Archive for December, 2012

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Home

Carol asks…

How the hell do you make money from affiliate marketing?

How do people make money from home doing affiliate marketing? How do they find out what products they can sell for someone else? How do they generate web traffic? How hard is all of this? Is a home-based business only meant for a very few select group of people?

Nagesh answers:

Affiliate programs are the first choice of most newcomers to net earnings because they have many advantages:

1. All you have to do is to join a merchant program as an affiliate and send visitors to the merchant site

2. All other work such as making a sale, delivering the product or service, receiving payment, attending to the complaints or making a refund, is handled by the merchant site.

3. The merchant site also sees to it that you are paid commission when a sale is made through your efforts.

4. You are also rewarded when a sale is made through the efforts of an affiliate referred by you to the merchant site.

All easy and simple. But most affiliates soon find that in spite of their best efforts they are not making any money.

This is because the affiliate earnings depend not on how many visitors they send to the merchant site, but how many of them buy the product or service of the merchant.

So just sending visitors to the merchant site is not enough.
You can do this easily by joining traffic exchange or autosurf programs. Your merchant site will be seen hundreds of times but it will not make a sale. This is because these visitors are not interested in your site. They are looking at it to earn credits so they can show their site to others.

This is not to say that traffic programs have no use at all.
I have used them successfully to build my downline in free-to-join programs, but have never made a sale through them. Most members of such programs are promoting their own programs. They could get interested in joining other opportunities, but would rarely go for a product themselves.

So if you want to earn from affiliate programs, the thing to do is to send interested visitors to your merchant site.

Who is an interested visitor?
This is the visitor who reached your site by himself. He is looking for the product you are promoting. This is why he took the trouble of finding it from a search engine or from the particular kind of ads or forums.

This visitor is red hot for a sale. He is already interested in your product. If he finds what he wants on your merchant site, he is very much likely to look at the product’s features, mentally compare it with other similar products, ask for more information by giving his email address. All this can lead to a sale and a commission for you.

How to target interested visitors
The best way to reach interested visitors is promoting your products through search engines submissions, placing catchy ads, posting in forums or through your own website.

This may sound daunting to newcomers at first but all these are do-able with a little effort. You can get help for mastering all these skills from the resources freely available on the internet.

Joining right affiliate programs can also help a good deal to gain affiliate mastery. While great many affiliate programs give you a few text ads and banners and be done with you, there are some programs that give valuable training to succeed.

Be positive
Most newcomers to internet earning fail because they expect to be rich in a week, if not overnight. When this doesn’t happen as it rarely does in real life, they get discouraged. They are also influenced by others who like them tried but failed to earn with affiliate programs. The result — they give up, frustrated.

The reality is that nobody becomes rich overnight in internet marketing. You have to work at it consistently. Most important of all, banish negative thinking from your life and believe that if others have succeeded, you, too, can and will.

That perhaps is the most important ingredient for your success.

Paul asks…

What is the best way to make money legally while attending college full time?

I attend college 4 days a week from 7am to 9pm and am a full time mother what are some ways I could earn money legally

Nagesh answers:

Thank you for question and this opportunity is a good opportunity for you. You will also be able to save on some of your groceries as well

This role we are offering you is an opportunity to build your own business working from home (or anywhere) around your other commitments – you are self employed. If this is the type of work you are interested in visit

If you would like to find out more, the next step is to set a day and time to interview and go through the business details over the phone.

Just reply back to this with an email with the time that best suits you or feel free to call me with your chosen time. Please also provide your contact number (landline preferred) and let me know if you are able to be on the phone and internet at the same time.

You must be 18yrs or older and able to work in Australia to be considered for this role.

Kind regards

Donna asks…

I love to offer my services about networking to others and I really need to earn money how shall Internet?

I mean How can internet help me to increase my knoweldge and get me the wealth???

Nagesh answers:

·There are heaps of websites out there claiming that you can earn money from working at home on the computer.
·I have been doing this for years and have researched all the companies that make this claim. Like most things some do work and a lot don’t.
·I have complied a list for you to browse through and at least this way you will know that registering with these companies won’t be a waste of your time.
·Email Cash – Very easy to use website, sends you surveys in exchange for cash. You can also go onto the website and earn points each day. Just click on the banner below to join.
·Pureprofile – Great website that you answer simple surveys for cash. Click on link below to go straight to the website.
·Survey Savvy – Easy website that you answer surveys and get paid for it.
·Also worth a look –
·Or maybe –

Chris asks…

How can i make money working from home on the internet/my PC?

I am a stay at home mum with 3 young children and want to earn a little cash for some family treats. I already sell all my junk on ebay, has anyone got any ideas or web sights that i can work from home and earn money without a cash outlay?

Nagesh answers:

I recommend Treasure Trooper. I love it. You get paid by monthly check, and there are offers that are 100% cost free and offers that require some “shipping and handling” fees. It’s a great site with a lot of support and a good referral system. If you are interested, please consider signing up through my link

If you do sign up, send me an email on yahoo, and I can send you a list of some very useful tips to make the money quick and easy. My email address is

Ken asks…

Ways to earn money on the internet other than ebay?

I would prefer if the money earned is sent through paypal.

Nagesh answers:

Try some online jobs, where you don’t have to pay upfront money. Online data entry is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home. The equipment needed for this type of job is very minimal. You only need a computer with an Internet connection, a table and a comfortable chair. Data entry duties include the inputting of correspondence, reports, and spreadsheets into a home computer and then transmitting that data using the Internet. Work at home data entry personnel may also proofread text, edit information, and maintain databases. Data entry jobs usually offer flexible scheduling, allowing people to work when they want to and as little or as much as they want to. Some of the growing fields for work at home data entry include medical and legal transcription, medical coding and litigation coding.


This type of work is becoming so popular that many fraudulent websites have emerged offering data entry jobs, which promise huge profits. The best way to find a legitimate data entry job is visit a reputable career website. You are more likely to find a genuine work at home job using these websites.


There are several freelance websites that post freelance data entry jobs. Avoid responding to ads that do not list a company name or contact information. There are many reputable freelance work forums that can provide you with work at home data entry job listings. The forums are usually free to join and provide trustworthy information. Once you have found an advertisement for a work at home data entry job, check out the company by visiting their website. You can also do an online search using the company name and visit the Better Business Bureau website to see if they have been listed as a fraudulent company.

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Monday, December 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

Robert asks…

I am scared to answer many things online because I have noticed that when you answer yes to something you are?

agreeing to join this or that and it is free for a while then you get nailed. Are the “get paid for survey” deals a sure scam? What is legitimate and what is not as far as making money from home on your computer like typing, data entry. No porn, fraud or schemes involved. What if I were just interested in making money on the side by actually working? Are there any that you DON”T have to pay to work for? WTH is that? I don’t pay my boss to work for him. Why pay these people offering at-home work on the computer? What is the deal?

Nagesh answers:

You know what? I feel so sorry for so many people. Especially kids and old people and …not so smart people who are just getting started with computers because they gotta get nailed left and right all the time!
It is a virtual Mine field out there….Don’t spend money up front!
I am constantly getting hit and I’m 44, with a Technical Degree, A very High IQ….
I’m not saying you are one of these as you are clearly smart enough to know what the deal is or you wouldn’t query.
If you want to make money on line I would suggest spending the money to invest in your own website of some kind. It takes money to make money and you need to be your own Boss.

Jenny asks…

What are good ways to make money online?

If you know of any ways to make money online, please share (and include links if you have one). Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Well I have tried numerous money making online sites, and doing surveys, as I have 3 kids and really I just wanted to spend more time with them, but without much luck as some of them are really just a waste of time and money.

Recently though my co worker found this site and we recently just joined, the site is I have seen this on CNN, CNBC, Fox News, Readers Digest etc..

Its basically a step by step guide on how to make money online, with the least amount of effort. They are mostly video tutorials which is very easy to follow than the others I have joined. You don’t get books like other online money making guides which is good as it is so daunting to read.

It has so much resources, the guide is using the latest resources plus its very easy to learn, basically all of his guides are video base training so he actually shows you how he does it on the internet step by step. You do pay membership fee, but you have a money back guarantee for 60 days if you don’t make money with his guide.

Well its only been a month my co worker and I have tried it so far so good, we’ve only managed to make $2000 for the month but I have to say his guide does work.

So don’t bother trying to do surveys, or other money making schemes trust me I’ve done it all.
Just have a look and give it a try, hope this helps you out.

Lisa asks…

How do I make money online without spending money?

I’m looking for ways to make money online without spending any money therefore I do not have any money to spend.So if you have any good ideas feel free to give me your answers. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Other than selling stuff (like on eBay or Amazon), most “make money online” sites are a scam, and a waste of time. I’ve looked into some of them, and every one is the same. This is no different than playing the lotto – you want to make money without putting forth any effort or money. You want a way to quickly and easily make a bunch of money without any effort or thought. Just stop trying – you’ll save a ton of time, and possibly avoid a few dangerous scams.

Most people I know (myself included) would love to magically get a bunch of money, because most jobs suck, and we as a society are dependent on money to buy our happiness. I’m not criticizing you, because I’ve wanted exactly what you’re looking for many times. But I’ve learned that it’s not going to come. Other than rare occasions, money doesn’t just fall into your lap, and when it does, it’s not from any “get rich quick” schemes – it’s pure chance and you cannot expect it or make it happen. If it does, great, but it probably won’t.

If you want to make money – think of an idea that no one has thought of before, and market it, or something like that. Or take something that already exists, and find a new use for it, or think of something that would be nice if it existed, and make it a reality.

Also, don’t focus so much on money – it’s a complete illusion anyway. It’s colored paper that is only worth what everyone says it is, and with the economy like it is, you shouldn’t put too much value in it right now.

You probably don’t want to be a wage-slave and work at McDonalds, or even in some cubicle for the rest of your life, even if it pays well. If you do want income (which is rather handy, admittedly), get a job that you enjoy – try something different. If you don’t like it, quit and try something else. Never keep a job just because you feel like you “need the money” – don’t sacrifice your happiness for colored bits of paper – life’s too short for that. But don’t expect free handouts or quick riches – that’s not how things work. Just be happy, and trust that things will work out if you want them to. Be willing to work for what you want, and don’t sacrifice your happiness to an illusion.

Donna asks…

How do I make money online without spending money?

I’m looking for ways to make money online without spending any money therefore I do not have any money to spend.So if you have any good ideas feel free to give me your answers. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Have you heard of or Vitacost or The Vitamin Shoppe? They are all reputable online stores for good quality vitamins & supplements. IHerb is rated #1 online store for vitamins by All these stores have a referral scheme. If you refer customers you get a percentage commission of their purchase. It won’t make you rich but you can expect to earn about $50 a month without spending any of your own money. Please note you need to have your own customer account to do this so if you have shopped at any of these stores previously you can check out the referral scheme (or even if you haven’t shopped with them just buy something for $5 or so to get started):

Here is a website explaining the scheme in detail

Hope this helps =)

William asks…

Why people often overlook the simple Online business opportunities?

I often find people asking about employment, local business opportunities etc. Today, the earning opportunity scenario has radically changed. With more and more people going in for internet connections, the earning opportunities are in your hand. Think of taking online surveys, going in for affiliate programs ,selling magazines and what not, all these are good money making opportunities.
You stand to get a reasonable amount of money every month. And with labour the booty will only increase.
Still why people don’t think of doing online business which may not require even a dime to spend at times ?

Nagesh answers:

On-line, you can be ANYONE and ANYWHERE you like .. Your web ‘presence’ can be totally fake – indeed, you can have as many ‘identities’ on the web as you like ….

This makes it the IDEAL medium for con-merchants, scam artists and criminals of all sorts .. Those that operate outside the jurisdiction of the national Police Force are effectively untouchable … So from the criminals point of view, it’s totally risk free …

Thus, I would suggest, it’s about 1,000 times MORE LIKELY that any ‘making money on-line’ offer is a total SCAM than areal opportunity …

MOST web users are starting to learn that the MORE they ‘give away’ on the web, the MORE likley they are to be the target of ID thieves and scam artists … Anyone who has ‘published’ their true email address and is now receiving thousands of spam emails every day is well aware of this

So most web users have learned to actively AVOID any ‘special offer’ scam or ‘money making’ pyramid scheme scams that they might stumble across whilst surfing ..

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Sunday, December 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Surveys

Sandy asks…

Are there any surveys I can take and make money ?

I wanna do something that requires the internet with no strings attatched; I want to make money online fast. nothing serious, but a couple bucks here and there. Any websites you know of that are good?

Nagesh answers:

You can’t get there from here
Hate to rain on your parade … But ….
Making money on-line isn’t happening
the network has become infested with SCAMS
don’t waste your time…..

Richard asks…

How Can Teens Make A Lot Of Money Online ?

Hi I was wondering how I could make a lot of money online fast and easy ? Does anyone know a websit I could go on to do like maybe a Survey or something ? Im Thirteen years of age if that helps. Please I need to make a lot of money before Algust so if anyone knows a websit that I could go on to make money Please let me know. Remember Im only Thirteen but I will be Fourteen in May. Thank you for your time and patients. Bye

Nagesh answers:

Well the only legal way is ebay or craigs list.

Mandy asks…

how can i make fast money?

How can i make quick money without being online, surveys, etc? ive tried babysitting, and lemonade stands, but when you turn 13 lemonade stands don’t work out as well as they did. and i cant get a job yet either.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

William asks…

is there anyway to make money online without buying anything or paying a fee?

i’m talking about actual income, not extra spending money. i tried the online survey things to just waste a ton of time to make barely any money. anyone know any good ways? i’m a fast typer if there are any jobs where you can type stuff. thanks

Nagesh answers:

Alot of websites promise you that you’ll make money but offer a very high payout minimum. And, alot of them allow you to make money and then just when you want to buy out, they make you pay a fee. A Few of them do allow you to make money without a high payout or a fee though. I’ve been using this one for 3 months:

This one is completely free; It allows you to make money just by clicking on ad’s (to give their site hits), and you can cash out DAILY. Good luck!

Susan asks…

What are easy ways to make good online money?

What is the best website for making money on things like surveys, and can redeem my money fast.

Nagesh answers:

Here is a really good site that has worked for me. You don’t fill out boring surveys. You simple write three sentences about a website. Its very easy. You make about 4 bucks every 6 sentences. Http://

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Saturday, December 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

George asks…

How can I earn money???

I want a hamster my mum said I can have one but I have to pay for it my self, which i agreed to. BUT i have no money … how can i get money quick easy and fast ???

Nagesh answers:

You have to work in order to earn money. Get part time jobs as tutors, babysitter, wash cars, walk dogs and also mow lawns. You’ll earn money for that hamster in no time.

Richard asks…

im trying to do a quick course,training to earn some money and move away from new york..?

i was thinking about a daycare but im not sure, do you guys know about anything else? any quick easy one?

Nagesh answers:

Im a member in “maverick money makers” for example end it´s not one of this scams sites!! End Im very happy with the results!
Go to my blog site end there can you find link under “work at home” Maverick money makers ! End also few another websites

Blog site :

Good luck !

Mary asks…

whats an easy way for a teenager to earn money?

I’m just looking for a way to earn money, like at least 30$ to go shopping with, and I would also like it to be quick, like, not exceed 2 weeks to earn the money. I can clean, do dishes, do laundry, cook(somewhat) and babysit though I’ve never babysat before. please help!

Nagesh answers:

Offer to clean someone’s house. Model if you are beautiful. Sing if you have a good voice. See what other talents you have. Internet is can be useful in finding jobs. There are job sites. Beware of internet scams for money. Learn a skill. And earn from it later. So you should continue studying until you graduate college not just high school. There are some who liked working, they never finish their studies. There is bigger money opportunities for those who finishes college unless you become a celebrity.

Sandy asks…

Whats the quickest and easiest way to earn money?

whats the quickest way to earn $100 in a week

Nagesh answers:

Get a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jenny asks…

Does anyone know a quick, trustworthy way to earn money?

I’m 14. I have a lot of priorities and my piggy bank is starving. Do you know any ways to get easy cash?

Nagesh answers:

There’s no ‘easy cash’. Even if there is, it doesn’t last long, or it involves too much risk. What might seem to you as ‘easy cash’ requires hard work.
But, if you want to make some cash you can start a gig on That’s what I recommend.

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Friday, December 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Sharon asks…

What are some ways a 13 year old can make money fast and leagely?

im looking for a fast way to make money

Nagesh answers:

These are the things I have to make money:
Babysitting-hang up fliers everywhere
Sell things you dont need or want on Ebay or at a yard/garage sale
Help neighbors, or people in your town/city with yard work
Try washing dishes at a restaurant if they will accept you
Sign up for a paper route
Make $ online (I wont do this but you can)

Hope I helped 🙂 Good Luck!

Betty asks…

Really fast way to make alot of money for 13 year olds?

What’s a really fast way to make alot of money for 13 year olds? I really want something and its $100 dollars. And I’m too young to get a job. I’ve already tried dog sitting and baby sitting and nobody called me. I also don’t know where to advertise. It’s far too hot here to do yard work or dog walking or anything outdoors. PLEASE HELP, I need this money fast?!?!?!?!

Nagesh answers:

Not so long ago, when you went to the local burger joint, it was teenagers working behind the counter, and at the burger grill. Now it is adults as old as their 70s, as many have lost their retirement savings. Currently, there are six individuals for every job. Adults trying to support themselves, as well as families, are taking any job they can, especially those that come with medical benefits. In deciding what to do, the teen has to think outside the box. They need to think beyond that of working in a store, or a burger joint. A teen needs to think about what tasks that need to be done, but people hate doing, even teenagers.

Donna asks…

Is there a way for 13 year old to make money really fast over 30 or so days?

I’m trying to save up for a new game system and it costs around 200 dollars so is there a way to make enough money in about 30 days?

Nagesh answers:

Walk dogs, Baby sit (put em to bed early, then just watch tv), mow lawns, wash cars.

I did that stuff and made $700 in 15 days, Bought the new ipad(:

Steven asks…

What r ways for a 13 year old to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

You need to work to make money, nobody is gonna just hand it to you.
You can earn decent money babysitting assuming you are responsible and responsible looking. If you dont already have CPR ceritifcation, do an online course for it first.
Put up flyers around your town for babysitting services and check craigslist in your local area. Also set up a profile on and there are always people on there looking for babysitters.

Donald asks…

Ways for two 13 year old girls to make money fast?

Me and my friend want to get enough money to pay for a cheap dj! any ideas? we already thought of lemonade stands, bake sales, and raking leaves but we need more

Nagesh answers:

Wash things. Cars, dogs, windows, walls.

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Thursday, December 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money

George asks…

what are quick ways to make money for a 13-year old?

what are some quick ways for a thirteen year old girl to make money at home? Besides chores and mowing the lawn and babysitting? And craigslist and ebay?

Nagesh answers:

Hi, I commend you for trying to work and you are showing more maturity than some of the adults that can work and won’t. You are too young to get a legal job but try babysitting,raking leaves, print up flyer’s with parents approval to help some of the neighbors do odd jobs around their houses like washing dishes, dusting, writing letters, just whatever you can do .

Please check with parents approval and let them check out the neighbors and approve whatever the job is, always safety first and always obey your parents even when they say no because they have further insights in things than you do.

Helen asks…

stores that buy clothing in Minneapolis? or any quick ways to make money?

i really need some extra money and i tried platos closet and they only took like 3 things and they ripped me off. does anyone know of any stores i could sell my clothing to? or even just ways to make money easily. i have a job but its not good, they cut my house alot.

Nagesh answers:

Have you ever thought about Amway Global….. Let me know if you want more info…

Your profile will not allow me to contact you on yahoo email.
Send me a message at
I’ll be happy to give you the details……

Linda asks…

What are good and quick ways to make money on runescape?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I know some other ones like mining pure ess and air running but i need fun a quick ways that you dont need very good lvls. (I’m not saying that im not good because im a lvl 77 with a total of 924 and a flail).

Nagesh answers:

Hi There,

My RuneScape username is K E R T Z, and I am pleased to announce the best money making ways in RuneScape without hacking or cheating. You may contact me at or add K E R T Z to your friends list on!

Members – Kill Green Dragons (level-79) in level 19 through 24 Wilderness. Go to Varrock Wild and head north until you reach level 19 Wilderness. Collect dragon bones, green dragonhides, and other items. Go to the Grand Exchange sell the dragon bones for 2.5k each, the green dragonhides for 1.5k each, and the other items, which can vary anywhere from 400gp to 9k each.

Nonmembers – Kill Hill Giants (level-28) in the Edgeville Dungeon. It is west of Varrock, and you need a brass key to enter it. Collect the big bones, limpwurt roots, and other items. Go to the Grand Exchange and sell the big bones for 400gp each, limpwurt roots for 600gp each, and the other items, which can be anywhere from 20gp to 2k each.

Notes – Potions would be a great help, as would food, and if you are going to kill Green Dragons (level-79), bring an anti-dragon shield.

Cash Values
– Green Dragons (full inventory) – From 40 to 130k each trip.
– Hill Giants (full inventory) – From 7 to 15k each trip.

Both of these work very well, as they only take about 10 minutes or less to get a full inventory. Which can rack up anywhere from 240 to 780k in an hour (for members), and anywhere from 42 to 90k in an hour (for nonmembers).

Kind Regards,

Mary asks…

Easy ways to make quick money such as giving blood?

I want some easy money to spend on food and stuff but I want some lazy and quick methods of getting it.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// This is the referral to one of the best sites in the world. You get paid to surf the web. All you do is download a toolbar and surf the web for 5 hours a month and get paid 150$ every month. Its easy and free to sign up. If you reffer people to agloco you get paid even more, I hope you join.:) Hey also never try rippedwallet they DONT pay you. They said i made 300 dollers and i never ever got it. I waited 1 year to get but never got. Please believe me agloco is hte best

Robert asks…

What are some quick ways to make money in about a week or so?

Without selling anything on the internet.
I’m trying to earn some money for something that I would like to pre-order, but I don’t have enough money and I have about a week to pre-order.

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money from home, . Go for the internet business, which requires less of your time and the one that will not make you feel headache with web designing, or which require IT knowledge. Second, choose the internet based company which offer you the opportunity and at the same time giving you the convenience to start the business. Third, ch oose the business, which does not require big money to start it.

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Wednesday, December 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Legally

Susan asks…

2 years later…still not over my Ex?

some days are better than others. like right now for instance, not a good day.
Was with my ex for a total of 7 yrs…engaged the last year of it. After on again off again (mistakes he made on his end= betrayal) He came back full throttle to commit on a serious level- so much so that he would drive 365 miles to visit me for 5 months straight just to spend 2 days with me in his quest to win me back. He eventually apologized to my Mother & Father for his unfounded, immature behavior in how he had treated their daughter (me). He reasoned with them and explained he wanted to make me his wife.
While we went to therapy- and i founded in my heart to forgive him, we tried to move on from his mistakes…in the past and all throughout the relationship. His goal was to put everything on the table in hopes that he could turn over a new slate and start fresh.
After almost 11 months of this—positive behavior, he proposed to me and I lovingly and purely accepted. I waited almost 6 years for this…indeed it did happen.
I agreed to move to another country (at the time he was working there also a citizen) and planned to immigrate while we planned a wedding.
This is where is gets… really really sad. When I moved up there, everything was going well for the first 3 months- However, I did noticed he seemed on another page when it came to wedding plans (just seemed disinterested) and then he never wanted to discuss plans about our future (tangible plans-like baby, budget, house, etc.) I was always the one to initiate discussion. When it came to his only request which involved merging “legally” he mentioned a pre-nup… I should have known this was a red flag! As time moved closer to planning our wedding, I asked him countless times if he could help fill out the “couples questionnaire” for the wedding officiant… i asked so many times it ended up being a battle. then came wedding invites…his alternative to saving money on the wedding was to e-mail invites to 200 guests -the only suggestion he even gave.
At this point-I noticed he seem disinterested and it really started to depress me. Then out he came with- we should cancel the wedding. He said were not getting along…and this is suppose to be the happiest part. (mind you-I have a ring on my finger, a venue booked, a dress bought, etc) he tells me this 8 months into the engagement. Then like clockwork-he seemed relieved and when I threatened to leave because of this… he cried and begged me not too. I listened to him and wanted so badly to believe his intentions were pure and he really wanted to work on “compromising.” I stayed and waited and waited. And as I waited he expected me to bounce back back as quickly as him- (not so much) In fact, I started to resent him. I felt as if he was making excuses- then I started to pull away and then he did. Then I would try to move closer-then he would pull away.
Eventually- He called me to tell me he was sleeping over a friends house and was planning on drinking. I advised him to be safe and not to drive. Funny thing is- next morning he came home and looked…well like his conscience was eating at him. The moment I felt this(i have felt this before) I asked him if he did something that I need to know. He looked me dead in the eye and proceed to say NO then kiss me. Afterward hopped in the shower and seem “in another world.” That very same day we were suppose to drive to the border and finalize my immigration papers. Before we left- he told me that he was with another girl the night before. Here I am- a state of complete numbness while I am hearing this. It was like deja vu all over again,
After a 6 hour walk by myself- I told him I was leaving him and proceeded to say “Thanks this just confirmed everything”
As I left a week later- I left my hopes, my dreams, and everything I wanted to build for the last 7 years. He took all of that away from me.
A year way from him- he still contacted me told me he missed my friendship.
Year 2 was actually harder-the shock value wore off and reality set in. I actually ended up missing him more than ever. We spoke briefly during this time and I once again fell into the ridiculous trap of getting my heart broken all over again- as he told me that his work will send him to the Czech Republic- my heart cringed and again-despair came over me. I politely asked him to end communication with me as it effected me way too much-as I still had love for him.
He just recently contacted me in September- wishing me well.
I can’t understand this person-? Even when I am not with him- I still am deeply enveloped.
I miss what we had- I miss the fun- the adventure- our commonalities. I had never in my life time been in love with someone as much as i was with him.
Now we are just strangers- Why does this pain heart so bad……. Why?
And is he thinking of me the same as i think of him?

Nagesh answers:

Closure A perceptual organizing process that leads individuals to see incomplete figures as complete. I think you cant get over your ex because you were with this guy for 7 yrs an really developed feelings for him throughout the time. An the main factor is that its hard for one to forget about the past an move on. I think you need to spend more time around family an friends abut most importantly spend time with yourself:). Instead of asking yourself why this had to happen to me take a step back an look at the picture from a different prospective. Take the situation into your own hands by relaxing an getting your mind off of him an all the negative. Think positive an ask yourself may be this is a sign that it wasn’t meant to be an you deserve so much better. So to help you get over your ex i highly recommend that you spend some quality time with the people who truly care for you. You cant seem to forget about the past an i think closure is just what you need.:)

Carol asks…

Short Story Help and Ideas?

Hi 😀
I would really appreciate it if someone would help me by making corrections or adding new ideas to my short story. I kind of just adding random ideas into my story.
Please help.
I’m actually really no good with writing.
Thank you in advance. ((((((((((:

I’m not one to complain, but there is a point where one has to break.
Cave in, collapse, gone.
You could actually really feel the searing pain,
It’s a feeling. An unexplained feeling.
Rising up; always trying to find it’s way up.
But you continuously keep pushing it down.
Burying your problems. Avoiding them.
Internally, breaking you down.
While on the outside, nothing is touch. Nothing is harmed.
Feelings and emotions get built up, like when red bloods clot.
It hurts, but I’m strong.
I wish it would all just stop.
With the snap of my fingers, everything would go away,
That’s how I imagine it.
But we are living in reality. It’s not how it is in dreams.
In dreams, you could make it anyway you want it,
But with my life and especially mine, nothing can be anyway you want it..
I know it would all stop soon.
I once heard a saying that, “Things become worst before they’re better.”
I would always wished and waited for that “better.”
As I get up reaching for the door, I pat myself down and tell myself I’m all right.
I walk out my bedroom door, pushing all my feelings aside and afar,
I spot my parents.
Quickly and swiftly as a fox, I sense hatred.
Right when I walk into the room, it’s just full agony; for both my parents and I.
Now, one would be happy, even sense enjoy by the appearance of their parents, but not I.
Definitely and utter mostly, not I.
I despise my parents so much.
Hate could even be thrown in that.
My family isn’t like other families.
Mine is much different.
A great deal of difference..
My name is Bonnie Liu.
I have five members in this household, that is including myself.
I have a father and a mother.
And also two brothers, who keep me in check.
My father’s name is Aiden.
My mother’s, Shanea.

And my two brothers, Matthew and Alexandre.
For short, I call them Matt and Alex.
We all live in Berlin, Germany.
This place, I also despise very much.
I’d always hope to leave this place.
Leave with my two brothers, Matt and Alex.
Matt, who was the oldest could legally take over both Alex and I when he turned eighteen.
I remember that I was so anxious for that day to come.
Both Matt and Alex keep me sane.
They keep me rooted right to the ground.
Without them, I could not imagine to go on.
All of us share a little something.
Symptoms; We all are ill.
Sick, in fact.
We share quite a number of them.
ADD, ADHD, ,Aspersers, Down Syndrome are some of what we have.
We have to take pills daily to keep us from “bursting.”
You should also know that my parents were the farthest thing from being parents.
They’re alcoholics. Enough said.
Sometimes I think that they needed help more than us.
I’m not sure of what my parents really wanted to do.
They were always drunk. There was not one time I stumbled into either one of them and they wouldn’t be drunk. It was pretty sad that they would have a life like this, but I have no pity for them They deserve what they do, which is being drunk. They could of stopped long ago, but obviously they didn’t. They never pay attention to either one of us. So Matt, Alex, and I had to take care of each other and help out one another. Money was abit tight so all three of us would work, considering we were in Germany, there was no age requirement. But soon enough, we found ourselves poor. We had no choice, but to sell drugs. It was our last resort, we could not do anything about it.
I would think of Matt as my second father.
He was always there for me.
Growing up, I even thought he was my father. He helped me through so many things that my real father didn’t even bother to care for.
Alex, my brother is a real savior also.
In my times of darkness, he always lit me up with his great words of advice.
Together, we were perfect.

In the end, Matthew passed away with his fiance, Jesse, Alexandre is in jail for several offenses such as selling drugs, and I?
I’m currently in my adopted family.

4 years later Aiden turned 18 and took legal gaurdianship over me,Matthew,and Alexandre.
He then moved us out to the states.
Aiden was a better father figure to me then any of my “fathers” before him.
Unfortunately I have lost him.
He was killed in a tragic car accident that killed both him and his fiance’.
Since Matthew has past on I have been put into a new family, Alexandre is in jail for several offenses.
No one will truely understand the connection I had with my brothers.

Nagesh answers:

This is…beautiful. I have read many stories in my life, and none of them could ever compare to how amazing this work of art sounds like. Correction is impossible. This isn’t the last time I’ll be reading this. This writing reminds me of Ray Bradbury, a famous writer that wrote short stories as well. Read them. They’re very good.

Paul asks…

In Ont. is it possible for a father to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights with the mother’s consent?

My ex husband abandoned me and our two children 4 months ago after a long 7 year marriage filled with multiple affairs, threats to leave, and unhealthy behavior on his part. He has never been close with either of our children and did not treat them well… they deserve much better. Long story short, it was a huge relief to finally see him go and be done with it. We have only been legally separated since a week after he left (just in January) and will be divorced in January of 2012 (unfortunately it seems we have to wait a full year after separating in order to make the divorce final… I can’t seem to find any way around this, but if anyone knows of a way please let me know!). Since then I have started seeing an amazing man who started as a good friend, but our relationship has grown and deepened into a serious and very committed one. He loves my two daughters and would like to eventually marry me and adopt the girls as his own. My ex husband wants nothing to do with the kids and has been refusing to pay child support. He is working under the table, so short of taking him to court and putting him in jail, it’d be difficult, pricey and just plain exhausting to be hounding him for the rest of my life trying to get money out of him. And he is like that… he could go his entire life without once working through the system (and reminded me of it himself). I don’t want to spend my life chasing him – I don’t want anything to do with him and he doesn’t want anything to do with us. I would rather just allow him to relinquish his rights at this point as my daughter wants nothing to do with him either, my baby doesn’t even know him, and my significant other is hoping to adopt them and love them as his own. I brought this up to him and he is willing to give up his rights completely as he is planning on moving to Colorado within the year with his new girlfriend. I am happy with this outcome… I want him far away and I never want to have to deal with him again. I brought it up to our older daughter and she was so excited at the thought of him not being her daddy anymore that she jumped up and down squealing and hugging me. My question is this: Can we sign a mutual (legal) agreement through a mediator/lawyer stating that he has relinquished his rights rather than going through the court system? I want to do this as quickly, peacefully and inexpensively as possible. Is it possible for this to be a simple process?? I’ve heard mixed things… someone on another board had said that it’s not possible unless there is already someone ready to adopt the kids… and because the divorce wouldn’t be final until January, I wouldn’t be getting remarried until probably the following summer, at which point he would adopt the children then. However, we would rather not wait until then for my ex to relinquish his rights. Some people say that there needs to be a judge involved whether I am willing to let him walk away from his rights or not, and that the judge would need hard evidence that he is an unfit/unsafe father in order to allow him to stop paying child support and to give up his rights. Other sites say that even if he relinquishes all rights and responsibilities, he would still need to pay child support… that doesn’t make sense to me and I am willing to take him off the hook for child support on the grounds that he just leaves us alone from now on. Anyway, I’m confused by all the conflicting answers on the internet, so please let me know if you know anything about this or if you have experience with a similar situation. I’m in Ontario, Canada.

Also, does anybody know what kind of cost we are looking at to do this?

Nagesh answers:

There are so many unhealthy choices on your part as well. Putting up with with husband’s behavior for 7 years?! Only 4 months and you’re ready to marry a new man?! Telling your child he will be her new daddy before anything is settled?!

To answer your question…I can’t be sure of the laws in Canada. In the US, a parent can sign away his rights as long as the other parent agrees. You will have to hire a lawyer and go to court. It will not be an easy process. Divorce and custody issues are never easy.

John asks…

Am I Responsible for the Late Fee?

I live in San Diego County, California. I had a month-to-month rental with two roommates I will call A and B. They already rented the apartment for two years by the time I moved in. I needed a cheap place to stay and had three weeks to find a place, so I quickly responded to their ad and moved in two weeks later. The owner of the building, whom I’ll call C, is a lawyer and said I’m under A and B and they are my landlords now.

I have been unhappy with them for some time, and I couldn’t take it anymore. We pay our rent on the 1st of the month, and I gave them written notification (which I have a copy of) saying that I will be moving out on the 14th of October. Well, I moved out two days ago, but agreed to pay up to the 14th, which is what the law says I have to do. I gave them the notification on the 14th of September, and California law says I am responsible for paying up until then. I also printed off some pages from the state government’s site that said a landlord cannot make the tenant pay for routine cleaning between tenants and that I am only responsible for rent up to the 14th of the month. A told me that $50 of the $200 deposit had to go towards cleaning the apartment for the next person to move in, but I printed off the page from the California’s state government site that said that it is illegal for them to do that, unless of course, I left so much trash and/or destroyed the place. I also printed off a page that says I am not responsible beyond the 14th of the month and only have to pay 14/31 of this month’s rent.

I went on Craigslist and posted an ad and responded to ads of those who are looking for rooms, but out of the four legitimate responses, one came close to renting, but backed out before she paid the security deposit. The others decided they were not interested. A and B kept going after me to find a roommate, and though I am not legally bound to do that, I tried my best and told them they can search, too.

B told me that I can use the security deposit to pay what I owe, and I will owe them $20 after that, which I will give to them in the form of a money order, so I can have record of paying them. I have one more week to get the furniture out (and will do it on Monday as a friend has a truck and has the day off).

They got charged a late fee of $50 and are expecting me to pay it. I gave them notice in a written form, as well as electronically (and kept a copy). Am I responsible for paying the $50 fee? Will they win against me if they sue me in small claims court? I work several part-time jobs and individually, none of them equal up to the minimum amount of $217.50 that I have to be left with, so I don’t know if they’d even get anything from each employer.

Also, A and B are good friends with the owner, C, who is a lawyer, so I worry he will be able to represent them in small claims court, while I just have the papers printed off from the website as well as the written notification, and the stubs from the money order. I’m especially worried that they will find out I didn’t get a new job (which is the reason I gave them for moving), but instead, moved into a cheaper, drama-free place that’s about two miles away. That will hurt my case, especially if C is a good lawyer. I lied about the job because when I moved in in May, it was a verbal agreement and they said to stay at least four to five months, but they would prefer that I stay until the end of their semester (they are graduate students).

One last thing: will they have a hard time suing me if they are not US citizens? They are here on student visas.

Nagesh answers:

Well, apparently the first poster didn’t read the question. She was wondering if she has to pay the late fee. I would do it in case they come after you, but at least pay 1/3 of it. I mean, they knew you were moving and if someone didn’t at least sign anything within a week or two before you left, then they should have started looking. I’d at least pay 1/3 of it, but pay that and what you owe for the rent. The deposit isn’t really designed for unpaid rent, especially because if they say you damaged anything, then you will have to pay and they can sue you.

William asks…

Negligence Question, please give me your opinion, indicate if you area lawyer please?

Okay, this is a messed up story and now we hate each other. This happened to me and my roommate last year. Okay here is the situation:

We didn’t have a kitchen table because of the size of our apartment (we’re college students) so I was eating on the couch and there was no room to put my glass of water on the coffee table so I put it on the ground next to the couch. In regards to the table, there was no room on the coffee table because my roommates were complete slobs and never picked their plates/bowls/cups up after they were done eating and I was sick of cleaning up after them like I was their mother (Nothing that was on the table belonged to me either). Anyways, I ended up accidentally kicking the cup of water over and spilling about a half a glass of it on the carpet next to the couch. I immediately grabbed a dry rag and soaked as much up as I could just so there wasn’t water laying on the carpet. About an hour and a half later, me and my friend that was there left to go see another friend at his apartment.

Here’s where it gets messed up. While we’re over at our friends my one roommate comes over and asks who spilled the water on the carpet. I quickly said I did but that I picked it up right away. And then he replied that he found his computer (a Mac Book Pro) in a pool of water under the couch (where he had left it) and that it wouldn’t turn on anymore. Then proceeded to blame me for what happened and demanded I buy him a new Mac Book Pro. A note on the couch: it is one of those with a flap of fabric that goes to the ground so there was no way I could see under it or know that his laptop was even there at all.

Now, in the first place I am a college student and I don’t have that kind of money to throw around and also, I don’t feel like its my fault because there was nothing I could do to avoid the situation and how was I supposed to know his laptop was there. If I knew it was there I would never have put my glass of water where I did. Can someone help me out here? I feel bad about the situation but is it legally my responsibility or does he have to take charge of where he leaves his things? Also, he is being a huge ****** about the whole thing and its really making me hate him.

P.S. He also tried to turn his laptop on when it was apparently still wet, which fries the hard drive. If he would have waited until it was dry there is a very good chance that it never would have broken. This, I believe is his fault as well.

To make it very clear, there was no way I could know his laptop was there, it was essentially hidden from me

Another situation like this is if he had put the laptop on the couch and covered it with a blanket and then got mad when someone sits on it…how is that that person’s fault?

Nagesh answers:

1. I am no lawyer, but I do have some knowledge of law from being self-taught.
2. My question for you is: What state are you now residing?
3. Options:
a. I assume you know where the college library is. Find the statutes for the state (they should be in the reference section.
B. Search via Yahoo or Google for negligence laws on a state level.
4. If you do not understand the legalish (English + legal) then consult with a lawyer.
5. First hand information is your best weapon of defense.
6. Have a Facebook page? takes you to my wall. “friend me”

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Tuesday, December 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast

Charles asks…

give me some ideas to make fast money?

from the good to the bad, let me hear them all!

easy or hard i just need money NOW

Nagesh answers:

Drugs!!! Sell some….

Linda asks…

Any ideas on how to make stable money fast?

Not including any sort of prostitution, drug dealing, or selling my gold 4 cash. Seriously, i’ve been thinking about it for a while….I want kinda like a side job to make some much needed mula to pay off debts.

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as easy money. However, if you are prepared to put in a bit of work you can make some money on the side.

Think of something you are interested in. That you are passionate about and focus on that. If you don’t make anything look for affiliate programs online with products in a sector that you are passionate about.

George asks…

Do you have any ideas how to make some fast money?

I’m 14, and want to buy a camera in 1 week. i have $65, and need about $85 more…what are some quick ways to make money? (Besides babysiting!!) thanks(:

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

Ruth asks…

PLEASE HELP!!! I need to thiink of a way to make money fast! Any Ideas?

heEy its my boyfriend’s birthday in 10 days and i have $40 but i need more money for his other stuff and it’s his little sister’s birthday too so i need money for her!! I am 14 and me and him have been going out for a long time.

please help me and give me ideas!!

Nagesh answers:

For your age,you probably cant get a job. Why not ask your parents? Or try knocking door to door to ask if they need help mowing lawn or something.

Carol asks…

How can I make money, FAST?!?

Im 14, a female and broke.
I can’t ask my parents for money because they don’t have any themselves. 🙁
My mom doesn’t even have money for gas so i cant go to my friends house. My mom works minimum wage and my dad is unemployed and we are a family of 5.
im to young to get a real job so i need some ideas to make some money fast and soon.
thank you and pleaseeeee help! 🙁

Nagesh answers:

4.Panhandle. A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival. If you really need the cash, you might swallow your pride and decide to ask for help. Make a sign, find a good location, ask politely for money, and say thank you. Cyberbegging is becoming increasingly popular, and there have been some amazing success stories, but these are the exception rather than the rule. While there are some sites on which you can beg just by putting up a brief ad, if you’re looking to make any substantial money you’ll probably have to build your own site and invest the time and money into it to make it successful.

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Monday, December 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How to get money fast when your a kid?

Im 10 years old. My mom and step-dad are having a problem about money. We live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 9 animals. My step-dad has food stamps. They told me they paid off the car when they are behind 4 months. My birthday is this month. My mom always is planning a big birthday for me….and she wants to throw another one for me. Im going to middle school this month. My little sister’s school and my school are on the other side of town. I want to help. How can I get money fast? Remember I live in apartments and go from my mom and dads. My dad lives on the other side of town too! How can I get some money fast????

Nagesh answers:

I suggest you talk to your parents. You a way too young to consider working. PLEASE TALK TO YOUR PARENTS. THEY WOULD WANT TO KNOW HOW YOUR FEELING & THEY WOULD BE SO PROUD THAT YOU WANT TO HELP OUT

Donald asks…

i just need to know how can a good father go about getting custody of his kids. no money for and attorney.?

we’ve been trying to get the kids for 2 years now, no one will help unless you have money, at this time we can’t afford an attorney, we just want the kids safe away from her. There best interest is with the father, he’s very willing to get his kids. Is child protective services an easy and fast way too get the kids in his care? or is there another fast but non-expensive way a father can get his kids and they’re still married, shouldn’t he have the rights to get his kids without a problem?

Nagesh answers:

If he does’nt not have money how can he afford children?
I would re-ask this question under legal questions.

Carol asks…

Fast money to help us get established?

My wife and I will be moving soon for me to go to school. I’ll be attending full time with 15 hours. Our problem is that we still have to get established where we’re going (apartment, utilities, etc.) and we have limited resources. Now my question is: Could I get a small student loan to help us get established, or possibly get a personal line of credit? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. By the way we Don’t have any kids.

Nagesh answers:

Live like hippies. Don’t do the debt thing in college. I did and it took me years to pay off and thousands of extra dollars in interest.

If anything, try to find a part-time job that lets you study. Of course, no one advertises that,but there are jobs out there where you are sitting a desk.

I am a 911 dispatcher/operator. I was able to finish a large portion of my school work my junior and senior years while talking to people on the phone. Pretty scary though, you are dialing 911 – and INTERRUPTING MY STUDY TIME…

Mark asks…

What food should I sell at school?

I know we’re not supposed to, but it’s a way to make good fast money.
Usually kids sell chips and candy but I think that gets old after a while. Some guy told me he sold sandwiches for a buck.
I figure I could do something like that.
Any good ideas out there? =P

Nagesh answers:

Mobile BBQ . . Around building sites . . With diluted drinks .

Nancy asks…

What do all these kids need so much money for?

Everyday i come on here and see some kid 13 or younger asking how they can make hundreds of dollars fast. When i was a kid, i was only trying to figure out how to get an extra 15 dollars for the latest transformer or whatever. If something cost over 50, i would ask for it for Christmas/birthday, but never did i ever feel the need to blow several hundred dollars on whatever my 11 year old heart wanted at the time. So what are these kids buying? Drugs?

Nagesh answers:

Generally we spend our money buying things like computers($500+) iPods (200+) and the newest bits of technology to impress our friends. The number of kids using drugs is dropping.

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Sunday, December 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Runescape

Mark asks…

what are some ways to get fast runescape money for nonmembers?

I am a level 44 and i need to make fast money. i am an expert miner, and i know every inch of the wilderness and the normal runescape. If anyone can help me i will be greatly apreciated. add me if you play the game sidneykittay.

Nagesh answers:

At level 44 there are not many things you can do moNsterwise.

But you might want to enter the caves near edgeville and kill hill giants level 28. They drop big bones.

A bit down the road you might want to kill green dragons.


think to yourself “am i really at the best mining spot?” “am i really mining the fastest money ore?” hopefully this will earn you some cash in mining

fishing- get your fishing to 45 and harpoon tuna.
To get to 45 fishing you will need

1 small net
1fishing rod
1fly fishing rod
200 baits
1200 feathers

1-5 fish shrimp at al kahraid
5-20 Use your fishing rod and bait
20-45 go near barbarian village and fish trout to 45
45-catch tuna

these site might help you-

Ruth asks…

How can I make money fast on runescape?

I want to make money on runescape without killing green dragons….

And where can I get a Cannonball mould?

Nagesh answers:

If your a member just turn flax into bow string(10 crafting p2p) and if ur a f2p then cut yews(60wcf2p)

Laura asks…

How Can I Make Money Fast In Runescape?

I’ve been playing Runescape for a while now but i’ve never been able to make money fast. Can someone help?

Nagesh answers:

Well, there are lots of way to make money on runescape! You can use skills, such as mining, fishing, to make. But you need to have them a high level. If you have no high levels, and still want to make some decent money, do this: it gives you about 100-150k cash each hour
Start in Draynor, pick some cash from your bank. Then run till you get at port sarim. After that you go to the shop where you can buy runes and stuff. Go in there, buy 27 eye of newts. Then return to the bank, bank the newts, and repeat this. Sell them later on ge for loads of profit!!
Also, if you have patience, get 83 hunter in the members world. Then you can hunt dragon implings, those are 500k each! You can make up to 2 million each hour if you are lucky.

Hope this helps!

Ken asks…

I need some fast money making tips.?

On Runescape I need around 15mill so I can get my construction up and I need to get it fast. I have other things to do so I don’t have all that time to get money per day but I still want to get around 15mill A.S.A.P so if you can tell me some great ways to make some money on Runescape that would help. Also I don’t really want to have to grow my money making skills a lot. My money making skills are Woodcutting:81 Fishing:54 Mining:45 Hunter:28 Runecrafting:23 Farming:18 and crafting:45.

Nagesh answers:

Cut magic or kill green dragons also if u were to raise ur rune crafting level to lets say 50 you could buy pure ess or talismans in the rune crafting guiled and sell in grad exage for a large profit

Steven asks…

anyone know any ways to make alot of money fast on runescape?

i have just been hacked on runescape and need to know some good ways to make money fast can anyone help?
oh forgot to add i’m pay to play combat 85 and have a million gold at the moment 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I have two ways: one if you have big sums of cash, 55 mage, and over 50 mining and smithing, then you can mine the coal and iron, then smith steel platebodies and hi alch them. Steel platebodies cost 1k but using hi alch gives about 1.2k, 200 coins more. It may take a while but believe me it does work. Also, killing cows for their cowhides work too. Easy, efficient, but it takes some patience cause other people want them cowhides too… Good luck!!

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Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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