Archive for February, 2012

Your Questions About Ways To Make Money Fast For 12 Year Olds

George asks…

Good way for a 12 year old to make money?

My lesser brother want to save up money fast, He cant do a lemonade stand, or any chores (There is nothing to do!) He is going to try to sell paper boats for 50cents, Will it work?Any other ways?
No stupid stuff like “beg for money” or anything too technical

Nagesh answers:

First you need to educate yourself on all that’s available that you would be interested in doing. There are more ways to earn online than there stars in the sky. Well, maybe not that many but it can be over whelming.

I started by signing up for all the newsletters, mini-courses and such that I could find. You will filter throught them till you find the ones that appeal to you.

Once you find something you are interested in, you have to make a decision that will call you to action. If you can’t do this, and you only wish and talk about wanting, then you will never have what you want.

William asks…

What is a good way for a 10 year old to make money?

My son is 10, going on 11, and he is saving up for an iPad, what is a good way for him to make money fast? Snow Removal won’t work because winter is almost over, and by law, you have to be 12 years old to run a lawnmower, so that won’t work either. Any suggestions will help!

Nagesh answers:

Where do you live where a 10 year old can’t use a lawnmower?

Yard cleanup – raking, trimming shrubs
Dog walking and pet sitting
Being a “parent’s helper” – watching younger kids while mom or dad is home but doing something else
Washing windows
Organizing basements or toolbenches or workshops
Cleaning out garages

I’d have him make a flyer with these services and go door-to-door to your neighbors and ask if they’d consider hiring him. He’ll need to set a low, reasonable rate. Perhaps offering the first hour free would help too?

Good luck. Also what about selling old items on Craiglist or eBay with your supervision? Maybe he has old toys or games he could sell.

Ruth asks…

Ways for a 12 year old to earn money FAST!?

My sister needs to earn money by halloween. We live in florida so, things we can do down here. No snow or anything that’s “up northy”. He goal is about $50.00. She can:
Mow lawns
Make Sites
Lotsa stuff.
List anything you know of

Nagesh answers:

Looks like you just need to pur your plan into action. Don’t think about it, just do it. Most girls I know around that age are babysitting for a few extra bucks.

Michael asks…

What is the best/fastest way for a 12 year old to make money?

Nagesh answers:

My son when he was younger 🙂 worked at a Dominos pizza place cleaning the area up, he was 10yrs old, he also helped a man whom was wheel chair bound, collecting cans for him, mowed lawns, made at that time, $10 each time…. My oldest when 9yrs, baby sat for a disabled parent, she made $100 a week end….. She babysat till she was 15.7, then worked at a Burger King till 16.5, Taco Bell, by age 17 she was assisting the manager… She worked for Eagle Hardware, janitor for a WorkFirst, Boeing co…. Now she makes $17.50 an hour, owns a home… So my point is if you work hard, being responcible, graduate, you may at 30yrs old be able to own your business, homes, cars and enjoy your work….
Good Luck..

Sandy asks…

Can 12 year olds bus tables?

i need to make money fast, can i make it this way? and if not, what are some good ways to make money for a 12 year old? and were?

Nagesh answers:

When I was 12, in 1992, I delivered newspapers. Now you have to be 16 here in Ca to get an actual job. Right now I suggest you go to and make your own dusiness cards for free and hand them out. Advertise yourself that way, but first you have to find what you can do. Talk to any older friends you may have at school or church to see what they have done. Ask your parents for ideas.
-Mow lawns
-Pet sit
-Dog walker (unless you are of smaller stature)
-Offer to help neighbors with chores
Personally I think it’s great that you want to get a job and become a responsible member of society. It builds character. I have met several people in my working career who are 18 to 22 years old and they are looking for work for the first time in their lives. It also helps you learn the value of a dollar.

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Thursday, February 9th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Make Money Quickly Home

Steven asks…

I need ideas of how to make money quickly!!?

Im a student nurse so prefer working from home as my shifts are unpredictable. all suggestions are more than welcome Thanks x

Nagesh answers:

Everyone loves sponge baths from a naughty nurse.

Linda asks…

how does one make little money from home when someone cannot travel to work?

my father -in- law had car accident and cannot travel to work to earn some money. Is there some way he can make little money from home working with his hands, is bright, literate, has office experience and is computer literate, can pick up quickly and learn and can work without supervision; prefer something, not looking for big salary, even a small sum of money can bring him back his dignity, he is very hard working and neat, fast worker, responsible, reliable and deligent, will work for reasonable wages. Can someone out there please give some ideas or direction or some manufacturing companies, factories or warehouse where work can be delivered to home and picked up from home of home-worker . Your Help will be so much appreciated .

Nagesh answers:

If he can make anything crafty he can definately sell stuff like that on ebay. I make jewelry from home but i’m not sure he’d wanna do that!

Betty asks…

How can I make some money……..quickly?

My partner and I work 72 hours a week between us but, a forgotten debt has cropped up.Bailiffs called to our home and are threatening to take our belongings when they return in 5 days.
We have no spare cash left and need to make some fast cash.Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Nagesh answers:

Check your entire house, garage, storage, attic… For things you don’t need or want anymore. Then sign-up for an Ebay account. Seriously. You’ll be surprised what sells. I made over $3000 last Spring for the same reason. Group categories of same size clothing together and sell it as a lot. Books, records, camaras, movies, collectibles, etc.. Do a search on Ebay as though your looking to buy the item first – see what other people are selling their like items for. That will give you a good price range to sell your stuff. I recommend going a little lower than the average and selling as a fixed price instead of auction style. You’ll need a bank (debit) card to sign-up for Paypal and as soon as someone buys your item, you’ll have the money available in your Paypal account. It will take longer than 5 days to get your actual card in the mail…but when you do, you can use it at an ATM do draw out the money. In the mean time, pay off your immediate debts with whatever money you have now. A good website to research is Dave Ramsey – he’s a financial genius and always has great advice. Good luck.

Susan asks…

What is a good way to make lots of money quickly, requiring no education/experience etc? I just want to $ fast

I’m trying to save up for a home mortage, so I need a large deposit. Currently I work part time, so can anyone suggest casual/odd jobs that earn alot?

Nagesh answers:

Hiting the jackpot.

Thomas asks…

how can i make money quickly?

im seventeen and cry myself to sleep each night as i am so worried about running out of money, surely this isn’t right. although i support myself in terms of paying rent and college fees and contributing to bills and i also pay for all my food. i do still live at home with my parents. they are upset by my situation and it hurts them because they want to help me and see me achieve my goals but they themselves can’t afford bail me out.

i am at college at the moment training to be an outdoor persuits instructor although i am going to have to drop out before my second year as i just cannot afford the costs that go with it, such as the equiptment i need and travelling there and back. i now have £100 left in my bank account untill i get paid which isnt untill next month and i am really at a loss as what to do. is there really no-one out there that can help me?? i just want to be normal and do what other 17 year olds in the UK do, be able to go out and have friends and maybe even learn to drive and continue my education. instead i just work all the time but still cant afford new clothes etc. completely stuck in a rut,

does anybody know of any quick way i can make money, or any sort of finantial help i could be entitled to?? surely it isn’t right i should have this amount of economic pressure on me at such a young age, it just feels wrong …

Nagesh answers:

To me business is simple its about making money, making money and making more money,

unfortunelty you failed on this task with regret,

your fired,

no all joking aside,

get a part time job, e.g., deli, nando’s, fish and chip shop, receptionist and stuff like that.

Best of financial luck in future.

Your hired !

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Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Ideas To Make Money For Kids

David asks…

How to make money for kids?

Hi, im 13 and i would like to save up for a rare expensive cat, and i need ideas for money because the cat i want is 3 grand. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Wow. For a kid, that’s really alot especially if you don’t have a job. Well one way I make money from time to time is offering to get my neighbor’s mail when he’s on vacation. I get at least $40 when he’s gone for a week. Other than that, you could definitely volunteer at an animal shelter or you could babysit. Those are pretty easy jobs to get when your not old enough for a real one. You could also do extra chores around the house. Or even better, if you have a little brother or sister, you could make a deal with your parents to help your little sibling with their homework once a week in return for some money. Hope this helped!

Joseph asks…

What are some ways for kids to make money?

I’m ten and i really want this phone for $50.00 but my mom won’t buy it for me and i really really want it can you plz give me some cool and UNIQUE ideas for me to make money!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

Wow, everyone that answers is just trying to make money, they are all selling something, providing referral links etc etc. Here is a site full of UNIQUE ideas of how kids can make some money. Check it out!


James asks…

cool ideas to make money for a kid?

my parents are divorced and my dads making us move and my mom says we dont have the money to stay in out city.i want my girlfriend and friends! my friends and i our trying to make money for us. we already got carwashes. Im 12

Nagesh answers:

Dog walking
Water a elderly persons plants

I babysit and i make at least 20 dollars a kid 🙂

Good luck…my parents are divorced i know exactly what you mean :0)

Susan asks…

ideas to make money for kid?

is there any websites were you can go to to write reviews on products?

Nagesh answers:

If your good with computers: offer to help an elderly person with technical work
If your a good laborer: Ask to mow lawns of friends and neighbors (maybe when their on vacation?)
If your good with animals: Walk dogs, take care of animals while people are away
If your good with kids: This one depends on if your old enough, I say if your 13 you can do it alone but if your under or you have A LOT of kids, try taking an older friend or sibling.
If your good at cleaning: Offer to help clean someone’s house when they’re away.
If your responsible: Let a neighboor know you can water their garden and plants while their away.

John asks…

Any ideas for a kid to make money?

Please tell me if you have a ways for a kid to make money at the age of 13! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

A paper route

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Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Get Money Fast Online

Helen asks…

How can I make money online?

Like from taking quizes or w/e. I dont have any money to spend getting started and I need money fast. What are some sites?

Nagesh answers:

Spiderweb Marketing System is the hottest, cutting-edge system in the Network Marketing Industry,
22 income streams,
One income stream is GDI, here is BBB rating of GDI + ?site=26&bbb=1186&firm=28007456

Spiderweb Marketing System is easy to learn. And most amazingly, its totally FREE to start.

also, here is video proof of payments,

Linda asks…

Good ways to earn money online and its mailed to your door?BEST ANSWER?

Hi im 15 and I need to earn some money fast because me and my friends are going to New york city for a week but i nedd 650 dollars for the hotel we want to stay at and I have 3 months to get it help me plz? BEst answer

Nagesh answers:

Sell a digital downloadable product.
Like an eBook or some other type of digital product. This way, you don’t have to deal with postage or anything like that.

It’s like an online vending machine!.!!

It’s really easy to set up websites like these. In fact, you can buy a website on eBay for very very little time or money,

and start making money within a week or two of marketing your website’!-!

Susan asks…

best way to make money online?

ok i do not want any big deal thing… all i want is try to make some money online in a safe way.. im 18 years old cant get a job i see all this make fast money online thing but i dont buy that. thats why im asking this question. i want something kind of simple and safe if you can help me or give me tips or if you do this i would like to know how can i start and what i shouldn’t do when im in it.

Nagesh answers:

Http:// try this site, I’ve already got a 50$ check in the mail in 2 weeks for just 5 mins per day! And you get a 10$ sign up bonus!

Robert asks…

What is the easiest way to make money online without getting scammed?

I am looking for ways to make money online without the hassle, and the possiblity of being scammed. I heard and saw bogus websites, those that ask for your credit card number and I’m not into all that. So, does anyone know of good legit ways to make money online pretty fast?

Nagesh answers:

Http:// Its what I do and it’s worked out pretty well. What you have to do is complete surveys and offers for companies that want the public’s opinion. No payment from you is ever required, not to sign up, not EVER.

The sites don’t get paid directly from you, but when you complete an offer or survey, they also get paid a small portion of what you earned yourself. For example, if you complete a survey about computers let’s say, you would earn maybe $2 and the web site itself would recieve $0.50 from the company also for getting you to complete the survey. These surveys take little time at all, most taking up less than even 1 or 2 minutes of your time.

They don’t need any information other than your name, email address and your home address. Yup, that is all. No credit card information, no banking information, nothing like that. All they require is your name and address so that your cheque can be sent to your home every month.

Personally I have been a member of these websites, along with thousands of other satisfied users, for approximately 1.5 years now and have earned well over $8600 by working in my spare time. This web site has been great to me, also the members and administrator are very friendly, and are always there to help you with a question or problem you may be having. I give you my word that they pay.

William asks…

how do you get lots of money online in saints row fast?

im dying to get a sort of pimp coat but it is $2,500.00 and you only get $45.00 each match, please help!

Nagesh answers:

I have the exact same problem i got 200 from a team gangster brawl but everything elts it like 45 30 20 ya know if u find sum thing out add me im HARDxCORExKILLA spelled exactly like that

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Monday, February 6th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Free Paypal

Jenny asks…

does anyone know how to get a Free $50.00 to my paypal account?

I have looked all over youtube and searched the web but I can not find any easy and fast way to make myself $50.00 or more to my paypal.Please do not give me any of those things where you have to earn a certain amount of refferrals and then they pay you.I want something that would take only a few minutes to do and it pays you a lot of paypal money and sends it to your account instantly because I am planning to use the money to upgade myself and a friend in a online game called mechquest.Please give me the address to the website.Also I do not have any money in my paypal.


Nagesh answers:

Ye m8 just get a job, dont waste your time in life waiting for a handout, because you will come probably come to learn that after 30 years expecting that free cash, you realise u never got it and your now a 50 year old bum with no dollar lol

Michael asks…

Where to get a FREE drawing tablet?

I am 15 and want to draw t-shirt designs so I can sell them online. Scanning doesn’t work for me, so I need a drawing tablet that plugs into my laptop using a USB, like a Bamboo tablet. Unfortunately, I have no money, so i either need some way to get a free drawing tablet or a way to make some fast money through PayPal, hopefully a way that doesn’t include surveys or CashCrate. I DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD. Please no spam or scam answers, only ones that will help me.

Nagesh answers:

Theft? XD I would just get a job… That’s what I do when I need to buy things. Which is all the time.

You probably can’t work now, but just practice drawing, you can never practice enough. I also highly doubt you’ll make much if any money selling t-shirts online… Not only do you have to be more skilled than the people who already have fanbases, you have to be able to get your name out there.

Joseph asks…

Is this paypal email legit?

Dear Kayla,

We hereby inform you that our client (Stephen.c.) has successfully made the payment using PAYPAL. You are required to mail out the item paid for. Get back to us with the Shipping information/Tracking Number and the estimated number of days of arrival of the shipment for verification purpose. After this, your account will be processed within 2 – 12 hours of Shipment and the fund will reflect in you Paypal Account.


Thanks For Using Paypal,
Paypal Team.

The order has been APPROVED, you CAN NOW ship the merchandise to the buyer’s shipping address. You are expected to make the shipment with 48 hours of receiving this Payment Approval Notification and get back to our Costumer/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipments Verification.

Due to the fact that PAYPAL processes thousands of orders daily, paypal RECOMMENDS contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt dispatch the Money OrderSM. Send shippment tracking details to

If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order at:

The “official” PayPal corporate offices are at:
303 Bryant Street
Mountain View, California 94041
Phone number: 802 2 500 262
Thank you for using PAYPAL® We look forward to serving your online auction payment needs better in the future.

this is my first paypal transaction and i just wanted to make
sure that this email was legit before i moved forward. thanks !!

Nagesh answers:

NO it does NOT look legit–AT ALL. If you are the SELLER, you should have a PAYPAL account. Go to and login to YOUR account. That is the ONLY way to know if the funds have REALLY been put into YOUR account. ANYTHING else is surely a scam and many have used this method beforehand to bilk people out of money and items. If you do not have a PAYPAL account, how are you selling things through them?

Sandy asks…

Is it safe to get payments on paypal?

I would like to know how it works and if it is safe…

Selling price was 700$

First off I was selling a laptop on craigslist and was offered this message for it

Hello seller,

I really appreciate your response to my previous mail. Just to let you know that I’m satisfied with the condition of the item. Like I said I will like to purchase this item

for my wife as a suprise Birthday Gift so kindly withdraw the advert from Craigslist but i will not be able to look at the item or pick it up from your place because i am currently

out of the state, I’m representing my company on an official trip, You will be shipping the item to my wife just because I’m buying the item for her,

(1) I will like to know why you are selling this item and do you have the receipt of the item.
(2) I will offer you $750 for the item and will also add an extra $150 to the money so as to cover the shipping and insurance charges.

(3) I will also add an extra $10 to the money to compensate you for sealing a deal with me.

(4) I will prefer the shipment to go through USPS (Express Mail Service Flat Rate (EMS) (3-5) business day).

(5) And about the payment, My mode of payment will be through PayPal because it is fast for a safe,secure,reliable transaction and easy to send money online, So get back to

me with your PayPal email address or send me a PayPal money request so that i can send out the payment and as soon as you received the payment you can make the

shipment,But if you don’t have a PayPal account you can quickly set-up one at( it is easy and save and it’s free also your reply will be appreciated by me if

you get back to me asap.

Nagesh answers:

That is worded the same way as most of the scams. They will fake an email from PayPal indicating you have been paid. Then they will ask you to send money back for the shipping. Since the PayPay payment is not true you lose the money you sent to them. Never accept any purchase where you are offered shipping charges but you must send it to a strange address. Also never trust an email indicating it is from PayPal without checking your account to see the money there.

Did you notice that the reference is always to “the item”? The item name is nowhere. It is a standard message sent to everyone. 
₪ ʎəɿʞɹɐq ₪
Friday, January 14, 2011

Mark asks…

Online Casinos?

Hi… I was wondering if there are any online casinos that a 14 year old (me) can play.

I’m just looking for some fast ways to make money… this is my next stop…

Paypal is preferred for payment… or free casinos are better!

Thank you very much and Have a great day! -Edward Brown

Nagesh answers:

Lol paypal i havent seen one site accepting paypal for gambling online and ive been to a lot. See the problem wouldnt be the depositing it would be withdrawing it. All you need to deposit is a credit or debit card but now most sites require you to send them a photo of your ID and a bank statement which is a pain in the ass even if u are who u say

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Sunday, February 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online Free Paypal

Carol asks…

does anyone know how to get a Free $50.00 to my paypal account?

I have looked all over youtube and searched the web but I can not find any easy and fast way to make myself $50.00 or more to my paypal.Please do not give me any of those things where you have to earn a certain amount of refferrals and then they pay you.I want something that would take only a few minutes to do and it pays you a lot of paypal money and sends it to your account instantly because I am planning to use the money to upgade myself and a friend in a online game called mechquest.Please give me the address to the website.Also I do not have any money in my paypal.


Nagesh answers:

Ye m8 just get a job, dont waste your time in life waiting for a handout, because you will come probably come to learn that after 30 years expecting that free cash, you realise u never got it and your now a 50 year old bum with no dollar lol

Thomas asks…

Where to get a FREE drawing tablet?

I am 15 and want to draw t-shirt designs so I can sell them online. Scanning doesn’t work for me, so I need a drawing tablet that plugs into my laptop using a USB, like a Bamboo tablet. Unfortunately, I have no money, so i either need some way to get a free drawing tablet or a way to make some fast money through PayPal, hopefully a way that doesn’t include surveys or CashCrate. I DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD. Please no spam or scam answers, only ones that will help me.

Nagesh answers:

Theft? XD I would just get a job… That’s what I do when I need to buy things. Which is all the time.

You probably can’t work now, but just practice drawing, you can never practice enough. I also highly doubt you’ll make much if any money selling t-shirts online… Not only do you have to be more skilled than the people who already have fanbases, you have to be able to get your name out there.

Mandy asks…

Is this paypal email legit?

Dear Kayla,

We hereby inform you that our client (Stephen.c.) has successfully made the payment using PAYPAL. You are required to mail out the item paid for. Get back to us with the Shipping information/Tracking Number and the estimated number of days of arrival of the shipment for verification purpose. After this, your account will be processed within 2 – 12 hours of Shipment and the fund will reflect in you Paypal Account.


Thanks For Using Paypal,
Paypal Team.

The order has been APPROVED, you CAN NOW ship the merchandise to the buyer’s shipping address. You are expected to make the shipment with 48 hours of receiving this Payment Approval Notification and get back to our Costumer/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipments Verification.

Due to the fact that PAYPAL processes thousands of orders daily, paypal RECOMMENDS contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt dispatch the Money OrderSM. Send shippment tracking details to

If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order at:

The “official” PayPal corporate offices are at:
303 Bryant Street
Mountain View, California 94041
Phone number: 802 2 500 262
Thank you for using PAYPAL® We look forward to serving your online auction payment needs better in the future.

this is my first paypal transaction and i just wanted to make
sure that this email was legit before i moved forward. thanks !!

Nagesh answers:

NO it does NOT look legit–AT ALL. If you are the SELLER, you should have a PAYPAL account. Go to and login to YOUR account. That is the ONLY way to know if the funds have REALLY been put into YOUR account. ANYTHING else is surely a scam and many have used this method beforehand to bilk people out of money and items. If you do not have a PAYPAL account, how are you selling things through them?

Ruth asks…

Is it safe to get payments on paypal?

I would like to know how it works and if it is safe…

Selling price was 700$

First off I was selling a laptop on craigslist and was offered this message for it

Hello seller,

I really appreciate your response to my previous mail. Just to let you know that I’m satisfied with the condition of the item. Like I said I will like to purchase this item

for my wife as a suprise Birthday Gift so kindly withdraw the advert from Craigslist but i will not be able to look at the item or pick it up from your place because i am currently

out of the state, I’m representing my company on an official trip, You will be shipping the item to my wife just because I’m buying the item for her,

(1) I will like to know why you are selling this item and do you have the receipt of the item.
(2) I will offer you $750 for the item and will also add an extra $150 to the money so as to cover the shipping and insurance charges.

(3) I will also add an extra $10 to the money to compensate you for sealing a deal with me.

(4) I will prefer the shipment to go through USPS (Express Mail Service Flat Rate (EMS) (3-5) business day).

(5) And about the payment, My mode of payment will be through PayPal because it is fast for a safe,secure,reliable transaction and easy to send money online, So get back to

me with your PayPal email address or send me a PayPal money request so that i can send out the payment and as soon as you received the payment you can make the

shipment,But if you don’t have a PayPal account you can quickly set-up one at( it is easy and save and it’s free also your reply will be appreciated by me if

you get back to me asap.

Nagesh answers:

That is worded the same way as most of the scams. They will fake an email from PayPal indicating you have been paid. Then they will ask you to send money back for the shipping. Since the PayPay payment is not true you lose the money you sent to them. Never accept any purchase where you are offered shipping charges but you must send it to a strange address. Also never trust an email indicating it is from PayPal without checking your account to see the money there.

Did you notice that the reference is always to “the item”? The item name is nowhere. It is a standard message sent to everyone. 
₪ ʎəɿʞɹɐq ₪
Friday, January 14, 2011

Jenny asks…

Online Casinos?

Hi… I was wondering if there are any online casinos that a 14 year old (me) can play.

I’m just looking for some fast ways to make money… this is my next stop…

Paypal is preferred for payment… or free casinos are better!

Thank you very much and Have a great day! -Edward Brown

Nagesh answers:

Lol paypal i havent seen one site accepting paypal for gambling online and ive been to a lot. See the problem wouldnt be the depositing it would be withdrawing it. All you need to deposit is a credit or debit card but now most sites require you to send them a photo of your ID and a bank statement which is a pain in the ass even if u are who u say

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, February 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Richard asks…

where can i find a reliable free online library on how to make money online for free?

i need to know where i can have access to quality online library on how to make money online for free and fast.

Nagesh answers:

How about you run own website/blog and earn from google adsense.

Laura asks…

a good way to make money fast online?

i need money really fast i need to buy all kinds of stuff for school i just have till the end of next month to get everything i need for school but i dont have a job and my parents dont have enough money to buy me anything for school. so i need to know whats the free fastest way to make money online? plz help. thxs

Nagesh answers:

Sell your old things worth $15+ on craigslist. You do have to meet people to let them give you the money and you give them your things. Go to to check it out.

Donald asks…

Is there any way to make free online money?

I’ve been trying to make money online from quite a while now. But I found out most of the jobs for money. Is there any option of doing part time job and make fast money without paying fee?

Nagesh answers:

You can find legitimate home businesses in the areas of direct sales, affiliate marketing, and network/referral marketing, encompassing a variety of product lines and/or services. Some legitimate telecommuting and freelance opportunities include customer service, virtual assistant, tutor, telemarketer, sales, transcription, translation, blogging, online guide, writer, editor, consultant, concierge, nursing, mystery shopping, tech support, marketing, and online juror.

Nancy asks…

Make money free online for University?

Hiya am goin to uni in september and need a way to make money online fast and hopefully a large ammount i have time to but in 10 hours a day and would like to earn atleast £150 around a week. Ive tryed loadza survey site and even creating me own web and it aint looking to good i have no money so it needs to be free. I have a website through with a few paid to clicks and search on it but it cost to advertise any where good? Theres no point getting a job only got till august up Here. Any Help?

Nagesh answers:

1] There is no ‘quick’ ‘free’ way to earn every programme has its risks some true some scam.

2] Some rquire pay but dont mean its scam its just a way of generating the flow og money eg; like Ebay or Amazon.

3] Google search for Affiliate Programmes and find some here at

Mark asks…

Making money fast online. IMPORTANT!!!?

I am not some lazy person who doesn’t want to work. I am a single mom and close to being in debt. I work for 3 hours a day that’s all I can do because my kid is still young and pre k is only 3 hours 3 days a week. I am about to go into debt and I want to avoid that. I stopped using credit cards because I want to avoid that.

I have a payment to make in 1 week and I need to earn some money fast.

Free and legal please. I can’t afford to throw money out to something that wont work. I can devote 6 plus hours a day working and prefer to get paid through paypal because it’s fast.

Please no SCAMS.

I know going to yahoo answers isnt the best way, but i have no choice. I cannot take out a loan and I need the money fast.

I will work, I want to earn the money, I am not looking for something fake that promises 5000 in my account overnight.


I need to have my payment in 1 week.

Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Practically you can not find a long term method to make money online fast.
Learn from the sifus (experts) a.k.a. Professional webmasters advice.
They have always recommend time tested tips.
Use strategic/targeted keyword search to do your research in the search engines:-
Make Money Classifieds
Online Business Classifieds
Internet Business Classifieds
Internet Business 24 Hours
MLM Prelaunch

You would find a good list of websites that offer such money making opportunities.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Sunday, February 5th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Fast Money Online For Free

Ken asks…

where can i find a reliable free online library on how to make money online for free?

i need to know where i can have access to quality online library on how to make money online for free and fast.

Nagesh answers:

How about you run own website/blog and earn from google adsense.

Maria asks…

a good way to make money fast online?

i need money really fast i need to buy all kinds of stuff for school i just have till the end of next month to get everything i need for school but i dont have a job and my parents dont have enough money to buy me anything for school. so i need to know whats the free fastest way to make money online? plz help. thxs

Nagesh answers:

Sell your old things worth $15+ on craigslist. You do have to meet people to let them give you the money and you give them your things. Go to to check it out.

Laura asks…

Is there any way to make free online money?

I’ve been trying to make money online from quite a while now. But I found out most of the jobs for money. Is there any option of doing part time job and make fast money without paying fee?

Nagesh answers:

You can find legitimate home businesses in the areas of direct sales, affiliate marketing, and network/referral marketing, encompassing a variety of product lines and/or services. Some legitimate telecommuting and freelance opportunities include customer service, virtual assistant, tutor, telemarketer, sales, transcription, translation, blogging, online guide, writer, editor, consultant, concierge, nursing, mystery shopping, tech support, marketing, and online juror.

Linda asks…

Make money free online for University?

Hiya am goin to uni in september and need a way to make money online fast and hopefully a large ammount i have time to but in 10 hours a day and would like to earn atleast £150 around a week. Ive tryed loadza survey site and even creating me own web and it aint looking to good i have no money so it needs to be free. I have a website through with a few paid to clicks and search on it but it cost to advertise any where good? Theres no point getting a job only got till august up Here. Any Help?

Nagesh answers:

1] There is no ‘quick’ ‘free’ way to earn every programme has its risks some true some scam.

2] Some rquire pay but dont mean its scam its just a way of generating the flow og money eg; like Ebay or Amazon.

3] Google search for Affiliate Programmes and find some here at

Thomas asks…

Making money fast online. IMPORTANT!!!?

I am not some lazy person who doesn’t want to work. I am a single mom and close to being in debt. I work for 3 hours a day that’s all I can do because my kid is still young and pre k is only 3 hours 3 days a week. I am about to go into debt and I want to avoid that. I stopped using credit cards because I want to avoid that.

I have a payment to make in 1 week and I need to earn some money fast.

Free and legal please. I can’t afford to throw money out to something that wont work. I can devote 6 plus hours a day working and prefer to get paid through paypal because it’s fast.

Please no SCAMS.

I know going to yahoo answers isnt the best way, but i have no choice. I cannot take out a loan and I need the money fast.

I will work, I want to earn the money, I am not looking for something fake that promises 5000 in my account overnight.


I need to have my payment in 1 week.

Thank you.

Nagesh answers:

Practically you can not find a long term method to make money online fast.
Learn from the sifus (experts) a.k.a. Professional webmasters advice.
They have always recommend time tested tips.
Use strategic/targeted keyword search to do your research in the search engines:-
Make Money Classifieds
Online Business Classifieds
Internet Business Classifieds
Internet Business 24 Hours
MLM Prelaunch

You would find a good list of websites that offer such money making opportunities.

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Saturday, February 4th, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Through Internet In India

Sandra asks…

How Can I Earn Money from Creating Blogspot?

Hi. I am from india. I want to earn money from Creating Blogspot. Because my financial condition is very low. I tried Data Entry Jobs through internet. They are all Fake. After They getting registration fees no conduct with me. So I tried Blogspot. But google Adsense does not approve my blogspot. I don’t know about blogspot. I received this message from my friend. So How can I create, How can I get approve form Google Adsense. How my blogspot come in search engine traffic.And then What are the problems are there in Blogspot. Any body Earned Money from Blogspot. Kindly Explain about Blogspot details step by step. Please kindly Help me through this question. OR anybody knows genuine Data entry Jobs in india. Kindly Inform Me.

Nagesh answers:

Earning money from your blog especially from AdSense is not straightforward and takes months to accomplish even for those with web programming skills. However, if you want fast moneymaking techniques you can ask around at It’s a SEO forum where members regularly discuss methods on how to make money online. I’m sure that there are many BHW members there who come from India.

However, you should know that there is a waiting period after joining for you to be able to post on the forums. And when you’re there, it’s best to observe first. Expert members tend to flame newbies for asking without reading other posts.

In the meantime, you can probably join if you want a steady source of income. It’s basically a paid-to-post forum where you can earn from posting responses to discussions. It takes about twenty 100-word posts to make roughly 50-70 cents. Of course, this is just an estimate based on my experience.

Mark asks…

where can i earn money online for no registration and other fees ?

hi i am 17 year old boy live in hyderabad,india ..i really need a online job,i tried many jobs like surveys,data entry etc but they take registration money ,as i told u i am 17 years, i dont have bank account and credit card, but really intrested in online jobs ,my internet is slow but i will do my best in jobs,i need money as fast they can give me only through check payment please anyone help me please give me links to those sites where can i really earn money for no additional cost thanks and please give me links to data entry,form filling,copy paste,typing,survey,email etc jobs……….

Nagesh answers:

I am sorry to disappoint you but even if you find a non-scam job like this online, you still need to get the money somehow, and thats with a bank account. Think reasonably. Who would pay money for copy paste. The only jobs that i found online where for advanced programming and didnt even pay well.

Chris asks…

Do you want to earn money with real SEO work?

Open Contest for Software Programmers from the Philippines , Malaysia, India and China

To make one of our websites number 1 in Google.

Try and the first will awarded with US$ 1.000, a certification of honor by our company and a great Job-offer. The second in time will be honored with US$ 500.

You’re content must be search engine friendly in such that it will be indexed in top search engines based on the given keyword.

Our company has more than 50 websites about cities in China ; with domain-names all beginning with www.12 followed by the city name and the extension .com.

For example:,,
A listing of all the websites can be found on each of the websites.

The source code of each websites can be downloaded from the Internet; additional information is available through

Nagesh answers:

Learn how to earn money for Free at

This blog has clear instructions on how to earn money from Internet marketing and affiliation without investing a cent.

Sandy asks…

If JNU force deletetion of MMS videos, why Indian Govt not acting to remove l000s ofwoman cds from net?

Recently a JNU student sent MMS messages to all students of scandal CD taken in the hostel room of JNU with a girl student. To protect its image JNU desroyed the CDs and ordered all students to delete the MMS video from the cell phones.
Similarly the image of our courty is being very badly damaged by the worst kind of videos of 1000 s of Indian women in the internet. Why neither the Indian Government nor the Top Indian leaders are silent when our image is so badly spoiled in front of all world’s eye?
Can’t it be removed from the net by strong measures against it?
Do people have fundamental right to do such things to earn money through net by publishing obscene things?
Definitely the International governments can catch them as the money goes to some body’s bank accounts in their countries, including India? Should not they have to submit returns to IT deptt for monies came to thier bank account?
Why there is no law in the world countries that, it being a business should have a separate office or room from where they link with the web for inspection by the Govt authorities?
It shouldnot be connected with a house by another door so that they can do this web service from a closed room and escape thro’ back doors. And should not they have to get licence from Govt for what exactly they are doing through the web…?
It should be never possible to provide material to the web services from private bed rooms… Why not India take the lead and move with UNO and other Governments to make it very difficult for any one to do such things so easily?
I am sure one of the reason for the wide spread AIDS is this objectional materials spoiling this generation.. Hence should not the UNO work against this if it is serious about eradication of AIDS..?

Nagesh answers:

Other day when i went to tirupathi one family travelled along with me.There was a +2 boy with him a cellphone,gprs enabled, full of sex sex sex photos all indian international.So easy,yet it is criminal deed to view pronography. That is one example. I asked him how his friends,they are also viewing.Western ditch dirty entered in to our culture.First thing is to stop gprs connection to all phones.I do not know what they are going to do,but it must be stopped. Otherwise our younger generation will be spoiled, our ex president Abdul kalams dreams wontt be fullfilled.

Steven asks…

is there any real part time job in india…?

Can anybody in India or abroad can tell me how to earn real money from internet or any other means… I am in Pune( Maharashtra ) and in real search of part time jobs…. I’ve gone through many sites n they are really fake…!!!! can i get real suggestion from anybody senior n doing such job…!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nagesh answers:

There are many part time jobs .I
f you want to work under someone ,you should ask people of Pune .Since I am not in Pune,I do not know

If you want to have your own part time job ,there are many opportunities.There are two options.

One is investing more money and getting more profit .But ,there is risk in this option .You may loose more money
Second option is ,investing less money .There is no risk ,since you are not investing more money.But ,the problem is ,in this option ,generally profit is also less .Hence ,you write e mail to me mentioning the minimum profit for which you are ready to work.
Also ,you too will be knowing few part time own jobs with least investment ,but you might have rejected those own part time jobs because of low income /low return/low profit. Beauty of such less investment -less profit jobs is , you can do the same job in many places .This is possible because of low investment.Hence if you write to me the jobs you have rejected because of low income ,I may be able to write to you ,the way in which you can do the same job in multiple places to earn more money

Also ,there are many part time own jobs ,but ,your interests play a role.If you are not interested in a topic ,you will not be happy to work in that field.Hence ,write to me the fields in which you are interested and the fields in which you are not interested

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Friday, February 3rd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments

Your Questions About Earn Money Quick

Thomas asks…

What is the fastest way to earn quick money?

I’m kinda short on money and wanna earn fast cash.

Nagesh answers:

Get paid $15 to $25 guaranteed for
each successfully processed email.

No qualification is required, no work experience required.

Only a computer and internet is Required

click here below to start work

Ken asks…

How can someone under the age of 16 earn some quick money?

Okay, so I’m under 16 so i obviously cant get a job and I wanna earn some money and quick! but how?
can anyone give me some good, reasonable ideas?!
nopee. im not 16 or 12…
& i bbysit all the time, but people are cheap these days and i completely understand tht but i just wanna earn some extra money.

Nagesh answers:

Babysit, wash cars, mow lawns

Donald asks…

How do I earn Money Quick?

I,ve been trying to build a clubhouse for my son I don’t have the money help
sorry I literally have three jobs plus im going to have to spend some of my money when I become kiwanis presidant of Iowa so im in a tough spot

Nagesh answers:

If you need materials, look on your local Craigslist under the “free” section — very often people have leftover building supplies they want to have removed from their property. You could also post an ad there yourself under “wanted” with a list of items that you are looking for. Keep an eye open for construction sites, especially ones that are remodelling existing buildings — if you see a lot of scrap near the dumpsters, approach the site manager and ask if you can have some. They have to pay to have it hauled away so they usually don’t mind if you take some.

Kids don’t need anything fancy — what’s most important is that they had fun building it with Dad. It’s the time you spend, not the money, that counts.

Mary asks…

How do I earn money quick?

Im 17 years old and I need to earn money like $100.00 what do I do I need to earn this money as soon as possible

Nagesh answers:

Internet is the best place to earn Part time money….

Start your own Online Business…. It is very simple….

Buy one domain name and upload some PLR products…and sell from your website…

It is simple way to earn internet moey….

You can get all PLR products are in one place at very cheap price…

Free membership also available….visit the site for mor information

Need online help mail your query to

Linda asks…

How do u earn money quick?

How do u earn money quick if u were 12

Nagesh answers:

Pet sitting, pet walking, run errands, yard work

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012 Money Making Schemes No Comments



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