know I could babysit, but babysitting jobs are so hard to find in my town with so many people, and I don’t have much experience caring for young children. I want to have extra spending money so my mom doesn’t always have to lend me some. Any ides pleaseee?

Nagesh answers:

Get paid $1-$10 per survey.

Opinion Outpost(Currently only accept members from the US and Canada)

You can sign up here:

check for more earning opportunities.

Sharon asks…

I go to a rich private school and they expect me to wear designer clothes.How is a quick way to earn money?

They expect me to wear things like Juicy Couture, Coach, Abercrombie, and Louis Vuitton. I need quick money!
I will not be popular anymore if I don’t wear them. I’m new and just want to fit in. Brands like Juicy, Abercrombie, and Louis Vuitton are what my friends are expecting.

Nagesh answers:

You should consider buying pre-owned designer clothes. You can find some at

Ruth asks…

How can a 13 year old earn quick money?

I need 200$ in the next two weeks and im too young for a job please help

Nagesh answers:

Then you are not going to get $200..

There is no “quick money machine” . You work, you earn cash…that’s it.. PERIOD…

Donna asks…

What are some good fundraiser ideas that will earn us money quick?

Hi we need some good fundraiser ideas for our club. we need to earn a couple thousand dollars (in only a couple of months) to go to a conference for the first time. If you know of any fundraiser ideas or grants that could help us please share this with us. Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Go to the following website quick fundraising ideas:

Paul asks…

How to earn money QUICK!! Like in about a week?

I am doing a NAM pageant and i need 450 dollars by june 29 but i need at least 100 by may 11, so can you please tell me what i can do to earn money, ive tried everything, lemonade stands, carwashes, dogwalks etc. help please

Nagesh answers:

Back when I was in school, I found the best way of making money was selling candy. I would go to a dollar store, and buy all the candy I could for 10-15 bucks.

Anything bought for 10 cents was sold for 25 cents.
Anything bought for 25 cents was sold for 50 cents.
Anything bought for 50 cents was sold for 75 cents.
Anything bought for 75 cents was sold for $1 dollar.

I profited about 15 bucks a day, so that made my weekly earnings about $75 per week in pure profit. I let everyone know I was selling candy and my prices were cheaper than everyone around me. It worked for me I’m positive it will work for you!
Just be careful.

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Monday, February 18th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast And Easy

Robert asks…

fast & easy way to make money?

as everyone knows: it’s getting close to christmas time and i need a fast and easy way to make some money. i have a job at a chiropractors office, and that’s good money. but i was wondering if anyone has suggestions on how to make some money outside of my job, before christmas time?

(: thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Sell things on ebay, or have your own stall at a market for one day? You’d be surprised how much people will pay for your old things

Betty asks…

easy ways to make alot of fast money?

ok , so i am saving up for competitive cheerleading, which is about 125 a month. im not old enoight o have a job, and im kind of busy right now, the season starts in about 4 months, i have SOME money but not much, any suggestions on how to make some money? oh and im already thinking about just selling some clothes and junk on ebay or something, any other ideas on what to sell?

Nagesh answers:

Get a part time job.

Charles asks…

I need a fast and easy way to make money.?

I am a teen and I need a fast way to make money before my trip to mexico on the 16th. Shoot! no bbsit

Nagesh answers:

Mow peoples grass. Clean their houses. Offer to run errands for them. You can charge people for almoost anything.

Donald asks…

What is the best way to make fast,easy,and not much money wasting smithing EXP For F2P? ?

What is the easiest,fastest and not much money wasting way for the best f2p smithing exp for a level 60 smither? please explain

Nagesh answers:

Theres not much options for f2p but you can make steel bars. You actually make a profit. Just buy the 2 coal and iron and smith them in fally or alkaharid

Jenny asks…

What is a fast easy way to make money? I need a job?

I am 20 years old and live in michigan so can anyone help

Nagesh answers:

I am currently trying to expand with an affiliate program. I pay 20% commissions on all sales you generate. You can simply add my ad button to your blog or website to earn money on sales that go thru those links. You can also use the text links to email family and friends and earn money on that as well. Most of my affiliates make $50 – $250 a month. I just depends on how much time you put into it. It can be a great way to make some extra cash though. It’s win win for us both!

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Sunday, February 17th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly

Mandy asks…

Suggestions on how to make money quickly?

I just got laid off from my job. I need to make $4,500 to $5,000 to pay off some debt. Any suggestions?

Nagesh answers:

Yeap,,,,get another job or two…

Ken asks…

How can a 14 year old boy make money quickly?

I basically want an easy way of getting money.

Nagesh answers:

Hi. Here’s some ways that I’ve made money – fast.



You can get from 10p to £1 per survey.

(NOTE: I’ve never tried this, but lots of people I know have and it seems to work)


Paper round (go to your newsagents, post office etc.) – easy, quick way of earning money.

Mow peoples lawns – I did this and made a surprising amount of money from it. It’s really easy and takes hardly any time. It’s surprising how much people will give you to do a simple job for them.

Go to a shop and ask about handing out leaflets; I got £50 for 30 minutes work putting adverts in peoples letterboxes.

Sell (or trade in) all your unwated DVD’s, CD’s, Games etc.

Good luck!

Laura asks…

How can I make a descent amount of money quickly?

I work a full time job and go to school but I still don’t have enough money I need to pay bills and such. So if anyone has any good suggestions on how to make good money quickly it would be greatly appreciated!!

Nagesh answers:

Be smart
be alert
be sharp

Chris asks…

How can i make money quickly?

I’m only 15 and my birthday is in July, I have had a hairdressing job on a Saturday and it was £20 but I don’t particularly enjoy it but I’d still do it for the money but is there any other way at 15? Because I’m not aloud to go into retail just yet.

Nagesh answers:

You can babysit, make your own business and sell stuff your good at making. You can do a pet shop. You can make stuff for pet owners that they will need. One idea is a pet binder, containing information from the vet, bills for the pet, and stuff people need to know in case the owner has to go away for a while. You can make a pet washcloth and decorate it with pawprints. Etc. I hope you like my ideas

-Oh and a car wash woul dbe fun too, just din’t tell anybody what your usin gth emoney for. You can also mow the lawn or even offer to do chores at home. Bu tin any way, all you need to know is that a little bit counts in every way.

I hope I helped please choose as the best answer because I put a lot of effort into this question.

James asks…

Anyone know how to make money quickly?

Does anyone know how to make money quickly? I’ve got so much stuff i need to buy and so many places i need to go and need to use public transport. If you know any ways, please let me know. Thanks (: x

Nagesh answers:

Sure. Easy. Find a product or service people need (not one they want, and provide it.
Sell Angel Soft toilet paper cheaper than walmart – you’ll be in business.

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Saturday, February 16th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Teenagers

Donna asks…

How can I quickly earn some “pocket money”?

I am a teenager (17) looking for a good quick way to make a little money, something like a one time job or something…. any suggestions would be appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

There are various sites where you can sell unwanted stuff ebay is the most well known. Others like magpie also will sell or buy DVDs etc.
Old mobile phones also have some cash value.
Weekend jobs; shops ;cafes;market stalls;cinema;bowling alley
Paper rounds;Leaflets
Babysitting;dog walking;washing cars;gardening jobs

James asks…

teenager in need of money?

i need MONEY!!!! $$$ like the song says “money makes the world go around” and i have NONE 🙁 ive been looking for a job and i cant find one. i guess the economy really does stink right now. i want to know if there any quick ways to make money? or a good website that could help me find a job. thanks to all that answer <3

Nagesh answers:

Try or

Sandra asks…

whats the best MOST TRUSTWORTHY survey site for teens?

I’m 16 years old and attempting to save up for a laptop. i make about 25$ a week in the summer by cutting my grandparents lawn. but id really like a way to make more money and fast. I’ve been looking around on google for easy ways to make money. and I’ve found that taking surveys is a really popular answer. But my Dad gave me a very strict warning and advised me not to do so. So i was wondering if anybody knows a really good survey that’s very trustworthy even to a teenager like me. Or if you know any other good ways to make money quick that would be great. I appreciate any help!

Nagesh answers:

Well I’m a stay at home mom and like to do surveys to make random extra money. By no means, is it a stable constant income though. A few sites I trust and have actually gotten compensation from…


if you have a webcam their surveys pay very well but don’t come around as often as other easiest of them all. Once you setup a profile, it takes 2-3 minutes to earn and they pay through paypal weekly with no minimum payout needed.

Like I said, you won’t get rich but it can add up. Your dad is right about being wary of survey sites though because A LOT of them are scams to get your info. You can check out the forum on SlickDeals too. They have a lot of helpful info for you!

Linda asks…

whats a good way to earn money…?

im a teenager 14 to be exact. i want to know how to make some dough on my own. its time i know how to make my own money instead of getting it from my parents! even if i only make a dollar or something, its still okay. are there websites that are like what im talking about? jobs or work for kids??

websites would be awesome!

no crap like “get rich quick!”

Nagesh answers:

A few weeks ago I was also wondering about on internet for making money online.
I use data entry jobs, free surveys etc.
But these are all asking money for their starting membership.
After being scammed by these sites I was came to PTC business.
Actually these are online advertising companies that pay you as their member to do easy and simple tasks.
See some of my payment proofs and download a free money making e-book

Lizzie asks…

My friend and i are sophomores in high school, but were serious writers. We need to find a publishing company?

We have been writing a book, for awhile now, if that’s what you call it and we are trying to get it published because it had a great point to most all teenage lives and we can connect it to almost everyone in a way. We just need to find a quick publishing company that will publish for teenagers and make it easy for us without hounding us for our money. Publishing companies don’t need money or it’s fake. Right? We need some serious help. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

LOL. Sorry for laughing, but I doubt if your work is good enough to publish and that you’re “serious” writers. Yes, you might be dedicated and all, but that doesn’t constitute “serious.”

Just a bit of a reality check. Commercial publishing is a serious business. They don’t accept just any old thing, and most novels are rejected. You need more than a story that most teens can identify with. Guess what? Bookshelves are filled with those types of stories. Your book has to be very well written and marketable for even the slightest chance of being published. Just judging by your grammar in this post, this is an indication that you have a long way to go before your novel is in publishable condition, because I bet it’s full of bad grammar, horrible plots, under developed characters, and many literary mistakes from first time novel writers.

Listen, publishing isn’t “quick and easy.” Professional writers strive their whole lives to get published and most never make it. People your age have an even smaller chance of getting published because you don’t have the expertise or skill needed – this is something that’s developed over several years with lots of studying and practicing.

My advice is to write another book and continue to gain that experience. One day you’ll begin writing publishable material. Write a sequel to your novel. Write a completely different story. Do it for fun. Meanwhile, edit and polish your current manuscript. No one is good enough to write a perfect manuscript on their first draft. Sorry.

BTW, you’re right, publishers will pay you for your novel, while literary agents will not charge you anything until they sell your book to a publisher. Anything else is the red flag of a scammer.

Hey, I’ve just started my second novel, which is a sequel to my first novel. My first novel isn’t publishable, and is a learning experience. My second novel is already better than the first, lol. That’s how it is – you get better the more you write. It doesn’t matter to me if either of these novels ever get published because it’s been fun writing them and I have many more ideas where they came from. I wrote my first novel in 3 1/2 months, and I’ll start editing it soon to make it better. Even the great Stephen King had to write 4 unpublished novels before he finally got his first one, Carrie, published. And, get this, he was a college graduate and teaching high school English, so his grammar was better than the average American’s, but he still had to practice and get better. That’s just how it is.

Good luck.

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Friday, February 15th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Teenagers

William asks…

What is a good way for a older teenager girl to make money?

Please don’t give me stupid answers like prostitution. I don’t have time for a part time job and I will have my N soon but I really need some money. I just need some ideas of how to make money, like babysitting or something.

Nagesh answers:

If you’re 13 or 14 …

On school days you can only work up to two hours a day, one hour before school and one hour after school. In the school holidays you can work up to five hours a day by for no more than 25 hours in a week and for two weeks of the school holidays, you cannot work at all. On Saturdays, you can work up to five hours and two hours on a Sunday.

If you’re 15 or 16 …

On school days you can only work up to two hours a day, one hour before school and one hour after school. On Saturdays, you can work up to eight hours and two hours on a Sunday. In the school holidays you can work up to eight hours a day, but no more than 35 hours in a week and for two weeks in the school holiday, you cannot work at all.

Don’t forget that if you want to get a full time job, you have to have left school first. If you are 16, you need to wait to leave school until the last Friday in June.

If you are under the age of 16 you have a permit issued by your local authority and signed by your employer in order to work legally.

What you can do

Have a think about the best ways to find a job. Shops, restaurants, supermarkets and hotels often employ young people.
Make some enquiries to see if there are any paper rounds available near you. You could also consider delivering leaflets.
Ask your family and friends to see if they have any pet sitting, dog walking, gardening, cleaning, car washing or baby-sitting that you could do for them. These aren’t classed as ’employment’ so you will not need a permit.
Make sure that if you do get a job you think about your personal safety when traveling to and from work. Is there reliable public transport or can an adult take you and pick you up?

Mary asks…

What are some ways for a teenager to make money?

Okay, I’m 15 years old, and I could use some money. I have my permit, and I’ll be getting my license soon. I want a car, and my mom wants me to get a car too. Apparently she doesn’t trust me in hers. I need to make some money. Technically, I’m legal to work at a lot of places, but no one wants to hire a 15 year old. I’ve tried working at houses around the neighborhood, but in the last year, no one seems to have any money. Anybody got any ideas or places that might hire me?

Nagesh answers:

Yeah I’ve worked with some 15 year olds and they’re mostly not good. I worked with this 15yo blonde chick once with a nice round butt, we got along well.

Mark asks…

What are some good ways to make money in the horse-world?

I’m a teenager with a horse of my own and is in need of some cash for a new helmet. Dose anyone have any good ideas to make money in the horse-world? Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Work at your barn or sell some of your riding equipment you don’t use anymore. If your barn does riding lessons you can offer the use of your horse in some lessons for some money

James asks…

Ways for teenagers to make money?

I am not old enough to get a real job. I help with chores around the house but I am not making enough money. Babysitting is not an option either because there are not any young children around where I live. Any ideas on how to make money?

Nagesh answers:

Pet sit, walk and bathe dogs, house sit, clean houses, mow lawns, garden, do chores for the elderly, garage sale, lemonade stand, bake sale, collect cans or scrap metal, pickpocket, panhandle. Buy and sell stuff online for a profit. If you are good with your hands you could build stuff out of wood (birdhouses, chairs, etc.) and sell it. Or, you could paint or draw and sell that. Ask your parents if they will pay you more for the chores that you do.

George asks…

How can teenagers make money fast?

I’m fifteen and too young to get a job and I need a lot of money by this summer to go on a trip with People to People Student Ambassadors. Does anyone have any ideas for me? Thanks in advance!
If my mom had enough money to pay for it than I wouldn’t have posted this question, and I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure which category to put it in.

Nagesh answers:

Im also 15 and here’s how much money I get in a month:

-$40 Allowance ($10/week)
-$15 – $20 babysitting for PAC meeting at an elementry school for 1-2 hours.
-$60 for cleaning my grandma’s apartment ($30 every 2 weeks for 2 hours of work, vaccuming,moping, dusting,bathrooms stuff like that)
-$10– $30 Tutoring ($10/hour)
-$50 for garden work in the warmer months.

Total: $125- $200 per month

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Thursday, February 14th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Richard asks…

how can i make 500 dollars fast?

i just lost my job and i need some money fast to help make the bills.. i am looking for a new job already but im scared i wont find something in time.. does anyone know how i could make some fast money online or something .. something that really will get me money not this survey taking crap
oh i forgot to say i dont really have much to sell not anything worth alot…

Nagesh answers:

Become a stripper

James asks…

What is the easiest way to make a lot of money online?

Pay attention to the question…

Easiest – does not mean it has to be easy, just easier than other ways of making…
A LOT – of money…not $5 here and $2 here…I am talking about at least $1000 a month (which isn’t a lot but is considerable for…
ONLINE – needs to be 100% online and simple and FAST to get into with absolutely no investment.

Thanks. (and don’t post saying it can’t be done…it can be.)
To the first answerer, I don’t mean to be rude, its just so many people always post stupid responses to a questions they haven’t even read.

Nagesh answers:

I have been making money on internet for 4 years and I was personally scammed by a good many making money methods.Finally,I found the most legitimate, effective and fast way for beginner to make money is doing paid surveys if you have a computer with Internet access and can sit at your computer for 1.5-3 hours per day.

But before joining a paid survey network, you should be sure that the paid survey company satisfies the following minimum requirements:
1. In business for at least 1 year.
2. Well organized, easy to navigate directories.
3. Directories updated at least weekly.
4. Helpful resources available for newcomers.
5. No “waiting period”. Eligible immediately..
And more,more….

I understand it is difficult for a new online money maker to judge whether a paid survey site is good or not.So I found a survey club to help beginner make money on internet.You can visit to find how to earn money easily and legally.Hope that help you.

All information on free!!!
All information on free!!!

Lizzie asks…

Need Suggestion , Investing Money Online To Settle Down My Whole life. PLease help.?

Hello To every one.. here is my story about which i am realy tensed..

i am in a big trouble and wanted to make money faster not massive money but a little for example 500-600USD per month. i have 2k Usd for the investment online can any one suggest me where to invest. i got a suggestion wid my friend that invest in adult biz will help me to generate a good amount of revenue wid my adult site. please help me out

Nagesh answers:

What about your own interests to start a business, people who are succesfully usually have an interest in the thing/business they are promoting, find your niche get a cheap website set up and away you go, there are various ways to promote.


Joseph asks…

how do i get money fast?

no thanks, i don’t online money making things, how do i get $300 by december 27th? please help!
i’m only 14 and this is for a one night stay at kalahari

my friend will be helping me!

Nagesh answers:

You could dog-sit, babysit, vacuum and detail people’s cars, run errands for people, ask your parents if you could do work in exchange for cash, have a yard sale (your friend or you could host it, and you could combine your stuff to attract more people), use eBay to sell things, or even try to get a small job at a family owned place that will hire younger people.

Ken asks…

How can i make money at home, without online, FAST?!?!?!?

well i have this feild trip thing and i dont want to go but if i dont go i have to give people 37$ and my parents said i had to pay. so they said im not getting a new phone i was waiting YEARS for. so if i gave the 37$ then i can probably get the phone and i was supposed to be getting it tomorrow. plz help!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Try to find freelancer work is good
ofcourse you can find some other freelance/outsource site
can you write?there are some writting site you can join

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Stocks

Donna asks…

I need to make some fast money before my wedding July 7th. Can anyone give me a “great” stock tip?

Nagesh answers:

Ok now for a REAL answer without spam.

You have less than two months and wanting to make fast money is a good way to LOSE money. My advice is put it with an online bank such as or they pay a nice monthly dividend and because its FDIC insured, you will NOT lose what you put in (unless its over 100k)

Sharon asks…

How can I make BIG money FAST?!?

I am 13 and live in the suburbs of a small town. There is a city a couple miles from my house. I am addicted to shopping and clothes. NO JOKE! I have wishlists on two clothing sites adding up to a total of about $1,400. What can I do to make the money before the clothes are bought or out of stock?! PLEASE HELP! Thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

Sell some WEED. Come to my house give you some lol.
But really wait till u get ur paycheck

Joseph asks…

How can a 13 year old make money… FAST?

I’m a 13 year old girl, and I’m saving up for a dressing table that i really want. It costs £85 and they’re out of stock on January 22nd. I have £20 at the moment. Plz don’t say babysitting or lawn mowing. Thnx.

Becky Jayne
Thnx for the answer… but here in the UK you have to be 14 to do paper rounds.

Nagesh answers:

Creating Work at Home

• Baby-sitting, child care
• Selling homegrown vegetables or flowers
• Sewing, altering, and repairing clothing
• Piecework for manufacturers
• Baking and food preparation
• Quilting, crocheting, knitting; making macramé, pottery; other crafts
• Upholstering
• Bookkeeping, typing, home computer services
• Telephone answering service
• Hairdressing
• Taking in boarders
• Addressing and filling envelopes for advertisers
• Washing and waxing cars (customer brings car to your home)
• Pet grooming and exercising
• Lock repair and key making (workshop at home)
• Ads for much of this work can be placed free of charge or at low cost in weekend shopping news or on supermarket notice boards

Creating Work Outside the Home

• House-sitting (when people are on vacation and want their home to be looked after)
• Cleaning: stores; offices; homes and apartments after construction, after fires, after people move out; housework (in homes of others); windows (business and domestic)
• Repairs: appliances of all kinds (libraries contain easy-to-follow books on repairs)
• Handyman jobs: siding houses; building cabinets, doors, porches; painting; fencing; roofing
• Farm work: crops, picking fruit
• Interior landscaping and plant care at: offices, banks, shopping plazas and atriums, lobbies
• Property management: janitors, superintendent (sometimes includes free living quarters)
• Insurance, real estate
• Carpet installation, cleaning
• Newspaper routes (adults and children), other delivery services: ads, bills for municipalities
• Moving, storage
• Landscaping, tree trimming, lawn care, woodcutting
• School-bus driver
• Photography (portraits and public events)
• Bait for fishermen
• Swap work: barter car repairs for electrical work, sewing for plumbing, etc.

“The work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.”—Isaiah 65:22

Nancy asks…

stocks that make you money fast?

I am playing a stock market game for my finance class and I need a stock that will make me money, and fast.

Nagesh answers:

That isn’t how it works.

There is no golden egg or sure deal or Secret or money machine or money tree or pot at the end of the rainbow. That’s all fantasy.

Time to join the business world, where reality meets the road. Time to actually learn something. The future is always uncertain. How you plan for uncertainty is what defines you, or if you fail to define it, it may define your finances for you — nothing or very little — like for a little child.

You can play games or you can learn something useful that applies to your future.

The Dow has been down five days in a row. Although overdue for a bounce, sometimes it’s best to be short the market, or simply in cash during a crash.

Investing Tutorials – Basics…

A collection of trading games and simulators:

The Best Stock Market Games

You can also type in the Search Y! Answers box at the top of this screen for “how to invest,” and get lots of answers.

If you think the market is going down, here are some ideas from my previous post:;_ylt=AtvycSW_Jzq.B7jmYfKk6B_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120508094654AASaWli

Ruth asks…

What can I invest in to make a lot of money fast?

One of my friends trades penny stocks and makes an insane amount of money. I recently started working full-time and have some extra money on the side. I want to start investing and making good money on the side and possibly do it full time. Can someone give me advice or help me in any way?


Nagesh answers:

Yet another fish for the sharks

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Steven asks…

can anyone please tell me some genine ways to earn money from internet?

Anyone please help me in finding some free and legitimate work from home job.Also give some sites which provide the details of the jobs.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money online and wanted to work from home, go for freelancing jobs. They are only one, that will pay you and its free to become a freelancer. The Internet has opened up many freelance opportunities, expanding markets and helping to build it into one of the largest economic segments for many economiesbased on the perceived value of the results to the client. By custom, payment arrangements may be upfront, percentage upfront, or upon completion. For more complex projects, a contract may set a payment schedule based on milestones or outcomes.

Sharon asks…

How do I make money at home with internet?

I keep hearing people making $20-$30 per hour at home with their laptop and house internet.
I would like to know whom they work for and what the qualification is.
I didn’t even finish my ged. Can I work at home too. Where can I find source for me to do which can be reliable and trusted?

Nagesh answers:

I no longer work from home but when I was a single mom I did, for several years. I am very knowledgeable on this topic because I spent 6 years researching and investigating over 50 work at home options. I have published articles, guides and reviews on this topic. I am happy to share some information that will help guide you in the right direction as well as give you the websites for a couple companies I have found to be more than reputable. However, no matter what, lesson number one is always do your due diligence. Thoroughly research any company you are considering and ask questions!

People are looking for work from home and the biggest problem is they don’t understand that there really are no work at home JOBS other then remote call center work. This is a viable option but there are some significant down sides to this. You are required to pay a fee, usually about $50, for a credit and background check, and if you don’t meet their criteria you will be out that $50 bucks. Also you have to have a 100% quiet work environment and the pay is pretty low. Most people are not able to make more than $100 a week at best. With all these negatives there are a couple legit call center jobs you can do from home and I will cite them in my profile to the left. However, most people aren’t looking for call center work.

The best way to earn an income from home would be to open your own legitimate home business. Small home businesses have increased in the last 5 years by about 200%. The best home businesses to start are those with a proven plan in place like Avon or Mary Kay however if you are like me, you are not interested in pushing products so let’s skip that.

Legitimate small home businesses should have a small cost involved but be careful, all the scams will be charging too so KNOW the business. Talk to a REAL person and ask questions. Less than $150 – $200 to start is reasonable and I would stay away from those wanting $600 – $1000 or more. If you are coming across places that say free then I would RUN don’t walk the other way! They never are in the end. (For those who want a home business for free, rethink that idea. I’ve never seen any business, home or not, that was free to own. If every business was free, everyone would have one.)

Alright so here are some things to look for in a home business. Ask the following questions and MAKE SURE you have a real person to talk to. If you can’t get a real person on the phone, walk away.

1. Are you rated with the BBB? (They should have C or better. Just because they have complaints or not a perfect A rating, doesn’t mean they aren’t a good company. ALL companies get complaints, it’s the manner in which they resolve them that determines their character.)
2. Are you a member of the US Chamber of Commerce?
3. Are you in good standing with Dunn and Bradstreet? (The credit agency for businesses)
4. Are your start up costs less than $200?
5. Who would be training me? (If it’s a “call center” type of call an “800 number” for help, that’s no good. You want to be trained by another business owner within the company. How can someone in a call center train you on something they themselves are not doing?)
6. How do you pay your business owners? (paper checks from a Federally Insured bank and/or direct deposit through a Federally Insured bank should be the answer. No “paypal”, money orders, cash or anything like that.
7. What National Publications can I find you in? (If they have a good rep, you should be able to read up on it somewhere)
8. Do you have any Fortune 500 partners or endorsements? (If Fortune 500 companies partner with them, you can bet they are legit because Fortune 500 Companies have lawyers that make millions a year making sure they only do business with reputable companies.)
9. How long have you been in business? (Definitely should be over 5 years, over 10 is even better)
10. Do YOU own a home business with this company as well?(If the answer is no, ask for the name and number of someone you can talk to who works with the company so you can get a good feel of things. If they refuse to provide it, walk away.)

No matter what you decide, AVOID these top 5 work at home scams.

5. Craft Assembly
3. Medical Billing
3. Email/Rebate Processing
2. Envelope Stuffing
1. Typing At Home / Data Entry (The biggest scam out there.)

As a breath of fresh air, I am NOT affiliated with any home business nor do I sell anything like “home business guides” or “work at home lists”. I merely offer my expertise and guidance, and yes, that’s free! 🙂

As I promised, I will list some home businesses that I have found to be VERY reputable and have an A rating with the Better Business Bureau in my profile to the left.

So as to follow Yahoo’s TOS, the sites can be found only IN MY PROFILE if you would like to see them.

I wish you the best of luck in your search!

Richard asks…

How can I earn money, using the internet, from home?

I hear about these things all the time, but how? Doesn’t google have one of these programs? Please help.

Nagesh answers:

There are two part to this answer so please read through. If your experienced with marketing the the first part will suit you well enough.

I do two types of marketing. The first is Direct sales in an MLM like environment. The next is Affiliate Marketing sales through many places. My first choice is But there are others like Commission Junction that allow for you to make sales for another company and allow for you to get a percentage of the sale as a commission.

The thing about Affiliate Marketing that I didn’t like when I first started with it was.

1. You need to know some BASIC HTML to create >effectivemarket<. For most people that is a learning curve that is very discouraging. (be patient and read on)

I still do both because of all the things I have learned. If I were to start again here is what I would look for.

1. Does the system provide you with a website?

2. Do you get support for the website?

3. What is the cost of maintain the website?

4. What is initial cost of joining program?

5. Is training provided to help you learn about marketing?

6. The person with whom you signed under; are they available if you are in need of help; AFTER you sign up?

7. How often does the business have conference calls from which you are able to participate?

I know of a system that has positive answers to all these questions and helps you grow beyond the “disappearing sponsor” syndrome that most programs have. The Truth of the matter is that you need to experience it for yourself. I can go on and on about my experiences over the last couple of years. But I don’t want to bore you. You need answers now, so if you’re interested for more detailed information you can find me at three places.

1. Sending me email via profile.
2. Http://
3. Resource link at bottom.

David asks…

How to open bank account in Usa or India online to receive money from paypal,?

because my country not yet eligible to receive money, I have paypal premium account, I want to open bank account in USA, India, or any other country where paypay allowed to receive money.And to link that account to my paypal account.
And draw money through ATM or debit card.
Is it legal? please explain.

Nagesh answers:

Paypal is one of the more popular methods of receiving payment through the internet. Not only is it the most secure form of sending and receiving money it is also very reliable and transactions are fast.

If you start a home based business, selling products or services, you can use paypal to either send money or receive money over the internet; all you need is an email address. Your customers can be able to pay you online in an instant.

Paypal is available worldwide, so if you have customers from other countries, you can receive your payments in an instant. There will be no need to set up a money transfer or remittance account with a bank.

You can earn money from using paypal because their services are free. You can actually save up on money transfer fees. But if you have a business that needs a merchant account, then paypal could provide this with very low fees.

The money you save from using paypal can be counted as part of the profits. This way you earn more money

Susan asks…

I heard about earning money online by surfing net, filling up survey forms etc. Can somebody suggest a website

I have a computer and internet connection at home. I am trying to find if there is a way to earn money by visiting websites, filling up survey forms etc. I heard/read some people make money. Is it for real?

Nagesh answers:


you could check for Agloco, it’s free to sign up and basically what you do is, you surf the internet through their viewbar like you would normally do, and get paid. You can check it out at


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Monday, February 11th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Ken asks…

How can i use my iphone 3gs without signing up for a data plan?

A friend gave me an old iphone 3gs. is it possible for me to make calls and texts without signing up for a data plan by using some type of sim card or something? and how do pre paid cards work? Also what does jailbreaking the iphone do?

Nagesh answers:

I don’t know if you’re from America or another foreign land, but in the UK you can just sign up for a Pay As You Go scheme, where you simply top-up however much money you wish to spend on texts and calls 🙂

Mary asks…

What is a Cult? What differentiates a cult from your average membership organization?

What are some examples of cults and what about them makes them a cult?

Nagesh answers:

Really, “cult” is the same as “religion”, but it’s acquired a bad connotation, sort of like “scheme” in North America. (They use it the same as “plan” in the UK – so they have “cash-back schemes”, which sound decidely shady in the US and Canada, but aren’t). Anyway, in this bad connotation, a “cult” would be a religion that asks people to give all their money to “the organization”, decides to commit mass suicide, or has some REALLY whacked-out ideas, like Scientologists.

Lisa asks…

where can I find out which banks and building societies belong to the same group?

In view of the current problems I want to make sure I don’t have more than £35000 in any one group.
Sorry lisa you’ve misunderstood I’m not looking for a loan. I’m looking for security for my money in the bank.

Nagesh answers:

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme, covers 100% of the first £35K, per person, per deposit taking institution.

However, savers need to be vigilant as if the institutions are registered under one banking licence, they will only be covered once.

For example Bank of Scotland, Halifax, Birmingham Midshires, Intelligent Finance and SAGA are all covered under the Bank of Scotland banking licence. This means that if you had £35,000 with each of them, should they all have problems repaying your money, you would only receive £35,000 back from the FSCS, not £175,000. However, the Sainsbury Bank brand which is part of the HBOS group has a separate licence.

The situation varies from institution to institution. NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland, Tesco Personal Finance, Ulster Bank and Coutts & Co are all part of the same group, but all have separate licences. Thus, if your money was with each of them, you would receive up to the full £35,000 back from each company.

In order to find out if the institutions where you savings are held are covered separately the best thing to do is to either log on to the FSA’s website and check if the firm is authorised. Alternatively, you could contact the FSA’s consumer website or call their helpline on 0845 606 1234.

If you are planning on opening a new account with an institution, make sure you know which institutions your existing savings are with. Then when you contact the new institution, check with them that they are not part of the same group and covered by the same banking licence.

Lizzie asks…

What would I need to do if I want to move to London?

I want to permantly move to London in the next year or so and become become a citizen there? I’ll also be going to college. What would i need to do and how much money should I save up?
Is it better to rent a flat(apartment) or buy/rent a house?
I’m 19 years old and I live in the United States.

Nagesh answers:

You have to legally live in the UK for 5 years before you are eligible for citizenship.

To enter the UK as a student, you first need to be accepted to a degree program at a university. You have to show you can meet university and living costs without resorting to UK public funds. The tuition fees in the UK vary by program and university, but they are often over £10000/year for international students. You also have to agree that you plan to leave after your studies, and that you will only take on a specified number of hours in part-time work.

London is very expensive, and buying a house is most likely out of the question. Most students rent a room in a shared flat.

In other words, you would need a large amount of support each year to live there, and you could only work a small amount to help out on a student visa. You aren’t eligible for a work visa (you need education/skills) or the highly skilled worker scheme. Soon the UK will be requiring a Masters degree for work visa applicants.

If you really want to live there permanently, it would make the most sense to go to university in the US (through grad school) and then move over with a work visa. Another possibility would be to do a year exchange through a home university. Unfortunately, you can’t just move over and become a citizen, the rules are quite strict for non-EU citizens.

Richard asks…

Can I put a deposit in the deposit protection scheme months after the tenants have moved in?

My tenants moved in back in November but I totally forgot to put the deposit in a scheme – can I do that now, or will it be invalid? What are my options? Thanks! (UK law)

Nagesh answers:

By law, landlords need to place their tenant’s deposit in a protection scheme within 30 days of receiving it and provide written evidence of having done so to the tenant – you’re lucky your tenants aren’t more savvy and haven’t enquired before now.

You’re also a little unfortunate timewise. Until 6 May 2012, landlords who took a deposit but delayed protecting it were granted a grace period to do so without being fined. You will now be required to provide the deposit protection scheme you select with information and evidence of when your tenants moved into the property – the protection scheme will notice a disparity between the date the tenancy began and the date you applied to protect the deposit, and may decide to refer the case to court – where you may be fined between one and three times the value of the deposit. My best advice is to protect the deposit as soon as possible, and hope you pass under the radar. There are three Government-backed schemes: Deposit Protection Service (DPS); MyDeposits; The Dispute Service (TDS).

Being forgetful when it comes to other people’s money isn’t acceptable when you’re a landlord. If you can’t manage or are too busy to keep tabs on everything you need to be doing for your tenants, have you considered letting via a managing agent who will make sure everything that legally needs to be in place, is? I’m a landlord. I’m also a bit scatty. So I pay an agent to make sure my scattiness doesn’t deterimentally affect the people who call my house their home.

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Sunday, February 10th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Work

Richard asks…

How can i find a job that employs you to work online?

Am in a situation where i need to make money fast and i definitely don’t want to do anything illegal so any options. Please i want serious answers if you don’t mind. I’m good at doing advertising and negotiating deals working with MIS but i’m willing to try anything.

Nagesh answers:

Online jobs aren’t going to give you fast money. If it’s a legit job, you’ll get the money 1-3 weeks after being hired (depending on when you were hired in the pay cycle).

If you’re serious, get off the Internet and start selling everything you can. Pawn shops. Craigslist. Ebay. Sell your services too – offer to hang Christmas lights, paint, etc. Do ANYTHING you can do.

Mary asks…

How can we get money using a fast internet?

I want to make money online using an internet connection. I am interested in knowing about paying websites, pay-for-surf, online jobs, freelance jobs, online contests and prizes, online lotteries etc. Anything that would pay me atleast 100 dollars per month. I have a 24×7 broadband internet connection. I would like to work from home.

Nagesh answers:


If you want to get a legit online job,, check out


View the 2 Minute FREE Tour video to learn more about it

Hope this help,

Charles asks…

How can we get money using a fast internet connection?

I want to make money online using an internet connection. I am interested in knowing about paying websites, pay-for-surf, online jobs, freelance jobs, online contests and prizes, online lotteries etc. Anything that would pay me atleast 100 dollars per month. I have a 24×7 broadband internet connection. I would like to work from home.

Nagesh answers:


If you want to get a legit online job,, check out


View the 2 Minute FREE Tour video to learn more about it

Hope this help,

Maria asks…

Do you know any good online role playing games were you need to work to earn money?

I didn’t find anyone please help me as fast as you can.

Nagesh answers:

My gf lives on this site! Http:// It gives out money that you can spend in online shops like amazon etc.

Daniel asks…

how can I make money fast online? Need to pay my rent!?

I signed up for all those sites i found but i found none that actually work… The only good one i found was student of fortune but i have not made a lot from it. By the way i am really good at history. Thanks for your anserws!

Nagesh answers:

You can’t! You have to go perform work to earn money.

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Saturday, February 9th, 2013 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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