Archive for July, 2012

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Sharon asks…

What are some ways for kids who cant work yet legally to make money?

im 14 and do chores around the house to make money so i can go to football games every friday. i want to have a little extra money so i can do other things and im saving up to buy a car when i turn 16. so any ideas on how to make quick cash legally?

Nagesh answers:

If you live in the uk, many lads your age can do sticking up for pubs when the local skittle teams play their games. If you live in the usa, i don’t know if they do skittling over there. You can also do paper rounds as well. When i was your age one summer, i went round my entire housing estate and cleaned people’s cars for the minimum of £2 and within 3 hours i had made £30. If all else fails, you could write into your local paper and explain you are looking for a little job for money. 🙂
i think at 14 you are at a legal age to wash up in a cafe or something. Go around your town as well and just ask around in cafes and stuff. 🙂
hope this helped. Sorry for the babbling as well.

Susan asks…

Is there a way for kids to make money?

Hi. Id like to know of a quick way to make money, but i don’t want rubbish answers like mowing someones lawn, doing a newspaer round or washing someones car or dog. I am 14 years old. I want a way to earn money, like a mini business, like a lemonade stand, but alot better of an idea, or maybe something i could do with my mates. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Yard work and odd jobs would be best, you could make flyers and have a crew of guys, pet sitting, things like that. You can’t do anything technically work, because you are too young and cannot legally work.

Mark asks…

A good way for kids to make money? Best Answer 10 Points!?

I already do chores and have an allowance. But I’m am trying to think of another way to get money quicker. I am 13 and got my babysitting license. But how can I get clients? My mom doesn’t know many people with kids. Any ideas? Also, a way for me to make money besides that? I’m trying to save $200. Thanks!
By the way. Its winter.

Nagesh answers:

Get a part-time job, save from birthdays, help the neighborhood for money, do a sale.
A way to get clients is to on a sheet of paper write for babysitting and a phone number (yours) and say to call if you need babysitter. Write your age but not any personal info like your birthday, etc. This helps the person looking at the sheet to see if you can take care of the child. Hope this helps!

Carol asks…

What are some good ways to make money for a kid with no allowance?

I need to make money and quick. I want to go shopping with a friend on Thursday and I need to make at least $50 maybe more. I’m already cleaning the house, possibly babysitting my younger siblings. I need ideas!

Nagesh answers:

Well, it sounds like you have a good idea.

Mow yards. Weed flower beds, babysit, tutor younger children, clean houses, dog walk, wash cars, sell stuff on ebay, (If you know your neighbors well, you could bake cookies and sell them to them)

Michael asks…

Ways for me to make quick money?

alright. so i’m 12 years old and i’ll be 13 in about one month. i am REALLY looking for some money!! babysitting, house sitting, pet sitting, etc. isn’t exactly an option for me because there are almost no kids in my neighborhood. :/ i really need some money, and quick too! if you have ANY ideas, please share! 10 points best answer! 🙂 thanks! [:

Nagesh answers:

Make babysitting flyers using the computer and put them in the library, people’s mailboxes, and grocery stores.
Drum up more business and keep a notebook to schedule when you do get a customer.
Culver’s minimum hiring age is 14 with a workers permit.
I called many stores because I am looking for a job. This was the response they gave which makes me happy after looking for so long.
Find a local one go online and apply and go in store to apply or call and ask if they are hiring.

What I did was Google a bunch of business near my home and found their numbers using Google maps or their sites and I called and directly asked if they are hiring and what age do they hire at.

Try local grocery stores, pizza parlors, retail stores, fast food restaurants.

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Tuesday, July 31st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Joseph asks…

12 Year old money!?

Ok My Friend is trying To Raise her money For These Skates But She Doesnt know how to!
Like She’s Homeschooled
And She cant do anything mostly friday nights
or saturday 3 ’till 10!

And She Needs to make money fast and
it needs to be somthing that doesnt take Like ALOT ALOT ALOT of work!
Just somthing pretty easy to do like every day or somthing.

Nagesh answers:

Bake sale, babysitting, offering to help an elderly neighbor who might be kind enough to pay her. Walking dogs for ppl in the neighborhood.

And most jobs do require ALOT of work but the payoff in the end is very worth it. Plus she could ask her parents if she could get a job of some kind so she can have spending money when she wants it.Or see if an allowence is possible.

Michael asks…

Money Making Tips!?

I need some tips for how i can make money. i am 12 years old and need money faster than fast. Thanks! I will do any neighborhood work or door to door selling. I just need some good ideas.

Nagesh answers:

I have a risk-free fundraising opportunity for you. You need no money, I will send you all the supplies you need to get started, and you keep your portion of the proceeds up front. If interested, contact with “fundraiser” in the subject line.

Great luck reaching your goal!

Susan asks…

i want to be the best pokemon card collector?

i want to be the best pokemon card collector in the world but i am not making enough money i need tips on how to make money fast for a 12 year old and i also want to make money for the new pokepark wii game ppppppppppppppppppppppppplllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

Nagesh answers:

Well, there aren’t many jobs for a 12, but it really depends on where you live. You could ask around your neighborhood I suppose. My friend is one of the best card collectors, he got all the first and second gen. In good shape and holographic. He has mostly shadowless cards, and he works to buy them. He is only 15, but gets good paying odd jobs, which is what you should do too.

John asks…

What is the most ridiculous question you have ever seen on yahoo answers?

the most ridiculous one i saw was a 12 year old asking how tomake money fastfor a new cell phone, a trip to hawaii, and yoga pants. she said, that she “is only 12 so don’t even suggest getting a job.” i couldn’t stop laughing when i read it.

Nagesh answers:

Can riding a bicycle turn a man gay?

Charles asks…

How can i get money Fast!?

My 12year old 8th grade friend and I [13yrsold, 8th grader]
need money BADLY!!!!
We dont want to get into it, but yea we dont wanna babysit!!!
how can we make money?, we need about 100 bucks in about 2 or 3 weeks!
And we PROMISE we dont want the cash for drugs alcoholic weapons, ect.
its for my parent that’s all im saying.

Nagesh answers:

http://cashcrate(dot)com/776481 – put a . Where (dot)

btw you can only have 1 account per site per internet connection. So, do it at both your and your friends house

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Monday, July 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Michael asks…

How to make money fast?

im really wondering how to make money fast for a 12 year old girl and dont say sell lemonade coz im not a baby plz answer asap fanx

Nagesh answers:

Hmm you should sell pot. If you started now while others have no experiance then when you get older around 18 or so you will be packed with cash by the time the kids around you figure out how to sell. Good luck with that bb.

Laura asks…

how can a 12 year old make $200?

i really want a new phone,but i have to pay for it,how can i make enough money really fast?

Nagesh answers:

It depends on how hard you want to work. When I was 12 years old, I mowed 4 lawns once a week all summer long and at the end of the summer I had only earned $200 and change! Times have changed and I’m not really that old.

At any rate, if you’re willing to work hard and your not much on mowing lawns (plus gas is expensive right now), I recommend that you identify the elderly people on your street or in your neighborhood. You could offer to clean their windows (inside and out). Elderly people spend a lot of time at home looking out the dirty windows that they are too tired or weak to clean. One house might take a couple of hours of work but you could probably charge $50-$100 depending on the size of the house and the number of windows. All you’d need is some Windex, old newspaper (trust me, it works great), and a step ladder.

P.S. Stick to one story houses. Trust me.

Sandra asks…

How can you make $2,200 fast for a 12 year old?

My daughter is raising money for Jr. Ambassador for Germany and she needs to make $2,200 by May 2011.

Nagesh answers:

You know your daughter better than us. If you don’t know any ways for her to get the cash, it’s not an optimistic sign for us.
Why should a child be obliged to find so much money at 12 years old.
I find that distasteful.
Good luck, despite what I just wrote !

Ken asks…

how can i make money fast!?

i need help with making money fast!
for a 12 year old

and people please no jobs! im to young

Nagesh answers:

Ok well maybe u could ask your parents for extra cash if you do extra jobs around the house?
Depends on how mature you are but have u thought about baby sitting of dog walking or even washing cars in your local neighborhood
or even try making jewelery and sell to ur friends or even creative cards birthday christmas Special occasions stuff like that

Donna asks…

How can i make fast money?

Hello. I am 12 years old and i need to make money for the VIP Glee Premiere($120-$150). I need it in 8 days. I am not eligible for a job yet so I don’t have many options left. It’s $30 per person. I really want to do this quick and easy….. so I would appreciate it if you would help me out. What did you do when you were younger to make money???? Thank You!!! (PS no rude or mean comments. I will not tolerate it. You will be removed:))

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, mow lawns, garage sale, bake sale, lemonade stand, walk dogs, allowance, sell some stuff, gamble with friends or siblings, panhandle, lemonade stand, make and sell jewelry or the like. I’m kind of confused; do you need $30 or $120ish? Don’t pay for friends or anyone else, you won’t get your money back and people will start to take advantage of you.

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Sunday, July 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About How To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

Mark asks…

How can a 12 year old make money fast?

I need answers besides: Babysitting, Pet sitting, Mowing Lawns, Allowence, Lemonade Stands etc. I need answers outside of the box but still reasonable. My mom is only giving me $40-50 dollars for back to school clothes shopping. I have $40 but I really didn’t want to spend my money. I need it fast

Nagesh answers:

Gnittisybaby, ginttis tep, snwal ginwom, ecnewolla, sdnats edanomel, cte.

Richard asks…

How can a 12 year old make a TON (a lot) of money very fast?

I don’t want a “typical” answer like babysit, mow lawns, etc. The more creative the answer is, the better the chances are you’re going to get a VIP account on BOKKER, my social network (

Nagesh answers:

What I do is a merchant coins. Right now in this economy the price of silver and gold is real high, so what I did was before it got high I got a bunch of silver and now I sold it for double the price. Coin collecting is a fun hobby for me and you can also make profit off of it. With all the money I made I then got a rare coin and pocketed the rest. Now, I just got to wait some more for that to get higher in price once the economy gets better. A fun way to make money.

Sandy asks…

how can a 12 year old make alot of money and some what fast?

I need $350.00 for a phone that im gonna buy in jan, as a little birthday gift to myself. but heres the problem… how can i get that much money by jan, without getting a job cuz obvously, im too young for one..
pls help!=]

Nagesh answers:

Your question screams paper route with a little mowing lawns mixed with babysitting and do some chores

Nancy asks…

How can a 12 year old get money fast?

I’m tierd of asking my dad money for a ipod or dsi! I wanna make my own money too. I know im small but i dont like to ask my dad for money because i know what his answer will be (NO)…lol. Please Help… :p thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Do you really need those fancy things? I know it is hard and confusing to relate to your parents most especially in an economic recession. Did you asked your parents why they keep on saying NO? Do you think making money just to buy what you want is a good decision. Try their suggestions mowing lawns, baby sitting et, al… Honey, let me tell you.. A lot of people are in the same or even the worst situation as it is with your family. 9.7 unemployment rate… Do you know what that means? That almost every 10 in the los angeles families have no earnings. Do you think you would easily have customers?… I do not want to discourage you but you have to realize what is going on nowadays. I would suggest ask your parents what you could do to help them out, and maybe they would at least save some money for your ipod or dsi. Goodluck.

Daniel asks…

how can a 12 year old make over $630 dollars fast?!?!?

I wanna go 2 summer church camp($350) i also wanna take acting classes($310 b4 march 31 08) but my parents think allowence just teaches me to beg all my life, they said 2 make my own money! my school is having a trip to egypt but only 4 ppl who can pay( passport,ticket,disease shots,plus a teacher fee of$) thats over 100000. my parents said if i make $ for acting and camp they will pay for egypt. plz help me!
i mean about 1000 dollars about egypt srry

Nagesh answers:

Sometimes the best lesson in life is to compromise. Maybe you won’t be able to make enough to do all that you want, but I think $350 by summer is perfectly possible for someone your age.

You could get a part time job, just 10 hours a week will get you about $70-$100.

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Saturday, July 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money In The Summer

Laura asks…

What should I do to make money during the summer?

I’m not old enough to work, but I want to do something to make money to go shopping and things like that. I don’t live in a neighborhood, my neighbors are pretty far away, so I can’t walk to town, or to a store or anything. Any ideas of things I can do to make money, like babysitting….???

Nagesh answers:

There are lots of things you can do!

If you are artistic, you can sell your artwork.
You can …

– pet sit
– baby sit
– walk dogs
– offer to clean other people’s homes or run their errands
– be a mother’s assistant (watch the kids while she makes dinner)
– do yard work for others
– garage sale!

But most of all, if you want to make money, you need to promote your business! If people don’t know you’re there, they won’t hire you. So pass out flyers or post them at the local library or grocery store. You say your neighbors are far away? Are they close enough to ride your bike to? Think of ways to work around this set back … You could even sell some old toys and such via the internet!

You can do it!
Best of Wishes,

George asks…

Does anyone know any ways for teens to make money over the summer?

I’m 13 and i live in New Jersey. I’m unfortunately too young to get a real job and cant think of anything else to do. =/ I have considered babysitting and a lemon aide stand but i don’t really know anyone to baby sit and i don’t live in that busy of an area so the lemon aide stand would take a long time to make money. If anyone has any ideas plz help me out!! thxx =)

Nagesh answers:

Don’t fall for anything online.
Don’t give anyone any personal information – you will regret it.

Charles asks…

How to make money this summer?

Hi, I’m only 13 and I live here in the Philippines. Can you please tell me any ideas that you know for me to make money?

Nagesh answers:

If the labor laws are such that 13 is old enough to get a job, then get one. Its the only way to truly “earn” money…

Donald asks…

How can my 17 yr old make money on summer vacation at grandmas in Illinois?

Grandma can’t pay him for work around the house, but he needs to earn about $600 by the end of July. McDonalds might be an option (fastfoods) but what other ideas does anyone have? Someone mentioned out of state workers have better chance of getting jobs in Illinois.

Nagesh answers:

Mowing of yards. Actually pays pretty good but it is hot hard work
especially if grandma lives in a neighborhood with elderly people they are more willing to pay to have someone cut the grass or basic yard work.

Steven asks…

Summer Business Ideas for 16 year old who needs money.?

I will be turning 17 in July.
I have recently been absquatulated from my part time job.
I want to open my own business when I am an adult and see this as an opportunity to develop my entrepreneurial skills.
I have thought of these already:
Car Wash: I cant rent any space to do a car wash and I don’t think it looks good to ask to use the clients water supply due to the fact that I will have to go door to door.
Yard Work: Its incredibly unfortunate that I am so allergic to spring and summer time, because I do not mind doing yard work, but it gets hard to plant flowers and cut grass when my eyes are watering so bad I cant see.
Baby Sitting: I’m looking for a more professional job other than baby sitting and I think most parents have baby sitters and don’t plan on switching just for the summer.
Online Source: I have looked online to make money, and each one turns out to be a scam. I am so sick of people suggesting online surveying or “click ads and make money“. SO NO ONLINE SOURCES!
Dog walking is an option, although maybe as a last resort.
House cleaning/ pet sitting: I don’t think many people who go on summer vacations would trust a 16 year old male to watch their house.
Advertising for small businesses: I thought that maybe I could contact small businesses around my community and offer to hand out flyer’s for them at a cost.

Brainstorm all you can!
Quantity not quality!
I need a way to make money this summer in order to pay for my gym membership which I am on a contract for another 8 months, as well as my cell phone, due to the fact that few, including my own family have telephones anymore.

Nagesh answers:

Get a job

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Friday, July 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Charles asks…

How can i make money online fast?

I have tried setting up free websites, but i dont get any visitors. Is there any way i can make atleast £20 before this christmas (for important presents) on the internet? If u can help me with making a popular money making website please tell me. Also i need it to pay to paypal, Thanks 🙂

Btw i know about Adsence, but they dont pay to paypal 🙁

Thankss again 😛

Nagesh answers:

A narrow chance, just try tp add some commercial on your site.

Daniel asks…

free ways to make money online for teens?

what are some ways for teens to make money online fast. please only post legit sites thanks(:

Nagesh answers:


Check out this site!

I just found it and I think it’s great. They have a ton of info and it’s updated regularly with different ways for teens to make money on the net!

I emailed the webmaster and she told me that she’s working on what paid survey sites are legit so I’d check back next friday or so for that!

Hope I helped!

Linda asks…

Increase Online Traffic-What’s the Easy and Fast Way to Increase Online Traffic to My Web Site for Free?

Where is the best site to increase my online traffic to my web site for free and make money online?

Nagesh answers:

There are some good answers here already, but the best way for you to get the kind of traffic needed to make money is to make sure that it is what is called “targeted web site traffic” which means that you are getting visitors to your site that are ready to spend money at your web site.

You can check out the online-traffic lens at squidoo for some good free tips

Another place I learned a lot from is a free one year ecourse on how to “increase online traffic”

It is here

Laura asks…

How Can I Make 300.00$ Fast Online For Free?

I need money very fast but im already working 3 jobs and i dont have the time for another job! only put an answer if you have actually gotten allot of money from it!!!! i dont want anyone telling me cash crates or any other fake websites like that!! please anyone help!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Beware of spammers when you make a post about making money online. I would instead check out This guy’s book gives you a couple different techniques on how to make money online. I tried several of them and I swear to you that I’m making another 300-500 dollars each month. For example, a lot of people on here will suggest you fill out surveys, but his book actually taught me how to exploit the survey taking system. His site also has no ad space. So you do not have to be worried about be suckered into any scams.

John asks…

Free Online money making?

Does anyone know a site that i could goto to take part in free money making online. I would like it to not cost any money to join such as shiping for a pointless cd or anything like that like the others i have looked at i will take surveys or anything else read emails anything to make some fast and easy money as long as it costs me nothing to get going.

Nagesh answers:


Most of those sites make you pay some kind of fee which is really dumb in my opinion. I have taken surveys from legit market research companies and have earned some extra cash. If you want a legit site that has a lot of companies that will send you surveys I suggest you look at the one listed
as a source. This site is completely free with no hassles. Basically they just have a lot of companies and surveys listed from different countries that you can try and test out without ever spending any money.


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Thursday, July 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Uk

Michael asks…

Why can’t the uk government print money, but only a bit to help with whatever they want?

Now I’ve read a bit on printing money and inflation that follows, but many people point to Germany, but they printed loads didn’t they.

Why couldn’t the UK government print say 100 million pounds in secret…….lets say for the latest weapons and tech in the army and buy it from abroad, the US maybe. Or even the latest equipment and machines for hospitals, again from abroad, US maybe and then many hospitals throughout the UK could have an upgrade in equipment.

Is everyone not a winner that way? I mean even if they bought it from companies in the uk that small amount in the grand scheme of the economy surely wouldn’t make businesses raise prices, therefore inflation.

So if we print small amounts compared to the amounts economies have and buy from abroad or even if we didn’t, would these small amounts really have any effect and if so why?

As we were sensible and didn’t do it much then would that work?
Yes of course they do, but I mean to use as free money so to speak from outside the budget.
Also, no I’m not thinking of the Euro.
Loneranger, could they not print, bank then transfer? Also they could just use this country to buy from, as 100m is not a lot in economy terms and unlikely to affect anything.

Nagesh answers:

I’m pretty sure they can print money.

You are thinking about the Euro which is a shared currency and there is controls against printing.

Richard asks…

Are all “pension liberation” schemes a scam?

I have a local government pension pot. I have cancelled the pension as I am looking to emmigrate to canada. I would like to access the funds now if possible. I have found various websites which offer pension liberation. This is the explanation I received from a company I contacted:

You set up a UK limited Company as a personal management company
(PMC) “to use, manage, control and invest personal assets in a tax efficient

· You join the Lincoln Pension Administration (LPA) Umbrella
Remuneration Trust (UPENT)

· Your PMC enters into a fiduciary services agreement with the
Trustees of the UPENT which renders it a tax exempt entity because the
trustees of the scheme are outside the UK (Jersey or Belize)

· Your PMC provides you, its director, with sole use of the
trustees’ discretionary powers in respect of the PMC’s assets (your pension

· Your existing pension(s) is/are transferred to the LPA UPENT using
standard pension transfer legislation – nothing clever there, IFAs and
Accountants do this all the time.

· You legally relinquish your rights to annuity and other benefits
from the scheme – which UK pension rules allow you to do.

· This makes your pension assets no longer pension assets that fall
under the Registered Pension Schemes legislation but simply ordinary assets
which can be treated as such

· LPA passes 89% of the now free asset value into the fiduciary care
of your PMC having deducted the 10% transfer fee and two ½% annual
administration charges in order to maintain the legal integrity of the

· The director(s) or your PMC (you and your wife/partner) have sole
control over the use, investment and management of those assets as directors
of the PMC and tax free as fiduciaries.

· The PMC holds the “spare” 4% to make annually two ½% payments to
the Trustees for “administration” for the next 4 years – again to maintain
the legal integrity of the arrangement.

· You, the individual or Member of the UPENT, pays the PMC £100 per
month to maintain beneficial status of the UPENT in Law (you will appreciate
when you read on below about loans that you will merely be borrowing from
yourself and paying yourself back £100 per month) and to render the company
as tax exempt in law.

· In your capacity as fiduciary (acting on behalf of the UPENT
Trustees) you lend money to yourself …. the proceeds of a loan in your
hand is not income so no income tax.

· You pay no income tax anywhere in respect of the PMC assets and
provide for your lifestyle support through commercial loans from your PMC as

· The UPENT/PMC combination is not part of your estate so no
Inheritance Tax liability

· Money not required for Lifestyle Support remains within the tax
protection of the PMC for active or passive onward investment i.e. with your
fiduciary’s hat on you buy and sell investments; these can be anything at
all, from property at home or abroad to precious metals, from stock market
options to ordinary investment funds such as your investment advisers are
using at the moment.

· The PMC is a tax exempt entity so whatever it buys and sells is
outside UK taxation, so when you sell assets there is no capital gains tax
for example

· There is no set up cost just two ½% administration charges per
annum (a total of 1%) for five years plus the 10% contribution charge, the
monthly £100 beneficiary status payment and an annual trustee management fee
of £200.

· It costs £14 per year to maintain the registration of the UK
Limited Company with Companies House

· We are paid out of the 10% contribution fee by the tax lawyers on
completion for your transfer.

Warnings on websites state that the individual may be stung with a massive tax bill as what these companies are suggesting is illegal and avoids tax? Any ideas? Thank you

Nagesh answers:

Take the advice on offer here,you will end up better off.

Paul asks…

Advice on making own clothes; beginner?

I’ve recently become interested in making my own clothes because I don’t have enough money usually to make the things I really love and also, I’d like to have more original clothing to wear. Plus my body shape is a little awkward and usually things fit in some places but not in others, so it’s a bit annoying finding well fitting clothes.
I’m quite good using a sewing machine and I think I’d be ok making things as long as I have instructions; I have made a few things in textiles at school but not clothes yet.
The things I would like to make for myself at the minute are a checkered shirt and a thin jumper shirt. Would this be particularly difficult? Also, would making skinny jeans be hard also?
This is the kind of shirt I’m looking to make, just with a slightly different pattern & colour scheme.
This is the kind of shirt I am looking to make but without the frill around the neck.
Any advice, tips or instructions would be really appreciated (:

Nagesh answers:

Now that your motivation is sorted out and you know your way around with sewing machines..the next stage is the design stage where you actually get to pick not only the designs but also the materials.for a beginner denim is really not the way to go.
Start with very simple designs that do not require much sewing ,overlaying,zippers and if possible no buttons.the best beginner pants would be ones with drawstrings etc.
Sun dresses are also pretty simple to design(depends on your weather)
the reason why simple designs are chosen at the beginning is to make sure you first understand the basics of garment construction.

Good luck!

Thomas asks…

Who knows about the UK rules on transferring pensions?

I want to tidy up my finances. I have been contributing into my existing pension scheme for about seven years now, but before that (in previous employments) I had two other schemes.

I only have a vague understanding of the rules here and this is what I am hoping someone can help me with. Can I apply to have the money that’s in these other funds transferred to my current fund? If so, how do I do it? Or is it a bad idea and I should leave everything where it is? (Why?)

One is a “Group Reflex Personal Pension Plan” with Scottish Equitable, the other is a “Group Money Purchase Scheme” with Scottish Widows.

I left both jobs within 6-12 months of starting to make contributions, and my salary wasn’t up to much back then either, so we are not talking about massive amounts here – but it was my money and I paid it in, and I don’t want to risk forgetting about it or losing it because I’ve left it too long.


Nagesh answers:

All Pension Schemes must (by law) allow you to Transfer your benefits.

UNLESS you can Transfer INTO a Final Salary Scheme (highly unlikely these days), it’s always a good idea to leave Final Salary scheme pensions where the are, because, by law, the benefits have to be increased every year by Inflation (or 5%, whichever is lower).

However, Money Purchase schemes (including AVC’s) depend on the Stock Exchange performance and the value is often eroded by high charges .. So you are often better off transferring.

Write to each of the old scheme administrators and ask them for a Transfer value (you then have (typically) 30 days to decide to go ahead or not).

You can only transfer into an ‘approved’ pension scheme (this includes Self Invested Pension Plans = SIPP’s, which you have control over).

Typically it’s a good idea to transfer into whatever scheme your current employer offers because (usually) your employer will be paying the scheme administration costs.

Your current Employer is NOT forced to accept Transfers from other schemes .. However most do.

Helen asks…

Why should Icelanders pay?

Recently, the people of Iceland voted no to a referendum on whether or not their government (so, themselves) should pay back a sum of money that investors from the UK and Netherlands had invested in the PRIVATE Icelandic bank Landbanski (known as Icesave).
Now the UK and Netherlands say they will take Iceland to court over this.

My question is,
(1) considering that the bank was a private bank
(2) Considering that people invested in Icesave BECAUSE of the higher interest which was due to higher risk of the investment, something the investors knew in advance…

…. Why would anyone think that Icelanders must pay? Is there such a thing as a bank too big to fail? Are people treating investments as guarranteed cash-making schemes? Or am I missing something?

Nagesh answers:

The icelandic people should not have to pay for this.

It was a bank, not owned by the goverment, the banowners should pay!

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Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Guide Runescape

Michael asks…

runescape money for godsword?

In Runescape i am trying to make money for a bgs it is only 20m atm yet i only have 5m im 15m away and am currently fishing sharks (81 fishing)

if u have any guides or tips on a quicker much faster way of making money 5 stars will be awarded for best answer

thank u

Nagesh answers:

I could always lend you 15m but you’ll have to pay me back

Jenny asks…

Runescape Help?

Does anyone know any good runescape money making guides that are free, I need one, or if you know any good ways to become a millionare fast please tell me thanks.

Nagesh answers:

No offense but there’s better games than runescape out there, if you go to and go to games list there’s a ton of games

Ken asks…

Runescape questions and tips for low levels (noobs) and ownage clans to help show you around runescape =)?

Hi i’ve been playing runescape for quite some time now and i just wanna see if its still poplular? Well anyway, here are some tips to help out noobs for non members and members. Hope this helps………… =)


Okay so here are some ways to make money for some noobs (non members),

Mining-Mining is a good way for noob to get money because it is good exp and is omost found everywhere.

Ways of mining-

Once you get 47( i think) you can mine gold ore, this is good money because it is 482 gp at g e max price. (at the moment 1/9/09 at 5:36 pm eastern time zone. A full pack (28 items) is worth 13,496coins. Once you get higher mining which is up to rune and adamant, the mining for the higher section is east of god wars dungeon.(upper section)

Now for woodcutting


Okay so you hopefully read through the mining section and if that doesnt work then here is the woodcutting section.

Ways of money for woodcutter'[s]- Cutting oak trees at lv 15wc or woodcutting is okay money and just put in bank, but once you get 30 you get willows and for 45(members) there are maple which is located in seer’s village.But the most best way for noob woodcutters is Yew Trees.I’m sure you heard yew trees being pretty good money, if so then do it.(yew trees are about 13k per pack and 480 per.


Fishing is great money for noobs expecially for the noobs who play a lot.

Fishing ways of money-Once you get 40fishing you can fish lobsters which is fairly good money. I recomend 50+ then the lobsters come much more faster. Also at 50fishing you can fish swordies which is also good money.

[]~[]~[]~[]~That contains the non member section[]~[]~[]~[]~[]

Here is the noob section for MEMBERS!!W00T!

Pure essence- req is 30mining and rune mysteries quest finished.(access to mage teleport.) This is better than gold ore so i suggust you do this instead. =/

Green drags- This is not for noobs only the noobs who are daring to try it. You can find green dragons in lv 14 in the wildy or lv 22 in the wildy. This is a great way of making money and you get about 50k per trip and about 4 or 3 trips a hour.

That contains the guide for the runescape tips and blah stuff. so i hope yall injoyed it. =) Ifyou wish to add my user it is, Spiderpig11w, my private is usually off, so tell me if you wish to add me. =)

Nagesh answers:

Mike is right, this isn’t a question… I think what you’re looking for is a forum.

Oh, and you’re… Well, technically you’re right, but you’ve just coughed up what you can find out on the stats menu ingame. Anything extra that you’ve added is just what’s said on guides on sites like, runehq etc.

I bet I could rewrite this in no time at all and make it better. How about giving tips, not just information? For example, the woodcutting section… You said cut willows at 30, and didn’t even mention a level for yews. That’s right, but a “noob” shouldn’t do that – they should wait for 5+ more levels, since that’s typically when things start to speed up. Since I’m somewhat of a geek when it comes to RS, I would recommend 35+ for willows and 70+ for yews – it’s as simple as that.

Aside from all of these you should at least give SOME warning about your dragon theory. What about warning of revs? What about the fact that you need to be half decent at combat to do this method…

Don’t take this the wrong way but this guide is, well stupid. One thing I would do before you post any kind of guide is do your research. Taking the first line in the mining section ‘( i think)’ – CHECK. It takes less than a minute, and makes you guide all that more respectable.

Charles asks…

How can i make 10m on runescape members?

i just cant seem to mke money i want to buy the dragon platebody but im stuck at 2m which took me months i need a guide to help me get to 10m faster can someone help me out?plz

Nagesh answers:

Try to Wood cut, I got 22m from it.

Betty asks…

runescape farming help plz?

hey guys i just started to train farming 2days ago. i am now 35 farming i need a guide to train farming fast and also make money. i am willing to spend 50mil on this skill only and i want to get 99farming in 5month. so give me a guide about wat fruit trees, trees, and herb i should plant at each lvl

Nagesh answers:

Love to help but due to my mom having to cut her c.c., i lost my membership plus, i forgor my username to runescape (sucks to lose it really:( ) altho i cut trees to raise my w.c. Skill so if you want to raise your skill in a hurry, look at what you can plant (for exampal if you just got the abildy to plant tomatos then plant them till you can plant a better crop)

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Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Kids

Linda asks…

Can someone help me get over my disillusionment with men?

First of all, I know there are lots of bad women out there too. Please don’t waste answers telling me this.

What really concerns me, when I look at my friends and neighbours and community is how so many single women are carrying the burden of taking care of families mostly alone. This is not just low income areas, this is the middle income and wealthy too.

Where are the men? Where is their pride? They leave wives and children to pursue sex and immoral childish lifestyles.

I interview staff for jobs, and my goodness the women come in so much better than the men on the whole. There are more women finishing university then men. And the women work hard. The boys goof off and pretend to work. Don’t tell me this isn’t true, because I see it many companies.

Women are cleaning the house, making the meals, doing 90% of the housework, plus working full time, plus taking care of the kids.

And the men send their crap $200 or $300 a month, that frankly adds up to nothing in the grand scheme of running a household, and go out drinking and screwing everything they can get their hands on,

Im so disgusted. Almost every stinking pay cheque I do in a run of like 100 people, the guys all have money directing to other side families and illegitimate kids. Never the women – just men!

Im so disgusted, I cant hardly look at any man with any trust or respect initially.
It is hard for me to open up, because I think everything that comes out of a mans mouth is garbage to get into my pants.

HELP PLEASE! Is there gentlemen out there that care about their wives and kids???
Or is the family man so corrupt, I should just accept this is the level men have sunk to.

Nagesh answers:

Unfortunately hun, it’s exactly the same here in england, uk! I’m guessing thats all men worldwide now! The same thing happens here too! Only most men don’t pay for their kids! They shove their bits here, there n everywhere they probably don’t even know their own children exist. They go out, get drunk, have a one night stand, then it’s the next woman! Whether they are single or married, this happens all the time. It’s just very hard to find the good guy in life.

John asks…

I need help with rapping?

..Well, you see I want to become a famous musician, not for the money or anything like that just because I like to challenge myself writing lyrics and giving a voice to people who can’t speak to the world or a large group(started into music since 12 but I’m 17 now). Well Anyways, I want to become a rapper. My role-model’s are God and Eminem haha…Well to make a long story short, is there a way to rap like eminem in anyway, I know practice but what else you think? How can you find your rap voice too?

Also, I rap but can’t freestyle…I want to freestyle but this stuttering disorder is getting to me, putting me down. But its weird, its like when I sing/rap my stuttering doesn’t happen at all. So when kids ask me to freestyle I say no, either though its in my notebook but I’m just scared to do it Idk, but my question is

How can you find your rap voice? And How to make a flow kinda like Em’s(example please if you want/rhyme schemes ) And any advice on freestyling that you know. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I was suckish when i started rapping to this is what i did first i would find lyrics to a rap song them write them down . Then i would just saying them then every day i woud do it faster faster and faster.

To freestyle you would just think of something in your head and think of a rythym and look around you and find things that you can rap about

Sharon asks…

HELP! Am I over reacting?

I have Mother in Law issues with my husband. I have summarized all she has done, please let me know if I am over reacting. I know it is long but please read it will make sense in the end.

1. She never took time off to spend with me and our 1st son when we came down to fl on our own when he was 6 months old, my spouse had no vacation time and could not join.
2. Always gave me dirty looks when my spouse is not around, Proof our 1st son took a picture of me and you can see her dirty look at me in the picture. This was mine and our 1st son’s second trip to see her alone.
3. She did not come to see our 2nd son when he was born, even after I asked her to
4. She did not send our 2nd son a present for his first Christmas.
5. She did not send our 2nd son a 1st B- day present.
6. She did not send anything or call our 2nd son for his 3rd birthday.
7. I thought I would give her another chance to be a good grandmother so, we flew her up to watch the boys when we went to Vegas. She did not take the time (2 days) we gave her to spend with the boys, she wanted her sister and they schemed a plan to go on a road trip to visit their sister in another state and did not tell us anything until they got to our house.
8. During this babysitting visit, she did not watch our 2nd son and he got hurt so bad it took almost a year for the goose egg to completely disappear form his forehead.
9. She lives in another state and when we visit her she always sides with her other grandson over our 2nd son, no matter what.
10. I used to confide with a few issues I was having with my husband, hoping she would be a parent and express the importance of taking care of his family and stuff. She ended up telling me “you can divorce __my spouses name__ and I will still be o.k. with you.” That was the last time I confided in her or even talked to her really. That was approximately 4 years ago. We have been married for 15 years.
11. Her other grandson lured our two sons into my MIL’s bedroom to look at her and her husbands rifles. She caught them and told our kids not to tell us.
12. When we were at the Nick hotel, she went and bought her grandson a pop and popsicle and did not get anything for our kids.
13. I invited her to stay with us for 1 night at the Nick hotel and she invited her grandson and then left him with us and did not stay even though she would have had her own room.
14. When my husband told her I was pregnant with our 3rd child her first words were “oh __my husbands name__ , are you o.k. with that?”
15. I wanted to have a girl and did not want to feel jinxed so I told my husband to tell her not to tell me we were having a girl, and as soon as she spoke to me, she said what he told her not to say to me.
16. Even after she said that, I kept on trying and asked her to come when the baby comes. She has 4 wks vacation and she said she had no money. She had 8 months to save for the trip.
17. She had money for a tummy tuck, and a boob lift, and a bunch of other non-important things, but no money to visit her grandkids…… or send them a gift….
18. She did not send our 3rd son a present for his first Christmas.
19. She did not send our 3rd son a 1st B- day present.
20. When she did visit in April 2009 she planed her trip around her grandson’s spring break (not our kids spring break when we were all available to visit with her), she visited us for 1 day, and the first thing she cared about doing was driving our sports car. Her and her husband were both rude and disrespectful to me when I tried to get a picture of them for my husband. I took the day off of work and took the kids out of school so that we can spend with them. My husband could not take the day off of work.

The following is what caused me to be here writing this today.

21. July 2009, my MIL and her daughter turned their backs to my face again (they have been doing this for 15 years). My husband’s aunt started with me, I told her to mind her own business (I wasn’t even talking to her, I was talking to my sister-in-law’s boyfriend) then she got so mad she left crying. My MIL went out side and complained to my husband about me, my husband got mad at me for not letting the boys sleep over his sister’s house, and he blamed me for everything. He told me he was not taking my shit anymore and told me to get my shit we were leaving back home. Now we just arrived in FL for our 2 ½ weeks vacation and was only planning on spending 4 days with his family and meet up with my family for 2 weeks of fun. Just so you know, I was going to let the boys sleep over, I was saying no because the boys were fighting in the hotel, but I was going to let them go. He does not believe me.

22. Approximately 5 years ago, my MIL said there are 7 signs of a cereal killer and her grandson (my sister-in-laws son) exhibits’ 3 of those signs, but he is on meds so there is nothing to worry about. Well when my SIL and her boyfriend had th
her boyfriend had their daughter last year, she told me she was afraid that her son, who was 8 at the time, would hurt her new baby, but he is actually very protective of her. I am happy for that, and because of that I was going to still let my boys sleep over my SIL’s house.

23. That night my husband called his mother and she said to tell me:
a. I was no longer welcome in her house,
b. our marriage was not supposed to last this long,
c. our 2nd and 3rd sons were never supposed to be born
d. The whole family feels this way,
e. No one in the family likes your wife
My husband said these words to me in the hotel room in front of our children. He did not say he was hurt, he did not tell me how he felt, he just kept quiet.
I cant get past this. Am I over reacting?

Nagesh answers:

Long story short, heck no you are not overreacting!! That’s horrible behavior. My gosh… Luckily my MIL cause so many problems with us, including crashing our wedding and having to be escorted out by the police, that we don’t even talk to her anymore. It’s such a relief to not have to deal with those problems anymore, like what you have.

Hugs to you, girlfriend. I can only wish you strength and patience. It’s a very hard situation to be in, that’s for sure, and it’s not easy. Did you try counseling?

Daniel asks…

How can I fight this defamation of character?

I was a victim of abuse during my youth by various ones,not begun by my parents. I have good reason to believe my Mom & Dad were blackmailed. I did not do this to them,nor did I run & tell lies on them. We had three meals a day, I could go to school & church. I did not want to mess things up. I went to school willingly, no one made me go. I loved church. It did not get bad until my sis started dating. Wanted me to quit school when someone else entered. Age 14.NO. I simply wanted a BF to write to. I had no $ to give them at church as others. All important. DIt tell my parents what was going on r/t fear, & thinking my parents had health problems. They did.think they played devils advocate so people would feel sorry for me. They did not, they liked it. I feared what they would do to the ones doing this. I lived in fear. I was attacked x 4 by adult men, as an adult. They plotted revenge.
I became a victim of the defense of a “professional” in high school, a joke.
I did not ever say a word about suing him. I said to my brother in private, I was going to get a lawyer like Perry Mason to prosecute the ones who were being so mean to me: hitting me until it was necessary to place my arm in a sling due to pain: accusing me of being a thief or giving me things and saying I stole them, or telling me they were mine: reducing my grades; not giving me enough homework or school work: saying I caused someone to miss school, big lie: not allowing me to have clothing, (someone was given charge over me, someone who lied on me& my parents for attention, to protect others.) When I went into hs, they dragged this up, kept it up all the way through.I did not have sex of any sort., with anyone. Many insults, stalking. Defamation. Lies on my parents. I did not begin the inappropriate behavior in elem. . I ended my part of it, I did not injure anyone. It was not funny. No one helped me with work in elementary.
I went through a yr of pure hell, nightmares, wetting the bed. I was made to wear clothes I urinated in for a wk by charge of me.. When someone did something to me which humiliated me greatly, I did not like it, I retaliated I was the bad guy. THEY took up for everyone else, POPULARITY contest.. They lied a lot. Revenge was plotted. They defended the one whom they assumed I threatened with lawsuits, then they plotted to get money. I am not so sure the man was a doctor.
The revenge was to make fun of me, hold me back, deny me, humiliate me, but most of all they would not talk to me & excluded me.Grades cut. Held back. I was taken home with people, not given food or water at times. One of the most painful thing they did to me was to make little children afraid of me, or to put them up to doing things, to make me look like a pervert. I never so much as had a bad thought toward children, or babies. I loved little children/ babies with all my heart & wanted a houseful. Past tense. I
also wanted to go to college. I WAS intelligent.
I would be scared to death to take care of anyone’s besides my KIDS,due to fear that someone would molest, abuse or give them an STD to get at me.
I gave no one an STD I had nothing: their scheming & conniving WAS to say I did. They lied to my parents, church,kin. I MOVED into all the lies here.
I either have sickle cell, or was poisoned as a kid,, or had syphilis or had sickle cell episodes again. I have something wrong with me now. I confess, I live in fear. I was attacked 4 x by adult strangers. Injured x 2.. I did NOT have sex with anyone in the family. When my little brother was born, they said he was turned almost black, he could have died. He was deformed,(forget it mister) I saw him being bathed, he had a projection like an extra finger from his naval or just below, gross. I loved him anyway. Once I was trying to help him put his shirt into his pants AT HOME, I was about seven/ eight, saw this thing, I pecked it like Mom did fingers, that was that. I was embarrassed enough, it was not likely to EVER happen again. I am hetero, not bi.
I never kissed anyone b4 & not for a long time after.. It was kept in perspective by Mom & Dad, but not others. .IT was the excuse needed for someone(s) who did not like me already. At least a yr later, at school, boy did not start it, something went on, chance to get even. I did not start this. I ended it my part, called a pervert. Poor parents & I scapegoated.
This followed me through school, wanted number two, Dad did not say this. He threatened us.My Mom & Dad could not joke, neither could I.IN hs, grown teachers harassed me over this.They had no right, their duty was to stop the harassment. THEY used this to put favorites ahead, keep me down. I tried to address this. NO.Did not know what I was accused of. Much hatred /greed over wanting $ by them. The homicidal hatred , revenge, get $, is here. life long vendettas being fulfilled, waiting for my body $.
This altered my sentence up there. I did not talk to my parents. They were not against me, but were in a very precarious position and there were some bad feelings over this. The parents in the neighborhood were not hostile toward me. We went to church together, the children and I.
I never held a grudge. I did not keep this going. Every time I went to do anything, this came up, and the humiliation. I am not highly sexually oriented, never was, not before, during or after. What a joke.
This was exploited to no end. I am out of all , no competiton, never was. I loathe, hate, despise mental health and all in it, and lawyers. Never had the rights of stray dog, but for appearances. Paid less, worst housing. Sit there in that low place.
This altered my sentence up there. I did not talk to my parents. They were not against me, but were in a very precarious position and there were some bad feelings over this. The parents in the neighborhood were not hostile toward me. We went to church together, the children and I.
I never held a grudge. I did not keep this going. Every time I went to do anything, this came up, and the humiliation. I am not highly sexually oriented, never was, not before, during or after. What a joke.
This was exploited to no end. I am out of all , no competiton, never was. I loathe, hate, despise mental health and all in it, and lawyers. Never had the rights of stray dog, but for appearances. Paid less, worst housing. Sit there in that low place.
I moved into the presence of someone who wants to humiliate me by pretending they think I do not know right from wrong, need to be sat on.I promise you, my moral standards and ethical principles are at least as high, or higher than theres, and not due to their being beaten into me. I also have Christian believes, they are not beliefs of oppression. It is as if the enemy is here, the kin, friends of the ones who wanted money, and they are having a field day beating me up, acting as if I am stupid, have no morals, need to be re-educated. They speak for themselves, and my parents did not raise everyone. It is the need to be superior to me. They are not. Might makes right. No one functions as well when they are being threatened, battered, and abused. I was followed here by ambulance chasers wanting money off me. I think I was allowed into health care so they could sue me. I am not in it. Years have been taken off my life here. I am not allowed to get out of my apartment due to people comi
when I type these, more often than not, a screen comes up that says “not available at the moment, then my spelling is altered. For instance, I used the correct theirs and theres, “higher than theirs.”
and “Christian beliefs.” This is not about DFS. I would not work for the State if my life depended on it, never wanted to do so. I was not fired as a steno. I was not fired from that place, escorted out, or asked to resign. If anyone said so, they are a liar. It did not happen. I see errors in punctuation,but I did not get to finish editing. Franky , I do not care. If you tried to teach me English or grammar, I would spit on you. Get a life.

Nagesh answers:

You’ve got a lot of things going on here.
Have you got someone you can confide in?
That’s what you need. A friend.

James asks…

You have being given 2 million pounds?

the first 1 million you get to keep the second you spend on charity

To spend on charity you have two choices
1. Cancer charity
Every two minutes someone is diagnosed with cancer. Our research saves lives.

We receive no government funding for our research, which is why we rely on your support.

For every pound we receive, excluding retail, 80p is available to spend on our work to beat cancer.

£20,000 is a salary for a year for a doctor to work to beat cancer you can buy 50 doctors

2.make a wish
helps terminally ill children have one last wish

£10 will buy lunch for a child who wishes for a special visit to London

£20 pays for a sparkly tiara to help fulfill a little girl’s wish to be a princess for the day

£50 buys the special uniform for a boy who wishes to be a soldier, policeman or fireman for the day

£100 provides a Eurostar ticket to help make a special wish trip to Paris happen

£150 pays for a mini tuxedo for a boy wishing to be James Bond

£200 will fund a magical therapeutic swim in the sea with dolphins for a child who wishes to go to Florida

£350 buys a VIP hospitality ticket for a child who wishes for a fantastic trip to Old Trafford to see Manchester United play

£1,000 will buy accommodation at Disneyland Resort Paris for a wish child’s whole family

So your money could send 1000 terminally ill children and their families to Disney land

Ending poverty
You could buy 40000 goats for poverty stricken family’s this gives them farm help milk and kids to sell.

£6 could provide enough special water kits to give 7 families access to safe drinking water.
That is 116666 families’ who have water

▪£5 a month pays for four faxes to be sent as part of an Urgent Action campaign to save someone in imminent danger of torture or facing death
▪£10 a month enables us to continually place pressure on relevant politicians and policy makers to establish concrete measures to stop violence against women
▪£25 a month means that an Amnesty arms expert can attend international government meetings calling for tougher arms control
▪£30 ensures that our researchers can continue their country missions to investigate reports of torture
£200 pays to run a crisis response mission for one day, including setting up communication channels, collecting research and distributing information throughout the world

6. paintings in hospitals
▪£1000+ enables us to purchase a new painting for the Main Loan Collection
▪£250 enables us to purchase a limited edition print for the Hospice Scheme
▪£100 covers the cleaning and reframing of an artwork
£25 provides security fixings and information labels for 10 pictures
£25 can pay to treat 9 children for life-threatening malaria

You have to spend all the money on charity and nothing else if you don’t give to charity don’t answer. You can only give to one charity

Nagesh answers:

I’d give it to the kids in poverty.

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Monday, July 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 13 Year Olds

Ken asks…

what are some ways for a 13 year old girl can make money fast?

i need money fast… my phone bill may be coming… i dont have a texting plan… so i have to pay for each individual text
i live on a small quiet block. lemonade stands and garage sales don’t work for me. also, nothing online. thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Treasure troopers is a good one, you only have to be 13 to join and you can make money lots of different ways, including surveys, I make enough to make my car payment. You can sign up at

Contact me if you need help.

Susan asks…

how can a 13 year old make money fast?

i want to buy a xbox 360 but its almost $300. so if i want a game to i need about $330. what are some ways for me to get money fast?

Nagesh answers:

The summer is coming up so you should mow lawns or do some sort of yard work. That is mostly how I got my xbox

Laura asks…

A way for 13 year olds to make money?

I am a 13 year old girl. I want to make money fast for a new phone which costs alot!!! of money. I need suggestions for jobs, not just the usual do chores, babysit kind of thing
thanks!!!! (even if your suggestion isn’t very original, i’ll still apreciate it!

Nagesh answers:

Im not sure where your from but here you need to be at least 15 to start your first job.

Try hair dressing salons sweeping floors, you could also help elderly with there shopping, delivering papers, try sell some of your old clothes and toys on ebay, if you have sporting events close to your town ask to help out in there canteens or cleaning up, if you have any musical talent or if you can dance try busking.

Hope this helps

Jenny asks…

what are some good ways to make money for a 13 year old?

i want to make some money fast, and i cant get a job and i dont want to do anything with ebay. anyone have any ideas?
oh and by the way people. i didnt write this my little nephew wich is only 13 doesnt want to have a yahoo account so he used mine.

Nagesh answers:

1. Be a chef. At about eleven years old, I used to sell meals to my brothers (I had four of them). I got 25 cents for scrambled eggs or a sandwich, and more for more complicated meals. My brothers preferred to stay in front of the TV and let me cook for them. Since the food was already provided by my parents, the income was pure profit.

2.. Computer whiz-kid service. Many young kids know a lot about computers. My nephew was getting paid for programming by the the time he was fourteen, but even younger kids can show old folks how to use a computer and the internet for a fee. Learn a few more skills, and they can even set up computers for new owners who are using them for the first time. Letting grandparents spread the word would be a good marketing ploy.

3. Household carnival. I charged my brothers five cents for a wadded up piece of paper selected from a bucket full of them. Most had a penny or two inside them, but a few had a quarter. It was just one of my “carnival” events. I also had them throwing pennies at a bowl across the room, which I kept, of course. If a penny stayed in the bowl they won a dime. I’m almost embarrassed to say how much of their hard-earned paper route money I took from them.

4. Collect returnables. We collected and returned cans and bottles for a deposit as kids. Now that more states have return laws, it’s an even better way to make a little cash. During the Cherry Festival, when I lived in Traverse City, Michigan, adults came to town just to collect the cans that people threw all over. With a 10 cent deposit, they were collecting more than $100 worth per day according to several of them. If the kids wear gloves, leave broken cans and bottles alone, and use hand sanitizer, this is a safe way to make money.

5. Personal services menu. If there are many people in the family, a great way for kids to make money is to sell their services. They can make a menu of things they’ll do and how much they charge for each. It might include washing windows for 50 cents each, for example, and maybe $1.50 to walk a dog. If the list is copied, it could be handed out to all relatives and possibly neighbors too.

6. Rummage sales and flea markets. If parents agree, kids can have rummage sales, selling not just household things, but arts and crafts and refreshments too. Parents might even take their kids to a flea market to set up a stand. I sold (as an adult) more than $1,000 of hand-made walking sticks one summer, while my wife sold hundreds of dollars worth in pewter figurines glued to rocks, sea shells and crystals. Cookies and drinks sell well too. It’s a great way to learn about business, and a good way for kids to make money.

Hope I helped 🙂
If not, just ask your parents for some money!
It used to work for me.

Lizzie asks…

What is some good ways for a 13 year old to make money and fast?

i am a 13 year old girl looking for some Extra money to go to Seattle Wa in the summer of 09′ (this summer) i need to pay for the plane ticket and some extra money to go to mall and get mani/pedis stuff like that and i cannot mow lawns for crap i cant even get them started so like a list of house hold chores or like dog walking or ANYTHING WILL HELP! and as you may know its gotta be fast and worth the money because its this summer! no online things ive already tried them there are a scam so yeah
your thoughts appreciated!

Nagesh answers:

Everyone including a link or asking you to click on their avatar is a liar who wants to scam you or worse. Ignore them.

At 13 you have babysitting and lawn-mowing. Snow-shoveling in the right parts of the country.

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Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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