Archive for April, 2012

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money On Ebay

Paul asks…

I am trying to make some money on ebay for University funds but am running out of ideas.?

I used to design jewellery and have put together some jewellery design packs on ebay from my left over beads, tigerwire, headpins, semi precious beads etc in an organza bag, so you have everything to start designing and making your own jewellery. I have sold 4 (£2.50 each) so far but would like some inspiration, any ideas? I also have 85 Ty Beanie Baby Bears but they don’t seem to be very popular anymore so have listed 2 to see if anyone buys them before I list all of them. I am also quite good at drawing life like figures (females particularly) what style do people enjoy most? e.g. expressionism, pop art, still life, abstract etc…? Maybe I could sell some drawings. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Thanks 🙂 Oh and the link for my ebay listing for the jewellery is so you can have a look at let me know what you think as this is the kind of thing I had in mind.

Nagesh answers:

You can find hundreds of products that sell easily on ebay and really good profits , use salehoo, , its a very big wholesalers list you will find cheap brand name products that you can sell very well on ebay and a prefect guides on what to sell and how to sell
Good luck

Thomas asks…

How do i make money off of ebay?

Hi, I need to make money quickly and I was thinking that I could buy and sell on ebay. My idea was to buy something, then sell it for slightly more than i bought it for, then buy something else and sell it for slightly more, etc… etc… Does anyone have any suggestions? Does this seem like a good idea?

Nagesh answers:

I don’t do ebay but I attend alot of auctions.

If you pay the highest price for something the chances are not good that you can turn it around fast and make a profit. (Since you were the only one that paid the top price)
If you have access to items by going to auctions then selling on ebay/ or you buy on ebay and have a store you can sell it at, then you can make money but you have to know the value of items.
Ex. Auction table bought for 100 , sell for 200, or sale of 150..

Sandy asks…

Any ideas to make some quick money?

I am behind on some bills and need some quick cash. Please, please, please, no replies for “business opportunities”. Im not good looking enough to be a stripper, and live in a very rural community, no dog walking,babysitting or yard sales, and I dont have anything of value to put on ebay.I have looked into numerous dropshippers, but none are cheap enough to make any money on ebay. I am looking for another part time job, but need to come with something to make about $500 within about 10 days for some bills, not enough time to start a job and wait for a paycheck.

Nagesh answers:

It’s really a simple formula
1. Find a hot passionaite market
2. Find exactly what they are already buying
3. Give them more of what they have already proven to be interested in.

Go to clickbank signup as an affiliate. It free.
Find a popular product, one that is selling well (they’re ranked that way)
Get a affiliate link for that product
Go to blog and forums that are on that subject answer some questions then leave your affiliate after you sign your name at the end.
Example below.

To Your Immediate and Lasting Success,


If you want you can leave a sig file. Example:

If you would like to learn the secrets to making money from home then check out this free blog

I hope this helps.

Betty asks…

How do you make money on Ebay?

I have been selling on Ebay, I would like to know if it is possible to make profit. I have lost money so far with the listing cost and shipping. Anyone have any suggestions. Ideas? Personal experiences?

Nagesh answers:

Ebay is just not what it use to be. Fees are just to high. I lost for years before I got wise and looked for other ways to sell my things craigslist is a good place for free and it has as many people looking as ebay. If you do want to sell on ebay make sure you list the shipping a little higher so you can make up for the loss.

Nancy asks…

Anyone have any ideas on how to make money between paychecks?

IN this economy its hard to make any sort of money between paychecks, no one’s buying on ebay anymore, anyone have any ideas? Locally, internet/ebay or otherwise?

Nagesh answers:


I were in the same point you are few months ago. I became independent around one year ago, and there are lots of jobs on the internet that I found after many hours of researching, I am not talking about get rich quick schemes (there are many of them), I am talking about real jobs, where you have to do tasks for people everywhere in the world, there are jobs as web designer, virtual assistant, accountant, and thousands of alternatives. I have been subscribed to many of them and there are 2 I can recommend:

Get a freelancer and Elance (you can follow the links below to go to a free test page of them)

These sites work based on projects, for example, someone needs a web designer, he opens a project and receives the bids of the people interested in doing this project. Then he chooses the provider that he considers made the best offer.

The best alternative is to subscribe to this sites (their price is around 8 to 10 dollars a month), this way you can access to the best jobs and have the best chances to win the projects.

I have worked for these sites for more than a year now and I can recommend them.

Also, you may want to check some informative sites that helped me to make some money for myself, they require work from you, but they are a better solution for those who like to work for themselves instead than working for someone else. There is a program called Maverick Money Makers, they offer really good information for free, you may want to check their site and see some videos teaching sseveral little tricks that can get you to make money in a few days.

Well, below I will leave the links for the three websites I mentioned recommended.

Hope this helped.

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Monday, April 30th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Illegally

Jenny asks…

Are there any honest people in Nigeria?

or does the whole of the population work on scamming and pulling a fast one and doing something illegal? Is it a way of life, a culture, in Nigeria to try and make money by whatever means possible, illegally preferably, and scamming poor suckers who don’t know any better – or are there honest Nigerians who are just getting a bad press??????

Nagesh answers:

It is not only Nigeria, but most West African countries. And yes, there are many honest people in Nigeria. It’s the bad apples which spoil it for the rest. And believe it or not, there is more bank scams and frauds in the Western world in comparison to any place in the African world.

Steven asks…

illegal immigrants SUCK… What’s your opinion?

We give them medical care and things like that, and i think that if they are going to be here illegally, that our welfares should not be available to them…….

Also, they don’t speak english and start taking jobs that someone who was legal would have been able to get more money for…… we will never get that kind of money again……

you go somewhere to get something, like a fast food place or something, and sometimes the person behind the window cant speak english.

why does the US let this happen……?
poor glenn…… you weren’t the brightest crayon in the box were you?
Some of you tree huggers seem to be missing the point……. illegals are not benefitting our society……. they’re hurting it and illegal immigration is a crime…….. don’t they teach that in school anymore?
ozer, they are a deficit……. who cares if they do the hard labor? its PRIVATE labor and our tax dollars are paying for everything else………

oh and if your going to work with customers you need to speak THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE, WHICH IS ENGLISH.
oh and California boy……? i really don’t care that they’re of a different race….. your missing the point…… the point is economy. you should look into that at some point…… our economics are much worse with them here illegally…….
i’m sorry cali boy, but i forgot to tell you that i’m hispanic…….. now what’s your take……?

Nagesh answers:

While I am against illegal aliens I find your argument boring and unstimulating. But considering your other questions, you are just looking to stir up trouble.

My sister isd pregnant with my kid… Whats the best way to do a home abortion???

I REALLY love sheep. I think that they’re sexy. They make the best lovers. Is this okay in American society?

Why does my butthole itch?

Has anyone worn their socks until they turned into a pasty, crusty, foot-shaped canoe?

Is it okay to kill cats as a recreational activity?

So, I scraped open this abcess I had, and WORMS came crawling out! What Is this?


You’re nasty, inconsiderate, and unnatural! Who thinks that all homos should keep their nastiness private?

I’m sure you are either a lonely man who lives in his moms basement or a bored teenager with nothing better to do.

Paul asks…


Okay so a detective in his real car sees me and my friend going a lil fast. my friend passes me (illegally) so w.e its all funny. That’s what the cop see’s. Idk how but i guess he took down my license real quickly. and goes to my house i happen to be there and Im leaving so he tells my friend to get out his car (i wasn’t in my car no more). So he goes are you billy i go yes he makes me get out. W.E he accused me of Drag Racing but i seriously we weren’t whats going to happen? we got the criminal charge on us. idk how to handle this never gone through this ticket stuff its a first. Whats going to happen? its a 2 detectives involved actually (both same car). Do you even think there going to show up to the trial?

I know the fine is like 1000 Maximum money 30 day minimum license suspension. But we really didnt drag race just my friend dumb ass passed me showing off. Its B.S that im getting screwed for going like 10 miles per hour over the speed limit. My friend admits he should get something for driving other lane and speeding but not drag racing.

Nagesh answers:

Youve been busted pal..

Sandy asks…

Handy Hints for Troublesome Problems?

Before attempting to remove stubborn stains from a garment, always circle the stain in permanent pen, so that when you remove the garment from the washing machine you can easily locate the area of the stain and check that it has gone.

Don’t waste money buying expensive binoculars. Simply stand next to the object you wish to view.

Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

Always poo at work. Not only will you save money on toilet paper,but you’ll also be getting paid for it.

Weight watchers. Avoid that devilish temptation to nibble at a chocolate bar in the cupboard or fridge by not buying the f**king thing in the first place.

Save on booze by drinking cold tea instead of whisky. The morning after, you can create the effects of a hangover by drinking a thimble full of washing up liquid and banging your head repeatedly on the wall.

Recreate the fun of a visit to a public swimming pool in your home by filling the bath with cold water, adding two bottles of bleach, then urinating into it, before jumping in.

Don’t buy expensive ‘ribbed’ condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.

Thicken up runny low-fat yoghurt by stirring in a spoonful of lard.

An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator.

Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you’ve taken steroids by running a bit slower.

Smokers. Save on matches and lighters, by simply lighting your next fag from the butt of your last one.

Vegetarians coming to dinner? Simply serve them a nice bit of steak or veal. Since they’re always going on about how tofu, Quorn, meat substitute etc ‘tastes exactly like the real thing’, they won’t know the difference.

Invited by vegetarians for dinner? Point out that since you’d no doubt be made aware of their special dietary requirements, tell them about yours,and ask for a nice steak.

High blood pressure sufferers. Simply cut yourself and bleed for a while,thus reducing the pressure in your veins.

Heavy smokers. Don’t throw away those filters from the end of your cigarettes. Save them up and within a few years you’ll have enough to insulate your roof.

Nissan Micra drivers. Attach a lighted sparkler to the roof of your car before starting a long journey. You drive the things like dodgems anyway,so it may as well look like one.

A mouse trap placed on top on of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep.

Avoid bickering and petty arguments by immediately punching anyone with whom you disagree.

Fool next door into thinking you have more stairs than them by banging your feet twice on each stair.

At supermarket checkouts a Toblerone box makes a handy ‘Next customer Please’ sign for dyslexic shoppers.

Putting just the right amount of gin in your goldfish bowl makes the fishes’ eyes bulge and cause them to swim in an amusing manner.

A next door neighbour’s car aerial, carefully folded, makes an ideal coat hanger in an emergency.

AVOID parking tickets by leaving your windscreen wipers turned to ‘fast wipe’ whenever you leave your car parked illegally. Brilliant!

HOUSEWIVES. I find the best way to get two bottles of washing-up liquid for the price of one is by putting one in your shopping trolley and the other in your coat pocket.

OLD telephone directories make ideal personal address books. Simply cross out the names and address of people you don’t know

Nagesh answers:

Best laugh I have had in ages brilliant.

Betty asks…

I’m 15 and I hate life/not enjoying life?

I’m 15. And I just hate life and I don’t enjoy it. Ever since I got to America (California) in 2003 my parents have been fighting and got a divorce in the summer. I had to stay with my mom, though, first because the judge said so, so that was a horrible month in which I had to put up with her and miss the 1st month of my sophomore year (there goes my grades) still ended up with 2 A’s, 3 B’s and a C, though. Ever since we got here, we have no money. I’m with my dad and my brother now who both work and we moved in the summer (before divorce) and I do have my own room now which is good, I guess. Before I didn’t. And also, I’m here illegally. My brother isn’t but my dad and I am. We came here for 6 months in 2003 and my parents never did anything, you know, like to ask to stay longer or something. So I overstayed and I’m here illegally which is embarrassing as hell. I’m also a chubby kid, not bad looking, but chubby. I have been going to the gym for like a year now but all I did was lift weights and I didn’t run at all, so I’m still chubby. Now I’m trying to run everytime I lift, which is every other day, but I hate that. I hate everything. I’m not enjoying anything, and why should I, my life is crap. I’m poor, I’m chubby and I’m here illegally. All I enjoy is eating fast food and playing World of Warcraft. And you know how they say “Do what makes you happy”, well I can’t do that because how would I end up? I can’t eat fast food and play World of Warcraft all the time. But I just hate going to the gym to run, I do enjoy lifting but I gotta run to lose weight. I also HATE school. It’s boring and stupid. I also have never made out with a girl before. How embarassing is that? I’ve kissed them but I never got lucky and got tongue. So yeah, I hate everything. I’m not enjoying anything. I’ve played 4 sports over 1 year (soccer, hockey, tennis and now basketball) and I still end up fat while some kids do nothing, eat all day and are still skinny. God, why did I have to end up this way? Fat, unconfident, poor and illegal? And to top it off, I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. So when ever I get scared about a test or some homework, I feel uncomfortable and I have to fart/take a dump. It’s unbelievable. My life is complete crap. If I did what makes me happy, though, I would be a total loser (food, WoW). So I do the things that I dont enjoy and I hate it. I might smoke weed but the only good thing about me is that I’m smart and If I smoke weed, I think that will make me dumber. But I just can’t relax ever. I also worry all the time. I know why though, over the last 7 years, my parents have been fighting and I’ve developed that habit of worrying and it just sucks. Nothing can relax me. Also, IBS is horrible. I have to take a dump every time I worry/get scared. I know that life is hard, but goddamn, this is complete BS.

Nagesh answers:

You’re being much too hard on yourself. The girl thing will work itself out. In the meantime download the test for U.S. Citizenship and study. If you hate school, look into a trade or vocational school. They will teach you a trade and sometimes if you apprentice with a company, they will pay for the schooling but you have to stay with that company a few years so they get paid back. You can do welding, electrician, masonry (bricklaying). The main thing is to get your citizenship, or at least a temporary visa or work permit or green card. I admit I do not know too much about that. Get away from your parents arguing, be aware of it and informed, but that’s their own deal, you don’t need to be dragged into it too. Don’t be so embarrassed by all this, some people have all the advantages and screw it up, so you are doing good by comparison.
You may want to try a different workout routine, try jogging on one day and lifting on the next. The body likes that better but if you like to do it how you are now that’s ok too. Why not try the stationary bike or stairstepper or elliptical machine also, you don’t always need to jog. Health is better than looking good, when you are 80 years old you’ll appreciated just being able to walk and not need a 6-pack so much. Look for treatment for your IBS, I think you can make it a little better even if not cure it.

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Sunday, April 29th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money At Home

Sandra asks…

What’s the best way to make extra money from home? I’m not expecting millions, maybe an extra 100 per month.

I’m not looking for get-rich quick ideas, maybe something simple or over the internet. I’m looking at spending 2-3 hours per week from home. I am employed full-time, but some extra “pocket money” is what I’m hoping to gain.


Nagesh answers:

You can fill out surveys and get paid
Sell on eBay
Start ebay product based website and get paid commission for sales.
Start blog and earn money from it.

Donald asks…

I want to be a stay at home mom, but I need money. What is a good way of doing that?

I’ve been job hunting for the past 8 months and its not working for me!! I cant find a job, because I dont meet their needs. These places want you to have open availability and they dont care about your home situations as long as their business is going right. I cant work for them because I’m a single mom of 2 kids. And I dont have people to keep my kids for me. Yes they are in school and day care but thats Monday thru Friday between 7-6pm but most hours offered for a job dont work with my availability. So now I’m stuck!! My kids come first point blank, but I need to make money! I’ve tried some of those make money quick things, but all they’ve done was take my money. So what do I do? If there is any one out here that has any suggestions, please let me know.

Thanx in advance;-)

Nagesh answers:

1. Their father needs to be paying child support and alimony if appropiate.

2. Start a business, doing from home, what you know how to do best. Something you are good at, that people will pay for.

3. If #2 does not apply, go find something at the library, learn something.

4. If you are not sure, ask people what they need and want and would pay for, then do, produce and deliver it.

5. Stay away from all the work at home and MLM scams. Always deliver what you promise, and don’t do anything you think is unethical, immoral, illegal, or even questionable.

6. Involve the children, have them help you out, after their school assignments are up-to-date.

PS: That healthandwealthalways outfit and the Premier Designs company looks pretty questionable to me. Never pay a company to work for them. Why? Because it is very stupid.

PSS: I just found out that Premier Designs Jewelry charges $395 to become a distributor. They want you to pay them $395 to sell costume jewelry for them.

Betty asks…

What is a good way to earn some money at home without it being a scam?

I do NOT want any of those that are ‘get rich quick‘. I am NOT looking to make a few 1,000 dollars a week. I just want to earn about $200 extra a month. I need something that does NOT want money to start with & that does NOT want any or my private information.

Nagesh answers:

I heard something the other day that made me feel better about the fact that I had not yet discovered financial freedom through a Home-Based Business. I’ve really tried but I just haven’t been able to do it.

Do you know that 97% of the people who try a home-based Business Opportunity fail to create the financial freedom they dream of? Well, it’s true. I personally was relieved! Then I found out about MY POWER MALL.

Whether you’re part of the 97% or the 3% you’ll want to find out what MY POWER MALL has to offer. It’s not MLM. It’s not an Affiliate Program. It’s something totally new that has been 5 years and $500,000 in the making.

I’m not going to take time to explain it because MY POWER MALL has created some powerful movies and a great website that will do just that. I will tell you it is totally new, totally FREE, very simple, and can be done in conjunction with anything else you are doing to generate financial freedom.

Click the button below! It will only take a few minutes to determine if our FREE program is what you have been looking for. I believe it is!



Sandy asks…

Help!!!I Need Money FAST!!! Does anyone know of a LEGIT work-at-home jobs?? HELP!!!!?

HELP I NEED MONEY!!! I need a work-athome job quick or just any way that you know of that i could make money off of fast. I if you know of any that you dont have to pay any money for than that would help alot!! I would actually perfer ones that you aint gotta pay nothing for.Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wel, yes there are but you can find them out too on net but you need to remmebr this that if any company or site demands for any sort of paymnet then they are all scams…. So next time when you ee any site that doesn’t demand for any paymnets then go forward with it, but the fact is that it isn’t easy at all to find such a site so to start up with, i can share with you the details about the job i have been doing since last year, i’ll refer you certain sites that can give you all the info regarding the job i do, and at an point you feel you need my assistance please do feel free to contact me my mailid is in my profile page under the “about me”.

Nb-> remove the spaces in between the links before using them..

Incomeonnet. Googlepages. Com
www. Internet-homejobs. Blogspot. Com
www. Freemoneyonnet. Blogspot. Com
www. Givenothingearnsomething. Blogspot. Com

Mandy asks…

Making Money Online While I Work At Home?

I’m getting so frustrated trying to make money online. Is there any way to really work at home? I have looked all over and it seems like making money online is only a rumor. Can anyone with real experience point me in the right direction? I don’t need to get rich quick I just need to make extra money in my spare time. I’m a college student with a busy schedule.

Nagesh answers:

I know all about it girl. Trying to make money online is one of the most confusing and hard to find subjects on the internet. It took me forever to actually find something worth doing. I’m a blog owner so I get paid from Google Adsense. If you don’t want to write a blog you can use too. It’s the easiest way I found for making money online.

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Saturday, April 28th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes For Students

Maria asks…

Can someone help me earn a little money on ebay or any way online?

I am a college student and as most people know, students do not have much money. Let me put this out there first, I AM NOT TRYING TO FIND A GET RICH QUICK SCHEME. I am simply looking for a way to earn a little extra money to save up to pay my school debt. I currently have a job so please do not just tell me to go get a job. I was wondering about ebay. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make money using ebay? I am very interested in any type of sport especially golf and I thought about trying to sell golf items on ebay but I am really not sure how to get started. I do not want to just limit myself to just sports or just ebay though but it was an idea I had. Has anyone else had success making a little extra money on ebay? Any advice is appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Hi, You can join Onbux and Neobux. Onbux and Neobux are 2 great PTC site which means (Paid to Click) You get paid to click ads. It’s a great site to make money while you are online.
If you would like to join:

If you would like to join Onbux:

If you would like to join Neobux:

Good Luck!

Thomas asks…

Is there a way to make money over the internet?

Okay, I’m not just some lazy bum looking for a “get rich quick” scheme. I’m a full time college student and I’m having a horrible time finding a job. The city I live in has one of the highest unemployment rates and I literally have filled out hundreds of applications with no avail. I can’t seem to find a job that fits with my school schedule either and I really need some extra money.

Is there a legitimate way to make money over the internet? I’ve heard about people making money through putting advertisements on their websites and generating lots of traffic – but how does one get into that? I really just want to know what the best way to make money is? Does anyone have success stories? REAL ONES, not scams.

Nagesh answers:

Most at home Jobs with a start up fee are scams. You shouldn’t

have to pay to work. However, there are work at home business

with start up costs that are legit. In other words there’s a great big world out there, online and offline and google,s..,..your friend!

Betty asks…

how can i make money while in college?

i am a freshman university student who is taking a heavy course load. i currently have a job, but they are evil bloodsucking vampires and want to work me every second i am not in class. this does not bode well, because i have no time for homework, studies, friends, family and lover. i have seen many “work from home” sites (eg: surveys, mystery shoppers, from home customer support) and have signed up for a great many of them.
9 times out of 10 the places ask me to pay them up front a large sum that i cannot afford (most of those are pyramid schemes i think) or they just give me pennies on the dollar for a half hours work.
i wanted to know if there was any of these sites that is REAL and actually pays a decent wage. or any other suggestions for ways to make money in college without having to work all night after school.
also, my expenses each month total about 550 dollars, so around 600 a month is what im looking to earn

Nagesh answers:

I will say almost all of those things you describe are scams… Anything that asks for money to work for them is a scam… (I won’t say all, because there may be a legitimate offer somewhere, I haven’t found it, and probably won’t ever find it though)

Umm… That’s tough, you need to decide what’s most important… You probably won’t be able to equally squeeze in time for all of the things you listed; some are more important than others… Obviously if you don’t study and do your homework you won’t pass your classes so if those aren’t at least up at the top you won’t have to worry about going to school… Umm, sometimes you have to put your friends, family, and lover on the back-burners for now, because it is YOUR life, and thus YOU need to be the most important aspect of it.. Choose which of those things are most important and divide up your time accordingly…

If you don’t want to work that much, maybe try and find another job that will work better around your schedule, or tell your boss you can only work a certain amount of hours and you won’t budge.. If they value you as a worker they should work around your college schedule, and the time you need to do well in college… Jobs that might work are waiter, bartender, tutor, poker player, stripper (maybe?), run your own website (if you are good at that sort of thing), coffee shop, and a lot of smaller places privately owned are more flexible with shifts and hours you work

or you could just take out loans for your expanses, if you don’t mind having loans when you are done with school, which would give you more time with friends, family, and the lover.

Good luck

Laura asks…

How to make money from my dorm room?

I am a 20 year old college student living in a dorm. I am trying to find a convenient part time job. I go to school in a small town so there aren’t many opening for jobs and on campus jobs are all taken. I have heard of people making a large income from various jobs online but I have no idea where to begin. I am looking for something flexible with respect to hours. I know there are a lot of “get rich quick” schemes and I don’t want to get sucked into that trap. I also don’t feel comfortable paying a fee to get a job (that just doesn’t make sense to me). Is there even anything out there that would fit this situation? If so where do I find it?

Nagesh answers:

Oh my gosh BEWARE of the scams!!! The google kit comes to mind. If you are required to pay ANYTHING, even s&h on an information package, know right away its a scam. I found out the hard way. Are you creative? If so, you should look at its like an online ebay for creative people selling their goods, and its (well alot of it) are really nice things. I sell artwork online. If you aren’t particularly creative, there is always offering to type peoples papers for them for a fee or other school-geared things like that. I proofread english papers for 50 bucks a piece and that was 6 years ago. Put up a flyer in the english department! It was worth it to alot of people (think frat guys or athletes) bc i was good at english. Around test time, (like almost every week) i could make $50-$200 bucks at a time, especially when they told their friends. Of course english isn’t the only subject, lol it was just my favorite! Good luck

Lisa asks…

can the Nobel prize for economics really be unbiased given that it’s sponsored by Sveriges Riksbank?

Isn’t it a case of awarding a prize to whoever tells Sveriges Riksbank what they want to hear?

Is the Nobel prize for economics really just to give a veneer of academic credibility to the latest scheme for making money out of thin air?

Why are so many Nobel prizes for economics awarded to the Chicago School of Economics?

Why are so many Nobel prizes for economics awarded to American institutions?

How did the financial products and equations created by these “geniuses”
lead to the US and the UK becoming bankrupt? (the US is bankrupt according to the IMF)

Why were Nobel prizes handed out to these men who have managed to collapse our economy?

Is it thanks to Myron S. Scholes that the US is bankrupt?

for a new method to determine the value of derivatives” –

is it thanks to Robert C. Merton that students are drowning in debt?

“financial instruments, such as mortgages and student loans” –

Did any of these prize winning economists factor in collusion between governments and banks?

Did any of these prize winning economists factor in massive organised financial crime in government and banks? Refuse to investigate. Refuse to find. Refuse to prosecute. Refuse to jail!
Let’s face it, economics is more of a faith based religion than a science!
0bama: Making Whites Pay: I don’t know whose name is more ridiculous, mine or yours?!?

Nagesh answers:

Im not tellin

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Friday, April 27th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Making Fundraisers

Donald asks…

Great Fundraising Ideas?

My lacrosse team just started our bank account, so essentially, we have little funding. I am going to be a senior this year and looking to step up and be captain, I’m going to need to plan some great fundraisers to raise money for team items and new equipment. So in general, I want something we can make fast goooooood money from. Something not to difficult processwise. Any ideas or experiences had would be appreciated!!! =] Pleaseee

Nagesh answers:

Bikini car wash is an effective way to raise money

Paul asks…

What is a good fundraiser for a class of 20 wanting to go on a class trip?

Our geometry class is wanting to go to a math and science day at Kings Island, but since it is only our class, we are not allowed to use the school’s money. We need a fast and easy way to make enough money.

Nagesh answers:

Car Wash!
Bake Sale!
Doughnut Sale!

George asks…

What is an easier and fast way to fund raise?

Okay, so my cheerleading squad is going to state competition this year and we’re fundraising money to stay at a hotel the night before. The fundraiser consists of a card that a person needs to scratch off two stars with a certain amount of money they need to donate from .75-3.00(similar to scraching for a lotery ticket). What I need help with is what to give people back for their donation. Something that would make them want to donate. Please help I only have 2 weeks to sell and its worth $250.00. Thanx.

Nagesh answers:

I am confused. Are you saying you want people to scratch a card and then give you the amount they see underneath the two stars? So evidently you want to give the potential donors a small gift to “bribe” them into accepting the card from you and feeling responsible to pay the amount they uncover. I would give out pens or pencils in the school colors with a short message with your school or team name and a thank you message. People also like and need small pocket calendars. Or, you could just flat out ask for money. People don’t always expect something back for their donation. But personally, I am a sucker for fund-raising chocolate bars or cookies. Good luck.

Lizzie asks…

Easy fundraiser?

hi, i really need help to make some money and fast. i need to make $400 really soon and $5700 by close to March ish. any suggestions for easy fund raising and money making? thanks
the reason i need to much is that i was nominated to be a US student ambassador and i would travel to Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, Holland, and the Netherlands during the next summer for about a month. it costs about $6295. well thanks again.

Nagesh answers:

My hockey team did a car wash and in 3 hours we made $550! We charged $7 per car… If you do that make sure you’re in a place where lots of cars pass by and make signs too.

Bake sales make a lot… Like after school (if you’re in school) charge like 75 cents per cookie/brownie and you would make like 20 dollars per batch of brownies…

You could have a yard sale if you have extra furniture/clothes/toys
or sell stuff on or something like that

hope i helped!

David asks…

What is the best breakfast fast food to sell on campus of a high school as a fundraiser?

As a fundraiser, my organization wants to sell fast food on campus; however, we are surrounded by Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King, Shipleys, Taco Stand, etc. So, we need to sell something far away from the campus, considering that we will be selling the same item for a higher price.

Two of the options we came up with were Chik-Fil-A and Sonic. Chik-Fil-A has breakfast sandwiches that sell for $2 and something, so we would sell it for $3. We think that would be too expensive. Sonic doesn’t really have anything that students couldn’t get elsewhere.

Do you have any ideas? Remember, we want to make money, so the product has to sell at a not so expensive price. (By the way, we have to compete with FREE breakfast given on campus as well.)
Ms. Kitty, thanks but we won’t make money that way. The taco stand sells the same and is only a block or so away. Shipley’s is a bit further, but people will still choose to walk than pay more (tried and failed by another organization).

Nagesh answers:

Does it have to be an organized fast food type of place?
I would think it would be nice to have pies, pastry, croissants, scones and things like that, along with coffee. I like lattes and maybe a pastry as opposed to breakfast sandwiches that I consider greasy. Bagels and cream cheese (lite cream cheese) are welcome as well.

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Thursday, April 26th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Quick Ways To Make Money For Kids

Mary asks…

quick way to make money for kid ? 10 quick points.?

i need to make 100$$ before March 23rd because im going on a week long field trip. im almost 13 and theres not enough snow to shovel driveways, and nobody wants their lawn mowed, and i get like a dollar for babysitting.

is there any way i can make some money? my parents cant really do anything so im just going to try myself.

thanks !
i cant do any like dog walking, or yard work

Nagesh answers:

Online scams are up 400% this year.
Please be careful out there.

Thomas asks…

Ways to make fast money for Kids?

Okay well I’m trying to make money quick and unfortunately I’m only 13 so I can’t go job searching and even if I was searching for a job cause of this economy I wouldn’t be doing so well anyway anybody have any ideas other than the classic lemonade stand
like neighborhood kinds of things

Nagesh answers:

Well, I’m only 15 and I mow lawns for those that are too old to do it themselves. I usually do 3 or four a week and make like 150 dollars a week.

Michael asks…

What is a good way to make some quick money?

I am trying to save up for a dirt bike (about $1500), but can’t think of any ways for a kid to make some quick cash, please help.

Nagesh answers:

Raise money by doing a carwash,
become like a handyman and stick up posters asking if anybody has any jobs need doing for instance cleaning the garden or dusting the shelves or shizzle
sell some stuff you dont want
invest in some cheap stuff on ebay and try to sell for more

George asks…

quick way to make money?

what is a quick way to make money for kids?

Nagesh answers:

Haha i want to reply to this with all the “quick” ways to make money there are that aren’t legit, but i think this sentence explains what you could do. And to the person that posted her link to the survey site. Gtfo. Survey sites are NOT a quick way to make money..yeah sure you can make a few bucks..but I don’t think you’re interested in making the same amount you made back when you used to have a lemonade stand. The best way, online, is can sell junk to just about everyone. In real life, the best way is to find something you know a lot about (for example I know a lot about snowboards) and search craigslist and listings to buy them cheap and then flip for a profit. I made about $200 in a week doing this. Or buying used phones from friends and posting them on ebay makes a pretty penny. I’m not sure how young you are, but these are all for 16+ (ebay, prepaid credit card). Otherwise you’re screwed..go get a job if you’re younger or mow lawns.

Linda asks…

Quick ways to earn money during the school year and in the summer. Need help asap.?

Well I’m in middle school. 8th grade. Just wondering how to make some fast money. I want ideas like things kids would use everyday in school. Or things to sell in the summer. Any ideas for his I would appreciate this so much. I would like answers asap. And any of your experience or anything that your friends have done I will take. Just anything you know and can think of.

Nagesh answers:

Here’s a great way to make money fast in your local area…

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Wednesday, April 25th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Scams

Nancy asks…

I want to make money online(FAST). Are there any websites a 14 year old can make a good amount of money.?

Please no scams

Nagesh answers:

This is an easy/free way to make extra money. We are a group of everyday people that share information so that we all get a better chance of making some extra money.
The study info you are interested in can be found on the following web site:
This site is completely free so register, and become a member, post a photo and you can start using the site to find studies to make extra money.
Never pay to join any market research company, EVER.

George asks…

make money online fast?

I am new to internet marketing and I have been hearing of different means of making money online but I am afraid of being scam.
So please I need your suggestion.

Nagesh answers:


Susan asks…

I need money badly, can someone tell me a way to make money easy online? (read description)?

I am a 15 year old male, right now I am in a bad position we don’t get alot of income. I need to know a way to make money fast and easy online for my age. Please no scams.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry man your best bet is to pick up a bag of coke and go sell it on the streets because the government dont give a shit if your in hard times they would rather take the last pennys off a bum on the corner, thats why you need to make money illegaly

Mandy asks…

how to make fast legal money online? urgent reply?

i want to make 50$ a month . give me the best site with free signup no minimum payout and only 30 minutes work required .also give me survey sites (no scam) with free signup no minimum payout.if your site is real i give you half profit of my fist month.

Nagesh answers:

Sorry I can”‘t point you to anything, but please be careful of any places that claim to let you work at home, but want you to pay them to apply or learn more. All such set ups are scams. A legitimate employer won’t make you pay anything to apply or to work for them.

Richard asks…

Money Help???

How can a 13 year old make money fast online no scams please??

Nagesh answers:

Why dont you just get a paper round like i did at 13?

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Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Money Making Schemes From Home

Betty asks…

Does anyone pack emery boards from home anymore?

I used to do it as it kept my fingers agile and I could watch telly at the same time, no money making scheme, but just wondered if anyone still does it?

Nagesh answers:

Yes. I keep an emery board in my purse and in my desk at work. I got small ones from Avon that are great. It’s nice to have one handy if I break a nail.

Sandy asks…

Is there anyway to earn money from your home computer?

Because of to many reason’s to list here, I am not able to find a job. I do have a computer and would really like to find a way to earn a living using my computer. I have looked the web over but everything sounds like a scam. If people could really make the money these sites have promised, then everyone would be working at home. So, If anyone knows about a legal way, (no pyramid, stuffing envelopes schemes, etc) I would love to hear about them. Thank you

Nagesh answers:

If you have above average computer skills, some web publishing skills and somewhat of an understanding of how the internet works (or the desire to learn) there is money to be made online.

Most people do not preservere long enough to get to the end of the fog and see a clear path. It does take real work and it’s at that point of discovery where many people make a u-turn.

Seek and Destroy… You can do it.

Laura asks…

does anyone actually make any money from some online schemes?

just wondering if anyone makes any money online from any of the work from home schemes that you see? or any other way? i already have a full time job i am just curious about this as i would like to give it a try. anyone who knows anything please could you tell me a little about it and how long it takes? thank you

Nagesh answers:

Well, let me start by saying “What Works For One, Does Not Necessarily Mean It Will For The Other”

There are literally 100’s of ways of making money online and it will depend on your own preference and what you like to do. Here is a few ways to make money that I have read about and people have succeeded in making a good profit from:

– Online Data Entry

– Affiliate Advertising

– Blogging

– Writing Articles

– Selling Photography

– Sell Your Artwork

– Write an E-book

– Mock Trial Juror

– Read Emails

– Social Linking

It will be impossible for me to discuss each method but Google is your friend and you can always use it to search for each of the above topics. There are lots of forums out there discussing people’s experiences and I strongly suggest you read people’s experiences to take a jump ahead of the others and not to the same mistakes others have done.

I personally have been striving to make an income online but my months of search and reading have not been put to waste. I have lots of income streams and I am proud of that. I am a 19 year old that is paying his own rent, has his own car and most important of all, paying for his own education.

My advice to you is not to get strayed by making money online and leaving the most important aspects of life. Always make time for your family and your education.

I have stumbled on a website a few months back that offers an easy way of starting your own income stream, you can always check it out as this is one my easiest passive income streams. I am not sure if I can share a link of this product as it’s being sold and I do not want to infringe any copyrights but you can always purchase it or search if it is available for free download somewhere. The link is available below.

If you need any help, feel free to email me anytime. Wishing you all the best! Before you know it, I am sure you will be making lots of money online 🙂

Carol asks…

Are there any legitimate work from home jobs?

I have been an administrative assistant, front desk coordinator, receptionist and so on for over 10 yrs. I have looked into Medical Transcriptionist, but don’t have the money available right now to become certified. I desperately want to stay home with my 8 yr old and 5 yr old and wanted to know if there is anyone that has ideas for working from home and actually making money. I don’t mean get rich quick schemes, but an actual job. Thank You in advance for your answers.

Nagesh answers:

First off, beware of get rich quick schemes. Do not send money to get into some work from home scheme that promises you great wealth.

As for medical transcription, I can speak to that. It is a legitimate work at home career. I have done it for many years working from home and have averaged around $75,000 the past few years. Yes, you will have to spend money to get training. Most schools have payment plans. If you decide to go this route, make very sure that the school actually has a partnership with companies who actually hire their grads. “Affiliation” doesn’t count unless the “affiliation” is with companies who actually hire their grads. I can’t stress this enough.

Susan asks…

How can i make extra money from home – any advice?

I am looking to earn much needed extra money from home if possible, i work throughout the week and am in need of extra cash.

Ive heard you can make money from doing typing work etc from home, can anyone advise?

I am not interested in get rich quick schemes or where i myself have to pay a fee to earn – im also not interested in stuffing envelopes or doing the better-ware/kleeneze catalogues lol!

Can you advise or send me any links or contacts that may be relevant?

I look forward to your responses?

Natalie x
Also please note i am based in UK so if you can supply me with UK based opportunitys and also direct links where possible to the prospective job.

It would be good to hear from you if you yourself work from home and can tell me what sort of weekly/monthly income i can expect – based on how many hours? doing what? lol

Sorry ill stop rattling on! x

Nagesh answers:

You already have some good replies, you seem like an intelligent person, you can think about contacting publishing houses and doing proof reading.

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Monday, April 23rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For Teenagers

Donna asks…

Ways to earn money for a much needed vacation!?

am saving up money for my family to go to disneyworld sometime soon ( i am a teenager) and i want to go REALLY REALLY BAD, but with the economy as it is, my parents don’t want to pay for our family of 6 to go.
I need some suggestions of fast ways to earn money, I have around $400. I need about $1632.
its not that i’m poor and my parents are making me pay, its just that i have two older brothers in college and we just went to disney about a year ago, so my parents don’t want to just pack up and go right away again. i am trying to prove that i can earn money and not spend it right away!!
and im not 16 so i can’t have a legal job
Please give me some ideas! thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Okay, Kid you’ve been asking this same question repeatedly and everyone has given you great ideas. What more do you expect them to say?

But okay I’ll indulge you with one more suggestion. Rather than spending your time here asking the same question you should be spending your time putting their ideas to work and actually start making money now.

This piece of advise will get you to WDW that much sooner.

Susan asks…

Ways to EARN Money???? PLEASE HELP!!!?

Hi, I am currently a teenager. I need a laptop,And no, no business in the area are hiring 14 year olds. Some ideas for making money fast, by myself, and nothing to do with online surveys, thanks!

Nagesh answers:

1. Pet-sit
2. Baby-sit
3. Yardwork
4. Grocery store cashier
5. Photographer’s assistant (that’s what I do)

Jenny asks…

Is it possible for me to be a semi-successful jingle writer?

I am 16 and I play the guitar, bass, piano, and drums. I have some recording software and equipment that I create my own songs with for my own amusement. I feel like there must be different, more creative ways for teenagers to make money other than stupid fast food and retail jobs. So, anyone know about writing jingles??

Nagesh answers:

Go to small advertising companies and offer your services. Probably they are not going to pay you a lot, but it would help you to create a portfolio and then you will be able to go to the big companies.

Joseph asks…

Money Trouble!?


Nagesh answers:

There are many things you can do to make money, such as babysitting, having a garage sale, having a bakesale, or get a part-time job. You can find other great ideas at the article below.

Charles asks…

What are some fun jobs for teenagers?

I’m 16 and it’s summer time now and I need a job. I’ve never had one before and I really do not want to work at a fast food place or anything like that. Does anyone have any ideas for fun creative ways to make money over the summer?

Nagesh answers:

Publix, winn dixie, local shops with age limits low enough for u to work there, mowing lawns, cleaning pools, babysitting, dogsitting, camp counseling, drug dealing (haha jk), hustlin, and prostitution.

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Sunday, April 22nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money Fast For Kids

Robert asks…

What are legit ways to make $$$ as a teen?!?

I’m only 15, so I can’t get a job. I can’t mow lawns, since everyone in my neighborhood hires landscapers. All the kids in my neighborhood are too old to be babysat, so that’s a no. I just need some LEGIT ideas to make some money fast. My parents don’t pay for anything of mine, so that’s why I need to money. If I sell some stuff, I need to know
-what to sell to make most $,
-Ebay or Craigslist? (I’m open to either)
-How to make the most I can get.


Thanks so far everyone!!

Dog Walking: No one in my neighborhood has dogs, haha. If they do, they already have walkers and/or kids to walk them. 😐

I can’t work. You have to be 16 years old, no matter what. That’s the deal here.

I don’t turn 16 until December, and I need the $$ now for school shopping and stuff like that.

Yeah, it does suck that my rents don’t help, but they’ve got bills to pay and I would rather have my OWN money to spend and not feel quilty. (:
Already have Paypal account (dad’s) and Craigslist account (dad’s), so that’s all fine.
yeah, no gambling please.

If this helps any: I’m smart (tutoring could work here), I play the cello (and its green, which kids love), I make friendship bracelets (with names too! Friends love these, but it costs $$ to get the materials and time to make them)

there are a lot of kids in my cul-de-sac, but most are 6th grade+

Nagesh answers:

I’ve already earned $2005.71in only four months on

Points2shop is by far the best site for earning free cash. If you don’t believe me points2shop has a “proof” section in their forum where members post pictures of the things that they have received from points2shop.

If I were you I’d go to points2shop. You can earn money so easily on points2shop by completing offers, surveys, playing games, or simply by clicking on links! It’s that easy! Best of all points2shop is 100% free.

If you need to know more information you can check their forums where members post the things that they have received for earning points on the points2shop website below.

If you click on the link below you get $2.50 free just for signing up!


Mark asks…

How do you make $500 very fast?READ DISCRIPTION!!!?

Me and my brother are going to by the dsi and the psp go along with some games that cost about $500. im 10 and hes 13 please give us some ideas tomake this money. if your one of those people who tell me to forgwet systems or say schools more important or even idk go anser some other question i dont have time for you. i live in a (no offence) white ppl naborhood with no kids there and i’ve got 3 months to come up with my share or the money.please please [PLEASE help some kids out and give atleast one GOOD idea.Thanks =) ☺☻♥


Nagesh answers:

Do you have any games/systems that you don’t use very much anymore? Stores like Gamestop will buy some of those games off of you. Depending on condition/how old it is you will get more or less money of course. Another way I made money as a kid was mowing lawns, if you know how to operate a lawn mower you can make some pretty decent money. Have you talked to your parents? Maybe they would be willing to let you do some extra chores for a bit of money here and there. Good luck getting your games! :*)

Linda asks…

Ways to make money as a 13 yearold kid?

I would like some fast, eaisy or good paying ideas i am a 13 yearold girl and if you could think of some ieas that is not lemon aid stand, baby/pet sitting, yard work, garage sale, or wash a car/aimals BUT if you cant think of other ideas then could you help me out on how much to charge for the different ideas……. PS i dont want any online website stuff……….Thanks

Nagesh answers:

What are your hobbies. Think about which of your hobbies you can turn into a business and ask around to see if people would be willing to buy. Then go from there

Michael asks…

how does a 13 year old kid make $100 in 3 weeks?

i really badly need money for some concert tickets and i need good ideas to make good money fast. but dont give me the lemonade or brownie selling crap i really need $100 in 3 weeks and please please please try giving good answers.

thank you so much 🙂

im willing to work hard

Nagesh answers:

I used to make good money mowing lawns and babysitting. Plus I did extra chores for my grandparents and neighbors, who needed help. I helped my brother on his paper route, there was some good money too. You can make money, but you have to be willing to work and sweat. Maybe you can walk some dogs for the neighbors, or wash cars, or do yardwork. Look around and see what needs to be done and see who’s willing to pay you. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Donna asks…

I am a swim coach and next year our team is losing our funds and we are going self supported.?

So we want to get some money saved up for next year. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make money fast. The team is small and I want the kids involved as much as possible but, we have good family support so the parents are very willing to help. So if you have any ideas. Please let me know. Thank you so much 🙂

Nagesh answers:

I feel your pain. My swim team was in the same situation that you are in and I quit this year because the stress was too much. I quit after I had the program stablized. I went to local sport stadiums or centers and found out that we could clean them after events for sizable amounts of money. We ended up cleaning at a local university football stadium. We also sent letters to the community and got sponserships. We hung their names/business names in our pool area. Good luck

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Saturday, April 21st, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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