Archive for May, 2012

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick Online

Sharon asks…

I’m in dire need of money, no ones hiring, what are legit easy ways to earn money online?

So Im really in dire need of a job. Just graduated high school, literally no one is hiring where I live. I’ve tried doing at least work for people like yard work and house work but it pays to little. I run my own sports blog and have my own tumblr blog. I’m trying to earn money off those both but it’s difficult because I’m not a computer wiz and everything to set up to get paid is really confusing. I also looked into taking online surveys but I heard some are scams, some only pay one every two months, some pay realy little. I just need an easy quick legit way to earn money online. I don’t know how else to do so. Can some one help and give me suggestions, advice or something, links, anything. Like everyone else I’m in need of money and quick.

Nagesh answers:

For the 497,826th time…
The Internet is not some magical cash machine.
There are NO online jobs. No data entry. No surveys. No clicks. Nothing. Anywhere. Really. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning.

Ruth asks…

How can I earn money quick?(I’m 13)?

Ok I’m saving up for an htc flyer so I need 300$ I currently have 100 is there a way I can earn money fast online or offline? Nobody needs there lawns mowed I live in Texas there’s no such thing as grass now….

Nagesh answers:

Maybe you could deburr the yards, take a rake and round up the burrs. Help people do fix-its. Say they have a fence that needs painted, bushes trimmed, house washed, windows washed, walk their dog ( There are a lot of business people that don’t have time to do it). There is tons of stuff. Just don’t charge a lot or you wont get the job now, and they remember they need your help later down the road.

Donna asks…

I need a quick way for a 13 year old to earn money online?

ok. I have heaps of free time, I am hard working and I am willing to learn. I DO NOT want any scams or anything. I just need a way to make a little money online I don’t care what I have to do. I don’ have any money to spend so I can’t spend anything. I just need a little money that I am willing o work hard for so I can do stuff with my friends because me parents can’t afford to give me any money. I can’t leave the house for any bayby sitting or paper delivering. I’m not asking for something to make me $1000 a day or anything like that, althought that would be nice, I just need an average paying job that I can do without leaving the house and I am willing to work for hours and hours if I have to.
um I want to do stuff with my friends now not in 2 years and I have seen tonnes of ways I just need some1 to tell me how.

Nagesh answers:

See if your parents will let you sell some of your stuff on Ebay. Or if your really good idk if your guy or girl but some people on youtube are gurus and make a lot of money off making videos. Your 13 though dont u get an allowance, or just ask her parents for some money or whatever. Since your not 18 not much you can do to make money unless you get your parents permission. Ask them again about babysitting, or perhaps maybe they would let you tutor someone with homework and have them pay you a few dollars an hour.

In about 2 years you’ll be able to get a job so dont worry about it too much.

Lisa asks…

What are some ways for a 13 year to earn money online?

Hi, 13 year old boy here…

I really want some money to shop online, as well as offline with my PayPal account.
I already know about eBay, so are there any other places that a teen can make money online?

Also, I’d like to have the sites pay instantly instead of waiting, and if possible, don’t list
survey sites, and if you have to, please make sure they’re simple and quick and give CASH, not points. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:


Chris asks…

What are some really fast and easy ways to earn money online? Or even offline?

I’m not interested in little kid things like lemonade stands though. I live on a quiet street with only 2 kids. Only a few dogs too. I’m tired of asking my parents for money and I know theyre tired of it too! I’ve looked at websites about the topic but all they do is wind you up then strike you with a bill for their program! My little sis (13 yrs) is BEGGING me to take her to disneyland and she wants to earn money for herself. I cant get a real job because I’m too busy with school and volenteer work and babysitting my sister. Does anyone have ideas for an online job or a quick and easy one that pays well? I need $80 to take her to disney. (We have anual passes i just need fare for a hotel) Also if anyone has an online business that would like to include me or my sister, we would be happy to make a wage. 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are kids on the Web who are making money for themselves, with the help of the parents (parents have to open the accounts the kids need — hosting, advertising, etc)

Hannah Altman, a 10 year old started a website selling pencil toppers, and making good money Ashley Qualls is another example who rode the coattails of MySpace and earned for herself a huge pile of cash

Here are the main ways you can earn money from the Internet:

1. Sell products on the Web – You can either sell: (a) through your own storefront through your own website or applications such as Yahoo Stores; or (b) sell through online auctions like eBay

2. Information Delivery. Others such as create content and monetize their content in a number of ways:

a. Advertising – there are several ways you can earn money from advertising:

1. Join an advertising network. Advertising networks are organizations that aggregate Web sites that offer advertising space, and sell banner ads (and other advertising options) across them. Traffic requirement is often a minimum of 5,000 monthly impressions, although many do not accept sites hosted by free page services.

Burst Media

2. Participate in contextual advertising networks. Contextual advertising are text ads delivered based on the content of the web page using an automated system.

Google Adsense


3. Sell advertising for your site directly. This is admittedly a more difficult route for a small business site wanting to earn advertising revenues. But hey, as they say: “no pain, no gain!”

b. Affiliate Programs – you sell other people’s products that your audience may be interested in; and you get a certain commission after the desired action was done (whether a sale, a lead, subscription to email newsletter, or however this is defined)

Paid online content. or Supporters forum all require paid subscription before accessing the information

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Friday, May 11th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Online

Sharon asks…

Whats a quick way to make money? Like online or something?

Im trying to save up money cause im going to the U.S in like 3 weeks and don’t have a job…
i wanna no a quick way to make money?! i wanna save 1000 dollars or more??

Nagesh answers:

There are jobs out there where you can work from home. However if you try and search for them 99.999% will be spam, and


Some job fields that allow working from home are:

Phone support,
Medical billing,
bill collections
computer programing.

Your best bet would be to look for jobs in these area, then ask if you could work from home.

William asks…

Are there any quick ways to make money that are legit, online or off?

Nagesh answers:

Offline you could get a job

Online: try selling on Ebay, Craig’s List,

You can also try out these reward programs: Creation Rewards, Memolink, MyPoints, Milesource, Quick Rewards. . You read emails and earn points. You can turn the points into “money” via a giftcard.

Sandy asks…

Anyone know a quick way to make money online?

something easy even making 20 bucks here in there would be nice

Nagesh answers:

Ebay obviously,you could sell stuff you have now for a reduced price just to get the money,or find a cheap craft

Mandy asks…

Looking for a quick way to make some money online!?

Right now I am a substitute teacher and I have a part-time job. I also take a few courses at night. I have a Bachelor’s degree and I am 6 credits from a Master’s degree in English Education.

Does anyone have any ideas of how I can make some money online?

I am interested in online because I have a crazy schedule and I really do not have time to work except in the early mornings, days I may not get called to sub, and late at night.

Nagesh answers:

Try in job in or There are tons of part time job.

Ruth asks…

serious whats a quick way to make money online? such as 350 bucks is all i need? any sites or something?

i need 350.00 to buy this lab top is there any site that can help me out or ne thing at all if you know of anything or you have your own buiness n think you can help please leave you email address or just anything any help will work .

Nagesh answers:

Look at my profile, and visit the site under “about me”…sign up there….here is some information about the site:

This is a site from which you are given the chance to earn money. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. By doing this, you are able to earn money very easily for simply giving your opinion or trying out sample products. This is a great service that allows one to work from home, on their spare time, at their leisure, and still bring in a nice sum of money every month. People have made up to $800 easily on this site by just working on it in their spare time. It is not going to replace a real job’s salary, but it is a very nice bonus. There are also many features on this web site, such as contests and special surveys, from which you can redeem extra prizes that would be sent to you with your monthly cheque, such as iPods, Xbox 360s, gift certificates, and much more.

Cheques are sent monthly, and usually arrive about a week or a week and a half into the next month. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER. Unlike other sites that try to scam people out of their money, this site never requires you to pay them.

“If the site doesn’t get paid from me, then why would they have this service going?” – The site doesn’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 2 or 3 minutes of your time.

Fraud is also a big deal on the Internet these days, and this site recognizes that. That is why they ask for ONLY three bits of information: Your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month. Your email address is only required to confirm that you have done the offers and surveys. Fortunately, no spam mail or junk mail is ever sent out by this site and your information is never shared with any other company.

Personally I have been a member of this website, along with thousands of others, for approximately 1 year now and have earned well over $2500 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. So far, I’ve listed only positives about this site, because I can’t think of a single negative thing about it. Earn money in your spare time, at no cost to you…Simple!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, May 10th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast For Kids

Thomas asks…

How can a kid make money? Fast?

So I’m saving my money up for a puppy or a bunny, but I keep spending my $ everytime I hang out with my best freinds. I’m saving now, but need to make additional $!

Today I made $10 for raking up my neighbor’s leaves, but I’m not going to get to do it all the time 🙁 .

What else can I do considering it’s getting cold now?

I can shovel snow, rake leaves, that’s all I can come up with~!

No fraude money making weblinks!!! HELP PLEASE!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Um u could..
Wash cars
walk dogs
clean gutters
deliver newspapers or flyers
baby sit………
Stuff like that
hope i helped lol

Lisa asks…

Easy ways for kids to earn money?

Hey everyone! I’ve looked all over the Internet for fast, easy ways for kids to earn money and here are a few things that ALWAYS seem to come up:
1. Lemonade Stand
2. Babysitting
3. Lawn Mowing
4. Chores around the house

I Babysit sometimes. I don’t really mow lawns, and lemonade stands never get me ANY money. Sometimes I do chores for money, but usually all the chores are done before I can ask and, if my parents had money to give me for more stuff that I guess I don’t NEED, do you think I’d be finding ways to earn money? So I’m looking for things OTHER THAN THOSE that will earn me money fast.
The ideas must allow 12 and under. I am 12 so yeah, they need to be like that.

So you may ask why I’m wanting money:
2. I’m tired of asking my parents for the money. They never have anything for me to do and I don’t want to be a burden.
Some things I’m saving up for:
1. American Girl stuff. Chrissa, Girl of the Year 09, won’t be here next year and she has some new stuff out now. So I want to buy some more of her stuff before she is sold out in October or November because of Christmas. Plus, they just added a bunch of new stuff to their Just Like You collection and they have new Julie Albright stuff that I want soooooooo badly!
2. iPod Touch. I have one of the old iPod Nanos, the short and fat ones. I like it, but I went to the store and messed around with an iPod Touch and I HAVE TO HAVE ONE! You can even get the Sims 3 on it. Amazing.
3. Nintendo DSi. I’m a kid, living in the technology age. There are things I just HAVE TO HAVE!
4. Possibly a Laptop, because I want to buy the Sims. But I don’t know if that will happen.

So as you can see, I’m trying to save up for expensive stuff. The American Girl stuff I want costs LOTS of money. I want an 8 gb iPod Touch with WiFi connection, which is in the $200-300 range. Nintendo DSi is $170 about, and that’s a lot too. I don’t so much want a laptop right now, but those are WAY expensive, too. So as you can see, I want expensive stuff and I can’t just say, “Hey Mom I wanna order this and this and this.” and expect her to let me. We’d be ruined financially if I got a credit card, I’d say. So I want ways to earn LOTS of money. Please help me!

Nagesh answers:

You strike me as a pretty responsible and mature kid with some pretty high aspirations… Congratulations! Now just remember that making alot of money will require alot of time and energy. Are you ready for that kind of commitment??? If so, check out the book “The Richest Kids in America” by Mark Vincent Hansen. I got it from the library after seeing it on the Dave Ramsey Show. Those kids are awesome!!! They took ideas to the million dollar level so you see, it’s possible. Remember that success is a journey not a destination. Another great book to read is “Fast Cash for Kids” by Bonnie & Noel Drew. You not only need ideas but you need a plan and spending a few hours to educate yourself will pay off… Really pay off. Don’t wait for the right idea to find you. It’s up to YOU to find the right idea… And then DO whatever you have to so your dreams will become a reality.

David asks…

how can a kid make fast money?(read details)?

hey i am a kid (10 years!!) and want to get money for a toshiba nb305 and i have 30 dollars so far and need about $270 more!
what are good jobs to do and oh yeah these are the things that i DON’T AND WONT do:
selling stuff like cookies gamesetct.
shoveling/raking/grass cutting
and stuff like that so please i ned cash quickbecausee
1)thenet bookk(pc)is for school
2)i use pc’ everywhere and i need that small one for portable uses
and 3)i go on pc’s again all the time i am searching things up on youtube google ect.
so please find a way to make money fast!!!
i actually have a job with my dad but every time i go i get like 5-10 bucks!
to athame57 yeah and tty im on the internet 24/7 either on my phone or pc ok and no its not sad
nurse told my mom most kids dont get this but i think like a 13-14 year old okay? lol
for the first answer my dad did not let me online and i did a lemenade stand and all the things i said no to..

Nagesh answers:

I think it’s sad that a ten year old is on line so much.

Daniel asks…

How do I make money fast for christmas for my kids?

I had to tell my kids Santa wasn’t coming this year because there are to many kids in the world. Now they are devastated. I have a million apps in for a job, no one is hiring! I even applied for a paper route. My husband finally got a job delivering pizza, but they only need him part- time he has about 1000 apps out. They cry everyday, so do I and I’m tired of it. Any suggestions would be so greatly appreciated! I will do anything I have to to give my kids something for Christmas. (nothing illegal)

Nagesh answers:

Well I cannot promise that you will make tons of money but try some survey panels or ptc sites. There is this site called and once you are signed up it is easy making money. All you do are signing up for different offers some cost money but I do the ones that are free. If you do enough offers you should be able to get something for your kids I am a mother of three and I am trying my best to make sure they have a nice Christmas. Plus I am not sure of your location but as far as places for shopping for kids (Hope I am not out of place for putting this) try places like family dollar they have some great sales on name brand toys. Here is the link below and I have other sites as well that you can earn some money quickly because our days are winding down. If you need any help email me and I will be happy to help you out.

Here is the link:

Sandy asks…

Fast way for a kid to make money….?

How can I make money fast if my mom currently can’t afford to give me allowance, I’m too young to get a job, and too young to ask a friend for money.

Nagesh answers:

Depending on your age, babysitting is a good idea.

If you don’t want to babysit, how about helping people in your neighborhood with chores? Especially if you have elderly people living nearby, they would probably appreciate having a young person to help them with things.

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Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes

Thomas asks…

do any of those online money-making schemes work?

Personal Shopper, make money at home etc, etc.

Nagesh answers:

Extremely rarely will you make any money doing these things. More than likely itll waste your time and money, i know a lot of people that have tried various things like this and ive yet to find one that actually worked

David asks…

money making schemes?

anybody got any money making schemes like selling lemonade or letting people throw tomatoes at me for a dollar im 14 and i cant get a job yet i need $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Nagesh answers:

Oh, you’re 14…..cause I was gonna say buy alot of U.S. Currency and you’ll see profit in a year.

But no, that wouldn’t work for you.

Well, you could always take up a sport and enter tournaments and win money.

Chris asks…

Money making Schemes?

I need to make some money quickly, Can anyone give me a money making scheme?

Nagesh answers:

Take a look on for some tips- make money online – Just Tips No Tricks

Ruth asks…

Who knows some good money-making schemes???

Heyz!! Do YOU know a good moneymaking scheme? I’m only like 11 years old and I don’t have much money

Nagesh answers:

Firstly ur too young for all this. If you really want to save then ask you parents to invest it for u on equity-mutual funds. You yourself can have a bank account and do a recurring deposit account wid the bank and save money regularly.

Maria asks…

are money making schemes a scam?

seen a few on the internet.

Nagesh answers:

Simply ask yourself this question : if you have a dead cert way of making money, why would you want to sell it on to other people? Why wouldn’t you just run with it yourself?

If it seems too good to be true, it is.

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Tuesday, May 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Ideas

Ken asks…

Anyone have any ways of making money fast?

Me and my friend are going to the anime convention in Rosemont, also known as Anime Central. We are cosplaying as Kallen and C.C. from Code Geass. We both need at least $120, but the problem is, we got no money. xD Are there any ideas to make money fast? We have at least like 3 weeks to get the money not to mention how long it takes for the cosplay outfits to come in.

Nagesh answers:

Try there’s no sign up fees or anything. You get paid to do offers and you get a small percentage of the money you use at some sites offered on it. You get paid on the first of each month once you’ve reached $50.

Its a good site, i’ve made quite a bit of money off it now. Refer your friends as well and you can both make some money. =P

you’ll need a paypal account and the higher paying offers need a credit card for the free trial so just do the free trial and cancel with like 2-3 days left. You won’t lose any money, and you’ll still get paid for the offer. =D

please use my referal link, this way we can both make money. Yay!! =P just click on the “sign up” button on the top right.

You might not be able to make all the money you need off this, but it’ll give a big boost, but if you refer your friends, you can make a bit of money.

Donald asks…

Really Important! Please Help with ideas for making money fast!?

In 3 weeks (April 15th) I must pay $583 to go on a school trip. Any suggestions on earning fast cash?
No inappropriate answers please.

Nagesh answers:

I’ll just go ahead and sudjest. Don’t go. If not, sell something you own of value that you don’t use. We all have something

Thomas asks…

any money-making ideas for a broke 14-year-old???

if anyone knows of a good way to make fast money, please let me know…. i need money for an upcoming trip and i’m completely broke! all ideas are appreciated!!!!


Nagesh answers:

Have a bake sale. Everyone likes alittle dessert. You can buy mixes that are easy to make and very inexpensive. Another way is spring cleaning. Everyone is now starting to get there landscaping cleaned out and would probably welcome a helping hand.

Susan asks…

Has anyone made money off any of the “Make Money Fast!” , ideas you can buy on EBAY?

I was just wondering if anyone has tried any “Make Money at Home”, or any similar type programs they bought of EBAY or elsewhere, and actually had success. What was the name of the program, and how easy was it? I don’t want to be solicited or sucked into some type of Pyramid Scheme, I am just looking for general ideas, Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

If you want to make money using the Internet, here are two easy ways that I would highly recommend:

1. Http://

– complete free offers and surveys from companies that will pay to hear your opinion!
– this site requires little work, and the only site I’ve found from personal experience that pays!
– not only does it work well, it is very user friendly and SIMPLE to use
– FAQ and forums are full of tips and advice to earn more + highly active administrator almost always available for help
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 13 (with parental approval)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings!
– you are sent checks with your earnings at the end of every month!
– minimum payout (minimum amount of money you must make in a month for them to send you a check): ONLY $10!
– 20% first level/10% second level STARTING referral program –> percentages increase as you refer more people
– from personal experience I can say that just a few hours of work a day can get you a few hundred dollars a month!
– great to do in your spare time to earn extra cash to use for any purpose you want!

2. Http://

– sign up and use this site as your search engine AND GET PAID!
– instead of paying for banners to advertise their site, this site is attracting users by willing to pay THEM to use their search engine!
– make money by simply replacing your current search engine with this one!
– EXTREMELY SIMPLE to use, use like a normal search engine
– all you need to sign up is a valid email address
– minimum age to sign up: 18 (if under 18, parental approval required)
– bank account information and/or credit card information is not required!
– only information required is your name, and your home address – to where they can send checks with your earnings OR your paypal/e-gold – you can choose to have them transfer your earnings to your paypal/e-gold account!
– your earnings are sent to you AUTOMATICALLY every time you earn the payout level!
– payout level (how much you have to earn before they pay you) : ONLY $20!
– referrals will allow increase the rate at which you can earn by using the search engine!

Ruth asks…

How can I make fast money?

I need to make some money fast so I can buy my plane ticket to Florida. I know that a job would be the best answer but I can’t get a job due to the massive amount of homework that I have. None of the online money making things are really what I want get into. I just need to make some money fast. Any ideas???

Nagesh answers:

How fast? You can borrow the money you need immediately but have a plan for repayment whether you choose a credit card or personal loan from bank or family/friends. The next fastest thing is to sell things you have that you no longer want or need and come on, you know you have old books or clothes or a stereo or something. Getting into debt for a trip really isn’t a good use of credit so you are far better off using your skills to create an ongoing source of income that will use the free time you do have. Why not write a newsletter to sell around your school on a subject that others are interested in? Why not find a source for discounted products that you can sell online (Ebay for example)? You may consider tutoring or growing unusual plants or baking/cooking a signature dish. Your list of things to do need to consider selling the right product (or service) at the right price at the right time to the right audience. Find a need and fill it. The faster you start the faster you’ll raise your needed money.

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Monday, May 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes In India

Lizzie asks…

where to do investment?





As per survey taken by ‘’RS.INVESTMENT’s’’ 68% of people in Mumbai don’t know
How to manage their finance neither they can afford to pay the high fee of financial advisor

In today’s world getting knowledge for ur finance is very important. But when we ask for any knowledge the CFP do charge to manage our finance

I have written to president and education minister regarding this that there should be subject in every stream after 12th STD where student can understand about capital market and financial market. So according to that each an every individual can plan there finances.
At this time they do have basic knowledge and some chapter of stock market which is not enough.

I have also sent a original copy of letter which has been signed by 15 different college principal’s, And over 1200 students which include F.Y.JC, S.YJC,

‘Barclaycard’ brand name and big bank in U.K to help their customer what they did they went and given interest free period for all the card holder who lost their job in this global meldown
they also reduce the interest rate for all the customer and also min payment was reduce from 2.50% to 2.00% which help the customer a lot in U.K.they also started giving advice over the phone to all customer how to manage their finance in this global melldown,and they didn’t charge for that free financial advice.

When they can do it why cant we give free financial advice where India is an developing country

Savings Bank Account ,Money Market Funds (also known as liquid funds) ,Bank Fixed Deposit (Bank FDs) ,Post Office Savings Schemes (POSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF) ,Company Fixed Deposits (FDs) ,Bonds and Debentures , Mutual Funds

These are the basic things where we should be having knowledge about
And I demand for free advise in today’s market so that the people in India should save money not book losses in capital market

Every time when there is big market correction we always here suicide cases through out India

I will be writing to BOMBAY STOCK EXCHANGE as well to get each and every broker and operator should be given training for capital market advice and financial advice So while making trade for their client the can make their suggestion as well

Nagesh answers:

You are brilliant ,what you said is exactly correct.

Joseph asks…

Why policy of Whistle Blowers is not success in Indian Banks?

Central government announced policy of protection to whistle blowers to improve vigilance administration long back. It is remarkable to say here that whistle blowers are those working staff who secretly report to CVC about the corrupt practice such as bribe based lending or commission based contractual work or purchase of goods and services of his higher authority or his colleague. According to this policy Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is authorized to receive written complaints for disclosure of any allegation of corruption, misuse of office, abuse of power and recommend appropriate action.

Every Public Sector undertakings including banks also announcd similar policy advising staff not to be silent spectator of corrupt practice in the office or branch they work. Inspite of such policy announcement and subsequent reminding circulars for the same there is no actual response from staff working all over India. It is an open secret that cancer of corruption is all pervasive and widely rampant in all offices and branches.Still honest staff thinks it wise to be silent spectator of all unhealthy and unjustifiable actions of powerful persons inspite of the fact that bank management tried to convince whistleblowers by saying that staff can submit such complaints of allegation of corruption in writing in a sealed cover directly to CVC without any fear of repercussion. Rather bank management has announced incentive scheme for such whistle blower.

Corruption as a matter of fact includes not only giving bribe or commission. Higher management or powerful bosses can indulge in various other types of corrupt practice which induce and inculcate unhealthy practices in offices and branches they control. Whimsical posting , whimsical promotions of yes-man and flatterers superseding so many talented workers and arbitrary transfer by higher authorities are carried out without any hindrances from any corner. Higher authorities can do so by using powers of discretion given to them in promotion policy by way of interview and in transfer policy by showing exigencies of bank’s work. ‘

Any officer who creates impediments in the path of corrupt bosses in earning bribe and commission or in getting golden gifts or in getting red carpet welcome in five star hotels from his yes men serving in branches and offices under him is very easily removed .
Any worker specially an officer who is a considered would- be whistle blower, a prospective complainer of evil works of executives, he or she may be transferred to such a critical place that his or her family life and social life becomes hell.
Bank management has power to make an officer as Branch Manager (apparently incentive but practically a punishment) and post him to such a remote place that he cannot visualize even peaceful living of his or her family.
Such honest and talented officers are transferred from one corner to other extremely far located other corner even violating normal transfer policy. Such honest officers will not be sanctioned leave when they desire. Even slightest mistakes of such honest and prospective whistle blowers are viewed seriously by corrupt team of officers in controlling offices and they are rebuked , humiliated before a gathering and what not until they feel isolated, frustrated and attain a position of depression.
On the contrary officers who are yes-man and flatterers of corrupt bosses, who earn bribe and share with bosses, who extend five star welcome to bosses, who on the excuse of inauguration or a function call the bosses and offer costly gifts are given choice posting , quickest promotion and given whatsoever they desire.
Actions of almost all executives demonstrates that they like those officers who earn money and gifts through lending or purchase of goods and service and honestly share with bosses called as executives. Rather such corrupt team of executives award junior level corrupt officers not only by giving them cream posting and unusual and abnormal promotion but also praising them before the mass gathering.

Obviously policy of incentives for whistle blowers introduced by corrupt team of executives sitting in top posts becomes a laughing stock for ground level honest officers.

Nagesh answers:

Ask questions to confirm your thoughts.
Ask questions because it is less tiring than studying for answers.
Ask questions to get the chance to socialize.
These are the main reasons for the worldwide success Y!A
I did not understand in which category is your question.
If it is in part of the third group, welcome!
Whenever possible, you will have my help! Good evening |

Helen asks…

Khadeja APUSH work….?

General James Wolfe-led the British in taking over Quebec; killed in the battle

Currency Act- banned the use of paper money as legal tender; forced colonists to use gold and silver which was in short supply

Sugar Act- raised price of molasses; improvement on molasses act; rejected by colonists

Navigation Acts- tightened up in 1762; forced colonists to sell goods through Britain; angered colonists

John Hancock- smuggled French molasses so he wouldn’t have to pay for the English kind

Stamp Act- British tax imposed on colonists to pay for the British soldiers in the colony; rejected by many colonists

Sam Adams- wrote a book against the stamp act; An American View of the Stamp Act

Daughters of Liberty- women who provided supplies when the colonists were boycotting English goods; knit clothing etc.

Patrick Henry-one of the most outspoken Patriots in Virginia; blamed George III for supporting the ministers who designed the stamp act

James Otis-Massachusetts; disputed legitimacy of a general search warrant; cited English legal precedent

Townshend Acts-imposed duties on paper, paint, glass, and tea; gave some money to American military but more was given to imperial officers to increase their power; also created Revenue Act of 1767 which created a board of American custom commissioners

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania- written by John Dickinson; said that the real issue was not whether tax was internal or external but the intention of the legislation; argued the Townshend duties were designed to raise the revenue of the imperial government

Lord North-became prime minister; took away all taxes except for tea tax; American merchants did not mind

Tea Act-took away taxes on tea for East India Company; making it cheaper than the Dutch tea; when Americans began buying this tea Patriots thought it was a British scheme; directly leads to the civil war

Coercive Act-made to force Massachusetts in to submission; just after Boston Tea party; Boston Harbor was to be closed until the tea was paid for; local town meetings were prohibited; barracks were to built for the British soldiers or they were to be quartered in people’s houses; and all trials would be done in England

Nagesh answers:

Excise levies-essentially sales taxes on goods such as salt beer and distilled spirits, once again passion on the costs of the war to the kind’s ordinary subjects (Pg. 136)
Rotten Boroughs-tiny districts whose voters were controlled by wealthy aristocrats and merchants. (Pg. 136)
Vice-admiralty courts-maritime tribunals composed only of a judge and not by a local common law jury. (Pg.137)
Radical Whigs-The emergence of a big and expensive government confirmed the predictions of the British opposition parties. (Pg.136)
Virtually represented- in the home legislature by the merchants who sat in parliament and by other members with interests in America. (Pg.139)
Sons of Liberty- led by men, the mobs demanded the resignation of newly appointed stamp tax collectors, most of whom were native born colonists. (Pg.141)
Common Law- the centuries old body of legal rules and procedures that protected the king’s subjects against arbitrary acts by the government. (Pg.143)
Homespun- American women ordinarily excluded from public affairs became their to the non importation movement through their production. (Pg.146)
Minutemen-The concord town meeting voted to raise a defensive force to stand at a minutes warning in case of alarm.

Susan asks…

debug this program for me. there is a error in line 418: do must have a while…?

char password[30];
void horizon_prnlin();
struct date{
int dd,mm,yy;
void moneyin();
void moneyout();
void customercare();
void changebank();
void makeaccount();
struct bank{
int e_code;
char e_name[20];
struct date dob;
void main()
int ch;
char reply;
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
void customercare()
char reply;
int ch;
cout<<"nn Enter your question";
cout<<"nn Enter 1 for knowing the fascilities provided by the bank";
cout<<"nn Enter 2 for loans and interest schemes“;
cout<<"nn Enter 3 for queries about debit cum atm card";
cout<<"nn Enter 4 for the queries about retirement schemes of the company”;
cout<<"nn Enter 5 for thr privacy conditions";
cout<<"nn Enter 6 for terimination conditions";
cout<<"nn Enter 7 for the publicity conditions";
case 1:
cout<<"nn The bank provides the following fascilities :-";
cout<<"n1. It provides cover against any untoward event or accident.";
cout<<"n2. Wealth managment options.";
cout<<"n3. Core banking.";
cout<<"n4. Loans for homes, education, healthcare etc.";
cout<<"n5. Largest ATM network all over India“;
cout<<"n6. Free Debit cum ATM card";
cout<<"n7. Instant credit upto Rs.50,000 of outstation cheques";
cout<<"nn************HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE************";
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 2:
cout<<"nn Preferential loans and present floating schemes are as follows”;
cout<<"n Housing loans upto 5 years 3% of P.A ";
cout<<"n 5-15 years 5% of P.A ";
cout<<"n Automobile loans upto 3 years 5.5% of P.A";
cout<<"n Personal loans upto 4 years 3.5% of P.A";
cout<<"n Other loans upto 4 years 6.6% of P.A";
cout<<"nn************** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **************";
cout<<"nnEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 3:
cout<<"nnThe bank agrees to provide a free itnernational ATM-cum-Debit card to all account holder";
cout<<"nt1.The card will be provided free of cost to acc. holders.";
cout<<"nt2.The debit card will be personalized.It will carry a photograph and signature of the holder";
cout<<"nThe holder will be protected against fraudulant use of lost/stolen/missing debit card";
cout<<"nThe holder have to report the loss of debit card to bank @customer care(9898123456)";
cout<<"nThe liability of card will be nill from then on.";
cout<<"nRs.2000 will be deducted from holders account as damage repair fee.";
cout<<"********** HAVE A NICE BANKING EXPERIENCE **********";
cout<<"nEnter your choice";
cout<<"nnEnter 1 for help";
cout<<"nnEnter 2 for making the account”;
cout<<"nnEnter 3 for depositing money“;
cout<<"nnEnter 4 for withdrawing the money“;
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
cout<<"Invalid choice";
case 4:

Nagesh answers:

Line 418 is some way past the end of what Y!A will allow you to post. I suggest you post this question again with just the relevant bit copied into the question. Tell us the number of the first line you’ve copied, or highlight line 418 in some way.

Having said that, my guess is that the compiler means what it says. I don’t know much about C++, and what I do know convinces me that I don’t want to know any more, but the syntax for a do…while block is something like:

/* as many or as few statements as you need */
while (condition)

You may need a semicolon after the last ). The computer repeats the statements inside the { } until the condition becomes true. If you omit the “while (condition)” you get the error message that you’re seeing. The other possibility is that you’ve missed out the }, or have something between } and “while” that’s confusing the compiler. (Confusing a compiler isn’t hard… Most of them are written on the assumption that the programmer knows the syntax of the language, and they don’t cope very well with missing or extra characters. If you omit a } somewhere in the middle of the program, the compiler can get all the way to the end before realising that you have more { than }. This is why, whenever I type a {, I put in the matching } before writing whatever goes between them, so that I don’t forget afterwards.)

EDIT: I shouldn’t post here before my second cup of coffee… Do…while tells the the computer to repeat the statements *as long as* the condition is true, not until it becomes true. It differs from an ordinary while loop in that the computer will always execute the statements at least once, even if the condition is false when the loop starts, because the test is at the end of the loop, not the start. In an ordinary while loop, if the condition is false before the computer gets to the start of the loop, the statements inside the loop don’t execute at all.

Robert asks…

Want to become a commercial pilot but can`t afford it.?

I really want to make my career as a pilot in aviation filed . But itz too expensive .plz tell me can i borrow money form any organization or any bank without mortgage , I don`t wanna go through militry . even couldn`t found any cadet scheme . so what can i do in this dilemma .
i`m living in india so plz suggest any organization in india .

Nagesh answers:

If you cant get a student loan or join the air force get another job until you can afford to go to school and go to a small school that are mostly pay as you go

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Sunday, May 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast

Maria asks…

Best ways to make money fast in Oblivion ?

Im having difficulty in making money, all i can think of at the moment is selling things but what else are good ways to make a lot of money?

thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

There are a lot of ways to get money. You can sell items you find valuable around the game. You can also exploit the games small glitches for money.

1) If you paralyze Dorian (Imperial City, Talos or Elvens garden district) and check his pockets, you’ll find money, when you take it, it’ll stay then you can keep taking it over and over again. (I believe if you have the patch, it doesn’t work)

2) Get the Skull of Corruption, and create 3 spells. One to do 95% spell reflect for 10 seconds, a second one to summon a scamp, and a third to paralyze. First summon the scamp, then paralyze it, followed by the spell reflect. Run a good ways back, take out your skull of corrpution and attack the scamp. While the beam is still in the air, drop the staff and take out another weapon. If done right, you’ll make a clone of yourself. Kill it. As it falls, Make sure your cursor is on top of the body, and quickly save. Load that same save file. While it’s loading keep hitting the ‘A’ button. If done right, you’ll find yourself in the clones inventory. The clone should have the same items as you do. When you find the gold, take it, and it should double your own money.

If you chose to not mess with the game, I suggest just hoping in and out of caves/dungeons, and sell.

Carol asks…

simple ways to make fast money?

i’m saving up for a car, and i need to know some fast ways to make some money. i’m 15.
guys….i’m 15. a job doesn’t work for me ok use your brain how do i get to a job without a car? i need something creative.

Nagesh answers:

Cleaning, kitchen work, packing, running errands, gardening, babysitting, newspaper delivery are some of the jobs available. These jobs will be posted in local newspapers and billboards. A better option is to work from home on your computer – write articles, sell on eBay, make a website, take surveys. In some cases, you may have to set up an account in your parents or guardians name, and ask them to pay you, after they get the money for your work. More details are available at

Ken asks…

Top Ten ways to make money fast and easy.?

I need to find a way to make money fast and easy. So let me hear your top ten ideals to do so. Anything goes, well almost. This is for real.

Nagesh answers:

1. Get a job
2 . Invest some of the earnings
3. Buy rental propetry
4 . Raise life stock (pigs fast turn around)
5. Reinvest unearned money
6. Marry the right person
7. Sell fire wood
8. Reinvest unearned money again
9. Recycle every thing yours and everyone elses
10. Rinvest unearned money again

good luck!!!

Daniel asks…

What are some easy ways to make money fast?

I go to school full time, and and can’t afford child care for my son after he gets out of school so a traditional part time job is out of the question. I am going to start donating plasma, but that will only get me about $100 a month. Are there any other things I could do to get money easily?

Nagesh answers:

I make money on here.

Donna asks…

I need ways to make money fast and I need some suggestions?

I’m 16 and it’s impossible for me to get a job, I’m not being lazy, I just have no way to get to and from work and the parents don’t want me to. AND i can’t have a garage sale. I need about 200 bucks before the end of the summer rolls around. I need some great ideas on how to make it happen. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Liquidate! CD’s and video games can bring in a small amount at stores that buy used. I’ll bet you have other items that you could sell.

Use the tools available from your home – like the computer. Learn how to develop web pages and hang your sign “Open for Business”. This could take longer than the summer to develop.

Hit the neighbors up for odd jobs…let them know your goal and see if they have any tasks you could do for them to earn some cash.

Your goal seems to be about $3 per day (to make $200 by September 21, the end of summer). Collect pop cans and bottles if your state has a refund on bottles and cans.

But the best idea might be to approach your parents about your goal of $200 and ask their input on what you can do to reach it. And then do what they suggest. Be ready with some solid suggestions of your own!

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, May 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Now

Mark asks…

How do i make money online? FAST!?

I’m going into high school next year and i wanted to start saving for personal things like right now a laptop and ipod touch what are some good ways like ebay but i need a good guide for the products i sell thanks

Nagesh answers:

They are all scams, I suggest you to better stay away from this BS.

Helen asks…

I need to make fast money online, so how do i do it?

I am getting myself into a very small debt. $100 i would say, and for me this is a very tough debt to cover and it will just grow and i will soon be in over my head, and unable to cover anything. I already make tough choices like do i get gas or food, you know things like that. i just need a quick online way to cover this debt. I have nothing wirth selling on ebay or amazon or anything like that and i am a full time student, that also works. I need something i can do quick. Please anyone with any real help let me know I am VERY despereate right now and i don’t know where else to turn.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry to break it to u but there’s no way to make that much money in that fast time well unless u become a sugar baby…google it..GL

Laura asks…

Where to get 500 cash fast loan online now ?

I havent applayed at the bank yet I applayed at some online fast loans websites and i wasnt able to get any cash because i dont do direct deposit with my job( get my check and deposit it myselfe) I work 50 hours a week and make around 2000 a month, i bank with chase havent asked for loan yet cuse my savings is always low. Where can i try to get !500 quick money. Thank you

Nagesh answers:


If you want a fast and legit loans in 1 Hour. Just try this and once approved your loan amount will be transferred directly to your checking account promptly, and securely. Now you’ll be able to use the cash for all your necessities.


– 100% secure and processing
– No faxing -No credit check
– Immediate online approval
– Excellent customer service
– Get Cash in Minutes!

Hope this help,

Richard asks…

Making money online fast and easy!!?

Ok, guy’s I was bored last night and I remembered my mom saying when we were in the car “why don’t you get a job? Your already 15..” Anyway’s so I was thinking about it and said to myself “Since I love using the computer why not find a online job!” So I went on youtube and found some awesome vids on how to work from home using your computer. I’ll put up the link to a video just now. I also looked at google and found this webpage saying how to making $10,000 in a month! Dunno if it’s true or not but just try it out and let others know if it works. Anyways here are the link’s. BTW I already made $10 off of what the video told me to do!

Nagesh answers:

Fast and easy usually doesn’t apply to making serious money online. I’ve been a fulltime Internet marketer for over 5 years, and it must be worked just like any other business to make decent money.

There is one opportunity that is fairly simple when done right. People can actually make money taking surveys.

Maria asks…

Fast and easy way to make money online?

I know that this question has been asked before, but I want to be sure there isn’t some opportunity still yet to be uncovered. I’m really desperate right now and I’m home bound…

Nagesh answers:

Have you ever wanted to work from home? That’s why I want to show you a website where the owner shares all ways of making money online. Did you know that you can make money playing games or clicking ads? Then visit for for more info

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Friday, May 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly And Legally

Maria asks…

If you were my parents, would this persuade you?

btw its just a rough draft! and Im adding a lot more!

Dear Mom and Dad,
As you two know this summer I am going to be the big 1-7. Yep, just one year away from mayhem…. Just kidding about the mayhem. Anyways once I’m 18 I can ‘legally do what ever I want except drink alcohol. But don’t worry you really wont have to worry about any of that stuff, but one thing a plan on doing the summer I’m 18 is spend an entire semester with a program called cross cultural solutions. Cross Cultural solutions of CCS is a program almost identical to the Peace Corps, but instead of joining for a whole 2 years it has programs that only last up to 12 weeks…
This is a very long time away from home and Costa Rica is going to be good practice, but I feel that It is important to know what I’m getting myself into before I make such a huge time commitment… That’s why I’m requesting your consent, or more so, your, ‘approval’ to let me join the CCS for a teen summer program. Their teen programs are for teens aged 15-17 and only last 9-14 days.
In that time frame I would get to truly help the less fortunate… I’m not talking about helping in America. Because in America there are opportunities for every one and aid is available to all Americans. I’m talking about helping others who I feel do not have the resources in Ghana Africa.
After watching Slum dog millionaire I truly feel guilty for having so much. Let’s face it, we all have the capabilities to do so much yet when it comes to helping others everyone quickly makes an excuse…. Sure we donate money, but what too??? An American family that already has the backing of its community? A project that wants to beautify our city? Or funding for an extracurricular activity. The truth is they aren’t in most need of aid. Starving children being sold into slavery who can’t afford food on their backs are!
I have so much, a family, pets, a lake house, a room, all the food I could want, and endless list of luxuries… Its taken me time to realize that I don’t need all of this! Money is not what buys happiness, helping people and doing what you love is. Volunteering at the zoo is what I love and that doesent cost money!
The whole idea of this trip is to become completely submerged in a culture that doesn’t have all of this. I want to see the world from another perspective! I want to help the needy. I want to make a difference with my hands, not our pockets! I feel that this trip would truly help me get a grip on life. And I feel this with all of my heart, mind and soul!
This is not another shanannigans adventure. This is real. This has soul and passion. And above all, it is not about me, Its about being selfless!

Nagesh answers:


Linda asks…

HELP!!! Girls especially! What should I do?

I am a Chinese American who came from China years ago. As much as I want to bring my girlfriend to China, I feared of what is going to happen there, for many reasons.
First, Chinese people, men especially, rarely use perfume; while the majority of the people do not have the access of taking a shower daily…So the odor…
Second, China’s air is really polluted. I heard Americans who went there start coughing continuously because of the air, and many got sick.
Third, small towns of China are still not as modern as America, restroom wise…No, many restrooms are not just holes dug in the ground…but the toilet is shaped that way because many never used a toilet seat before and cannot get used to it…
Fourth…Americans need lots of private space… Chinese are just the opposite…especially the old people…cannot comprehend that people need privacy…if a son or daughter has a diary, the parents will read it and tell everyone about it as though nothing is wrong
Fifth…don’t know if Americans really mind…i just got that habit out of me when I moved here…but…When Chinese people eat, they do not have a spoon or chopstick that is used specifically for taking food from the dish to the plate…they use their own chopsticks, the chopsticks that are in their mouth, get food from the dish…sometimes flip around to search for meat…
Sixth…China is still somehow conservative when it comes relations between boyfriends and girlfriends, even for adults…So if me and my girlfriend are traveling/living with relatives in China, we can never get close, not even kiss on the cheek…Go to somewhere private? I bet my life someone is following…making sure i do not do the sinister stuff…
Seventh…if i want to visit my relatives in small town of China…i will have to live with the relatives or it is consider rude…and as i mentioned that they will not have shower at home…so if we want to take shower…we have to go to a commune shower place…donno if you Americans will feel comfortable or not…and would it be weird if my mom goes with her? b/c there is no way i am going to let her there alone, unable communicate, with all kinds of dangers…
Eighth…in China, shopping things are especially long because…well, sellers inflate the price of product 1.5 to 2 times ready to catch careless people…and buyers knew that so they start bargain…and the sellers aware that too so they inflate higher…so it is a norm now for buyers and sellers to bargain and bargain and bargain before they could make a deal…so, would my girlfriend thinks i am cheap b/c i bargain?
Ninth…due to the Chinese government’s determinism of ending prostitution [and only reserve it to the few powerful], no two different gender people who are not related or unmarried can legally live together…including hotel rooms…it is seriously, a law…so to make sure my girlfriend is not alone in a room and unable to communicate to people, the best way is if my mom shares a two bed rooms in a hotel with her…would it be uncomfortable?
Tenth…if Americans see a strange person, a person who dresses or looks different…those who have manners will quickly scan that person then quickly look away so not look rude…For many Chinese…nope, they don’t care, they will stare and stare and stare, and if they get close enough, touch…and my girlfriend is Caucasian… so much to discover…
Eleventh…well, in such a oppressed and poor society as China, people came up strange ways to make money… then someone get the idea that people are generous to homeless little children…so they hire kids of 5-6 years old from villages and go to big cities and pretend they are beggars…and that is a big operation…and some of the kids are trained in really evil ways in asking money…holding leg of the target, for example, is commonly used…and i do not know what should i do in front of my girlfriend except get my money robbed
Twelfth…Many Chinese thinks all Americans are filthy rich…they don’t care about how much we need to spend on necessities each day…all they knew is that our money is 6-7 times as theirs and then they use that amount to compare how much we could buy in their less inflated market… For example, a person earn 36000 RMB in China is like a person earn six figure in America, because the price of goods are lower. So…a person earns 30000 dollars a year, convert in Chinese money, is 210000 RMB, which is enough for a person to live in China like a millionaire in America. They don’t care how much we spend…all they concerned about is we have millions of RMB in deposits…so many will spend our money carelessly b/c they assume we don’t care…like they will use my 50 dollars cologne as much as possible while they have the chance…b/c they think i have plenty…and i will look cheap in front of my girlfriend if i refuse to let them use it…
So… do you think an American girl can take all this? or should i just

Nagesh answers:

Are you moving there permanently or is this just a vacation?
American tourists cope with this all the time and come home smiling. No one goes to a country like China and expects things to be exactly the way they were back home.
You aren’t giving your girlfriend credit for very much if you think that the list of petty things you are listing are more than she could cope with. The stabbing isn’t petty – but it doesn’t happen everywhere, and there have been tremendous crackdowns since the Olympics. The US has criminals as well, people get mugged, robbed, swindled – and then there is the stock market ….

Sandy asks…

What should I do about my friends wedding registry and the wedding?

My friend lives with her husband whom she legally married about six months ago…They are having the actual ceremony and reception in March and their registry is so lame. She loves to bake and about 60% of the registry is bakeware and baking accessories. I want to get them something that they can both use and the stuff that they have on there that is for both of them is $100+ and right now, I am not making enough money to spend $100 on a wedding gift and keep in mind, I need to get a bridal shower gift, and a bachelorette gift and I am in the wedding and have to pay for a hotel room, my dress, and my shoes. this wedding is costing me more many than it is costing them becusae theri families are paying for it! I feel like she is being so selfish becuase even her registry reflects her selfishness. I feel like she is a little girl playing house. She even told me before that they decided to get married so quickly becuase he makes more money since he is a marine. This to me sounds more like a business deal than a marriage. Im so upset that I have to take part of this free-loader/money grubbing wedding!

Nagesh answers:

First, if you have not purchased anything bridesmaid wise yet, and it is a-ways to the wedding date, you can decline to participate. But be warned, that will probably be the end of the relationship with the bride. Leave your options open if you are single. Payback is always fun. When it is your turn, you get to have all the parties and gifts. Be sure and ask this bride to participate. And take notes to make sure that you know how to do all the gimme expensive gift tricks. And use them all on her.
I’m sorry, in my neck of the woods bachelorettes are not done much, usually only for the “I’m drunk most of the time anyway” crowd. And a gift should not expected. The invited guests usually treat the bride to a night out, so they split the costs equally among them, including the bride’s portion. I have seen some get matching T-shirts or caps that have some over used naughty saying on them.
You can get something practical and inexpensive for the bridal shower. Things like a simple cooking dish like a small blue speckle ware roasting pan and lid, or a lasagna pan. . Shop Walmart, they have good bargains on things like that. Include a recipe from your family that is tried and true[be sure and label it as such, like Mom’s tried and true lasagna], and include something else in the item, or tie a utensil to the the bow on the wrapped package. For the lasagna pan, throw the recipes in the pan, wrap it with some curly ribbon, and buy a pair of tongs for lifting the pasta out of the cooking pan. You might even toss in a box of lasagna noodles and a small jar of Oregano and make it a lasagna kit. Check out a 13×9 Pyrex glass rectangle casserole dish. For less than $20 you have a cute present.
You do not have to buy something off of the registry. One option is to get a gift card at the store that she is registered at so she can buy things that she did not get at the wedding. Make sure the amount is in your price range.
Another option is to blow your budget on a shower present, and give nothing, or just a token present at the wedding. You present the cool gift at the shower where everyone can see you, and offer for instance an inexpensive but nice photo frame at the wedding where no one will see it until the bride gets around to opening her gifts. I’ve seen this done, and it is ok etiquette wise to do this.
I know why brides only select expensive things on their registry. One is greed of course. But they truly think that if they put for instance put a $5 kitchen towel set and a selection of smaller items, that people will just buy one cheap thing. And someone without funds might, but most would do as I have done in the past, and buy a box full of smaller items.
The bride’s registry gift selection is up to her, and if she wanted bake ware, fine, and if she is just a naive little girl, she will regret her choices soon. But my guess is since she has been married 6 months, she already has a lot of house hold items, and has selected those she does not have. But $100 minimum is too high, and rude to do that.
Good luck. Chill, your time will come.LOL, evil laugh inserted here.

Nancy asks…

My ex keeps lying to me about money, and it’s getting really frustrating?

My ex boyfriend (my son’s father) has been lying to me about money since he left. He keeps telling me he’s ‘broker than broke’ and won’t have enough money to pay for gas to get to and from work. He also just got a new job, and said they won’t pay him until the end of the month.

Well all of these things have turned out to be lies. He lives with his parents so he has absolutely no bills there; even his food is paid for. I was putting our son in his vehicle one day and my son grabbed a piece of paper. I took it away from him and found it was a receipt for a $50 nerf gun. He quickly took the receipt and put it in his pocket. Then I saw all his new cds and this is what he said: “oh well my mom went to those 2 for $10 sales and only bought one for herself each time” yet they were newer cds and I know his mom is careful with her money and doesn’t buy cds anyways.

He hardly ever sees our son. And I’m pretty sure he only does at all because he lives with his parents and they want to see him. It’s disappointing and sad really.

Tonight I was talking to his brother (we’ve remained friends and talk online frequently) and he told me about 2 new xbox games he bought this week. Then also said he makes him go out all the time and is always spending money. And then he told me that my ex got his first pay today.

I’m furious about all the lying about money. I go on Friday to meet with a child support worker. And until things get sorted out legally I plan on remaining quiet about everything and not asking for money or anything. Is this the best way to go about this?

Nagesh answers:

Ever heard the term “Dead Beat Dad” ?

He sounds like one.

Put your claim into Child Support. Let THEM deal with him.

Thomas asks…

What do you think Drug smugglers from Mexico move into New Mexico town anything to be to alarmed about?

COLUMBUS, N.M. (AP) — This dusty little border town with almost no visible means of support has been seeing something of a boom in the past year: Brand-new Lincoln Navigators and Cadillac Escalades with flashy wheel rims are parked just off the bleak main drag. Homes are selling quickly, sometimes for cash.

The source of this sudden wealth? An influx of Mexican drug smugglers, investigators say.

The smugglers are fleeing the Mexican army’s occupation of the town of Palomas, on the other side of the U.S.-Mexico border fence, and settling in Columbus, where there has been a law enforcement vacuum. The four-man police force in Columbus has turned over seven times in three years because of scandal or apathy.

“We know the names of the people,” said Luna County Sheriff Raymond Cobos, who is based in Deming, 35 miles away. “I know that if I were a person involved in criminal activity, whether it’s drug-related, human smuggling related, I certainly would welcome the absence of police.”

So far, Columbus has been spared any violence, even though the sheriff’s investigators estimate 10 percent of the population of 2,000 may be involved in illegal activity.

“I would say greater,” said resident Robert Odom. “If a person wanted to, they could make a good living in Columbus – not legally, but they can make a lot of money if they are willing to risk going to jail.”

Ranches and farms in the area are the largest legitimate employers, along with the few shops and cafes in town. Officially, the median income is less than $15,000 a year, a sum that is hard to reconcile with the sudden prosperity around town.

“There’s a lot of people who don’t work but have a lot of possessions,” Odom said, adding that he often spots local teens driving fancy new cars. “They have hubcaps that cost more than my truck.”

Real estate agent Martha Skinner, a former Columbus mayor, said she had her best year in 2008, selling about $500,000 in property in town, some to locals, some to Mexican buyers. The median home value in Columbus is about $52,000.

She said she had a few cash transactions where she couldn’t help thinking, “Well, where did they get this money?”

Some residents and local officials say that without the illegal cash, the town might not survive.

Last month, Columbus got a new police chief, Angelo Vega, who said any illegal activity will be met with jail time. “This is a new day for Columbus,” he declared.

In Palomas, the Mexican army took over law enforcement a year ago after the local police force was driven out by the drug dealers.

The Columbus police department has been in disarray too, plagued with unqualified officers and allegations of wrongdoing. One chief was arrested on gun theft charges that were later dropped, and two others were never certified police officers.

Working from a temporary trailer with wood paneling and cracked linoleum floors, Vega may be fighting an uphill battle. Around Columbus, some townspeople don’t see a problem.

“Criminals don’t live here,” said Maria Gutierrez, the 48-year-old owner of the Pancho Villa Cafe, where menus include a wanted poster for the Mexican outlaw whose 1916 raid on the United States took place on this patch of desert. “The problem is in Palomas. It’s serene here. It’s tranquil here.”

It is not clear whether the smugglers are legal or illegal immigrants, but local law enforcement authorities say that’s not their business, it’s the federal government’s. And townspeople don’t seem to care either way.

Odom said he suspects that the crime plaguing much of Mexico – more than 10,700 people have been killed since Mexico’s president cracked down on the drug trade after taking office in 2006 – hasn’t crossed into Columbus because the smugglers living here don’t want to draw any heat from U.S. authorities.

But the sheriff said things could erupt at any time.

“To me it’s kind of like living in proximity to a refinery,” Cobos said. “If you have gasoline fumes that you can’t properly vent, or control, and you have them in a confined space, all you need is a spark.”

Nagesh answers:

Isn’t that how the drug wars in Mexico started? The government LOVED the money the drug lords brought into te country. The people loved the drug lords because of the money they spent in Mexico. Everybody was happy until there was a little falling out over money and now 10,700 dead people later these idiots want to let it happen to their town!
What do you expect from people with no morals? No wonder this country is letting illegal aliens send it down the crapper!

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Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet Free

Lisa asks…

i apply in google adsense for earning money but they rejected my application?

i want more money through internet for free any one guide me with perfect details and the use of the particular service please

Nagesh answers:

You need to have a quality content on your website. They don’t approve non english(and some other language), no content website.

Free money through Internet is a myth. You still have to pay for your Internet access 🙂

David asks…

I’m 15 and I need money. Can I open a paypal account in order to earn money and make purchases online?

I need about $10,000 for my life to be complete…before college anyways. I want to buy a ton of things online like instruments and cds and clothes. I have plans to participate in a summer law program for high school students and volunteering abroad. My parents don’t mind if I do do all of this. They just don’t want to pay for any of it.
My mom won’t let me get a real job, but she said I could write online and make money online through other things. She also said she’ll let me open a pay-pal account. And she’ll even open a separate bank account for me just for my pay-pal stuff just in case it gets frozen or something happens.
But how would I do this? I’ve heard of free checking accounts. Is that what kind of bank account she should open for me? How old do I need to be to do this? Can my mom open a bank account in my name if she gives permission or something or do I have to wait until I’m 18?
And about Pay-pal, do they freeze accounts often? Will I get some sort of card or something that’ll let me make purchases that aren’t over the internet? Am I old enough to even have a Pay-pal account?
I really need to make money! It’s a bit materialistic of me but my parents just don’t want to buy me anything. I know it sounds ungreatful, but they really don’t mind and they’re going to let me do all this. In fact, they seemed kinda proud that I’m taking the initiative to earn money.
Please help. Thanks!!
And if I have to be 18 to get a Paypal, why do some websites suggest sites that pay through paypal for TEENS to make money? I’m sure they mean teens like 15 and 16 year old teens. Can I open it all under my mom’s name and just make and spend the money according to my own will, online at least??

Nagesh answers:

Well you cant really make money with paypal but you can buy
to make a paypal account
Put your name and address and stuff then put your age as older than 18
after that you can either link it to your bank account for money
( go to your bank and ask for you bank accounts
INSTITUTE NUM , TRANSIT NUM and ACCOUNT NUM and link your paypal account to it
now i’ve been doing this for a year ( requesting money from my bank account ) but if you really think
you’ll get your account frozen then you can buy vista gift cards which you can put in as
a credit card and dont worry just put your real address for the billing address it doesnt really
make a differance
and to make money online
use Cashcrate
make an account REAL information
fill in offers with your REAL information ( dont worry they wont call you or anything )
and make a new email because thats the only thing that’ll get spammed
and choose 100% free offers that only require your email , information and maybe you
to fill out a survey
If you live in the US ( which is where the most offers are )
you can easily make 2-5 dollars a day
good luck
here a link

Paul asks…

How do I make $$$ with my computer in my free time?

I have free time here and there, and would love to do something through the internet and earn money doing it. Any ideas? And what would I be doing (what is the activity, how long would it take, what would I need to know to be able to do it)? Thanks!
I have a full time job, but I have free time here and there, and would love to do something through the internet and earn money doing it. Any ideas? And what would I be doing (what is the activity, how long would it take, what would I need to know to be able to do it)? Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Try lockerz or swag bucks which give you points with which you can redeem items. Real easy and fun too- i’ve done it

here’s my invite for swagbucks-

give me your e-mail and i can send a lockerz invite (better!)

Ken asks…

why is it that almost all internet surveys are free registration is free but must pay for date base 4 survey?

I was going through diffrent surveys as i am looking for one that is free so that i could earn some money from home as a part time work.Many of the organisations i have attempted will invite you that it is “FREE SURVEY”.As it is attractive ,i will sign up and will be hopping that it will begin to start making some $$.but to my surprise,there is always another window that will pop up.And in this one is asked whether to pay by visa or master card.Pls,is any body fsmiliar in these part time survey business.
I need to ne guided.Thanks

Nagesh answers:

I hear you, i applied as well, they keep coming alot to me, i fill out the “free” registration an next they want to know how i’m paying, pay pal, visa, etc. Some free, haha. I just gave up on them, although i have heard that there are some out there that actually do pay you an not pennies either, heard it was good money but can’t seem to find them, good luck to you. Hope you find them.

Lizzie asks…

Can anyoe please suggest some work from home jobs plz?

hello,i need some info regarding internet jobs,ppc etc. so that i can earn sum money in ma free time..plz sugest sumthin through which i can get about 25-30 dollars per hour.

Nagesh answers:

A home based “job” is not going to bring you a sufficient amount of income. You will only be paid minimum wage. That is no where near what your asking. If your married and you have a minimum waged job, pretty much your entire pay check will be going to your spouse’s gas tank with the gas prices these days. After taxes are taken out, your looking at your take home as being below minimum wage. I don’t see how a minimum wage home “job” is going to cut it then for you. If a minimum wage job is sufficient then I can give you a referral to apply for a home job. I won’t guarantee that you will get the job, I have no control over that. The competition is really high for home based jobs. I think because of the way the economy is today, a lot of different people are searching for a way to make an income at home. Home based jobs are good for starters while your looking for something better paying.

If you really want to work from home, and want to make a sufficient amount of income, then I suggest you start your own home based business. There are many different kinds of home based businesses to get involved in. Child Daycare Centers, Catering, Telecommunications, Candle Making, Travel agents, Tax Preparations, Health etc. I also created a blog on my 360 page on home based business opportunities.
Your more then welcome to take a look at them for more ideas. There are more then half a dozen different industries to take a look at. A lot of information regarding scams, what to really look for in researching a business you want to get involved in, and many other things.
When you first start a business, there is no money made at first. You have to build it up. No matter what business you get involved in. The more effort you put into it and how hard your willing to work it, the faster you start making a sufficient amount of income. If you calculate the amount of hours you put into a regular job or a home “job” and the little you get paid, you would be better off starting a simple home based business, but make a lot more money and have more advantages.
In home based businesses, depending on which one you get involved in, it usually takes about 2 to 4 weeks to start making an average income. (about the same time frame as your first payroll period) Then, as you keep working your business, 4 to 6 weeks to increase that income, and 3 to 6 months to be self sufficient. That is only if you put the time and effort into it. If you just say “I started a business” and don’t put any time or the effort needed in your business, then you won’t make an income.
Most people have full time jobs and run their business on the side. When their business reaches the income level they desire, they put their normal jobs down and continue with their business growing. Other’s dive into it head first and tackle it and get it going faster. Either way, you have the same opportunity to make a sufficient amount of income. The same income opportunity as a traditional business with out all the over head expenses they aquire.

If you’d like more information, your more then welcome to email me at anytime.

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Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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