Archive for April, 2012

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

Donna asks…

How can I make money fast im a kid?

Ok so this year I want to get an old friend of mine a good Christmas present but I figured I’d make my own money and then buy the gift I was going to get. Does anyone know how I can make money semi fast within a 2 week time period? I’m just a kid and I need to make some money fast. Thanks.

Nagesh answers:

Ask your neighbors if you can do anything for them.

Carol asks…

How can I get money fast to buy an Ipod Touch?

Um, the title kinda says all. A few months ago I won a Wii (even though I had one) on the Stacker game for a dollar. I tried to find the stacker game that had an Ipod Touch for the major prize but i couldn’t. How can I earn money fast to get one?
I was gonna sell my second Wii, but my little sister opened it and lost the batterys, misplaced the wii remote.

Nagesh answers:

Prostitution is your best bet. You set your own prices, and there are plenty of people who pay for that kind of thing.

Linda asks…

How can I make money FAST to get an iPod?

I will be 13 in a week, I can’t ask my parents because my dad already got me an expensive Cape Cod bracelet and my mom did her birthday shopping for me already. We notified my neighbors that I could babysit but they haven’t asked me and we told them quite some time ago. I am selling something on my town website but I don’t know if people will buy it (a FLY through spanish thing for 15$). I am returning some things I don’t need. My mom will not pay me to do odd jobs around the house and since it’s winter I can’t mow the lawn or anything. I have 80$ right now but I need another 70 to get the iPod. Once I return those things I will have $122 but I still need to get to $150. We are waiting to get credit back from something I bought so that will add 25 dollars but until then how can I (I am 13) make money really really fast?

Nagesh answers:

Since its winter, maybe go around the neighborhood asking if they need you to do jobs for them, like walking dogs, babysitting, and more. It might be cold, but try having a carwash at a local gasoline place. G00D LUCK!

Chris asks…

How can I get fast money immediately?

I really need money ASAP. I have a financial crisis and urgently money. What can I do to get a lot of money right now/soon?

I´ve been trying to get a job for months now but haven´t been lucky. Here where I live it´s very hard to get a job. Besides, mowing the neighbor´s lawn, baby sitting, ect is not an option. what can I do to get much money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Beg borrow and steal………..
No ask a friend to lend you some

Charles asks…

Any tips to get money fast on Animal Crossing:Wild World?

I need money fast to buy stuff for my house and pay my mortgages.And I have a golden shovel,is there anything special I can do with it?

Nagesh answers:

1.) Personally, to pay off my mortgage, I got foreign fruit from other towns (Not the one you start with. The one you start with only sells for 100 bells, and all others sell for 500 bells) and arranged my trees into an orchard. Every few days, it grows back and will produce three more fruits. I usually make a little over 100,000 bells every time, but that depends on how many trees you plant. As for fossils, you should donate them to the museum, but if you get duplicates (like, ones you’ve already put in your museum), then sell those ones.

2.) The golden shovel, to me, really only serves the purpose of looking cool, but you can actually grow money trees with it. Find an area (or acre) that doesn’t have a lot of trees. Pick one tree there, chop it down, dig up the stump, and plant 35,000 bells in it. (The more bells you plant, the higher chance it has of growing!) Every time that the tree get past the sprout stage, it will bear three bags of 30,000 bells, for grand total of 90,000 bells. Keep in mind, the money grows only once on each tree, and no matter how much you plant, it will always grow 90,000 bells. Pretty much, never plant more than 89,999 bells, or you’ll lose money.

Hope this helps! ◊◊

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Monday, April 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Free Paypal

Susan asks…

Good online forums to advertise anime toys collectibles to sell?

I’m selling a few collectible anime toys (stuff I’ve bought at previous comic cons) to pay for my move across state so every penny I make off this sale counts.

I don’t have a lot of merchandise and I have a very short time frame. Since I’ve never sold anything online before either, I want to know the quickest, most hassle-free way to unload these toys fast without subtracting from my wallet

I’d like to avoid eBay since I’m a novice and they take a lot out in fees. Thinking of using Craigslist to point the way to the ad I posted on TwitLonger. If you guys have better, more creative ideas I’m all ears!
I want to hear advice from current sellers too.

Any ideas on establishing hassle-free policies are welcome. (haven’t thought that far ahead!) Should I just focus my efforts on selling to toy shop owners or the general public? Because I don’t have time nor the logistics to deal with returns and I’m not offering refunds. (selling on an ‘as is’ basis)

I’ll take PayPal and money order for this.

Nagesh answers:

Here is a website / forum that I think would be good Here is the link

Charles asks…

Online or At Home Jobs Available?

Hey all. I am desperately in need of money at the moment and I have absolutely no way of getting it now because I was just laid off from my job because of the disasters in Japan. Apparently they are releasing my co-workers and I to bring job opportunities in America to the Japanese people who lost their jobs in a more dramatic way. While I think this is a great thing they are doing, I can’t stop my responsibility as the person who pays the bills in my family and I am now on the hunt for a new job. For now, I am curious if there are any jobs or employment opportunities available online or at home that I could do to hold up my family until I find myself working at a new job. With the economy so poor and the crisis overseas and a low job market in America right know, I’m sure it will not be as easy and as fast as I make it seem before I can call myself employed again.

If anyone has any sort of online or at-home work for a early 20s male to do that pays reasonable for the time spent laboring, please let me know. I must say that I am very good when it comes to journalistic writing, web design, and electronic portfolio making, so I am looking for something along those lines if there is anything available to make myself busy with temporarily for a decent amount of pay. I graduated from high school with a large amount of credit in ‘Tech Proficiency’ after taking 4 semesters of Digital Design and Computer Application classes. I am skilled and trained well with computers, so a simple position like tech support or web designing (such as websites) are something I believe I would be good at. If you believe that you have a job available for me that goes along with the characteristics I mentioned above, let me know. If I were to be employed for a part time online job, I have already set up my PayPal account to accept payments from senders at anytime, so the pay check aspect should not be too much of an issue. If you would like to see some of the work I have created on the computer to know what kind of skills I am talking about, please feel free to contact me privately with any questions you may have. Thank you!

Nagesh answers:

I had a job I hated, and debts piled so deep I thought I’d drown. Actually, I was drowning and I saw no way out.t
Wel-l, that’s not quite right. I saw a way out—making money on the Internet—but I made two dumb assumptions that kept me in

my job prison for far too long…
Making Money Online Isn’t Hard…Or Slow. I assumed it was both, and you might too.

Some people have tried and never made a dime, or maybe made just enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck’s. So they assume

it’s all a scam (it’s not, as you’ll see).

Maria asks…

Make thousands with Just $6?

This is the easiest way to get thousands of dollars, because you barely have to do anything.

Oprah has proved that with $6 dollars, a free paypal account and a few minutes of your life, you can make between $30,000 and $300,000. PayPal has said that this is 100% legal. THIS IS THE FASTEST, EASIEST PROGRAM EVER, you will be able to complete it in LESS THAN 30 MINUTES and you will never forget the day you first viewed this online.


Step 1:

The 1st step is actually making the paypal account so that you can actually make the money. Copy and paste this to the address bar

Step 2:

Send $1.00 to each of the six people on the list using PayPal, and in the comment (Subject) section type “Please add me to your list”. Below are the emails that you send the money to:

PayPal accounts to send $1.00 to:







Step 3:

After you send the money to the 6 people on the list, you can remove the name next to the #1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (#2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc?) Then place your name in the #6 position. Then save it.

REMEMBER: Your email that you put into this MUST BE YOUR PAYPAL EMAIL!

Paste your newly typed email address over the old one and then post to 60 Message Boards, Chat Rooms, or Newsgroups. Easy that’s all there is to it. I think there are close to 32,000 groups. Post it to 60, but remember, the more you post, the more money you make- as well as everyone else on the list! DON’T MULL OVER IT, JUST 30 MIN OF YOUR TIME AND A MEASLY $6 THAT’S IT THERE IS NO MORE TO DO!!

All of this is legal. If you have any doubts or concerns, ask paypal!

Nagesh answers:

Paypal actually said this:

PayPal includes in its definition of “pyramid schemes” any system in which a hierarchy is created by people joining under others who joined previously, and in which those who join make payments to those above them in the hierarchy (“upline”). Pyramid schemes are prohibited as a form of investment fraud by federal laws and by the laws of each of the fifty individual states.

And if you bothered to check, Oprah didn’t have any good words about it either. Try getting your facts straight before you follow Dave Rhodes to prison.

Lizzie asks…

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

Am I supporting terror by selling bomb making guides?

I sell bomb making, money making and loads of other ebooks online and have never really cared about who reads them. That was untill someone named abdullah bought one on how to make pipe bombs. Noticed the name in paypal.

He paid fast and I sent him the ebooks, but then started to wonder why he had that name. I always think terrororists know how to blow stuff up and where to get guides free without paying for them. I would not mind if some hothead decides to blow stuff up with my guides as long as its away from my property. Someone called abdullah buying me guides propably thinks I am a kuffar, or whatever it is.

Nagesh answers:

Well, ummm… Probably just some harmless al qaeda terrorist out to bomb the U.S. Why were you selling bomb making books in the first place?

Helen asks…

How do I set up a simple non-profit in the USA? And should I?

I spend alot of time in some downtrodden places, recently Myanmar.

I currently collect small amounts of money, (between $100 to a few thousand) from friends and interested people to support small in-need charities (such as an orphanage) and some times individuals such as refugee family, slum kids school fee’s, etc. A few times I’ve done medical clinics in rural ares, as even with no medical background, I was the closet thing to a doctor around.

MY QUESTION is I’d like to be able to set up (501.3c?) “charity” where i can have an account for that money and be able to receive by paypal etc. Right now no one is getting any tax credits or anything as its just me taking out cash and passing it on, or buying supplied to give out. I keep record of this, but i would like to formalize it so I can collect money online faster, rather than having people transfer money into my checking account, (i don’t even know if thats ok)

I’m not looking at creating a big organization just a way to legally and quickly raise money when needed.

Is there a way i can do this quickly, easily, and free?

Nagesh answers:

In short no because IRS has a minimum $450 fee plus the need to incorporate in your state (usually around $100) plus legal and publication fees. However there is a way to accomplish the same thing quickly and at little or no cost. Find an existing nonprofit possibly your church or another church in your area or a group that works to help in US and abroad. A smaller group is better than a huge one because they will be more oriented to this. Ask them to be your “fiscal agent”.. Some will at no cost. At most there may be a 10% administration fee. Explain that you are willing to continue to do the actual work, record keeping site set up etc. Just need 501c3 “supervision.

If you are of Christian belief check out for another low cost way to do this that would give your your own 501c3 under their group exemption.

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Sunday, April 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick And Easy

John asks…

im 14 so what are some quick and easy ways to earn money over a weekend or 2? about $50 in total?

my parents wont pay me, i already tried.

Nagesh answers:

Definitly babysit. So easy and if you cant do that, mow the lawn and if you can’t do that shovel or clean someones car or wash it, get a job somewhere small, do work for someone, like a grandparent, i do that for mine and they give me a coffee, take me out to eat and 20 dollars but thats just me haha

im 15 so i know its hard to find stuff that involves money but try some of those

Helen asks…

do you know of any quick and easy ways to earn money fast?

my friend wants to go and see someone they know in NYC. the total cost is about 160 dollars but he has no job. he has some money saved up but doesnt have all of it

Nagesh answers:

Find a promo spot. A lot of promotions jobs pay very well ($10-$25/hr) and don’t require a “real” application process or anything. And the jobs tend to be very short, like over a weekend or so.

Donald asks…

Is there any way of earning quick and easy money online?

Preferably through a PayPal verified website. Perhaps by taking part in a questionnaire? Or clicking on certain links?

Nagesh answers:

Yea,the only way is E-bay 😀

Sandra asks…

Quick and easy way to earn some money?

I’m not old enough to get a job, and I am trying to earn enough money to buy this really cute purse. Any ideas on how I could earn some money??

Nagesh answers:

Here are a few ideas (even though you might get more if we knew exactly how old you are)

1. Babysitting
2. Extra chores around the house
3. Cutting Lawns for neighbors
4. Going to Barber shops/Beauty salons and asking if they need someone to help clean up for a few hours each day (sweep up hair, take out trash, maybe run errands for staff, mop, etc.)
5. Buy candy on sale, or at a good price, and sell for a profit
6. Washing cars (if you were here, you could wash mines right now)
7. I knew of kids that would stand at the grocery store and help folks with loading grocery bags into their cars. They would come back home with 20-30 bucks just after a few hours of doing this.
8. Passing out fliers

These are just a few ideas, and I hope that something here helps you. Please check with your parents for their permission before you do any of them! LOL.

Jenny asks…

what are some quick and easy ways to earn money, but not online?

need money for prom and want to save and get a computer/save for college…

Nagesh answers:

You can do odd jobs such as babysit,cut lawns, deliver papers, ect. I make and sell candles. When you start to earn money invest it maybe open a high interest bearring savings account. The more you deposit the more your interest will be.

Good Luck!

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Saturday, April 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money Fast

Chris asks…

ways to make fast money for 13 year old guys?

i dont need a ton, just want easy-ish money fast any quick job ideas besides mowing the lawn for my neighbors and babysitting?!

Nagesh answers:

Cutting grass

Pay them for doing hard work

Washing cars

Jenny asks…

Whats the quickest way to make fast money?

I need extra money FAST and ASAP. I have 5 birthdays coming up all in 2-3 weeks. Also trying to make money to set back for an apartment. Even the littlest amount helps! Any ideas…that are easy and fast? Like online survey/tests…. or well, ANYTHING? PLEASE HELP!
I need extra money FAST and ASAP. I have 5 birthdays coming up all in 2-3 weeks. Also trying to make money to set back for an apartment. Even the littlest amount helps! Any ideas…that are easy and fast? Like online survey/tests…. or well, ANYTHING? PLEASE HELP!

And I have a job already. It doesn’t pay enough and I can’t quit it. So please stop/don’t say “get a job”

Nagesh answers:

Try going to a temp agency. You could get a quick job for a saturday such as with a catering business, waitressing, or fill in at a retail store.

Helen asks…

Quick ways to make money?

I am joining the inline hockey team next month and gear is really expensive. Is there any way to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Ebay/Craigslist if you have items to sell. You could also check out the online jobs thing but allot of those are scams.

Paul asks…

Does anybody know any good and quick ways to make money on runescape?

I know some others like mine pure essence and woodcutt yew logs but i need fast ways.

Nagesh answers:


David asks…

I need quick ways of making money FAST, i’m 14?

I was riding my friend’s dirtbike and the brakes failed and I crashed it into someone’s garage (luckily i’m not hurt, but i would have died without my helmet) and the cops said it’ll cost 2000 to 3000 dollars to fix! :-O i’m only 14 and can’t afford that. I need a quick way to make money. please, any suggestions are very much appreciated.
The owner of the house called the cops and I HAVE to pay for it. There insurance won’t cover it for some reason or something. I dont really know the details. something to do with the fact that i’m not injured so it’s not considered an “accident”.
ALSO, forgot in the last add details, I hit it SO hard that I completely destroyed the garage. The force of my FACE alone broke the helmet I hit so hard. it broke through titanium bolts and through the wall. They want a whole new garage door. : /

Nagesh answers:

Before you pay anything toward repairs for the garage, be aware that the owner of the garage cannot force you to pay anything. The law won’t allow it to be imposed on a minor. But he can sue your parents or guardians for the cost.

And before paying anything toward repairs for the garage, your parents have the right to know how much the owner has received from the insurance company towards paying for repairs.

If the owner of the garage does not provide that information, then your parents/guardians are under no obligation to pay him anything. If he demads payment anyway, your parents can take him to small claims court and force him to reveal how much he has received. And your parents only have to pay the difference, not an estimate.

Most insurance policies have a deductible. That means the beneficiary pays for some of the cost and the insurance company pays the rest of the cost.

If the owner does not have insurance at all, then your parents will have to pay the full cost of repairs.

That’s the worst that can happen.

As for chores, your parents can impose responsibilities on you, but the owner of the garage cannot.

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Friday, April 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes That Work

Lisa asks…

Making money online…?

Hi, i have bought allsorts of ‘money makingschemes, but im still not in profit, does anyone know of anything that actually works to make money on the net? or even a job i could do on the net.. im a stay home mum and want to earn some cash as im always broke.. thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Just go to,

As I tried and succeeded. Left side bar of this site shows you many paths to earn money over the internet without any prior investment. Try them and find the best suited way of earning money via internet. I wish you all the best.

Richard asks…

Money Making Scheme for a Teenager?

I just want to hear your opinion on this and I was thinking it might work, I make a realistic looking dummy in a street corner, dressed with tattered clothes, and put like a McDonald’s cup in front of him, with him facing down, do you think it might work, cuz I hear those guys make serious $$.

Nagesh answers:

>”I hear those guys make serious $$”

You hear from specifically whom? What’s your source?

All you’re going to get accomplished is getting arrested and/or getting mugged!

Do you spend all your time thinking up “Bu||sh|t” like this?

Donna asks…

Does any one know about internetmilliondollar ,which is said to be a easy money making scheme?

they say that we dont have to do any MLM nor we have to sell or purchase any product .Just spend minimum 5hrs or more u will earn such& such amount ,like such many promises r given by them .Does it really works i have not tried yet .Has anyone amoung u have experienced and earned millions as they guarantee or just had felt it as a scam ?

Nagesh answers:

Key word: SCHEME

If it was truly that easy, everyone would know about it and be doing it. I wouldn’t even bother.

Betty asks…

Does anyone know of a work at home business that does not require money to start?

I am looking to make money from home, especially because I have just lost my previous job and car. Therefore commuting to another job is almost impossible. And, I don’t have start-up money for most of these work at home schemes I have run into. Someone help me, please and thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Check out—- hope this helps you out!

Sandy asks…

Are there any legitimate online money-making programs need for you to start a business or work at home????

All of the programs I’ve looked over seem like total fradulent schemes! Especially all of those sites popping up that have the high-lighted and bolded text. It’s like someone thinks I’m really that dumb. Unless that phony balony stuff really works.

However, there are so many sites that promise financial prosperity and guaranteed wealth. I know that a ton of them don’t deliver.

I am not a marketing guru, I don’t have much money to spend online, I don’t know of anything I can make at home to convert into a home business, and I don’t feel like selling a whole bunch of memberships or products that make me seem like a creep!

Please, someone knows something! I have been surfing the internet for up to 13 months! I don’t know what to do anymore!

Well, I’m done here!

Thanks for your time!

Nagesh answers:

I haven’t had any luck with any of them really, but you could try creating a website and becoming an affiliate with various companies. I am an affiliate with,google, and amazon. You will get a certain % of money for when people click on an ad and a certain % when they buy a product

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Thursday, April 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Rs

Lisa asks…

what is the most common way of making money in runescape?

im a member, im trying to get a divine ss and i need like 100m, i see so many rich people in rs how do they all make money, like wats the most common way to make money fast?

Nagesh answers:

Mining bars and sellem at grand exchange sum bars bar can be up to 1000 gp each.

James asks…

What is the fastest way to make RS money?

Any ideas on quick ways to make money according to my levels?
–Preferred Method:
*skiller ways to make money
Skill Levels–
Attack 72
Defence 73
Hitpoints 74
Strength 75
Range 65
Prayer 50
Mage 68
Runecrafting 21
Construction 20
Agility 57
Herblore 27
Thieving 35
Crafting 50
Fletching 18
Slayer 25
Hunter 30
Mining 52
Smithing 45
Fishing 85
Cooking 71
Firemaking 62
Woodcutting 75
Farming 30
Summoning 4

No comments on how much you do/don’t like the game, or on how I shouldn’t play it. Thanks 🙂

Nagesh answers:

If you’re not a member I STRONGLY recommend you to sign up. Fishing sharks is a great way to make money. 1k/shark you cant go wrong. Your woodcutting is good aswell, you could cut yews.

Daniel asks…

How do I make money on RS with these skills fast?

I’m going for 55 Mining and 68 Smithing.
















I excluded member skills becuase I am not one.
Combat: 42
What is it unicorns drop that sell? I killed 3 and they only drop bones.=O

Nagesh answers:

1.cut yews and sell at grand exchange.
2.kill unicorns and sell them at grand exchange they sell like lightning!

William asks…

2004 Subaru RS – I want to go fast without buying an STI?

I have a 2004 Subaru Impreza RS. I spent a lot of money making it look fast, now its time to get to business…but i have no idea where to start. I look on ebay for the typical stuff CAI, Exhaust…but all the parts i see are for a WRX, STI…and so on. Does anybody know whether these will fit my RS, or if there is a special site i can buy parts from?

Nagesh answers:

Google parts for the subaru impreza 2.5. You won’t find as many as you will for the WRX or STi. You need to first find out where you want to go. If you want to turbo the motor, don’t worry about intake and exhaust, because you don’t use headers, you use a turbo manifold…the intake is different, etc. Make a list of what you want to do (turbo, suspension, engine work, etc) and find an enthusiast site. Go on there and research everything having to do with what you want to do, then relook at what your plans are. If you are still leaning towards whatever that is, dive in. (once you have a good knowledge of what you need, what to do, etc.)

Betty asks…

Runescape Money Making-Woodcutting Or Fishing-Fastest-More Money!?

Well, I am coming back to Runescape and I am ganna make Money before I start Leveling, I got to Level 15 Combat and now I am ganna get a Money making Skill up to at least 80 so I can make Money in Rs when ever I want, and I want either Woodcutting or Fishing but I don’t know which makes more Money right now, and I will start Leveling my Combat up once I get the Skill up, which Skill Levels the fastest and which Sells for more? Why? Explain.

Thanks a lot and thanks for your time!


Nagesh answers:

Well, I’d have to say that 80 woodcutting is better than 80 fishing. For one, the magic logs are worth more than sharks right now. They are worth about 500-600gp more. I’ve got 82 wc on my account. It’s a really good money-making skill.

*mortal814 is the name*

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Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes Online

John asks…



Nagesh answers:

There are lot of scams meanwhile lot are real too.

You can start working with the popular companies like Clickbank, amazon, adsense, advrtie, clicksor etc rather then new unknown companies.

You can do work with these companies if you have website/blog, you can advertise / promote their ads on your website and can earn money in return, but remember hard work is required for such jobs.

For More Information:

Donna asks…

Has anyone heard of Income Framework as an online money making scheme?

Does the system work and how much extra do you need to spend to make it work?

Nagesh answers:

ON-LINE income generators

Don’t waste your time!

Mandy asks…

What’s a legit way to make easy money online?

Juts wondering if i can turn my spare time into money making online. I didnt want to google this because of all the scams, pyramid/survey schemes, etc….

Nagesh answers:

You might also consider teaching English online. I have been teaching English online for the past 5 months. It is very rewarding, and it is a great way to meet people all over the world. I’ve made as little as $3 an hour starting out, but quickly worked my way up to $45 an hour. With 2 billion people in the world trying to learn English, there seems to be an endless need for teachers. Since then, I have helped over 40 people become online English teachers for both full time and part time work.

Let me give you a quick idea as to how it works. There are many foreign students who start learning English at a very young age – perhaps 6 – 10 years old. They keep learning English through college and then find that their English skills are not good enough to compete in the business world. This is the type of student I have taught the most. Most of my classes focus more on conversational English instead of actually “teaching” English. I feel more like a coach and a guide than an actual teacher. So, I don’t need an English teaching degree, and I don’t need to speak their language. If you like to talk, then this may be a good option for you.

Some people also think that this type of work is all scam oriented – actually they think all online work is a scam. Just ask yourself a simple question: Do people pay for online education? You know the answer is a resounding “YES!” and this means people are making money teaching online. There are literally thousands of students around the world trying to learn English. I am glad to be one of the many online English teachers.

For example, here is a link to the benefits of teaching online verses teaching in the classroom:

If you checkout the above link, the contact form on the bottom of the webpage goes to me directly. Ask me a question if you want to know more.
Hope it helps.

Chris asks…

Do any make money online jobs work?

I am wanting a little extra cash and you see all these make money online things. do they actually work or are they schemes?

Nagesh answers:

Online jobs Data entry, work at home based part time jobs check it out….


Paul asks…

How do i make money online?

I know there are no get rich quick schemes that actually work. I have no time to do any Job that is full time or part time which leaves something online, i have looked for a few days on ways to make money online none seem to be legitimate at all… anyone have some pointers

Nagesh answers:

Plenty of options forex trading,article writing and the most amazing thing is that you can earn even by shrinking the urls and can earn from the visitor who uses the link

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Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Michael asks…

How can I get money? Fast?

I am in need of money so bad, it’s not even funny. I have no money, I’ve never had a job, I’ve never been given an allowance when I was a kid, nothing. I received 190$ as birthday money and I gave it to my parents to pay for my cellphone bill. Yet, my phone was cut today. What they did with the money, I have no idea, but I am pretty frustrated. I need money, really badly. I have nothing. I never shop, I never go out with friends because my parents don’t let me, but I would at least like to get some money so that I at least have a bit of money and don’t have to count on my parents all the time.
I have been looking for a job for a long time. I started dropping off resumes back in May, hoping to get a job in the summer. Well now, school is about to start, and I have only been to one interview. I am getting really desperate and now people cannot reach me because I do not have a phone anymore and I am afraid if they call at my house, someone else will answer and ruin it for me. What should I do to get a job ASAP? Where can I apply? What place hires people, no matter the lack of experience? Where will I be guaranteed a job?
And what other ways can I make money? I am so desperate its not even funny. Thanks a lot
I turned 17 last week.

Nagesh answers:

Robbing banks has always worked for me. Make sure your disguise fits on tight.

Mary asks…

what are some ideas for an easter event for the community to make some money for my business?

i am going to a park to do an event to earn some extra income for my business and advertise what should i do and what should i charge i was thinking of taking one of my bounce houses my cotton candy machine and my easter bunny suit and do an egg hunt for the kids let them through some pictures with the bunny and bounce around in the bounce house and also put some music and have some water and soda for sale but i dont know if its a good idea and if it is i dont know what to charge can some one help me fast easter is a week away

Nagesh answers:

I like the egg hunt idea it’s always popular for the kids and the adults. One year in my store we did an egg hunt. We hid 30 golden eggs around the store (didn’t advertise in advance) and when people found them they either got a certificate for x% off or a gift certificate for $5, 10 and 50 dollars to my store. It was kind of a nice and impromptu way of celebrating. After the first egg was found it caught on quick and we were flooded all day. People even came back year after year expecting it.

I would simply charge for the soda, candy, bounce house and other stuff that you are selling and leave the hunt free so that it brings in all members of the community, even the less affluent.

Thomas asks…

In boxing – do a lot of pro’s fight smart, make money in the buisness and get the feck out of it fast ?

do some go into boxing for that reason – just to make good money £££/$$$ and go into fights which will be physicaly the least threatening to them, i.e pick a similar style fighter – or aged bums, or inexperienced but cocky kids or simply guys who have glass jaws or average punching power – win/draw those bouts, make good money – recover and then prepare yourself for next opponent ?

if a boxer ends up fighting for around 10-12 years fighting like that as i described above (bare in mind hes not excellently mike tyson himself, and hes a relatively unknown boxer but IS professional, like teh undercard of an undercard kinda fighter) how much does he make , in terms of accumilating wealth – does he make enough £££ so he can live a nice cosy life and buy all the things he wants and enjoy his retirement with class ?

or is it impossible to use a strategy like that in the boxing game – where eventualy an up and coming hot prospect with tremendous punching power, WILL pick YOU as a ‘decent opponent’ for their kid, because YOU have had

a) loads of professional fights under your belt, hence experience to ‘test’ their young prodigy.

b) reasonable punching power to trouble the kid, but not devestating punching power that would break his ribs or batter his face to a pulp..

c) less stamina than the youngster the longer the fight goes on, allowing the younger fitter man to practice his boxing skills on your aged dumba55 in the middle of the ring !

d) a few ‘notable opponents’ in the past, whom tested you – and hence gave you a credible reputation to become a likely candidate as an opponent for their kid to fight – ” well yeah hes old, but our boy fought and so, and and so hasn’t fought bums all his life….’ kinda thing

and so, a boxer who cleverly avoided dangerous fights all his career – ends up in a dangerous fight, against a guy twice his junior but with nearly twice as much speed, punching power and stamina.

of course, a ‘deal’ could be made with the kids camp – ask him to pelt me a flurry of blows in the 5th and my a55 WILL go down !

and then I’ll go down for the kid in the 7th, theatricaly from a punch that looks more vcious than it really is – i get out of that ring in nice shape, i make my money he makes his – and gets his experience – everybodies happy ! ^_^

am i sussing out how the boxing game works then ?

or have i just shown i have no idea what so feckin ever ? : ))

no seriously – just answer my original question please.

Nagesh answers:

Well anyone can become a pro boxer but that does not mean you will make lots of money.
The guys that make lots of money like Floyd mayweather, manny pacquio, cotto, marquez just to name a few have been in boxing for a long time and would definetly not make money from fighting bums.
So to answer you question no because you have to be in the pro game for a while and you have to be highly skilled to get paid great amounts of money

Donald asks…

i am 15 and i need to make 500 dollars fast.?

i dont want mowing lawn’s, lemonade stands, or babysitting, ect… i need 500 dollers so i can get a scottrade account so i can do stock. im saveing up for a car and it is only 9k. any ideas on what to do. iv’e also looked this up on the computer and kids get the same answer id’e like something that would get me the money and kinda fast.

Nagesh answers:


Chris asks…

Good ideas for my manga I’ve decided to make?

Well I’ve came up with three. Just need broader ideas on them.

1. An action type with karate, Kung Fu styles where a Chinese or Japanese(idk) meets an African kid (guy) with a French girl who also know some fighting. They meet rivals and people and have tournaments to get their karate “belts”. Any ideas on villians, side kicks, senseis (I want it to be more realistic not blow the whole world up with naruto/DBZ superpowers lol)

2. A team of 3 who are young ameteur hover board riders and meet other street kids and get in a world tourney cup and compete for money n fame. The races are fast paced, actiony, weapons, air gear. Just need some competitor ideas.

Or 3. A kid who has a bestfriend and they both play video games and meet a new student girl. And the kid really likes her but won’t tell her. However she likes him back and the kids bestfriend nows they both like eachother. But cannot say anything. They meet classmates, play video games, teachers and normal stuff teens do(but not that dramatic) just need ideas on a romantic good ending.

If u read all this ur awesome n rlly apreciate it. Any ideas are useful 🙂

Nagesh answers:

Some suggestions

1. Afrian amerian business man runs into french journalst at airport in china and picks up the passport she drops so he follows to give t to her but she realizes someone is following her so she lashes out on them and they fight right in front of a ta kwon do studio. The owner walks out of his studio followed by a chinese teenager who wants to learn too. The teacher sees talent in these 3 ppl so he trans them and they later find out that if they dont fight and win all the belts, the principle of the rival shool will take over the studio. It kinda sounds like step up

2. Um they all have personal reasons to race. One person needs money to pay for his family dept, the other one just has a strong passion, and the third one is pursuing the girl in another team.

3. Um thye both like the girl but the girl only likes the one guy and his best friend know and doesnt tell him and at the end he realizes that bes friends are supposed to support each other and tells both of them. They finally get together and it shows a girl holding up a piture of the guy and girl’s weddng and the best friend the best man. The little girl asks the boy playing video games next to her if thats his parents and he says yep and another boy sitting next to him goes and the best man is my daddy, he met my mom at the wedding, she was the bride’s bridesmaid
haha idk its a dumb story all of them are! Just brainstorm uz only u can think of your own story

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Monday, April 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast

Maria asks…

How i can easy level up in Maple story and how to get money fast ?

I hate hacks or cheat engine or something like that cuz almost everything is not working. And i can only play computer like 1 hours.
I’m pirate, level 14 and exp 16.23% now. My money is 7.032 Mesos.
Please tell me how to level up fast and how to get money fast . Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Ok i was in the same situation as you before and i felt like I was stuck in a rut when my friends were so good. So heres what i did: i started playing on a private server (a version of maplestory created by fans) they usually are pretty easy and fun to level up. Well im not going to recommend you anything so you can just visit the top 100 website they have instructions on how to install it on the website.

hope this helped!!

Richard asks…

How do I get free RuneScape money fast without getting scammed or banned?

I exactly would want to know how to get free RS Money fast.
I will work for 1 person who will pay me a lot to do stuff for the character. My user: darkcreatr (lvl 38)

Nagesh answers:

People actually auction off their video game identities on sites like eBay and whatnot. I would search for such people on Runescape, eBay and on Google (“Runescape auction”).

Donna asks…

How do I make money fast?

My birthday is coming up and I was planning to hire out a night club but the price is £350 and I can’t afford it. Does anyone know how I could get that money fast or know any trusting survey websites that will give me that money within a couple of months?

Nagesh answers:

Frankly speaking, make money on the internet takes time.
Why, you may ask? You or anyone for that matter, need to learn, research the ways and practically build up website, with content, integrate with search engine optimization SEO techniques, advertising and marketing strategies, etc. Either you start with using free domain names, free web hosting, free blogs and promote other people’s product by advertising your personalized ur link (given free at time of signing up as a free affiliate member).
Sooner or later you would feel limitations using the free domain names, free web hosting, free blogs, etc. Not much space and time to elaborate here. Best to own by paying a top level domain name, paid web hosting and spend some time and in the beginning little money to advertise and market your website.

Go to the common place where leaders gather. Surf the websites to learn from the trade and from the best gurus/marketers.I understand such website is a favorite place where pioneer leaders, affiliate marketers, network marketers, online entrepreneurs meet, share, advise, advertise their businesses and or ideas to make money.

Use the following keywords to search for the such websites that share ideas to make money in the internet:-
Make Money Classifieds
Online Business Classifieds
Internet Business Classifieds
Internet Business 24Hours

James asks…

How do I get money fast without hard work??!!??!!?

I am 10 and I love money and I can’t find a way to get money fast that doesn’t include crap like shovling snow or raking leaves and that stuff. Leave ur answer and tell me what the job does

Nagesh answers:

You don’t. I’m sorry but that’s just one of the many lessons of life you are going to have to learn. You could however find something you are naturally really good at and see if you can use it to help people for money.

In life, nothing is free and easy, it requires either hard work, talent, or good decisions. The most successful people combine all three things to become billionaires, although you do have some lucky people in the world such as lottery winners.

Donald asks…

What are some ways for a 15 year old to make money fast?

I’m in a tough situation. My family’s moving, and I don’t want to change schools. The houses near my school are expensive so I want to get a job so I can help my mom with the rent. What are some ways I can make money fast. I don’t want to use Ebay and I don’t want to sell any of my stuff. What can I do?

Nagesh answers:

You can get a job at some places at 15, most are 16,, BUT you can look into icecream places (I did that, it was soo much fun), if you have a mini- golf place by you or like an arcade, how about there?

One last idea: try your local mall or outlet mall.

I lied, one more: How about babysitting or housesitting?

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Sunday, April 1st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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